How to be a teenage hipster (for girls). Hipster style in clothes and hairstyles

Look through your mom's closet to find vintage pieces. Ha, that's the same as saying:<<сходите в любой магазин, где отовариваются молодые взрослые>>. Haven't you noticed the fashion for pseudo-vintage items yet?<<везде>>? But to be more, as they say, authentic, go to vintage stores, second-hand stores, or ask your relatives to look through their junk closets. Surely someone has it lying around old t-shirt with a rainbow in a box from when they were 12 years old.

  • The T-shirt should be either too small or too big. But if by some miracle you find a Davy Jones T-shirt in your aunt's old wardrobe and it fits, then wear it - Davy Jones is worth it.

Keep your neck and all your hipsterdom warm by wrapping yourself in a large scarf or shawl. The good news is that scarves look good with any outfit. ANY. Are you wearing a T-shirt? Scarf. Wedding Dress? Scarf. Is it +35 C outside? Scarf. Even Kanye West doesn't take off his scarf. Now you understand how cool you are.

  • Learn to tie a scarf/shawl by the dozen different ways. If you don't know how, then just casually drape it around your neck once. You don't really care what the scarf looks like, you just like the comfort it gives your neck, right?
  • Find a floral dress. Sometimes you probably like a light breeze blowing<<туда>>, isn't it? Dresses can be comfortable. But just like a T-shirt, dresses should smell like a different era. Old-fashioned floral dresses are just the thing. The more flowers, the better.

    • You found a dress that is too big for your purposes or too conservative with sleeves that are too long and need to be trimmed. Go for it, neon bras and headbands were invented for exactly this reason. No kidding. Look on the Internet.
    • Is it too cold to wear a dress? Excuses! Have you heard of wool tights? Woolen, patterned, neon tights? If they don't solve the problem, nothing will. Simple black tights under voluminous woolen socks are another good look.
  • Throw away all your jeans for boots and bell-bottoms. We know that you have several pairs of them. You've been buying only them since 10 years, except for 2006, when skinny jeans appeared for a moment, and they were quickly replaced by flares from the other side of the disco Spectrum. After that strange year, you're once again stuck with the safety of straight-leg jeans. It's okay - we've all been through it. But now, it's time to get rid of them. Just skinny and nothing else. Ankles don't have to breathe!

    • Your favorite jeans don't fit the hipster code? Make them into shorts. The higher the waist and the more it looks like you borrowed them from your mom, the better. And when we say cut short, we mean short. And the more casually, the better.
  • Wear a bunch of accessories on yourself. That's right, take everything you have and put it on yourself. Do you happen to have a tribal wooden bracelet, your grandmother's ruby ​​necklace, and a lace collar? Great. Exactly what is needed. The main thing is to combine the incompatible.

    • What is outrageous for some is commonplace for you. A huge flower right on top of your head? Why not? A flashy, huge neon yellow hair clip? ...Exactly what is needed.
  • Mix up trends from the past. Since you were 12, you've gone through (in order) a Hello Kitty phase, an N*SYNC phase, an emo phase, a preppy phase, a flannel phase, a grunge phase, and now you've gotten here. Great - now take one item from each bow and combine them into one. Voila! And you are a hipster. Like 2+2.

    • Seriously. The essence of hipster fashion is a mismatch of styles and a clash of cultures in nonsense - if you really need to put a label on it here. Main mistake a bad hipster is that he spends too much time thinking about what to wear; if you are careless in your wardrobe, you will fit.
  • Wear anything except flip-flops and heels. This is probably the only rule for approaching shoes. If you're not wearing flip-flops or heels, you're fine. Loafers, cowboy boots, sneakers are great choices. Hipsters love ballet flats! Who knew that something as innocent as ballet flats would become very hipster?

    • The main thing is that the shoes do not look too new. If you have just returned from the store with brand new sneakers<<конверсами>>(you are an original cutie), give them a good rub. These babies need to be carried around a little before being taken out into public.

    For the hipster

    1. Wear your sister's jeans. In all seriousness. If you fit into them, tighten them. And the tighter they are, the better. They should be tight from the scrotum to the ankles. And don’t worry that you won’t remove them later, that’s not the point at all.

