How to receive benefits for the funeral of a military pensioner. Am I entitled to compensation for the installation of a monument to my father if he was a military pensioner of the USSR? Benefit after the death of the father of a military pensioner

Good afternoon to you.

Dear Dmitry, in in this case you need to contact the military registration and enlistment office with this question.

In accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated 06.05.1994 No. 460 “On the norms for spending money on the burial of fallen (deceased) military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the State Fire Service, bodies for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, federal tax police authorities, citizens called up for military training, and persons discharged from military service (service), as well as for the production and installation of monuments”, payment is subject to the production and installation of a tombstone (slab or stele, pedestal, flower bed) in the event of death:

A pensioner from among citizens discharged from military service (service in internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and tax police authorities from positions commanding staff) upon reaching the age limit for military service (service), for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing measures and having had a total duration of military service (service) of 20 years or more;

Veterans of military service;

Participants of the Great Patriotic War, including disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

Combat veterans, regardless of the total length of military service (service).

Payment for the manufacture and installation of a tombstone is made according to actual costs, confirmed by relevant documents, but not more than 32,803 rubles, including installation for the named categories of citizens not more than 6,560 rubles 60 kopecks.

Payment for the production and installation of a tombstone for fallen (deceased) military personnel who served military service conscripts, military cadets educational institutions professional education before concluding a contract, citizens called up for military training, cadets and students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, participants of the Great Patriotic War, including disabled people of the Great Patriotic War (except for those who served in the active army as military personnel) is carried out at actual costs, confirmed by relevant documents, but not more than 26,280 rubles, including installation for the named categories of citizens not more than 5,256 rubles 00 kopecks.


To the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


On the procedure for the burial of fallen (deceased) military personnel, citizens,

Those called up for military training and persons discharged from military service,

Manufacturing and installation of tombstones

" 41. Payment of expenses to organizations or persons who have incurred these expenses for the manufacture and installation of tombstones is carried out by military commissariats at the place of burial or registration of dead (deceased) citizens specified in paragraph 3 of this Instruction, at the expense of funds provided for in the estimate of the Ministry of Defense .

To make payment, applicants must submit the following documents to the military commissariat:

Application addressed to the military commissar;

Invoices (receipts, receipts for receipt orders or other documents confirming payment for work performed, or an agreement (order) concluded with an enterprise or organization for the manufacture and installation of a tombstone (with a price list attached for the work performed);

Death certificate of the deceased (deceased);

Certificate of burial place of the deceased;

A certificate of a war veteran, or a certificate of a disabled person, a certificate of entitlement to benefits, a certificate of a veteran of military service, etc. deceased (deceased).

42. Work on the manufacture and installation of tombstones is paid at actual costs, but not higher than:

8,000 rubles for killed (deceased) military personnel who served in conscription, cadets of military educational institutions of vocational education before concluding a contract, citizens called up for military training;

12,000 rubles for killed (deceased) military personnel who served under a contract, persons dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, who had a total duration of military service of 20 years or more , veterans of military service, military personnel who participated in the war who served in the active army, veterans of military operations in the territories of other states, regardless of the total duration of military service."

As you know, many older people receive various payments and subsidies. As for the funeral benefit for a military pensioner, it is due to the relatives of the deceased. However, they do not always turn to the relevant authorities to complete the necessary documents and receive the payments due to them. This happens due to a simple ignorance of one’s rights.

The number of payments and benefits upon the death of a former military personnel in the current year is 4 main positions. If the person who passed away was a representative of a certain category designated by Russian legislation, his relatives, if they have documentation, can receive certain amounts. These are several types of payments, but only in certain cases can you receive them in full.

What is the funeral benefit for former military personnel?

The rules regarding the accrual and amount of payments are regulated by certain Russian laws. There are a number of legal acts in which you can find comprehensive information on this issue.

