Protective coating for shoes. Water-repellent impregnation for shoes - which is better? Water-repellent spray: user reviews

One evening I was browsing the Internet, and an old news story about a miraculous nanocoating caught my eye: just cover any object with it and water will run away from this object in all directions. And my interest captured me: “What if they have already made commercial samples, but I don’t know?”
I quickly went through my two favorite Internet sites; a search on Aliexpress didn’t yield anything, but I did find a couple of options on Ebay. What came out of this - look further.

After reviewing the offered range, it became clear that there are three main types of hydrophobic sprays: for cars (window/body coating), for hard objects (metal, wood, stone) and for clothing. The last option interested me the most, since our rainy season lasts from April to October (with rare breaks in the sun), and winters last years too warm, full of puddles and slush. An umbrella may help in fighting the rain, but it does not protect your feet in any way and your shoes are always wet. Especially with my craving for low-top sneakers: the fabric gets wet in an instant. Well, making waterproof, water-repellent boots without changing their appearance is quite tempting, why not give it a try?
My choice was made by the manufacturer NanoProm; the product they offer, judging by the description, is ideal for my purposes. The list of possible applications (free translation from English):

  • Impregnation of clothing (coats, jackets, dresses, gloves, shirts, ties, tracksuits)
  • Impregnation of textile shoes

  • Impregnation of suede shoes
  • Impregnation of textiles and fabrics (pillows, rugs, tablecloths, seats, upholstery)
  • Impregnation of tents, umbrellas, awnings and convertible roofs
  • Impregnation of car upholstery
  • Impregnation of leather products (Attention! The leather must be absorbent and should not be exposed to external influences, otherwise the surface will not be able to absorb the impregnation and the effect will not appear)
  • Do not use with nylon or similar synthetic fabrics with smooth fibers
  • The fabric must be absorbent

Just in case, I also checked with the seller whether this coating will work with denim and cotton fabric on my sneakers, to which I received an affirmative answer.
By this time, the toad finally gave up and I placed an order (late in the evening), and the next day the seller already sent the parcel and gave the track number. The parcel came from Slovakia. Of course, I understand that Slovakia and Belarus are separated by a relatively short distance, but I did not expect such fast postal service: on 10/01 the parcel was sent, and on 10/05 I already picked it up at the post office! Taking into account that the 3rd and 4th were weekends. Incredibly fast!

Parcel tracking

The packaging is a regular bag with pimples, with something like green foam stuffed inside. In addition to the cylinder, the package also contained instructions for use on English language(the information is the same as on the lot description page).

It all looks like this

The weight of the cylinder is 243 grams, the declared volume is 200 ml. Manufacturer: EU, Germany. Printing a label is certainly not a problem, but it inspires confidence.
Before starting the tests, let's look at the basic rules for preparing the surface and applying the spray.
The manufacturer states the following:
  • Consumption 25-100 ml/m2, depending on the absorbency of the fabric. For a rough estimate, you can take a consumption of 10 ml/m2 for each millimeter of material thickness. To achieve best results, the surface must absorb nano-impregnation well.
  • Coated fabric and shoes can be washed in washing machine.

  • The duration of coverage varies greatly depending on the application. The surface will retain its properties for several washes. The durability of the material being processed also plays an important role! In general, the impregnation is maintained as long as the structure of the base material is maintained. Washing can damage the fibers, which can damage the surface finish.

And a brief overview of the instructions for applying the spray:
  • The surface must be perfectly clean and degreased in order to bind the active substance directly to the surface of the material. Do not skip this step, as it directly affects the achieved effect and durability of the protection! It is recommended to at least wash the fabric/shoes in clean water and let dry completely.
  • The binding of the nanosubstance to the treated surface must occur within 24 hours at temperatures of 3°C – 30°C, and the product should not be exposed to rain during this time. It is necessary to apply impregnation until the fabric is able to absorb it. The distance from the sprayer to the surface to be treated is 15-20 cm. After treatment, water resistance will appear after complete drying. Abrasion and chemical resistance will appear after 24 hours. It is recommended to check the effect after 24 hours.

