Do-it-yourself didactic games for labor education. Card index of games for labor education of preschoolers Games for labor education in the preparatory group





Didactic games

on labor education for children middle group.

Teacher Leshchina Yu.V.

2015-2016 academic year G.

"Guess what I'm doing?"

Target : Expand children's understanding of labor actions. Develop attention.

Progress of the game

The teacher and the children join hands and stand in a circle. A child enters the center of the circle. Everyone goes in a circle and says:

What are you doing - we know

Let's take a look and guess.

The child imitates labor actions, showing them not only with movements, but also, if possible, conveying them with sounds.

For example:

  • Vacuuming the floor
  • Hammers a nail
  • Peels
  • Rides by car
  • Erases
  • Carrying a bucket of water
  • Cleans the mirror
  • Grate


"Name your profession"

Target: learn to correctly name a person’s profession based on the types of machines driven by that person.

Progress of the game

The teacher names cars, vehicles and other technical means, and the children name the professions of the people who drive them.

For example:

  • Tractor - tractor driver
  • Taxi car – driver (taxi driver)
  • Excavator – excavator operator
  • Combine - combine harvester
  • Crane operator
  • Train driver
  • Ship - captain
  • Airplane - pilot (pilot)
  • Spaceship - astronaut
  • Fire truck - fireman
  • Bulldozer - bulldozer driver


"Guess the profession"

Target: expand children's understanding of professions.

Progress of the game

The teacher shows the children cards with images of objects. Children name the profession of the person in whose work this object is used or is the result of his work.

For example:

  • Garden - gardener
  • Flowers - florist
  • Bee - beekeeper
  • Wrench - locksmith
  • Bucket and mop - cleaning lady
  • Ticket – conductor
  • Cash desk - cashier
  • Planer - carpenter
  • Paint and brush – painter
  • Trowel – plasterer
  • Kuhlman - engineer
  • Computer programmer
  • Syringe - nurse
  • Fire extinguisher - fireman

“Who works where?”
Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about where people of different
professions, what their workplace is called.
school teacher;
doctor - in a hospital, clinic, kindergarten, school;
cook - in the kitchen, dining room, restaurant, cafe... etc.

“Who knows and can do this?”
Goal: to expand children’s understanding of what knowledge and skills
must be possessed by people of different professions.
Knows children's poems, tells fairy tales, plays and walks with children... a teacher.
Plays the piano, knows children's songs, teaches singing, dancing, plays with children music games... musical director.
Knows the human body, can provide first medical care, knows how to recognize and treat diseases... doctor, etc.

"Who does this?"
Goal: to train children in the ability to determine the name of a profession by the names of actions.
Cuts, styles, washes, combs, dries... hairdresser.
Soaks, soaps, washes, shakes, dries, irons... the laundress.
Packs, weighs, cuts, wraps, counts... the seller.
Cleans, washes, fries, cooks, cooks, salts, tastes, feeds... cook, etc.

"Who's doing what?"
Goal: to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the work (labor operations) of people of different professions.
The janitor sweeps, cleans, waters, rakes...
The music director sings, plays, dances, teaches...
The junior teacher (nanny) washes, cleans, wipes, covers, dresses, reads... etc.

"Correct the mistake"
Goal: to teach children to find and correct mistakes in the actions of people of various professions.
The cook treats, and the doctor cooks.
The janitor sells, and the seller sweeps.
The teacher cuts the hair and the hairdresser checks the notebooks.
The musical director does the laundry, and the laundress sings songs with the children... etc.

“For a person in what profession is this necessary?”
Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the items necessary for a person in a certain profession.
Scales, counter, goods, cash register... - to the seller.
Broom, shovel, hose, sand, crowbar, snow blower... - to the janitor.
Washing machine, bath, soap, iron... - to the laundress.
Comb, scissors, hair dryer, shampoo, hairspray, hair clipper... - to the hairdresser, etc.

