Ecological project "Primroses - gifts of spring!" Ecological project “Primroses” in the preparatory group Project flowers primroses middle group

Relevance of the project

In senior preschool age Children know very well and can name the first spring flowers. But it is not always understood that these primroses are necessary not only for people to admire them, but that they are very important for the ecology of our planet, for the preservation of pristine nature. Moreover, children are far from understanding the problem of human pollution of the environment, but these two issues are interrelated.

All of the above served as the basis for the development of the “Primroses” project in order to expand children’s understanding of the meaning spring primroses to preserve nature.

Tasks solved during the project:

  1. 1. To consolidate knowledge of the names, appearance features and places of growth of primroses;
  2. 2. To introduce the problem of human pollution of the environment and its impact on nature;
  3. 3. To cultivate the desire to become a friend of nature, to preserve and protect it;

Type of project: educational - research.

The composition of the project participants: educators, pupils aged 5-6 years, specialists, parents of pupils.

Additional information necessary to complete the project: scientific literature on ecology, musical works, information from the Internet, appeals to specialists

Material and technical resources necessary to complete the project: pictures, cards, equipment for experiments, multimedia equipment, musical equipment.

Planned time to implement the project in stages:



Expected Results


17.04.13 – 19.04.13

Literature analysis, selection didactic material about the first spring flowers, their significance for nature.

Selected fiction and methodological literature,

Visual material.


19.04.13 – 21.04.13

Development long-term plan joint and independent activity to solve project problems.

A long-term plan for joint and independent activities to solve the project’s problems has been developed.


22.04.13 – 25.04.13

Project implementation.

The project has been completed.



Presentation of the results of the project activities.

Exhibition of drawings “Let's protect the primroses”.



Riddles about the first spring flowers.

Scenario of joint activities to solve problems (main steps for project implementation):

Forms of work


Joint activities with parents

Storytelling "Spring Flower", "Spring in the forest".

Learn to compose short stories about colors that are familiar, develop the ability to describe them.

Continue to consolidate the acquired knowledge and compose short stories with the children.

Conversations “The first spring flowers”, “The importance of plants is incomparable”, “Who is an ecologist”, “Fire is the enemy of all living things”, “Man and nature”, “Our pure nature”, “A child picked a flower”.

To teach children to understand events occurring in nature, to show the dependence of all living things on vegetation, the relationship between nature and man, to form character qualities such as benevolence, sensitivity, frugality.

Joint conversations with children at home, during the way home, walks.

D\game “When does this happen?”, “What has changed?”, “What first, what then?”, “Fold the snowdrop”, “Say quickly”, “Collect flowers”, “The third wheel”, “Pick up a rhyme”, “Find a flower”, “What’s behind what?”, “First flower”, “Forest flowers”.

To consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring, knowledge of the names of the first spring flowers, places and living conditions, develop interest in the environment, observation, the ability to create an image of a snowdrop using a mosaic, and select a rhyme.

Consolidation of knowledge about appearance and the names of primroses with the help of games, replenish the album “Primroses” with illustrations and joint drawings.

Reading literature E. Shim “Coltsfoot, Anemone, blue Copse and Lungwort”, P. Solovyova “Snowdrop”, V. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, V Kataev “Flower - seven-flowered”.

To consolidate knowledge of the names of meadow primroses, their appearance, and the ability to recognize them by description.

Invite parents to independently select the necessary literature and read with their children.

P\i "Flowers and the breeze"

Develop attention, knowledge of color names, reaction speed, motor skills.

Consolidate acquired knowledge in conversations.

Listening to music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Sweet Dream", "Lark".

To consolidate knowledge of musical works, teach listening, reasoning.

Offer to replenish the music corner with the album of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Children’s Album”.

Learning songs “Spring is Coming” by E.V. Gerchik, “Sunny Bunny” by V. Golikov.

Learn to convey the joyful mood of spring through song.

Reinforcing the words of songs at home.

Modeling “Spring greetings”.

Develop the ability to convey the appearance of the first flowers and fine motor skills in plasticine.

