Documents for survivor's pension. Insurance and social pensions for a child in case of loss of a breadwinner

A survivor's pension is social and material assistance paid by the state to the family of the deceased. The deceased must be recognized as the only employed person, therefore, after his death, close relatives are left without financial security and cannot provide for themselves.

To apply for a pension, you will need to submit certain documents, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Conditions of receipt

On this moment Russian legislation distinguishes 2 types of pensions - payments to the relatives of military personnel and to ordinary citizens working in any industry.

If children and parents of an employee apply for benefits, they must study the conditions for registration:

  • the breadwinner had to die while performing his professional duty;
  • cause of death – injury received in the performance of military duties;
  • the serviceman was a pensioner;
  • the employee is missing in action due to the performance of his official duty;
  • death occurred while the military man was in captivity.

If applicants are relatives of a citizen, the main 2 conditions are met. The first is the mandatory employment of the deceased, which must be confirmed in work book or certificate 2-NDFL.

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At the same time, he must have at least a short period of experience. The second is the absence of suspicion against relatives that they are involved in the death of their breadwinner.

Design features

You can receive payments for the loss of a breadwinner not only in the event of his death, but also when he is registered as missing. The following relatives are eligible to apply for a pension:

  • minor children of a deceased or missing person - not only relatives, but also adopted ones are taken into account here;
  • adults studying full-time at a vocational educational institution - valid until they reach 24 years of age;
  • grandchildren, sisters and brothers, provided that they do not have able-bodied parents;
  • parents of the deceased;
  • grandparents;
  • spouses;
  • relatives who, after the death of the breadwinner, take care of his children under 14 years of age.

It is also noted that all family members with disabilities can receive a survivor’s pension.

In most cases, these include parents, siblings, and spouses. If the breadwinner has natural and adopted children, they receive a pension in equal amounts. They also participate in inheritance.

What documents are needed to apply for a survivor's pension?

If relatives want to apply for a pension on the occasion of the death of the breadwinner, they need to collect a certain package of documents. It differs fundamentally depending on which age category applies to the applicant.

Per child

An official representative is responsible for processing a survivor's pension for a minor.

To receive payments, you must collect the following documents:

  • passport of the official representative;
  • work record of the deceased;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • marriage registration certificate, if there is a divorce;
  • if the child is adopted, then it is necessary to provide a certificate of adoption or establishment of paternity;
  • savings book or plastic card details – where the funds will be transferred.

All certificates must be prepared in the original and copies made from them. When submitting documents, you need to write a statement, which will be reported to the government agency.

After 18 years

For children and relatives over 18 years of age, a different list of documents that must be prepared to process pension payments has been created:

  • from the applicant;
  • the applicant’s passport, valid at the time of submission of documents;
  • death certificate of the breadwinner;
  • any certificates and documents that can confirm relationship and the right to apply for payments.

Additional information required for individually, include:

  • if this is the student child of the deceased, it is important to prepare a copy of the order to enroll him in an educational institution full-time;
  • a certificate of family composition to confirm actual cohabitation with the now deceased;
  • if the deceased was a guardian, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the social security department to confirm this fact;
  • an accounting statement confirming the breadwinner's earnings;
  • all documents and certificates indicating the applicant’s inability to earn money to support himself - documents from the university, about the presence of disability, about caring for minor child deceased and others;
  • other certificates and documents established separately for each case.

A complete list can be obtained from the Russian Pension Fund or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if the breadwinner was a military serviceman. The entire list is also provided in original and copies.

What you need to receive payments

To receive payments, you must perform certain actions in the following sequence:

  1. First, you should make sure that a child or an adult relative can qualify for pension payments for the loss of a survivor. To do this, you will need to collect documents confirming your relationship and your inability to provide for yourself. The impossibility of self-support for adults means the presence of disability, retirement age for parents and grandparents. This implies that people have retirement age receiving insurance or social benefits, any serious illness requiring treatment or purchase medicines(it is necessary to prove the fact of a lack of pension).
  2. Collect the necessary package of documents. It is better to first find out the list personally for the applicant. To do this, you should consult with employees of the Russian Pension Fund or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if the breadwinner was a military serviceman.
  3. Open a savings book or account with a plastic card. Receive a bank statement with data certified by the signature of the employees and the seal of the manager.
  4. Contact the Russian Pension Fund or the Ministry of Internal Affairs to submit an application and all documents. When submitting the package, the applicant will be explained the specifics of consideration of the submitted application. In most cases it takes no more than 10 business days. The answer can be received in writing.

