What kind of fairy tales are made for flannelgraph. DIY games for children

Flannelograph is a convenient device for educational activities with children.

This didactic device quite simple both to use and to manufacture. Children really enjoy playing with it on their own, and it is very convenient for adults to conduct educational activities with them.
Its main property is the presence of a fleecy fabric surface, on which paper applications are applied, the reverse side of which is also covered with either fleecy fabric or velvet paper. By the way, it should be noted that velvet paper is much better, as it more firmly holds the picture in a vertical position on the flannelgraph.
You can simply hang fleece or a piece of flannel, drape or velvet on the wall. But here it is necessary to hold the fabric with nails, which can be traumatic, since the material needs to be hung at the level of a child’s height. Therefore, it would be more practical to make a portable flannelgraph.
There are also two manufacturing options here:
1. stretching the fabric onto the frame;
2. covering or upholstering a wooden, plastic or cardboard plane with fabric.
It is worth considering in more detail the manufacturing method using plating.
1. To do this, you will need a fleecy fabric (drape, flannel, fleece or velvet), a plane intended for sheathing, and a needle and thread. The fabric is taken bigger size than the area of ​​the plane itself.
2. The plane is applied to the fabric.
3. The fabric is stretched tightly and wrapped over the sides of the plane. You can even spray a section of fabric on the front side of the flannelgraph so that its tension increases after drying.

4. On the wrong side of the flannelgraph, the edges of the fabric are secured with threads, similar to how parcels are sewn up at the post office. If the edges of the material do not meet, it is permissible to tighten them with threads.

5. Cut out applique details or entire figures.
6. Glue them onto velvet paper so that the fleecy part of the paper is on the wrong side of the applique.
7. Cut out pictures.
8. The flannelgraph is installed vertically, possibly with a slight inclination. Applique details are applied to the front side with the velvet side facing the fleecy fabric. The parts are lightly pressed, they stick to the fabric and do not slip.

You can teach children the alphabet in this way: the adult puts pictures, and the child places the letters under them, which begin the word denoting what is depicted. You can “dramatize” the fairy tales “Turnip”, “Kolobok” or “Geese - Swans”. You can also learn to count by placing counting material: pictures of apples or animals and numbers indicating quantities. In general, the field for an adult’s imagination is boundless!

What is flannelgraph? How to make a flannelgraph with your own hands? What and how to make pictures for a flannelgraph?

What is flannelograph

Flannelograph is a very useful device for educational activities and games. It's easy to make and has many possible uses.

It is used in kindergartens as a visual educational aid. In games with a child, this is both a stage for showing performances using flat cardboard characters, and a convenient surface for placing various cardboard images on it, which are easy to stick and peel off to this surface.

Typically, a flannelgraph is an inclined plane with a fleecy surface. Cardboard figures are applied to it, the reverse side of which is covered with the same material (as an option - velvet paper or Velcro). The figures seem to be glued and held on the surface due to friction.

How to make a flannelgraph with your own hands

Cover a sheet of fiberboard or thick cardboard with a fleecy fabric, preferably a plain one (flannel, fleece, drape) so that it can then be removed for washing. For strength, it is better to glue even thick cardboard in 2-3 layers.

Place it at an angle against the wall, the back of a sofa or chair - and you can play or study.

When I first became acquainted with this wonderful manual, I came across recommendations on the Internet to also use plywood or chipboard for the base. In my opinion, the flannelgraph they make is heavy, especially if you make it large. And because If he stands at an angle, a traumatic situation may arise if he moves or accidentally falls on a child standing in front of him.

That’s why I like the cardboard or fiberboard version better, and it’s easier to clean it up after playing. It is very convenient that it does not take up much space when stored.

Now my daughter and I have a flannelgraph made from an almost flat cardboard box covered with flannel from under the mirror, the size of the box is 50x65 cm. You can make it larger or smaller. The existing piece of plain flannel was not enough, but the checkered diaper that my daughter never needed in childhood turned out to be just right.

If you make the flannelgraph small and foldable, about the size of a sheet of A4 office paper, then it is convenient to use it as a travel option to take with you on trips.

My daughter and I have both options.

How and from what to make pictures for a flannelgraph

Small figures made from the same fabric or from flannel, felt, drape, or viscose household napkins hold up perfectly on an inclined fleecy surface.

