Diagnosis of children in a situation of divorce. This bitter word "Divorce"

Conclusion example

This conclusion was presented in the Tagansky District Court of Moscow. The full conclusion is not published due to the protection of the client’s rights, protection from plagiarism, and the creation of unprofessional examinations.
A service was ordered for an expert psychologist to visit the court. The expert answered the court's questions.
The case was won in the first instance. Personal data has been changed in accordance with protecting the interests of the customer. The term for writing a similar conclusion is 10 working days. Cost from 15,000 rub.

Moscow For presentation locally

05/30/2016 requirements


Pokusaeva Olesya Vladimirovna, an employee of the ANO, with a psychological education, work experience in the specialty - 14 years, experience as an expert for 11 years, author of books on psychology “Russian children do not spit at all”, “Russian families are happy in their own way”, “Questions of imperfect parents . Discoveries of Happy Families" conducted a study:

Study started: 05/05/2016

Study completed: 05/26/2016

During the examination, the following methodological publications were used, recommended for use in expert practice:

Medical and forensic psychology. Lecture course: Tutorial/ ed. T.B. Dmitrieva, F.S. Safuanova. – M.: Genesis, 2009. – P.581-586.

Methodological foundations of the expert approach to legal protection children (forensic-psychiatric and forensic-psychological aspects). Guidelines– M.: State Scientific Center SSP named after. V. P. Serbsky, 2004, - 28 p.

Safuanov F.S. Psychological and psychiatric examination

The following questions were raised for the expert’s permission:

1. What is the impact of parental divorce and how does this affect the psychological state of children?

2. What is the real attitude and affection of the minor Sergei Aleksandrovich Avelev to his mother S.S. Aveleva?

3. What is the real attitude and affection of the minor Sergei Alexandrovich Avelev. to Father Avelev A.P.?

4. What style of education is conveyed by A. P. Avelev, the father of the minor Sergei Alexandrovich Avelev ?

5. Is psychological correction of the boy’s condition and the relationship between the parents of the minor Sergei Alexandrovich Avelev necessary?

Documents attached for review by the expert:

  1. Certificate from a psychiatrist from branch no.
  2. Characteristics from GBOU school No.
  3. Appendix to the employment contract for A. P. Avelev
  4. Certificate No. 896 of registration at the place of residence of Sergei Alexandrovich Avklev.
  5. Characteristics from the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow region to A. P. Aveleva.
  6. Characteristics from the place of work for A. P. Avelev.

Experimental psychological research.

Conclusion based on the psychological examination of Sergei Alexandrovich Avelev

Purpose of the survey: establishing the state and level of development mental functions(perception, attention, memory, thinking); diagnostics of the psycho-emotional state and personal characteristics, the psychological state of the child, as well as relationships with parents.

Several subtasks have been identified: to determine the level... of development of mental functions and self-esteem in a child.

The examination was carried out in the center premises ANO . A conversation was held with the father (separate from the child). According to the father, it turned out that he had known the child’s mother for about 10 years. The marriage took place in 2015. Conflicts arose from time to time, initiated by the wife. The child was born. The father took full care of his son, including visiting the attached clinic to perform routine vaccinations and massages. Mom went to work, there were quite a lot of disagreements marital relations, as well as by maternal position. main participation in organizing a visit to a child's pupil preschool Dad accepts. Unfortunately, parents cannot agree on the child’s place of residence and the procedure for communicating with him. The father says that there is no telephone or Skype communication with the child. The mother refuses to communicate with the child, he is concerned that the mother is constantly not at home, the elderly parents of S. S. Aveleva are taking care of the child. According to a certificate from a psychiatrist from branch No. 1. a medical examination was carried out.

The examination of the boy, Sergei Avelev, year of birth, was carried out in a separate room ANO " separately from his father. The examination and clinical conversation were carried out in dynamics; in general, Sergey Avelev was characterized by an even background of mood and activity in the conversation. During the examination, he behaves correctly and friendly. Answers questions willingly and in sufficient detail. The vocabulary is extensive. The child’s speech is not clear; speech therapy correction is required.

A psychological examination of the boy's development was carried out, taking into account the age and psychological stages of development. During the examination, the boy was calm and willing to make contact. During the psychological study, methods of directed clinical psychological conversation, pathopsychological experiment, and observation were used. He carried out tasks both at the request of his father and according to the words of a specialist. The examination showed that the boy was well brought up and developed.

