Summary of direct educational activities for children in the senior group “Different fish. Lesson notes on application

Emma Couular
Abstract directly educational activities for children in senior group"Different fish"

Subject: « Various fish» .

Target: Learn to convey distinctive features different fish having the same shape, but slightly different from each other in proportions; To consolidate sculpting techniques, continue to learn to distinguish the shapes of fish; Respect for nature and love for fish.

Demo material: Paper fish 2 pieces. grandfather and grandmother, house, lake, fishing rod, "golden fish» .

Handout: Plates with wet wipes, paper napkins, knives for cutting plasticine, plasticine, boards, cups and tubes.

Preliminary work. Looking at illustrations of fish, observing life aquarium fish, finger gymnasticsFish", outdoor game “Fun” fish"

GCD move.

Children come into group:

Look at me, what beautiful and kind eyes you have, let's smile at each other and say hello to the guests and the world around us.

"Good morning"

Game before class: "Fisherman and fish»

Educator: Children, let's play a little?

Children: Yes.

Educator: I will be a fisherman, and you you will be fish.

Guys, look what kind of chest we have here? They pulled him out from the bottom of the river, although he old, but unusual, it is fabulous.

Listen, someone is knocking from our chest of fairy tales!

Let's see who came to visit us from a fairy tale today?

We open the chest and take out from there the grandfather and woman, the golden fish(toys) .

Guys, what fairy tale do you think these characters are from?

Children: From "Tales of the Fisherman and fish» .

Children sit in a semicircle, on the carpet, in front of a tabletop theater.

Educator: – Guys, you already know how to sculpt fish, and today in class you will learn how to sculpt different fish. But first I’ll tell you a fairy tale, and you listen carefully. (theater show).

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. The woman took care of the housework; I cleaned and cooked. And my grandfather went to the lake and caught fish.

And this time I went fishing. He threw on his fishing rod, sat and waited. Something no fish caught. Grandfather is waiting. Suddenly the fishing rod moved, the grandfather pulled out the fishing rod, and there fish. Fish is not simple, and gold! Speaks fish in a human voice.

Hello grandfather! Please let me go into the lake. There are very few fish left in the lake, almost all of them have been caught, without me my friends will feel bad, and we want there to be a lot of us.

Grandfather felt sorry fish and says:

Grandfather: Okay, I’ll let you go and ask those kids over there to make you fish girlfriends. They are good, kind and skillful children. Grandfather let go of the gold fish back into the lake.

And he asks you to help make the golden wish come true fish.

Educator: Well, can we help the children?

Grandfather: Yes.

Surveillance of the living fish in the aquarium.

Educator: Guys, look. So beautiful fish in our aquarium.

Look at our aquarium – it’s a whole underwater world. And what kind of residents live in this transparent house? (Fish)

Guys, what is the bottom of the aquarium covered with? (The bottom of the aquarium is covered with pebbles)

Why do you need pebbles at the bottom?

Children: Plants are planted in the sand. Pebbles are needed to fish could hide behind them.

What do you think is the purpose of algae in an aquarium?

Children: The plants are beautiful. Some fish eat them. Among the plants the fish are hiding. Plants release oxygen, which fish breathe.

Educator: And also, guys, they put a special compressor device in the aquarium, which purifies the water and enriches it with oxygen.

Breathing exercises:

Let's go to the table and become compressors with you and show how the air supply device works.

Listen carefully to the rules.

Dip one end of the straw into the water, and take the other end into your mouth and gently blow away from yourself. We take air through our nose into our lungs and blow away from ourselves.

What are you observing? (bubbles)

Where did the bubbles come from? You exhaled air, and it is visible in the water in the form of bubbles. This is why a compressor works in an aquarium.

Guys, what do fish breathe?

Children: gills.

Tell me, who takes care of the aquariums? fish?

Children: Human.

How does he take care?

Children: Feeds, changes water, washes pebbles and shells.

What does a person feed the fish?

Children: Fish food.

The food can be dry - small crustaceans are caught for it, and then they are dried.

There is also live food - one of them is called bloodworms.

Guys, look carefully, is everything the fish are the same?

Children: No.

How are they different?

