The garden is a single developing space. Kindergarten and family - a single space for child development

From how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood,
what entered his mind and heart from the surrounding world - from this
to a decisive extent depends on what kind of person today's baby will become.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The upbringing of the younger generation in modern society is a subject of special concern. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Article 44, paragraph 1, determines that “Parents (legal representatives) of minor students have a priority right to educate and raise children over all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development child's personality." Thus, the state’s recognition of priority family education, requires a different relationship and educational institution, namely cooperation, interaction and trust.
Cooperation is communication “as equals”, where no one has the privilege of specifying, controlling, or evaluating. Interaction - provides a way to organize joint activities which is carried out through communication. Kindergarten and the family should strive to create a unified space for the child’s development.
Current trends in development preschool education are united by one important and significant criterion - its quality, which directly depends on the level of professional competence of teachers and the pedagogical culture of parents. Achieving a high quality of education for students, fully satisfying the needs of parents and the interests of children, and creating a unified educational space for children is possible only if new system interactions between preschool educational institutions and families.
The model of social partnership between preschool educational institutions and families of pupils is understood as a process interpersonal communication, the result of which is the formation in parents of a conscious attitude towards their own views and attitudes in raising a child.
In modern research, partnership is understood as mutually beneficial constructive interaction, characterized by “trust, common goals and values, voluntariness and long-term relationships, as well as recognition of the parties’ responsibility for the result.”
The effectiveness of a kindergarten depends largely on constructive interaction and mutual understanding between the teaching staff of a preschool institution and parents.
Numerous studies conducted in our country and abroad have convincingly shown that family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which enriches the child with social experience in its own way. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter a big, complex world. That is why at present the interaction between teachers and parents is considered as an organic part of educational DOW process, without which it is impossible to solve the problems of raising and developing children up to school age. Therefore, the goals of the project were to improve the pedagogical culture of parents and organize effective interaction with them. This approach will certainly contribute to family unity, emotional rapprochement between adults and children, and the development of common spiritual interests among them.
The main idea of ​​the project: the creation and implementation in the educational process of a form of work with the families of pupils, which allows for the establishment of effective and targeted interaction between the kindergarten and parents within the framework of social partnership.
Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. How to get parents interested in working together? How to create a unified space for child development in the family and preschool educational institutions, with all participants in the educational space? In this regard, I developed and implemented a project called “Kindergarten and family as a single space for child development.”

Sections: Working with parents

It is well known that childhood is a unique period in a person’s life. It is at this time that health is formed and personality is formed. Childhood experiences largely determine a person's adult life. At the beginning of the baby’s journey, he is surrounded by the most important people in his life – his parents. They are all different. But thanks to their love, care, and support, the child grows and develops.

When a child enters kindergarten, he or she is surrounded by new people—teachers.

Recently, a trend has emerged: parents, having sent their child to kindergarten, stop taking part in resolving the difficulties that the child encounters and do not want to participate in the life of the preschool institution.

According to the results of the survey, only 44% of the parents of our kindergarten take part in the life of the institution. Other parents cite being busy and not wanting to participate in ongoing events.

Questionnaires, observations, and conversations confirm that at the present stage of development of society, one of the most important aspects of the work of a preschool educational institution is the establishment of cooperation between parents, children and teachers. This cooperation depends, first of all, on how the interaction between adults develops in this process. The interaction of teachers and parents allows us to get to know the child better, look at him from different positions, see him in different situations, and, therefore, help in understanding his individual developmental characteristics, abilities, overcoming his negative actions and manifestations in behavior, and shaping life orientations.

At the same time, the majority of parents are not professional teachers. They do not have special knowledge in the field of child upbringing and development. They often have difficulty establishing contacts with children. Teachers and parents should together look for the most effective ways to solve problems, and not shift responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child to each other.

"Concept preschool education" marked the beginning of the reform of preschool education. It stated “that family and kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other. That is why it is so important for the successful upbringing and development of a child to establish trusting, business-like contact between a preschool educational institution and parents.”

The result of education can be successful only if teachers and parents become equal partners and create a unified space for the upbringing and development of the child. And this is possible because we are raising the same children.

Purpose Our goal is to create a unified educational space “kindergarten – family”. The following were prioritized tasks:

  • Improve the pedagogical culture of parents;
  • Identify and study the best practices of family education;
  • To involve parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work;
  • Revive priority, strengthen the status and prestige of the family, respectful attitude of all family members among themselves.

We began our work by studying families: we visited the families of the pupils in order to identify the microclimate of family relationships and organize the child’s daily routine.

