What kind of head is there, just teeth and a beard? What kind of head is this where there are only teeth and a beard?

"What kind of head is this, just teeth and a beard?" (mystery)

Alternative descriptions

Seasoning for lard

Lobed bulb

Garden bulbous plant

Plant of the lily family, vegetable crop

. "Antivampirin" in the garden

. "Deodorant" against evil spirits

. "Jagged" garden plant

. "Anti-vampire" vegetable crop

. "Anti-vampire" seasoning

. "small, bitter brother of Luke" (riddle)

. The French city of Saint-Clair is considered the “capital” of this vegetable.

Antimicrobial vegetable

Wild local garlic. Allium listulosum altalcum. Altai wolf, Canis aureus, a special local species of wolf with fiery fur, like a red fox, with a shaggy log

His smell is contraindicated for a vampire

Use a clove to rub the crust of bread

Which vegetable is good for people with a weak heart to eat on an empty stomach?

Medicinal plant

Onion relative for smoked sausage

M. edible, spicy plant, Allium sativum. Field garlic, Allium rotundum. mouse, angulosum, wild garlic, or tenuissimum. steppe, odorum. wild, Sempervivum tectorum? Teucrium scordium, horse(?), hare garlic, horse marjoram. Chowder with garlic. Burnt arsenic smells like garlic. Whoever ate garlic will tell for himself. I haven't eaten garlic, and it still doesn't stink. Heart with pepper, soul with garlic. Garlic and radish, and it’s strong on the stomach. Crushed garlic and baked cockroach. Palisade, front garden; frequent pillars, stakes; stumps, chairs for the hut; continuous pile driving. Tyn, fence with garlic. near the prison, against the access points, the ditch is not dug and the garlic is not beaten, old. Under St. Isaac's Cathedral there is garlic, or piles of garlic. Garlic, garlic, one head, garlic onion; garlic clove, garlic clove, the same, or one garlic clove. Garlic and onion are honest. The garlic smell comes from the acacia root. Garlic mortar, garlic mortar, in which garlic is crushed. Garlic, Agaric mushroom. Aliaceus. Chesnovitsa, plant. Alliaria, translated

Folk remedy for repelling germs and surrounding citizens

Folk remedy - makes your breathing easier and makes it difficult for others to breathe

Not a root, but in the ground, not bread, but on a layer, and a seasoning for food, and a control over microns

Essential component of smoked sausage

Mandatory component of lard

Vegetable for colds

Vegetable with cloves

Vegetable for long-term storage of which only the spring form is used

A garden and wild plant of the lily family with a pungent taste and pungent odor.

Garden bulbous plant

garden plant

The scent makes a vampire turn up his nose


Antiviral relative of onion

Plant to repel vampires

Plant of the lily family

A plant that vampires don't like

Russian weapon in the form of a small ball with three spikes, thrown in handfuls at the enemy’s feet

Vampire Remedy

Whose smell are vampires so afraid of?

Stronger than an onion

Vigorous cloves

Whose smell are vampires so afraid of?

People by nature are quite conservative and as soon as any new trend, changing stereotypes, this trend faces criticism from people who do not understand it or who do not like it. The same thing happens with a beard, and throughout. Nowadays, beard has gained immense popularity among men all over the world. A beard is a natural adornment for a man and helps him express his individuality. Nevertheless, there are quite a lot of opponents of the beard, even though the beard is a purely personal phenomenon.

Luckily for people who love their beards and for those who love people who love their beards, thick facial hair is not just a fashion statement and a way of self-expression. Probably, ill-wishers don’t even suspect about the benefits of a beard and that a beard makes its owner healthier. Well, then the time has come to open their eyes and perhaps after reading this article, even the most inveterate opponent of facial hair will grow a thick, full beard!

  1. UV filter

Extensive scientific research has shown that a thick beard blocks up to 95% of the ultraviolet radiation emitted by our sun. Thus, a beard will not only protect the skin from burns, but also prevent the development of skin cancer.

  1. Shaving causes acne

If you have a beard, then there is a high probability that under your beard you have smooth skin. It is known for certain that shaving injures the skin and leaves microcuts on it, which are a favorite breeding ground for bacteria. Thus, the less you shave, the healthier your skin will be.