Exhibition of works.

Application “Snowdrop on a thawed patch”, manual labor"Lilies of the valley."

Practice creating a composition from flowers and melted snow, flowers from different materials, activate vocabulary on the topic, cultivate accuracy in work, develop fine motor skills.

Exhibition of works.

Drawing “Bouquet of lilies of the valley.”

Learn to portray characteristics appearance of the lily of the valley, create a still life, develop imaginative thinking.

Exhibition of works.

Offer to draw pictures together with the children “Protect the primroses.”

Construction"Dandelion bed"

Learn to create special places for the first spring flowers, protect them from human influence.

Exhibition of works.

Role-playing game “Gardener”, “Forester”.

Introduce the features of the profession, functions, objects of labor and significance for nature.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

Finger gymnastics “C” Good morning", "Scarlet Flowers", "Dandelion", "Flower".

Speech development, fine motor skills, fixing the names of primroses.

Consolidating acquired skills and knowledge at home.

Examination of reproductions by N. Bogdanov-Belsky “Melt Water”, K. Kostandi “Blossoming Lilac”

Develop artistic perception works of art, aesthetic feelings, emotions, the ability to express them, select epithets.

Invite parents to add to their collection of reproductions.

Learning “Dandelion”, V. Solovyov “Snowdrop”.

Develop attention, memory, interest in fiction, nature, attention, speech.

Consolidate poems at home, learn to read expressively.

Expected outcome of the project:

  1. 1. Consolidating knowledge of the names, appearance features and places of growth of primroses;
  2. 2. Understanding the problem of human pollution of the environment and its impact on nature;
  3. 3. Forming a desire to become a friend of nature, to preserve and protect it;
  4. 4. Involving parents in pedagogical DOW process, strengthening interest in cooperation with the kindergarten.

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“Primroses in our kindergarten” Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Kindergarten of a combined type No. 30 “Beryozka”” municipal formation of the city district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea Project Shkurina Olga Andreevna teacher 1 speech group 2016

Type of project: educational - gaming. Type of project: creative, research. Project duration: short-term (two weeks). Subject of research: primroses growing in our kindergarten. Children's age: senior preschool. Project participants: teacher, children and parents.

Relevance Children do not have enough understanding of primroses, as well as why they are called that. Primroses are listed in the Red Book of Crimea. The need to develop environmentally correct behavior in nature. Increasing the speech activity of children. Involving parents in the design and research activities of children in an educational organization.

Objectives To consolidate the idea of ​​spring and its signs. Expand your understanding of primroses. Developing children's curiosity during the project. Foster love and respect for nature native land. Intensify joint activities of parents and children. Activating children's vocabulary.

Expected result Children will acquire knowledge on the topic: “primroses”. To form a sustainable interest in the nature around us. Enriching children's vocabulary. Development cognitive activity children. Form correct environmental behavior in nature. Involving parents in the pedagogical process.

PIRUMFLOWERS The snow has not yet melted everywhere, but the first spring flowers are already appearing. The first flowers that appear in early spring are called primroses. In Rus', primroses were lovingly called lambs. There was a custom: to throw the plucked lambs under your feet and trample them - for longevity. “Spring Tales” The primroses woke up with a multi-colored fairy tale, and the sky with a blue radiance, with a cherished song... Lira Likbez

Primrose The most famous is primrose, the name of the flower is translated as “first to bloom.” The British have the primrose as their favorite flower. It is grown in gardens and vegetable gardens, taken with them on trips, and given to loved ones. By English fairy tales, gnomes hide in primroses, and if you go out into a clearing in the spring, you can hear a choir of gentle voices coming from the flowers. The Danes are sure that the princess of the elves herself was turned into a primrose.

Primroses From March until the very month of May, Spring walks through the forest and field, removing the chain mail from the flower buds, releasing plenty of beauty into the wild. The snow crust has been parted by the woods, Look - there is a discreet bouquet in the clearing, Bright glimpses of the sunny primrose, Small sparkles of the onion... A. Vasiloi

Snowdrop folded According to Russian legend, once the old woman Winter with her companions Frost and Wind decided not to let Spring come to earth. But the brave Snowdrop straightened up, straightened its petals and asked for protection from the Sun. The sun noticed the fearless flower, warmed the earth and opened the way for Spring. The British call snowdrops snow drops or snow catkins. The Germans are like a snow bell.