The work carried out allowed us to classify families as follows:

  • 44% are prosperous. In these families, both parents work and have a fairly prosperous financial situation, deal with issues of raising children;
  • 28% are formally prosperous. Well-being is visible and is determined only by personal data. The family is not sufficiently involved in raising children.
  • 27% are disadvantaged. They clearly show defects in their upbringing;
  • 1% – highly wealthy families. Parents do not have enough time to raise their children. They agree to pay for everything, just not to participate in the life of the kindergarten themselves.

Parents from prosperous families were our support and support in our work. They wanted to participate in activities held in the kindergarten.

The activity of each family was reflected in the newspaper “Molniya!”, at the stand “Thank you, parents!” The whole atmosphere of interaction with parents indicated that we needed to join forces. Relying on like-minded parents, we gradually involved others in cooperation, taking into account the interests of each family.

We relied on the following principles:

  • Refusal to criticize the participants in the process;
  • Ensuring freedom of opinion;
  • Respect for parents' life positions;
  • Satisfying cognitive interest.

But, despite all efforts, not all parents actively responded to our desire for cooperation. We needed patience and a focused search for ways to solve this problem.

Our attention was drawn to the book by T.E. Tokaeva “Pair gymnastics for preschoolers and their parents.” We suggested that parents of the younger group meet once a month in the gym in evening time together with children to learn pair gymnastics exercises. 4 people came to the first lesson. Children with their mothers and fathers, under the guidance of a physical education instructor, did pair gymnastics to the music. The next day, parents and children exchanged opinions, looked at photographs, and became acquainted with the book by T.E. Tokaeva. A month later, 10 people gathered in the hall. These were mothers, fathers, grandmothers, older brothers and sisters.

This is how the idea of ​​creating a family club came about, where parents could communicate with children, teachers, and each other.

We chose the name of the club – “Rodnichok”. He, like pure spring water, gives a positive charge of vital energy to everyone who comes to his meetings.

It was necessary to choose topics that would be interesting for parents. We organized a round table where the main directions of the club’s work were discussed.

For several years now, the priority direction of our kindergarten’s work has been “patriotic education of preschoolers.” Also a physical education instructor and medical workers a health program has been developed. Therefore, the first year of the club’s work mainly touched upon issues of patriotic education based on local history material and issues of improving the health of the child’s body. Our proposals coincided with the wishes of the parents. In the second year of work, issues of cognitive and health development were resolved within the framework of the “Meetings with interesting people” tradition.

Work at the club proceeded in several blocks.

The first block “Pedagogical education of parents”

The main task of this block is to increase the pedagogical literacy of parents. It was solved in the “Our Living Room” section. Meetings, conversations, workshops, trainings, various specialists with parents took place here. Parents received practical skills in the “You can do it” section.

Second block “Studying the experience of family education”

His task is to get acquainted with the best experiences of family education. The tasks of this block were solved in the headings: “A piggy bank of seed experience”, “Crazy hands”, “Over a cup of tea”.

Third block “Inclusion of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions”

The goal is to create conditions for the inclusion of parents in the life of the kindergarten, relieving emotional stress after a working day. These problems were solved under the headings: “This is interesting”, “Our video room”, “We are having fun”. Children and parents took part in competitions, presentations, collections, tastings, watching videos, game programs, joint entertainment.

Fourth block “Increasing the status and prestige of the family”

The objectives of this block are to create a comfortable environment, giving parents the opportunity to talk interestingly about themselves and their family, and to demonstrate their artistic and creative abilities. The performances in the section “This is what our mothers and fathers are like...” aroused great interest. Parents talked about their professions and hobbies. Used a variety visual material: photographs, booklets, posters, badges, products of their activities, tools. The speeches of parents in this section helped us, teachers, to look at them from a different perspective, and the children to be proud of their parents.
In the “Family Treasure” section, teachers and kindergarten specialists presented parents and children with various souvenirs in memory of past events. These souvenirs are kept at home in “treasuries”.
At the end of the school year, each family was rewarded with a diploma.

After two years of work, a repeat survey of parents was conducted. The results were as follows:

– 97.5% of parents answered that it is better for their child to attend kindergarten. Here the child is interested, qualified and competent teachers take care of him;
– 2.5% of parents believe that children do not receive enough cognitive information (these parents very rarely attended club meetings);
– 88.4% of parents became active participants in all events held in the preschool institution.

Thus, based on the results of a survey of parents, observations, conversations with children and preschool employees, it can be argued that thanks to proven forms of cooperation between the preschool institution and the family, a single educational space “kindergarten - family” was created.

Thematic plan for meetings of the Rodnichok family club

Block name

Topic of the meeting


1st block

"Pedagogical education of parents"

1. “How to learn to understand your child?”

