Healthy lifestyle consultation. Consultation for parents “healthy children in a healthy family”

Consultation for parents of preschool educational institutions. Healthy lifestyle in the family

All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, strong, and resilient. But very often they forget that good physical data is determined by the lifestyle that the family leads and the physical activity of the child. The results of recent studies confirm that in a modern high-tech society it will be necessary to pay much more attention to healthy lifestyle and physical development of a person, since there are fewer and fewer incentives for natural movement. We live in economically built apartments, the pace modern life forces us to often use personal or public transport, obtain information through radio, television, the Internet - all this requires good health. Studying and sedentary work necessitate motor compensation - through physical education and sports, games, and active recreation. In this regard, we are obliged to teach our children to promptly and fully use the beneficial effects of physical exercise - as a vital necessity as opposed to the “diseases of civilization.”

“Take care of your health from a young age!” - this proverb has a deep meaning. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin with the birth of a child so that a person already develops a conscious attitude towards his health.

**Conditions, on which the direction of the formation of the child’s personality depends, as well as his health, are laid down in the family. What is instilled in a child from childhood and adolescence in the family in the sphere of moral, ethical and other principles determines all his future behavior in life, attitude towards himself, his health and the health of others.

**That's why Parents themselves must embrace the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle and embark on the path of health.

**There is a rule:

“If you want to raise your child healthy, follow the path of health yourself, otherwise there will be nowhere to lead him!”

The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects.

Firstly, adherence to the daily routine. In kindergarten the regime is followed, but not always at home. It is necessary to explain to children that they need to go to bed early and get up early. And strictly follow this rule.
- Secondly, these are cultural and hygienic skills. Children should be able to wash themselves properly and know why they should do it.
- Together with your children, consider situations of protection from germs and draw a conclusion that children should learn well: do not eat or drink outside; Always wash your hands with soap when returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet. Together with your children, count how many times a day they have to wash their hands;
- Thirdly, food culture.
You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Tell children that they contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, what foods they contain and what they are needed for.

- Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.
- Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for the heart).
- Vitamin C - citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (for colds).
- Vitamin D - sun, fish oil (for bones).

Fourthly, these are gymnastics, physical exercises, sports, hardening and outdoor games. If a person plays sports, he will live longer. "Take care of your health from a young age." Children need to know why they say this. Be sure to do gymnastics daily

Among the many factors that influence the growth, development and health of a child, physical activity plays a major role. The development of motor skills, memory, perception, emotions, and thinking largely depends on the degree of development of the child’s natural need for movement. Therefore, it is very important to enrich the child’s motor experience.
**In preschool age, a child is not yet able to consciously and adequately follow basic hygiene and sanitation standards, fulfill the requirements of a healthy lifestyle, and take care of his health. All this brings to the fore the task for parents to develop in a small child the skills and abilities that contribute to maintaining their health.
**Of course, the health of children directly depends on living conditions in the family, health literacy, hygienic culture of parents and their level of education.
**As a rule, we adults become interested in the problem of developing healthy lifestyle habits only when the child already needs psychological or health care. The readiness for a healthy lifestyle does not arise by itself, but is formed in a person from an early age, primarily within the family in which the child was born and raised.
**The child must learn the best Russian family traditions, understand the meaning and importance of family in a person’s life, the role of the child in the family, and master the norms and ethics of relationships with parents and other family members. Spiritual health is the peak that everyone must climb to for themselves. A healthy lifestyle serves to strengthen the entire family.
**The main task for parents is to form in their child a moral attitude towards their health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy and to lead a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health is the most important value for a person, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for maintaining and strengthening their health. In this, nothing can replace the authority of an adult.
**A preschooler’s home routine is one of the important components family education, allowing you to save high level performance, delay fatigue and eliminate overwork. The family organizes a rational home regime - it must correspond to the regime in the preschool institution.
**When forming a healthy lifestyle for a child, parents must instill in their child basic knowledge, skills and abilities:
- knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene, hygiene of premises, clothing, shoes;
- the ability to correctly build a daily routine and implement it;
- the ability to interact with the environment: understand under what conditions (house, street, road, park, playground) it is safe for life and health;
- ability to analyze dangerous situations, predict consequences and find a way out of them;
- knowledge of the main parts of the body and internal organs, their location and role in the life of the human body;
- understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle for personal health, well-being, and academic success;
- knowledge of the basic rules of proper nutrition;
- knowledge of the rules of maintaining health from colds;
- ability to provide basic assistance for minor cuts and bruises;
- knowledge of the rules for the prevention of diseases of the spine, foot, organs of vision, hearing and others;
- understanding the importance of physical activity for the development of a healthy body;
**Another very important problem related to children’s health is watching TV and using a computer. A computer and TV are undoubtedly useful for the development of a child’s horizons, memory, attention, thinking, and coordination, but subject to a reasonable approach to the choice of games and programs, as well as the child’s continuous time spent in front of the screen, which should not exceed 30 minutes.
**The importance of physical education of children in the family, to prove that it is very serious problem V modern education children. We are surrounded by cars, computers, virtual games - objects that are very interesting to us, but precisely because of which we move very little. Today's children find more interest in a virtual game than in a real game of football or tennis. The main disease of the 21st century is physical inactivity, i.e. inactivity.
**Parents consider it important to take care of their children's health, but few actually take advantage of the opportunities to do so. physical culture.
** Physical education- an integral part of the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education child. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom your child to sports. Observations show that parents are usually active and inventive in creating good living conditions, in making sure that their children are beautifully dressed, tasty and nourishingly fed. But excessive comfort and plentiful nutrition with insufficiently active motor mode often lead to everyday laziness, weaken health, and reduce performance. Parents should show their children an example of an active, interesting and active life. Movement is the main manifestation of life, a means of harmonious development of personality. It is important to sharpen the child’s sense of “muscle joy” - the feeling of pleasure experienced by a healthy person during muscular work. Every person has this feeling from birth. But a long-term sedentary lifestyle can lead to its almost complete extinction. Don’t waste time - that’s the main thing that parents need to know in this regard.

