Charity Sabantuy for special children script. Sabantuy is a fun holiday! Sports festival “Maly Sabantuy”

Minullina Aisylu Mavlyudovna, teacher of kindergarten No. 25, Kazan

Tatar dance music sounds. The site is decorated in a festive way: multi-colored balloons, flags, posters.


Isanmesez, balalar! Hәllәregez nicek?

Guys, what holiday is today?

Children: Sabantuy!

Presenter: Right.

On a merry Sabantuy

We invited all our friends.

We'll sing and dance,

Friendly, fun to play

We congratulate you all on the joyful Sabantuy holiday.

This is the most beloved, the most cheerful, the most solemn folk holiday. It is carried out after the end of spring field work. At this festival, people compete in strength, agility and endurance. Today we have gathered to celebrate this fun party together.

Song-dance “Shoma bass”.

(5th disc “Yyrlap-beep uynybyz”, No. 9, 10.)

(Children come out to recite poems)

1 child:

Bugen bezda Sabantuy -

Eshlarenen, master, give it a shot!

Tizrәk yoger mәidanga,

Bayram bashlana anda.

2nd child:

We will compete

We will play with you,

Who is stronger, who is faster,

We can find out today.

3rd child:

Kүңelle Saban tuylary,

Bugen bayram, zur bayram.

Matur җyrlar җyrly-җyrly

Uynyybyz әylәn-bәylәn.

Qyr “Saban tue”.

(Disk “Biilәr itek chiteklәr”, 4, (22), Gөlshәt Zәynәsheva sүzlәre.)


Oh, how beautiful everything is in the summer. And flowers and butterflies. ..

Guys, you love to play. Let's play.

A game “Let's jump”.

Let's jump with you.

One two Three!

And we kick our legs.

One two Three!

And let's clap our hands.

Once. Two three!

Let's spin around with you.

One two Three!

And you and I will become friends.

One two Three!

(Dancing to the soundtrack, a cheerful girl appears.)


I'm a fun girl

Fidget, Laughter,

My years are young.

And I'm young at heart.

I don't miss a minute

And I won’t let others get bored!

I like to dance and joke,

I make everyone around me happy. (dances)


I don't like sitting still.

I love to sing funny songs.

Well, are you singing here?

Are there any artists among you?

“Oy aldynda chebilәr” - dramatization.

(Disk -Tugan җiremә, 4(16). , R. Urmanov kөe, Y. Iganәy sүz.)

“Oy aldynda chebilәr.”

1. Ishegaldinda irtan

Sap-sary kulmak kigan.

Nәni genә ber chebi

Aptyrap elap yori.

Chip-chip chebilәr

Aptyrap elap yori.

2. Court ezlәp ara-ara

Erakkarak kitkan st.

Iptәshleren yugaltkan

Һәm adashkan ikәn st.

Chip-chip chebilәr

Һәm adashkan ikәn st.

3. Bik zhalledem min ana

Annan totyp sak kyna.

Iltep kuydym chebine

Bashkalars Yanyna.

Chip-chip chebilәr

Bashkalars Yanyna.


Sing loudly, sing together

They sang as they needed to!

(there's a knock on the door)

Presenter: New guest? Who is it?

Go, honey, open it!

(Shurale and Su Anasy enter)

Su Anasy: Isanmesez, balalar! Hәllәregez nicek?

Shurale: Hello guys. We passed by your kindergarten and heard how well you read poetry and how loudly you sang.

Su Anasy: We wanted to come and visit you. Are you celebrating a holiday today? What holiday?

Children: Sabantuy!

Shurale: (sad) It's so interesting and fun.

I always sit alone.

And I don't play with anyone.

Don't sing? I don't know any poetry!

Presenter: Don't dance?


Just lazy

I just cry all day.

I sigh alone in the corner

And I'm dying of boredom. (crying)


You're my friend, don't be sad

Don't be bored, my friend. .

Get out quickly.

Let's play together!

A game “Shurale”.

Shurale is fat.

Bigrak ozyn kullarim,

Kuzlәrem yorep torah.

Kilesh -kilbәtemne kүrgәch,

Kolesen kilep torah.

Min Shurale, Shurale,

Chakyrgach kildem ale.

Onytyp үpkәlәrne,

Kelderep alyim ale.

Balalar Kyrly.

Achulangan, Tursaigan

Shuralene kur ale.

Onytyp kilgan inde,

Wastyrgy үpkәlәrne.