2. “About tasty and healthy food”

Teach parents to observe their child, understand him, and analyze their own activities in raising a child.

Introduce parents to the rules of healthy eating and the technology of preparing healthy and tasty food.

1. “Our living room” - a conversation with IMC psychologist M.A. Ivanova.

City seminar of senior kindergarten teachers

Deputy Director for HR

Spirina Nadezhda Evgenievna

“Kindergarten and school are a single space for the development of a child”

“Being ready for school does not mean being able to

Being ready for school means being

ready to learn it all.”
Doctor of Psychology
Leonid Abramovich Wenger

A distinctive feature of the new standard is its activity-based nature, with the main goal being the development of the student’s personality. The education system abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities; the formulation of the standard indicates the real types of activities that the student must master by the end of primary education.

Kindergarten plays an extremely important role in the overall education system. This is the link that should ensure the holistic development of the child’s personality, his socialization, the formation of an elementary culture of activity and behavior, the formation of intelligence and general culture.

From September 1, 2013, taking into account the entry into force of the new law “On Education,” kindergarten becomes the first compulsory stage of the educational process. The state now guarantees not only accessibility, but also the quality of education at this level.

From January 1, 2016, all preschool educational institutions in Russia switched to the new Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO).

Preparing for school is often considered as an earlier study of the first grade curriculum and comes down to the formation of narrow subject knowledge and skills. In this case, continuity between preschool and primary school age is determined not by whether the future student has developed the qualities necessary to carry out a new educational activity or whether its prerequisites have been formed, but by the presence or absence of certain knowledge in academic subjects. However, numerous studies by psychologists and teachers show that the presence of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of learning; it is much more important that the child be able to independently obtain and apply it.

This is the activity approach that underlies state educational standards.

Teaching activities in an educational sense means making learning motivated, teaching the child to independently set a goal and find ways, including means, to achieve it, helping the child develop the skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem.

Therefore, the leading goal of preparation for school should be the formation in a preschooler of the qualities necessary for mastering educational activities - curiosity, initiative, independence, arbitrariness, creative self-expression of the child.

Meanwhile, we must remember that continuity between the preschool and school levels of education should not be understood only as preparing children for learning. It is important to ensure the preservation of self-worth preschool age when the most important features of the future personality are laid. It is necessary to develop the social skills of the future student, necessary for successful adaptation to school. It is necessary to strive for the organization of a unified developing world - preschool and primary education.

Consequently, the basis for continuity between kindergarten and school are:

    development of curiosity;

    developing the ability to independently solve creative problems;

    the formation of creative imagination aimed at the intellectual and personal development of the child;

    development of communication (ability to communicate with adults and peers).

The succession process can be viewed from two sides:

1) at the preschool level of education self-worth is reduced preschool childhood and the fundamental personal qualities of the child are formed, which serve as the basis for successful schooling;

2) school as a successor to the preschool level of education does not build his work from scratch, but picks up the achievements of the preschooler and organizes teaching practice, developing his accumulated potential.

We see a solution to the problem of succession in creating a cooperation plan primary school and kindergarten, which would reflect this connection, consistency and perspective.

Target: to implement a single line of child development at the stages of preschool and primary school education, giving the pedagogical process a holistic, consistent and promising character.

The most important condition The effectiveness of work to establish continuity between kindergarten and school is a clear understanding of the goals, objectives and content of succession.

We have identified the general goals of education for children of preschool and primary school age:

Raising a moral person;

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;

Preservation and support of the child’s individuality, physical, mental development children.

Continuity of preschool and primary education involves solving the following priority tasks:

On preschool level:

Introducing children to values healthy image life;

Ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, developing his positive sense of self;

Ability for creative self-expression;

Formation of various knowledge about the world around us, stimulation of communicative, cognitive, play activity of children in various types activities;

At the primary school level:

Reliance on the current level of achievements in preschool childhood;

The focus of the learning process on the formation of the ability to learn as the most important achievement of this age period of development

Balance of reproductive (reproducing a finished sample) and research, creative activity, collective and individual forms of activity.

We see the organization of work on continuity between preschool and primary education in:

In creating a system of lifelong learning that ensures the effective progressive development of the child, his successful training and education based on the connection and consistency of the components of education (goals, objectives, content, methods, means and forms of organization);

In creating conditions favorable for adaptation to schooling,emotional well-being, development of the individuality of each child;

Development of leading activities of each period of life;

Formation of psychological readiness for school;

In creating a set of educational and methodological documentation;

Formation of the structure of the educational process in the conditions of continuous education;

In creating new creative workshops and projects.

Primary schools should create conditions for the further development of children based on the convergence of the life experiences of older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren.