“Pearl snowdrops” They will break through the deadwood with dream sprouts Pearl snowdrops – Milky flowers. I won’t take the snow-white buds home! – Don’t collect snowdrops: Let them grow in the forest! A. Savostyanov SNOWDROP Snow-white, small Climbed out in a thawed patch. He is not afraid of snow, he smiles at the sun. L. Polyakova “Flower riddles” In thawed forest patches We see the flowers of spring: White, tender First ones... (snowdrops). N. Agashkova

Crocus (saffron) Crocus (or saffron) is no less beautiful. In the East, the plant is considered an ancient spice. The Arabic "za-fran" means "to be yellow", but the flower itself is a pale purple color. Crimean crocuses are protected and need protection.

Crocuses are bathing in the snow, That's it! These are the tricks! - Crocuses are ready to charge! Boys came out of the earth, raising their fingers to the sun! One and two, and three and four: Leaves apart, Smiles wider! Everyone who sees it smiles: Crocuses in the snow... Bathing! N. Kapustyuk “Flower riddles” Yellow, white, blue; They grow empty on the ground. Spring has its tricks: Bloomed...(crocuses). N. Agoshkova

Spring Chistyaka An early flowering plant, Chistyaka has not five, but more petals; its leaves are not cut, but rounded. It is often confused with buttercup anemone. At a quick glance, these plants can be confused. Chistyaka flowers in sunny places are visited by pollen-eating beetles, flies, and bees.

Fragrant violet One legend tells that one of the beautiful daughters of Atlas, pursued by the burning rays of the sun god, turned to Zeus with a prayer for protection, and the great Thunderer hid her in a shady grove, turning her into a flower.

At the sunny edge, the violet blossomed, its lilac ears quietly raised. She is buried in the grass, From raking hands, But someone will bow to her, And you can immediately see: friend! E. Serova. The fragrant violet blossomed in spring with a delicate aroma and filled the whole forest. ***Where is the violet, my flower? Last spring Here the stream watered her with a fresh stream?.. She is not there; spring has passed, and the violet has bloomed.

If only white flowers bloomed in the field, You and I would soon get tired of admiring them... It’s good that there are daisies, Roses, asters, cornflowers, Dandelions and porridges, Forget-me-nots and frying... How beautiful is the colored world, The multi-colored globe! A. Shlygin

Sources used: From earth to sky. Atlas - identifier: book. For students beginning class / A. A. Pleshakov. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 2015 - 224 p. Author's photographic material by O.A. Shkurina.

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 4 "Solnyshko" of the urban district of Uryupinsk
Short-term environmental project
"Flowers of Spring"

Compiled by: Akimenko O.N.
Teacher at kindergarten No. 4, Uryupinsk
Short-term educational and environmental project
Type of project: educational, game.
Type of project: educational - creative
Project participants: middle school children, teachers, music director, parents.
By duration: Average duration (-----).
By the nature of contacts: family, within the preschool educational institution.
By the nature of the child’s participation in the project: Participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result.
Author of the project: Akimenko O.N.

Project goal: To create conditions for the development of cognitive, experimental and creativity children. Expand your understanding of spring flowers; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
Project objectives:
1. Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about spring, its signs, and the early plants of our region.
2. Develop children’s cognitive abilities and curiosity in joint activities. Develop coherent speech through composing descriptive stories about primroses.
3. Cultivate love and respect for nature, for all living things.
Relevance of the problem: Environmental education is the formation in preschool children of environmental consciousness, ecological culture, the ability to understand and love the world, treat it with care. Children do not have enough ideas about primroses, where and when, and how they grow. Children's stories are monotonous and insufficiently complete.
Providing project activities:
- “Program for the education and training of children in kindergarten”, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva;
- “Methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting walks for 3-7 years” by A.A. Ulanov;
- “The unknown is nearby” by O.V. Dybin; - “Methodology environmental education in kindergarten" by S.N. Nikolaev;
- “Scenarios for classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas in the middle group kindergarten» O.A. Solomennikova;
- With love for nature" B.B. Zapartovich, E.N. Krivoruchko.
Material and technical:
Diagnostic and didactic:
Blitz – survey with children,
Notes of classes, conversations, stories, observations, games.
Equipment and materials for artistic and creative activities.
Stages of work on the project:
Preparatory stage

