Preschoolers have a theme week - get to know yourself. Calendar-thematic planning on the topic “Knowing ourselves” calendar-thematic planning (senior group)

Polina Loginova

The third week of September in our group was devoted to the formation of a child’s holistic understanding of himself, his body, and its basic internal organs. We tried to make it interesting, using different types visualization: layouts, three-dimensional images, video materials, experiences and experiments. We present to your attention the results of our work!


To consolidate children's ideas about the structure of the human body and the purpose of individual parts of the body, about the main internal organs of a person, and their work.

To form a healthy lifestyle in older preschoolers, to encourage the desire to protect and strengthen their health.

"Your body, built on the basis of a bone support stronger than steel, is a very complex organism. Its various systems breathe, smell, taste, hear, speak and walk, eat, drink and think. The brain is a perfect organ, it, like a computer, ensures uninterrupted "The functioning of the body and controls all body systems. As you grow, your body changes. If you take care of this magnificent "machine", it will serve you for a long time and without fail!"

Model for studying the functioning of the respiratory system

Models for studying the functioning of the digestive system

A mock-up of the oral cavity to familiarize yourself with the “taste map” of the tongue and reinforce dental hygiene skills.

Model of the functioning of the internal organs of the digestive system

A skeleton came to visit us!)

Publications on the topic:

Russian Maslenitsa came to us from ancient times. With this holiday, the Slavs said goodbye to Winter and welcomed Spring. The people lovingly called Maslenitsa.

From 6 to 10 August 2018 in kindergarten A week of learning passed. Children repeated the rules traffic, solved problematic situations.

Children need to know the rules of the road, a week was spent for this purpose " Road safety" - Conversations followed by discussion.

So a week has passed dedicated to the day Defender of the Fatherland. The life of children in kindergarten is both holidays and everyday life. Every day we try.

Dear colleagues, today I would like to bring to your attention a photo report of the thematic week "Mushrooms. Berries" in the senior group. Whole week.

Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the preparatory group “I know myself” Objectives: 1. give children an idea of ​​the individual parts of the body and their functions. 2. encourage movements and actions aimed at improvement.

Abstract of the NOOD on valeology “I know myself” in preparatory group Maria Muravyova Synopsis of the NOOD “I know myself” in the preparatory room.

Natalya Mehralieva
Daily planning on the topic “Know yourself” in the second junior group

Know yourself. I am human

. 06/27/2016. Monday.

Ind. Job.Learning the poem “Summer” - Vlad D, Fedor, Rita, Nastya, Valya.

Working with the “Complete the Draw” stencil - Elina, Artem B, Serezha, Lisa K.

Work on the development of basic movements: long jumps - Marina, Vlad D, Masha, Rita, Georgy.

I half of the day. Morning exercises: complex No. 20 “Vitamin - hiking”. Conversation on the topic: “Who am I? What am I? Goal: to form children’s knowledge about themselves. KGN: game “Clean Children” - to consolidate children’s knowledge about hygiene items and their purpose. D\ ex. “What am I?” - teach children to use characteristics of traits and interests in descriptions. Role-playing game"Kindergarten". Goal: to role-play the first day of kindergarten, getting to know each other.

Walk. We watch the sky. Goal: to teach children to distinguish the clarity of the sky and follow the movement of clouds. Labor: collecting waste on site. P/ game “Get in the circle” Goal: to develop the eye. “Throw it, catch it.” Purpose: to practice catching and throwing a ball. We draw clouds with pencils and paints. Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Work to develop a culture of behavior at the table. Exercise “What is eaten raw and what is cooked?”

II half day. Awakening gymnastics: card No. 14 “Bunny Jumping”. KGN: exercise “What does a doll need to wash?”. Work in a corner of nature: watering plants. D/exercise “Exploring ourselves” - learning to feel ourselves. V. Dragunsky “Childhood Friend”. Table culture. Exercise, “Beautiful napkins” - we continue to teach children how to use napkins.

Walk. Labor: collecting toys. P/game “Find where it’s hidden.” Goal: orientation in space. D\game “Say kindly” - we develop coherent speech.

Working with parents.

Invite Rita and Timur's parents to secure their home address.

Invite the parents of Fyodor and Vlad M. to consolidate their knowledge of the names and surnames of their parents.

Know yourself. Me and my body

. 06/28/2016. Tuesday.

Ind. Job. Learning physical exercises “Days of the week” - Marina, Kirill P, Lisa P, Sasha, Savely.

Work on the development of basic movements: walking straight along a narrow path - Bogdan, Sasha, Timur, Ilya.

Task “Put the toy back in its place” - Timur, Sasha, Georgy, Fedor.

I half of the day. Morning exercises: complex No. 20 “Vitamin - walking” Conversation on the topic: “Here I am” Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the structure of the human body. KGN: game “What can you say about them?” - consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items. P/game “Ear, nose, hand” Purpose: to develop attention. Role-playing game “At a doctor’s appointment” Purpose: to teach correctly, name the parts of the human body structure.

Walk. Observation of a birch tree. Goal: to teach children to distinguish trees by their leaves. Labor: collecting leaves for the herbarium. Volumetric applique “Forest”. P/games “Find yourself a mate” Purpose: we teach to act on the teacher’s signal. “Hares and the Wolf” Goal: to develop motor activity. Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Games with portable toys. Ball games, doll rolling. Work to develop a culture of behavior at the table. Learn table manners.

II half day. Awakening gymnastics: card No. 14 “Bunny jumping.” KGN: conversation, “We are going for a walk” - consolidate the dressing algorithm. Making riddles about the structure of the human body. Exercise “My Portrait” - teach children to distinguish individual characteristics your appearance. Table culture. Review table manners.

Walk. Labor: cleaning toys on the site. D/game “Guess by the description”. Goal: learn to write a descriptive story. P\game “Sunny Bunnies” - teach how to perform different movements.

Working with parents.Invite the parents of Rita and Taisiya to strengthen their skills in cleaning toys at home.

Offer the parents of Vlad D and Kamila the memo “Me and the Movement.”

Know yourself. Me and my feelings

. 06/29/2016. Wednesday.

Ind. Job. Working with plasticine (making a mushroom) – Vlad M, Fedor, Artem M, Bogdan.

Work on developing basic movements: throwing the ball up - Roma, Timur, Fedor, Bogdan.

Signs of summer – Kirill P, Sasha, Roma, Lisa P, Lisa K.

I half of the day. Morning exercises: complex No. 20 “Vitamin-walking”. Conversation on the topic: “How are you feeling?” Goal: manifestation and awareness of emotional states. KGN: game, “Doing your hair.” D\ ex. “I am happy when” - we teach how to talk about what makes children happy. Thematic role-playing game “Barbershop” Goal: to continue to develop the ability to display actions with objects in the game.

