Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world. Olga Dybina - Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group of kindergarten

Chapter: Getting to know the world around you

Topic: Our school

Target: explain to children that school is educational institution for children preschool age; introduce the school staff and talk about their responsibilities. Expand, clarify and specify children’s knowledge about school. Refine knowledge on lexical topic. Strengthen the ability to answer in complete sentences. Cultivate activity and perseverance. Instill in children a desire to learn. Instill respect for the work of teachers and the work of school employees. Activate the dictionary: school supplies, recess, bell, teacher's room. Teach children to take care of nature, recognize and distinguish plants growing in the school yard. Help children adapt to school. Find yourself some friends.

Methodical techniques: question and answer, games, riddles, looking at illustrations, conversation.

Equipment: illustrations on the theme “School”, colored pencils, school supplies, reflection “School”

Bilingual component: ұғ alim – teacher, line-syzғ yay, eraser-ө shirgish, notebook-dә pter

Stages of activity

Teacher's actions

Motivational and incentive

Organizational search


Guess the riddle:

* There is a cheerful bright house,
There are a lot of agile guys in it.
There they write and count, they draw and read
… ( School- mektep )


What is school?

Do you think there have always been schools? No. There was a time when schools did not exist at all. How did the children study? After all, it is very important that children learn, that adults tell them everything they know.

In ancient times there were no schools, and each child was taught by his mother and the tribe in which the child grew up. Children were taught to care for animals and plants, take care of babies, cook food and even sometimes hunt.

Over time, we noticed that there are people who know how to teach children better than others, who know more than others. The profession of TEACHER appeared.

The teacher taught not only his own children, but also all others. Schools appeared - places where people came to study. In hot countries, schools were right under open air, and in cold ones - in houses. Children were taught only literacy and counting.

But in modern schools Children learn a lot - reading, writing, mathematics, working on a computer. Children will learn a lot of interesting and important things about nature, people’s lives, technology, and travel. And the schools themselves have become completely different - bright, spacious, large.

What do you think you will learn when you go to school?

( The teacher places the painting “To School” on the stand)

What can you call this picture? Give it a name. Why?

Why do you think these children go to school and not to kindergarten?

How to call children who go to school in one word?(pupils, schoolchildren, first-graders).

What does schoolchildren have in their briefcases?

How can you call all these objects in one word? What time of year do children go to school?

Name the professions of the people working at the school.
– What do you think is happening?(He was late for school, the teacher scolded) .
– Why does the teacher scold Vanya?
-Listen to the story “Why Vanya was late for school.” I'll tell you the beginning of the story, and then you continue.

In the evening, dad brought Vanya a new computer game. And he said: “You’ll play tomorrow, because it’s too late today.” Now I have to pack my briefcase and go to bed, and when my parents fall asleep...Vanya slowly turned on the computer and decided to play a little, but he got so carried away, stayed too long, and didn’t notice. How late the night came. When Vanya went to bed, he didn’t even remember that he needed to pack his briefcase. In the morning the alarm clock rang, Vanya woke up and saw that he had not packed his briefcase in the evening. Vanya took a long time to collect his school things; when he arrived at school, class was already in progress. And when the teacher scolded Vanya, he thought...

Guys, what was he thinking?(That you need to pack your briefcase on time and listen to your parents.)

Bilingual component: mektep - school, balalar - children, mұғ alim – teacher, line-syzғ yay, eraser-ө shirgish, notebook-dә pter


Well done boys. And now everyone has stood up, I’ll check how you know the letters and how attentive you are, if I show you this letter, you need to stand quietly(A), if this one, you need to squat(ABOUT), and if this one - clap your hands(AND). We rested, calmed down and sat down.

Poem "Miracle School"
How we live together, have fun, learn notes, sing songs.
School, school is our home, And we cannot live without school.
Our school is a miracle, It’s so fun for all the people,
It’s so great for all people in it, Let it be so!
Every student knows for sure that without school the world dims instantly.
Our kids love school. School, school is the best time!