For the loss of a breadwinner in Russia, labor and social pensions are paid depending on how the death of the deceased occurred and whether he or she has any experience. So, if the deceased committed suicide, his children and close relatives can only count on social benefits.

If the child of the deceased has reached the age of majority, but decides to continue his studies at a university or vocational educational institution, he must wait for the order of enrollment and re-submit documents for registration of pension payments for the loss of a breadwinner. Upon reaching 18 years of age, the child of the deceased can undertake the entire procedure independently.

A survivor's pension is often presented as a timely financial assistance, so you shouldn’t give it up.

Video: Where to apply, what documents to submit, terms and procedure for paying a survivor’s pension

If a person died or was declared missing, and his dependents were disabled persons, they have the right to apply for and receive payments from the state, namely a survivor’s pension.

To begin payments, the fact of death or absence must be proven documentary (death certificate, court document on absence). To start receiving payments, you need to know how to apply for a survivor’s pension, what types of payments there are, to whom, where to go, what documents to submit.

What pension can you claim?

Russian laws predetermine the following types of cash payments in the event of the loss of a breadwinner:

  • Insurance pension (labor) - can be accrued if the deceased had work experience, provided that the death was not the result of criminally punishable and judicially confirmed actions of the person (or persons) to whom this benefit should be assigned by law, see Law No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”;

    One person - mother, father, spouse, other person (see paragraph 1 of Article 10 of the law) is assigned an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, regardless of whether or not he was supported by the deceased.

  • Social – established if the deceased does not have insurance period, as well as in cases where the breadwinner died due to an unlawful criminal act of a relative (and this has been proven in court). See Law “On State pension provision in the Russian Federation" No. 166-FZ.
  • State (military) - assigned to family members of astronauts, military personnel and victims of man-made disasters, see Law No. 4468-1 “On pensions. providing for persons undergoing military service..."

To whom is it registered (circle of persons)

An insurance pension in the event of the death of a breadwinner is issued to relatives (disabled), accrued for any duration length of service former breadwinner, even if it lasts only one day. According to the law, the following persons are classified as disabled:

  1. Children-grandchildren, sisters-brothers who have not yet reached the age of majority or 23 years old (if they are studying at the institute, others educational organizations);
  2. Grandmother, mother (if she is 55 or more years old), grandfather, father (if he is 60 or more years old) of the deceased, who have no one to support;
  3. Disabled people (brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren) who are already 18 years old, but received disability before reaching adulthood;
  4. Grandparents with disabilities if there is no one to support them;
  5. Parents, spouse who are disabled;
  6. Grandfather-grandmother, mother-father, wife-husband, sister-brother, son-daughter, who are already adults, but do not work because they care for sisters, brothers, son or daughter, grandchildren (who are not yet 14 years old and according to the law may qualify for insurance pension) deceased breadwinner.

How much pay

The amount of the insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner (VPspk) is interconnected and depends on the individual (personal) pension coefficient (IPC) and the cost of the coefficient (SPK) on the day from which payments are calculated; details of the calculation method can be found in Art. 15 of Law No. 400-FZ.


A fixed additional payment is provided, it is equal from 02/01/2016 - 2279 rubles 47 kopecks for each relative (from the circle defined by law) who is disabled.

The amount of social payments is regulated by Law No. 166-FZ “On State. pension provision..." and is indexed on April 1..

In particular, from the beginning of the second quarter of 2016, the amount of pension payment (social) for the loss of a breadwinner (parent) per child up to the age of majority or up to 23 years of age (when studying in an educational institution), taking into account standards and indexations, is equal to 4,959 rubles 85 kopecks; for a child who has lost two parents (or the son or daughter of a deceased single mother) - 9,919 rubles 73 kopecks.