Walk. Watching the grass. Goal: to introduce children to the general appearance of green cover on the site. Labor: weeding a flower bed. D\game “Render a guess, we will guess” - develop speech. P/game “Homeless Hare” Goal: coordination of movement, dexterity. “Sunshine and Rain” Purpose: to teach how to act on a signal. Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Games with portable toys. Work to develop a culture of behavior at the table. Conversation, “What do we need to set the table?”

II half day. Awakening gymnastics: card No. 14 “Bunny jump.” KGN: Game exercise “Pub noses” - we teach how to use a handkerchief. Game exercise “Balls of Emotions”. Conversation “Mood” - depiction of emotions. Table culture. Exercise “Who can name the most dishes?” Walk. Labor: helping kids collect toys. Free activity with external material. P/game “Snake” Purpose: to teach children to run while holding each other’s hands. D/game “Who needs what for work?” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of what helps people in their work.

Working with parents.Conduct an individual conversation with the parents of Lera and Yesenia about the fact that the girls do not eat well.

Individual conversation with the parents of Marina and Artem M about whims.

Invite parents to bring a family photo.

Know yourself. I and my family

. 06/30/2016. Thursday.

Ind. Job.Game “When does this happen?” - secure parts of the day - Fedor, Artem M, Timur, Roma, Masha.

Work on developing basic movements: rolling the ball in a given direction - Sasha, Rita, Georgy, Marina.

Game “Pick a Shape” - fix geometric shapes - Fedor, Sasha, Rita, Valya, Kirill B, Artem M.

I half of the day. Morning exercises: complex No. 20 “Vitamin - walking”. Conversation “What is a family?” Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about the family. KGN: game, “What can you say about them?” - personal hygiene items. Role-playing game “Family” Goal: continue to teach how to play together. Looking at family photos.

Walk. Observation of passersby. Goal: expand children's knowledge about seasonal changes. Labor: collecting beautiful stones. Sandbox games with molds. P/games “Geese - Swans” Purpose: to develop self-control. “Blind Man's Bluff” Purpose: to train children in running and dodging. D\game “Good-bad” Goal: develop coherent speech. Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Work to develop a culture of behavior at the table. Conversation, “What should not be done while eating?”

II half day. Awakening gymnastics: card No. 14 “Jumping Bunny.” KGN: exercise “Washbasin” - washing algorithm. Invite children to draw their family. Exercise “Flower of kind words” - good words parents. Reading the poem “Merry Men” - to develop the ability to understand the meaning of the poem. Table culture. Introduce children to the rules of good nutrition. Walk. Labor: collect toys. Free activity with external material. P/game "Don't stay on the ground." Goal: develop speed and agility. D\game “What will I build from sand” Purpose: to teach how to make sentences on a given topic. Phys. ex. – walk along the sandbox curb.

Working with parents. Invite the parents of Fyodor and Sasha to draw their family together with their children.

Invite the parents of Roma and Bogdan to fix the parts of the day.

Know yourself. Me and others

July 1, 2016. Friday.

Summary of the week. Sports festival"Grasshoppers"

Ind. Job.Work on the development of basic movements: the game “Help Out” - Timur, Kirill B, Artem M, Rita, Valya, Georgy, Fedor.

Game “Moms and Babies” - Rita, Fedor, Vlad M, Nastya, Roma.

Prepositions “on, under, before, about” - Valya, Masha, Fedor, Rita, Kirill B.

I half of the day. Morning exercises: complex No. 20 “Vitamin - walking” Conversation on the topic: “Polite words” Purpose: to teach children to communicate. KGN: exercise, “Order in clothing.” D\ ex. “Greeting” - continue to teach children to greet each other and talk about themselves. Role-playing game "On a visit." Goal: teach children politeness.

Walk. Observation of chamomile. Goal: continue to introduce children to meadow flowers. Labor: loosening the soil. P/ game “Train” Purpose: to teach children to walk and run after each other in small groups. “Wolf in the ditch” - practice running long jumps. Modeling "Chamomile". Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Games with portable toys. Games with ball, cars. Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table Conversation, “Polite words at the table.”

II half day. Awakening gymnastics: card No. 14 “Jumping Bunny” KGN: improve dressing skills. Exercise “Farewell”. Game "Skyscraper". Reading D. Gabe “My Family” Culture of behavior at the table. Br. Grimm "Pot of Porridge".

Walk. Labor: putting toys into a box. P/game "Beetles". Goal: teach to run in all directions. “The Cheerful Sparrow” Goal: learn to perform movements according to the text. Make a labyrinth out of pebbles.

Working with parents. Invite the parents of Artem M and Artem B to strengthen their modeling skills: “balls and sausages.”

The “White Daisy” campaign is a symbol of love and fidelity.

Educational project"Know yourself for children of primary preschool age"



Kaneva Tatyana Valeryanovna

Salekhard - 2015

Educational project for preschool children

"Know Thyself"


Having worked as a teacher for several years, observing children, we came to the conclusion that introducing children to the world around them: with their family, with small homeland, with our country and even giving introductory ideas about the structure of the world, we sometimes bypass, not paying attention to the closest and, in my opinion, no less important than everything around us, this is self-knowledge - the structure of our body, the meaning and functions of each organ , hence, taking care of your health, strengthening it, personal hygiene, exclusion bad habits, which is the basis of a healthy lifestyle.
By giving children knowledge about the structure of their bodies, we thereby help the child answer such vital questions as “Who am I?” and “What am I, what am I like?” Having understood this, the child will not only be able to name his name, surname, age, home telephone number and address, parents’ first and patronymic names and other memorized facts, but also learn to distinguish between the disadvantages and advantages (of his own and other people), to objectively assess his capabilities, based on which will shape his social behavior.
Therefore, the work of forming elementary ideas about yourself, about the structure of your body should begin in the younger preschool age.

Project type: Informative

Implementation deadlines: Short term (one month).

Project participants: Children second junior group, educators, parents.


Insufficient development in children of elementary ideas about themselves, about the structure of their body, beliefs in the need to preserve their health and strengthen it by introducing a healthy lifestyle.

Objective of the project:

Give children knowledge about the human body. To form the need for a Healthy Lifestyle, the first concepts about your body.


    Teach children to love themselves and others, their body, their organism.

    form ideas about the structure of your body.

    Develop an attitude towards your own health as a whole.

    Instill practical skills and abilities to self-correct one’s own condition.

    Activate cognitive interest in your body and its capabilities.

Expected result:

Children should know:

Body parts (arms, legs, head, fingers, stomach, back)

Sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue)

Children should be able to:

Keep your body clean.

Perform health exercises, finger gymnastics.

children and teachers

1 Week

Lesson: “Our eyes”

Goal: To deepen children’s knowledge about the organ of vision, teach carefully, listen to the teacher, answer questions, and perform simple tasks. Develop imagination tactile sensations. Arouse interest in yourself.

Gymnastics for the eyes “Smotrelki”

Gymnastics for the eyes “Taffy for the pussy”

Gymnastics for the eyes “Blinking lights”

Teacher's story on the topic “What are eyes for?”