“Who needs what for work?”
Goal: to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the objects of the surrounding world (materials, tools, equipment, etc.) necessary for work by people of different professions.
The teacher - a pointer, a textbook, chalk, a blackboard...
For the cook - a saucepan, a frying pan, a knife, a vegetable cutter, an electric oven...
The driver - a car, a spare tire, gasoline, tools...
To the teacher visual arts– brushes, easel, clay, paints... etc.

“Clap your hands if this is necessary for ... (name of profession)”
Goal: to exercise the ability to correlate words and phrases with a specific person’s profession.
Children are invited to clap their hands when they hear a word or phrase that is suitable for a profession, for example, a doctor: haircut, cold, scales, “ Ambulance", sewing machine, receiving patients, Fancy Hairstyle, washing powder, white coat, snow blower, etc.

“Who can name more actions?” (with a ball)
Goal: to teach children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.
The teacher names a profession and, in turn, throws the ball to the children, who name what a person in this profession does.

"Continue the sentence"
Goal: to practice the ability to complete sentences using words and phrases related to a person’s specific profession.
The cook cleans... (fish, vegetables, dishes...),
The laundress washes...(towels, bed linen, bathrobes...).
A teacher in the morning with children...(does exercises, has breakfast, conducts classes...)
A janitor in the yard in winter...(shovels snow, clears areas, sprinkles sand on paths...), etc.

"Who is on the photo?"; “Find and Tell” (based on photographs)
Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the work of kindergarten staff.
Children are asked to name a kindergarten employee (from a photograph) or select the desired photograph and tell about this person: what is their name, what room does they work in, what is they like, what does they do?

“Let’s draw a portrait” (speech)
Goal: to teach children to make speech portraits of kindergarten employees.
Children are asked to make descriptive story(Who is this? What does he look like? What does he do? Etc.) about a kindergarten employee according to a model, plan, algorithm, using photographs, mnemonic tables.

“I start the sentence and you finish it”
Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the meaning and results of the work of people of different professions.
If there were no teachers, then...
If there were no doctors, then...
If there were no wipers, then...
If there were no drivers, then... etc.

Game "Let's set the table for dolls."
Target. Teach children to set the table, name the items needed for serving. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting people to the table, behavior at the table). To foster humane feelings and friendly relationships.
Progress of the game The teacher enters the group with an elegant doll. Children examine it and name items of clothing. The teacher says that today is the doll’s birthday, and guests will come to her - her friends. We need to help cover the doll festive table(doll furniture and dishes are used). The teacher plays out the stages of the activity with the children (wash hands, lay out a tablecloth, place a vase of flowers, a napkin, a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or plates, and lay out cutlery nearby - spoons, forks, knives).
Then the episode of meeting the guests is played out, the dolls are seated.
For older children preschool age In order to consolidate duty skills, you can show object pictures depicting the items listed above and offer to lay them out in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

Game "Guess what I'm doing?"
Target. Expand children's understanding of work activities. Develop attention.
Progress of the game. The teacher and children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes out into the center of the circle. Everyone goes in a circle and says:
We don’t know what you’re doing. Let’s take a look and guess.
The child imitates labor actions not only with movements, but also (if possible) with sounds. For example, he cleans the floor with a vacuum cleaner, hammers a nail, saws, drives a car, washes, chops wood, grates, etc.
Children guess the actions.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten combined type" village. Ust-Omchug

Consultation for teachers:


didactic games

in labor education


Prepared by: Solovey L.A.

teacher of the 2nd junior group


"The greatest wealth a father can

leave your son an inheritance, teach him to work."

K. D. Ushinsky

The problem of labor education of children is one of the priorities in preschool age. It is aimed at developing psychological readiness for work, a responsible attitude towards the labor process and its result. In preschool age, a child is more attracted to the process of labor than to its product. Therefore, it is important to establish a connection between work and play.

The main types of games where children get acquainted with the work of adults are:

· plot-role-playing game.

· theatrical play - a game in which children act out a plot from a literary source.

· didactic game.

Today I will tell you about a didactic game. A didactic game is an educational game.