In order for the cardboard figures to stick well to it, you need to glue flannel or viscose fabric or velvet paper or a hard part of Velcro (adhesive-based or from diapers) to them on the back side.

Velcro from diapers can not be glued, but attached using a stapler.

To make cardboard figures last longer, cover them on the front side with wide transparent tape. Most of our figures are over 5 years old.

Pictures for cardboard figures can be made from:

It is very convenient that if you make stands for these figures, you can use them not only on a flannelgraph, but also on stage (follow the link for an article about such a theater and several ways to make stands for cardboard figures).

The same piglets as in the first photo:

How to play

I will talk about educational and educational games with flannelgraph in one of the following articles (and I will also send a link to pictures for printing to regular readers and subscribers of my blog), although some game options are clear from the photographs:

  • the most common use is as a stage for acting out the plots of fairy tales, poems and other works for children,
  • It’s convenient for kids to assemble simple puzzles,
  • you can make reusable applications,
  • you can make geometric applications
  • and much more.

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Happy creativity! Especially for blog readers "MORE creative ideas for children"(https://site/), with sincere respect, Yulia Sherstyuk

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I first saw the idea of ​​such a game last year, when I was talking with mothers at children’s classes. The game was purchased and differed from mine only in the “studs” and rubber bands. Then somehow on the Internet I accidentally came across a similar toy, but this time it was man-made :) Unfortunately, the source has not been preserved

1. wooden board (it’s better to take a wooden one! Because it’s easy to drive buttons into wood) dimensions and shape of great importance they don’t have :) but the more the merrier (within reason, of course;))

2. push pins. Their number will depend on the size of the board.

3. hammer (only for creation:))

4. circular elastic bands! I used elastic bands for money, but you can also sew a regular elastic band into a circle;)

Process of creation:
1. Marking the board.

We draw a grid with a square width of 3 cm (if less, it will not be convenient to put on rubber bands). It’s not important to draw a square grid, if you have extra materials (boards and buttons), you can experiment with a rectangular or any other one;)

2. We drive in the buttons.

It is advisable to drive them strictly perpendicular to make it beautiful :) I entrusted this process to my husband, and he partially entrusted it to my son :)))

3. Let's play :)))

The child really likes to play with it:) Develops imagination, you can learn more concepts in less time geometric shapes and the figures themselves. I think that the toy is suitable for children from 3 years old, or earlier, but under adult supervision. And one more nuance, it’s better to give the child more rubber bands, then he will be busy on his own longer :))) I bought a package of bank ones, there are 100 of them, or probably more. Now we have another favorite game with them. Tying a large number of rubber bands between each other, the son turns over his children's plastic table and in a chaotic manner ties these rubber bands onto the legs of the table. And then he climbs into these rubber bands and shouts: “Help! I’m stuck in a web!” :))) Although he can get out of there just fine without outside help;)


I've been wanting to make a game like this for my son for a long time. I still have memories from primary classes school, when in mathematics lessons we were visually hung apples on the board:)) I didn’t know what the board was made of, and what kind of trick was in these apples cut out of paper: (Just recently, in some online diary, I came across such a miracle:) ) Now I’m sharing with you :)

To make it we will need:

1. Frame. On which the fabric will be stretched. I took an IKEA frame for 300 rubles.

2. Flannel to fit your frame.

3. Scissors.

4. Velvet paper.

5. Various pictures.

Process of creation:

1. To begin with, I had to remove the “glass” from the frame (it’s transparent plastic).

2. We stretch the flannel onto the frame.

Actually, the flannelgraph itself is already ready. All that remains is to create something to play on it.

3. Cut out whatever you come across beautiful pictures and glue velvet paper on them on the back side. It is important that the picture does not bend, otherwise it will not stick. I used boxes from the game of Lego, thermomosaics, colored pencils, even 2 sad penguins from Anaferon :))

until 21.00 (Moscow time) Today, 10th of November. You need to vote for three jobs, which you liked are there in the comments (just write the numbers of the works).

Manufacturing flannelograph It will be interesting for teachers caring parents and grandmothers.

Description of material: a benefit for the development of children fine motor skills hands sensory development. Can be used for individual work with kids.

Target: enrichment sensory experience child, development tactile sensations, development of fine motor skills of the hands


develop attention, memory, speech, imagination

Flannelograph- educational visual aid allowance: covered board or cardboard flannel, on which the cut out figures are attached. Make flannelgraph is very simple, and the opportunities for games and learning that it provides depend only on the imagination of educators, parents and children.