D/I “What I see with one eye”

D/I "Zhmurki"

D/I " Wonderful pouch»

Reading fiction: “For kids about eyes” by N. Orlov

Lesson: “So that your eyes don’t hurt”

Goal: To teach children to protect their eyes from dust and dirt. Teach how to care for the eyes, instill in children KGN, the need and benefits of washing and bathing.

2 week

Lesson: “Noses - snub noses”

Goal: Continue to improve children's health, increase the body's resistance, and strengthen the respiratory muscles. Practice proper breathing (calmly inhale through your nose and exhale slowly).

Breathing exercise “porridge is boiling”

Breathing exercise “Clock”

Breathing exercise “Breeze”

D/I “Recognize by smell”

Breathing games “Bubble”, “Breeze”, Whose bird will fly farther?”

Teacher's story “Why do we need a nose?”

Tempering breathing “Let’s play with the nose”

Reading fiction: “Why do babies need a nose” by Yu. Prokopovich, “My wonderful nose” by E. Mashkovskaya

Week 3:

Lesson: “My ears”

Purpose: To introduce children to the structure of the ear, hearing hygiene, and the development of hearing acuity. Determining the direction of sound.

D/I “Repeat what you heard”

D/I “Where is it ringing?”

D/I “Who will hear what?”

D/I “Loud - Quiet”

D/I “Sun and Rain”

Self-massage of ears

Goal: to teach children self-massage skills.

Lesson: “Our friends water and soap”

Goal: To instill in children the desire to always be clean and tidy. Wash your hands before eating.

4 week

Lesson “My body”

Goal: Continue to educate children about their bodies. Learn to name parts of the body: head, arms, legs, stomach, back, ears, eyes, etc., why a person needs them. Cultivate an interest in your body.

D/I “Where are our hands”

D/I “This is Me”

P/I “Our children are dancing”, “We are stomping with our feet”, “Catch me”, “Run on your toes”

Exercises: “Our legs”, “What your hands can do”

Finger gymnastics: “Hello finger”, “Friendly family”, “Magpie - crow”, “Ladushki”

Physical minutes: “Hamka, hamster, hamster”, “We are playing, we are playing”, “We went to the forest meadow”

Acupressure “Warming our hands”, “Washing our hands”

Reading fiction: “Finger is a boy”, “ Big feet", "Little Feet"

Consultation “How to teach a child culturally hygienic skills”

Goal: To reveal the mandatory uniformity of requirements in formation of the KGN and habits of children.

Consultation “Breath and health”

Goal: To reveal the importance of proper breathing in the prevention of colds.

1. Cognitive development

"My body"


Educational:Continue to expand children's knowledge about the structure of the human body; V game form repeat with children about the functions of the main human organs (brain, heart, stomach, lungs, kidneys, liver, legs and arms); improve children's knowledge about food products and their composition; repeat edible and poisonous mushrooms and berries; expand children's knowledge about water (it has no shape and salt increases the density of water).

Educational: To develop attentiveness and observation in children in the game “Labyrinth”; leg strength and endurance in the game-attraction “Carry the ball in a spoon and don’t drop it”; visual and auditory perception, attention, logical thinking, ability to analyze; improve the ability to perform general developmental exercises to musical accompaniment; in search and cognitive activities, introduce children to the properties of water;


Materials and equipment:illustrations with labyrinths for each child; 2 balls; 2 spoons; 2 cones; ice Cube; water vessels; raw egg, glass of water, salt; fox hat; hoop; glue; scissors; colored paper for cutting; 2 sheets of whatman paper (or A3 format).


Educator: Guys, today I received a letter in the mail from the clown Plyukh. Let's honor him together. "Hello guys! Imagine, a misunderstanding happened to me. I argued with my friend the clown Toffee which organ in our body is most important! I say brain, Butterscotch says heart. And then other clowns ran up to us, and that’s what they began to call other organs. Help me, tell me which organ is the most important?”

Q: Can we help you guys?

Children: Yes!

Q: And although you and I know that in our body all organs are important and necessary, and not only organs, but also limbs, we will once again remind Plyukh about them. To begin, we will divide into 2 teams: team - eyes, team - noses.

Teacher: Look, guys, what is shown here? (illustration of a human figure).

Children: Man, human figure.

Teacher: That’s right, a human figure, and which organ we’ll start with, you’ll find out by guessing the riddle:
He remembers everything
Watch, listen, talk,
Seeing helps
It controls the functioning of our entire body. (Brain.)

Teacher: That's right, brain! Tell me, why does a person need it? And here is a brain training task called “Labyrinth”(The teacher gives each child a card with a maze)

Teacher: Whose team completes the task faster and completes the maze correctly will win and receive a flag. At the end of our journey, we will count the flags of each team and determine the winner. (Children complete the task)

Teacher: Well done, everyone did it. Receive by flag. Next riddle.
It knocks day and night,
It's like it's a routine.
It will be bad if suddenly
This knocking will stop. (heart)

Teacher: Tell me, guys, why do we need a heart? (children's answers)

Teacher: And the next task will test your heart to see if it works well!
Relay race “Carry the ball in a spoon and don’t drop it”

Teacher: Well done, guys! Everyone completed the task, your hearts are working well. Both teams have a flag.
Teacher: Next riddle.
A small bag hangs -
Sometimes full, sometimes empty.

The carriages are running towards it,
They are bringing food and liquids.
Work is in full swing all day long,
We are not too lazy to help him.
Prepares food, feeds us,
And what is not needed, he kicks out. (Stomach.)

Teacher: Tell me guys, what is a person’s stomach?

Teacher: Let's play the game “What is what?” I will ask questions to each team in turn, counting the number of correct answers. At the end of the game, the winning team will receive a flag.
Sample questions:
-Cheese is made from milk)
-Bread is made from…….(flour)
-Compote is made from…….(fruit)
-Soup is made from………..(vegetables)
-Cutlets are made from…….(meat)
-Ice cream is made from…….(milk)
-Sausage is made from…….(meat)
-Ketchup is made from…….(tomatoes), etc.

Teacher: Well done, guys! They answered correctly. And both teams get a flag. Next riddle.
This organ helps us breathe
passing air through itself,
are in our chest. (lungs)

Children: Lungs!

Teacher: That's right, children! Tell us why a person needs lungs?

Teacher: Now let’s rest a little. Fun exercise from our friend Plyukh the clown.
Charging the Splash.

Teacher: You guys’ lungs are working well, you’re not at all tired or out of breath. And now the next riddle.
Two beans are hanging
Unnecessary substances are passed through.
And they help remove them. (Kidneys.)

Teacher: Correct! Who can tell what function the kidneys perform in the human body? (Children's answers.)

Teacher: Good answers. When you and I drink water and other liquids, they necessarily pass through the kidneys. They clean them and pass them to other organs. Come guys to this table, what do you see here?

Children: Ice, glass, jug, pan.

