How to calculate the date of birth. Due date calculator

Pregnancy. For many women this a long period is the most long-awaited, exciting and responsible. As soon as she finds out that she will soon become a mother, a huge number of different questions appear in her head. The future parent is thinking about how to determine the date of birth and is already beginning to count the days until the long-awaited meeting with her baby.

A few words about deadlines

Before considering the topic: how to accurately determine the date of birth, it is worth talking a little about such an important concept as “due date”. It can be divided into two types:

  • Obstetric term. Doctors often use it to determine when the long-awaited baby is due to be born. A girl planning a pregnancy should clearly remember the first day when her last menstrual cycle began; doctors will ask her a similar question quite often. This day will be the reporting point for the entire period of pregnancy. Exactly 40 weeks or 280 days are added to it, which is how long it takes for a child to mature in a woman’s uterus.
  • The embryonic term is considered the most truthful. Usually women themselves are guided by it. According to it, the birth of a child occurs exactly 14 days later than the obstetric due date.

If a girl is wondering how to determine the expected date of birth, then she needs to know only two important details: how long the pregnancy lasts and the date when the last menstrual cycle began.

The most unreliable way

There is the most unreliable way to determine the date of birth. Unfortunately, many doctors still use it in practice. It is carried out as follows:

  1. The girl comes to the reception antenatal clinic with an obvious problem: she has a long delay in her menstrual cycle.
  2. A specialist must carry out an examination on a chair.
  3. Next, based on the size of the uterus, he makes a conclusion about the absence or presence of pregnancy and determines its approximate duration.

It is worth noting that the uterus and women can increase at different rates. In some patients it may be large due to gynecological characteristics. Thus, such a method cannot be reliable.

Determination by blood

How to correctly determine the due date early stage pregnancy? It is best to take several tests for this purpose. First of all, you should make an appointment with a gynecologist or therapist. You should ask specialists for a referral to donate blood and urine.

After a laboratory test, the amount of hCG in the blood of the intended expectant mother will be determined. As a rule, it is noticeably increased in pregnant women. Next, this number should be compared with the period it corresponds to. Now there will be no problems with how to determine the date of birth - just count from this date to 40 weeks.

The most modern method

There is another method that allows you to determine the so-called day “X”. Experts call it the most modern method, since it has been used in practice for less than three years. Its essence is almost the same as in the previous method.

First you need to go to the pharmacy and buy an electronic test. After which you need to do a simple procedure: pour a small amount of urine into a container and dip the device in it for a few seconds.

After some time, the result of the study will appear on the screen, namely the presence and estimated duration of pregnancy. Based on these data, you can independently calculate the due date. The reliability of the analysis and test method is approximately the same.

Determination by date of menstruation

The only method for accurately determining the date of birth that gynecologists use to this day is a study of the last menstruation. You can do this yourself; you need to perform a simple algebraic equation:

  • First of all, you should remember when it started last menstruation.
  • It is recommended to subtract strictly three months from this date.
  • Another seven days should be added to the resulting calendar number.

Thus, as a result of a simple calculation, it was possible to establish the expected date when the baby will be born. It is worth considering that it will only be reliable if the woman previously had a stable menstrual cycle of 28 days.

Determination by ovulation

Every woman ovulates once a month. This is a very important process, as a result of which the egg is released into the uterine cavity for fertilization. The method of calculating the date of birth using it is one of the most truthful. Of 100 percent of patients who conducted such studies, 85 claim that the result was accurate. You can determine the day when your long-awaited baby will be born in just three basic steps:

  1. The first thing to do is to determine when exactly ovulation occurred. If a woman’s normal cycle lasted 28 days, then exactly 14 days should be added to the first day of the last menstruation. If the cycle is a different number of days, then it is worth adding the halved numerical value.
  2. Next, add the number 266 to this date using the calendar.
  3. Presumably, the result obtained is the day when the baby should be born.

Determining the due date by conception in this way is quite simple. Most likely, this result will be the most effective of all those listed above. However, there is one nuance - ovulation does not necessarily occur in the middle of the cycle. Women planning pregnancy are recommended to use a special ovulation test during the period of conception. The estimated day when the egg was ready for fertilization should be remembered. It is worth noting that this can also happen at the beginning, at the end of the cycle, and even several times a month. In the same way, you can determine the date of birth by the date of conception if it is precisely known, for example, if the expectant mother had only one sexual intercourse per month.

Determination by ultrasound

Currently, the most accurate method for determining the due date by week is ultrasound. Unfortunately, such a study will be proposed to be done no earlier than at week 11, unless there are any special indications. However, if you wish, you can use paid services specialists.

On the screen medical worker will see the level of development of the child. The period to which it corresponds will be automatically calculated. Further computer program will calculate the exact day he will be born.