How is school different from kindergarten? Do you think children are friends with each other at school? You will also find friends here. And maybe for life. Why are friends needed at school?

d/i “Tell me which one? »
- What kind of plastic felt-tip pen?
Plastic What kind of wooden ruler?Wooden A metal bell - what kind of bell?Metal
- A notebook made of paper - what kind?
Paper And what kind of pencil case?Plastic Rubber eraser - what kind of eraser?Rubber Leather briefcase - what kind of briefcase?Leather

Listen and correct the sentence"Nonsense"

    The brush painted Lena. (Lena painted with a brush )

    A textbook to learn from Vasya. (Vasya study from a textbook )

    Vova put the pencil case in his briefcase. (Vova put the pencil case in his briefcase )

    The pen wrote a letter to Tanya. (Tanya wrote a letter with a pen )

    Olya reads the alphabet. (Olya reads the alphabet)

Bilingual component: mektep - school, balalar - children, mұғ alim – teacher, line-syzғ yay, eraser-ө shirgish, notebook-dә pter

Result: What new and interesting things did you learn about the school? What should be done to keep the school yard and inside the school clean?

Reflection “School”

Whoever thinks that he is ready to go to school, to first grade, take a cheerful little man; For those who feel that they are not quite ready for school yet, take the sad little man. Thanks guys for your work!

Play: call school employees, listen to the teacher, answer questions, call words in the Kazakh language.

Understand: why children go to school, why it is necessary, rules of behavior at school and on the street.

Apply: they love school and respect the work of people of different professions working at school.

Lesson outline

« Help Bunny stay healthy»

Program content:

To develop children’s initial security skillslife and health;

Based situational momentsdevelop children's skills draw conclusions about life safety;

Foster a sense of mutual assistance and a desire to help each other.
Progress of the lesson:

Educator drawschildren's attention on thatHow Theygrown up behindsummer, have become fast, agile, and offers to talk Ohealth, finds out how children understand the word “health”, leads bywords:

Health is the best wealth.

Everything is great for a healthy person.

Health is the head of everything.

Once given stu to the door, I appear tsya two boy, dressed in Znayka and Bunny costumes. Bunny dressedcarelessly: the coat is unbuttoned, the laces are untied, the scarf is unwound.

They say hello with children. The bunny invites the children to go for a walk. Znayka offers to stay in class and listen. He pays attention children on Bunny's appearance and says that dressing this way oh, The bunny is harmful to its health. Znayka invites the children to explain to Bunny what he did wrong in his haste and why, and offers to help Bunny.

Educator praises childrenbehind help Zaike clarifies the children’s answers: untied shoelaces - you can step on them and fall; racesquilted coat - you can catch a cold; Not scarf tied- he cancling to What- something and the child will fall .

How to walk on a wet floortodon't slip;

- how to go down the stairs;

How to dress when going to walk.

The bunny offers incorrect options, the teacher encourages the children to explain the rules to him, then invites the children to show all this while getting ready for a walk.

Fairy-tale characters read an advice poem and take the children for a walk.

Put on your coat, don't expect any trouble.

What do you need to do right away? Better look in the mirror!

Fasten the buttons, and then you won’t fall,

And then we’re on our way . You won't break anything.
You put on your shoes -

Tie all your shoelaces!

So as not to fall on the road

So as not to fall into a puddle.
Characters can be used puppet theater .

Lesson notes

to get to know the world around you and to know yourself

4th year of life

« Dr. Aibolit»

Program content:

Through the game, introduce children to the profession of a doctor and the tools he needs to work, clarify children’s ideas about personal hygiene;

Build skills healthy image life;

Foster a caring attitude towards your health;

Develop speech and imagination.
Equipment: toy medical equipment (thermometer, medicine, bandage, spatula), screen, Puppet Doctor set, doctor costume, pictures of products,hats with animal images.
Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them. (Children say hello.)