      But what you should be wary of is hanging sides over the waistband of your jeans. They should fit very well and be tight from top to bottom. In other words - don't forget to wear briefs - tight underpants!

      Feel nostalgic. Anything that reminds you of being five years old should be in your wardrobe. And everything that reminds your father of his age of five, too. If the item is vintage, then there is a place for it in the closet. Your wardrobe should only contain brands from companies that no longer exist. Except, of course, American Apparel.

      • Things don't have to fit. More on this later, but if the thing is small or large, cool! Size should be the last criterion by which you choose clothes.
    2. Pretend you have bad eyesight. If you want your hipster meter to go wild, wear big, thick black framed glasses. If you want to make the hipster meter explode, then wear black thick frame glasses without lenses. Well, at least you'll always know your ears are in the right place.

      • This style is starting to become outdated, so try to stand out, for example, with provocatively bright Ray Bans frames. Ray Bans are always in fashion.
    3. Half business, half weekend. If you've read the girls' chapter, you already know that combining mismatched styles is an important part of a hipster's look. Just as you combine styles from different times, combine different levels and statuses. The TNMT tee makes layering with an Armani blazer appropriate, layer a plaid knit scarf on top, skinny jeans and a pair of distressed loafers underneath. Is he going to a job interview, to a bar, or for a bike ride? Nobody will ever know.

      • Don't be shy about provocatively bright prints. Plaid, plaid, paisley, colorful things - anything that will make a girl reading Cosmo scream in horror - you are on the right track. Do you have a checkered tweed jacket and a striped cowboy shirt in your closet? They are clearly suited to each other.
    4. Layers. Weather permitting, layering in combination (as discussed earlier) is a great idea. Cardigans can be worn over anything, just a note. Sweaters, long sleeves- all this exudes irony. A scarf over a T-shirt and a raincoat? Ofcourse, why not?

    5. Before you buy<<конверсы>>, think about it. Let's be honest: everyone who is not too lazy wears Converse. There is no irony, hipsterism or protest left in them. All they talk about:<<Посмотрите, я был в магазине Converse и потратил почти 3000 рублей на кеды, и мне абсолютно наплевать, как я выгляжу>>. So, unless your sneakers are 15 years old or self made on your foot, then try something else.

      • Dr. Martens is a good start. Cowboy boots, old Reeboks, Keds, and vintage loafers will also work. Just ditch the flip-flops.
    6. Carry a courier bag over your shoulder. Google it<<Курьерская сумка хипстера>> and be surprised. This horror is called<<сумками хипстера>>. Here, as usual, the society did not show much originality, but what you bought for was what you sold for: to carry everything you own with you, you need a courier bag.

      • Someone might notice your bag - and ask where your bag is, hipster men's bags (murse) are now gaining momentum. Well, let him ask, but you have both hands free to poke him in the eye for being so narrow-minded and ignorant - he deserves it.

    Hipster look for both genders

    1. Avoid<<ширпотреба>>. This means that you should not wear brands such as Hollister, Abercrombie, Aeropostale, etc. For two important reasons: it shows your individuality, and that you are against big corporations. For things to buy, look to brands like Buffalo Exchange. If you don't want to buy second-hand items, look at stores that sell clothes that look worn or vintage. However, American Apparel is perhaps an exception, as they do not use sweatshops to make their clothing.

      • Okay, do you live in a small town where second-hand shopping is out of the question? You were caught in the city mall or H&M, you might be a little embarrassed, but you won't be the only hipster shopping there.
    2. Find a T-shirt that fits well. Remember:<<хорошо сидит>> for a hipster, not the same as<<хорошо сидит>> for the non-hipster. A man's hipster shirt should be tight-fitting, and the sleeves should be a millimeter shorter than normal. men's shirts. Women's shirts often replicate the boyfriend's look. Women don't have to buy shirts from the men's department, but you can choose a women's shirt a couple of sizes larger than you.

      • To be sexy, you have to look unsexy. Especially for girls, tight clothes that make it difficult to breathe are not from the hipster repertoire (this does not apply to men's jeans skinny). Baggy and loose clothing is good, even excellent. The main irony is not the silhouette.
    3. Don't forget about denim. Except denim skirts. Skinny, skinny jeans --<<маст хэв>> for both sexes. They can be any color or pattern, even floral or acid green. If you don't like pants, consider cut-off jeans. They can be any length for girls and just above the knee for men.