Teacher: I will tell you that water has no shape. Water has no form. Invite the children to look at an ice cube (remember that ice is solid water). What shape is this piece of ice? Will it change its shape if you put it in a glass, in a bowl, or put it on a table or on your palm? What about liquid water? Invite children to pour water into a jug, plate, glass (any container), onto the table surface. What's happening? Water takes the shape of the object in which it is located, and out of the blue it spreads into a puddle. This means that liquid water has no form.

Teacher: And now I want to show you another experience. Can you teach an egg to swim? But as?

Children: Children's answers.

Teacher: Teach an egg to swim
To conduct the experiment you will need: a raw egg, a glass of water, a few tablespoons of salt.
1. Place a raw egg in a glass of clean tap water - the egg will sink to the bottom of the glass.
2. Take the egg out of the glass and dissolve a few tablespoons of salt in the water.
3. Place the egg in a glass of salted water - the egg will remain floating on the surface of the water.

Salt increases the density of water. The more salt there is in the water, the more difficult it is to drown in it. In the famous Dead Sea, the water is so salty that a person can lie on its surface without any effort, without fear of drowning.

Teacher: Was it interesting? Well, then the next riddle.
This organ filters all the foods we eat.
Helps the body fight poisons. (Liver)

Teacher: Correct. And when you eat chocolate and fried foods, the liver must cleanse these foods, as they are harmful. And the task will be like this. Let's play the game "Edible and Poisonous". I will show each team photographs in turn. And you must give the correct name to the mushroom or berry. Whichever team gets the most correct answers will receive a flag. Started(show photographs of poisonous and edible mushrooms and berries one by one)

Teacher: Well done boys! All photos were guessed. Both teams receive a flag. Next riddle.
Olya runs merrily,
Along the path to the river.
And for this we need
To our Ole…..(Legs)

Teacher: They said everything correctly. Time to play and see how strong and resilient your legs are. Outdoor game "Lame Fox".

The driver puts a fox cap on his head. He stands in a hoop - a hole. Other children (animals) “tease” him. On command, the fox catches up with the animals, jumping on one leg. The greasy child is considered caught and is taken by the fox to the hole.

Teacher: The guys played well and trained their legs. The last riddle.
They love work, do not tolerate boredom,
Ours can do everything... (hands)

Teacher: That's right, our hands! Tell us what a person's hands are for.

Teacher: You guys said everything correctly. Now we’ll check how dexterous your hands are. On my command, you will cut out hearts from paper and stick them on a sheet of paper, each command on its own sheet. As soon as the command is repeated, you must stop and do not cut any more. We will all count together which team has the most hearts cut out, and that team wins. Let's start.

Children cut out hearts and glue them onto a piece of whatman paper.

Teacher: We're done.

The teacher and the children count the number of cut out hearts. The winning team is awarded a flag.

Teacher: Our tasks are over. Now we will count the number of flags the teams have. Teacher: Guys, what are we going to tell the clown Plyukh? Which organs are the most important and important?

Children: All organs are major and important.

Teacher: Guys, did you like our trip? What about the clown's tasks? What did you like most? What didn't you like? What new did you learn today?

2. Speech development(literacy training)

Theme "Letter N".

(T.E. Kovrigina, R.E. Sheremet “Entertaining teaching of reading”, p. 24)


Educational:introduce the letter N; learn to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; practice forming the plural of nouns and reading letter combinations; continue to learn to determine the place of sound in a word.

Educational: develop visual, phonemic, tactile perception, fine motor skills, memory, logical thinking.

Educational: develop skills educational activities: attention, perseverance.

Attributes: typesetting canvas, the letter H and its picture-image (see Appendix 4), studied letters and their picture-images, a set for constructing letters, three-dimensional letter H, object pictures (socks, scissors, carriage, threads, horse, moon , rhinoceros, lemons, sleigh), a typewriter with the letter N, syllable tables for individual and frontal work (see Appendix 2), workbooks, simple and colored (blue and green) pencils, printed texts for individual work, split alphabet (see Appendix 5).

3. Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

Subject " Me and mine body"


Educational:Keep learningchildren take care of yourself and your body, treat your body with care. Continue to contributestrengthening their health, instill hygiene skills.

Educational: Develop memory, thinking, imagination, activate vocabulary.

Educational: Cultivate goodwill, mutual assistance, responsibility, and the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: a poster with a picture of the human body and internal organs, pencils, human silhouettes, a tape recorder with recordings of calm music, a toy bird-sparrow.


1. Motivation:

Get the kids ready to work.

Educator: Children, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, look into each other's eyes and smile, and say our names affectionately.

2. Game moment

The Storyteller comes in, carrying a large mirror in her hands.

- Hello guys! I am very glad to be visiting you again. And with me is my beautiful, magical mirror. Let's go to the magic mirror and, as before, we will find ourselves in a fairy tale. But first, solve the riddles.


“He’s smarter than everyone else on earth because he’s stronger than everyone else.”(Human)
“They’ve been racing all their lives, they can’t overtake each other.”
– The five brothers are inseparable; they are never bored together. They work with a pen, a saw, a spoon, and an ax.
Here is a mountain, and the mountain has two deep holes, in these holes the air wanders, then comes in, then comes out
“It knocks day and night, as if it was wound up.” It would be bad if this knocking suddenly stopped.

3. Storyteller:“Well done guys,” and now let’s sit on our carpet and...
One day, in good and calm weather, Chick sat on a birch branch and watched his friends in kindergarten. He looked from above and didn’t understand how they move if they don’t have wings, how they eat, if they don’t have a beak, why do people need arms and legs? And then he decided to fly to visit the children and ask how a person works.

Storyteller: Chick came with me today. Guys, let's tell Chick how we work.

Children: Let's go.


- Why do people need hands?(Children's answers: draw, sculpt, iron, etc.)
– Do you need to take care of your hands, and how?
(Children's answers: wash, wear gloves, do not take sharp or piercing objects)
Why do people need legs?(Children's answers: walk, run, jump)
– Do you need to take care of your feet, and how?
(Children's answers: wash, put on warm socks, wear comfortable shoes and by size)
Why does a person need a head?(Children's answers: look, think, talk)
– How do we protect our heads?
(Children's answers: wash, put on hats, protect your head from physical and solar shock)
-What does the body consist of?
(Children's answers)

The teacher calls the child and shows him: here is the chest, back, stomach.

4. Working with cards with body parts drawn on them

– We need all parts of the body: with the help of our hands we eat, we draw. We do different jobs, with the help of our legs we can move, we need a head to think, on our face we have eyes to see, ears to hear, a nose to breathe and smell. And we need the torso, since there are organs inside it: heart, lungs, stomach(shows on the table).
You see how many organs are inside a person and each one does its job: the heart, like a pump, sends blood to all parts of the body, food is processed in the stomach, we breathe with the lungs. Science, which is called - will help us learn about how we are structured inside, what all organs are for.

5. physical minute:

One - bend over, straighten up
Two - bend down, stretch
Three - three claps of the palms
Three nods of the head,
Four - arms wider,
Five, six - sit down quietly.