The conclusion was made based on the test results, as well as on the basis of psychological work with a psychologist.

Below are the results for individual parameters (areas of child development) by Sergey Avelev

Signs of developmental delay emotional sphere not identified.

Development gross motor skills appropriate for age, motor skills sufficiently formed.

Visual-motor coordination is developed normally, in accordance with age.

Signs of a lag in the development of ideas about the shape of objects were discovered.

Speech understanding is sufficiently developed.

Active speech is sufficiently developed for his age and requires speech therapy correction.

The development of activity corresponds to age.

Self-service skills are developed normally.

Note: The examination was carried out according to a limited group of parameters specified by a specialist. Depth of examination: maximum.

The technique was used with the child. Goal: clarifying relationships with parents.

Also, a test was carried out with the child’s father A.P. Avelev..., test...

The child is in a normal psychological state. I was attached to my father and worried that he was not there when working with a psychologist. He listens to his father, enters into dialogue with him, reaches out his hands for closer contact. When conducting a test for joint activities with his father, he both takes the initiative and willingly listens to his father’s recommendations on joint activities. Quick switching of attention, restlessness - which corresponds to the child’s age.


Giving the child the opportunity to speak.

Avkeev A.P. believes that a child in a family must be given the opportunity to express his opinion, discuss controversial issues and topics that cause him difficulties with his parents. The child is perceived as a full member of the family, but the right to make decisions on serious issues should remain with the parents.

Protecting the child from difficulties.

According to the subject, parents should not protect their children from life’s difficulties, otherwise they will grow up not knowing life. Only independent problem solving and overcoming obstacles at a young age will help a child gain the necessary experience.

Suppression of the child's will.

The expert believes that there is no need to impose your will on the child. Suppression of child activity various shapes Coercion and instilling fear of parents are unacceptable elements of upbringing for him.

Fear of harming the child.

Avelev A.P. feels confident when interacting with a child, there is no fear of harming him, he believes that one should not take excessive responsibility for everything that happens to the child. It is hardly possible to harm a child while caring for him.

Strictness of parents.

The subject believes that strict upbringing is ineffective for the child and does not make him happy either in the present or in the future. I am sure that authoritarianism in education has an inhibitory effect on its development, and I am inclined to adhere to a liberal style of education.

"Martyrdom" of parents.

The responsibilities of raising a child simply cannot be a burden, but family life a heavy burden, since with the birth of a child, taking care of his needs becomes the need of the parents. For parents, there is no greater happiness than the happiness of their child - this is the opinion of the respondent.

Equality between parents and child.

According to the expert, there cannot be complete equality in the interaction between parents and children, since the rules of the community are largely set by the parents. They must require the child to comply with certain standards of behavior and monitor their implementation. But to achieve mutual understanding, it is necessary to use reasonable arguments, discussion and persuasion, and not force, listen to the child and express your demands, and be ready to cooperate.


Survey results:

Avelev A.P. is a confident person who easily accepts the role of a leader, even if he does not set such a goal for himself. Knows how to be a good adviser, mentor and organizer.

He perceives others as his equals and does not try to dominate them. Tries not to show selfishness. A persistent and energetic person, persistent in achieving goals. He can be skeptical and capable of expressing opinions that contradict the majority. Judgments are quite realistic, critical of all social phenomena and surrounding people. An emotionally reserved person. The subject of the expert is a rather gentle person and often expects help and advice from others. Polite and trusting, strives to help others. It is important for him that others value and recognize him. He is a selfless and kind-hearted person. Ready to help others, often takes responsibility for others.

Demonstrates sociability and a desire to make a favorable impression.

During the psychological counseling process, answers to the following questions were received:

What is the impact of parental divorce and how does it affect the psychological state of children?

The hope that children will not worry too much about divorce is found among many parents. Any divorce causes loving parents heavy feeling of guilt. They do not want to take seriously the signs that children use to signal their unhappiness and fear...

What is the real attitude and affection of the minor Sergei Aleksandrovich Avelev to the mother of Aveleva S.S.?

Sergei, like any child of this age, is attached to his mother and feels the need to communicate with her. However, he says that his mother swears, she is not at home for a long time.....

What is the real attitude and affection of the minor Avelev Sergei Alexandrovich to his father Avelev A.P.?