The importance of didactic games is enormous because they contribute to the assimilation and consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in children in a specially organized educational activities, joint activities adult and child in everything regime moments, develop mental abilities. Didactic game is a means comprehensive development child.

Didactic games, like all types of games, develop children’s speech; replenishes and activates the child’s vocabulary; forms correct pronunciation, develops coherent speech. For example, in the didactic game “Who needs this?” in younger groups, the teacher shows the children various objects, asks them to name them and tell them when they are used and for what purpose. When playing with children of senior preschool age, the teacher complicates the task. Various pictures are selected depicting objects, for example: pliers, a hammer, a vacuum cleaner, a coffee grinder, a steering wheel, a computer, a microphone, a centimeter, a microscope, a telescope, a jackhammer, etc. Children name the professions where these objects can be used and what they are needed for. Or ask to find among the pictures objects used in the medical profession, etc.

The main element of a didactic game is determined by the purpose of educational and training influence. Didactic tasks are varied: acquaintance with the surrounding world, acquaintance with nature, acquaintance with the professions of adults, with the way of life of people. Systematizes and deepens knowledge about the Motherland and people of different nationalities.

I repeat once again that the content of the didactic game is the surrounding reality, that is, nature, people, their relationships, work. For example: “Shop”, “Radio”, “What does anyone need for work”, etc.

In preschool pedagogy, didactic games are divided into three main types:

1. Games with objects

2. Board and printed games

3. Word games

Let's consider all these types separately.

Games with objects

Toys and real objects are used here; by playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects.

For solutions didactic task– acquaintance with the professions of adults, such games are used with objects as “Assemble a hairdresser’s set” (toy scissors, combs, hair dryer, varnish, curlers - children choose from a variety of different objects), “Builder” (from a variety of objects, children choose those that they can see at a construction site - toys - a brick, a crane, a tractor). Children also interact with dolls wearing clothes of people from different professions. While playing with them, children analyze and draw conclusions why a person of a particular profession needs this type of clothing. For example: Why does a builder need a helmet? Does the cook need an apron and cap? At a younger age, the doll is used to develop sensory-motor and basic labor skills (self-service) in children.

Board and printed games

Types of board and printed games:

1. Selection of pictures in pairs. The simplest task in this game is to find two completely identical ones among different pictures. Gradually the task becomes more difficult. The child combines pictures not only by external signs, but also in meaning. For example, given 3 pictures with the image of Aibolit, in one of them there is no briefcase in the doctor’s hands, children must choose two other pictures.

2. Selection of pictures by common feature . A connection is established between objects. For example, “What does the doctor need?”, “What does the hairdresser need?”, “What is in the store,” etc. Children select pictures with corresponding objects.

3. Selection of pictures to remember composition, number of pictures arrangement. For example, in the game “Guess which picture was hidden?” Children must remember the contents of the pictures and then name the one that will be removed from the table. This type effectively promotes memory development.

4. Making cut pictures and cubes. To solve the didactic task of getting to know the professions of adults, these pictures can be on topics of various professions. This type effectively promotes the development of logical thinking in children.

5. Description, story about the picture showing actions, movements. Objectives: development of children's speech, imagination, creativity. For example, the game "Guess who it is?" The child depicts the sound and movement of what is planned.

Word games

Didactic games are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them, because Such games require the use of previously acquired knowledge. Children independently solve a variety of mental problems. They describe objects, guess from the description, find signs of similarities and differences, group objects according to various criteria. Didactic word games mainly used in older preschool age.

Thus, play is the most important means of development, training and education of preschool children. And it is an integral means of introducing children to the professions of adults.

1. Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment / N.V. Aleshina.-M.: “Pedagogical Society of Russia”, 2000.- 128 p.

2. Program of training and education in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyevo, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. - 5th edition, corrected and supplemented. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008. - 208 p.

3. Approximate basic educational program

4. Pryazhnikov N.S. Professional and personal self-determination / N.S. Pryazhnikov. - Voronezh, 1996.

Didactic games for labor education of children.