Children: Body shape, size, color, different shape of fins and tails.

What do they all have in common? fish?

Children: Fish have a head, a body, and fins.

What helps fish move in water?

Children: Tail, fins.

Tail fish serves as a rudder, and fins help it move in the water.

Guys, why do fish need scales?

Children: Protects the body fish from various injuries.

That's right, when a fish swims along the bottom, it can get hurt on sharp stones, and the scales protect the body fish.

Now let’s go and take our seats at the tables. (Children sit at tables)

Display and comparison of paper fish.

Educator: - Look carefully, compare and show me what they are like?

Children: One big fish, and the other is long.

Well done, that's right, one big round fish, and the other is long.

- What color is our fish??

What else do you have fish?

Children: Eyes, tail, fins.

And now I will show you how to make them.

Now we take half of the plasticine, knead it, and roll it out between our palms.

Here we have a body fish. What are our fish missing?

Now we are pulling the nose away from the main shape, sharpening them, flattening the tail and fins. And we draw the scales in stacks. Here we design the head.

Here's what I got different fish one is round and large, and the other is long. And now you will help your grandfather blind different fish. And the golden one fish there will be a lot of cheerful girlfriends.

Independent work children.

Fizminuta (after round fish)

Physical education minute “ FISH”

The fish splashed happily

In clean, fresh water. - hand movements.

They bend over, straighten up, and move their shoulders.

They will bury themselves in the sand.

We squat so many times - squats.

How many fish do we have here?

How many seagulls do we have?

We'll jump that many times. – jumping

We rested, and now the second long one let's make a fish.

Well done, how skillful and good you are. Grandfather probably liked it too.

Bottom line:

Children with their own fish stand in a semicircle"lakes", there's a grandfather with a golden one fish.

Notes that children are all tried, it worked out especially well for….

Grandfather: What masters. And they made a lot of beautiful fish. Well, now it’s our golden fish you won’t be bored - True, fish?

Golden fish: Thank you children, for your kindness, for your work. Now it will be fun in the lake, see how many fish you have made. Thank you very much!

Educator: Well, guys, let's carefully release the fish into the lake.

(Locate works children in"lake" so that both fish the same child were lying together, i.e. side by side)

Let's count how many fish live in our aquarium.

Look carefully, are they swimming in the same direction?

Let's count how many fish are swimming in the right direction.

And now, how much is in the left direction.

Bottom line:

Guys, what type of living creatures did you meet today?

Children. With aquarium fish

Is that all the fish are the same?

Children. All different fish. Different in color, in size, in body shape.

How to care for aquariums fish so that they feel comfortable in the aquarium, like at home?

Let's say goodbye to our guests and thank them for coming to us!

Lesson notes on application.

Topic: "Fish in the aquarium"

Target: Learn to cut along the line to the limit; strengthen children’s ability to bend a square vertically and horizontally, and bend corners; to develop artistic and practical skills in children (select color combinations, carefully use scissors, stick images); compose a single composition, work in a team, develop fine motor skills of the fingers, attention, memory. Develop creativity and imagination.

Preliminary work: In previous lessons, children made a background blank “The Seabed”, read works on the theme of sea animals, look at illustrations, listen to audio recordings

Equipment and materials: background blank “Seabed”, illustrations of sea animals, audio cassette, aquarium, trays, colored squares, rectangles with drawn lines, pencil, scissors, glue, oilcloth.


Organizing time.

Children, do you like to travel?

I offer you a trip to the bottom of the sea, but I can’t decide what we can use to get to the bottom of the sea. (On a submarine, in a diving suit).

Let's put on a diving suit and hit the road (simulation of movements, sounds of water - audio cassette).

So we sank to the bottom of the sea. Look around how many different animals there are in the underwater kingdom. In previous lessons we talked about the inhabitants of the seas. Let's remember what they are called? (Fish, crabs, whales, dolphins, sharks, starfish, jellyfish, etc.).

It's time to head back home. (imitation of movements, sounds of water - audio cassette “Baby in the Forest” No. 6).

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Here we are at home! See which place in our group reminds us of the underwater world? (Aquarium)

We invite you to approach the aquarium and observe its inhabitants.