Sergei has a fairly strong attachment to his father. At the time of the examination, the child is looking for approval and praise from the father. He talks about how he has breakfast with his dad, what games he plays, where he goes….

4. What style of education is conveyed by Avklev A.P., the father of the minor Avelev Sergei Alexandrovich

Avelev A.P. believes that a child in a family must be given the opportunity to express his opinion, discuss controversial issues and topics that cause him difficulties with his parents. The child is perceived as a full member of the family, but the right to make decisions on serious issues should remain with the parents.

According to the subject, parents should not protect their children from life’s difficulties, otherwise they will grow up not knowing life. Only independent problem solving and overcoming obstacles at a young age will help a child gain the necessary experience. The expert believes that there is no need to impose your will on a child...

In general, Avelev A.P. takes a balanced parental position, which indicates the possibility of a full and harmonious development and upbringing of Sergei on his father’s side.

Is psychological correction necessary for the boy’s condition and the relationship between the parents of the minor Sergei Alexandrovich Avelev?

The child needs to undergo a course of psychological rehabilitation to normalize self-esteem and understand the new family situation. It is extremely important not to force the child to choose between parents; this can lead to a nervous breakdown and an imbalance in the child’s mental state. On this moment It is recommended to visit a child psychologist for observation and psychological correction of the child’s condition, as well as observation by a neurologist. Course duration is 6 months.

It is necessary that parents do not point out the shortcomings of the other parent in the presence of the child.....

Children's, family psychologist Pokusaeva O. V.


(description of the methods used and instructions for them) (12 pages)

Divorce causes a lot of problems that will have to be resolved. ex-spouses: accommodation, education and maintenance of common children. One of the parents is deprived of the opportunity to live with the children, but is allowed to see each other and take part in further upbringing. Even if everything happened without offense or serious quarrels, resentment remains. How will the children left between mom and dad behave?

How can parents communicate with their child?

Parents are obliged to understand their relationship with the baby, think through their behavior in such a way as to at least slightly mitigate the stress he receives. All efforts should be directed to minimize trauma to children. The behavior of divorced parents directly depends on several reasons:

  • child's age;
  • family relationships before divorce.

Both parents should spend the same amount of time with the child as before. You should constantly explain to him the fact that the love of dad and mom has not diminished. The child quickly understands the feeling of parental guilt after divorcing his parents, his psychology changes, he begins to take advantage of the created situation.

If the situation gets out of control, you should immediately contact a psychologist.

What does the baby think about divorce?

Children react to their parents' divorce differently depending on their gender. Girls, due to their more stable position in life, try to hide their own experiences. A reaction to the separation of mom and dad can be unexpected depression or severe irritability. The child strives for everything possible ways attract the attention of both parents, receive confirmation from them of parental love.

Boys, on the contrary, do their best to provoke quarrels with their parents, their aggressiveness gradually increases, taking various forms:

  • broken toys;
  • silence;
  • run away from home.

To avoid such problems, parents need to carefully discuss the current situation with their children, explain to them all the questions that have arisen and help them adapt to this problem.

When to tell about your new husband or wife?

A child can be saved from possible stress by the proper attitude of the parent living with him and other adults: grandparents and other relatives. The behavior of the adult generation, which clearly demonstrates respect for both parents, will help the child maintain respect for them. If the parent with whom the child lives has decided to start a new family, you should show restraint and not rush to announce a new dad or mom.

It is necessary to gradually achieve friendly relations between children and their future relatives. It is easier to do this if the child is under 5 years old. Children at any age sense false attitudes.

At the same time, they are drawn to those who treat them with sincerity and genuine kindness. The new family must surround the child with love and real care.

How not to raise a manipulator?

Children after their parents' divorce very quickly understand the advantages of the current situation and begin to manipulate their parents, demanding privileges for themselves. To prevent this from happening, this problem should be seriously discussed and a unified tactic should be developed:

  • what to allow;
  • what not to allow;
  • what well;
  • what is wrong.

If the parents do not come to a consensus on issues of contradiction, the common child will grow into a person who will be able to manipulate other people for his own purposes.

Whenever controversial situations it is necessary to conduct negotiations in which all members of the former family will take part.

You should not punish a child for showing his dissatisfaction with the current situation; you need to talk to him, get him to understand that dad and mom still love him.

You need to talk to your children more often, listening to their opinions without discussion, without imposing your own.

