What happens if you do laundry on Palm Sunday? What not to do on Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday- beautiful Holy holiday, which is always celebrated in the spring, exactly a week before Easter. In 2019 we will meet him on April 21. This means that we still have some time to prepare. And in this regard, one of the most common questions is - is it possible to clean houses and apartments on Palm Sunday? Let's try to give a detailed answer taking into account the realities of today.

First, a little about where the celebration came from. The Savior's solemn entry into the city of Jerusalem took place 2000 years ago. And since then, in memory of this pleasant occasion, we have been celebrating Palm Sunday. Believers flock to the willows, bless them in the church, bring them home and decorate their apartments. And the traditions are connected with the fact that when Jesus entered the city gates on a donkey, an enthusiastic crowd spread palm branches all along the way.

Of course, in our northern latitudes there is no such opportunity, but this is not a reason to refuse the holiday. So people buy willows - willow branches, which, by the way, are the first to produce spring buds in our area. These willows are a symbol of rebirth, the good changes that we wish each other for the whole year.

Should I clean the house or not?

The main question that is often asked is related to cleaning a house and apartment: is it possible to clean the house on Palm Sunday, vacuuming, washing windows. Of course, in the best case scenario, preparations are made in advance for this pleasant event. It is best to clean the house before Palm Sunday at the end of the week - on Thursday or Friday.

But sometimes it turns out that this is impossible to do. Then, of course, you should put a little order in the house: decorate the table, wash the floors, it would be nice to scent the air, and generally create a festive atmosphere.

Therefore, you can answer the question whether it is possible to clean the house on Palm Sunday: it is not advisable to do this. If only because you will get tired and will not be able to rest properly, or even pay enough attention to your family, children, and loved ones. Therefore, it is allowed to restore order only in extreme cases. Although if there is no choice, then cleaning will not be considered a sin: after all, celebrating a bright holiday at an untidy table is also not good.


In the old days, there was a widespread rule in Rus' when people were forbidden to clean the house and even cook food. We tried to complete all the important tasks the day before, on Saturday. And on Sunday morning they went to church, illuminated the willows and spent a good half of the day at the service, until lunch. In the evening, the whole family gathered at the table, took pre-prepared food and even some red wine.

Is it possible to clean the house on Saturday the day before?

The Saturday before Palm Sunday is called because on this day Christ raised Lazarus from the dead, an acquaintance of his friends (Martha and Mary). It is believed that cleaning on this day is also undesirable. Believers remember the miracle performed by the Savior, so it is best to simply relax and create a cozy, family atmosphere.

So it turns out that the most the best option– tidy up the apartment the day before, i.e. on Friday. You can wash windows, floors, thoroughly vacuum carpets, and refresh upholstered furniture. After all, celebrating the holiday of spring renewal, the triumphal entry of Christ, heralding peace, is much more pleasant in a neat, clean room. However, if the circumstances are far from ideal, and absolutely nothing depends on us, then we should act accordingly - there is no sin in this.

What else can you do on Palm Sunday?

To answer this question, let's try to think more general theme. What is a holiday anyway? The day we rest? But there are also weekends for this. The day we have fun? But a good mood can come at any other time.

A holiday always has its own history and symbols; it does not arise out of nowhere and is perceived by most people as a wonderful, significant event. But the most important thing is that it is on such a day that we can take a break from the usual rhythm and pay attention to our family, loved ones, dear people.

Think about your friends, whom you may not have called for a long time. Make peace with those with whom you have minor disagreements, trifles that are better to forgive and let go.

What is it better to abstain from?

So, Palm Sunday is a bright, festive day when we remember the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem. And at the same time, we believe in good changes, the onset of spring in nature and in our souls. It is on such a day that you can mentally stop and put things in order in your head, collect your thoughts, put everything in order and understand how to proceed.

And in order not to miss the most important thing, it is better to refrain from some vain, complex activities that can greatly excite us:

  • moving;
  • work with documents;
  • preparing for an exam, an important meeting;
  • important purchases;
  • serious conversations with a showdown.

Just think about what the main meaning of the holiday is connected with, and you will probably be able to add many other items to this list. The main idea is that we really need to take a break from our usual thoughts and plans. Rest is a change in activity, a pleasant feeling of freedom that we can afford several times a year.

Of course, when circumstances require urgent intervention, we should never delay them. What, for example, should a believer do if his work shift falls on Palm Sunday? What if you need to move on that day?

Of course, it will be better to do all this on other days. But if nothing depends on us, there will be no sin - after all, we also need to fulfill our duties. And life can sometimes change all our plans.

But even in such situations, you can take a couple of minutes and mentally relax, buy willows, and decorate your workplace. In a word, if there is a desire, there will always be an opportunity to celebrate this bright event.