      • Girls can wear their boyfriend's jeans by folding the bottom of the legs a couple of times.
      • Denim shirts and jackets are a great addition to a hipster's wardrobe. Don't be afraid to reshape and trim them. Denim vests also included in the price!
    4. Fasten what you're wearing. It fastens, right? For sure. If you are a hipster girl, then you probably have several hooded sweatshirts in your closet. They go with any clothes. Exactly, to anyone. a hoodie should be your best friend.

      • You'll score extra points if you pair the hoodie with a fedora, blazer, or feminine floral dress.
    5. Reuse old things. There's no point in fighting for the environment and becoming a vegetarian if you can't do the same with your wardrobe. If in doubt, before throwing something away, find out whether it can be given a second life. Can you turn it into something new and completely wearable?

      • It is not necessary to keep them in their original form! A sweater can be turned into gloves (a lampshade cover, a book cover, a pillow cover)! Do you want to be original? Doing it yourself is a good start.
    6. Get ready for winter. The intensity of the attire will depend on the time of year and where you live, but it is still important to dress warmly without losing your hipster look. Here are some ideas:

      • Find a flannel. An oversized button-down shirt is a good addition to the hipster look, no matter the color. Ideally, the color should not match the rest of your clothes.
      • Buy a couple of cardigans. They are sold everywhere, even in the most consumer stores. Choose a cardigan with large buttons and a deep V-neck. If you find one, buy a cardigan a couple sizes larger.
      • Find an ironic turtleneck or pullover. Grandma's patterns are best suited: kittens, flowers or Christmas trees. The more terrible the pattern, the better.
      • Keep your head warm with a fluffy, gray beanie. The color can be changed to acid orange.
    7. Don't be shy about color. Since you can combine any, even the most incompatible things, you can become a real rainbow person. The more colors the better. And the brighter and more patterned they are, the more reasons there are to put it all on and go to a public place with your analog camera.

      • Neon, neon, neon. Neon pants, neon shoes, neon accessories, neon Ray Bans - even if you're not in style, you'll stand out! Regular colors go too well together (color palette be damned), so spruce up your wardrobe with neon, patterns and more.<<несочетаниями>>.
      • Watch TV series<<Девчонки>>, <<Убить скуку>> or<<Портландия>> for inspiration. The way your favorite performer dresses will do too!
    • Don't try to combine everything in your clothes. Sure, there's a common hipster look, but it's not about looking like you're trying to look like a hipster, but rather like you've thrown on whatever you had on hand and walked out the door.
  • Every era, every century is inseparably connected with the emergence of youth movements. Remember the era of hippies - lovers of life, dudes with their struggle for self-expression, and more recently the time of emo, ever-present punks, goths and others. Today, hipsters are becoming increasingly popular - a subculture, the main idea of ​​which, in my opinion, does not have much depth; representatives of this movement do not fight with anyone, but only enjoy life and all its benefits. And especially hipsters are attracted to everything that is fashionable and trendy. The origins of this informal culture are really interesting. Let's get to know her better together.

    Who are hipsters?

    Simply put, hipsters are representatives of an informal movement who always want to “be in the know.” The first hipsters appeared in the 40s of the 20th century in the USA; initially, representatives of this movement were characterized as wealthy young people interested in foreign literature, jazz music, arthouse cinema, and street fashion. In today's understanding, hipsters (subculture) are young men and women striving to be advanced. At the same time, they do not have a special political or social opinion, they do not fight for anyone’s rights, they prefer to bring fashionable foreign things into their lives.

    Hipsters enjoy using all Apple products; in their arsenal you will definitely find an iPhone, iPad or Macbook. And among them there are many people with modern creative professions: photographers, graphic designers, journalists, DJs. Or they prefer to work in establishments such as music stores, nightclubs, and branded clothing boutiques.
    Reading this post, you shouldn’t think that the subculture of modern hipsters is hopeless: these people, in most cases, have a creative mindset, they are cheerful, sociable, and party-goers by nature. They prefer to watch films with deep meaning, read Palahniuk and have their own style of clothing, which I will tell you about later.

    How do hipster girls and boys dress or How to become a hipster?