The situation with the burial of a former serviceman fits a series of articles of Federal laws:

  • “About the funeral process and burial”;
  • "About Veterans";
  • “On the expenditure of funds during the burial of deceased military personnel or persons who left military service”;
  • “On indexation of military funeral expenses”;
  • “On work on ritual provision for deceased military personnel or persons who have left military service.”

In total, this issue is regulated by a dozen laws.

It is possible to receive benefits that are due to the relatives of a retired military man after his death only if the situation fully complies with these legislative acts. Cash payments must be made at the expense of those executive authorities of the Russian Federation to which the deceased citizen belonged.

The amount of cash payments may vary significantly depending on the specific situation.

The relatives of the deceased must check the exact amount with the executive authority where the deceased served. The final amount of the benefit depends not only on the situation in the family and the financial situation of the military’s relatives, but also on the level of indexation. Like many other payments and compensations that are made in the Russian Federation, this amount is gradually growing.

Of the basic payments that are due to the relatives of a serviceman, money must be allocated for burial and making a tombstone. In addition, the pensioner’s family can count on receiving a one-time benefit. A separate amount is paid to the wife of the deceased. This is also a one-time monetary compensation.

But the possible cash flows don’t end there. In special cases, you can count on additional payments. For example, in certain situations, you can apply for a survivor’s pension or arrears of wages if the pensioner was employed.

Moreover, Sberbank can also make some payments.

But this is in special cases, so the information must be clarified with representatives of the financial institution.

What documents are required to receive funeral benefits?

In order to receive funeral benefits for military personnel, relatives or official representatives must submit a number of documents to the relevant authorities. For each case, the list of papers will be slightly different. For example, if we are talking about organizing the funeral of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War or a participant in hostilities that took place on the territory of foreign countries, then in order to receive funds you need to provide:

  • death certificate in the form of an original or a copy certified by a notary;
  • War participant's certificate;
  • a copy and original of a military ID, the role of which can be played by a Red Army soldier’s book and passport.

The identity document must belong to the applicant. In addition, papers may be required that will serve as proof of relationship with the deceased. Additionally, you must provide permission for the grave: original and copy.

If the pensioner was an employee of the Ministry of Defense, then the list of required documents will be slightly different. In addition to the death certificate and grave documents, you will need to provide the employees of the relevant authorities with the deceased’s pension certificate, which should indicate that he worked in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Relatives must provide papers that can be used to establish that they are indeed entitled to receive benefits.

For children, this will be a birth certificate, and for spouses, a marriage document.

This set of documents makes it possible to organize the funeral of a retired military man at the expense of the state. If this event was paid for from the family budget of the relatives of the deceased, then they can then contact the relevant authorities to receive compensation. The payment is processed by the military registration and enlistment office. The benefit is paid in cash in the amount established at the time of application.

In addition to reimbursement of money spent on burying the deceased, relatives of a military pensioner can receive reimbursement for completing the necessary paperwork for the funeral, transporting the body to the morgue and cemetery, expenses for purchasing a coffin, wreaths and various decorations, cremation and purchasing an urn, if there was one. This is exactly the procedure carried out. Most often, in order to receive a refund for funds already spent, you will have to provide receipts or other evidence of expenses.

Who is entitled to funeral benefits?

This type of benefit is available to all former and active military personnel until the moment of death. These include several categories of Russian citizens.

First of all, this should include deceased or killed Russians who were dismissed from military service or from internal affairs bodies due to reaching a certain age. This category also includes military personnel who became pensioners due to health reasons or due to staff reorganization.

An important condition is that the deceased must have been in the ranks of the military for at least 20 years.

In addition, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who died due to injury or illness related to their professional activities can count on receiving funeral benefits.

The number of military pensioners should also include veterans of military service, military personnel who participated in the war or served in the active army. In addition, benefits are due after the death of a veteran of military operations that took place on the territory of another country.

How to get compensation for funeral expenses for a former military man?

Most often, the relatives of the deceased try to complete all the paperwork immediately so that the costs of this event become the concern of the state. However, if for some reason the necessary documents were not completed on time, then you should collect the necessary package of papers in order to reimburse expenses for expenses already made.