Educator : Guys, let's play with you. I came up with a joke game. It's called "Me too." If I say that I’m doing something good, you add: “Me too”: if it’s bad, keep quiet, don’t say anything, okay? Remember. Begin. Just be careful!

Game "Me too"

I can do it neatly there is her.

I don't listen to my elders.

I'm friends with the guys.

I'm behaving well!

I'm walking outside!

I hate all the guys!

When if CT oh I made a mistake And said: "Me too" teacher says: “Who said “Me too”? Let me

I'll look at the children which they offend their comrades!.. What?..

Don't offend, just made a mistake? It’s good, we need to be friendly!”

Educator: Oh, guys, I completely forgot, I was playing with you... After all, a guest came to us. Wait here and I'll see if he comes to us.

The teacher goes behind the screen and changes clothes : No, it’s better to guess who to you came... Kind - kind, in a white coat, glasses... Guessed is b? He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone, the good doctor...(Aibolit). That's right, here he is! (Doctor Aibolit appears.)

Aibolit: Finally, I got to you I. It was difficult to walk: both the wind and the neg on a way. Where are oursAre the animals sick? And here they are.

The teacher (Doctor Aibolit) dresses the children in hats with images of animals: bunnies, bears, hippopotamus, wolves, etc.

Aibolitaddresses a child in a hat with a picture of a bunny: Z Honey, what hurts you?? (Leans overbye chiku, listens to himtube) Here what is it! Bunny caught a cold! Come on bunny diss tell me how you could be so busy.

The child says:Bunnythe hostess said.

Under rain stayed with aika!

I couldn't get off the bench.

Every bit of it To and about the mock! (A. Barto)

Aibolit: Ay-yay! It's not good to quit their toys. Go to bed, little bunny, and we'll put a thermometer on you. And the guys will bring you and show you pictures depicting healthy products, they contain a lot of vitamins that will help you get better and not get sick again.

Game “Useful - Unuseful”

Aibolit: Well done guys: you helped get well bunny.

Aibolit: What’s wrong with you, little darling?

The child reads: Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw.

I still won't leave him,

Because he's good.(A. Barto)

Aibolit: Paw? We her NowLet's bandage it. But you can’t hurt your toys like that(opens the suitcase, but it is empty) How forgetful I am! I forgot my tools. I see you have the items I need for my work.(goes to the table where the items that are necessary for the work of a doctor, cook, or salesperson are placed) . Choose from all the items the ones I need for my work.

Game "Who needs what"

Aibolit:Well done! Now you can treat the target. Let's take a bandage and bandage his paw. That's it, little darling! There are still patients.

Aibolit:Oh, hippos! They grabbed their tummies, the poor hippos' tummies hurt. And why could their tummies hurt? (children's answers)

Aibolit:They didn't wash their hands well. Guys, let's tell them how to wash their hands.

We need to wash ourselves! let's walk

Where is the clean water here? shrug their shoulders

Let's open the tap - shhhhh, rotation of the hands

Wash my hands - sh-sh-sh, imitate hand washing

We will rub your cheeks and neck and pour some water on it.

imitate washing the cheeks and neck

Glug - glug - glug - the water is gurgling, puff out our cheeks

All the guys love to wash.

We washed our hands with soap, imitate hand washing

Don't forget the nose and cheeks. point to cheeks and nose

Don't be lazy to wash your ears show ears

And they wiped everything dry.

Aibolit: You guys are great for teaching hippos to wash their hands . You guys are very kind and caring. And it’s time for me to go treat other children and animals. Goodbye, guys! (gets ready to leave, but suddenly remembers something)

Aibolit: How forgetful I am! After all, I wanted to give you a gift, give you my suitcase. You will look at everything and treat it yourself. I hope it helps you a lot. Now goodbye!(Gives the suitcase and goes behind the screen, takes off his suit and goes out)

Educator : Well, guys, tell me what kind of guest came to you? (children's answers)And what did Doctor Aibolit treat you with?(children's answers, draws attention to the gift). Have you thanked Dr. Aibolit? Well done, you are so good!