6. The Storyteller and Chick invite the children to stand in a circle and conduct simple experiments:

Educator: Put your hands on left side, listen to how your heart beats.

Children: Quiet

Storyteller: What if you give your heart physical activity?

Storyteller: Sit down three times, jump three times, listen to your heart? How does it beat?

Children: And now stronger.

Narrator: And a person also has the main internal organ with which we breathe, these are the lungs.

Storyteller: Place your hand on your chest and stomach and inhale. When you inhale, the chest expands, and when you exhale, it contracts.

Children take balloons and inflate them, thereby seeing how the lungs work.

Storyteller: And a person also has a stomach that takes food and processes it. And our cells receive the energy necessary for human life. Let's do another experiment. Take a glass of water and drink the water in small sips. How do we feel? Where did the water go?Children pointing to their stomach.

Narrator: That's right, children, water and food enter the stomach, where it is digested. Chick, now do you understand how a person works? And what does a person need legs and arms for?

7. Productive activity.

Storyteller: Now let us draw you the internal organs of a person, and show you how the heart beats, how we breathe, where food goes. You also have all these organs, Chick, but they are much smaller than in humans.

Children take the silhouettes of a person and begin to draw on the body the internal organs they have become familiar with (calm music plays).

8. Reflection: Exhibition and viewing of drawings with a diagram of a person and internal organs.

Educator: What new children did you learn in class about the internal organs of humans?(Children's answers).

Date: 09.18.17 Day of week: Monday


Conversation “Why do you need to keep your body clean?

DI. "The ABC of Health"

Goal: to systematize children’s ideas about health and healthy way life.

Reading an excerpt from I. Semyonova’s book “Learning to be healthy, or How to become a non-sick person”

D/i “Find a pair”

Goal: to consolidate the concepts of “identical”, “pair”; consolidate children's knowledge of the names of primary colors.

Review of encyclopedias "Man"





Speech development

Topic: "Hedgehogs"

Goal: to teach children to compose a story based on a picture; include a description in the story appearance characters, behavior, feelings; consolidate the formation of nouns with suffixes-onok, -onok.

Learning aids: painting “Hedgehogs”

Methods: asking a riddle, looking at a picture, asking questions, telling a story to children, reading the poem “Ezhinka” by V. Oseev.

Motor activity


Means of education.

Training methods:

Learn to write a story based on a picture (Anfisa)


Watching leaf fall

Goal: expand knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

P/ and "Owl"

Target: learn to navigate in space; develop interest in the game.

Labor activity– cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen leaves.

Target: joyful on

development of movements.

Target: practice jumping on two legs moving forward at a distance of 2-3 m. (Artem K., Yulia).

Independent activity: playing with sand.





Topic: What do I know about myself?

Goal: to learn to recognize oneself as a person, as a unique person, to feel one’s body, to evaluate one’s capabilities and abilities, to find common similarities with other children and to understand significant differences.

Teaching aids: diagram cards.

Methods: conversation, showing diagrams, questions, games “Hear your name”, “Stamp quietly, stomp loudly”, learning the poem “Who is friends with whom” by V. Lukin.

Learn assess your capabilities (Artyom K., Varya M)

Cooperative activity

Organization independent activity

Goal: health improvement, prevention of flat feet.

D/i “Make no mistake”

Goal: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the senses, to develop resourcefulness, intelligence, and attention. - board game “What from what” (Varya U., Yulia).

Goal: be able to correlate, develop logic.

Date: 09.19.17 Day of week: Tuesday

Conversation: “Muscles and their meaning”

Goal: expand and deepen children’s knowledge about muscles and their meaning; develop an interest in your body, a desire to learn more about it; cultivate a love for sports.

Di. "Place the pictures in order"

Goal: to systematize children’s ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle, to develop speech, attention, and memory.

P/n. "Carousel"

Goal: to teach to move and speak at the same time, to act after a signal.

Looking at pictures of boys and girls, comparing their faces, hairstyles, clothes, favorite toys, events.





Cognitive and research activities (mathematical development)

Topic: Numbers and numbers 1,2,3, correlating the number of objects with a number, logical tasks to establish patterns, square, laying out a square from counting sticks, working in a squared notebook.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to establish correspondence between the number of objects, number and figure; learn to write the number 3; introduce proverbs that mention the number 3; learn to solve a logical problem to establish patterns; learn to lay out a square from counting sticks; introduce you to a squared notebook; learn to draw a square and a flower in a checkered notebook; develop the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently; develop skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Learning tools: a set of colored pens, a workbook, a squared notebook.

Methods: memorizing I. Blumkin’s poem, games. ex. “Guess the riddle”, learning to write the number 3, games. ex. “Draw the balls”, introduction to proverbs, logical task “Draw the missing figures”, work with counting sticks, drawing squares and a flower in a checkered notebook.

Target: Exercise children in continuous running for up to 1 minute (alternating with walking); unlearn game exercises with jumping; develop dexterity and eye in exercises with the ball and coordination of movements and dexterity in the game “Quickly take it”.

Means of education.. Balls (diameter 6-8 cm), cubes according to the number of children, 6-8 pins.

Training methods:

Learn to solve a logical problem to establish patterns (Ulyana)


Observation of by truck

Target: learn to distinguish a truck from a passenger car.

P/ And " Which leaves are there more?

Target: develop running speed, thinking, agility.

Labor activity: cleaning up fallen leaves.

Target: teach you to finish what you start; cultivate accuracy and responsibility.

Individual physical D.–exercise "Jump further"

Target: teach running long jump (Rita, Vlad)


Cooperative activity

Organization of independent activities

D/i “Find out by description”

Goal: to encourage children to look at objects, to remember the qualities of those objects that the child this moment sees. on speech development (Yulia, Sasha) D/i. "Make a proposal"

Goal: to develop the ability to compose a sentence with a given word.

Drawing by design.

Date: 09.20.17 Day of week: Wednesday

Goal: to teach those on duty to build productive relationships during work, coordinate actions, and learn to choose tactics in controversial situations.

Conversation: “Sense organs (vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste)”

Goal: to introduce children to the senses and their importance in human life.

Reading an excerpt from G. Oster’s book “Bad Advice”

Examination of the poster diagram “Sense Organs”.





Literacy training

Topic: “Sound and letter I”

Goal: learn to identify soundsAnd in words, determine the place of sound in a word; develop word formation skills; consolidate the ability to conditionally denote vowel sounds.

Teaching aids: picture of a basket with vegetables (turnip, onion, tomato, eggplant, squash, garlic, cabbage)

Methods: asking a riddle, characterizing soundAnd , characteristic of a letterAND , i/u “Name the Vegetables”, game “Say a Word”, determining the location of the soundAnd in words, word formation exercise, work in notebooks.

Musical activities

Program tasks :

    Introduce children to listening to classical music.

    Strengthen the ability to convey the gentle, calm nature of the song. Develop purity of singing intonation.