As for military personnel: 200% of the social pension is received by members of their families if the breadwinner lost his life as a result of a military injury; 150% – if he died as a result of an illness that occurred during the period of incarceration military service.

Author: . Two higher educations: legal (specialization: civil law) and economics (specialization: economics and psychology). Professional experience: lawyer in a consumer credit cooperative, since 2010 working in a bank as head of the sales department.
February 13, 2017.

An insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned to disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him. An exception is for persons who have committed an intentional criminal act that resulted in the death of the breadwinner and was established in court.

Who has the right to receive an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner?

Disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him, regardless of the duration of the breadwinner's insurance period, as well as the cause and time of his death. Members of the family of a deceased breadwinner are recognized as his dependents if they were fully supported by him or received assistance from him, which was a constant and main source of livelihood for them (at the same time, the dependence of children of deceased parents under the age of 18 does not require proof (with the exception of children recognized as fully capable before the specified age).

The following are recognized as disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner:

  • children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached the age of 18;
  • children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner, studying full-time in the main educational programs in organizations that carry out educational activities, including in foreign organizations located outside the territory Russian Federation, until they complete such training, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23 years;

  • children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner over this age, if they became disabled before reaching the age of 18;
  • in this case, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner are recognized as disabled family members, provided that they do not have able-bodied parents;
  • parents and spouse of the deceased breadwinner, if they have reached the ages of 65 and 60 years (men and women, respectively) (subject to the transitional provisions provided for in Annex 6 to Law No. 400) or are disabled;

    grandparents of the deceased breadwinner, if they have reached the age of 65 and 60 years (men and women, respectively) (taking into account the transitional provisions provided for in Annex 6 to Law No. 400) or are disabled, in the absence of persons who are obliged to support them;

  • disabled parents and spouse who were not dependent on the deceased breadwinner, regardless of the time elapsed after his death, if they lose their source of livelihood;
  • one of the parents, spouse, grandfather, grandmother of the deceased breadwinner, as well as a brother, sister or child of the deceased breadwinner who has reached 18 years of age, if they are not working and are at the same time caring for children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached 14 years of age and entitled to an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. In this case, the right to this type of insurance pension arises regardless of the fact of being dependent on the breadwinner.

Adoptive parents have the right to an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner on an equal basis with their parents, and adopted children - on an equal basis with their own children.

A stepfather and stepmother have the right to an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner on an equal basis with their parents, and a stepson and stepdaughter - on an equal basis with their own children, subject to certain conditions.

Where to go

Citizens can apply for a pension at any time after the right to it arises. An application for a pension can be submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence or at the place of stay or at the place of actual residence of the citizen, or to a multifunctional center (hereinafter referred to as the MFC), or by mail.

The application can be submitted personally by the citizen who is assigned the pension, his representative, or through the employer. A citizen can also submit an application in the form of an electronic document through “” on the official website of the Pension Fund or through “(functions)”.

The day of applying for a pension is the day the application for a pension is received.

When applying for appointment:

    personally (by a representative, through an employer) the day of applying for a pension is the day the application is received by the territorial body of the Pension Fund;

    by mail - the day of applying for a pension is the date indicated on the postmark at the place where the application was sent;

    through the MFC - the day of applying for a pension is the date the application was received by the MFC;

  • Conditions for assigning an insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner

    To assign an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, the following conditions must be met:

    • the deceased breadwinner has an insurance period (at least one day);
      the death of the breadwinner, or recognition of him as missing in court;
    • being dependent on a deceased breadwinner, except for the cases provided for in Article 10 of Law No. 400-FZ.

    Deadlines for assigning an insurance pension in the event of loss of a breadwinner

    The application for a pension is considered by the territorial body of the Pension Fund and no later than 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application by the territorial body of the Pension Fund with all necessary documents the obligation to submit which is assigned to the applicant, and documents at the disposal of other government bodies, submitted by the applicant on his own initiative.

    An insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned from the date of death of the breadwinner, if the application for the specified pension followed no later than 12 months from the date of his death, and if this period is exceeded, 12 months earlier than the day when the application for the specified pension followed.