As for how to receive compensation for a funeral, if the burial, as well as the installation of a monument on the grave of a military man, was paid for by his relatives, it is necessary to provide a certain set of documents to the military commissariat. Papers confirming expenses must be provided. If it was not possible to receive the checks, you will have to assemble an assessment commission, which will be able to determine the approximate amount of expenses. Based on these data, the amount of the amount due to be paid to the relatives of the deceased or his official representatives will be determined.

A death certificate of a retired military serviceman, a certificate from the cemetery about the burial place of the deceased, an identification card of a disabled person, a veteran or a person who was entitled to benefits must be attached to checks or an expense assessment report. Attached to this package of papers is an application that must be written to a representative of the military registration and enlistment office. This document must indicate the reason for the need to reimburse expenses and the amount that the applicant can expect.

If the family of the deceased has already received social benefits, then you should not count on additional payments due after the death of the pensioner.

In this case, double assistance from the state is not provided.

It is worth noting that in many large settlements in almost every region of the country there are military memorial companies, where employees not only answer all the questions of relatives of former military personnel, but also help in collecting documents and sometimes organizing burial events.

One-time benefit in case of death of a military pensioner

In 1993, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution according to which families of military pensioners have the right to receive a one-time benefit. The number of persons who are included in this category includes deceased pensioners who were once senior or senior officers, representatives of the commanding staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Fire Service, bodies of the penitentiary system and military personnel dismissed for health reasons, age or length of service of more than 25 years. . In this case, it does not matter whether the family will apply for a survivor’s pension or not; in any case, you can receive a lump sum benefit.

The amount of cash payments received by relatives may vary. It all depends on the pension that the former military man received. His wife is entitled to a one-time payment equal to 3 pensions, and each disabled member of the deceased’s family is entitled to 1 full amount. The calculation takes into account exactly the figure that was assigned to the pensioner on the day of his death. Even if the pension was later indexed, this will not affect the amount of the payment. In special cases, a family can count on an increased lump sum benefit. But on this issue it is necessary to consult with the local Pension Fund, since depending on the region and locality, as well as the status of the family, payments may differ slightly from the generally accepted ones.

A one-time benefit is provided to the husband or wife of a military retiree, regardless of age and financial condition.

In addition, payments are due to the children of the deceased if they were under 18 years of age at the time of his death. An exception may be a full-time student at an educational institution. In this case, payments will be due to those under 23 years of age.

If a former military man was dependent on a woman over 55 years of age or a man over 60 years of age, they were also entitled to a lump sum benefit after the death of the breadwinner. This also applies to dependents with disabilities.

In order to receive such payments, you must contact the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and submit a certain package of documents. This includes an application for benefits, a death certificate of a retired military serviceman, documents proving the right to receive payments, i.e., a marriage or birth certificate and the applicant’s passport. All documents must be provided in the form of copies and originals for verification of authenticity.

Survivor's pension

Another payment that relatives of a military pensioner can receive is a monthly pension. Those who have lost a deceased breadwinner can count on her. Most often, such payments are issued to children who have not reached working age.

Such pensions can be of 3 types: insurance, social and military.

If the deceased was a former military man with a certain rank or experience, then his relatives can receive military pension. Payments are assigned to disabled or minor family members of the deceased. These include children whom the deceased took under his care. But there are certain peculiarities here. Adopted children can receive a survivor's pension only when they have lived in new family more than 5 years.

The survivor's pension for the family of a military pensioner is slightly less than 5,000 rubles per month for everyone who is entitled to such a payment. The only exception is when a person died during hostilities. If the cause of his death was an injury received in battle, then children and other disabled relatives can receive monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 2 official military pensions. In case of death from an occupational disease of a military man, the amount of payments will be equal to one and a half pensions.