Ay, Shurale, Shurale,

Bezneң yangga kil ale.

Sin yakhshy bit,

Sin әybәt bit,

Bergalep uynyk ale.


We had a lot of fun playing

And not a bit tired.

I confess to you, by the way,

I liked it here very much!

Su Anasy:

Guys, I’m wondering, when is this holiday - Sabantuy?

Children: In summer!

Su Anasy: Oh how great. A. I love summer very much.

In summer you can sunbathe.

And lie on the grass,

Go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Catch fish in the river.

Summer has come to us again -

This is very good!

Children, do you know how mosquitoes squeak?

How do flies buzz?

How do birds sing in the forest?

Does the cuckoo scream at the bitch?

How does a frog croak?

Oh, what great guys!

(Dancing to the soundtrack, Khadja-Nasretdin appears)

Khaja Nasretdin: Assalamagalaikum! Oh, how great it is here! So funny! I also decided to come to your holiday.

Presenter: We are very glad to see you, Khaja Nasretdin. Where's your donkey?

Khaja Nasretdin: Oh, he already ran to the races in the morning. By the way, guys, I really want to test your intelligence, and that’s why I brought riddles for you.

1. All known birds are blacks, the enemy of larvae and worms.

In the garden, like a doctor, he walks around with dignity. This... (rook).

2. Here is the alarm clock in the yard,

He wakes everyone up at dawn.

Red smooth comb.

This is Petya... (cockerel).

3. The red spine is hidden.

Only the top is visible from above.

And if you pick it up deftly and in your hands... (carrot).

4. The sky is covered with rain.

How can we go for a walk?

Don't worry, because in the garden

Shines in any weather

In villages, dachas, villages,

Our sunshine... (sunflower).

Khaja Nasretdin: I knew you were so smart!

Presenter: Do you want to play with us?

Khaja Nasretdin: Sure, let's play.

A game “Plague Urdak, Plague Kaz”.

(3rd disk “Yyrlap-beep uynybyz”, No. 15, 16.)

Presenter: We will also sing a song for you.

Җыр “Әылән-Бәйлән”.

(3rd disc “Yyrlap-beep uynyybyz”, No. 15, 16. , F. Abubukerov muzykasy, R. Minnullin suzlere).

Presenter: Khadja Nasretdin, our guys and guests came here to play and compete. Do you want to join us?

Khaja Nasretdin: Yes, I am stronger and more agile than everyone else.

Presenter: Then come out with us to the big Maidan and compete. We invite everyone to the sports ground.

Competition games:

  1. "Bucket Run";
  2. "Running with spoons";
  3. "Pot Fight"
  4. "Running on horses";
  5. "Tug of War";

Happy holiday - Sabantuy!

Holiday for senior group kindergarten.

Target : Involving children preschool age to the traditions of the Tatar people. To form a festive culture, to induce in children an emotionally positive attitude towards the holidays. To develop in children the desire to actively participate in holidays.

Preliminary work: Conversations with children about the traditions of the Tatar people, viewing illustrations / national costumes, Tatar culinary products, arts and crafts /, excursions to the museum of Tatar culture in kindergarten

Characters: Two presenters: a boy and a girl in Tatar folk costumes; Kamyrsha, Batyrsha – adults in national costumes.

Attributes: horses on a stick, fake Tatar culinary products, a samovar, embroidered towels, dolls in costumes of different nationalities, a pole with towels, rockers with buckets, wooden spoons, bags, sticks and pots.

All children are smartly dressed, if possible in costumes of different nationalities, the holiday takes place on the sports ground, parents are invited.

The progress of the holiday

The presenters come out: a boy and a girl in Tatar costumes.

  1. Bugen bezda sabantuy,

Eshlerenen gentleman, tell me.

Tizrәk yoger mәidanga:

Bayram bashlana monda!

  1. The Tatar people have a custom

Every year, only the weather gets warmer,

After sowing,

Everyone goes to the holiday together,

They dance and sing merrily!

Compete in whatever they can

And they don’t let us get bored!

We are in Tatarstan today,

We live together happily

Our dear guests, we invite you to Sabantuy!

Festive procession

12 children in Tatar costumes come out and start a round dance

Round dance: “Wreath” Tat. adv. melody "Kaz ropes"

At the end they change into a semicircle. 6 boys come out with horses.

  1. Dashing horsemen are galloping,

The horses rush and hurry.

And the boys are daring,

They want to show off their dexterity!