    Move in accordance with the nature of the music, improvise movements. Teach children to distinguish shades of mood in music.

    Give an idea of ​​the different types of melody movement.

    Learn to play the glockenspiel and accurately convey the rhythmic pattern.

    Strengthen children's ability to perform movements in a certain sequence.

    It is correct to be able to dance in a circle, narrow it, expand it, and individually perform figurative movements.

Methods: 1. Visual-auditory.

2. Verbal.

3. Practical.

4. Visual-visual.

5. Gaming.

Develop word formation skills (Vanya D., Masha)


Cat watching

Target: consolidate knowledge that a cat is a domestic animal, a mammal, and has certain characteristics; to cultivate humane feelings towards animals that have been tamed by humans.

P/ and “Who can stand on one leg longer?”

Target: learn to act quickly when losing balance.

Labor activity - collecting seeds from a flower bed.

Target: foster a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

Individual physical D. – development of movements.

Target: strengthen the skills of jumping in place(Matvey, Ksyusha).

Independent D. - ball games.





Cognitive and research activities (cognition of social and objective world)

Topic: Adults and children.

Goal: to develop interest in the world of adults, to evoke a desire to imitate decent behavior; to cultivate a friendly attitude towards adults, to teach them to understand that adults are the first helpers and protectors of children.

Learning aids: photographs of adults and children

Methods: looking at photographs, questions for children, conversation on the topic, children's stories, writing a fairy tale “Incredible Adventures of Adults and Children,” children's stories.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards adults (Vlad, Andrey)

Cooperative activity

Organization of independent activities

Preventive measures: walking barefoot along massage paths.

Ind. slave. - D/i “What is good, what is bad” (Maxim, Artyom T.)

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish good behavior(good deeds, actions) from bad; draw children's attention to the fact that good (correct) behavior brings joy and health to both yourself and those around you, and, conversely, bad (wrong) behavior can lead to unhappiness and illness.

In the S/R game, develop the ability to develop the plot of the game in accordance with the theme, independently agree on the fulfillment of roles, and pay attention to the speech of children to each other.

Date: 09.21.17 Day of week: Thursday

Conversation “What I want to be.”

Goal: to find out whether children want to be healthy, play sports, be merciful, sympathize, help people, strive to never lose heart, and be cheerful.

Reading fiction by K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”.

Goal: to consolidate with children knowledge about cultural and hygienic skills.

Di. "Who needs what."

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the items necessary for work as a doctor, cook, or salesperson.

Printed board games of children's choice.

Goal: to develop the ability to play, select play partners, organize interaction.






Theme: Fruit bowl

Goal: to teach children to be independent in choosing a theme when doing work, to use experience in selecting shapes, decorations and sculpting methods.

Teaching aids: plasticine, boards, stacks, damp cloths.

Methods: creating motivation, explanation, reminder, children's work.

Motor activity

Target: Exercise children in walking with high knees, in continuous running for up to 1 minute; practice crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees; learn to throw the ball up; develop dexterity and stable balance when walking on a cord.

Means of education. Balls (diameter 20-25 cm) according to the number of children, 2 gymnastic benches, 2 ropes (cords).

Training methods: Display, reminders, game exercises

Teach children to be independent in choosing a topic when doing work (Ilya F., Artyom T.)


Target: expand knowledge about adult labor in the fall; cultivate respect for work.

P/i "Cat and Mice"

Target: continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game; intensify physical activity.

Labor activity - cleaning the area from garbage.


Individual physical D.–r development of movements.

Target: develop skills of throwing a ball at a target (Rita, Gena)

Independent D. - games with external material.





Speech development

Topic: Cat with kittens.

Goal: to learn how to compose a short story based on a picture: talk about the events that preceded those depicted in the picture, come up with an ending; teach to note and name the differences and similarities between a cat and kittens based on a comparison of their appearance and behavior; select exact words to characterize actions (activation of verbs); learn to form animal names on your own; clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [s] and [z]; learn to differentiate these sounds by ear; pronounce them drawlingly and with different strengths vote; consolidate the ability to independently select the word that has the right meaning, pronounce it quickly and loudly, and listen to its sound.

Teaching aids: painting “Cat with kittens”, toy kitten.

Methods: looking at the picture, asking questions on the topic, conversation, writing a story based on the picture.

Learn to compose a short story based on a picture (Sasha, Andrey)

Cooperative activity

Organization of independent activities

Preventive measures: walking barefoot along massage paths.

Goal: health improvement, prevention of flat feet.

Education of culturally hygienic skills.

Goal: to develop table manners and use cutlery correctly. - D/i “Healthy and unhealthy food” (Vlad, Zarina)

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about which foods are healthy and which are harmful to the body.

Date: 09.22.17 Day of week: Friday

Labor activity - canteen duty.

Goal: to teach children to set the table correctly, to organize mutual inspection of each other’s work by the duty officers, to teach them to talk about the results of the inspection.

Conversation: “Human internal organs”

Goal: expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the internal organs of humans; to form ideas about the functions of organs: heart, lung, stomach, liver, kidneys; cultivate a careful attitude towards health.

Reading a fairy tale by H. C. Andersen " The Snow Queen»

Goal: to arouse in children a desire to be like people with a “living”, responsive heart.

Wooden floor construction games.

Looking at pictures, illustrations, books on a healthy lifestyle.






Theme: Colored palms

Purpose: to introduce the possibility of creating images, symbols and emblems based on identical elements; develop the ability to cut out an image along a complex contour (hand); arouse interest in own hand; develop imagination.

Teaching aids: colored paper, scissors, pencils, glue, glue brushes, large sheets of paper for creating images from hand silhouettes (butterfly, fish, sun, friendship, etc.), cardboard.

Methods: conversation, observation, explanation, questions to children, children's work.

Musical activities

Software tasks:

    Introducing a new movement is a fractional step. Improve the spring movement of the legs.

    To develop in children the correct methods of sound production and to accurately convey the rhythmic pattern.

    Determine by ear different kinds melody movements.

    To become familiar with singing of a smooth, melodious nature, to be able to identify and intonate the progressive movement of the melody.

    Continue teaching children to convey the intonations of their names.

    Sing with a gentle, light sound, clearly intoning the melody.

    Introduce a new dance, distinguish changes in the nature of the music.

Methods: 1. Visual-auditory.

2. Verbal.

3. Practical.

4. Visual-visual.

5. Gaming.

Develop imagination (Zarina, Vanya D.)


Car surveillance.

Target: teach to understand the meaning and functions of a car; consolidate the ability to identify the material from which a car is made (metal, glass).

P/i “We are drivers”

Target: teach to listen carefully to the teacher’s commands; develop attention.

Labor activity –digging up trees and shrubs.

Target: cultivate a desire to work.

walking on the boom and jumping on both feet.

Target:develop a sense of balance and the ability to jump from heights (Ksyusha, Yana)

Independent D. - playing with sand.