    The age category of this subculture ranges from 16 to 25 years. The hipster girl wears vintage things, in her wardrobe you will definitely find skinny jeans, she has a lot of T-shirts with bright prints and slogans. Essential attribute any hipster - a plaid shirt. They also love to wear backpacks and parkas, and the famous Converse sneakers have become the iconic shoes of this subculture, both for boys and for the fair sex. In general, a hipster girl prefers comfort and practicality when it comes to clothes.

    For hipster guys, the wardrobe is not much different from women's. Tight trousers, T-shirts, sweatshirts, T-shirts with prints and designs, soft jackets (joggings), sneakers, and backpacks still dominate here. You can also add hats - with pom-poms, tight-fitting ones, and hats - to your hipster wardrobe arsenal. Guys of this subculture usually wear beards, like casual hairstyles, and button up their shirts.

    Another important hipster accessory is large glasses with black frames.

    Is it possible to become a hipster only by dressing according to the above recommendations? I think it's unlikely. After all, hipsters (subculture) unite creative people with their aspirations and goals; they are not only those who want to live in St. Petersburg and drink coffee from cardboard plastic cups. And at the end of this post, watch the video from Comedy Woman about hipsters. I liked it, how about you?

    You see her sitting near the window in a trendy cafe, writing poetry and sipping black coffee. Or in line at the coolest underground club. Or walking around the city center with a cigarette. She is what is now called a "hipster", although she won't admit it, and you want to be like her. To find out how to do this, just calmly follow the next steps.


    Create your own look

      Adopt the “just got out of bed” look. The main aspect of hipster style is the ability to look like you rolled out of bed in style and pulled on the first thing you found. Although, In fact, you don’t do this, but you need to try to make it look as if you didn’t spend hours choosing the perfect outfit for yourself, but just put on the first one that came to you - even if this is far from the case. Here are a few ways to look like you just rolled out of bed:

      • Don't spend hours styling your hair or it will be obvious how much effort you put into looking good.
      • Don't take too long to remove your makeup; again, it will look like you're worrying too much about your appearance.
      • Don't spend too much time trying to perfectly match the pieces in your outfit - the colors should work together, but you don't have to look too slick and neat.
      • Don't wear too many things that obviously look new.
    1. Shop like a hipster. If you want to buy things like a real hipster, you should not overuse expensive and pretentious boutiques. But if you really want to look like a hipster, go through your mom's (or grandma's!) old wardrobe. You can find real treasures at garage sales or thrift stores to create the perfect hipster look.

      • Many hipster girls have an unusual sense of style, looking more like tomboys than ordinary beauties.
      • You can even go to old-fashioned stores and find simple clothes, which is so uncool that it can be considered cool again.
      • You can also rip, rip, or sew patches on unfashionable items to give them a touch of style.
      • Do you have a whole bunch of useless clothes that you haven't worn in years and they're just collecting dust in your closet? In that case, you can still salvage some clothes and make them cool and retro again.
    2. Get some basic items wardrobe While hipsters certainly don't have a specific "uniform," there are some items that should be in your closet. Only with their help can you turn into a hipster. Try these:

      • T-shirts with graphics.
      • Skinny jeans. They can be made from dark, light or regular denim.
      • "Hunting" plaid button-down shirts.
      • For shoes, wear TOMS, lace-up sneakers or vans, or ballet flats.
      • Among the accessories, it is necessary to note various baubles, long and wide necklaces or short, sophisticated neck jewelry. Large rings will also work. The most common hipster accessory is a pair of thick-rimmed sunglasses.
    3. Buy clothes that are sold in connection with charity. If you're the kind of hipster who buys clothes to help the community, check out clothing lines like TOMS, Sevenly, or Common Threads.

      Work on your makeup. Makeup is not necessary, but if you want to wear it, stick to neutral, natural trends. The clearer the skin, the better! Don't overdo it foundation, and apply a little pink blush on your cheeks. Choose natural tones for shadows and use moderation. Stay away from shiny and bright makeup. A clear lip balm is what you need! And if you're going to paint your nails, use soft pink, blue, basic black or clear polish.