To apply for this type of benefit, you must provide the Pension Fund with an application, birth certificate or passport of the applicant, military ID of the deceased and his death certificate.

Special benefits after the death of a former military personnel

In addition to funeral monetary compensation, as well as one-time and permanent benefits, you can count on several more financial receipts. For example, if a military pensioner was insured during his lifetime, then after his death his relatives can receive insurance payments.

Often such services are imposed at the bank when issuing a card or when purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Most people refuse additional life insurance. But it is possible that the deceased was still insured.

If this is indeed the case, you need to contact insurance company and be sure to clarify this question. If you have a policy in your hands, then there are problems in obtaining due payments should not arise.

Registration of insurance payment after the death of a Russian citizen is possible if the spouse or children of the deceased contact the company directly. Most often, it is necessary to provide a package of documents, which consists of a death certificate, the applicant’s passport, insurance policy, bank card number and the application itself. After a certain period of time, the funds must arrive in the applicant’s account.

Special payments include compensation from Sberbank.

This is not only available to retired military personnel. Any depositor who had savings at the Savings Bank on June 20, 1991 may receive some compensation. If the deceased did not formalize this payment during his lifetime, his relatives have the opportunity to receive 6,000 rubles. To clarify all the details, you must contact the nearest branch of the financial institution, and then provide all the necessary papers.

Military honors at burial and receipt of unpaid pension

This type of benefit is provided for a certain category of military personnel. The decree on honoring the military was signed by the President of the Russian Federation 7 years ago.

In this case, the entire organization of the funeral process falls on the shoulders of the highest authorities of the deceased. Funerals with certain honors are not due to all military personnel, but only to those who died in the performance of their professional duties.

The funeral process is accompanied by an honorary escort.

All funds that the pensioner did not receive during his lifetime become part of the inheritance of his relatives. The spouse or children have the opportunity to receive a pension that was accrued before the day of death of the deceased. It takes 6 months to process this payment. But there are certain difficulties and nuances here. First of all, it is worth noting that you get unpaid pension, which was due to a deceased citizen, can only be given to the closest relative. That is, only the official spouse or children should address this issue if there is no wife or husband.

In situations where the deceased was officially considered single, his lost pension becomes part of the inheritance. Thus, it can be received by a close relative or a person specified in the will, but only six months after the death of the pensioner. The procedure for receiving an inheritance will be the same as in any other case.

If your spouse will apply for the lost pension, you can submit documents immediately. You won't have to wait six months. To do this, the Pension Fund is provided with the applicant’s passport, death certificate of a former serviceman, documents confirming the right to receive a monetary payment, in this case a marriage certificate. In addition, it is necessary to provide a certificate of residence, and possibly evidence that the applicant lived in the same house with him at the time of the death of the deceased, and after that he was involved in organizing the funeral.

Payments, compensation and benefits upon the death of a military pensioner may differ slightly in amount and speed of accrual. Much depends on the status of the person, locality and region. In some regions of the Russian Federation, an increased coefficient is provided. The largest size of additions is observed in the capital.

Advice from lawyers:

1. My father should be sent to a sanatorium after a stroke. He is a military pensioner. What benefits do they currently have for travel and vouchers?

1.1. In Article 20 of Federal Law 176 “On the Status of Military Personnel”, officers dismissed from military service and members of their family, if the length of service before dismissal was at least 20 years in preferential calculation(the reason for leaving the position is general impairment, deterioration of health or reaching the maximum established age or at least 25 years, regardless of the reason for dismissal); For pensioners of the Ministry of Defense who left the position of warrant officer or midshipman, heading to a sanatorium, the length of service in preferential terms is 20 years or more at the time of dismissal (the reasons for leaving the position must be general training, medical indications, or reaching the age limit).
rights to free travel to the sanatorium and back once a year are secured.
I wish you all the best.

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2. I am not a working military pensioner, my father is 80 years old, am I entitled to payments for my father?

2.1. If you take custody of your father, you will be able to receive a small additional payment to your pension. Contact guardianship.