  1. Malaylar alyp kilganner

In life yurtaklarny

Uzlәre dә sonatmyylar,

Chitta torsyn atlary.

Rhythmic etude: “Horsemen”

Children come out to the cheerful Tatar melody, holding fake Tatar culinary products and items of arts and crafts. They walk in a circle and take their places, at which time the teachers say words.

Tarbiyache: Bezneң әbi-babalarybyz elek-elekәn үk eshchәn, tyrysh, tynak, namusly һәm pөkhtә bik tә ungan bulgannar. Kaida gyna, nindi genә esh bashkarsalar yes, җirenә җitkerep, tөgәl itep eshlәgәnnәr, bush vakitlarynda da matur itep yal itә belgәnnәr.

Educator: The people of Tatarstan are known for their hospitality. Guests are invited to the Samovar, and on the table are “chak-chak” and other world-famous Tatar culinary products. For a long time, Tatarstan has been famous for its craftsmen and craftsmen. Hard work, patience, invention, imagination - all this is inherent in the Tatar people.

Children come out in costumes of different nationalities, holding flags of different republics. Waving the flags, they walk in a circle and take their places, at which time the teacher says the words. Some children are holding dolls in national costumes.

Tarbiyache: Tatarstan kupmillatle republic. Anda tatarlar, ruslar, chuvashlar һәm bashka millәt keshelәre, ber gailә kebek, bergәlәp eshliәr, dus, tattoo yashiәr.

Dus yashәrgә kirәk җir yozendә,

Duslar kirәk һәrber keshegә

Duslar bulsa yashәү dә kүңelle,

Unai bula һәrber eshen dә!

Educator: Wider the circle, wider the circle, the music is calling.

All friends, all girlfriends in a noisy round dance.

People of different nationalities live on the territory of Tatarstan. They work together, relax and, of course, love the Sabantuy holiday!

Musical and literary composition

Readers come to the fore.

1 point: Yilferdi chikkan solgelar

Bulklәr kubebezgә.

Kөrәshik tә,uzyshyk ta-

Sabantuy bugen bezdә!

2 points: Plow Festival, Summer Festival -

This is what Sabantuy means.

And on this holiday

Sing songs, play, dance!

3 points: Sabantue – hezmat tue

Shatlyk һәm bәhet tue.

Uynap - beep, җyrlap kөlep

Bәyrәm itek kөn bue!

4 points: Kүңelle saban tuylary

Bugen bayram, zur bayram!

Matur җyrlar җyrly-җyrly

Uynyybyz әylәn bәilәn!

5 points:” Finished the job, walk safely” -

The people wisely echo us.

And on our Sabantuy

We're having a round dance!

Song “Sabantuy” lyrics by G. Zainashev, music by L. Batyr-Bulgari.

6 points: Shau-gor kil,kin biginnar

Kyrlar һәm su buylary,

boilers bulsyn, gөrlәp torsyn

Yamle Saban Tuylary!

7 points: And it's a national holiday

Happens in June

then they participate

Everyone is on Sabantuy!

The participants of the procession sit down, children of the 3rd group come out.

Educator: This year our country celebrated the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Tarbiyache: 1941 elda fascist ilbasarlary bezneң ilebezgә sugysh uty achtylar. Bezneң babalarybyz yashәү өchen, үз-үзләren ayamyycha kөrәshәlәr.1945 elnyn 9 May irtәse bezneң ilebezgә җѣү irtәse alyp kilә. “Sugish” digan dәkhshәt kabattan

Yanarmasyn tarikh bitendә.

Dus bulsynnar illur, halyklar,

Koyash kolep torsyn һәrkemgә!

Bala: Tynychlyk suzen

Kabatly һәrkem.

Tynych kuk jozen

Kurik without һәrkon

Kirәkmi bezgә


Үlem chәchuche

өрәк bit alar!

Kүktә һәrkөn

Koyash Balkysyn,

Җirдә balalar

һәrchak shat bulsyn! /Ә. Gazizova/

Song: “Kurasem kil” suz. R. Gazizov, music M. Minkhakhev

Dramatization: “Batyrsha and Kamyrsha”

Participants in the procession take their places, Kamyrsha and Batyrsha come out from both sides. Kamyrsha holds a bun, Batyrsha holds a pole with towels and scarves.

Kamyrsha: Hello, Batyrsha!

Bamyrsha: Hello, Kamyrsha! How are you? How is your health?