    4. Get a new hairstyle. Cut your hair in uneven lines or individual strands, or grow it very long. Try several options: a messy hairstyle, a loose side braid, a ballerina bun, bohemian curls or perfectly straight hair. If you feel confident enough, shave half your head like some celebrities. Try asymmetrical haircuts (one side is longer). It is important that people express doubts about your appearance, but secretly admire it.

      • Bangs are popular among hipster girls.

      We achieve a relationship

      1. Never call yourself a hipster. Hipsters come in all shapes and forms and they all want to be unique and cool. Never in the world call yourself a hipster, otherwise you risk looking like a poser. If someone asks you if you are a hipster, answer no. Or walk away and act like you don't know what they're talking about. Or pretend to be embarrassed and change the subject.

        • You might even roll your eyes or get angry if someone calls you a hipster.
      2. Avoid the mainstream like the plague. If you really want to be a hipster, you have to reject pop culture and try to find your own, more independent interests. That means playing bocce ball with your friends at the park instead of watching the Super Bowl on TV, learning to make tahini instead of going to fast food, and never Don't listen to popular radio stations.

        • Even if you secretly love Lady Gaga, Beyonce, or Britney Spears (OMG!), don't talk about it in public.
        • Most hipsters are committed to eco-friendly and healthy lifestyles, so no more trips to McDonald's and pizzerias - no matter how much you want it.
      3. Pretend you don't care. Even if you're upset because your friend hurt your feelings, or you're excited because the cute guy in your class with thick glasses has a crush on you, learn to manage your emotions. The most you can show is a slight smile or a raised eyebrow. There's no need to be unfriendly, but don't wave your arms, cry in public, or hug like crazy.

        • For a hipster, everything is “normal” or “nothing wrong” - your range of emotions should not be wide.
        • Rolling your eyes, looking at the floor, or leisurely checking your phone is a great way to look like you don't care.
        • And try not to snort with laughter, no matter how funny you find it - a quick smile, chuckle, or just the words “that's funny” is enough.
      4. Go heavy on the sarcasm. If you want to become a true hipster, learn not to take everything at face value. Use winning and dark sarcasm, even to express basic ideas. If it's raining heavily, say, "It's time to go for a run" in a calm tone that will make people laugh or at least smile. Be sarcastic towards your boyfriend and any guys, even if they try to ask you out.

        • If you use your sarcasm skills correctly, you will charm and delight people. The main thing is not to overdo it, or everyone will think that you Nothing don't take it seriously.

      Where to get inspiration

      1. Find yourself a hipster role model. Take a closer look at such hipster girls as Corey Kennedy, Willa Holland, Leigh Lezark, Agyness Deyn, Peaches and Pixie Geldof, the Jagger girls, Alice Dellal, Dree Hemingway and Erin Wasson. Find your favorite idol and follow her trends - from clothes to hangouts and dinners.

        • If your close friend is a hipster, observe what she wears, reads and listens to - but don't make it too obvious. Hipsters don't like to be worshiped.
      2. Get inspired by hipster websites. Go to fashion websites and choose the style that appeals to you the most. While not every style on these sites is hipster-friendly, you can wear whatever outfits you like. Try to find the right clothes(or an idea of ​​what you need) on these sites:

      3. Get inspired by magazines and books. Browsing through some cool magazines and books will help you decide on your own style. Subscribe to a few magazines and pick up a couple of fashion books to get a better understanding of the style you want to create. Try searching for what you need in the following magazines and books:

        • Magazines: NYLON, Dazed & Confused, Elle, Paper, POP! magazine and British Vogue
        • Books: Three books from NYLON magazine, Pretty, Street, and Play, and Misshapes, a book by a DJ trio about what to wear to nightclubs.
      4. Get creative. Many hipsters are truly talented or at least have a creative streak. If you don't already have a creative interest, you need to find something you enjoy - photography, drawing, writing, or playing a musical instrument. Whatever you choose, meet experts in this field.