There is a transparent miracle - a house,

There are fish in it day and night.

Instead of air - water,

Pisces cannot live without it.

The fish swim in circles

They smile at each other.

The fish are looking through the glass,

They are cozy and warm.

After all, the aquarium is sea

For the fish it is a home.

Look carefully and tell me what interesting things can be seen in the aquarium? (Different fish)

An aquarium is a whole underwater world. Just as we cannot do without air, fish cannot live without water, this is their home. At the bottom there are many colorful pebbles, shells, and many different plants. Who knows what they are called? (Seaweed)

Some fish feed on them, and underwater plants saturate the water with oxygen, which is also necessary for underwater inhabitants.

Where can fish live? (In the river, in the sea, in the ocean)

Which of you is the most perceptive will answer the question: “What is the difference between fish habitats: the underwater world and the aquarium? »Bring children to the idea that the aquarium was created by human hands, that it is an artificial underwater world.

We suggest approaching the “Sea Bottom” background blank.

Look, in previous lessons we made a picture of one of the corners of the seabed, but is there something missing? (Fish)

List the elements of its structure? (Tail, fins, body, head)

Explanation of new material.

Today we will try to make fish figurines using the origami technique. What is origami? (folding paper to make figures)

What property of paper will we use? (The paper bends easily)

Look at the trays. What shapes will help us make a fish figurine? (square, rectangle)

Who can tell me how these figures are similar? (4 corners and 4 sides)

How are they different? (A square has equal sides, but a rectangle does not)

Listen carefully, how will we work?

Let's make a fish out of a square

Let's prepare the tail for the fish

Let's connect two parts of the fish

Let's place and glue our fish onto our blank background.

Children choose a square and a rectangle and sit at the tables.

Stages of work execution.

Guys, in order for our fish to turn out, the fold lines need to be ironed well. Look carefully at how we will do it.

Demonstration of the teacher's work performance.

“Once - we raise the upper right corner,

Two - we connect with the lower left,

Three corners are bent,

By four - the other corners were bent.

Now unfold it -

The letter hid inside.

Who is smart, tell me? " (Letter "X")

We turned the work around

And they bent her in half"

We put it in a turret and connect the left corners to each other, and then the right ones.

Children perform work together with the teacher.

Physical education minute.

We're kicking, stomping,

We clap-clap our hands,

We are the eyes of a moment, a moment,

We shrug our shoulders.

One - here, two - there,

Turn around yourself.

Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up,

Everyone raised their hands up,

One-two, one-two,

It's time for us to get busy!

Work execution stage.

Now let's prepare the tail. Cut along the lines to the limit line. We wind our ponytail around a pencil. Glue it to the body of the fish. Our fish is ready. All that remains is to place her in our corner of the sea.

Independent work, individual assistance.

As each child completes the final design of his fish, he approaches the panel and attaches his product to the common blank poster “Bottom of the Sea” in the place he likes.

The audio recording “The Sound of the Sea” is playing

Summary of the lesson.

Look what a wonderful sea corner we will create for you!

What did we do today, what did we remember?

What do you remember and like most?

What did you learn to do?

What new did you learn?

Look what a wonderful aquarium we made all together.

Each of you can learn a lot of interesting things about fish and sea animals from encyclopedias and various books.

Applique has long been included in the creative program of kindergartens, schools and drawing studios. And not in vain - after all, this type of crafts has a very broad impact on child development. There and creative thinking, and fantasy, and fine motor skills, and many other useful things. Moreover, there are so many types of applique that it is enough for a large number of lessons, so you can combine several techniques in one work. Use ready-made ideas to prepare for activities with children. It will be very interesting applique with aquarium fish. With its help, you can implement any creative ideas.

For children in younger group kindergarten is usually offered something very simple, unpretentious, because the main task is to teach how to use glue and how to hold scissors correctly. In the middle group, it is already important to be able to do work smoothly and presentably, but the level is also still quite low. The most difficult classes are in preparatory group. Let's talk about them!

Fish applique made from pieces of colored paper

It would be nice to start by going back a little and remembering what level it was middle group– several works will show where acquaintance with the application began, so as not to repeat, but to increase the complexity. Moreover, it will be easier for kids if they first see something familiar and remember at least a little of this style.