Educators, children Blitz - survey with children
Educators Determining the topic of the project Educators
Formulation of goals and development of tasks Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project Teachers, children Selection of books for the library.
Examination of illustrations, pictures, posters depicting the first spring flowers; conversation about primroses. Educators
Educators, parents. Drawing up a recommended list of works of art for parents to read, watch, and discuss together. Educators

Main stage
Teachers, children Conversations:
Conversation about spring.
Conversation about primroses.
“Spring Months” L. Poyasnikin;
“Mother and Stepmother” by N. Pavlov;
“Snowdrop” by V. Sinadskaya;
“Yellow flowers - fluffy hats” B. Aleksadrov;
“Blue Scilla” N. Pavlova Educators
Teachers, children Observations:
Behind the dandelion;
behind the lily of the valley;
behind the corydalis;
for goose onions;
for the first spring flowers;
Awareness lesson
“We will take care and protect nature!”, “Flowers”, “Such different primroses”.
Speech development lesson
Children's poems about the first spring flowers. Educators
Teachers, children Didactic games:
"Guess by the description"
"World of Flowers"
"Find the same one"
“The structure of a flower”, “Flowers and butterflies”
Outdoor games:
“Flower - blue petal”, “”.
Finger gymnastics:
“Our scarlet flowers”, “Flower”. Educators
Teachers, children Lesson on artistic creativity:
“Beautiful flowers have bloomed”, “Golden dandelion”.
"Beautiful flower",
Teachers, children Reading fiction
Reading and learning:
“Snowdrop” by P. Solovyov; "Lily of the Valley" S Marshak
Guessing riddles:
About the first spring flowers. Educators
Teachers, children, music director. Music
Teachers, parents, children. Working with parents.
Consultation: “Primroses near us”;
Recommendation: “They must be preserved!”
Joint creative activity:
- Organization and participation of parents in the city environmental campaign “Save the primroses!”
- Exhibition of drawings “Primroses”.

The final stage
Participants in the activity Contents of the activity Responsible for implementation
Teachers, children, parents, music director. - Campaign “Save the primroses!
- Drawing up a memo in parent corner“They must be preserved!”
- Design of the folder – movement “Rare early flowering plants of the Uryupinsk region”
- Presentation “Red Book of the Uryupinsk Region”.
Educators, parents.

Ecological project “Primroses” with children of the preparatory group

Familiarizing preschoolers with nature is one of the important tasks in working with children.
Environmental education is one of the most important areas in the education system; it is a way of influencing children’s feelings, their consciousness, views and ideas. Children feel the need to communicate with nature, learn to love nature, observe, empathize, understand that our Planet cannot live without plants, since they not only purify the air, but also heal people from diseases.
The foundations of an ecological worldview, the beginnings of an ecological culture, and a certain system of values ​​are laid in preschool age.
Project "Primroses"
The project introduces children to the primroses of Moscow and the Moscow region.
Project type: informational and creative.
Project type: group
Project duration: average duration (3 weeks).
Project participants: children of the preparatory group, parents, teachers. Subject of research: Primroses of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Relevance: After conducting a diagnostic conversation and offering children demonstration material (cards with images of primroses), it was possible to establish that out of 24 children interviewed, no one was able to recognize and correctly name all the flowers, 10 children were able to recognize and confidently name only two primroses, 2 children were shown and named three flowers, 12 children - one primrose. None of the children could explain why primroses need protection and protection. It follows from this that children have an insufficient level of knowledge on this topic.