Cooperative activity

Organization of independent activities

Situational conversation "Good deeds make a person beautiful."

Goal: to develop the ability to show concern for others

Reading fiction. L.Panteleev "Coward"

Target:teach children to understand the characters of the heroes of the work, comment on and evaluate their actions, and cultivate a negative attitude towards cowardice

Ind. slave. Di"What is missing?"(Ilya N., Ilya F.)

Goal: to clarify knowledge about geometric shapes.

To teach children to play together in the S/R game, to choose their own roles and actions.

Date: 09.25.17 Day of week: Monday

Physical education- Get ready to exercise!

Conversation on the topic: What is a name? How do we tell each other apart?

Goal: continue to develop the ability to meaningfully and emotionally tell peers about interesting facts and events.

Di "Traffic Laws"
systematize children's knowledge about traffic rules.

D/i “Find out what has changed.”

Target: develop attention, memory, activate in speech concepts that characterize the spatial arrangement of objects.

Looking at illustrations from S.A. Kozlova’s book “Me and My Body”





Speech development

Topic: Fox and cancer.

Goal: to teach how to tell a fairy tale coherently, consistently and expressively without the help of questions from the teacher; lead to compilation descriptive story based on the painting “Fox”; learn to form words with similar roots that are close in meaning, use words with opposite meanings in speech (big-small, strong-weak, fast-slow ); develop the vocal apparatus (pronouncing spoken words loudly, quietly, in a whisper).

Teaching aids: painting “Fox with cubs”, pictures of a fox.

Methods: asking riddles, questions, conversation on the topic, game “Mosquitoes and Wasps”, “Echo”, “What is a sound, word, sentence?”, “Why do they call it that?”, “What do you see around?”, reading a poem I. Tokmakova “Plim”

Motor activity


Means of education.

Training methods: Display, reminders, game exercises

Learn to tell a fairy tale expressively without the help of questions (Varya U., Sasha)


Monitoring the work of the janitor.

Target: continue monitoring the work of the janitor;

promote speech development by enriching vocabulary;

cultivate interest and respect for the work of a janitor;

instill a love of nature, a careful and caring attitude towards the environment.

P/i "Needle, thread, knot."

Purpose: to teach play activity with strict adherence to the rules.

Labor activity – collecting seeds.

Target: consolidate skill neatlycollect flower seedsproducts and store them correctly.

Individual physical D.– development of movements.

Target: improve running technique( naturalness, lightness,energetic repulsions).

Independent activity: games with external material.





Cognitive and research activities (knowledge of the social and objective world)

Topic: Communicating with each other.

Goal: to clarify knowledge about the means of communication of people; develop imagination and curiosity; cultivate good feelings towards peers, a desire to communicate; establish new contacts in the world of children.

Methods: teacher’s story, conversation on the topic, questions for children.

Develop imagination (Vanya M)

Cooperative activity

Organization of independent activities

Situational conversation “Safety in the group”

Goal: review the situation with the children, discuss what danger is threatening, find out why this situation arose

Reading the poem "Merry Men"

Goal: to develop the ability to understand the meaning of a poem. D/i “Short - long, high - low” (Varya M., Ulyana)

Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about the size of objects, to develop quick thinking

In the S/R game develop the ability to prepare the necessary conditions for the game.

Date: 09.26.17 Day of week: Tuesday

Conversation: "Different, but the same."

Goal: to bring children to the understanding that each person is individual and unique, butbodyeveryone is built the same; expand and clarify children’s ideas about the external structure of the human body.

Reading fiction by A. Barto “The Dirty Girl.”

Target: consolidate knowledge about cultural and hygienic skills with children.

Work activity - errands: wiping down cabinet shelves.

Goal: to form in children a conscious desire to maintain order, to talk about the importance of cleanliness in the room for people’s health.

Consideration story pictures: “Children in kindergarten”





Cognitive and research activities (mathematical development)

Topic: Numbers and figures 1,2,3,4, correlation of the number of objects and numbers, magnitude, work in a checkered notebook, circle, logical task.

Goal: teach guessing math riddle, write down the solution to a problem using signs and numbers; strengthen the ability to write numbers 2,3; learn to write the number 4; learn to establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the number; continue to introduce the squared notebook; learn to draw circles and tumbler in a checkered notebook; learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently; develop the skill of self-control and self-esteem.

Learning tools: workbook, set of colored pens, checkered notebook.

Methods: memorizing a poem by I. Blumkin, the game “Guess and Write,” writing the number 4, the game “Count and Write,” the game “Who is More?”, “Who is Attentive,” drawing circles and tumblers in a checkered notebook.

Motor activity (street)

Target:Exercise children in continuous running in a column one at a time, in throwing a ball, developing dexterity and eye, and practice jumping.

Means of education: Balls (diameter 20 cm), 8-10 pins.

Training methods: Display reminders, game exercises

Learn to draw circles and a tumbler in a checkered notebook (Andrey, Masha)


Observation of plantain.

Target: introduce the medicinal plant - plantain; develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants, the rules for their collection, storage and use.

P/i “Find where it’s hidden.”

Target: learn to navigate in space.

Labor activity – cleaning the area from dry branches.

Target: to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.

Individual physical D.–exercise "From bump to bump"

Target: develop coordination of movements.

Independent D. - games with cars.


Cooperative activity

Organization of independent activities

Conversation"The eyes are the organ of vision"

Goal: to show children what role vision plays in human life, to talk about the structural features of the eye and visual perception of objects and phenomena.

Computer presentation "I am a man"

Goal: teach children to name body parts.

Game exercise“We are writing a letter to a sick friend”

Goal: to cultivate in the child attentiveness, goodwill, and a willingness to bring joy to his friends; teach children to show sympathy for the patient, take an interest in his well-being, express concern about his health, and find words of support. “Boys and Girls” (Vlad, Yana)

Goal: develop the ability to compare, generalize, speech, attention; develop curiosity

Board game“Seasons” Goal: to consolidate the rules of playing lotto.

Date: 09.27.17 Day of week: Wednesday

Conversation “How does a person move?”

Target:Target:introduce children to the purpose and functions of bones and muscles; cultivate respect for loved ones and a desire to help them.

Di"Guess who?"

Goal: to guess a girl or a boy based on parts of the face and head

Labor activity is an assignment. Maintaining cleanliness in the group.

Target: cultivate hard work, a negative attitude towards disorder and dirt in the room.

Board game "Mosaic".

Goal: to teach children to lay out patterns according to instructions, come up with drawings on their own, develop visual perception, imagination, fine motor skills.





Literacy training

Topic: Sound and letterABOUT

Goal: to reinforce the correct pronunciation of soundsO ; learn to hear it in words and isolate it from the word; continue to introduce the term “vowel sound”; improve the ability to conventionally denote vowel sounds.

Teaching aids: hoop, tambourine, pictures: coat, bucket, wasp, shoes.