Game "Let's set the table for dolls." Target. Teach children to set the table, name the items needed for serving. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting people to the table, behavior at the table). To foster humane feelings and friendly relationships.Progress of the game The teacher enters the group with an elegant doll. Children examine it and name items of clothing. The teacher says that today is the doll’s birthday, and guests will come to her - her friends. You need to help the doll set the festive table (doll furniture and dishes are used). The teacher plays out the stages of the activity with the children (wash hands, lay out a tablecloth, place a vase of flowers, a napkin, a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or plates, and lay out cutlery nearby - spoons, forks, knives). Then the episode of meeting the guests is played out, the dolls are seated.In order to consolidate duty skills, children of older preschool age can be shown object pictures depicting the items listed above and asked to arrange them in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

Game “What does Masha want to do?” Target. Clarify children’s ideas about certain work activities; about materials, tools and equipment needed for work.Progress of the game The teacher addresses the children on behalf of Masha (doll).- Masha asks me for a basin, a bucket of water and soap (she gives the doll the named objects).- What do you think she will do? (Wash.) That's right.- And now Masha asks to give her a saucepan, milk, sugar, salt and millet. What is Masha going to do? (The doll wants to cook porridge.) What is the name of the porridge? (Millet.)IN game form Other work activities that require appropriate items may also be considered. Children are shown these objects (an iron, a stack of doll's laundry - for ironing; a bucket and watering can - for watering the beds, etc.).When playing this game with older children, the teacher uses pictures depicting objects corresponding to a particular type of labor, or simply lists these objects (without showing illustrations), inviting children to guess more complex labor processes. For example: scissors, colored paper, glue, ruler, pencil – gluing books, repairing boxes, paraphernalia.The game can be complicated: one child draws objects on the board (lays out pictures), and the rest of the children guess the type of work, or all children simultaneously draw on paper, and then show the drawings to each other and guess.

Game "Who needs it?" Target. To consolidate children’s ideas about objects and their use in work processes. Introduce professions.Progress of the gameThe teacher shows the children various objects, asks them to name them and tell them when they are used and for what purpose? For example: this is a ladle, the cook needs it to stir porridge, pour soup and compote, etc.When playing a game with children of senior preschool age, the teacher selects different pictures depicting objects. For example: pliers, hammer, vacuum cleaner, coffee grinder, steering wheel, computer, microphone, microscope, telescope, etc. Children name the profession of the person who uses the depicted object in their work.

Game "Choose a job" Target. Give to children elementary representations about the professions of people whose work was not in the sphere of their observations. Arouse interest in the work of people of any profession.Progress of the game The teacher and the children stand up in a round dance and invite them to walk in a circle, saying:Let's grow up together. We'll become astronauts.And choose a job. And we'll launch missiles.(Children imitate the sound of an engine and the flight of a rocket, acting as shown by the teacher).We will become captains, (Children show how captains look through binoculars.)We will lead the ships.Let's become helicopter pilots (Children run and do circular movements above your head.)We'll fly the helicopters.The game can be continued with older children; they already independently imitate the appropriate actions.And we will become pilots, we will become combine operators, we will become firefightersWe'll fly the planes. And we'll drive the combines. And let's start putting out the fire.

The game “Why (why, why) do you need to do this?” Target. To form in children an idea of ​​the need for labor, to expand knowledge about labor processes.Progress of the game The teacher shows the children a picture of an object that characterizes a particular action. Children must name this action.- Why do plants need it? (Watering can.)- Why do you need to feed? (Birds)- What needs to be washed? (Plate.)- What needs to be cleaned? (Carpet)- What needs to be washed? (Dress.)- What needs to be ironed? (Shirt.)- What do you need to bake? (Pies.)- What needs to be changed? (Bed sheets.)- Who needs to be bathed? (Child.)Children of older preschool age are asked more difficult questions.- Why are fields sown? (Corn.)- Why plant? (Potato?)- Why spray? (Apple tree.)- Why buy milk (bread, sausages, fruit) in the store?- Why repair a broken toy?- Why do weekly cleaning of the apartment?- Why take care of your body?