Objective of the project:
- expansion and enrichment of knowledge about primroses
- teaching preschoolers the ability to “see” nature, understand its significance and the need for protection.
- formation of new values, resource saving skills and environmentally conscious behavior
- a careful and emotional attitude towards nature, a desire to preserve the nature of your city and immediate environment.
Project objectives:
1. To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about primroses in general and early flowering plants in the city and its surroundings, their characteristics, diversity, habitat, nature of interaction with insects and animals.
2. Replenish the group’s development environment with materials and equipment related to the project topic (creation didactic games, card indexes of poems, riddles, creation of the “Red Book of Primroses”).
3. Involving the family in the project (exhibition “Let’s save the primroses - the harbingers of spring!”)
4. Organization of the environmental campaign “Take care of primroses!”

Project stages

- determining the level of children’s knowledge about primroses
- determination of the project theme, objectives, strategies and mechanisms
- selection of necessary literature

Main stage:
1. Interaction with children
1 Week

Objective: to consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about primroses in general and early flowering plants in the city and its surroundings, their characteristics, diversity, habitat, nature of interaction with insects and animals.
Conversation “Primroses – harbingers of spring”
Reading fiction: “Twelve Months”
Didactic games: “Recognize a flower by description”, “Collect a flower”, “Name a primrose based on a given sound”, “How does a flower grow?”
Reading fiction: “Flowers in Legends”
Guessing riddles
Drawing "Primroses"
Goal: work with coloring books, consolidate knowledge about the appearance of flowers, create pages for the Red Book.
Application “Snowdrop”, “Coltsfoot”, “Hyacinth” (work in subgroups)
Didactic games “Guess the riddle and find the flower”, “

Complete a word", "The fourth wheel"
Reading fiction: “Forest Lily of the Valley” Iris Review
Conversation “The Red Book of Moscow”
Reading fiction: “The Tale of the Lungwort” Iris Review
Psycho-gymnastics “Spring flowers”

Replenish the developmental environment of the group room with materials and equipment on the topic of the project
Adding a selection of literature about primroses to the book corner
Introducing fine art activities into the corner - photos, drawings, coloring books, illustrations of primroses
Learning the poem with children “If I pick a flower” Tim Sobakin
Conversation “Flowers in Legends”
Making the Red Book of Primroses
Making a card index of riddles and poems
Design of the poster “Let's save the primroses - the harbingers of spring!”

3 week
cultivate a desire to protect primroses
Conversation “Primroses of the Red Book”
Learning poems, counting rhymes, tongue twisters
Drawing “Primrose on the palm”
Reading fiction (legends)
Didactic game “Run to the named flower”
Creation of leaflets “Let's save primroses - the harbingers of spring!” Carrying out an action to protect primroses, a group exhibition of creative works of children and their parents.

Interaction with parents
1 Week

Goal: to find out parents’ knowledge on this topic.
Folder “Project “Primroses””.
2 week
Consultation on the environmental campaign “Take care of the primroses!”, family creativity - an exhibition of crafts and environmental posters “Let’s save the primroses - the harbingers of spring.”

The final stage:
1. Interaction with children -

Evening of riddles and puzzles “Primroses - harbingers of spring”
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about primroses and awareness of the problem of their disappearance
2.Environmental campaign “Take care of primroses”

2.Interaction with parents –
competition of environmental posters and crafts “Let's save the primroses!”

Expected Result:
Children will develop a system of knowledge about primroses
The necessary conditions will be created in the group to form a holistic idea of ​​the primroses of Moscow and the Moscow region
Children will have a desire to protect flowers

Project results:
The children came to realize that nature surrounds them not only at the dacha, at the sea, but in hometown. Moreover, nature not only exists, but also needs the help and protection of people.
The group created the “Red Book of Primroses”
The group held an exhibition of environmental posters and crafts “Let's save the primroses!”
The kindergarten held a campaign “Take care of primroses!”


I I'm walking through a green meadow,

The dew dries on the leaves,

The wind shakes the grass elastically,

Don't crease our flexible stems!