Kamyrsha: What health is there! I think I try to eat a lot and sleep a lot. I don’t move much so as not to lose my health, but still my back ache or my side hurts. Yesterday I lay on the stove all day, saving my health for Sabantuy. Batyrsha, do you know if they will feed you at Sabantuy?

Batyrsha: Oh you, Kamyrsha! What health is this! Take my example. I get up early in the morning, do exercises, and wash my face with cold water. (Kamyrsha shudders) I work all day and manage to do physical education.

Kamyrsha: When do you take care of your health? When do you have time to lie on the stove?

Batyrsha: Yes, I can’t handle it alone. Will you guys help me?

For a long time, at Sabantuy people not only sang and danced, but also competed in strength and dexterity. The strongest, fastest, most dexterous won prizes and even a whole ram!

Kamyrsha: Wow, a whole sheep! I also want to be strong, agile, fast!

Batyrsha : Well, first, let's see how resilient you are! Together with the guys we will play the game “Freeze”. When the music plays, everyone dances, but when the music stops, everyone freezes and does not move. Whoever moves from his place is eliminated from the game.

Game "Freeze".

Kamyrsha: How fun it turns out to be to move and play. I want to make friends with the guys!

Batyrsha: It's very simple. Join the round dance and sing along to a song about friendship with the guys.

Round dance “My Song”

Games, competitions, awards, treats.

Leading : Our Sabantuy continues, the competition begins!

Don't be lazy, come out and show your strength!

Tarbiyache : Saban tuenda gyna

Bula gaҗәep yaryshlar:

Kapchyk kiep tiz yogerү,

Koch son, ger kүtәru,

Ә in kyzyky-bulak өlәshү duslar!

Children disperse to five objects with competition games: “break the pot”, “yoke run”, “sack race”, “bag fight”, “horse racing”. The winners receive prizes.

Batyrsha: Kamyrsha, where have you been?

Kamyrsha: There must be a treat at the end of every fun! Do you agree Batyrsha!

Batyrsha: After such competitions, it’s not a sin to treat yourself!

Kamyrsha: Yeah! Here you see! Kamyrsha took care of everything and now the most favorite Tatar treat “chak-chak” will appear here.

Children in national costumes bring out “chak-chak” and treat everyone.

Leading : And now a merry dance for all of you.

Play the music louder, invite everyone to dance!

Duslar! Typyr-typyr typyrdashyp

Bergә basayek әle.

Uynap-kolep, җyrlap-biep

Dus, tattoo yashik ale!

Cheerful Tatar music is playing, children and adults are dancing.

Compiled by: Varlamova M.A. music director 1st quarter.

Gizdullina I.A., Khasanova G.K. educators

Teaching children the Tatar language.

Preschool educational institution No. 71 “Korablik”, Naberezhnye Chelny

Valentina Khabarova

Our cheerful Sabantuy

Tatar national holiday for children 5-7 years old

From the history of the holiday

Sabantui is a holiday of the plow, a holiday of fun and work. I celebrate it in the spring, at the end of sowing. The first mentions of it date back to the end of the 8th - beginning of the 9th centuries. (Then the holiday was celebrated before the start of sowing.) Sabantuy is one of the most beloved among the Tatar people, and it is still celebrated to this day. In the Republic of Tatarstan this is a holiday of republican significance.

Gifts are prepared for Sabantuy. Girls and women embroider scarves, towels, and prepare national dishes to treat guests. Before the holiday, the most hardworking and well-mannered young horseman, together with his friends, rides around the village on a horse decorated with bells and ribbons and collects gifts. Dzhigits sing, dance, make jokes and jokes, wishing their owners well, health, happiness, and wealth. After collecting the gifts, the collectors travel around the village again to display them. The main prize of the holiday is a sheep; it is given to the young man who won the Tatar fight, Batyr.

On the day of the holiday, people gather in a large brightly decorated clearing from very early morning. Put on best clothes, many come in national costumes and bring treats prepared according to the recipes of traditional Tatar cuisine. During the holiday, the best workers are honored, they compete in various games, sing and dance. There are so many competitions and contests here! Sack running, egg-in-a-spoon running, tug of war, breaking pots while blindfolded, sack fighting on a log, pole climbing, singing and dancing competitions and the obligatory national wrestling and horse racing competition. The celebration ends with the presentation of prizes to the winners. During the holiday, any participant can test their strength in various martial arts and find entertainment to their liking.