You can distract children sports games, send them to a sports section, come up with hikes, or just go for walks more often. Good results gives passion fine arts. You can invite your child to draw his family and ask about what is depicted. But you should not impose your own opinion on him.


After a divorce, mom and dad live separately; in both cases, sooner or later new families are formed. And there may be more children in these families. We must remember that parents are still parents. But at the same time, for peace and comfort in new family You should treat the child from your first marriage as your own, with love and tenderness.

Video: How does a child feel after his parents’ divorce?

It is necessary to raise children from both marriages equally, constantly reminding them that they are relatives and should be friends. Under no circumstances should children be divided into our own and those of others. If new families manage to reach a consensus, discard personal quirks and false pride, the children will definitely be happy.

Purpose: using various methods to diagnose the condition of a child when his parents divorce.

1. Select methods

2. Carry out these techniques on a child

3. Analyze the results obtained

Object: primary school child

Subject: techniques aimed at determining the level of anxiety, a test for self-esteem and level of aspirations.

One family in a state of divorce took part in the study. There are three people in the family: father Kirill, mother Anastasia and son Pasha. Pasha recently turned 6 years old. I suggested that Pasha take several tests (I took the Self-Esteem Study using the Dembo-Rubinstein Method and the Spielberger-Khanin Method) and, based on them, understand the child’s internal state.

Research methods

Study of self-esteem using the Dembo-Rubinstein method modified by A. M. Prikhozhan

This technique is based on the direct assessment of a number of personal qualities, such as health, abilities, character, etc. The subject is asked to mark on vertical lines with certain signs the level of development of these qualities (self-esteem indicator) and the level of aspirations, i.e. level of development the same qualities that would satisfy them. The test subject is offered a method form containing instructions and a task.

Conducting research:

Instructions. “Any person evaluates his abilities, capabilities, character, etc. The level of development of each quality, side of the human personality can be conventionally depicted by a vertical line, the lowest point of which will symbolize the most low development, and the top one is the highest. You are offered seven such lines. They mean:

1. health;

2. intelligence, abilities;

5. the ability to do a lot with your own hands, skillful hands;

6. appearance;

7. self-confidence.

On each line, mark with a line (-) how you assess the development of this quality, side of your personality at a given moment in time. After this, mark with a cross (x) at what level of development of these qualities, aspects, you would be satisfied with yourself or feel proud of yourself.”

The subject is given a form on which seven lines are depicted, each 100 mm high, indicating the top, bottom points and middle of the scale. In this case, the upper and lower points are marked with noticeable features, the middle - with a barely noticeable dot.

The technique can be carried out either frontally - with the whole class (or group), or individually. When working frontally, it is necessary to check how each student filled out the first scale. You need to make sure whether the proposed icons are used correctly and answer the questions. After this, the subject works independently. The time allotted for filling out the scale along with reading the instructions is 10-12 minutes.

Spielberger-Hanin technique

Testing according to the Spielberger-Khanin method is carried out using two forms: one form for measuring indicators of situational anxiety, and the second for measuring the level of personal anxiety.

Reactive (situational) anxiety characterizes a person’s state at a given moment in time, which is characterized by subjectively experienced emotions: tension, anxiety, concern, nervousness in a given specific situation. This condition occurs as an emotional reaction to an extreme or stressful situation and can vary in intensity and be dynamic over time.

State Anxiety Scale

Instructions: Read each of the sentences below carefully and put a letter next to each judgment depending on how you feel at the moment. Don’t overthink the questions because there are no right or wrong answers.

Possible answers:

A. Never

B. Almost never

D. Almost always


1. I'm calm

2. I am not in danger

3. I'm stressed

4. I'm internally constrained

5. I feel free

6. I'm upset

7. I worry about possible failures.

8. I feel peace of mind

9. I'm anxious

10. I feel a sense of inner satisfaction

11. I'm confident

12. I'm nervous

13. I can't find a place for myself

14. I'm excited

15. I don’t feel stiffness or tension

16. I'm happy

17. I'm worried

18. I'm too excited and uncomfortable

19. I'm happy

20. I'm pleased

Personal Anxiety Scale

Instructions. Read each of the sentences below carefully and cross out the number in the appropriate box on the right depending on how you usually feel. Don't think too hard about the questions because there are no right or wrong answers.