Well, everything seems clear here, we can get down to business. I want to check it out quickly, so I don’t have time to wash my shoes, especially since I already have to wait 24 hours. Yes, I know that by doing this I immediately violate the first point of the application rules. So let's check what we have. The first to come across were denim sneakers.
I covered one shoe with miracle spray, and left the other as is. After 24 hours of waiting, I conducted an experiment, which you can see in the video:

As you can see, water is repelled from one shoe, and the second gradually gets wet. Well, it seems to be working! Afterwards I tried to wet the protected sneaker several more times - and nothing came of it.
The following subject also easily passed the test:

I also didn’t do any preliminary cleaning, but nevertheless the water runs away in different directions (although without protection they instantly become wet). Inspired by the successful results of the experiments, I decided to apply a hydrophobic coating to suede boots, this is what the application process looks like:

As for application: not all surfaces absorb quickly, so you need to apply slowly and gradually, otherwise most of the valuable liquid will simply drain onto the floor. For 3 pairs of shoes it took me about a quarter of the cylinder, that is, the consumption is quite large (compared to what is stated by the manufacturer). But I think it’s worth it, the laboratory tests went well. I think that water from puddles will not linger on the shoes either.
As for durability: it is not yet possible to check how this coating behaves during long-term use, but in a month or two I think I will be able to supplement the review with such information.
If you have any questions either interesting options for testing - suggest in the comments, I will conduct more experiments as far as possible :)
Update! This is what the sneakers look like after being immersed in the river, a couple of drops remained on the outside, which were shaken off, but not a drop got inside:

Water-repellent impregnation of shoes is a complex action to protect shoes from water, salt, dirt and reagents, including treatment of the upper of the shoe in combination with impregnation of auxiliary parts (welts, soles, seams). The main advice is to choose a product with a suitable degree of protection, based on the operating conditions of the shoes (office, street, car). You should pay attention to the active ingredient, since not all impregnations are universal and suitable for all skin types. In this section you can buy the most rated water-repellent impregnations for any shoes ( smooth skin, suede, nubuck, textiles) with delivery throughout Moscow and the Russian Federation. We also recommend a series of dirt-repellent impregnations for particularly sensitive skin - excellent gentle impregnation and protection for expensive shoes

The basic rule for using any shoe care product is to use only what is suitable for a given type of leather or material, and within reasonable limits. This means that if there is no need to use a very strong agent, then it is better to use a more gentle one.

In this regard, when choosing the right impregnating agent, we keep two points in mind:

1. How much exposure (dirt, dust, salt or moisture) are the shoes exposed to:

If I drive from work to home by car and all I have to do is walk to the garage, and then from the parking lot to the office - this is one thing, if I go for a walk with the children to the playground, and it has just snowed - this is another. If I go for a walk with the dog, it’s autumn, it’s dirty, it’s drizzling – the logic is clear.

The more strong effect specific means - the less universal it is, i.e. performs one task. On the other side, universal means they love it precisely because people are lazy by nature and like to solve several problems in one fell swoop.

Therefore, in increasing order:

A) Favorite traditional universal triple action products - protecting shoes from dirt, protecting them from moisture AND CARE. Solitaire has this series, suitable for all materials except patent leather and stretch materials, can be in the form of an aerosol or foam in small (200 ml) and large (400 ml) containers. The foam also refreshes the color. Of course, foam can be used indoors.

Proper care of your shoes will preserve them for a long time. good view and quality properties. Water-repellent impregnation for shoes is a product that will protect suede products made from smooth and any other leather, nubuck, membrane fabric, synthetic and high-tech material, velor, textiles from moisture, snow-salt porridge underfoot, reagents and dirt.

Initially, a pair of shoes is processed three times immediately after purchase, and then as needed. The solution penetrates the fibers and makes them hygroscopic; now water cannot penetrate into them, but simply rolls off, while dirt is easily shaken off.


  • Significantly increases the surface's resistance to aggressive components.
  • Gives elasticity to materials, speeds up the drying process and increases durability.
  • Does not clog pores, maintaining the breathability of the material, does not weigh it down, and protects it from fading.
  • Does not form stains or streaks, does not get dirty after drying.

Water-repellent impregnations are suitable not only for shoes, but also for clothes, bags, purses, car interiors, and furniture.

The product is applied at a distance of 20 cm from the surface of the product (previously cleaned of dirt and dried), left for 5 - 10 minutes until dry.

The procedure must be carried out on outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with eyes and respiratory system. A full or empty cylinder must not be pierced, opened or heated.

