What to give for the New Year for the dacha. Original gifts for home and garden

There is a special category of people called summer residents. These people cannot live without their beloved dachas, and without spending all their free time there, relaxing, working, improving their green islands of property, turning them into real pieces of earthly paradise. That’s why, those who are looking for a gift for a man for their dacha, and want to present something special for them, something that will support them in this today, alas, not the most fashionable activity, or something that can brighten up their dacha leisure time and make it more comfortable and interesting.

First of all, we suggest you consider this gift option as gift rewards. Reward a hardworking person. What could be more logical? Give it to a man who can’t imagine his life without spending time at the countryside, Order *Lucky Summer Resident*. This award will reside on the most prominent bookshelf. Or he will find his place in a country house, each time emphasizing the importance and expediency of country affairs, which a real summer resident is constantly busy with. Speaking about gift awards, it should be noted that their choice is not limited to orders alone. On our website we present a wide range of various awards, from the already mentioned orders, to gift cups, including figurines and medals. The peculiarity of these products is that you can always choose a medal with an individual design, that is, present a person with a unique, exclusive gift that will be different from all other award options.

In addition to awards, products from the “Outdoor Recreation” category are suitable as gifts for a man at his dacha. After all, for many, coming to the dacha means only endless weeding, watering, construction, but also a fun time surrounded by friends and relatives with skewers full of kebabs in their hands. Remember that every summer resident needs to be reminded that from time to time he needs to rest, as this is useful not only for his health, but also for the formation of a certain atmosphere in the country and, as a result, the wealth of the harvest. In this regard, as a gift for a man to give to his dacha, I would like to recommend a unique Kebab set. Thanks to him, the recipient will be able to feed all the guests who come to his dacha with the most delicious barbecue in the world.

And since everyone knows that after a delicious lunch it is necessary to lose calories and warm up properly, every summer resident will appreciate a set of balls for playing Petanque (boccia). This great gift for a man to give. A fashionable game today, played at the most famous beach resorts, will long capture the attention of everyone who is planning to relax at the dacha.

Choosing men's gifts for the dacha, try to focus on those gifts that these people will not choose for themselves. Not because they wouldn’t like to have it, but for the simple reason that they simply don’t have time to keep up with the latest innovations in the gift industry. A dacha, you know, is a very troublesome business.

Summer residents are divided into 2 categories: passive summer residents and active summer residents. The former do not bother themselves with gardening work and prefer a lazy pastime to physical labor. The latter, on the contrary, do not see their existence without annual physical procedures at their summer cottage. Despite this polarity of preferences, both varieties enjoy the process. If there is a need to congratulate the owner of a land plot, choosing a gift will never be a problem. What to give to a summer resident? Any item related to country house, will be greatly appreciated.

Gardening supplies

If a person is engaged in growing garden plants, devoting all his free time to this matter, you can safely give things that will optimize your life or decorate the arboretum.

  1. Self-sharpening hoe, shovel with ergonomic handle or rake. Modern equipment makes it possible to correctly distribute physical activity. Therefore, purchasing a shovel or hoe of the latest generation will greatly facilitate the efforts of cultivating the land.

  2. Fruit collector for apples and pears. Picking apples is a painstaking and quite troublesome task. To avoid breaking branches, experienced gardeners came up with a fruit picker - a device that helps pick tree fruits without damaging the branches. In addition, with its advent, there was no longer a need to install a stepladder, allowing one to reach the upper shoots.

  3. Height cutter. New product for pruning garden trees. This device allows you to care for branches located at a height of up to 5 m.
  4. Electric scissors. There are 3 types of hedge trimmers: petrol, electric and battery. If there are few bushes in the area adjacent to the house, it is more practical to give the latter option, since it is silent, lightweight and does not need recharging.
  5. Garden pot. Aesthetes will surely love this excellent souvenir. You can buy it in large flower shops, and if you want to touch your heart, you can make a flowerpot.
  6. Sapling or seeds of an exotic plant. People who treat the garden as a greenhouse will certainly like a rare, unusual specimen that will become a worthy decoration for their garden collection.
  7. Plastic baskets, dryers for herbs and fruits, high-quality steel machetes - these gifts will always be relevant in the household and will be an excellent solution for congratulations.

    Men's gifts

    People who perceive a trip to the dacha as an excellent opportunity to relax and put their thoughts and feelings in order should not give gardening tools as a gift. Such a gift will not be appreciated by lovers of passive recreation.

    You can make your weekend more varied with the following gifts:

    1. Thermometers, scoops, towels, special hats will always be appropriate as a souvenir if the summer resident has a bathhouse. Stores sell ready-made bath sets for a comfortable stay in the steam room.
    2. Shot glasses in a leather case. They are made of metal, so they cannot be broken or deformed. The convenient and compact case does not take up much space in your bag, and they look quite presentable for a gift.
    3. Multifunctional knife. Folding Swiss knife if necessary, it can turn into a corkscrew, can opener, awl and many other household utensils.
    4. A good steel grill or barbecue set. Ready-made “kebab” kits have recently been gaining popularity due to their versatility and ease of use.
    5. Cooler bag. A roomy and compact bag can be either a single gift or an excellent addition to the main present. There is a variety with built-in speakers. Purchasing such an indispensable item in everyday life will help not only to cool drinks, but also to enjoy listening to your favorite tunes.