Required material:

2. Chipboard sheet of size suitable for our frame

3. Material – household napkin

4. Hot glue gun

5. Construction stapler

6. Scissors

6. Double-sided Velcro tape

7. Tape and picture templates

Manufacturing flannelograph

1. Prepare a sheet of chipboard and a household napkin.

2. We attach a household napkin to the chipboard sheet with a construction stapler.

3. We insert a sheet of chipboard covered with a napkin into our frame.

4. Cut out the pictures from the templates, glue them onto cardboard for strength and laminate them with tape.

5. Glue the Velcro tape to the cut out pictures on the back using a heat gun

Flannelograph develops independent thinking, sensory abilities, activates speech development, stimulates the development of curiosity. It can also be used in various lexical topics.

Thank you for your attention!

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. Now, as promised, I’m telling you how to make figures for the biblical flannelograph and posting the drawings for download. The back coating ensures that the figures are held onto the flannelgraph and are easy to remove. This helps to act out the flow of the story in front of the kids.

Today this will be all that is needed to talk about the Creation: an angel, natural phenomena, plants, landscapes, animals and the first people - Adam and Eve.

To make these flannelgraph figures you will need:

· Color printer

· A-4 size photo paper not less than 170 g/m (or thick paper 160 g/m )

· Lamination film (or wide tape)

· Velvet paper (or Velcro from diapers, Velcro tape)

· PVA glue, scissors

Drawings must be printed on thick paper. It is better on photo paper, the colors of the drawings will be brighter (it is sold in computer stores in packs of A-4 sheets).

On the back side of the figures you need to glue a covering that will hold the figures - for me this role is played by velvet paper. In my opinion, this is the most optimal. It looks aesthetically pleasing, the figures do not adhere to each other during storage, and adhere firmly to the surface of the flannelgraph. In addition, velvet paper makes the picture denser. You can also use:

· Velcro diapers

· sewing Velcro tape (hard part with hooks)

· flannel

If you have A-4 size velvet paper, you can immediately paste drawings onto it without cutting it out. This will save you time and effort.

If the velvet paper is smaller or you will use Velcro, then you need to cut out the figures first, but do this with a margin on the sides. It is better to cut out more carefully after gluing velvet paper or Velcro and laminating the figures. This will again save time and effort.

Using PVA glue, glue the drawings onto velvet paper wrong sides to each other. So that the velvety part is the back side of the design

Several of the largest drawings did not fit on my velvet paper. I put Velcro from diapers on them. I cut off all the extra protrusions on the Velcro strips, and I got strips like this. I glued them to the backs of large figures with the sticky side facing out.

Now everything needs to be dried under pressure - in the pages of a thick book for 12-24 hours.

The resulting figures need to be laminated for durability. After all, not only you, but also the children will play with them. This needs to be done only from the front side. I did this at home. Stationery stores sell sheet sets of 100 A-4 sheets for lamination. They can be easily processed with an iron. (It may be a little expensive, but it will definitely last a long time). My density is not more than 150 microns (2*75). Place the film on the figurine and iron it at medium temperature. If you are afraid, then place a white sheet of paper between the film and the iron. The film will change color from matte to transparent and become denser.

You can simply use wide tape, but you have to get used to it so that everything works out the first time, otherwise you can ruin the picture.

After lamination, the workpiece will curl a little, since we only laminated one side. Don’t be alarmed, carefully hold the workpiece against the edge of the table, or if the figure is small, then use scissors. They will level out.

Then you need to cut out the figures according to the office. For convenience, I combined small parts and outlined them to make it easier to cut out and use. For example: eagles, seagulls, trees, flowers, swans and flamingos, right next to a lake, fish.

We put all the finished figures in a candy box. They will also be useful to us for other subjects, so treat them with care and spare no effort and time in making them.

Now a few stories from what you worked on.

For the background, a piece of purple or dark blue flannel is used here. Figures: angel, sun, moon and stars, planet earth. All this will be necessary to begin the story of Creation.

I already told you that some of my backgrounds are purchased, but you can also just use multi-colored pieces of flannel or fleece. I talked about this in detail when making the flannelgraph. Blue and green pieces of flannel are suitable for the background here. Drawings of trees, bushes and flowers. This beautifully illustrates the third day of creation, and also all the plants can be used in the Garden of Eden.