The online store 4-Shoes offers you to buy clothing and shoe care products at reasonable prices. The catalog presents in large assortment products only from trusted brands. Delivery to any city in the Russian Federation is provided. Consultations are provided by phone ☎

Hello my dear readers! In spring, we are increasingly faced with changeable weather; a few minutes ago the sun was shining, but now it’s raining. In the spring and autumn months, water-repellent spray for clothes is especially relevant. We'll talk about it today. Do you have your own favorites? If yes, write in the comments.

During a long journey, our clothes, shoes and equipment get dirty and lose their “magical” properties. To restore them, the manufacturer recommends using a special detergent and impregnation agent.

A new jacket or shoe has already been treated with factory impregnation. Its presence is easy to check; just sprinkle a few drops of water, and they will certainly roll off. This happens thanks to Durable Water Repellent. This is a hydrophobic coating, which increases the tension on the surface of the material (rather than the membrane), and water beads up rather than penetrating further into the fiber.

This water-repellent outer surface provides another layer of insulating air. And, what is also important, impregnation prevents condensation from appearing on the inside of clothing, while helping the membrane work.

Water-repellent liquid - what is it?

This is a solution or emulsion of substances in which the percentage of surface tension (STN) is low. What happens to fabrics when they are treated with such a composition?

The solvent (manufacturers most often use water), together with substances (or emulsions) dissolved in it, gets onto the fabric, thereby softening its surface. Then the water contained in the solvent evaporates, and the surface of all fibers contains thin layers of water-repellent substances (they do not evaporate). As a result, you get a fiber whose surface attracts water much less - it collects in drops and is less drawn by the force of surface tension into the pores of the fabric.

Aqua armor and its types:

According to the method of application, aqua armor is conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • Impregnations that are added to water and then completely immersed necessary thing into the resulting solution and leave it there for several hours. I think it’s clear that this group of impregnations is not suitable for shoes. Such aqua armor can be purchased in regular containers of different sizes with a lid.

Pros: very dense impregnation, does not allow moisture to pass through;

Cons: you will have to arm yourself with a basin (washing machine), water and time for drying. If you want to wash things, then it is more rational to combine washing and impregnation - wash/rinse first and immediately, before the items are dry, treat them with impregnation.

  • Impregnations that are applied to the item being treated with a spray (spray, aerosol) or sponge.

Hydrocarbon solvent impregnations can be purchased in aerosol packaging, and water-based ones - in a bottle with mechanical sprayers or with a foam sponge. They are easy to use - spray on the surface you plan to treat, or apply the product to a sponge and apply it to the surface.

Impregnation with a hydrocarbon solvent should be applied exclusively to a dry surface and it is advisable to do this outdoors or indoors if it is well ventilated, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning from solvent vapors. Water-based impregnation is applied to any surface (wet or dry), but it is better to apply it wet. Such impregnations are most often purchased before a hike.

Water-repellent impregnation: the rule of the three “Ps” - hem, wash, soak

Tent impregnation

It is a liquid, paste or aerosol, thanks to which the water-repellent characteristics of an awning or tent are restored. They differ in functionality and composition from impregnations for products with a fabric membrane. By the way, most manufacturers do not write what components are included in their impregnations. This is considered a trade secret.

Despite this, many impregnations for tents contain polyurethane or silicone, which increase the water resistance of the fabric. Some manufacturers offer users to purchase not only water-repellent, but also fire-resistant impregnation - it will prevent your tent from catching fire, although it will not save you from the appearance of small burns in places where the fire was directly affected.

Impregnations for membrane fabrics

I can confidently say that only our people know how to “kill” a thing made of membrane fabric so quickly. Everyone washes their snowboard jackets with a simple powder, which will certainly clog all the pores and destroy the water-repellent layer. Then the jackets are “cooked” in a washing machine for several hours in hot water, despite the instructions, which indicate that the membrane should be washed only at temperatures no higher than 40 degrees.

It is best to do this manually, and if in a washing machine, then only in a gentle mode. And then such negative comments appear on the Internet, where they write that the membrane is nonsense.