Features of organizing a holiday in kindergarten

Organizing a holiday in preschool institution, we try to follow common traditions. Preparatory work includes several stages.

First stage: conversations about the traditions of the Tatar people, familiarization with clothing, cuisine, national games and folklore of the Tatar people.

Second phase: making gifts. At this stage, space opens up for creativity and imagination of both children and adults. Favorite hobby children - make prizes for the winners. Parents take part in preparing for the holiday and making gifts.

During music classes during this period, children learn songs, dances, nursery rhymes, jokes, and chants in Russian and Tatar.

Third stage: collecting gifts. A child is selected from each group to collect gifts. Children in national costumes, together with a teacher, go around the group and collect gifts. To the music of a button accordion or accordion, the “collectors” of gifts sing songs, dance, shout out chants, and having received gifts, thank the donors and wish them health and goodness. This part of the holiday preparations is fun.

After collecting gifts, children eagerly await the start of the main event - the day of the competition.

Fourth stage: site decoration. The holiday must be held outdoors. Lush green grass, bright green trees, combined with various decorations - multi-colored flags and ribbons, drawings and bells hung in areas - create a festive mood. Adult teachers and parents are involved in decorating the site.

In order for the holiday to be successful, the following rules must be followed.

The celebration should go off without a hitch. This requires good preparation, a well-thought-out scenario and consideration of little things - from organizing games to the order of distribution of treats.

The holiday should be spectacular so that it is not only interesting to participate in it, but also to watch it as a spectator. For this purpose, games and competitions are alternated with songs, dances, and poems performed by children.

The beginning and end of the holiday should be distinguished by solemnity, setting up those present for a special event, therefore attributes of state symbols are used, the flag is raised and lowered, the holiday anthem is sung, and children pronounce the holiday motto in chorus.

Both children and adults participate in the holiday. Adults organize games and are members of the jury. Games and competitions must be appropriate to the age of the children, so for each age level their own games are selected or modified.

The end of the holiday is associated with the presentation of prizes and gifts. Prizes must be distributed fairly; Not a single child at the holiday should feel deprived or offended.

At the end of the holiday, those present are treated to dishes of Tatar national cuisine.

As a rule, children of different nationalities go to kindergartens in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. But children love Sabantuy, regardless of nationality, and look forward to it.

Characters participating in the celebration:

Presenter in national Tatar costume;

Batyr (hero)

Shurale (goblin)

Attributes for games: a rope, two bags, wrestling mats, spoons, two eggs, a bucket or clay pot, an empty bag for Shurale.


Host: Hello, dear children, dear adults. Today we gathered for the joyful holiday Sabantuy. Sabantuy is a holiday of the plow, a holiday of work and fun. It is carried out after the end of spring sowing. This holiday unites peoples, lifts our spirits, makes us happy and cheerful.

The song “Sabantuy” is performed, music and lyrics by G. Gareev.

Leading: The long-awaited summer has arrived, look how many colors are around! Our land has become like a huge colorful meadow, where everyone should live in friendship and peace.

Song staging: " Colorful game", music and lyrics by B. Savelyev.

Leading: Guys, for the holiday you learned poetry in the Tatar language. Who wants to recite a poem?

Children read poetry. Then everyone sings a song together in the Tatar language.

Batyr appears, he walks past the square with a brisk step, humming something.

Leading: Guys, who is it coming? Shouldn't you come to us for a holiday?

Batyr: Ah, that's where you all gathered! How beautifully the meadow is decorated! I heard that you are celebrating Sabantuy today, and I decided to visit you for the holiday. Will you please me with cheerful dances and songs?

Children: Yes!

Children perform the Tatar dance “Epipe”, then sing the Russian folk song “Ah, you canopy”, accompanying the singing by playing musical instruments. If there are children of other nationalities in the kindergarten, you can include a mini-concert of songs and dances of other nations.

Batyr: Well done guys! You know how to have fun. But it’s time for me to move on with my business. Really, that's the problem! I was bringing you gifts for the holiday, but I was in a hurry. In a hurry I got lost. Having gotten lost, I didn’t notice that I had lost a bag of treats.

Leading: What about the big bag?

Batyr: Big, heavy! Eh, I feel sorry for the gifts!

Leading: Guys, let's look for the bag! Maybe he lies somewhere nearby.

Children walk around the site looking for a bag.

Child: Look, look! Here he is! It's lying under a bush!

Everyone gathers around the bag.

Batyr: It's good that the bag was found! Now we will untie him!

Leading: Oh, don't!