The statement of A.V. Zaporozhets is still relevant: “You cannot limit yourself to the task of transferring individual knowledge and skills to a child; to a greater extent, it is necessary to solve the problem of cultivating abilities that can give the child the opportunity in the future to better assimilate various knowledge and skills and apply them creatively.” .

IN preschool period Children develop figurative forms of knowledge of the world around them (perception, visual-figurative thinking and memory, creative imagination), these cognitive processes develop not in spite of, but because of the game. Forming psychological readiness for learning at school.

The teacher, in collaboration with the child, will have to rely on the level of these processes achieved in preschool age, and, using it in his work, form in younger schoolchildren a problematic attitude towards the material being studied.

Teachers devote a significant place in their lessons to game teaching methods, problem-based and creative tasks, and create an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual understanding. They trust children and rely on their experience. In such lessons you can see the curious eyes of the students and their extremely high cognitive activity.

The purpose of the preschool stage– development of universal human qualities, good feelings, deep mind, healthy body.

The purpose of primary school is developing the ability to learn, creating conditions under which learning becomes a means of self-expression.

Each link must perform its tasks without replacing each other, and take care, first of all, that our children are healthy.

“School should not bring a sharp change in children’s lives. Let the child, having become a student, continue to do today what he did yesterday. Let the new appear in his life gradually and not overwhelm him with an avalanche of impressions” - this is how V.A. Sukhomlinsky imagined the continuity between preschool and school education.

The famous psychologist D.B. Elkonin, emphasizing the inextricable connection between senior preschool and primary school age, united them into “one era of human development called childhood.”

Continuity between kindergarten and primary school means a system of connections that ensures the interaction of the main tasks, content and methods of teaching and upbringing with the aim of creating a single continuous educational process at adjacent stages of child development.

Only when in kindergarten the work is aimed at the development of children, which would meet the requirements for the same children at the next level (i.e. in first grade), and teachers primary classes will rely and focus on the material previously learned by children and the experience that they acquired at the previous stage of their life - only under these conditions will continuity in the work of kindergarten and school be achieved.

Right organized work on this issue is the key to successful education of children at school.

The school's task, based on the common ground between age stages development of the child, preserve, enrich and develop the potential that is laid in kindergarten.

The succession mechanism and its components function using certain forms and methods, implemented specifically in the process organized activities administration, preschool teachers, primary school teachers to create conditions for an effective and painless transition of children to primary school.

The forms of succession can be varied, and their choice is determined by the degree of relationship, style, and content of the relationship between educational institutions.

Numerous studies by psychologists and educators show that the presence of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of learning; it is much more important that the child be able to obtain and apply it independently. Therefore, we consider socio-psychological support to be the most important area of ​​joint work between kindergarten and primary school. personal development child by implementing unified approaches to determining the goals, objectives and content of education at each of these levels, taking into account their continuity and continuity.

Continuity of education implies a smooth transition from one stage to another, where each previous stage is the start for the next stage. Successful advancement at each level is essential for a child’s development: for a first-grader, an important quality is the formation of “the ability to learn at school,” while in kindergarten conditions must be created for the formation of prerequisites for educational activity.

One of the most important tasks that requires a comprehensive solution is the creation of a unified educational process connecting preschool and school years.

This task was set by the teams of our school and d/s 23 and 48, from which the largest number of first-graders come to us.

Every year in September, a cooperation agreement is concluded between school No. 7 and preschool educational institutions No. 23 and No. 48, the purpose of which is to ensure continuity between preschool and primary education and upbringing through coordination of the activities of the teaching staff of the school and kindergarten to prepare children for studying in the first grade. According to the terms of the agreement, it was drawn up and approved by the heads of institutions joint plan work, which involves activities in four areas


1. Organization of a subject-development environment and living space to ensure a variety of activities for children in preschool and primary schools, taking into account their age and individual interests.

2. Introduction of new forms of organizing unregulated activities of children (conducting classes on interests and abilities in sections, clubs...), organizing the work of circles.

3. Conducting excursions and targeted walks to school:

Senior and preparatory groups participate in the Knowledge Day;

The preparatory group gets acquainted with the school premises, excursions to school museums, primary school classrooms, gym, assembly hall, library;

The preparatory group participates in the celebration last call.

4. Implementation of a unified approach to the formation of hygienic skills in children, in nurturing a culture of behavior, the ability to behave with adults, peers, listen to the interlocutor, be polite, neat, the ability to keep oneself busy, find something to do according to interests, in maintaining a daily routine that does not allow physical and intellectual overload and promoting general development and the health of the child.

5. Implementation of children's education in the game. Place of play during the day, selection and placement of play material, content of games, children’s ability to play independently. Use games in the pedagogical process.