    The pension is paid monthly. The pensioner has the right to choose, at his own discretion, the organization that will deliver the pension, as well as the method of receiving it (at home, at the cash desk of the delivery organization or to his own bank account). In addition, a trusted person can receive a pension for a pensioner. Payment of a pension by power of attorney, the validity of which exceeds one year, is made during the entire validity period of the power of attorney, provided that the pensioner annually confirms the fact of registration at the place of receipt of the pension.

    Payment of an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner to children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of a deceased breadwinner who have reached the age of 18 and are studying full-time in basic educational programs in foreign organizations engaged in educational activities located outside the territory of the Russian Federation is made subject to annual confirmation by the pensioner of the fact of full-time study in the specified educational programs in these organizations (Part 19.1 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”).

    Pension delivery methods:

    1. via Russian Post- you can receive your pension at home or yourself at the post office at your place of residence. In this case, each pensioner is given a date for receiving a pension in accordance with the delivery schedule, and the pension can be paid later than the established date within the delivery period. It is better to find out the end date of the payment period in advance, since each post office has its own. If the pension is not received within six months, then its payment is suspended and you will need to write an application to your Pension Fund to resume payment;

    2. through a bank - you can receive a pension at the cash desk of a bank branch or apply for a bank card (from July 1, 2017, only cards of the national payment system “MIR” are issued for pension payments) and withdraw funds through an ATM. The pension for the current month is delivered to the account on the day the funds are received from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia. You can withdraw your money from your bank account any day after it is deposited. Crediting to a pensioner's account at a credit institution is carried out without charging a commission.

    IMPORTANT! pensioners currently receiving pensions on accounts opened with credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation, providing for transactions using payment cards of other payment systems, will be transferred to the national payment system "MIR" as their current bank cards expire;

    3. through an organization that delivers pensions- you can receive a pension at home or independently in this organization. A complete list of such organizations in your region (including those delivering pensions to your home) is at the disposal of the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund. The procedure for paying a pension through another organization engaged in the delivery of pensions is the same as through a post office.

    To choose a delivery method or change it, you need to notify the Pension Fund about this in any way convenient for you:

    • in writing, by submitting an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which assigned you a pension (application form for choosing a pension delivery method);
    • in electronic form by submitting a corresponding application through the PFR website “Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)”.

    Delivery of pensions to minor pensioners

    The pension is delivered at the request of the pensioner:

    • through a credit institution by crediting pension amounts to the account;
    • through postal organizations (other organizations involved in the delivery of pensions) by delivering pension amounts at home or at the cash desk of the organization making the delivery.

    A feature of the delivery of pensions to minor pensioners is that the minor citizen himself has the right to a pension, while delivery of this pension can be made both in his name and in his name legal representative(parent, adoptive parent, guardian, trustee).

    Thus, if the recipient of the pension is a child under the age of 18, delivery of the pension can be made to his parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee), - to the account of the specified person in a credit institution or through a postal service organization (the delivery document will be issued in the name of the eligible person ).

    In this case, the amounts of pensions due to a minor citizen are subject to credit to a separate nominal account opened by his guardian or trustee, and can be spent without the prior permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authority.

    Parents are also subject to the specified procedure for the delivery of pensions due to the relevant provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

    A child who has reached the age of 14 years has the right to independently receive the pension assigned to him through a postal service organization (another organization engaged in the delivery of pensions) or to his own account in a credit organization.

    Amount of fixed payment to the insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner

    As of 01/01/2019 size fixed payment to the insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner is 2667 rubles 10 kopecks(50% of 5334 rubles 19 kopecks) for each disabled family member.

So, today we will be interested in the survivor’s pension for the wife of the deceased. People are not eternal. And often husbands die, leaving their wives without a means of subsistence. The Russian state provides assistance to spouses in such a situation. But how to formalize it correctly? What do you need to know about these payments? What should you pay attention to first? All the features of pensions for the loss of a single breadwinner should be known in advance. After all, not only wives have the right to this payment.


So who is capable of receiving our current type of support? The thing is that many categories of citizens have the right to these payments. Among the applicants for survivor pensions are:

  • children;
  • husbands;
  • parents;
  • military wives;
  • other persons dependent on the deceased.