  1. Perception is everything

In one study, eight people purposefully shaved off their beards and then regrew them continuously by photographing themselves at various stages.
The photographs taken were shown to a random sample of 128 men and women and asked to characterize the person in the photograph. The survey showed that all 128 people improved their attitude towards the person as his beard grew longer. Each bearded person in the photo was rated as more mature, healthier and attractive. It’s worth noting that before each photograph was taken, the men visited a barbershop.

  1. Beard gives confidence

Men who are more confident tend to be more successful in all aspects of their lives. According to a survey, most men began to feel much more confident and strong after growing beards. Thus, the decision to grow a beard is in a good way improve the quality of your life.

Men who have a mustache do not even suspect that they are using an excellent natural filter from dust and various allergens. With a beard, the quality of this filter reaches a whole new level. In fact, the benefit of a beard is that it helps to trap allergens that not only fly into your nose and mouth from the outside, but also the same allergens that fly out of your nose and mouth. Thus, such constant filtration definitely has a positive effect on your health. Of course, you must constantly take steps to keep your mustache and beard clean, otherwise your natural filter will become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and will have the exact opposite effect on your health.

  1. Perfectly masks imperfections

Another by-effect What we owe to our beard is its ability to hide wrinkles. And although we have already said that a beard filters UV rays and thereby reduces them harmful effects on our skin, but plus, even if you already have wrinkles, a beard is a great way to hide them. And not only wrinkles, but also scars or a thin chin. Why, you can hide a lot of things in a thick beard.

  1. Prevents gum disease

While the beard filters the air you inhale, it prevents the development of gum disease. No, of course a beard will not replace toothbrush and under no circumstances should you stop brushing your teeth. However, additional protection in the form of a beard and mustache will not be superfluous. Thus, another point about the benefits of a beard is the protection of the gums and oral cavity.

  1. Protects your skin from drying out

Shaving opens the pores in the skin and also causes cuts on the face. Both dry out your skin and cause it to flake. When you have a beard and mustache, you don't have to worry about it. In both winter and summer, a beard will protect your skin well from drying out and thereby keep it healthy.

  1. Prevents bacterial infections

During the day, a large number of pathogenic viruses and bacteria accumulate on our hands. Now imagine how many times you touch your face. Let’s add here the presence of micro-cuts on our skin left by a razor after a morning shave and the picture will become completely terrifying. All these viruses and bacteria pass from our hands to the face and enter the blood through wounds on the skin. Of course, the concentration of these viruses is most often small and the immune system copes with them, but why take the risk and burden an already stressed immune system. After all, a beard can handle this task perfectly. All these harmful viruses and bacteria will remain on the hair and will not get on the skin, and even if they do, since bearded men have much fewer damaged areas, it is more difficult for bacteria to enter the body. It is enough to rinse your beard with warm water every day and wash it with shampoo 2-3 times a week.

  1. Fountain of Youth

A beard not only does not age a man, but makes him younger

Based on all the protective functions that a beard provides to your skin and lungs, we can safely say that a beard and mustache
preserve your youth. But there is another amazing factor that we owe to the beard - the ability to give its owner a more mature and adult look. It would seem that this beard, which ages us, makes us younger. It's actually simple. When people get used to you with a beard, at one point you can shave it off and appear younger! Thus, when we are young, a beard makes us look older, and when we are old, we can shave it off and become younger – miracles!

Now you know that vegetation is also very beneficial for our health. Considering all the above benefits, it is interesting that most men who decide to stop shaving do not even suspect about the benefits of a beard for good health. The next time someone tries to criticize your beard, all you need to do is remind them that a beard does not just make you look better, but also protects your skin, lungs and gums every day, thereby keeping you healthy!

Walkthrough of games

Hello again! This material belongs to a whole series of articles in which answers to the game Magic Story Riddles in Odnoklassniki are published.

In turn, we note that this material contains answers to levels 211 to 220 of the Magic Story Riddles game on Odnoklassniki. You are welcome, use it and rejoice!

Game Riddles: Magic Story. Answers to levels 211, 212, 213, 214, 215

Level 211 - Riddle:

On a deer, on a horse

It's good for me to ride.

Not on the tundra, not on the meadow -

I'm driving in a miracle circle.

I'm jumping, I'm flying,

I'm laughing in delight!

Correct answer to riddle No. 211: CARUSEL

Level 212 - Riddle:

He stands in the garden and says nothing.

He doesn’t take it himself and doesn’t give it to the crows.