6. Ensuring timely medical examination of children, collecting basic medical data on the health status of children in senior and preparatory groups, 1st grade, and their level physical development.

7. Providing patronage assistance to the kindergarten (repairing toys, sewing clothes for dolls, staging students’ fairy tales, showing school theater performances).


1. Study and analysis of primary school and kindergarten programs, regulatory documents on preparing children for school.

2. Introduction of new forms of pedagogical training (joint meetings of the Moscow Region, round tables, workshops for educators and primary school teachers on issues of continuity of the educational process in accordance with the work plans of the Moscow Region)

3. Studying the personality and monitoring the development of each child starting from senior group preschool institution, a teacher who will subsequently lead children up to 4th grade.

4. Teachers' council with the participation of 1st grade teachers and kindergarten teachers.

5. Mutual visits: this

a) Attendance of lessons in 1st grade by teachers and kindergarten students.

b) Attending classes in the senior and preparatory groups by primary school teachers.

The kindergarten classes are attended by teachers who are recruiting for the next school year and teaching the first grades this year; in lessons in first grade - former teachers and pupils of preparatory groups.

“Round tables” were devoted to the adaptation of first-grade students to school, the results of mastering program material during academic year, the problem of determining the level of readiness of children for learning. School and kindergarten teachers had the opportunity to discuss pressing problems and adjust their future joint activities. At the joint meetings of the Ministry of Defense there was a useful conversation about creative development for each child: how to support children’s interest in learning, how to find the “key” to each child, based on his previous life experience. Each such meeting provided an opportunity for teachers and educators to improve teaching methods and improve the quality of their work.


1. Thematic exhibitions (“Soon to school”, “Psychological readiness for school. What is it?”, etc.).

2. Conducting joint parent meetings on preparation issues

preschoolers to study at school. (Which one are you, tomorrow’s first grader?)

3. Questioning of parents on issues of preparing children for school.

4.Day open doors at school for parents.

This direction involves teachers of future first grades attending parent meetings in kindergarten at the beginning and end of the school year with conversations about preparing the child for school: “Your child is a future first grader,” “Tasks of kindergarten and family in preparing children for school,” “Psychological readiness of a child for school”, etc.; with information on how to prepare a child for school without harming his health, about the requirements that the school will make for future students and their parents. In addition, parents can receive consultations from teachers and the school psychologist during the school year. Is very useful collaboration teachers and educators with “difficult” families. It is necessary to identify such families when the child is still in kindergarten - this is a great help to the school.


1.Excursions and targeted walks to school:

Visiting the ceremonial line, dedicated to the Day knowledge,

Getting to know the school building, school yard,

Getting to know the classrooms at school

2.Joint sport's event(preparatory group and 1st grade), according to the rules traffic.

3. Excursions to school museums and libraries.

4.Together with 1st grade children: making bird feeders, walks in the forest, feeding birds.

5. Participation in the “Farewell to the ABC” holiday, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, in the game “Help Dunno with fire safety”

6. Week “Friendship with Nature”.

7.Organization of classes with children who do not attend preschool.

Traditional form future first-graders get to know the school through excursions of preparatory group pupils to school, presence in lessons in the first grades, as well as participation in joint events: sports competitions, holidays, drawing and poetry competitions, craft exhibitions

Over the course of a number of years, working on the continuity “Kindergarten - school”, a joint action plan in the educational space between kindergarten and primary school is annually developed, which is aimed at creating conditions for a smooth, internally conflict-free transition of graduates from kindergarten to school in the context of the implementation of new federal educational standards for preschool education and federal state educational standards for primary general education.

A succession plan is being developed in the interests of children, teachers and parents in order to ensure high-quality preparation of preschoolers for further education at school. On this moment this document is a guideline for constructive interaction between teachers, preschool and primary school specialists, and children’s parents.

During the period of implementation of the Program, a certain system of work to implement continuity has developed between the kindergarten and school No. 7, which includes a wide range of joint activities for effective pre-school preparation and introduction to school life.

All these events significantly improved the quality of work to ensure continuity, brought together educational institution in general activities for effective pre-school preparation of kindergarten students and successful education of first-graders at school.

The coordinated and friendly work of the school and kindergarten makes it possible to assess the adaptation of kindergarten graduates, talk about each child, and try to help him, based on observation data carried out on him in kindergarten. I think that such cooperation for the sake of the children allowed us to achieve positive results in our work.

Educators have the opportunity to monitor their children’s studies and make adjustments to their activities in preparing students for school; teachers become more familiar with future first-graders, the teacher’s work system, and parents.