You will notice that the list is quite extensive. In practice, a survivor's pension is most often paid to the wife of the deceased, as well as to children. To be honest, in Russia there are several types of our current support.

Types of survivors' pensions

As already mentioned, survivors' pensions can vary. Depending on its type, this or that amount of money will be directly paid by the state. In Russia pensions are allocated:

  • social;
  • government;
  • insurance.

However, it is worth noting that not all categories of persons have the right to certain types of state support upon the death of the sole breadwinner in the family. Before you draw up documents for the appropriate payments, you need to find out in what cases the wife is entitled to them.

Insurance pension

An insurance pension is a payment from the state that is due to all disabled persons of the deceased. The most common scenario. Wives have every right to this financial assistance. But only if they are declared disabled. It does not matter for what exact reason the loss of self-sufficiency occurred.

If a wife is already recognized as incapable of work due to age, she is assigned an insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner. Options are also being considered in which this payment is due to disabled people. Important: the citizen must be a dependent. True, there are some exceptions.

Exceptions for insurance pension

The wife of the deceased is entitled to a survivor's pension not only when the person is disabled. On insurance payments under certain circumstances, spouses are entitled, regardless of whether they were dependent or not.

Modern Russian legislation indicates that this material support is claimed by spouses who care for minor children and brothers and sisters of the deceased. These rules are specified in Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions”.

It is important to remember that this kind of support from the state is only provided until the minor being cared for reaches 14 years of age. Afterwards, the wife’s survivor’s insurance pension will not be paid.

State payments

The following scenario is not so rare. We are talking about government types of material support. As a rule, this kind of compensation is due to wives and dependent relatives if the deceased held some kind of high-ranking position. More precisely:

  • the survivor's pension for the wife of a serviceman is paid by the state;
  • payments are due to citizens who have become victims of man-made or radiation disasters;
  • to the wives of astronauts who died in the performance of their duties or while preparing for flights.

It is also worth noting that spouses whose breadwinner served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs during their lifetime are entitled to these payments. That's not all the features state pensions. Regardless of their ability to work, wives of military personnel have the right to financial support if their husbands died as a result of conscription. But only when the widows have not remarried. In such circumstances, the right to payments remains until the woman reaches the age of 55 years. Or until the widow enters into a new marriage.

By the way, the wife of a deceased serviceman is also entitled to a survivor’s pension when she is caring for a child, brother or sister of the deceased, if the listed family members are under 14 years of age. It does not matter whether a woman is able to work or not.

Social support

The next type of pension for the loss of a single breadwinner is social payments. They are least common in Russia. It is paid when the deceased has no insurance experience.

Also, the wife of a deceased policeman or any other working citizen is entitled to a social pension for the loss of a breadwinner if the woman was declared disabled. This rule applies to all disabled family members of the deceased.

Please note: state and insurance pensions are only due when we are talking about relatives (in our case, wives) who do not have a criminal conviction.

Preparation of documents

Are you interested in a survivor's pension for the wife of the deceased? The conditions for assigning the corresponding payments are clear. Now you should pay attention to what documents a woman must bring in order to be assigned government support of one type or another. There will be serious paperwork ahead. But, as practice shows, there are usually no problems with collecting documents. Among the required papers are:

  • application for a pension (indicating the type of payment);
  • the applicant's identity card (passport);
  • documents confirming citizenship (in the case of a passport, no additional papers are needed);
  • husband's death certificate;
  • documents confirming the work experience of the deceased spouse (insurance pension);
  • certificates indicating the age of the deceased (it is better to bring his passport);
  • marriage certificate;
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • details of the account to which funds should be transferred;
  • work book of the deceased;
  • power of attorney (if the wife does not contact the relevant authorities herself).

This is a mandatory list that is necessary to process our current payments. However, in some cases you will have to additionally present certain papers. They are attached to the application along with copies.

Military and Ministry of Internal Affairs

A survivor's pension for the wife of the deceased (the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the employee's place of work, the rules also apply to military personnel) with the above list is not assigned. After all, all this is not enough. Such widows must necessarily bring:

  • spouse's military ID;
  • any certificates that can confirm the location of the deceased on duty (as a police officer, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or a military man).
  • documents confirming and establishing the fact and cause of death;
  • conclusions with a cause-and-effect relationship of death directly due to injuries or incidents suffered by the spouse while on duty.
  • certificate confirming that the widow has no new officially registered relationship.