And even those who already know that membrane clothing is washed with a special detergent and soaked after all washes still confuse everything. Like the guy who once told me over lunch how he ran into a sports store shouting that he bought impregnation from them, treated things with it, and they became like rubber boots. Their impregnation ruined a $400 jacket! He shouted and shouted, and then it turned out that he had purchased impregnation not for membrane fabric, but one that he liked in a jar, and it is only suitable for tents.

To avoid accidents before using detergent and impregnation for outdoor equipment and membrane clothing read the instructions!

Each individual material needs its own impregnation and detergent

There is impregnation for shoes - for leather products, for suede boots, for extreme shoes, there is a hydrophobic spray for various fabrics - from Gore-Tex to cotton products, there are products for down jackets and sleeping bags, and for thermal socks. All impregnations differ in composition and properties; they are used strictly for their intended purpose, in order to avoid spoiled items. If it is written that this product is suitable exclusively for washing a down jacket, then it should be used for down products, and whatever one may say, it will be useless for a synthetic jacket.

You need to be especially careful when washing and impregnating Gore-Tex items. It is precisely because of the special film, in which there are many holes (pores), they are so small that steam and no drops of water pass through them - the clothes have wind- and waterproof properties.

But in some cases (heavy rain or snowfall), something like a dense water film appears on the surface of the material, which does not allow any evaporation to pass through. To avoid this, all products using such a membrane are impregnated at the production stage with special protective compounds DVR, which envelop the fabric fibers, and then “like water off a duck’s back.” But over the years, such a protective layer is wiped off, and washing partially “kills” it. That’s when impregnation is needed, which restores the properties of the fabric and, accordingly, extends the life of clothes, shoes and equipment.

Reviews on the Internet

Before writing this article, I read quite a few reviews, many of which were extremely positive.

According to users the best impregnations are made on a water basis. If we compare them with products that contain exclusively chemical solvents, “water impregnations” do not affect the fabric structure in any way, they can be used without harm to the environment, and they are applied not only to dry, but also to wet clothes.

However, this only applies to the membrane. If, for example, you want the jacket in which you do yoga in the morning to not get wet in the rain, use any aerosol impregnation on the market.

And since their smell is not significantly different, the main thing is that everything suits you.

Nano reflector - a great tool or a publicity stunt?

Honestly, I wanted to ask you this question, my dear readers. Have you all probably seen an advertisement on TV or on the Internet where a guy pours dirt on a car, and it remains clean like after a wash?

It turns out that the company that produces Nano reflector has made a whole line for motorists, for shoe and clothing owners, and also protection for building materials. Have you tried this product?

If yes, write to me, it will be very interesting to read your reviews, because I can’t write anything about this yet.

Nano reflector stands out:

  • The most universal composition for clothing and shoes.
  • The fastest polymerization after application (up to forty minutes).
  • Its functionality. From the very beginning, the spray was developed as a care product for expensive products, thanks to it, it preserves color, water permeability and softness of the material.
  • Contact angle up to 140°.
  • Moisture resistance of 9 thousand mm. water column.
  • Protection from exposure to water, dirt, and reagents found on the street.
  • Application stages. The spray does not need to be pre-mixed and applied in stages.
  • Superhydrophobic coating that does not create a yellowish or white coating.
  • Modification of the fabric fibers themselves. If we compare the product with cheaper analogues, it does not create a film, but the fabric fibers themselves are modified, imparting hydrophobicity and resistance to long-term exposure to the aggressive outside world.

Aliexpress or other online store

Where do you buy goods? The opinion of my friends was divided into several camps: someone buys everything at Aliexpress

others on Ebay, and others on Amazon. I can say that the choice here is entirely yours, I will not write which portal I like best, and where I order things, so as not to read in the comments about possible advertising.

Below I will describe several popular products that have received the most positive reviews on the Internet.

Surely this manufacturer of water-based products is known all over the world. The company specializes in imparting water-repellent effects. The history of the company is associated with mountaineer Nicholas Brown, who invented the first shoe impregnation in 1977; 6 years later, impregnation based on the water-repellent elastomer Nikwax TX.10i entered the market. The company's impregnations may not lose their effectiveness even after several washes.

A company from England has been working on the production of high-tech water-repellent impregnations for clothing, shoes and travel equipment since 2003. Storm is part of Germany's largest private chemical company, Rudolf Chemicals. Those who have products with Gore-Tex membranes, Sympatex and eVent.

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