Correct answer to riddle number 212: SCARECROW

Level 213 - Riddle:

The leaf is sharp, narrow, stretches high, grows in a swamp.

Correct answer to riddle No. 213: Sedge

Level 214 - Riddle:

Suddenly flowers grew out of the black darkness in the sky,

And they are wearing blue, crimson, gold

Flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming.

Correct answer to riddle No. 214: SALUTE

Level 215 - Riddle:

He was without arms, he was able to break out of the ground without legs,

In the summer, in the heat of the day, he gives us ice-cold water.

Correct answer to riddle No. 215: SPRING

Game Riddles: Magic Story. Answers to levels 216, 217, 218, 219, 220

Level 216 - Riddle:

It is yellow and loose, piled up in the yard,

If you want, you can take it and play, play, play.

Correct answer to riddle No. 216: SAND

Level 217 - Riddle:

She dips her braid in paint without fear.

Then he drags the colored braid in the album across the page.

Correct answer to riddle number 217: BRUSH

Level 218 - Riddle:

Round, mature, tanned, he caught the tooth.

I got caught by a tooth and couldn’t crack it,

And then under the hammer, it cracked once - and the side cracked.

Correct answer to riddle No. 218: NUT

Level 219 - Riddle:

The legless stool used to have a trunk and branches.

Correct answer to riddle No. 219: STUMP

Level 220 - Riddle:

What kind of head is this, where there are only teeth and a beard?

Correct answer to riddle number 220: GARLIC


Riddles with answers

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Why don't bald people grow hair on their heads? Answer: Slipping 437 What has a head but no brain?

Answer: Head of garlic

4034 Small, wrinkled, every woman has it.

Answer: Zest

357 The plant that knows everything.

Answer: Horseradish

386 Grain that has passed through fire, water and copper pipes.

Answer: Moonshine

300 What is 90-60-90?

Answer: Weight-height-age

423 What can’t be done in zero gravity?

Answer: hang yourself

289 Is it possible to kill a mother-in-law with cotton wool?

Answer: Yes, if you wrap the iron in cotton wool

3958 Green, bald, jumping.

Answer: Soldier at a disco

344 Green, spotted, jumping.

Answer: Paratrooper

304 Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar?

Answer: Winnie the Pooh is a bear, and Piglet is Piglet

356 How to say correctly: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”?

Answer: The yolk cannot be white

2818 Which word starts with three letters “g” and ends with three letters “i”?

Answer: Trigonometry

2766 One eye, one horn, but not a rhinoceros?

Answer: A cow peeks out from around the corner

4136 What is this: sitting on the window, speaking French?

Answer: French

327 What is it: hanging on the wall and smelling?

Answer: Clock: the cuckoo died in it

377 What kind of word has 40 vowels?

Answer: Magpie (40 a)

Why don't cows fly? Answer: Through the air 3816 A raven flies, all bound, Whomever it pecks, death.

Answer: Bullet

37 Early in the morning in the yard Ice lay on the grass. And the whole meadow turned light blue. Sparkles like silver...

Answer: Frost

296 Here is a mushroom dome on the leg, It will protect from the rain. A pedestrian won't get wet if he hides under...

Answer: Umbrella

71 Which is heavier: a kilogram of iron or a kilogram of fluff?

Answer: They weigh the same

2602 When a chicken stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will she weigh if she stands on two legs?

Answer: 2 kg

1989 Can there be eggs on an apple tree?

Answer: They can if they are in a bird's nest

3551 One egg is boiled for 3 minutes. How many minutes will it take to cook 2 eggs?

Answer: 3 minutes

2614 If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse?

Answer: 5 minutes

1877 Which hand is better to stir tea?

Answer: It is better to stir tea with a spoon.

3199 A cat is sitting on the window. The tail is like a cat, whiskers, paws, ears are like a cat, but she is not a cat herself. Who is this?

Answer: Cat

2265 Why is there a tongue in the mouth?

Answer: Behind the teeth

3401 What makes a duck swim?

Answer: From the shore

2713 Our entire Earth fit on it: Seas, oceans, Forests and fields. And you will find the North Pole there too, And if you want, you will carry it in your hands.