Batyr: Why?

Leading: This bag is kind of strange. It moves on its own.

The bag begins to move and bounce, scaring the children.

Batyr: And it's true! Something strange happened to my bag. But you still need to untie it: two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided!

Unties the bag. Shurale the Leshy from Tatar beliefs jumps out of the bag.

Batyr: What else is this? What kind of forest monster is this?

Shurale: Monster? You yourself are a monster hero! And I am Shurale! The most cunning, the most dexterous, the most beautiful! (He takes out a mirror in a wooden frame and admires himself. Then he turns to those present with resentment.) But you didn’t recognize me! They didn't invite me to the party! They offended the good Shurale! For this I will ruin your whole holiday! I have already hidden your gifts. To a treasured place. And now I’ll start tickling the children! They won't be able to play a single game! (Runs around the area, pretends that he wants to grab the children.)

Batyr: Look, you're gone! Well, give the gifts as quickly as possible, Anna will feel bad for you!

Shurale: I feel bad? Hee hee hee! Ho-ho-ho! Hehehehe! Yes, I am the smartest, the most cunning, the strongest Shurale!

Batyr(imitating Shurale): Ha ha ha! Hehehehe! The strongest Shurale (Changes his intonation to a threatening one.) Stop vainly bragging here! Let's better measure our strength! In a fair fight. And the guys will judge us truthfully and decide for themselves who is the strongest and most dexterous here.

The leader hands Batyr a rope. Batyr throws one end to Shurale, and they begin to tug of war. Batyr clearly has the upper hand, but is in no hurry to finish the competition; he swings Shurale at the end of the rope from side to side.

Shurale screams.

Shurale: Hey, hold on! Gonna fly Now! Oh, save me! I'm disappearing!

Finally, Batyr releases the rope from his hands, and Shurale flops to the ground.

Leading: Children, who won?

Children: Batyr!

Leading: Who is the strongest at the festival?

Children: Batyr!

Leading: And you, Shurale, are just a braggart!

Batyr: Are you bragging again? I'll ask you! (Takes a step towards Shurale.)

Shurale: Oh, I won't, I won't! Forgive me, take me to your holiday! I will play sports with you! And I’ll give you your treat now. I hid it over there. (Sighs). I wanted to eat it all myself, but apparently it won’t work out!

Leading: Shall we leave Shurale at the party?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Shurale, will you play with us?

Shurale: I will, oh, I will! But as?

The presenter offers children various competitions - “Running in sacks”, “Running with an egg in a spoon”, “Break a pot blindfolded”.

The first two competitions involve teams of children. Mixed parent-child teams can be formed. Then Shurale can be a member of one of the teams.

Individual children take part in the game “Break the Pot”. The child goes to the starting line. A pot is placed at some distance from it. (The pot can be replaced with an aluminum bucket.) The player is blindfolded and given a stick in his hand. The stick must be thrown blindly so that it hits the bucket.

The series of competitions ends with wrestling in which boys take part. Two competitors step into a circle and hug each other. At a signal, they try to put each other on the ground. The winner is awarded the title “batyr”.

Then a signal sounds, after which the rewarding of children and adults who participated in the competition begins. Children can also be awarded for performing concert numbers.

At the end of the holiday, the Host, Batyr and Shurale distribute sweets to those present (primarily children).

Scenario of the Sabantuy holiday (in the kindergarten area)

Musical director Vagapova Almira Mudarisovna


Tatar dance music sounds. The site is decorated according to -festive: colorful balloons, flags, posters.

Presenter :

Isanmesez, balalar! Hәllәregez nicek?

Guys, what holiday is today?

Children : Sabantuy!

Presenter : Right.

On a merry Sabantuy

We invited all our friends.

We'll sing and dance,

Friendly, fun to play

We congratulate you all on the joyful Sabantuy holiday.

This is the most beloved, most cheerful, most solemn national holiday. It is carried out after the end of spring field work. At this festival, people compete in strength, agility and endurance. Today we have gathered to spend this joyful holiday together.

Song-dance “Shoma bass”.

(5th disc “Yyrlap-beep uynybyz”, No. 9, 10.)

(Children come out to recite poems)

1 child:

Bugen bezda Sabantuy -

Eshlarenen, master, give it a shot!

Tizrәk yoger mәidanga,

Bayram bashlana anda.

2nd child:

We will compete

We will play with you,

Who is stronger, who is faster,

We can find out today.