Why do many experts recommend trusting this method? The fact is that all children develop differently, some grow more rapidly, while others lag a little behind in the process intrauterine development. A diagnostic study will reveal the exact duration of pregnancy, taking into account this feature.

Determination by the first movement

Our ancestors, even before the advent of modern technology, knew exactly when they should pack their things for the maternity hospital. They could determine the due date by the movements. This method is still used today, but, as a rule, experts are skeptical about it.

It is recommended to record the date when the baby first moved. Many women compare this feeling to a slight seething. If future mom is expecting her first child, then she should add 20 weeks to this figure. Those expecting their second, third and subsequent babies need to add 22 weeks. This is due to the fact that multiparous women feel movement several weeks earlier.

Online calculation

Of course, only an experienced specialist can accurately determine the date of birth based on menstruation, due date or ovulation. However, not all women are ready to wait such a long time. Currently, there are many programs that will help determine when the baby will appear.

To do this, you should find a calculator on the Internet. In the empty fields you should enter all the requested information, most often this is the first day of the last menstruation and the duration of the cycle. After a few seconds, a certain number will appear. There are also programs that allow you to do a similar analysis based on the date of conception or ovulation. In a similar way, you can also determine the gender of the unborn child.

  • When planning a baby, a young couple should pay close attention to every factor. It is recommended to keep a special diary in which you should note the date of the onset of menstruation, days of ovulation and unprotected sexual intercourse. Currently, there are a huge number of applications that can facilitate this process.
  • If the cycle lasts more or less than 28 days, then this information must be reported to the doctor, so he can more accurately determine the due date.
  • It is worth remembering that any method will only determine the approximate birthday of the baby. In fact, in rare cases, labor begins exactly at 40 weeks. The fetus is full term from 38 to 42 weeks.

There are several ways to determine the due date. Of course, this information will be useful for any expectant mother. But still, more attention should be paid to the issue of the full development of the fetus, avoiding all kinds of stress, eating right, visiting a doctor in a timely manner and healthy image life throughout the entire period of gestation.

The portal for mothers, the site, knows that mothers worry about any reason and it is important for them to know everything that happens to her body before, during and after pregnancy. Not to mention the expected due date! A free online service has been created especially for visitors to the Mamapedia website to determine the date of birth based on the date of conception of the child. All you need to do is indicate the date of conception of the child, and the pregnancy calculator will clarify your due date. In addition to the exact date of birth, the service will also indicate important information about important points during pregnancy and examinations.

If you are not sure about the exact date of your last menstrual period or the date of conception, then the pregnancy calculator will tell you the approximate date of birth. During a routine ultrasound examination, you will be able to find out the exact date of your birth!

Calculating your due date will take a matter of seconds and will not keep you waiting long. You can calculate your due date absolutely free of charge and without registration.


Pregnancy term calculator

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 31 February March April May June July August September October November December 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

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For many women, the feeling of an upcoming or already begun pregnancy occurs before the test shows two lines - that is, even before the actual delay. Scientists cannot yet give an explanation for these true premonitions, but the concept of Early Pregnancy Factor has already been introduced into the scientific lexicon, which describes the chemical reactions of the mother’s body in response to the accomplished conception after just a few hours. Currently, there are already tests for identifying the Early Factor hormone in the female body, but due to their significantly high cost, these tests are not produced on an industrial scale.

On average, birth occurs within 10 obstetric months(280 days) after pregnancy, when the baby is ripe for birth. However, it should be noted that 280 days is the conditional number of days of bearing a child. All women's bodies are different, and all babies mature differently in their mother's tummy. Some will need 280 days, while others will be “already ready” in 240 days. Only 2% of newborns are born on a precisely calculated day. Most children are two weeks earlier, or several days later than the appointed time. The duration of pregnancy and childbirth is calculated based on the date of the start of the last menstruation.

If we take into account all the changes that occur with the baby almost every day during pregnancy, and especially the first trimester, then in general these processes in importance and complexity, in depth, can be compared with the birth of a new universe. Every day of the little baby inside you is not just a step, it is a huge leap, a breakthrough forward. The birth of a new life, despite the scale of achievements, does not require any external efforts... everything happens under the cover of secrecy. After all, the woman herself learns that conception has occurred only after some time. Thanks to modern technology Scientists have managed to study a little of the great mystery of birth - where EVERYTHING begins. Enter your data and flip through the pages of the calendar of human life development throughout pregnancy. Believe me, amazing discoveries await you!


Pregnancy is one of the most exciting and at the same time responsible periods in the life of every woman, and therefore it is not at all surprising that each of us wants to know the date of birth as soon as possible. However, this issue often causes numerous disagreements and disputes. Expectant mothers “torture” doctors with their questions, because they want to prepare for important event, however, they just shrug their shoulders, because they are not able to accurately determine the date of birth of the long-awaited baby.
In order to Calculate the due date, click the “find out due date” button.