Answer: Globe

125 On a black field, hop-hop, a white bunny is walking.

Answer: Chalk

262 Here are the girls sitting - Black little eyes, As if on benches, On five rulers.

Answer: Sheet music

227 It’s a shame for him: When the weather is good, He’s somewhere in the corner Forgotten and abandoned, But as soon as the weather gets bad, Suddenly they remember about him And go out for a walk with him.

Answer: Umbrella

Whoever goes out with me in the rain, for him I am like a roof. Answer: Umbrella 83 Hangs without work, stands while working, and is wet after work.

Answer: Umbrella

330 With orange skin, similar to a ball, but in the center it is not empty, but juicy and tasty.

Answer: Orange

403 In appearance, he is like a red ball, Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop. It contains a useful vitamin - It is ripe...

Answer: Orange

319 An antelope, a kangaroo, and a flea competed in high jumps. The kangaroo jumped 2 meters, the antelope - 3 meters, and the flea - only half a meter. Who has won?

Answer: Flea (the antelope jumped only three times its height, and the flea jumped hundreds of times its height)

1518 The clock strikes six times in thirty seconds. How long will the clock strike twelve times?

Answer: 66 seconds. Between the 1st and 6th beat there are 5 intervals of 6 seconds, and between the 1st and 12th there are 11 intervals of 6 seconds

2042 The Danes like to say: “We have everything better than Sweden: climate, nature, people, history, and only one thing is better with the Swedes.” What?

Answer: Neighbors

2121 Princes Charles and William will never fly on the same plane. Why?

Answer: They don’t want both princes to die at once

237 Two people are standing at the entrance to the museum. One of them is the father of the other's son. How is this possible?

Answer: when they are husband and wife

3382 In what case is the equality 18 + 18 = 12 true?

Answer: When it comes to time of day

4823 What disappears when you eat a bagel?

Answer: Hole in the donut

328 Which city is called Monday city?

Answer: Dushanbe (means Monday in Persian)

83 The dog is tied to a 20-meter chain. How many meters can a dog go?

Answer: As much as you like, it doesn’t say that the second end of the chain is tied to something

3804 You only have one match. There is a kerosene lamp, a stove and a candle in a dark room. What will you light first?

Answer: Match

2945 There is bewilderment in the eyes, porcelain under the arms.

Answer: A thief stole porcelain vases, but there is bewilderment in his eyes because the guard caught

253 What disappears when you eat a bagel?

Answer: Feeling hungry

5047Show answers Send a riddle



“Field of Miracles” on the theme “All living things are close to us.”

On June 18, the children of the summer recreation area of ​​school No. 7 came to the central children's library, where the head of the subscription, Tatyana Vasilievna Kudryavtseva, played with them the game “Field of Miracles” on the theme “Everything that lives is next to us.”

The purpose is information - game program– to cultivate in children a love of nature, to support the desire to take care of all living things that surround us, to instill an interest in reading fiction and magazines on environmental topics.

After an introductory conversation, three top three players were selected. So that none of those present would be offended, because everyone wanted to play, they cast lots. Lucky were those who randomly pulled out a piece of paper from the box with the letter “P” on it.

The game was not entirely simple, and the guys had to “rack their brains.” So, for example, in the first round there was a question about beautiful tree, with hard, elastic wood, the bark of which has long been used in medicine. The name of the tree had three letters, and the players, and the spectators, decided that it was an oak. But it turned out that this tree was an elm.

In the game with the audience, they also did not immediately guess the word, although the children had seen this plant itself many times - tansy.

In the super game, the finalist did not manage to guess the riddle question “What kind of head is this, where there are only teeth and a beard?” The answer was simple - garlic.

In each round, after guessing the word, the children were given the opportunity to see and carefully examine the guessed object using an electronic presentation on a large screen.

During the game, where the “help a friend” sector fell out, the players turned to their peers sitting in the hall. And when the arrow stopped at the “musical break” sector, the guys sang and danced.

All players were pleased with their success.


We know that beards are officially out of style. Yes, we don’t encourage you to wear it. Everyone is free to decide how their face should look: brutal stubble, ruddy smooth surface, well-groomed fur or dense thickets. We are simply saying that there are benefits from it too. There are many different reasons, but these 10 are purely for your health.

1. Ultraviolet

Scientific studies have shown that beards can block 95 percent of ultraviolet radiation. Thus, it has been proven that a beard not only saves you from burns, but also reduces the likelihood of cancer.