Lesson outline

to get to know the world around you and to know yourself

4th year of life

« To be healthy»

Program content:

To develop in children an understanding of the importance and necessity of hygiene procedures.

Illustrations with images: a boy brushing his teeth and a dirty boy, a book withpoem by K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”
Progress of the lesson :

The teacher offers to listen to an excerpt from the poem

V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”, consistently showing illustrations:

This boy loves soap and tooth powder.

This boy is very nice and does well.

Nomination: lesson notes on the topic of tools.

Summary of a lesson in the senior group on familiarization with the outside world

Subject: Formation of the concept “Tools”

Expand children's understanding of different types tools, about their use in work by people of different professions;

2) Replenish vocabulary, develop logical thinking children;

3) Cultivate an interest in why tools are needed.

Equipment: set of tools, Dunno.

Preliminary work: examination of tools.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part:

(There are tools on the table: rolling pin, ruler, brush, hammer, pliers, screwdriver)

Dunno:(Sits near the activity model in the form of an object ladder). I don't have much space on the second step. I wanted to put everything from this table on the second step, but there wasn’t enough space. (On the second step are Materials, and these are Tools). Why are you confusing me...?! A wooden ruler, a metal and wooden hammer, a bristle shoe brush... (They are made of materials, you need to work with them).

Educator: Yes, Dunno, the children explain it to you correctly. These items have another common word. Tell him!

Children: Tools!

Educator: Tools. How do adults recognize tools among other objects?

Dunno: I guessed: everything with handles is tools! A hammer with a handle is a tool, but remove the ruler... You can put mom’s bag here, it has handles... There is also a handle on the door (look at it). There’s just no way to put it here...

Children: Laughing!

Educator:(Laughs with the children). Yes...I got everything mixed up! We need to clarify whether the door and the bag can be called tools?!

Main part:

Educator: Dunno, what question are you solving?

Dunno: Why do you say “tools” when they are so different?

Educator: We need to prove to Dunno how a shovel, a watering can and a rake are similar?

- Katya, tell me!

Children: I believe that a shovel, a watering can and a rake are similar in that they work with them).

Educator: Right! A tool is an object that is used to perform some kind of work. Let's say together, when is an object called a “tool”?

Children: Tools are objects that are used to do some kind of work.

Dunno: I won’t be able to remember them, there are so many of them...

Educator: Dunno, you don’t need to memorize, you need to learn to ask yourself a question.

— What question should you ask yourself in order to decide whether an object can be called a tool?

Children: Can they work?

- What can they do?

Educator: Right!

Dunno: I have such an item, but I don't know what it is?

Educator:(Shows a tool that the children have not seen or know - a caliper. The dictionary defines it as follows: “a measuring instrument (sliding gauge), consisting of a metal ruler with a scale printed on it and two jaws - one fixedly connected to this ruler and the other sliding along it; used to measure the thickness of objects or the width of a hole").

Educator: Ask questions to decide if it is a tool or not?

Children: What is the name of? (Calipers).

- Why is it needed? (It is needed in order to measure)

Educator: Well done! You can use a caliper to measure the thickness of an object, you can measure the inside.

- So what is it, since they do work with it - measure the thickness of an object or the width of a hole?

Children: Tool.

Educator: What's his name?

Children: Calipers.

Educator: Now let's rest a little.

Finger gymnastics

Tanya, take a needle,

Let's sew a shirt and a T-shirt,

Pants, blouse and dress,

And we will dress the Katya doll. Show the index finger of the right hand - a needle. Rotate the index finger around each finger of the left hand. Repeat with the other hand.

Educator: Guys, look, what about this? (shows binoculars)

Dunno: I understood it. But this, of course, is not a tool; it does not look like a caliper.

Educator: Ask yourself questions.