And the option with torn paper is a good place to start. On the one hand, nothing complicated, on the other hand, children will show their imagination with all their might and remember what applique is. This look, by the way, is suitable for a child of any age. It’s just that at the age of 5-7, children will already do this work completely themselves - and draw a fish, and tear up colored scraps, and stick them on.

You can choose a stencil for work in the article below. But a more interesting activity for kids would be to draw a fish themselves and decorate their drawing with pieces of colored paper.

Volumetric fish made from pieces of corrugated paper

A volumetric application of this type can become either teamwork in the preparatory group, or it needs to be made more than once. At the very least, there is always the opportunity to reduce the task by limiting it to a small aquarium fish.

Detailed instructions with photos in a colorful master class:

Video: Volumetric applique “Fish”

Different designs and materials for goldfish applique

Another way for beginners and intermediate kindergarten– application according to a template. You need to print out a sufficient number of them and then cut them out. This is enough for memories. It's time to move on to more complicated methods. It is worth noting that the difficulty lies only in the little things - if they did not exist before, now children are able to make the smallest elements with their own hands.

For example, the simplest aquarium fish will become more beautiful if you add voluminous scales from pasta and a tail with fins from crumpled colored paper.
Or how do you like this fish - each detail of the scales is made from a circle folded in half. An application made of plasticine on the theme “Goldfish” will be a good variety in the creativity of older preschoolers.
It is made step by step, each element is attached separately. To make the plasticine marble, add a little red to each yellow piece for the scales and mix lightly until streaks form. You can also glue the eye with plasticine, this is not critical.

Crinkled napkins and natural materials: cereals, coffee, pasta - and now an unusual application in the aquarium theme is ready: Autumn theme with fish - from dry leaves: An excellent option to introduce the children in the older group to shapes - cut out fish from geometric shapes. This way, they will clearly see how triangles can be obtained from a square, how to turn a circle into an oval and back, and they will learn to form complex ones from simple figures.

Video: Aquarium with fish made from waste materials

Create a school of fish underwater

A good way to organize collective activities is joint drawing. It should be large, and the teacher will definitely help with the design of the composition. Small step-by-step instruction for creating a collective application:

  • First, the teacher distributes stencils (preferably different ones) of fish to everyone.
  • The main task for children is to cut out colored fish from different parts and glue them together.
  • Those who completed it faster than others receive a new task - cutting out algae.
  • The teacher decorates the background with different colors (it is better to do this in advance), any methods are allowed. All small elements are considered additional and optional - at will and skill.
  • At the end, everyone chooses a place for their fish and glues it themselves.
  • The picture can be decorated with colored cardboard or a homemade frame.

Step-by-step photo master class “Fish”

A brief MK with a description will be useful to understand the details.

Fabric applique of underwater landscape

Fabric appliqué requires stronger fingers and sharp scissors, so you need to be very careful about safety precautions.

If we judge beauty, then felt is the best.

Fabric can also be glued on; don’t forget about additional decorative materials: beads, buttons, sequins, which will visibly decorate the fish!

Video: Making a 3D aquarium with fish with children

Fish patterns for work

Target: to develop children’s artistic and practical skills and abilities.
  • teach children to cut out silhouettes of simple-shaped objects and patterns by eye;
  • develop hand-eye coordination;
  • learn to pre-prepare pieces of paper of the required size for cutting out images;
  • teach to achieve a distinct form;
  • develop a sense of composition;
  • repeat the composition of the number three;
  • expand children's horizons about the world around them;
  • continue to introduce children to underwater inhabitants.

Preliminary work:

  • looking at illustrations of aquarium fish;
  • conversation on the topic “Where do fish live?”;
  • reading: “In the seas and oceans.” Series "Discover the World";
  • “My first encyclopedia” P.Ya. Galperstein;
  • "Animals of sea bays and ocean depths." Series "Look and study animals."