2. Delicate powerful skin

Some scientists claim that due to lush vegetation, the skin thickens, thereby becoming more resilient and at the same time tender. It also does not lend itself to injury as often as those who regularly scrape it with an iron scraper, because even the most careful shaving leads to microtraumas.

3. Remedy for runny nose and cough

A beard also helps fight colds by preventing cold air from entering and raising the temperature of the neck. If you want to get rid of a cough faster, grow a beard. Have you seen Grandfather Frost get sick? And I didn't see it. Nobody saw him at all.

By the way, note: bearded men experience asthma and allergies more easily. It's just that the mustache hairs prevent the allergen from penetrating. You will be less filled with mucus during the period of all kinds of flowering, which will count for you - ladies don’t like snotty ones.

4. The world will sparkle with different colors

In one study, eight people were deliberately forced to shave their beards in the name of scientific interest. They were then forced to grow facial hair. And throughout the entire period from the moment a razor passed over their faces until their faces took on their former hairy condition, the unfortunate men were endlessly tested. Almost every single day.

And what do you think? It turned out that with wasp nests under their chins, men perceived their surroundings more positively than when they were shaved. In addition, the fuller the beard, the healthier the person. Again, according to the researchers. But there is no need to bring your vegetation to the state of “church priest”.

5. +1 to karma

The more confident you feel, the more successful you are. And in all aspects of life: in a career, in a family, and even in showdowns in the neighborhood. So, there are opinions that a beard gives a person a sense of power and confidence. Look at the priests, how confident they feel. What about Caucasians? They are not afraid of anything, they do what they want. So if you want to set a higher standard in your life, let go of the hair on your chin. Your worldview will immediately change and, as clairvoyants like to write on advertisements, success and wealth will come.

6. Elixir of youth

A beard is a kind of elixir of youth that comes straight out of you. And with it, it allows you not only to look more brutal than you are, but also healthier and younger. Facial hair keeps your skin free from cancerous spots, pimples don't grow as much under your beard, and discoloration on your skin isn't as noticeable. Your skin will stay healthier longer. Well, or at least all these dirty tricks won’t be visible. And dust and allergens are less likely to enter your nostrils through the furry filter... In general, this will improve your health. Not much, but it will improve.

7. Less Wrinkles

Due to less sun exposure men's skin, fewer wrinkles appear on your face. Yes, yes, everything is interconnected. Some people are saved by the shape of their eyes, and others by their hair. Look how young the ISIS fighters look fighting in the sands of the Middle East. Not a wrinkle. And it’s not about Clean Line cosmetics.

8. Protects your gums

You will be surprised, but this is true. A bushy mustache that hangs over your lips and a full beard not only keeps the bad bacteria out of your mouth, but also works in the opposite direction, preventing evil germs from the outside world from flying in. All this reduces the likelihood of gum disease. Just don’t think that you can grow a mop and calm down. No one has yet stopped brushing your teeth, a beard does not destroy oral bacteria, and something will still end up in your mouth. This is just an additional obstacle. Just don't try to brush your teeth with your beard. And it’s not worth growing a broom under your nose.

9. Moisturizes skin

Shaving not only opens the pores on the skin, but also cuts and scratches it in every possible way. All this mess dries out the skin extremely. In summer and winter, open pores cause the skin to lose moisture and may begin to peel. If you have a beard, you can avoid all these problems and keep your skin in good condition.

10. Saves from bacterial infections

When you have a beard, the pores in your skin are naturally protected from any bacteria that might try to seep into your dermis and cause an infection. Then you will walk around like a freak with red spots all over your face. You may ask, why do you need clean, healthy skin if no one can see it? Well, isn’t it nice to be healthier? In addition, some bacteria go beyond mere irritation and can even cause serious infections. And with regular shaving, the razor, like a can opener, uncorks your pores, into which microbes are poured into a friendly layer.

But a beard won't save you from all your suffering. Moreover, unkempt, unkempt vegetation can cause you even more problems. If you don’t want microbes stuck in the bushes and unwashed, rotten skin to lead to unpleasant consequences, take care of yourself. A bad, ugly, unkempt beard is even more dangerous than a smooth chin.

But a well-groomed one is almost a life-saving tool. It has its advantages. So you have a new reason to justify your laziness and reluctance to shave - a beard saves you. Like Jesus. After all, Jesus himself was bearded, and even with smooth, healthy skin, like yours.