- What's the first question?

Children: What's his name?

Educator: If it’s not similar, then the name is different.

- Answer!

Children: Binoculars.

Educator: What's the second question to ask?

Children: Why is it needed? or

-Can they do the work?

Educator: Have you ever looked at it?

Children: Yes!

Educator: What did you see?

Children: On the one hand, everything is small, and on the other, everything is big.

Educator: On the one hand, when you look through these pieces of glass, what was far away will become close, and you will see everything. And if you turn it over and look, what is close becomes far away and becomes small.

- Who needs binoculars, do you think?

Children: When you go to the theater.

Educator: What about at work?

Children: To the captain!

Educator: What is the captain of the ship doing to them?

Children: He checks the road, looks far ahead, watches for oncoming ships so as not to collide, or objects that could interfere with the ship.

Educator: So, can binoculars be called a tool?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Are there any other instruments in the group?

Children: They call it.

Educator: Let's help Dunno select tools from among different items!

— How will you determine?

Children: Ask yourself the question: What are they doing?

Educator: Here hourglass!

- Is this a tool?

Children: Yes! They can measure time.

Educator: Book stand?

Children: The tool serves to make it convenient to watch and read a book.

Educator: Bucket?

Children: Tool. In order to wash the floor so that the group is clean.

Lesson summary:

Educator: Dunno, do you understand what tools are?

Dunno: Yes! Tools are objects that are used to do some kind of work.

Educator: What questions should you ask yourself to know that it is a tool?

Children: What's his name?

- What can they do?

- What is it for?

Educator: That's right, well done guys!

— At home, ask your parents to show you the instruments that we didn’t see in the group!

Nomination: abstract open class V senior group.

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MADOU No. 232 “Combined kindergarten”
Location: Kemerovo, Kemerovo region

Olga Vitalievna Dybina

Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group of kindergarten. Class notes


This manual will help to successfully organize and carry out work to familiarize children 5–6 years old with the outside world (subject environment and phenomena of social life).

To make it easier for teachers to plan work on this section of the program, the content of the work is presented by topics. Each topic is covered: an approximate course of a lesson, activity or game is offered. The teacher can show creativity when planning lessons, include variable game and problem situations, which will make work with children even more successful and meaningful.

The study of each topic can be completed with a game task (puzzles, riddles, drawings, answers, etc.). Game tasks presented in a workbook (Dybina O.V. I get to know the world: Workbook for children 5–6 years old. - M.: TC Sfera, 2009).

Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when getting acquainted with the outside world it is impossible to:

- limit yourself only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality - it is necessary to include as many actions as possible in your classes (sit on a chair, sofa, put on clothes and walk around in them, invite your mother, treat your grandmother, etc.);

– overload children with a large number of questions;

– reduce the organization of work with children only to the form of educational activities.

Familiarization with the outside world must be carried out in accordance with psychological characteristics, choosing adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction to make this process more accessible and effective.

In the older group, familiarization with the outside world is carried out both in the form of games and activities, and in the form of a didactic game itself, when the game rule regulates the actions and relationships of children, and correct solution tasks is to achieve the goal of the game. When organizing and conducting games-activities, didactic games, it is important to create an atmosphere that allows each child to realize his activity in relation to the world around him.

Didactic games can be used both in joint activities children and adults, and independent activity preschoolers, as well as to stimulate children’s activity in the process of learning about the world around them.

The manual presents additional material: options for game-activities, games, exercises, entertainment, intended for use in working with children outside of class, on a walk.

To familiarize children of the older group with the world around them (subject environment and phenomena of the surrounding world), 2 lessons per month are allocated.

The teaching staff of kindergarten No. 179 “Snowdrop” of the ANO DO “Planet of Childhood “Lada” of the city of Tolyatti, the head - Nadezhda Petrovna Palenova, the methodologist - Natalya Grigorievna Kuznetsova, took part in the development and testing of classes to familiarize adults with work.