Materials and equipment: A4 paper in pale blue, pale green or lilac (optional) for an aquarium, paper different colors and shades, scissors, glue.
1. Organizational moment.
Guys, we received a letter from the cat Leopold. He writes that he was given an aquarium, but there is no one there. Who lives in the aquarium? Guess the riddle.
Educator: I don’t walk and I don’t fly
Try to catch up!
I can be golden
Well, look into a fairy tale! (Fish)
2. Where else can fish live? The teacher shows the presentation “Fish in Water”
Educator: What is the difference between fish habitats: the underwater world and the aquarium? (bring children to the idea that the aquarium was created by human hands, that it is an artificial underwater world)
Educator: An aquarium is a whole underwater world at home. We cannot live without air, and fish cannot live without water - this is their home. At the bottom there may be many colorful pebbles, shells, and many other plants. What are their names? (seaweed). Algae purify the water in the aquarium.
Educator: What kind of fish live in the aquarium?
The children name them, the teacher shows the presentation slides.

Slide show “Fish in the Water” (photo gallery)

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6

2. Practical stage.
Leopold's aquarium can only fit 3 fish. How many units does the number 3 consist of? How to make the number 3 from two numbers?
Children lay out the handouts and repeat the composition of the number 3.
Instructions for performing the work:
- children choose colored paper for fish of different colors, corresponding to the composition of the number 3.
-1 fish is traced according to the template, and 2 are cut out according to the shape by eye.
Physical education minute. "Fish Dance"
We're kicking, stomping,
We clap-clap our hands,
We shrug our shoulders.
One - here, two - there,
Turn around yourself.
Everyone raised their hands up,
One - two, one - two,
It's time for us to get busy!
3. Independent work of children.
Children cut out seaweed and pebbles. Lay out the objects in the aquarium on paper and stick them on.
4. Summing up.
They bring finished works to the exhibition and look at it together, admire it, and express their opinion.
-What did you learn to do?
-What was easy to do?
-What was difficult?
-What do you remember?
-Who has the most beautiful aquarium?
Each of you can learn a lot of interesting things about fish and sea animals from encyclopedias and various books.

Renata Kostina

Target: create conditions for development creativity in building decorative pattern.



Learn decorate the volume shape with basic elements

(dot, circle, stripe, wavy line);

Form initial ideas about the natural resources of our planet;


Develop technical skills (purposefully use brush: paint with the tip of a brush, with the whole hand, move freely in all directions);

Continue to develop the ability to plan your activities and prepare a workplace;

Develop imagination aesthetic perception, figurative representations;


Cultivate artistic taste.

Types of children's activities: cognitive-research, productive, communicative, gaming.

Creating an environment for organizing and conducting GCD: material for research - gypsum, picture of an aquarium, sample.

Criteria for evaluation: active participation in the lesson, manifestation of independence and interest.

Materials and equipment: gypsum, plastic molds, plaster three-dimensional figures, gouache, water jars, brushes, cotton swabs.

Methods and techniques aimed at developing integrative qualities:


Experimenting with a new material - gypsum.


Observation of sample transformation.


The teacher shows new ways decoration(cotton shelves);

The joint action of the teacher and children(at the child's request).


Creating a problematic situation when choosing a material decoration.


Gaming and surprise moments when finding fish figurines;

Setting a creative task (populated the aquarium with beautiful fish) .

Progress of the lesson:

1. The teacher shows the children plaster stones, invites them to look at them, touch them, smell them, and determine their color.

This stone is very brittle; if you hit it with a hammer, you will get a powder. The teacher demonstrates gypsum in powder form.

This stone is magical, if it makes friends with water, the results will be different. figurines. The teacher shows how to make three-dimensional figurine of a seahorse.

Where do you think he can be placed? (to our aquarium)

But he will be lonely there! Let's make him friends! I have fish figurines, but they are not beautiful, they need to be decorated.

2. Children, together with the teacher, remember the main elements decoration(work on the board with a marker).

The teacher reminds about the technique of working with a brush; shows the way decorating with cotton swabs.

The teacher demonstrates his example, reminds about the need for planning work: First of all, put the main tone, while the paint dries, think over your pattern.

Children choose materials for work, prepare a workplace, begin decorating.

3. At the end of the lesson, the children move the cabin into the aquarium and admire the work.