Didactic games for labor education


Soboleva O.Yu.

Ekaterina Rogova
The use of didactic games in the labor education of preschool children

Educator Rogova Ekaterina Borisovna

“The greatest wealth a father can

leave your son an inheritance, teach him work".

K. D. Ushinsky

In children preschool age, the main activity is play. Game is a historical type of activity for children, consisting of playback actions of adults and relationships between them. Games that are indispensable in education of preschool children. They bring an element of creativity into children's actions. Work closely related to the game. In the game, children reflect adult labor.

The main types of games where children get acquainted with adult labor, are:

plot-role-playing game;

theatrical play;

didactic game.

IN preschool age plot - role-playing game is the main type independent activity child, is crucial for labor education, for knowledge of the surrounding world, for its physical and moral development, formation of a children's team.

The content of the game is of great importance here, during which brought up correct attitude towards environmental phenomena life: love to labor, respectful attitude towards people labor. Considering that the content of the game has great attention to the formation of the child’s personality, it is necessary to develop interest in games such as "Hospital", "Shop", in which kindness, care and politeness are formed.

A theatrical game is a game in which children act out a plot from a literary source. Theatricalization allows a child of any age and gender to discover the opportunity "play" and learn at the same time. This type of activity is accessible to everyone and has a beneficial effect on creative development the child, his openness, emancipation, allows him to rid the child of unnecessary shyness and complexes. The most important component of children's play and theater is the role of mastering and understanding the surrounding reality, which allows for a deeper acquaintance with labor.

Didactic game

Didactic The game is an educational game and is a complex multifaceted pedagogical phenomenon. It is a means of all-round development of the child.

Familiarization with labor in didactic games plays an important role in mental development child - preschooler.

Didactic the game develops children's speech; replenishes and activates the child’s vocabulary; forms correct pronunciation, develops coherent speech.

Formation of knowledge about labor education in the process of didactic games are possible in the context of the pedagogical process under the guidance of an adult.

IN preschool pedagogy didactic games are divided into three main ones kind:

games with objects;

board and printed games;

word games

Games with objects

Are used toys and real objects, by playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects.

For solutions didactic tasks – acquaintance with the professions of adults, are used such games with objects: “Assemble a hairdresser’s kit” (toy scissors, combs, hair dryer, hairspray, curlers - children choose from a variety of different items). “Builder” (from a variety of objects, children choose those that can be seen at a construction site - toy ones - a brick, a crane, a tractor). Children also interact with dolls wearing clothes of people from different professions. While playing with them, children analyze and draw conclusions why a person of a particular profession needs this type of clothing. For example: Why does a builder need a helmet? Does the cook need an apron and cap?

Board and printed games

Printed board games are varied in content, educational objectives, and design. They help clarify and expand children’s understanding of the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes.

Types of desktop-printed games:

1. Selection of pictures in pairs. The simplest task in this game is to find two completely identical ones among different pictures. Gradually the task becomes more difficult. The child combines pictures not only by external features, but also by meaning. For example, given 3 pictures with the image of Aibolit, in one of them there is no briefcase in the doctor’s hands, children must choose two other pictures.

2. Selection of pictures based on common features. A connection is established between objects. For example, “What does the doctor need?”, “What does the hairdresser need?”, “What is in the store,” etc. Children select pictures with corresponding objects.

3. Memorizing the composition and number of pictures. For example, in the game “Guess which picture was hidden?” Children must remember the contents of the pictures and then name the one that will be removed from the table. This type effectively promotes memory development.

4. Making cut-out pictures and cubes. For solutions didactic tasks - getting to know the professions of adults; these pictures can be on topics of various professions. This type effectively promotes the development of logical thinking in children.