Possible answers:

A. Never

B. Almost never

D. Almost always


1. I sometimes feel elated

2. I can be irritable

3. I get upset easily

4. I would like to be as lucky as others

5. I worry a lot about troubles and can’t forget about them for a long time.

6. I feel energized and eager to work.

7. I am calm, cool and collected.

8. I am worried about possible difficulties

9. I worry too much about little things.

10. I can be quite happy

11. I take everything to heart

12. I lack self-confidence

13. I feel defenseless

14. I try to avoid critical situations and difficulties.

15. I get blues

16. I am happy

17. All sorts of trifles distract and worry me

18. There are times when I feel like a failure.

19. I am a balanced person

20. I feel anxious when I think about my own affairs and worries.

No abstract found


Chapter 1: How Divorce Affects Children

Divorce is becoming increasingly common in our society. And despite the fact that all families different stories, if you ask people who have experienced divorce about how it affected their lives, you will see that many will echo each other: “Exactly the same thing happened to me; I experienced (experienced) the same thing!”

The fact is that divorce is incredibly stressful for everyone affected by it. All family members, without exception, including the person who took the initiative and left the family, experience strong and varied feelings: anger, guilt, resentment, fear, sadness, melancholy, despair... In this case, children are usually the most traumatized , although in at different ages they react to the situation of divorce differently.

Chapter 4. Practical materials for working with children and adults experiencing a divorce situation

Working with dschoolchildren and children of primary school age

Family breakdown and tension between parents usually greatly traumatize the child. Anger, despondency and confusion are the main emotions that children usually experience during this period.


Chapter 1. How does divorce affect children?

Age-related characteristics of children's reactions to divorce

Behavioral reactions of children to the situation of divorce

Experiencing loss during divorce

Chapter 2. Family relationships after divorce

How to tell your child about divorce

Does a child need a dad if he leaves the family?

Grandmothers and grandfathers

Children - stepmother - stepfather

Disciplining a child raised by divorced parents

What does a mother teach a child and what does a father teach?

Instead of a conclusion, or Looking into the future


Chapter 3. Diagnostics

“Complete Sentences” Method

Test "Fairy Tale"

Family image research

Self-esteem diagnostics (for children 4-10 years old)

Chapter 4. Corrective work with children and adults going through a divorce situation

Working with preschoolers and primary schoolchildren

Working with teenagers

Working with family

Annex 1. Russians folk tales about stepmothers and stepdaughters

Appendix 2. Legal aspects of the problem of divorce



All happy families are similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. L.N. Tolstoy« Anna Karenina»

Man is a social creature, he cannot live alone. At least for a long time. It is no coincidence that there is a FAMILY in the human community. Seven “I”, seed, sow - this capacious word has many meanings.

What's behind it? Husband and wife, father and mother, daughter and son, grandparents, aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces and numerous close and distant relatives - all this variety of roles and images appears in a person’s life when he gets married. Two “strangers” people become one - new family. Everyone has many generations of relatives behind them, their own customs, secrets, customs, rules, etc.

Time passes, the family lives, grows, changes, matures. After some time, a baby appears in it, and with him new relationships appear, new problems, new worries, new joys and surprises.

Of course, every family has common unifying goals, a common history of joys and happiness, but there are also pitfalls, internal conflicts, and disagreements.

And sometimes it happens that at some hour “X” the family ceases to exist. And he is no longer a husband, and she is no longer a wife. Now they are exes. But children - they cannot be former. Dad and mom always remain parents for the child, no matter where and with whom they live. This also applies to grandparents. And this is exactly what our book will be about.

Divorce as a social reality appeared in history not so long ago - in the twentieth century. If divorces happened before, they were most often due to the fact that the woman could not give her husband an heir. At the end of the 19th century, divorce also became possible if one of the parties was convicted of adultery, but since every marriage took place in the church, the permission of the Holy Synod was required to dissolve the marriage.

In the 20th century, came into the life of Russian society civil marriage, registered only by authorities, without the participation of the church. Divorce has become easier, and there are more reasons for divorce.

The city psychological center “Childhood”, where we work, regularly receives court rulings initiated by judges or lawyers of the parties in cases relating to determining the place of residence of children after a divorce and the order of their interaction with one of the parents. Work with families who have experienced divorce and have been unable to peacefully resolve relationships shows that in such cases psychological problems exist in both children and adults. Our book examines the content and forms of working with such problems. The first part contains information that will be useful not only to psychologists working with divorcing families, but also to mothers, fathers, grandparents, and indeed all adults. It deals with the psychological effects of divorce on different family members. The second part contains a description practical materials for working with children and adults experiencing divorce.