We are for the eyes and for the hearts a - joy,

Decoration of the native land.

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Participants: teachers, children, parents.

Duration: 2 MONTHS .

Relevance: Children do not have enough ideas about primroses, why they are called that, and where and how they grow.Children have insufficient understanding of caring for the nature of their native land and the skills of correct behavior in nature; environmental consciousness has not yet been formed, and its foundations are laid in preschool age.

The environmental topic has been relevant for many decades. Society, in the interests of present and future generations, takes the necessary measures to protect the environment. Currently, it is becoming increasingly necessary to formulate preschool children. To this end, our kindergarten carries out a variety of environmental work with children, where children have the opportunity to acquire environmental knowledge, learn to observe natural objects, conduct simple research in nature, and begin to understand that nature needs to be treated with care. Most primroses are listed in the Red Book Russian Federation. Without the help of the population, it is useless to take efforts to protect primroses. Primroses in our forests form, not everywhere, continuous colorful carpets, which people gradually destroy. Therefore, we must make every effort to ensure that this effort, that this beauty pleases not only us, but also future generations...

Objective of the project: give an idea of ​​early flowers - primroses.Development of thinking and imagination. To form a caring attitude towards the nature of the Lipetsk region.


1. Educational:

Find out what primroses are, how they differ from other flowering plants, what are their characteristics;

Expand children's knowledge about primroses;

Formation of a caring attitude towards wild plants;

Teach respect for nature;

Arouse interest, give new knowledge, show fragility and defenselessness

2. Educational:

Fostering love for the nature of the native land;

Fostering an ecological culture.

  • Reinforce the idea of ​​spring and its signs
  • Development of children's cognitive abilities in the process of joint research activities.
  • Clarify and expand children’s ideas about their native nature
  • Foster love and respect for nature
  • Intensify joint activities of parents and children th
  • To introduce a culture of behavior in the surrounding world, to preserve and protect primroses.

Expected result:

  • Children’s acquisition of the necessary knowledge on the topic: “Primroses.”
  • Children have developed a strong interest in nature.
  • Enriching children's vocabulary.
  • Successful intellectual personal development children.
  • Development of children's cognitive activity.
  • Parent involvementlei into the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.
  1. Preparatory stage

Project activities


Implementation deadlines

Studying the level of knowledge on the topic

Determine children’s current knowledge about primroses and spring flowers


Selection of methodological literature

Methodological support for the project

Selection of fiction

Project information support

Making didactic

manuals on the topic "primroses"

Providing the project with visual materials

Writing class notes

Planning upcoming work

  1. Content stage

Educational conversation

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about primroses


D/i “What has changed”, “Say differently”

Develop thinking, intelligence, observation

Reading stories by N. Usova “Violet”, “Lily of the Valley”

Practice using comparisons, selecting definitions, synonyms in a given word

environmental games “Run to the named flower”, “Find out by description”

Develop observation skills and coherent speech

Drawing “Beautiful Flower”

Learn to draw a flower, conveying its characteristic features

Game "Say the Word"

Activate children's speech.

Composing the story “Spring in the Forest” D/exercise. “Select and name the flowers you know”

Develop coherent speech, activate the verb dictionary and vocabulary of signs

Modeling "Tulip"

Develop skills in working with plasticine, in particular making a background on a cardboard base

Consultation for parents ""

Introduce parents to the requirements of the program on the topic “Flowers”

Listening to music concert "Spring", Tchaikovsky "Seasons" "Spring"

Learn to listen to music

outside of class

Application "Snowdrops for Mom"

Joint activity of children and parents to create handicrafts “primroses”

Develop a system of productive interaction between participants educational process. Learn to apply the acquired knowledge in independent activities.

Exhibition of illustrations, books, photos of various flowers

Generate interest in the book, explain how important the drawings are in the book.

Conversation about "Primroses"

To consolidate children's knowledge about primroses. Find out what parts the flower consists of. Why is it necessary to protect flowers, and what role do they play in nature?