The result of the educational process is the high-quality preparation of children for school, which contributes to the successful adaptation of children to school.

The problem of continuity can be successfully solved through close cooperation between kindergarten and school. Everyone will benefit from this, especially children. For the sake of children, you can find time, energy and means to solve the problems of succession.

The importance of the problem, continuity between D/S and primary school, is beyond doubt. Indeed, its success and effectiveness will depend on how much the two links of the continuous educational process (preschool and primary) interact.

Success in a child’s life is laid down already from preschool childhood, therefore joint work on creating a preschool education system ensures quality continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary school, and therefore creates a single start for preschool children when entering school.

The program for the personal development of a preschooler, and then a junior schoolchild, as a single holistic process can be implemented when both the educator and the teacher have a clear picture of the main lines of development of each child, and the relationship between the content, methods, forms, styles of pedagogical communication, based on the principles humane pedagogy will become a means of ensuring continuity in the education, upbringing and development of children.

A child is a blank slate that we have to fill in. And the image of the future personality depends on how we do this.

Thank you for your attention!

Irina Vlasova
Creation of a unified educational space for child development “Kindergarten - family”

« Creation of a unified educational space

child development« Kindergarten - family» .

Relevance and novelty:

Federal educational preschool standard education aimed at solving the problem of providing psychological and pedagogical support families and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) V development and education issues, protection and promotion of children's health. In the content section educational preschool programs education the features of interaction between the teaching staff and families of pupils. IN educational environment kindergartens should be created conditions for parental participation in educational activities.

In the new century children's the garden is gradually turning into an open garden educational system: on the one hand, the pedagogical process of a preschool institution becomes more free, flexible, differentiated, humane on the part of the teaching staff, on the other hand, teachers focus on cooperation and interaction with parents and nearby social institutions. So way, it turns out that social partnership- mutually beneficial interaction between various sectors of society aimed at solving social problems, ensuring sustainable development social relations and improving the quality of life, carried out within the framework of current legislation.

Social partnership includes development of project culture shared by partners as a medium for dividing tasks (responsibility). It includes the process of finding new (alternative) decisions related to specific groups of vulnerable people, where partners involve each other. It contains contractual obligations and a quality (service) improvement system that all partners must study and develop.

A sustainable positive image of a preschool institution can be considered an important modern component and resource educational institution.

Social partnership creates favorable conditions for creativity self-development of participants in the educational process.

The state begins with families. So, at the center of the sphere education should be the answer to question"Who am i?" and theme "My family» . And the main ones should be not only for children, but for all members families so that, first of all, parents understand why they brought them into this world baby, felt with all facets of the soul and realized what depended on them. Will the baby in the future become the master of his destiny, his dreams, his families.

Of all types of interaction kindergarten and family in our opinion, today the most relevant is a socio-pedagogical partnership, which presupposes equal rights of both subjects, who are equally responsible for the quality of the results.


Creation of a unified educational space for child development« kindergarten-family» .

Achieving the goal is decided through:

1. establishing partnerships with families of pupils, inclusion of all subjects educational process, including parents of preschoolers, to continuous self-development, as a result of which they become active participants transformation the surrounding macrosociety;

2. experience productive activity and constructive interaction with various government entities on issues of education of preschool children, including Creation a socially significant product - a bright event in the life of the pupil and his environment;

3. creation of a subject-development environment for the development of the child’s personality.

Educational The process in our institution is open, and the participation of family members of pupils is strongly encouraged in it. Social-pedagogical partnership has a beneficial effect on educational process of kindergarten.

In our children's The kindergarten has developed its own system of interaction with the parents of pupils. In accordance with the results of the study of the parent contingent, work is carried out according to the following directions:

analysis of the level of psychological and pedagogical culture of parents (questioning, sociometry method, observations and interaction analysis child with parents).

popularization of modern psychological and pedagogical ideas, providing parents with the necessary theoretical and practical information (open days, parent meetings(group, general, conference at the end of the academic year, various shapes visual information in the corner for parents: booklets, recommendations, consultations, mailbox for questions, "repeat with child» , "cook to kid» , "make with child» etc.) For children who do not attend preschool institutions, a group of short-term stays for children aged 2-3 years has been organized. Classes are held 3 times a week for two hours throughout the academic year. Narrow people work with children and parents specialists: educational psychologist, music director, physical education instructor, speech therapist.

use of non-traditional forms of working with families pupils - family meetings: master classes on making a product of artistic and aesthetic activity, training games "When you were little", Creation joint projects "Space", "Appliances", "Cook", "Salesman", "Pets", "Computer", "How to build a house" and others, holidays “Russian song – Russian soul”, "Day families» , "Olympics", "Defenders of the Fatherland", "Health Day", "Tasting of dishes".

conveying interesting and useful information related to the life activities of children in kindergarten: expert advice, music and poetry corner; corner "Slightly", exhibition "Make it with your kids", photo exhibition "The world around me", Rainbow of success, “Today we worked out...”, "We sincerely thank you", "In a circle families» , Children's creativity corner, “We live and live”.

individual focus in working with parents (differentiated accounting educational influences in conditions families, inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process, taking into account their individual interests and abilities);

involving parents in leadership children's garden through participation in the Conference, parent committee, Council of Teachers.