        • Do you like photography? Explore the work of famous contemporary photographers - Ryan McGinley, Desh Snow and Ellen von Unwerth.
        • If you like writing, read the classics and try to understand poetry. You can explore the work of Jack Kerouac, Ken Casey, Sylvia Plath, J.D. Salinger, Haruki Murakami, Chuck Palahniuk, Bret Easton Ellis, Dave Eggers, William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, and Chuck Klosterman.
        • If you're into art, check out the works of Jogia O'Keefe, Alice Neel, Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol.
      5. Music can also be an inspiration. Listening to independent, underground and even classical music is a big part of being a hipster. Hipsters can't only listen to what's popular, but must recognize cool music with the potential to become trendy, and when it becomes so, forget about it. You can't just listen to music on a Walkman or iPod - to be a true hipster, you have to attend concerts - in the basement of a tiny cafe or on a larger (but not too big) stage. Here are a few groups you need to check out to get on the hipster girl bandwagon:

        • Daft Punk
        • Justice
        • Grizzly Bear
        • Ratattat
        • Yeah Yeah Yeahs
        • The xx
        • The Vaccines
        • Bring Me The Horizon
        • The Kooks
        • Animal Collective
        • Bright Eyes
        • Deathcab for Cutie
        • Vampire Weekend
        • Minus the Bear
      6. Watch hipster movies and TV shows. If you want to learn how to be a hipster, you need to not only familiarize yourself with fashion trends and music, but you also need to be aware of how hipsters express themselves in films and TV series. And never call films "cinema" - it's not hipster. Here are some movies and shows you should check out:

        • Hipster films of the last decade: 500 Days of Summer, Garden Country, Valentine, Juno, The Family Tenebown, Little Miss Sunshine, Amelie, Tiny Furniture, Lars and real girl", "Drive", "On the Road", "Greenberg".
        • Earlier hipster films: Glitter, Reality Bites, Clerks, Hit and Scream, Withnail and I, The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
        • TV series: "Girls", "Portlandia", "Workaholics", "Kill Boredom"
      • Don't call yourself a hipster.
      • Stay calm in any situation!!
      • Try herbal teas, organic bath products, snack on sushi and make your own vegan soup. You will find that it tastes much better than the convenience food from the supermarket. Look for recipes for Carrot Coriander Soup and Potato Soup.
      • Search on Google fashion photos hipsters and start developing your own style
      • Be confident in your hipster-ness.

    Topic of today's conversation hipster style for girls. The word “hipster” appeared in the fashion world at the beginning of this century. But the hipster trend should not be considered some kind of innovation. This trend was born in the USA in the 40s of the last century.

    The subculture is quite well-known, but it could not be called numerous. Initially, this movement included fans of jazz music. Today, the hipster trend is experiencing a revival and has become one of the leading trends in youth fashion. What are modern hipsters? What is the hipster style according to its characteristics and canons? Is it difficult to join the ranks of these unusual, seemingly a little strange, but so interesting people?

    Features of the subculture

    The starting point for the spread of the subculture is considered to be 2004. Her fans are young people 16-25 years old. Hipster style is not only appearance, but also a certain system of thinking. The main thing in the worldview of hipsters is socio-political and spiritual freedom. Spiritual values ​​and unconventional creative thinking are put at the forefront. In music, hipsters prefer good retro and indie rock. In the field of cinema - art house. It’s quite normal if a hipster is interested in poetry: classic or modern - it doesn’t matter so much. The main thing is to stand out from the surrounding gray mass, neglect public opinion, break stereotypes and clichés.

    In their worldview, hipsters are in many ways similar to hippies, but, unlike them, they are more pragmatic. If hippies are ready to part with the benefits of civilization without any problems, then hipsters, on the contrary, elevate some of these benefits to a cult. For example, they all adore gadgets with the Apple system and are fond of photography. Ideally, this is a camera with LOMO film, but a hipster won’t refuse a good DSLR either. The entire Internet is replete with the looks of hipster girls. Just a cult photo!

    Everyone carries a notebook with them to record observations and smart thoughts, but it is not a fact that a person will ever open it. Despite the bohemian carelessness in clothing, there are certain canons of style, and, of course, we are not talking about absolute freedom.

    Hipster style in clothes for girls

    Hipster style of clothing is things from the unisex category. If you add elements of street style here, you get very sexy looks. Here are the main features of the style:

    Printed T-shirts

    Every self-respecting hipster has a T-shirt with a print in his wardrobe. It's better if there are several of them. Prints can be with images of real or mythical animals, fairy tale and cartoon characters. The views of London, a cult city for hipsters, are very welcome. T-shirts made to a special order (in this case, the image will be unique) are valued in the clothing of a hipster girl. Hipsters love to stand out from the crowd, so they value things that only they have.