5. Description, story about the picture showing actions and movements. Tasks: development of children's speech, imagination, creativity. For example, the game “Guess who it is?” The child depicts the sound and movement of what is planned.

Word games

Built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them, since in such games it is required use previously acquired knowledge. Children independently solve a variety of mental problems. They describe objects, guess from the description, find signs of similarities and differences, group objects according to various criteria.

A game "Guess the profession".

Target: Expand children's ideas about professions.

Progress of the game:

Children name the person's profession labor which this item used or is the result of it labor.

Sheep is a sheep farmer.

Deer - reindeer herder.

Grapes - winegrower.

Tea - tea grower.

Garden - gardener.

Flowers - florist.

Bee - beekeeper.

Wrench - locksmith.

Bucket and mop-cleaner.

Ticket - conductor.

Cashier - cashier.

Planer - carpenter.

Paint and brush - painter.

Trowel - plasterer.

Kuhlman is an engineer.

Hammer and anvil - blacksmith.

Fire extinguisher - fireman.

Syringe - nurse.

Electric saw - lumberjack.

Fishing net - fisherman.

Dental chair - dentist.

Milking machine - milkmaid.

Thus, play is the most important means of development, learning and education of preschool children. And it is an integral means of introducing children to the professions of adults.


1. From birth to school. Approximate basic general education program preschool education / Edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2011. – 304 p.

2. Markova T. A. Fostering hard work in preschoolers. – M.: Education, 1991

3. Raising a preschooler at work / B. G. Nechaeva, R. S. Bure. – M.: Education, 1980.

4. Bure R. S., Zagik L. V. et al. Raising preschool children at work. - 3rd ed., revised, additional. - M., 1983.

5. Bure R. S. Organization labor children and leadership methods // Moral- labor education children in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1987.

6. Godina G. N. Upbringing positive attitude towards labor // Education moral feelings among the elders preschoolers / Ed.. A. M. Vinogradova. M.: Education, 1998.

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1 Municipal preschool educational institution combined kindergarten 17 Didactic games for the labor education of children Prepared by teacher Grin Galina Ivanovna Lipetsk

2 SETTING THE TABLE FOR DOLL Slot Teach children how to set the table, name the items necessary for this, introduce the rules of etiquette, meeting guests, receiving gifts, invitation to table management, cultivating semolina feelings and friendly relationships Progress of the game The teacher enters the group with an elegant doll, Brushes look at it, they call it items of clothing The teacher says that today is Cookie's birthday, her friends' guests will come to her, she needs to help her set the festive table, doll furniture and dishes are used, the teacher goes through the stages of activity with the children, wash their hands, lay a tablecloth, put a napkin holder and a bread box in the center of the table in a bowl with flowers, prepare cups and saucers for tea or plates next to Then the episode of the meeting of the guests breaks out, the dolls are seated in place. For the purpose of strengthening duty skills, children of older preschool age can be shown pictures with images of the items listed above, drawn one at a time so that children can sort them out according to determine the sequence of table setting

3 WHAT MASHA WANTS TO DO Crack Clarify the children's understanding of some labor actions, tools and equipment necessary for work about the mother's progress of the game The teacher addresses the children on behalf of the cookie Masha asks the mesh for a basin, a bucket of water and soap, presents the objects she calls the cookie What do you think she will do Wash Correctly And now Masha asks to give her a saucepan milk sugar salt and millet What is Masha going to do The doll wants to cook porridge How is it called Millet porridge In a playful way, other labor actions in which appropriate ones are necessary can be considered objects For children, these objects include an iron and a stack of doll's laundry for ironing, a bucket and a watering can, watering a garden, etc. When playing this game with older children, the teacher uses pictures depicting objects corresponding to a particular type of work or simply lists these objects without showing illustrations children to guess more complex labor processes For example, offering scissors colored paper glue ruler pencil gluing books repair boxes attributes and p can be complicated one child draws objects on the board and others guess the type of Labor Or all children simultaneously draw on paper and then show the drawings to each other for guessing