I would still like to start the conversation with what needs to be done on Palm Sunday. So, the first step is to provide yourself with the main attribute of this action - willow or willow branches. In this way, you will honor the memory of Jesus Christ entering Jerusalem and what it meant to him. By bringing branches into your home, you will thereby protect your home from the evil eye and damage.

Eat a small amount of any fish and drink a glass of red wine to highlight the great church holiday. Despite the fact that it is Lent, such indulgences are permissible by the church canon.

Attend the all-night service and after it is over, baptize the willow branches and think about how Jesus lived while on earth. About how important it was for him to have the first recognition of his power by the inhabitants of Jerusalem and, of course, about what events followed next. It is clear that on Palm Sunday you cannot do the same thing as on another holiday indicated in the church calendar.

Many people are interested in exactly what exactly cannot be done on this day. It is worth considering that this holiday has its own prohibitions that are connected with its history. It is worth once again delving into the question of what kind of holiday this is, what it preceded and what it is dedicated to. Following the scripture in the Gospel, it was on this day that Jesus entered Jerusalem as a triumphant, after recognition of his great abilities, although later in the same place he was betrayed and crucified. But it was on this day that he was greeted as the Messiah and was pelted with palm branches. Palm trees have never grown in Russia, there was nowhere to take branches from them, so they were successfully replaced with branches of willow and willow - they are the first to bloom after winter cold. Since pagan times, the willow has been a symbol of health, vitality and fertility.

Is it possible to clean the house or do anything else around the house?

On this serious church holiday, you can’t do anything, pick up knitting needles, a needle, wash, clean, or work in the garden. The main task of this day was moral preparation for the last week of Lent. It is its observance that is especially valuable during Lent. After Holy Week comes the long-awaited Easter.

To decide whether it is possible to go to the cemetery on this day, it is worth understanding what this holiday is about. The date of this event tends to change every year depending on the date on which Easter is scheduled. Palm Sunday falls on the last Sunday before Easter, followed only by Holy Week and the most important five days of Lent.

On this day one should rejoice, start the morning by going to the temple and there participating in the ritual of consecrating the willow. Next, you bring the willow home, you need to lightly beat all your loved ones with it, for whom you wish well, since, according to legend, this will give them health, strength and love of life. After which the table is set for a family celebration; all family members must be present at dinner. For the feast, you can use fish, as well as all kinds of seafood. But, of course, the main emphasis during fasting should be on vegetables and other plant foods, for example, porridge and mushrooms. The celebration should take place without fuss and fuss, but with a joyful, positive mood.

For the reason that this is an important church holiday, then, accordingly, it should be spent rejoicing. Visit the temple and pray for the health of all your loved ones. Refuse to do any work around the house or in the garden on this day. You can go to the cemetery and honor the memory of your departed relatives, but you absolutely cannot clean the cemetery. To do this, you can use any other day of Lent that is not a holiday.

Important information: in the process of Lent on the eve of Easter, every year at the beginning there are three Saturdays of parents, which are intended specifically for these purposes, in order to clean, paint and generally prepare for the upcoming celebration of Easter.

There is no need to cry and be sad while at the cemetery, because our loved ones are now in better world, next to God. This may seem blasphemous to some, but get used to this thought and it will be easier for you to cope with the loss. However, never forget about your dead while on earth. Pray for them every time you come to church, give written messages for peace at mass, and just buy and light a candle in memory of a loved one.

When to visit a cemetery

If you did not get to the cemetery on specially designated days during Lent, then use the second Easter week. In the church calendar, a day is set aside for these purposes, Tuesday, which has a special name Radonitsa and serves to clean up the graves of relatives, talk to them, tell them that the victory of life over death is again celebrated, Easter of Christ has come.

It is not forbidden to hold a wake on Palm Sunday. The main purpose of this event will be to remember those who have passed on to another world, and not to idlely stuff one’s belly and drink alcoholic beverages. Dishes on the table should not be in abundance, but in abundance. Please note that fasting is underway and the table should exclusively consist of lean dishes.

You can visit the grave of a loved one any day, you don’t need to look inside church calendar and select a date. This can be done on Palm Sunday, but you still shouldn’t clean up on the holiday. On this day you need to rest both body and soul.

Congratulations on Palm Sunday to everyone, video

Palm Week is celebrated in the sixth week of Lent and ends on Palm Sunday, after which comes another church day of the calendar - Holy Week. On this holiday there are many rituals that take place over the weekend. At the same time, we all know that on church holidays a person is obliged to go to church, honor the Lord and devote his free time to prayers and cleansing of the soul. However, modern people often look for answers on the World Wide Web or turn to clergy with questions in order to hear their opinion about work, washing and cleaning. This is not at all surprising, since over a long history many rules and legends have been invented that are not confirmed by church canons.