Today: 06.07.2019
Date of the first day of last menstruation:
Conception most likely occurred (+-2 days):

Estimated due date:
Time left before giving birth:

The estimated date of birth (EDD) is calculated in several ways, each of which is approximate. That is, if according to calculations the baby should be born on January 1, then it is not a fact that this will happen with one hundred percent accuracy on this very day. Very often there are deviations from the expected date in one direction or another. And labor can begin either 2 weeks earlier or later. I bring to your attention a fairly simple, but very effective way to find out the probable due date of a child, which has been successfully used by many doctors in clinics for quite a long time.

Calculation based on the last day of menstruation

So, to independently calculate gestational age and using it to determine the expected day of birth, you need to remember the start date of the last menstruation. It is on this basis that all calculations are made. From this date you need to subtract 3 months and add another 7 days to the result. The resulting number will be the expected due date of your long-awaited baby.
For example, the date of the last menstruation is April 22. This means that 3 months must be subtracted from this date. We take away and receive - January 22. We add another 7 days to this figure and get January 29 - this day will be the expected date of birth.
It is worth noting that this method of calculation is best suited for women with a regular menstrual cycle, which lasts 28 days.

4 Alternative Ways to Calculate Due Date

  • 1. You can find out the due date with fairly high accuracy by visiting a gynecologist’s office. The doctor will not order any tests for this, he will simply measure the size of the uterus, which will increase in size according to the age of the fetus. However, this method of calculating the date of birth of the baby is effective only in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the later stages (in the 2nd and 3rd trimester) in each woman, an increase in the size of the uterus occurs with varying intensity, depending on individual characteristics body.
  • 2. You can calculate the date of birth based on ovulation, which is the most favorable period during which conception most likely occurs. On such days, a woman usually experiences increased sexual attraction. In addition, her discharge (cervical fluid) becomes stickier and thicker, basal temperature the body rises by several tenths of a degree, the cervix rises, and the mammary glands become denser and become painful.
So, to find out when your baby will be born based on ovulation, you need to add 280 days to this day (the duration of pregnancy). The resulting period will be the date of birth. If the period in which ovulation occurred is unknown, then calculate the middle of the last menstrual cycle, and then add the rest to it.
In the same way, you can perform calculations based on the date of conception. However, you should be aware that this period does not always coincide with the day on which sexual intercourse occurred. Fertilization of the egg, as a rule, occurs only on the third day.
  • 3. Hardware computing using ultrasonic waves can also be considered one of the most effective methods, which allow you to determine the due date with an accuracy of 1-3 days. The most accurate calculations will be if an ultrasound is done during the 11-14 weeks of pregnancy.
  • 4. He will help you declassify the secret of your child’s birth date. first movement, which usually occurs at the 20th week (in first-time mothers) and at the 18th week during the second and subsequent pregnancies. In ancient times, when there was no ultrasound, this method of calculating the due date was almost the only one.
As soon as the expectant mother feels the first tangible tremors of her baby in her stomach, 20 weeks should be counted from that moment. The resulting date will be the probable day of birth of the child. If the birth is not the first, movements are usually felt earlier - at 18 weeks, so you will have to add not 20, but 22 weeks to this period.

The effectiveness of hardware methods in calculating the due date

Examination of the fetus in the third trimester using an ultrasound machine makes it possible to accurately determine the date of pregnancy, and therefore the expected due date. The fact is that only with the help of ultrasound diagnostics can a doctor observe the condition of the placenta, the position of the baby’s head in relation to the entrance to the pelvis, the level of opening cervix, signs of fetal maturity, as well as many other important factors. All these parameters are decisive in determining the readiness of the unborn baby and his mother for childbirth.

Is deviation from the deadline normal?

As mentioned above, all calculations of the expected due date are nothing more than a rough guideline that should not be relied heavily on. According to statistics, only 17% of women give birth on the appointed day, while the remaining 83% give birth either earlier or later. Thus, we can conclude that no specialist, no matter how smart and qualified he may be, can predict with high accuracy the date of onset of labor.
Normally, birth can occur between 38 and 42 weeks. pregnancy. The birth of a child will be neither premature nor late, but normal and physiological. Sometimes, for certain reasons, labor may begin prematurely. This happens due to abnormalities in the development of the fetus, stressful situations, various pathological processes occurring in the mother’s body, hereditary factors, etc.
Pregnancy often goes beyond that due to complications in the first trimester. In addition, maternal inheritance should be taken into account. If your mother and grandmother gave birth much later than the due date, then most likely the same thing awaits you. Therefore, it is very important to realize that calculating the due date is a very complex, conditional and individual issue for each expectant mother.