We hope that our findings will help you in your work!

Divorce is a huge stress for both spouses and their children. Quite often, due to their own experiences, parents do not pay the necessary attention to the psychological state of their child and underestimate the scale possible consequences such behavior. In order for the parents’ divorce to be as painful as possible for the child, it is necessary to prepare properly, and for the spouses, even under such circumstances, to learn to negotiate among themselves and control the intensity of emotions.

Child in a situation of divorce

In rare cases, parental divorce can be beneficial for the child. These are situations where children experience stress every day due to the endless scolding of their parents and living separately does not cause negative consequences, but even the opposite. But such situations are rare; the vast majority of children experience severe psychological trauma. At one point, a small family member realizes that it will never be the same again, and this is always a tragedy associated with the destruction of his world. It has been scientifically proven that childhood experiences and worries on this basis can negatively affect the entire subsequent life of the child and influence the performance of marital and parental roles in the future.

How to tell your child about divorce?

Many parents choose the wrong strategy, trying in every possible way to delay the conversation or keep silent about the divorce altogether. For fear of exposing the child to stress, this position can play a cruel joke in the future, because if he learns about this from strangers who may not be particularly careful in their expressions, the damage will be compounded by undermining the authority of the parents, rejection and a feeling of betrayal. Therefore, if the final decision has been made, it is necessary to talk with the child immediately and immediately.

It would be nice for the spouses to get together and communicate a mutual decision, but the truth is that this period is always accompanied by an excess of difficult-to-control negative emotions, so it is better if the conversation is conducted by the parent with whom the child will live. It is advisable to begin this difficult conversation after a good time spent together, when the situation is most favorable and calm. You need to choose a secluded place where no one can distract you. The child should be told that mom and dad will no longer live together, but he will see the other parent whenever he wishes. If the question is “why?” there was no need to explain the reason, but if it was voiced, regardless of the real reasons, one cannot blame the second parent, relatives or the child himself.

How children cope with their parents' divorce

The child’s feelings depend not only on the approach and chosen tactics, but also on age and gender:

  • from the age of six months, children may demonstrate sudden mood swings due to the absence of one of their parents;
  • from 3 to 6 years old, divorce causes severe emotional shock, and children often consider themselves guilty of what happened;
  • at the age of 6 - 9 years, the loss of one of the parents can cause prolonged depression in the form of confusion, feelings of helplessness, constant anxiety and nervous behavior. This period may also be accompanied by a lag in learning, provocations, deception and an aggressive attitude towards one or both parents;
  • girls aged 9 - 10 lose trust in their parents and communicate more with friends, and boys become unsure of themselves and try to establish closer relationships with their father;
  • 11-16 years old for girls is a period of excessive criticism towards the mother in the form of unfounded reproaches and blame for everything that happened. Boys at this age become more distant from their father and become so attached to their mother that the appearance of a new partner in their mother causes a flurry of emotions, anger and jealousy.

Children after parents' divorce

To make the adaptation period after your parents’ divorce easier, you should try to follow these recommendations:

  • maintain stability and routine of normal life (as far as possible). It is highly not recommended to change kindergarten or school during this period, or stop attending clubs or sections. It is necessary to ensure that all household duties are completed and that inappropriate behavior is not overlooked. For example, if the father always took the baby somewhere (to training, to the clinic, etc.), then this should remain so in the future. The child should feel that his life as a whole has not changed, only that he now sees one of his parents a little less often;
  • protect the child from the negativity caused by divorce. Children should not become hostages and victims of the situation, therefore their eyes and ears need to be protected from criticism and other aspects of the post-divorce process;
  • calmly answer the questions asked by the child without going into unnecessary details. For example, when asked whether dad will continue to live with us, one should not say that he now has another aunt, and he no longer loves mom, that’s why we are now apart. It should be said that your father will live separately, but he still loves you, you can call and meet with him whenever you want.

Psychological assistance to parents during divorce

It’s not enough to know how to behave; you also need to learn to follow these rules, control your emotions, so as not to harm your baby. Divorce never proceeds calmly and balancedly, so the best decision would be to contact a specialist. The psychologist, together with you, will suggest a model of behavior for each individual situation and will help both parents and their children survive the divorce less painfully.