A little about signs

Palm Sunday is a holiday that has repeatedly confirmed its “magic”. So, for example, there is a sign that if a person plants a willow on this day, he will prepare a spade for himself, that is, he will die when a shovel can be made from the willow he planted. Yes, of course, it is impossible to say that this is one hundred percent true, but there are no people willing to test it for themselves. There are also many folk signs. It is believed that if the morning on this day is cold and windy, spring crops will be excellent. If the willow pleases with its abundant flowering, the arable land will be at its best.

Palm Sunday is significant holiday. With his arrival, despite fasting, it is allowed to eat fish and drink wine. Housewives also prepare food with the addition of vegetable oil.

Is it washable?

Many housewives are interested in whether it is possible to do cleaning, cooking and laundry on Palm Sunday. Some people argue that any work on this day is a great sin, which is difficult to atone for. In fact, these are all prejudices. Yes, of course, you cannot devote this day to general cleaning or washing upholstered furniture. In the morning you should do prayer, visit the temple, and only after doing this, if necessary, you can take on urgent matters. homework. So, for example, if a sick person has taken care of himself and you need to do laundry, this will not be a sin. If you have a lot of laundry and its unpleasant smell reaches your neighbors, you need to wash it. Yes, of course, it’s best to do this before the holiday. If for some reason this was not possible, it’s okay.

One should also take into account the fact that church holidays begin in the evening and end a day later, after sunset, and do not last from morning to night, as many believe. Thus, you need to give up work not in the morning, but in the evening. At the same time, washing in washing machine does not apply to housework. IN in this case You don’t make any effort; the equipment does all the work for you. As for hand washing, as mentioned above, it is better to postpone it if possible. However, if you need to wash things immediately, after visiting the temple you can begin the procedure by reading a prayer and asking for forgiveness from the Lord. Remember also that if you wash the clothes of the sick, the elderly or a child, this is not a sin. A much greater sin is to offend loved ones, to get drunk, to quarrel...

The entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is popularly called Palm Sunday. This holiday has a variable date because it is directly related to Easter. Palm Sunday always falls on the last Sunday before Easter. Therefore, in 2018 this big church holiday will be celebrated on April 1.

Many believers are interested in the question of what not to do on Palm Sunday in 2018. Firstly, here, as on other major church holidays, there is a ban on work. You also cannot sew or knit, do needlework, garden, do laundry, or clean the house. Secondly, this holiday has its own special prohibitions, directly related to its history.

Before answering the question of what you should not do on Palm Sunday, you need to remember once again what kind of holiday it is and what it is dedicated to. According to the Gospel, it was on this day that Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem. The city where he will be crucified and where he will be resurrected. People greeted him as the Messiah with palm branches. There were no palm branches in Rus', therefore, they were quickly and successfully replaced with branches of willow and willow - the first spring plants that produce buds in our territories. Until now, the people consider the willow to be a symbol of health, vitality, and fertility.

What is prohibited on Palm Sunday is planting trees in the garden. There is a sad belief that as soon as this tree grows, that a shovel can be made from its trunk, the person who planted the tree will die.

Palm Sunday and cemetery visit

Many are also interested in the question of whether it is possible to go to the cemetery on Palm Sunday. The clergy say that there is no clear church prohibition on visiting the cemetery on major holidays, including Palm Sunday and Easter. But we must remember that great holidays are a time of great joy. Before going to the cemetery, you must visit the church, pray and perform other important holiday rituals.

As for whether it is possible to visit a cemetery on Palm Sunday, this is not prohibited. But it is best to visit cemeteries on special memorial days, which the church has established for this purpose. During Lent before Easter there were three such days. But, if a person did not have time to visit the cemetery, then on the second Tuesday after Easter there is a special day of remembrance of the dead - Radonitsa. This is precisely the day of remembrance, when every believer should visit the graves of their deceased ancestors.

Palm Sunday and commemoration

Also, in certain life circumstances, believers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to hold a funeral service on Palm Sunday. A funeral service is a prayer from relatives and loved ones for the repose of the deceased. This is the main meaning of commemorations and they can be held on Palm Sunday. It is better to do this on Palm Sunday than on any day during Holy Week. If you are looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to remember on Palm Sunday. That, of course, is possible. It is best to go to church, attend the service and pray for a loved one who has died.

Palm Sunday and child's christening

Another popular question believers, is it possible to baptize a child on Palm Sunday. A child's baptism can take place on any day. The preliminary date must be agreed upon in advance with the ministers of a particular church.

What you must do on Palm Sunday:

* Decorate your home with blessed willow or willow branches as a sign of memory of the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. It is also believed that these branches will protect the house from the evil eye and damage.

* Eat a little fish and drink a little wine in honor of the great church holiday. Despite the fact that Lent is not over yet, the church charter allows such indulgences.