    When giving a gift to a man, you can “season” it with elite wine or cognac aged for many years.

    Women's gifts

    A woman who spends a lot of time on the site can be presented with items that will help her enjoy every minute of the long-awaited rest:

    You may need help updating existing inventory or household supplies. A multifunctional apron, a smokehouse or a gas kebab maker - any of these items will always be useful in the household.

    When choosing a gift for a summer resident, you need to start from one leading idea: how to make your vacation even more enjoyable? If you manage to find the answer to this question, all that remains is a small matter - a trip to the nearest store to purchase a suitable gift.

A dacha is exactly the place with which one associates a wonderful time spent in retirement. Silence, peace, birds are singing, nature is fragrant, far from the bustle and chaos of civilization. Giving a gift to a male summer resident is probably not that difficult, but you still really want to give an unforgettable, original and unique gift. Go to the Podari Hit online store and you will find everything you need for this.

For lovers of “silent hunting”

A “Successful Mushroom Picker Kit” can be an excellent gift for a male summer resident. Such a gift will undoubtedly be suitable for both a novice amateur and an ace mushroom picker. The set contains everything you need for a successful " quiet hunt": a special knife, it allows you to cut the mushroom without disturbing the mycelium, and special teeth on the blade will allow you to immediately clean the mushroom; the so-called “bucket” resembles a bag with a soft strap, it is comfortable to carry, since both hands will be free, and can withstand a load of up to 10 kg; There is a mushroom picker's alphabet to recognize the correct, edible mushrooms.

For relax

A wonderful gift for a male summer resident “Compact Hammock”. Such a thing is simply necessary at the dacha, because you really want to lie down in a comfortable and compact hammock and forget about all the bustle of civilization in the lap of nature. Our hammock has the following characteristics: made of 100% polyester with polyacrylic coating; size 140x220 cm; maximum load 120 kg.

For a picnic

While at the dacha, you can have a picnic every day. In this case, a picnic basket “Picnic-Quartet” can be an excellent gift for a male summer resident. Also, such a gift is suitable for a male traveler who, unlike the “summer resident,” loves to “prowse the universe.” Versatile, yet high quality practical gift.

Unusual card

A “Washing Map of the World” can also be an original gift for a male traveler. At first glance, this is an ordinary and in no way unattractive map; its highlight is that, thanks to an ordinary coin, you can erase the top layer of the coating, and underneath it will appear a bright outline of a country that you have already visited. You can hang the map both at work and at home in a visible place so that everyone can see and appreciate how many foreign places you have already been able to see.

Souvenir for a traveler

An original gift for a male traveler can be an original souvenir and at the same time necessary thing Waterloo copper compass with sundial. Of course, nowadays travelers rarely use compasses, but who knows, maybe this thing will be very useful to the hero of the occasion. The compass has a very original and beautiful appearance, so it can be an excellent interior decoration.

The hobby of growing garden plants is already a kind of subculture. For true summer residents, their plot ranks high on the list of important life values. Therefore, when choosing a gift for a gardener, you should give preference to things related to the hobby of the gift recipient.

First of all, it is worth understanding that there are differences between gardeners and gardeners. Some people are interested in growing plants, looking for unusual and rare varieties. Some are more interested in landscape design and site decoration. And there are people who simply love to relax in the lap of nature. Therefore, you should choose a gift taking into account these preferences; in addition, you should take into account the gender and age of the gift recipient.

Plants and care

If a person likes to “poke” in the soil, growing garden and vegetable crops, then it is worth giving the gardener a set of seeds. Of course, this should be a decent set, including rare plant varieties. You can also donate seedlings. A good variety of apple, pear or plum tree will definitely please a true gardener.

But in order to choose really good seeds or seedlings, you need to understand this issue, know the varieties, and the conditions for their cultivation. For people who are far from the issues of cultivating garden crops, it is better not to take risks when choosing such a gift to suit their taste. You either need to find out exactly what type of seedlings or seeds the gardener wants to receive, or prefer another presentation option.

A man who is a gardener can buy a tool for working in the garden as a gift. Today, specialized stores have a variety of devices to make the difficult work of caring for plants easier. Representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, love new products and enjoy mastering new technology. For them, you can purchase an automatic watering system or a multifunctional motorized plow.

A woman, as a rule, will prefer rare seedlings or seeds of flowers, ornamental or fruit plants. If a gardener is a beginner, then he will be pleased and useful to receive educational literature as a gift.

A good gift For a gardener of any gender, a collapsible greenhouse or hotbed can be used, as well as special rack holders, thanks to which all gardening equipment can be neatly placed. A folding bench would be a practical gift, because working all day bending down to the ground is very tiring.

Decoration of the site

Many gardeners are passionate about not only caring for plants, but also decorating their garden. When choosing a birthday gift for a gardener, you should pay attention to decorative items.