Additional information

The wife of a deceased Ministry of Internal Affairs pensioner (and not only) will receive a state pension for the loss of a breadwinner. In addition to the previously listed documents, the widow must bring, depending on the specific situation, a certain list of certificates and extracts. This should include:

  • (yours and your husband’s, if we are talking about pensioners);
  • certificates confirming that a disabled spouse is a dependent;
  • any documents indicating the loss of the only source of income.


How is a survivor's pension issued to the wife of the deceased? The documents listed earlier should be collected, copies made and attached to the application for state support. But these are all cases in which a citizen died, and the fact of his death was established.

It just happens that people disappear. Or they die or in the line of duty, but the bodies of the deceased are never discovered. In this case pension payments for wives and other dependents are not canceled. You just have to wait a little and attach certain documents to the application for the appropriate payment.

What is it about? If the only breadwinner in the family has disappeared, then the wife should judicially declare her husband either missing or dead. Once this is done, the appropriate judicial opinion is issued. The widow must present a copy and the original when making pension payments.

Where to contact

The survivor's pension for the wife and children of the deceased, as well as other dependents, is accrued by certain authorities. Where should a person in need apply? Now there are several options for the development of events. Citizens with the above list of documents should contact:

  • The pension fund of the area in which the dependent lives.
  • Russian Pension Fund.

It doesn't really matter where you go. Nevertheless, it is customary to come to the Pension Fund with an application and documents. That's where you'll receive your payments the fastest. Also, contacting is the fastest method of receiving and

Calculation rules

These are not all the features you should know about. What is the amount of survivor's pension for the wife of the deceased? It is very difficult to name the exact amount. After all, a lot depends on the length of service of the deceased “breadwinner”. Exists special formula to calculate due payments. It has the following form: S = K / (M * N) / KN + BR, where:

As you can see, it is difficult to calculate your own cash payments. Therefore, accurate information should be obtained from the Pension Fund. Much depends on the region where you live. The point is that the size due payments can't be less living wage in one area or another. This is another factor that causes difficulties in calculations.

Calculations for insurance pension

The so-called insurance pension plays a huge role in all payments. Therefore, you need to be able to calculate it. Doing this on your own is very problematic. Especially if you don't follow latest changes legislation. What is the survivor's pension for the wife of a deceased military pensioner? The formula for calculating the required insurance payment is as follows: PS = PC * SK, where:

  • PS - the amount of insurance material support.
  • PC - pension coefficient of the breadwinner.
  • SC - the cost of one coefficient.

This monetary compensation is established for each disabled family member of a citizen. The main problem is the constant change in the cost of work coefficients. You should find out information about this indicator in your city immediately before submitting an application for accrual of support from the state. Otherwise, you can easily make mistakes in your calculations.

For military wives

The survivor's pension for the wife of a deceased serviceman requires special attention. The thing is that the amount of payments in this case will depend on the reason for which the widow’s husband died.

If we are talking about cases in which there was a military injury, then monetary compensation will be 200% of the social payment. If death occurs due to an illness received during the performance of military obligations, then the wife is entitled to 150% of the money.

It is also worth noting that wives are entitled to a certain supplement to their insurance pension. In 2016, from February 1, it is only 2,279 rubles and 47 kopecks. This payment is due to each disabled family member of the deceased. It is assigned to all applicants for payments in the event of the death of the only “breadwinner”.

Amount of social pensions

The last point is what kind of social pension for the loss of a breadwinner the wife of the deceased is entitled to. It is expressed in a fixed amount and is accrued monthly. This monetary compensation cannot be less than the subsistence level of pensioners.

In 2016, the average by region was social payment for the loss of a breadwinner in the range of 8,500-8,600 rubles. You should find out the exact information in your region at the time the funds are credited. Now it’s clear what kind of survivor’s pension the wife of the deceased is entitled to. How to make this payment? This is also no longer a mystery. You can bring your idea to life very quickly; you just need to collect a certain list of documents.