Methods: asking a riddle, characterizing the letter O, the game “Who is more attentive”, determining the place of the sound O in a word, the game “Complete the sentence”, and/or “Name the fruits”.

Musical activities

Program content:

Methods: 1. Visual-auditory.

2. Verbal.

3. Practical.

4. Visual-visual.

5. Gaming.

Reinforce the correct pronunciation of soundsO (Artyom K., Sasha)


Observation of mountain ash.

Target:continue to introduce children to rowan.

P/ and "The Kite and the Mother Hen"

Target:learn to run, holding each other, listen to the teacher’s signal.

Labor activity –collecting poplar, rowan, and willow leaves for autumn crafts.

Target: learn to carefully collect and distinguish leaves of different trees.

Individual physical D. -development of movements.

Target: teach jumping on one (right, left) leg.

Independent D. - riding on a swing.





Cognitive and research activities (knowledge of the social and objective world)

Topic: Our first and last names.

Goal: to provide knowledge that each person has his own first and last name, which distinguishes them from other people; introduce the history of the surname; increase self-esteem.

Methods: conversation on the topic, questions for children.

Consolidate knowledge of your last name and first name (Maxim)

Cooperative activity

Organization of independent activities

Conversation“The nose is the organ of smell”

Goal: to introduce children to the organ of smell - the nose, the features of its functioning, its significance for human life; teach to treat this important organ with care.

Finger gymnastics"Hands up" Di"What do you know about..."

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the structure, work, characteristics of their body, the rules of caring for it, to develop attention and memory.

Coloring pages, stencils

Goal: development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Date: 09.28.17 Day of week: Thursday

Conversation with children “TV: good or bad?”

Target:instill in children the habit of protecting their eyesight and following the rules for protecting their eyesight.

Word game"Call me kindly"

Goal: to learn to form the diminutive form of nouns.

Finger gymnastics: “Friendly guys”

Goal: create a positive background in the group; develop precise coordination of finger movements.

Printed board game “Fold the pattern”

Goal: to learn how to make a whole from parts.






Topic: Getting to know still life.

Goal: to arouse in children an active interest, an emotional response to works of art, a desire to carefully examine a still life, admire the beauty of objects, the unusualness of their shape, color, combination of objects, composition, to give an idea of ​​what objects are depicted in a still life, to evoke associations with their own experience children, stimulate aesthetic evaluations and judgments.

Teaching aids: Levitan’s paintings “Cornflowers”; I. Mashkov “Rose in a crystal vase”; I. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits”, “Still Life with Mushrooms”; V. Kopashevich “Bananas”; I. Petrov-Vodkin “Apples and Lemon”; P. Konchalovsky “Dry paints” and others. Recording “Sentimental Waltz”, paper, pencils.

Methods: viewing pictures, discussion, children's work.

Motor activity

Target:Learn to walk and run, changing the pace of movement at the teacher’s signal; learn how to climb into the hoop sideways without touching the edge of the hoop; practice maintaining stable balance and jumping forward.

Means of education. Gymnastic sticks according to the number of children, bars or cubes (6-8 pieces, height 15 cm), 2-4 hoops (arcs), bags.

Training methods: Demonstration, reminders, game exercises.

To consolidate knowledge about what objects are depicted in a still life (Varya M., Ilya N.)


Dump truck monitoring.

Target:form ideas about the types of trucks; learn to talk about them.

P/n "Traffic light".

Target:consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic lights.

Labor activity – collection of beautiful leaves for the herbarium.

Target: cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Individual physical D. - r development of movements.

Target: strengthen balance skills in boom walking.

Independent D. - games with external material.





Speech development

Topic: Is this how they play?

Goal: learn to retell the text expressively; activate verbs in speech, learn to select verbs for nouns according to their meaning; teach the formation of singular and plural forms of nouns denoting the names of baby animals; to form the idea that not all babies have a name that sounds similar to the name of adult animals.

Teaching aids: toys - Carlson, bullfinches, ducklings, goldfinches, penguins, titmice, parrots.

Methods: reading the story “Is this how they play?”, asking children, asking riddles, playing “One-Many”, “Who’s Missing?”

Learn to retell the text expressively (Ulyana, Anfisa)

Cooperative activity

Organization of independent activities

Word game “Who is missing”

Goal: development of attention.

Di"Letter from Pochemuchka"

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the structure and activity of the body, this or that organ; make you want to answer Why’s questions.

Ind. slave.D/i "What is made of what? (Zarina, Andrey S.)

Goal: to teach children to identify the material from which an object is made.

Learn to take initiative in the S/R game and play according to the plan.

Date: 09.29.17 Day of week: Friday

Conversation “And this is about me”

Target: help children realize their importance, teach them to accept themselves as they are.

Memorization finger game

Goal: develop the ability to coordinate actions with words (application)

Di"How many?"

Purpose: to practice counting objects.

Reading the nursery rhyme: “Voditsa-voditsa, wash my face.”

Goal: interest in works of oral folk art

Looking at the album with illustrations “Man and His Body”






Theme: Butterfly

Goal: to teach using the origami method to construct a butterfly from paper, develop the ability to work with your hands, develop fine motor skills, eye, artistic taste; continue to introduce the art of graphics, learn to use the method of drawing with a stroke, dot, contour line, silhouette.

Teaching aids: paper, markers.

Methods: reading A. Savrasov’s poem “Butterfly, let’s be friends!”, conversation, explanation, children’s work.

Musical activities

Program content:

    Nurture aesthetic and moral feelings, caring attitude towards nature..

    Clarify and expand children’s existing ideas about the forest and its inhabitants.

    Continue to teach children to change movements in accordance with musical phrases, to remember the sequence of movements.

    Sing the song expressively, drawing out vowel sounds.

    To consolidate children’s ability to convey the lyrical character of a song in singing.

    Accompany children's singing with improvisational movements.

    Convey the cheerful character of the folk game with movements.

Methods: 1. Visual-auditory.

2. Verbal.

3. Practical.

4. Visual-visual.

5. Gaming.

Learn to construct a paper butterfly using the origami method (Vanya M., Ksyusha)


Observing the clothing of adults and children.

Target:continue to develop the ability to establish simple connections between changes in and living, inanimate nature.

P/i “Counter dashes”.

Goal: increase motor activity; develop accuracy, agility, endurance.

Labor activity - cleaning the area from fallen leaves.

Target:teach yourself and other children to createjoyful on structure from the work performed; cultivate an ecological culture.

Individual physical D. -development of movements.

Goal: to strengthen the ability to jump on one leg.

Independent D. - games with buckets, savochki.


Cooperative activity

Organization of independent activities

Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”

Di"Harmful - useful"

Target:strengthening the rules of personal hygiene.

Situational conversation« Walking a lot improves your health."

Target:fto instill in children the need for a healthy lifestyle. Di "Make no mistake"

Goal: to clarify, consolidate children’s knowledge about the senses, develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention (Ilya F., Yana)

Wooden board games with construction set.