The manual offers an approximate distribution of material into academic year. The teacher can distribute the material in his own way, in accordance with the holidays of the month (October - Teacher's Day; February - Defender of the Fatherland Day, April - Cosmonautics Day, etc.) or depending on the availability of the material.

Distribution of material for the academic year

Table continuation.

Table continuation.

Table continuation.

Sample lesson notes


1. Items that facilitate human work in everyday life

Program content. To form children’s ideas about objects that facilitate human work in everyday life; pay attention to the fact that they serve a person and he must treat them with care; reinforce the idea that objects have different purposes.

Material. Pictures depicting various objects, including objects that facilitate human work in everyday life. Handout: large cards depicting two rows of cells of three cells each (the cells in the top row depict three objects on which labor operations are performed, in the bottom row there are empty cells), and small cards depicting objects that facilitate the corresponding labor operation at home.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher begins the lesson with a conversation: “Guys! Look around carefully and tell us what’s around you.”

Children say that they are surrounded by many different objects and list them.

Educator. What world do all these objects belong to: natural or man-made? (To man-made, since man made them with his own hands.) Why did man invent a table, a bed, a wardrobe, a washing machine, a TV, a car and many other objects?

Children tell us that every object is needed for something, every object performs its own function.

Educator. Right. Each item has its own purpose and is necessary for something. For example, a table is needed in order to write at it, or in order to eat at it. People sit on chairs and cook food on an electric or gas stove. There are objects with which a person works, objects with which he draws, and there are also objects that facilitate a person’s work in everyday life. Do you know such items? My riddles will help you find out some of them.

In our kitchen all year long

Santa Claus lives in the closet.


I have no legs, but I walk

I have no mouth, but I will say,

When to sleep, when to get up,

When to start work.


He willingly swallows dust,

Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.

(Vacuum cleaner)

Back and forth

The steamer wanders and wanders.

If you stop - grief,

The sea will be perforated.


Children solve riddles and, with the help of the teacher, explain the benefits of these items.

Educator. I will show you different pictures. Be careful! If the picture shows an object that makes a person’s work easier in everyday life, clap your hands, but if it is another object, do not clap.

Then the game “Who needs...?” is played, aimed at developing the ability to determine the purpose of objects that facilitate work in everyday life, to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the labor process in everyday life and the object that facilitates it. Handout material is used: large cards depicting two rows of cells of three cells each (the cells in the top row depict three objects on which labor operations are performed, in the bottom row there are empty cells), and small cards depicting objects that facilitate the corresponding labor operation in everyday life. (Approximate correspondence: bread - bread slicer, clothes - washing machine and so on.)

Children choose one large card. Small cards lie face down on the table. The teacher takes small cards one at a time, shows them to the children, names the item and asks: “Who needs...”.

The child who needs this card answers and explains his choice: “I need a mixer to beat the dough.” The game is considered over when all empty cells are covered. The first one to cover the squares on his card wins.

2. My family

Program content. Continue to develop children's interest in family and family members. Encourage the names and patronymics of family members to be named; talk about their professions, what they are like, what they like to do at home, what they do at work. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reads out the lines of poetry and invites the children to determine the topic of the lesson:

The teacher focuses the children’s attention on the word “family”, asking them to answer the question: “How many words does “family” consist of?” Let's check". Children name family members and keep count (two grandmothers, two grandfathers, mother, father and child). Next, the children determine the characteristic difference of each family - the similarity of family members. Children tell which family member they are like.

Look at me -

Who am I like?

Cherry eyes like dad's

Sunny smile - mothers.

Hair color like grandpa's

The nose is definitely that of a granny.

Everyone in the family worked hard,

So that I was born like this!

Then the children determine the second characteristic difference of the family - a common surname. They are asked to name the names and surnames of their parents.

Physical education minute

I have a family -

She is very friendly.

Mom and I bake pancakes (Imitation of movements.)

Unprecedented deliciousness!