4 Crack It is necessary to consolidate the coping. Children have ideas about objects and their use in work processes. Introduce the game to professions. The teacher offers children similar objects, asks them to pick them up and unclasp them, when they are used and for what purpose. For example, this is a ladle; the cook needs it to stir porridge, pour soup and compote, etc. When conducting experiments with children of advanced preschool age, the teacher selects different pictures with images of objects. For example, a hammer, a vacuum cleaner, a coffee grinder, a steering wheel, a computer, a microphone, a drawing board, a centimeter, a microscope, a telescope, a jackhammer and brushes, take a picture and do not call a profession. a person who uses the depicted object in his work

5 CHOOSE A JOB Gap Give children elementary ideas about the professions of people whose work was not in the sphere of children’s observations Arouse interest in the work of people of any profession Progress of the game The teacher, together with the children, stands up in a round dance and invites them to walk in a circle, saying: Let’s play together and choose to be astronauts we will go And we will fly the rockets The brushes imitate the sound of the engine and the flight of the rocket acting according to the teacher's demonstration We will go to the captains We will fly the ships Show how the captain looks through binoculars We will go to the helicopter pilots We will fly the helicopters Bet and make circular movements with their hands above their heads The game can be continued with children older ones, they themselves imitate the appropriate actions And we will become pilots We will fly airplanes We will become combine operators And we will drive combine harvesters We will become firefighters And we will put out fires

6 WHY GOAL WHAT WHY IS IT NEEDED TO DO THIS Crevice To form in children an idea of ​​the need for labor to expand knowledge about labor processes progress of the game The teacher asks the kids showing a picture of an object characterizing this or that action The brushes must name this action Why a watering can plant is needed Why a bird needs to be fed Why it needs to be washed plate clean the carpet wash the dress iron the shirt bake the pies change the bed linen bathe the baby Children of senior preschool age are asked more difficult questions Why sow grain plant potatoes spray the apple tree buy bread in Mag wine milk sausages fruit repair a broken toy do weekly cleaning of the apartment take care of your body

7 guess what I'm doing The gap Expand the children's idea of ​​labor actions to develop attention Progress of the game The teacher and the children join hands and stand in a circle The center of the circle The child enters Everyone walks along the circle and say B What are you doing we don’t know Let’s look and guess The child imitates labor actions showing them not only with movements, but also, if possible, conveying sounds. For example, vacuuming the floor, hammering a nail, sawing, driving a car, washing, carrying a bucket of water, wiping a mirror in a meat grinder, etc., chopping wood, rubbing on a grater, cranking something

8 what first what then plants gap Clarify children's knowledge about the rules for replanting indoor plants Progress of the game The teacher shows children pictures depicting the actions to perform X when replanting indoor plants and asks them to put them in the order in which the actions are performed. An overturned pot is taken out of it. o Washing the pot o Pouring 100 cm of sand in a pot Pouring a little earth into the pot on top of the sand o Shaking off old soil from the roots of the plant with a stick Cutting off rotten roots o Planting the plant in a pot so that the transition to the root is on the surface and filling it with earth Compacting the soil o Installing the pot with the plant on a pallet o Watering the plant at the root

9 NAME THE PROFESSION crack Teach correctly to name the people controlled by this person the profession of a person by type of machine progress of the game The teacher names vehicles, transport and other technical means and children new to drive for example Tractor tractor driver Car driver professions of people who use them

Didactic games on labor education (compiled by teacher MBDOU 45 Zabalueva O.V.) AWARENESS OF WORK FOR ADULTS Game “Who needs this?” Goal: To consolidate children’s ideas about objects and their use

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Topic: “Introduction to the profession of a cook.” ( Cognitive development» Completed by: Filipova. O. A. teacher, MDOU “TsRR-D\S 122” Goal: to expand children’s ideas about the profession of a cook. Tasks: introduce

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II Role-playing game Objectives Encourage children to participate in joint games. Develop interest in various types games. Help children unite to play in groups of 2-3 people based on personal sympathies.

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