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2.2. The current legislation does not provide for payments for the father in your situation. Care payments may be given to persons under retirement age and not working Guardianship is issued only if your father is declared incompetent.

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2.3. ☼ Hello, In order for you to receive payments for your father, you need to go to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and arrange guardianship over your elderly father

I wish you good luck and all the best!

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2.4. Yes, you are entitled to a small amount of assistance from the state in the amount of 1,200 rubles plus the regional coefficient. You can apply by contacting the MFC at your place of residence.

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3. My dad is a military pensioner, father of three children. Is he entitled to a plot of land?

3.1. The above is not regulated by federal legislation; it is not allowed under it. See regional and local laws on this issue.

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4. Father died. He is a military pensioner. What payments will his family receive?

4.1. If he has a length of service in calendar terms of 25 years or more, then the funeral will be at the expense of this system where he served. As well as financial assistance to the family. Nothing else is allowed.

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4.2. In addition to paying for the funeral and installing a monument, subject to certain conditions, the spouse has the opportunity to apply for a survivor's pension and the right to sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation.

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4.3. You will receive a funeral benefit in any case -
In accordance with paragraph 21 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 No. 941, in the event of the death of a pensioner from among the military personnel, members of the rank and file and commanding staff of internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, members of the family of the deceased or other persons Those who performed his funeral are paid a funeral benefit in the amount of a three-month pension received by the pensioner on the day of death, but not less than the social benefit established by Article 10 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 8-FZ “On Burial and Funeral Business.”

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4.4. Contact the military commissariat. Depending on length of service and military rank, burial is possible at the expense of the Ministry of Defense. Write an application for assistance to you financial assistance. Additionally, contact the authorities social security. You can successfully resolve your issue with legal assistance.
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5. Will I be able to receive a Group 2 disabled pension for my deceased father (military pensioner)?

5.1. If at the time of death you lived with him and were dependent on him, then you will be able to receive a survivor’s pension in this case.

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6. The child is 18 years old, a full-time student, the father is a military pensioner. Will there be alimony?

6.1. no, there will be no alimony after 18 years of age

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7. If the child’s father, a military pensioner, dies. What benefits and payments are given to the child?

7.1. for the loss of a breadwinner and payments from all

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8. If the father is a military pensioner, which pension fund should he apply to?

8.1. Contact the district military registration and enlistment office.

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9. If the father, a military pensioner-veteran of the Moscow Region, died, how to apply for a pension for a 14-year-old child?

9.1. Just mothers like legal representative, apply to the Pension Fund.

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10. My father military pensioner. We turned to the military clinic for help. The doctor said the tests were bad, cancer was suspected. We are collecting tests and certificates for hospitalization for the second month. I have a question. Are there any set deadlines for collecting documents?

10.1. In this case, the legislation does not establish a special period; treatment will still be prescribed whenever the documents are submitted.

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11. I am a military pensioner. 28 calendar years of service, dismissed at the end of the contract! A year before I was fired due to the death of my father, I inherited a small apartment! Question: If I sell or donate this apartment and wait 5 years, can I get in line to receive a subsidy?

11.1. Hello, after 5 years you will have the right to permanent housing, but you can realize it in general procedure by contacting the compulsory medical insurance. You are not entitled to anything from the RF Ministry of Defense, since you should have been recognized as in need of housing during military service.

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11.2. If you were not recognized as in need of housing during your military service, then today you have lost this right, you are fired! Both the RF Ministry of Defense and the CenterRegion Housing of the RF Ministry of Defense will rightfully refuse you! Now you do not have the right to housing from the Russian Ministry of Defense and you will not be given a subsidy either!

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12. I am a military pensioner in the event of a divorce, 2 children were divided, one with the mother, the other with the father, a court ruling determined the place of residence, I have the right to receive child benefits for both children or only for one.

12.1. Only the one who is with you.

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13. Can I transfer to my father’s pension (FSB military pensioner) after his death. Or moms. Their pension is greater than mine.