Every year parents become more actively involved in educational process. Parents participate in updating the subject matter development environment of the group: in 1 younger group made a gaming marker space - car, in preparatory - marker "Ship", "House", "Fences" for playing role-playing game. Together with teachers they participate in the acquisition didactic games, toys, equipment. The parents of the middle group painted the wall of the veranda. Parents are systematically involved in preparing their children for holidays: sew costumes, make attributes, decorate a group room, participate in matinees and entertainment. The parents' efforts and resources were renovated: group and middle group dormitory "Fish", hallways in the 2nd junior group "Bees", V middle group "Squirrels", V preparatory group "Bear Cubs". Parents of the senior speech therapy group "Ants" They gave a computer and a printer to the teachers of the group. IN winter time parents participate in creating a slide for skiing, ice buildings for development of basic movements. IN speech therapy groups parents willingly carry out instructions from educators and speech therapists to correct the speech of a preschooler.

Analyzing the results of work over the past three years, we noted positive dynamics in development social and pedagogical relations. Family and children's garden – two educational phenomena, each of which gives to kid social experience , but only together they create optimal conditions for a small person to enter Big world

“Kindergarten and family -

Parents are the closest people who can always come to the rescue and we, teachers, need their help. The role of parents in organizing the educational activities of children, the importance of example in education, measures to improve the health of children, instilling conscious discipline, duty and responsibility, typical difficulties and shortcomings in family education and ways to eliminate them, the role of parents in the self-education of children.

In our institution, a plan for joint activities with parents of students is annually developed and then adjusted. The activities are designed in such a way that they meet the objectives of the preschool educational institution, the interests and needs of parents and the capabilities of teachers.

For many years, our preschool educational institution has been carrying out systematic, targeted work with parents under a single target:“Creation of a unified educational space “kindergarten - family”. When working with parents, the following are resolved, which we have identified as priorities: , tasks:

Improving the pedagogical and psychological culture of parents. Study and generalization of the best experience of family education. Involving parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work.

To solve the assigned tasks, at the beginning of each academic year, a long-term plan work with parents, which prescribes work in several directions:

As part of the implementation of the program for raising and educating a child in kindergarten;

As part of the implementation of the program to preserve and strengthen children's health;

At the beginning of the school year, group meetings are held in each age group, at which parents are introduced to the tasks of raising and educating children for a given school year.

Propaganda of pedagogical and psychological knowledge is carried out through a system of visual propaganda. The groups have set up “Parent Corners”, where consultations are held on all sections of the program, on issues of health improvement and education of children. In special folders there is a selection of methodological recommendations for parents compiled by teachers and a psychologist from the MBDOU.

On issues of maintaining and strengthening the health of children, sanitary bulletins are issued by the head nurse and physical education instructor in accordance with the annual work plan. Special “Health Corners” have been set up, where parents can receive all the information they are interested in regarding the health of their children.

Each group has notebooks for individual work with children, which are led by specialists from the preschool department: a physical education instructor, a psychologist, a speech therapist, and a music director. Every day, educators set up information boards for parents: “What we did,” “Attach at home,” “Learn with your children.”

Throughout the year, the head, medical workers, speech therapist, psychologist, and physical education instructor conduct individual consultations with parents.

To ensure the greatest effectiveness of work with parents for the new school year, a survey is conducted in all groups in the month of May in order to identify the most acceptable and effective forms of work with the parent community.

According to the data obtained, the most popular are: events with the participation of children and parents (90%) ; general parent meetings (35%) ; parent clubs, conferences (30%) .

Purposeful work is carried out with parents of the school preparatory group. Conducted individual conversations all kindergarten specialists with each parent, meetings together with primary school teachers, visual information is systematically updated, thematic exhibitions “How to prepare a child for school.”

By the teacher's efforts visual arts Exhibitions are organized throughout the year joint creativity children and parents: “Drawing with dads”, “Drawing with moms”, “Winter landscape”, crafts from natural material“Autumn Gift”, etc. Parents are happy to participate in such forms of work, which are already becoming traditional and arouse the great interest of children, and the desire of parents to engage in fine arts with their children.