My grandfather and I are digging beds. (Imitation of movements.)

Working on developing in children complete picture world, the most important thing in this direction is the environmental education of children. Instilling a caring attitude towards everything living and non-living without knowledge will not be complete. Children gain knowledge through activities, games, experiments, and observations. I present to your attention a summary final lesson“I take care of nature,” the content of which includes conversation, verbal, active and didactic games. While playing, children show their knowledge about nature and the world around them, draw conclusions, and also express their attitude to this topic. I offer the practical part of this lesson to children in a non-traditional direction - drawing with crumpled pieces of paper by dabbing, which gives a relief look, brightness, and unusualness. Such a change in educational and visual arts beneficial for children who can and love to do something with their own hands. Although, you can offer the practical part in the form of a choice like “The fourth odd one” on sheets for each child. I tried this activity in the senior group at a seminar on environmental education. Colleagues rated him positively.



Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment in the senior group

“I take care of nature”

Target: To form children’s ideas about planet Earth and its natural environment.


  1. Learn to understand the interconnectedness of the Earth's natural environment.
  2. Continue to expand children's knowledge about the ecology of the Earth.
  3. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.
  4. Improve technical skills for non-traditional image forms.

Lesson plan:

  • Game "What is this?"
  • “The Earth is our home” (picture of the Earth, globe)
  • "Four Elements of the Earth"
  • Ball game "Air, water, earth"
  • Outdoor game “Flies, swims, runs”
  • Game "Take care of nature"

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Didactic game"What it is"

The teacher thinks of an object of living or non-living nature and begins to list its signs. If the children guessed it, the next object is guessed; if not, then the list of signs increases.

“Sun” - hot, bright, round, radiant;

“Wind” - mobile, strong or weak, can drive clouds;

“Beasts” - mobile, big and small, furry, wild;

“Tree” - motionless, tall, flammable, provides a home for birds and squirrels;

The “earth” is black, loose, nutritious, with holes in it.

  1. “The earth is our home”

Look at the illustration “Planet Earth”, show the globe.

What is the name of this item? (Globe)

What can you tell us about him? (Children's answers)

What is there on planet Earth?

Mountains, rivers and seas_

This is all my land!

You have good knowledge about the Earth. I will tell you about the four elements that exist on Earth and all the inhabitants of the planet need them: air, fire, water and earth. You can't do without them.

Guess for yourself why air (water, fire, earth) is needed?

  1. Didactic ball game “Air, water, earth”

The teacher throws the ball to the child and names an object of nature, for example, “magpie.” The child must answer “air” and throw the ball back.

Dolphin, magpie, butterfly, bear, snake, herring, whale, eagle.

  1. Looking at the picture “Round Dance”

Look at this picture. Everyone holds hands and dances joyfully, as if they are family to each other:

Everything is needed on the planet!

We need rain and snow,

The sun is clear, the wind is

Quiet stream running.

  1. Game "Flies, swims, runs"

The teacher names an object of living nature to the children. Children must depict the way this object moves. For example, “crucian carp” - imitate a swimming fish, “hare - children start running in place or jumping”:

Eagle, shark, crayfish, woodpecker, bumblebee, turtle.

  1. Game "Take care of nature"

On the board there are pictures: forest, water, sun, fly, bear, starling, moon.

The teacher removes one of the pictures, what will happen to the remaining animals or objects if there is no object hidden on Earth. For example, if we remove a bird, what will happen to the rest of the animals, humans, and plants?

You and I realized that “Earth” is our common home, which must be taken care of and protected so that everyone can live well in it.

  1. Drawing the planet Earth with crumpled pieces of paper

Let's draw our planet Earth with crumpled pieces of paper and gouache.

Suggest to draw a round globe in the form of a globe, indicating the colors of the oceans (blue), mountains (brown), forests (green)

You did a good job, learned a lot, well done!

At the end of the lesson, offer to make a gallery of drawings, admire, and discuss.