    Sweater from "grandmother's chest"

    This can be a sweater of any length with a chunky knit. It is encouraged that it be stretched out and look deliberately careless. This option is suitable for both boys and girls. Hipsters love handmade things, and a self-knitted sweater will appeal to them. Sometimes girls replace a sweater with a vintage-style cardigan or a jacket decorated with a pattern.

    Plaid shirt

    These days it's not a must-have accessory. Nevertheless, representatives of the hipster subculture wear such shirts with pleasure. Moreover, both men and women. A plaid shirt goes great with leggings or tapered trousers.

    How hipster girls dress: skinny jeans, leggings, skirts

    This is one of the most popular types of clothing for hipsters. Moreover, this type of clothing can be classified as unisex. Trousers are usually shortened. Girls show more variety. They wear leggings (plain or with different patterns), boyfriend jeans.

    The skirt is also present in the wardrobe of a hipster girl. As a rule, this is a folded trapezoid. Wear skirts with thick tights in bright colors or leggings.


    Long cardigans also fall into the unisex category. They are present in both masculine and women's wardrobe. The cardigan is convenient for both studying and walking in cool weather. Most often, a cardigan is worn unbuttoned, and a T-shirt is worn underneath.

    Shoes and accessories

    Getting the appropriate clothes is half the battle. A true hipster also thinks through details such as shoes and accessories. Among the accessories, hand-made items are valued. If men are usually limited to vintage-style bow ties, then ladies have a wider choice. They love unusual jewelry, in the form of chains with large links, fruits or berries.

    Hipsters like practical, roomy bucket bags, backpacks, wide leather belts. If the bag is vintage, then it is considered especially chic.

    An important accessory is wide-rimmed horn-rimmed glasses. Even if a person does not have any vision problems, he puts them on. In the summer - sun protection, in the cool season - with ordinary glass. But, if there is no horn frame, more budget plastic is also quite suitable.

    As for shoes, sneakers of various styles rule here. This could be other shoes with flat soles (moccasins, ballerina shoes). Girls sometimes wear platform shoes or wide low heels. Colored shoes are welcome.


    Ideally, a hipster hairstyle looks as if its owner just got out of bed and somehow forgot to comb his hair. In fact, such deliberate negligence is very difficult. WITH short hair more or less clear. And long ones can be collected in a bun or ponytail. It is necessary that the bun does not look like a bump on the back of the head with slicked hair. Let out a few strands for a slightly tousled look.

    We combine incongruous things, or clothes for all occasions

    Oddly enough, the deliberately casual hipster style is very common in Paris - the capital of everything elegant and sophisticated. French women with their innate taste can organically combine ultra-modern and vintage items in a single look. Add to this delicate facial features and an impeccable figure - it turns out great. So, let's try to combine different wardrobe elements and find out what hipster girls look like in different situations.

    • For school: skirt, T-shirt with print. All this is combined with sneakers and massive jewelry.
    • Walking with friends: skirt, short sweater, wide-heeled boots. Accessories: bucket bag (optional backpack), glasses, vintage watch.
    • For a walk: T-shirt or top with an asymmetrical hem, ripped denim shorts, sneakers. In contrast, there is a flirty clutch bag.
    • Outfit option: leather shorts, sneakers, checkered shirt.

    Photos of how hipster girls dress can be found in huge quantities. After all, they love selfies!

    Hipster wedding

    Here, as they say, you kill two birds with one stone: the celebration will be both relatively inexpensive and unusual. Here are some secrets to throwing a hipster wedding.

    • The location of the celebration is significant for the young couple.
    • Handmade invitations.
    • The bride's bouquet is careless, disheveled, tied with a brightly colored ribbon.
    • The groom is dressed in tight-fitting trousers, a colored shirt, a vest and a hat. The bride is wearing a vintage dress with bright tights and low-heeled shoes. All guests adhere to the hipster dress code.

    Hipster style for girls is, as they say, not for everybody. But the unusualness and originality cannot be taken away from him. And, if an unusual outfit is combined with erudition, irony and a creative mindset, then it’s impossible not to notice such a lady!