Physical education and music holidays with parents have become traditional: “Mom and I are a sports family”, “Dad and I are a sports family”, friendly meetings between parents of different age groups, between parents and teachers of the preschool educational institution.

The best experience of family education is regularly presented in the form of photo newspapers, collective works, and photomontages.

There are organized ski trips on weekends. Parents actively participate in “Health Days”. The personal interest of parents in physical education with their children has increased, we have entire sports families - for competitions and physical education holidays not only parents come, but also grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, nephews, etc. Everyone cheers not only for their teams, but also for the opposing teams, and then they drink tea together in the dining room and discuss the most interesting moments of the competition .

In order to morally stimulate the most active parents, wall newspapers are published in groups at the end of the year, and given at the general parent meeting. Thanksgiving letters from the administration of the MBDOU TsRR-DS “Krepysh”, the photo newspaper “The Most Sports”, “The Most Active” is published. Goals of working with parents:

Make the parent “feel like a human being.”

Increasing parents' sense of self-competence. Overcoming a state of crisis among parents. Integration of parents by discussing “ordinary” parent-child problems of upbringing, learning, and behavior. This gives parents of children with special needs the opportunity to feel like parents first and parents of a special child second.

Working methods with parents may be different in form, but aimed at solving the same problems. These methods include:

Discussion current problems development and education of children. Playing out situations. Teaching parents basic psychological concepts (small lecture course). Children's games with parents.

There are methods that allow you to build relationships with parents.

The first one is “Let’s get to know each other!” At this stage, parents’ acquaintance with the kindergarten, with educational programs, with the teaching staff reveals to them the possibilities of working together.

The second stage is “Let's make friends!” At this stage, parents are already offered active methods interactions: trainings, round tables, game seminars.

The third stage is called “Let's find out together.” At this stage, we can talk about the functioning of the parent-teaching community, directing its activities towards the development of the child.

Techniques ininteractions with parents are:

Friendly style of communication between teachers and parents.

A positive attitude towards communication is the solid foundation on which all the work of the group’s teachers with parents is built. In communication between a teacher and parents, categoricality and a demanding tone are inappropriate. After all, any model of interaction with the family perfectly built by the kindergarten administration will remain a “model on paper” if the teacher does not develop for himself specific forms of correct treatment with parents. The teacher communicates with parents every day, and it depends on him what the family’s attitude towards the kindergarten as a whole will be. Daily friendly interaction between teachers and parents means much more than a single well-executed event.

Individual approach.

It is necessary not only when working with children, but also when working with parents. The teacher, when communicating with parents, must feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. This is where the teacher’s human and pedagogical ability to reassure the parent, sympathize and think together about how to help the child in a given situation comes in handy.

Collaboration, not mentoring.

Modern mothers and fathers, for the most part, are literate, knowledgeable people and, of course, well aware of how they should raise their own children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge today is unlikely to bring positive results. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and support for the family in difficult pedagogical situations, to demonstrate the interest of the kindergarten staff in understanding the family’s problems and a sincere desire to help.

We are preparing seriously.

Any event, even the smallest one, to work with parents must be carefully and seriously prepared. The main thing in this work is the quality, and not the quantity of individual, unrelated events. Weak, poorly prepared Parent meeting or seminar may negatively affect the positive image of the institution as a whole.


A kindergarten today should be in development mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, and quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational requests. Depending on this, the forms and directions of work of the kindergarten with the family should change.


Parent communication groups are small - from 3 to 10 people. The concrete results for parents of special children are that they no longer feel special and isolated. The activity of all group members increases. They realize themselves socially: they sew costumes for children's parties, make decorations, participate in writing scripts and holding holidays, and actively participate in the life of the kindergarten. The topics of group conversations change over time. From discussing the specific problems of children attending kindergarten, we move on to discussing the problems of older or younger children, and then to discussing the parents’ own problems and characteristics that interfere with their communication with the child. So the groups parental communication in our kindergarten we transformed into groups personal growth. An interesting sequence has emerged: “before I become a happy mother, I want to become a happy person, a happy woman.” A happy person is one who “stands on his own two feet” and is responsible for himself. In our opinion, this change is very symbolic and significant. We can say that by changing in this way, the mother changes her personal status.

Thus, the use of various forms of work with the families of our kindergarten students has yielded positive results. results: The nature of interaction between teachers and parents has changed, many of them have become active participants in all activities of the kindergarten and indispensable assistants educators. With all their work, preschool employees prove to parents that their involvement in teaching activities, interested participation in the educational process is important not because the teacher wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child. The kindergarten and the family should strive to create a unified space for the child’s development.