13.1. Elena! You fall under Articles 29 and 31 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I:

Article 29. Family members entitled to a pension: The right to a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is granted to disabled family members of deceased persons specified in Article 1 of this Law, who were their dependents.
Regardless of whether the breadwinner is dependent, the pension is assigned to: disabled children; disabled parents and spouse, if after the death of the breadwinner they have lost their source of livelihood; disabled parents and spouses of persons who died due to the reasons specified in paragraph “a” of Article 21 of this Law; spouse, one of the parents or other family member specified in paragraph “c” of this article.
Disabled family members are considered:
a) children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren who have not reached 18 years of age or are older than this age, if they became disabled before reaching 18 years of age, and are studying full-time in educational organizations (with the exception of educational organizations, training in which is associated with entry into military service or service in internal affairs bodies) - until the end of training, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23. Brothers, sisters and grandchildren have the right to a pension if they do not have able-bodied parents;
Article 31. Members of the family of the deceased who are considered dependents: Members of the family of the deceased are considered dependent on him if they were fully supported by him or received assistance from him, which was their constant and main source of livelihood.
Family members of the deceased, for whom his assistance was a constant and main source of livelihood, but who themselves received some kind of pension, may be assigned a survivor's pension.

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Consultation on your issue

Calls from landlines and mobiles are free throughout Russia

14. Does a child whose father is an FSB pensioner who was dismissed due to admission to 1st grade have benefits? age limit, is a military veteran? Does 76 Federal Law Article 23.p 5 apply to our situation?

14.1. Unfortunately, he does not have a certificate for admission to school. 23 does not apply to schools.

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15. The guy is a conscript, serving in the Kaluga region. He is from the Stavropol Territory, his father is a pensioner, but not disabled. According to the 400th order of the Ministry of Defense, he was supposed to be left in his region because of his father, but he was sent far away. There is no point in writing a report, the commanders there are bad. Is it possible to somehow achieve a transfer through the military prosecutor's office, citing order 400?

15.1. Write a complaint to the military prosecutor's office.

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16. Please tell me: my father, a military non-working pensioner with 13 years of civil insurance experience, has been waiting since January 1 for a pension increase to the promised 7% inflation or the promised monthly increase in the amount of 1000 rubles. On December 21, I received a pension for January 2019, but it remained the same as in 2018. Tell me, the PF and the government refused to answer for its obligations? Sincerely, the son of a veteran of war, labor and armed forces Alexander.

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17. Question: can I be considered in need of residential premises in the city where I work at a permanent place of work and live with my family (wife and son), I have shared ownership with my father (a military pensioner) in the amount of 1/2 share in a one-room apartment . The wife and son have no property. My wife works with me at the enterprise and uses a social employment contract that expires in the near future?

17.1. To register as those in need of residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements, they have the right:

Tenants of residential premises under social rental contracts, contracts for the rental of residential premises of a social housing stock, or family members of the tenant provided with a total living area per family member less than the accounting norm.
Thus, you need to know what size of living space is currently provided to you under a social tenancy agreement. If it is less than the accounting norm, then there are grounds for registering you.

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18. Please answer me. We have been studying full-time at school since September and sent documents to the military registration and enlistment office to receive a survivor’s pension since our father was a military pensioner and died. But now the child has been transferred to evening school, we can continue to receive a pension.

18.1. If the child is under 18 years of age, you can receive it regardless of any circumstances. conditions.
If you are already over age, you are not entitled to a pension.

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19. I am a military man, I have three children. 20 calendar years of service. My father, a military pensioner, received an apartment through public housing, and my wife and I each had a 1/5 share. More than 5 years have passed since the alienation. What can I expect from our valiant Russian Defense Ministry?