* Stand at the all-night service and baptize the branches, remember the existence of Jesus Christ on earth. About the important moments of his entry into Jerusalem and subsequent events.

From everything that has been said, it is clear that Palm Sunday in 2018, what cannot be done, in principle, the prohibitions here are the same as on the day of an ordinary major church holiday. May Palm Sunday bring happiness, health and love!

See also .

What not to do on Palm Sunday

The main prohibition, as already mentioned at the very beginning of this material, concerns specifically labor activity. On this day, all work is prohibited, primarily work around the house, in the yard or on your site.

It is forbidden to clean the house or wash dishes (even if too many dishes have accumulated, you need to postpone the process of washing them to another day). Don't take out the trash or wipe off the dust. An exception to household chores that are prohibited on the holiday in question may be feeding domestic animals and livestock (at the same time, it is impossible to clean up animal droppings on the day of the holiday).

On the day of Palm Sunday, Lent is still in progress, despite this, you can eat, and on this holiday an exception is even made for a strict menu and you can put fish-based dishes on the table. What else you need to give up on Palm Sunday is various procedures for caring for your body, going to the bathhouse, getting haircuts, coloring.

Briefly about what is prohibited on the day of the Lord’s Entry into Jerusalem:

  • Work in any direction;
  • Prepare hot dishes (on this day of Lent you can eat fish and fish dishes, but they should be prepared in advance);
  • One must be moderate in fun and in food;
  • Comb your hair and perform other rituals related to health (except for those that are historically performed on the day or night of this holiday);
  • Quarrel, scold;
  • Use foul language, show aggression towards any living manifestation;

What to do

Let us emphasize once again that this day is church holiday, which means you definitely need to go to church.

Traditionally, on the day of this holiday, all Christians collect young branches of willow, willow and birch into bouquets. With these festive bouquets, on the morning of the holiday they go to church service, after which the ceremony of blessing the willow takes place. This consecrated symbol of the great holiday should be placed at home next to the icons and kept there for a year. As for the rituals in the temple itself, you should pray, take communion, and confess. It is believed that if this is not done on the day of the holiday, then throughout the year the soul will be unprotected and vulnerable to various bad weather and troubles.

To maintain health, as well as increase it, people in Rus' always beat each other a little with willow bouquets. In no case should you quarrel or even entertain bad thoughts towards other people and yourself on Palm Sunday.

Signs for the holiday

Most of the folk signs on this holiday are, of course, associated with willow branches consecrated in the church. These bouquets were always placed near the icons so that they would protect the house from fires and floods throughout the year, and all the inhabitants of the house from diseases and other misfortunes.

Traditions that relate to Palm Sunday:

  • There is a custom to place consecrated willow branches in the hands of the deceased so that in heaven they will meet the Messiah;
  • Willow branches are placed in a vase without filling it with water, and the vase is placed near the icons and the willows are stored until the next Palm Sunday; as a rule, such willows do not fade;
  • To ensure that children who are not yet one year old grow up healthy, it is customary to bathe them in willow decoction.

Holy Week: what needs to be done and what is prohibited

The last week of Lent begins immediately after such a holiday as Palm Sunday (April 10-15. April 10 is Great Monday, and April 16 is the bright holiday of Easter). But, with the onset of Monday, you need to forget about fun, you should even refuse to watch TV, not to mention singing, dancing, or attending holidays. You should also refrain from intimacy.

Important! During Holy Week, it is forbidden to refuse anything to people who ask for help. Of course, if their requests are harmless and are exclusively peaceful in nature.

What you need to do during Holy Week:

  1. Monday. The beginning of general cleaning, which should be completed on Thursday. You can get rid of old broken things and stale bulky garbage.
  2. Tuesday. Finish all work related to clothing. Hem, wash and iron. Once you’ve created your Easter table menu, you can start shopping for groceries.
  3. Wednesday. Continue general cleaning. Wash the floors, clean the cabinets, take out the remaining trash. You can now start coloring the eggs.
  4. Thursday. This day, in addition to those names that have already been indicated above for all days of Holy Week, has one more name. Thursday is called “clean”, which means you should finish the general cleaning, wash the doors and windows, and wash the curtains. It is also recommended to visit a bathhouse or sauna yourself; you can prepare dough for Easter cakes and products for other holiday dishes.
  5. Friday. Refrain from any household chores. Dedicate a day to spiritual solitude and go to a service.
  6. Saturday. Color the eggs, prepare all the dishes for festive table, finish with Easter cakes. Collect Easter basket and go to church to bless the products. Go to work late in the evening.
  7. Sunday. Easter has arrived! Christ is risen! The day begins with prayer and breaking the fast with blessed foods. Next you need to go to friends and acquaintances with the good news. You cannot go to the cemetery on Easter Day; this must be done on the second Tuesday after the day of the Resurrection of Christ.