3rd child:

Kүңelle Saban tuylary,

Bugen bayram, zur bayram.

Matur җyrlar җyrly-җyrly

Uynyybyz әylәn-bәylәn.

Yyr”Saban tue ”.

(Disk “Biilәr itek chiteklәr”, 4, (22) , Gөlshәt Zәineshevasүzlәre.)


Oh, how beautiful everything is in the summer. And flowers and butterflies. ..

Guys, you love to play. Let's play.

A game“Let's jump” .

Let's jump with you.

One two Three!

And we kick our legs.

One two Three!

And let's clap our hands.

Once. Two three!

Let's spin around with you.

One two Three!

And you and I will become friends.

One two Three!

(Dancing to the soundtrack, a cheerful girl appears.)


I'm a fun girl

Fidget, Laughter,

My years are young.

And I'm young at heart.

I don't miss a minute

And I won’t let others get bored!

I like to dance and joke,

I make everyone around me happy.(dances)


I don't like sitting still.

I love to sing funny songs.

Well, are you singing here?

Are there any artists among you?

Oy aldynda chebilәr ” - re-enactment.

(Disk -Tugan җiremә, 4(16) . , R. Urmanov kөe, Y. Iganәy sүz.)

Oh aldynda chebilәr.”

1. Ishegaldinda irtan

Sap-sary kulmak kigan.

Nәni genә ber chebi

Aptyrap elap yori.

Chip-chip chebilәr

Aptyrap elap yori.

2. Court ezlәp ara-ara

Erakkarak kitkan st.

Iptәshleren yugaltkan

Һәm adashkan ikәn st.

Chip-chip chebilәr

Һәm adashkan ikәn st.

3. Bik zhalledem min ana

Annan totyp sak kyna.

Iltep kuydym chebine

Bashkalars Yanyna.

Chip-chip chebilәr

Bashkalars Yanyna.

Veselushka :

Sing loudly, sing together

They sang as they needed to!

(there's a knock on the door)

Presenter: New guest? Who is it?

Go, honey, open it!

(Shurale and Su Anasy enter )

Su Anasy: Isanmesez, balalar! Hәllәregez nicek?

Shurale : Hello guys. We passed by your kindergarten and heard how well you read poetry and how loudly you sang.

Su Anasy : We wanted to come and visit you. Are you celebrating a holiday today? What holiday?

Children: Sabantuy!

Shurale : (sad) It's so interesting and fun.

I always sit alone.

And I don't play with anyone.

Don't sing? I don't know any poetry!

Presenter : Don't dance?

Shurale :

Just lazy

I just cry all day.

I sigh alone in the corner

And I'm dying of boredom.(crying)


You're my friend, don't be sad

Don't be bored, my friend. .

Get out quickly.

Let's play together!

A game“Shurale” .

Shurale is fat.

Bigrak ozyn kullarim,

Kuzlәrem yorep torah.

Kilesh -kilbәtemne kүrgәch,

Kolesen kilep torah.

Min Shurale, Shurale,

Chakyrgach kildem ale.

Onytyp үpkәlәrne,

Kelderep alyim ale.

Balalar Kyrly.

Achulangan, Tursaigan

Shuralene kur ale.

Onytyp kilgan inde,

Wastyrgy үpkәlәrne.

Ay, Shurale, Shurale,

Bezneң yangga kil ale.

Sin yakhshy bit,

Sin әybәt bit,

Bergalep uynyk ale.

Shurale :

We had a lot of fun playing

And not a bit tired.

I confess to you, by the way,

I liked it here very much!

Su Anasy :

Guys, I’m wondering when this holiday is Sabantuycarry out?

Children: In summer!

Su Anasy : Oh how great. A. I love summer very much.

In summer you can sunbathe.

And lie on the grass,

Go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Catch fish in the river.

Summer has come to us again -

This is very good!

Children, do you know how mosquitoes squeak?

How do flies buzz?

How do birds sing in the forest?

Does the cuckoo scream at the bitch?

How does a frog croak?

Oh, what great guys!

(Dancing to the soundtrack, Khadja-Nasretdin appears)

Khaja Nasretdin : Assalamagalaikum! Oh, how great it is here! So funny! I also decided to come to your holiday.

Presenter: We are very glad to see you, Khaja Nasretdin. Where's your donkey?

Khaja Nasretdin : Oh, he already ran to the races in the morning. By the way, guys, I really want to test your intelligence, and that’s why I brought riddles for you.