19.1. if a share in the right to the specified residential premises was acquired by you and your wife on the basis of a gift (purchase and sale) agreement concluded between you and your father, and the size of the civil housing settlement was calculated without taking into account you and your wife, as members of the family of a military serviceman, you do not currently live together with your parents in residential premises owned by them (these circumstances indicate the existence of the right to use), the living area of ​​which for all residents corresponds to the accounting standard or exceeds it, then after five years from the date of the intentional deterioration of living conditions You have the right to raise the question of recognizing you as needing housing before the housing authority.

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20. Obtaining Russian citizenship by my father, a citizen of Ukraine, 75 years old, pensioner. ..Born in the Krasnodar region (Russia), in Ukraine since 1983 (place of service), until 1992 - military pensioner of the USSR. I am a citizen of Russia, I have never lived in Ukraine. How can it be easier for my father to obtain Russian citizenship? What documents are needed from Ukraine? Can he receive a Russian military pension after receiving citizenship? Where to contact?

20.1. Yes, you can receive it only if you obtain citizenship.

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21. My father is a military pensioner, but continues to work in a civilian organization, he was on the queue for resettlement from the ZATO, and now he has been excluded from the queue on the grounds that he works. Is this legal?

21.1. Everything is legal. The right to receive a certificate is only non-working pensioner. About this right in the article. 7 of the Federal Law says... And they didn’t have the right to put him in line if he worked... Law of the Russian Federation of July 14, 1992 N 3297-1 (as amended on June 29, 2018) “On a closed administrative-territorial entity”
Art. 7

2.1. State support provided for in paragraph 2 of this article is provided in relation to:
citizens who have terminated labor or service relations with organizations located on the territory of a closed administrative-territorial entity,

The following citizens are deregistered to receive state housing certificates:

Those who have submitted the corresponding application;
in case of leaving the ZATO for another permanent place of residence;
in case of identification of information in the submitted documents that does not correspond to reality;
in case of concluding a new service contract or employment contract;
in case of refusal of the proposed state housing certificate;
in the event of a deliberate deterioration by a citizen of his living conditions (exchange of residential premises, eviction from residential premises in court, moving other persons into residential premises (with the exception of a spouse, minor children and temporary residents), allocation of a share by the owners of residential premises, alienation of residential premises premises or shares of residential premises owned by a citizen or members of his family).

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22. The question concerns entry into inheritance after a long period of time. My father, a military pensioner, left me a residential building as an inheritance. At the time of his death he was married to my mother. Mom had claims to part of the house, but later she abandoned them. I am interested in whether the responsibility to pay land and property taxes for these years will be transferred to me?

22.1. Yes, with regard to real estate, in accordance with Part 4 of Article 1152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you will be considered to have accepted the inheritance from the moment of the death of your father and, therefore, must pay property taxes for this period.

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22.2. If you actually accepted the inheritance after the death of your father and have been using this property all this time, then you have the obligation to pay all taxes established by law for the period of ownership of this property.

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23. I am the widow of a military pensioner. The husband died in October 2008. I will turn 55 in November. The daughter received her father’s pension for the loss of her breadwinner until 2017. Can I receive my deceased husband’s pension? I recently found out that I could already receive it from the age of 50, because I was not employed at the time of my husband’s death and still do not have a record in my employment record. Thank you!

23.1. You can receive 40 percent of your spouse’s allowance, you need to contact the military registration and enlistment office with an application, they will refuse you, then go to court so that the court recognizes that you were dependent on him at the time of death.

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24. Parents are divorced, father is a military pensioner, the apartment is a service apartment, mother lives in the apartment, supports it, etc. My father checked out a long time ago and does not live in the apartment, but payments come in his name. The city administration does not allow the personal account to be transferred to the mother. We want to privatize, is this possible? The court refused to privatize official housing for the reason: the mother is not a tenant, but the Administration does not allow people to rewrite the account, that is, change the tenant. Vicious circle.