How do the characteristics of the menstrual cycle affect the date of birth?

The duration of a woman's menstrual cycle also influences the due date. For example, if it exceeds the standard twenty-eight days, then most likely the pregnancy will last more than forty weeks, and vice versa. However, in in this case The deviation in one direction or another usually does not exceed 5 days. It is worth noting that in such calculations errors are often made, since very often normal bleeding that opens after fertilization of the egg is mistaken for menstruation.

Hello dear readers! Today I propose to talk about a very intimate, but important topic that worries almost every expectant mother - “How to correctly calculate the due date?” The birth of a child is the main event in a woman’s life. For example, I was really looking forward to it, and at the same time I was afraid. Then my gynecologist told me several ways that helped me accurately calculate this date. I will be happy to share this information with you. Are you already interested? Then, perhaps, let's begin.

Determining the day of birth by the day of conception

Determining the exact date of birth of a child by the date of pregnancy is the most common method used by many expectant mothers. Add 9 months to the expected date of conception, and you’re done! Have you also calculated the time of birth using this method? I hasten to upset you - these are incorrect calculations! The thing is that the process of bearing a child lasts 280 days, not 9 months.

Your personal ovulation calendar will help you determine this important day. The thing is that the moment of fertilization of the egg sometimes does not coincide with the time when the decisive sexual intercourse took place. Did you know that sperm can live in a woman’s body for up to 7 days, and persistently “wait” for fertilization to occur?

Most often, the day of ovulation is the day of conception. It is enough to add 280 days to it, and you will find out when day “X” comes.

How to correctly calculate your due date

If you were unable to make the appropriate calculations based on the date of conception, use your personal menstrual calendar to calculate the baby’s birthday. Every girl has one. Is not it? Any gynecologist will tell you that the regularity of the menstrual cycle is very important.

Doctors calculate the time of birth by special formula Negele. This method is only suitable for those girls whose menstrual cycle runs like clockwork and lasts 28 days. Let's try to use the formula together using a specific example.

The general formulation is as follows: from the first day of the cycle, you need to subtract 3 months and add exactly 7 days. For example, my last menstruation began on September 28th. I subtract 3 months from this date - it turns out June 28. Let's add 7 days and get the deadline - July 5th. It's very simple but effective method. Believe it or not, the date I calculated coincided exactly with my baby’s birthday.

Ultrasound is the best way to determine day “X”

Medicine does not stand still. Gradually, new equipment is appearing that allows for the most accurate studies of the body of a future mother in labor. With help ultrasound examination A gynecologist can determine the size of the fetus and, based on these data, establish the PDA (estimated date of birth).

My periods according to menstruation and according to ultrasound were different, so I had to use another method, which I will discuss below.

In order for the examination results to be as accurate and truthful as possible, you need to perform. If you go to the doctor too early, he may not be able to see anything because early pregnancy the fetus is very small. The ideal time to determine PDR by ultrasound is 10-14 weeks.

The main thing is not to miss this moment, since then the baby will begin to actively grow and develop, and his physiological changes will depend solely on the individual characteristics of the body. If you sign up for the first ultrasound examination in the 2-3 trimester, the gynecologist will not be able to accurately determine the PDR.

The baby is moving in the stomach - it’s time to calculate the exact due date

Did you know that PDD can also be recognized by fetal movements? It is this method that I promised to tell you about finally. Well, promises must be kept! Of course, this method can be considered rather approximate and inaccurate, but it has its place. The thing is that a girl who gives birth for the first time feels the movement of the fetus a little earlier than a mother with experience.

Be sure to remember the day when you first felt that the baby inside you began to move. You can use one of these methods:

  • If you are giving birth for the first time, add 20 weeks to this date;
  • A girl who already has children must add 24 weeks to this date.

The method of determining PPD by the first fetal movements is considered the least accurate.

If you had an irregular cycle before conception, be sure to tell your gynecologist about it. A very unpleasant situation happened to my friend during pregnancy. The thing is that her menstrual cycle is not 28, but 40 days. The doctors did not take this fact into account and calculated the date of the onset of contractions, which turned out to be incorrect. As a result, “day X” arrived, but her labor did not begin.

The doctors were about to administer drugs for stimulation, but she managed to point out an error in the calculations in time. This is how useful it can be to independently calculate the time when the baby will be born! Thank God my friend and her baby are okay. The birth was easy, but she was seriously scared. Now do you understand how important it is to correctly calculate the maximum allowance? Your health and the life of your newborn may depend on this.

Well, my dear future mothers! I wish you patience, peace and good health. There is no need to be afraid of childbirth, and then it will pass quickly and easily. Perhaps you know other methods for determining the date of birth of a child? Share them in the comments, and be sure to visit our blog more often. Many more interesting and useful things await you.