Reading the fairy tale “Twelve Months” to children

Continue to teach children to understand the genre features of fairy tales.

Memorizing the quatrain "snowdrop"

Activate attention and memory, develop coherent speech.

Application "primroses"

Learn to create a composition from ready-made parts by gluing them onto the background

D/i “Yes-no”. Reading P. Solovyov’s “Snowdrop”

Development logical thinking, intelligence, endurance.

Creation of an album “primroses of the Lipetsk region” for viewing.

Summarize children's ideas about the variety of colors.

Modeling “Flower Glade”

Strengthen the ability to sculpt flowers.

Mimosa applique.

Learn to create a composition from ready-made parts by gluing them onto the background

3. Final stage

Organization of educational speech activity"primroses"

Summarize and systematize knowledge about flowers in the forest and in the garden. To form a sustainable interest in inanimate natural phenomena.


Exhibition joint work children

And the parents are “primroses”.

Submit results joint creativity parents and children

6-10 day

Presentation of the album for viewing “Primroses of the Lipetsk Region”


I'm walking through a green meadow

The dew dries on the leaves,

The wind shakes the grass elastically,

They whisper: don’t tear us apart, don’t!

Don't crease our flexible stems!

We are a delight for the eyes and the heart,

Decoration of the native land.

As soon as the snow melts in some places, the first spring plants, white, yellow, pink, blue, immediately reach for the light. These are primroses - amazing plants that have adapted to bloom when there is no foliage on the trees in the forest, and every warm day Sun Ray reaches the very ground. These plants have evolved important adaptations for early spring flowering. They are distinguished by their unusual haste - they are born immediately after the snow melts and develop quickly, despite the spring coolness. After a week or two they are already blooming, and after another two to three weeks they have fruits with seeds. At the same time, the plants themselves turn yellow, lie down on the ground, and their above-ground part dries out. And living underground organs remain in the ground - roots, bulbs, rhizomes, which give life to the next generations of plants.


  • As a result of comprehensive work on the topic “primroses”, children became acquainted with plants - primroses. The children had a desire to learn more about these plants, the children consolidated the knowledge they already had and discovered new things for themselves, as a result of which preschoolers develop a greater interest in the world around them, a desire to become a friend of nature, to preserve and protect it.
  • Children's assimilation of knowledge about primroses fosters a caring attitude towards nature, and this leads to the development of skills of environmental consciousness towards the nature of their native land.
  • As a result of the project, children have become more active cognitive activity, creativity, thinking, imagination develops, and children’s vocabulary is enriched.

It is in kindergarten that children receive their first information about various plants and learn a lot of new and interesting things about various plants. And it is at this preschool age that the foundations of environmental consciousness are laid. Therefore, it is extremely important during this period to show the child the beauty of nature and the diversity of plants.

When working with children, the following forms are widely used:

Exhibition of crafts and drawings together with parents;

Stories, conversations on getting to know primroses;

Examination of illustrations, photographs, exhibits;

Productive activity (after the story and demonstration, the teacher provides the children with the opportunity to engage in productive activities).

Philosophers and psychologists emphasize that creativity in any field of human activity is the creation of an objectively new, previously uncreated work. Specifics children's creativity First of all, a child cannot create an objectively new thing for a number of reasons (lack of certain experience, limited necessary knowledge, skills, etc.). One of the important means of encouraging and developing children's creativity is exhibitions of children's drawings and crafts. They are systematically organized in group rooms of the kindergarten. At the same time, the works of all children are exhibited, and not just those who have good skills. Such exhibitions delight both children and parents.

But introducing children to something new requires special preparation, which includes expanding the knowledge of teachers and parents in the field of the topic “primroses” and selecting illustrative material. In the junior group of MBDOU d/s in the village of Mayak, during the project, consultations ““, a sliding folder, and others were presented to the attention of parents; special literature, photographs, open views classes on familiarization with primroses, joint exhibition “Primroses”. Group teachers expand their knowledge by reading specialized literature and reference books. The group has selected visual and illustrative material: reproductions, photographs, products, etc.