If you plan to make an expensive gift, you can order the production of a wrought iron fence or gate. This will give the area a noble look. A good gift could be a prefabricated gazebo or pool for the garden.

You can give colored electric garlands to decorate the area; flowerpots and outdoor vases will not be superfluous. You just need to take into account the design style of the site so that the selected decorative item does not look alien.

An inexpensive gift for garden decoration can be easily found in a specialty store. These can be decorative figures, topiary, stones for decorating flower beds, birdhouses and bird feeders, a “cool” sign, etc.

You can make beautiful decorations for your site with your own hands. Using creative ideas, you can turn even waste items into stylish decorations.

Country holidays

A garden is not only an area for growing plants, but also a place for relaxation. Therefore, you can choose a gift for the gardener that will come in handy when he wants to relax. This could be a folding chaise longue or a sun canopy.

A hammock can be a useful gift for a garden lover. It is worth choosing a model woven from a cord with a flattened rather than round shape, since otherwise the ropes will cut into the body. If the recipient of the gift has impressive dimensions, then it is better to purchase a hammock equipped with transverse wooden slats; it will not sag as much as a product without these parts.

An ultrasonic mosquito repeller can be a practical gift, because these insects are evening time can really ruin your outdoor recreation.

A barbecue is useful at any dacha, because almost everyone loves kebabs and other dishes cooked on coals. And the dacha is the best place to prepare them. If the recipient of the gift already has a barbecue, then you can give him a barbecue grill. You can use it to cook not only meat, but also bake vegetables, mushrooms, and seafood.

If the summer cottage is spacious enough, then you can donate equipment for outdoor games - a stand with a basket for a basketball, badminton rackets, etc.

Original gifts

Unusual and original gifts are fun to come up with and receive. If it is not known what exactly the hero of the occasion prefers, then you can present gift basket. First you need to purchase the basket itself, which will later be useful for harvesting. And then fill it with various little things that will be useful to any gardener. This could be several bags of seeds, a decorative figurine, a set of gloves and an apron for working in the garden, a raincoat, a small hoe for weeding flower beds and other useful things.

You can pick up a funny gift in specialized stores or make it yourself. For example, you can buy a cap with a fan built into the visor, so that even in the hottest weather it will be pleasant to work in the garden. You can buy a rake as a gift, and to make this practical gift fun, put the inscription on your hand: “Do not tread!”

As an addition to the gift, you can purchase a souvenir medal with the inscription “To the best amateur gardener” or “Thunderstorm of weeds and pests.”

Thus, a gift for an amateur gardener must be selected taking into account the individual wishes of the recipient. Only in this case will the gift truly bring joy.

Nothing calms you down and reconciles you with the surrounding reality like working or relaxing in your garden. In addition, this makes life much easier for everyone who is looking for smart gifts for a holiday or significant date. After all, gifts for the home and garden for everyone who is passionate about gardening are a great opportunity to present a person with something truly necessary and useful. However, over time, gifts in the form of the latest models of instruments become boring, and the hero of the occasion keeps hoping: when will he receive truly original gifts for the dacha?

Unusual gifts for the gardener

Our online store “Gifts-HERE” will tell you which gifts for your home and garden you should give preference to. After all, sometimes one, even a small detail, can radically change the perception of a suburban area, emphasizing its beauty. This may well do creative gift gardener Such a gift will not only please every lover of spending time working and worrying in the fresh air, but will also emphasize that you remember and appreciate his hobbies.

Among the original gifts for the dacha may be:

  • miniature installations for growing greens;
  • elegant flowerpots in the form of animal figures are an excellent gift for the country;
  • stylish interior metal signs, reminiscent of the favorite hobby of a man and woman, even outside the dacha;
  • compact meat thermometers in the form of a fork with a convenient food readiness indicator;
  • stylized “wood” watering can and much more.

Representatives of the fair sex will certainly appreciate a gift in the form of a garden set for the garden, which contains all the essential accessories for caring for a flower garden. The “USB-Fridge-Heater” is also perfect as a gift for a gardener. It is a mini-device that runs from the USB port of a computer. Such a gift will delight all summer residents who dream of quickly and easily heating or cooling drinks.

What to give a man as a gift for his dacha?

Men often regard the dacha not only as a place of relaxation, but also as a heavy duty. This obvious statement does not apply to those who are truly passionate about arranging their “green corner” outside the city. Undoubtedly best present for such a gardener - something functional. But what about imagination when choosing a gift for a man for a summer residence, some new, unconventional idea? We all want to be surprised by being presented with a pleasant surprise. So why not surprise your friends and family yourself? An original gift for a man for his dacha will be not only creative equipment, but also stylish jewelry garden and interior, as well as unusual functional little things.

For an original gift for your dacha, contact the online store “Gifts-HERE”: our managers, if necessary, will always give you any information regarding the choice of goods. Even if you live in a remote part Russian Federation, a gift for a man gardener at his dacha will be delivered to you as soon as possible, carefully and without problems.