    This is probably one of the most controversial styles that exist today. The fact is that even hipsters themselves cannot say exactly who they are. And those who consider themselves to be part of this movement are completely different from those who stood at its origins. And it all started a long time ago, back in the 40s of the last century, in America. appeared during the jazz boom, whose fans tried to somehow stand out from other people and began to dress a little in a special way.

    It was a very interesting time when the country, after the Great Depression, began new life, and culture and art experienced a rise and renewal. At that time, a layer of people appeared who led a free lifestyle, many of them considered themselves creative individuals, a little bohemian, so they did not fit their ideas into a certain framework, but promoted free-thinking and emancipation in everything. They founded a unique subculture, which over time gave rise to a certain style of clothing and behavior.

    The name comes from English "to bi hip", which translates as "be on topic"(from this expression came from). Most of this subculture consisted of representatives of the so-called “golden youth”, who could afford an idle lifestyle, addiction to drugs and denial of the moral standards of society.

    Many years have passed since then and today's hipsters no longer associate themselves with jazz fans. These are people who consider themselves original, modern, fashion-conscious, but at the same time using things from the past. For example, such as old FED cameras, POLAROID (the weirder the picture and the poorer the quality, the better) or old bicycles.

    They cannot be denied creativity, because one of their main priorities is appearance. They love making looks and cannot live without social networks. Hipsters constantly come up with new outfits for themselves and expose their photos to the public. They are eagerly waiting for likes and comments on their new look.

    It’s impossible not to mention the truly iconic things of hipsters - these are all the company’s products APPLE. iPhones, iPads, iPods and much more touched by the great genius Steve Jobs. Any self-respecting hipster should have an iPhone! And hipsters and the Internet are inseparable concepts.

    According to hipsters, there is a certain set of things that distinguish them from the rest and stand out from the crowd.

    A knitted cap that fits tightly to the head with a lapel (also called a miningitka); a checkered shirt buttoned all the way up; pipe trousers rolled up at the bottom; bright socks; Very skinny jeans; loose, voluminous T-shirts with or without prints; retro raglan pullovers with prints; rough shoes; moccasins; sneakers; boat shoes; loose sweaters (preferably from grandma's wardrobe); trench coat; bomber jacket; bright baseball caps with a wide visor; long scarves; “Rey-Ben” glasses and various retro things, stylish hairstyles.

    Many people consider hipsters to be poseurs who are nothing of themselves, and only do what they want to impress others. Everyone has already made fun of them enough, both in life and in in social networks. They washed their bones and accused them of all mortal sins). Since over time the very idea of ​​hipsterism was lost, society considers the followers of this style empty, superficial and without ideas.

    Hipsters strongly disagree with this. Many of them really have to do with creative activity. These could be artists, photographers, stylists, makeup artists, poets, advertisers, designers, etc. The rest strive to join this crowd. They do not read popular literature, but prefer modern authors that are not formatted. They watch arthouse films and are interested in elite art and music. In a word, everything is not the same as with ordinary people).

    Hipsters consider themselves individuals who closely follow modern trends and creatively combine them with original things from past. They are always bright and unusual, sometimes looking strange in the opinion of the public. Those who have sufficient financial resources buy their clothes in foreign second-hand stores, while the rest try to be original to the best of their income.

    Personal skills, creative discoveries of friends, and even items from flea markets are used. For some hipsters, brands are of great importance, while others try to treat them relatively calmly. The main trick of real hipsters is to be able to put together looks so that the purchased items are not expensive at all, but look chic. This is true hipster skill!

    I hope you understand at least a little from all of the above who these strange hipsters are. In my opinion, they look very fun and original. Despite the fact that they have a classic set of things in their wardrobe, they try to dress up in a special way every time and, of course, demonstrate it in public. The inner world is a personal matter for everyone, but their creative beginning is still worth recognizing.

    If you suddenly feel the urge to buy a plaid shirt or sneakers, don’t be alarmed. This does not mean that you will be called a hipster. Like? Wear it for your health.) Some representatives of this style remind me of botanists or dudes who appeared in the USSR in . It’s not for nothing that the Russian film “Hipsters” was translated as “Hipsters.” So they have something in common.) Now it’s fashionable to express your attitude towards this direction. What do you think about this?

    And finally for music lovers).

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