24.1. This apartment is a service apartment and no one will be able to privatize it, including my father. Specify your question. This is a service residential premises or it has been transferred to the balance of the Administration of the municipality and you live in it on the basis of a social contract. hiring? If, on the basis of a social contract hiring and the father is the employer, but has been discharged and does not live, then it is necessary to draw up an act in the presence of Administration employees and renew the social contract. hiring, and then privatize. Good luck!

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25. I am currently a non-working military pensioner. I am raising a 16-year-old daughter, divorced. I applied for a child allowance (1,700), but I was refused, because the child’s father (also a military pensioner) already receives money for the children. (my child and the child in the new marriage). What should I do in this situation? Probably, we need to go to court with an application work book and a document on refusal and a copy of the work book? And does the child’s father have the right to receive this benefit if the child lives with me?

25.1. Greetings Oksana! Yes, you should receive cash benefits for a child who lives with you. In court, you can assign them to you. It’s better to call me at the phone number listed on my page.

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26. My father is a military pensioner and receives his pension from a savings bank. Can his wife receive a pension for him and what needs to be done for this.
Thank you.

26.1. To receive funds (pension) from a bank for another person, you must draw up an appropriate power of attorney and submit it to the bank. Powers of attorney for receiving pensions and payments are drawn up in simple written form and must contain complete and reliable information about the principal, including last name, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth, passport details, information about the place of residence and similar information about the authorized person. The document must be in writing and certified by a notary.

29.1. Deferment from conscription for military service is granted to citizens:
b) busy constantly caring for father, mother, wife, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent, if there are no other persons obligated by law to support these citizens, and also provided that the latter are not full-time state provision and need, for health reasons in accordance with the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution at the place of residence of citizens called up for military service, constant outside care (assistance, supervision); Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ (as amended on February 5, 2018) “On Military Duty and Military Service”

Male citizens aged 18 to 27 years are subject to conscription for military service.
I advise your young man take care of your parents. All the best!

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On January 1, 2016, a bill establishing two payments to spouses of deceased military pensioners came into force. According to its provisions, persons can receive accruals that are carried out by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as insurance pension. The first payments are made to widows or widowers of persons who received payments either for long service or for disability. In the second case, accruals are made if the military pensioner had grounds for receiving it due to age or disability.

Receiving a second pension by a widow or widower of the specified category is possible if the following conditions are met:

The military pensioner died while the funds were being transferred to him.
The cause of death was illness, concussion, injury, or other injuries received by the person during his military service.
The widow (widower) of the deceased is also on an old age or disability pension, or has a dependent child who has not yet reached the age of fourteen.
The widow (widower) turned 50 years old.
The spouse of a military pensioner has the right to apply for a survivor's pension if she has a dependent child of eight years of age or less.
So, if the above conditions are met, you are fully entitled to receive the deceased military retiree's second pension. But what is needed for this and where should a widow turn?

Where to go and what documents are needed

If you are completing state pension, the corresponding application and a photocopy of the supporting document are sent by registered mail to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The next step is to contact the territorial office Pension Fund. There you will need to fill out an application in the prescribed form and attach a certain package of papers to it. It includes the following documents:

Identification document of the applicant (widow's passport).
Death certificate of a military pensioner.
A document confirming the fact of registration of the widow (widower) with the military commissariat.
Confirmation of the fact of his service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR and/or the Russian Federation.
Confirmation of relationship with the deceased (marriage certificate).
Confirmation of the right of a military pensioner to receive payments based on length of service.
Document confirming seniority deceased.
A document establishing the amount of earnings of a deceased person in the period from 01/01/2001 to 01/01/2002.
Other documents.
Additional documents that the Pension Fund may require include certificates from a medical institution.

Once all the basic conditions have been met, the Pension Fund is obliged to accept and consider your application. The legal period for this is 10 days. An exception may be cases in which the Pension Fund will need additional documents to make a decision. Submission of an application and documents to the territorial office of the Pension Fund can be carried out in person, through an authorized applicant (a document certified by a notary is required confirming his authority), or sent by registered mail. If the Pension Fund refuses, the applicant has the right to go to court to appeal this decision.