1. All known birds are blacks, the enemy of larvae and worms.

In the garden, like a doctor, he walks around with dignity. This...(rook) .

2. Here is the alarm clock in the yard,

He wakes everyone up at dawn.

Red smooth comb.

This is Petya...(cockerel) .

3. The red spine is hidden.

Only the top is visible from above.

And if you pick it up deftly and in your hands...(carrot) .

4. The sky is covered with rain.

How can we go for a walk?

Don't worry, because in the garden

Shines in any weather

In villages, dachas, villages,

Our sunshine...(sunflower) .

Khaja Nasretdin: I knew you were so smart!

Presenter : Do you want to play with us?

Khaja Nasretdin: Sure, let's play.

A game“Plague Urdak, Plague Kaz” .

(3rd disk “Yyrlap-beep uynybyz”, No. 15, 16.)

Presenter: We will also sing a song for you.

Җыр “Әылән-Бәйлән ”.

(3rd disc “Yyrlap-beep uynyybyz”, No. 15, 16. , F. Abubukerov muzykasy, R. Minnullin suzlere) .

Presenter : Khadja Nasretdin, our guys and guests came here to play and compete. Do you want to join us?

Khaja Nasretdin: Yes, I am stronger and more agile than everyone else.

Presenter: Then come out with us to the big Maidan and compete. We invite everyone to the sports ground.

Competition games:

    "Bucket Run";

    "Running with spoons";

    "Pot Fight"

    "Running on horses";

    "Tug of War"»;

Holding the national games "Sabantuy"

(Holding national games on the site).
Program content. Consolidate knowledge about national holidays Republic of Tatarstan, to develop further aspirations of children to cognitive activity about the traditions of his people. To consolidate knowledge about the types of national games. Develop children’s physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance, strength; ability to independently organize games and exercises. To foster respect for the older generation, pride in cultural heritage, selflessness, and friendship between peoples.
Previous work. A conversation about the history of the Sabantuy holiday, about national types of competitions.
Location. On the site.
Methods and techniques. Competitions, conversation, games.
Equipment: Scarves 2 pcs.; gymnastic sticks 2 pcs.; medium buckets 2 pcs.; wooden spoons 2 pcs.; rubber eggs 2 pcs.; landmarks – pins 6 pcs.; rope 1 piece; medium balls 2 pcs.; hoops 2 pcs.; bags 2 pcs.; "tunnel" 2 pcs.
Holiday structure:
1. Greeting guests of the holiday.
2. Conversation about the name, features and history of the holiday.

3. Conversation about types of competition.
4. Competitions, games.
5. Summing up the holiday.
Presenter 1: Hello! Welcome to our Sabantuy holiday! Tell me, please, where does it get its name, how is it translated?
Children and parents: Saban - plow, thuy - wedding, holiday.
Presenter 2:That’s right, our great-grandfathers called this holiday “Feast of the Plow.” Can you name the date of its holding and what is involved?
Children and parents: After the completion of sowing work in the fields, in late May early June, people widely celebrated this event.
Presenter 1: What national types of competitions can you name?
Children and parents: Kuresh (wrestling), horse racing, sack running, egg running, pole climbing, yoke running.
Presenter 2: That's right, and you and I will compete. The competition is called "Egg Run". Two people must quickly run around the flag and, without dropping the egg from the spoon, return to their starting position.
Presenter 1: Well done! The next relay race is “Train into the Tunnel”. Each team member makes his way through such a tunnel, runs to the hoop, touches the ball in it, and freely runs to the starting point. The next participant does the same. The first team to arrive at the starting point wins.
Presenter 2: You handle tasks deftly. The next relay race is called “Kangaroo”, since you need to move like these funny animals. Hold the ball with your knees and jump over the pins with big jumps; at the starting point, the ball is passed to another participant. The team that does not drop the ball and crosses the line first becomes the winner.
Presenter 1: How amicably and harmoniously mother and father, grandfathers and grandchildren compete in teams! Which one of you can tell me what the next competition is called if I show the rope?
Children and parents: Tug of war.
Presenter 1: Right. Let's see whose family will be friendlier and win the competition?
Children and parents: Certainly!
Presenter 1: The most united and kindest teams won this competition. Well done!
Presenters: We are glad to see that for you “Sabantuy” is, first of all, family celebration! It's a joy to know that you remember and honor national traditions, you know the history of education Tatar holidays. We wish you to remain as smart, friendly, brave, and skillful!