** Sports also helps develop important personality traits: persistence in achieving goals, perseverance; positive results These activities are beneficial for the mental state of children, especially if it is joint activities children and parents.

Such activities bring positive results:
- awaken parents’ interest in the level of “motor maturity” of children and promote the development of motor skills in children in accordance with their age and abilities;
- deepen the relationship between parents and children;
- provide the opportunity to engage in physical education in a short period of time not only for the child, but also for the adult: the parent shows the child certain exercises and performs most of them with him;
- allow the free time that the mother or father devotes to the child to be spent usefully, serve mutual enrichment, and promote comprehensive development child.
It’s great if parents teach their child, help him and participate in competitions themselves. sporting events in kindergarten. Sports interests in such a family become permanent.

Of great importance for the comprehensive, harmonious development of the child are outdoor games. Child's participation in game tasks of varying intensity allows you to master vital motor skills in walking, running, jumping, balance, climbing, throwing.

A feature of outdoor play is the complexity of its impact on all aspects of the child’s personality:
physical, mental, moral and labor education is carried out.
All physiological processes in the body increase, the functioning of all organs and systems improves.
the ability to use acquired motor skills in a variety of ways develops.
** Children who are captivated by the plot of the game can perform physical exercises with interest many times without noticing fatigue. Increasing the load, in turn, helps increase endurance.
**During the game, children act in accordance with the rules. This regulates the behavior of the players and helps develop positive qualities: endurance, courage, determination, etc.
Changing the conditions of the game contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, intelligence, etc.

Consultation for parents on the topic: “HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IN THE FAMILY”

Prepared by teacher: Tatyana Viktorovna Fokina.
MBDOU No. 18 "Rainbow" Tikhoretsk.

All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, strong, and resilient. But very often they forget that good physical data is determined by the lifestyle that the family leads and the physical activity of the child. The results of recent studies confirm that in a modern high-tech society it will be necessary to pay much more attention to healthy lifestyle and physical development of a person, since there are fewer and fewer incentives for natural movement. We live in economically built apartments, the pace of modern life forces us to often use personal or public transport, receive information through radio, television, the Internet - all this requires good health. Studying and sedentary work necessitate motor compensation - through physical education and sports, games, and active recreation. In this regard, we are obliged to teach our children to promptly and fully use the beneficial effects of physical exercise - as a vital necessity as opposed to the “diseases of civilization.”

“Take care of your health from a young age!” - this proverb has a deep meaning. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin with the birth of a child so that a person already develops a conscious attitude towards his health.

1. The conditions on which the direction of the formation of a child’s personality, as well as his health, depend, are laid down in the family. What is instilled in a child from childhood and adolescence in the family in the sphere of moral, ethical and other principles determines all his future behavior in life, attitude towards himself, his health and the health of others.

2. Therefore, parents themselves must embrace the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle and embark on the path of health.

3. There is a rule: “If you want to raise your child healthy, follow the path of health yourself, otherwise there will be nowhere to lead him!”

The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects.
Firstly, adherence to the daily routine. In kindergarten the regime is followed, but not always at home. It is necessary to explain to children that they need to go to bed early and get up early. And strictly follow this rule.

Secondly, these are cultural and hygienic skills. Children should be able to wash themselves properly and know why they should do it.
Together with your children, consider situations of protection from germs and draw a conclusion that children should learn well: do not eat or drink outside; Always wash your hands with soap when returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet. Together with your children, count how many times a day they have to wash their hands;
Thirdly, food culture.
You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Tell children that they contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, what foods they contain and what they are needed for.

Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.
- Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread

Every person associates the idea of ​​happiness with family. Family is a support, a fortress, the beginning of everything. This is the child’s first team, a natural environment where the foundations of the child’s future personality and health are laid. IN preschool childhood the foundation of the child’s health is laid, intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

Prolonged stay in unfavorable conditions causes overstrain of the body's adaptive capabilities and leads to depletion of the immune system. Chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, ENT organs and other diseases occur.

The increase in the number of diseases is associated not only with the socio-ecological situation, but also with the very lifestyle of the child’s family, which largely depends on family traditions and the nature of the motor mode. If the child’s physical activity is insufficient (physical inactivity), a deterioration in the development of motor function and a decrease in the child’s physical performance inevitably occur.

Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in improving the health of both ourselves and our children. Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development personality of the child in infancy.

Unfortunately, due to the developed cultural level of our society, health is not yet in first place among human needs. Therefore, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for their child, since they often abuse smoking and alcohol, prefer hours of watching TV shows and videos, hardening, physical education, and walks in the fresh air. Often, parents have little idea of ​​how necessary it is to introduce their child to a healthy lifestyle.

What can parents do to introduce their children to a healthy lifestyle? (parents' statements).

It is necessary to actively use healing natural environmental factors: clean water, ultra-violet rays sunlight, clean air, phytoncidal properties of plants, since the natural forces of nature are familiar components of the environment and are necessary for the life of the body.

A child needs a calm, friendly psychological climate in the family.

Quarrels in the presence of a child in some cases contribute to the development of neurosis in him, and in others aggravate existing disorders of the nervous system. All this significantly reduces the protective capabilities of the child’s body.

With this in mind, we should always try to be in a good mood. Remember, as soon as we smile, it immediately becomes easier; if we frown, sadness creeps in. They frowned - adrenaline began to be released, which contributes to a sad, anxious mood, smiled - they helped another hormone - endorphin, which ensures a confident and cheerful mood. After all, the same fact in one case can be invisible to us, but in another it can cause anger and spoil the mood. But our irritation mechanically transfers to the child.

Emotional stability and related behavior are nurtured. What is important here is the ability to correctly and rationally relate to what is seen, perceived, and heard.

So let's smile more and give joy to each other.

We must not only protect the child’s body from harmful influences, but also create conditions that help increase the child’s body’s defenses and performance. And the important thing here is the daily routine.

Properly organized daily routine- this is a daily routine that optimally combines the period of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day, satisfying their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. In addition, the regimen disciplines children, promotes the formation of many useful skills, and accustoms them to a certain rhythm.

Walk is one of the essential components of the regime. This is the most effective type of rest; it well restores the functional resources of the body, reduced during activity, and, first of all, performance. Staying in the air helps increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child’s appetite and sleep always normalize. The walk should be carried out in any weather, with the exception of particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothing and shoes must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. During a walk, children should not be allowed to remain in the same position for a long time, so it is necessary to change their type of activity and place of play. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. Children should walk at least 2 times a day for 2 hours, in summer – unlimited

Dream, is an equally important part of the daily routine, which is especially necessary for weakened children. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time every day (both day and night).

Well, if a child watches TV or plays computer games for a long time before going to bed, his nervous system gains a lot of strong impressions and cannot relax during sleep. He will continue to “digest” what he saw, and will have terrible dreams all night. And of course, in the morning you will feel weak and lethargic.

Thus, the child’s home routine should be a continuation of the daily routine kindergarten and on weekends

Nutritious food– inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein.

The word “vitamin” comes from the Latin vita – life. Vitamins are involved in metabolism and regulate certain biochemical and physiological processes. A lack of vitamins in food or a change in the processes of their absorption leads to metabolic disorders and ultimately to the development of hypo- and avitaminosis. To achieve a certain level of vitamin saturation, it is necessary to use preparations that include vitamin complexes in optimal ratios, especially in the winter-spring period. By the way, the use of multivitamins 1 - 2 tablets per day in normal dosages during an epidemic of influenza and influenza-like diseases reduces the incidence of illness in children by at least 2 times.

It is advisable to prepare all dishes for children from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices or preservatives. Include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in children's diets more often.

Equally important is the diet, that is, maintaining certain intervals between meals.

It is important for children to develop an interest in improving their own body. How earlier child will get an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, learn about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. If a child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education, as well as to observe the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this.

A game– leading activity in preschool age. How better baby play in role-playing games, the more successful he will be in school. While a child’s psyche is developing, he must play. Without play, children develop a feeling of fear, lethargy and passivity. Play is a leading human need.

No wonder they broadcast a lot on television now game programs for adults who didn’t play enough in childhood.

The health of the child is affected by the harmful inclinations of the parents. It is no secret that children of smoking fathers and mothers suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases more often than children of non-smokers.

Injuries and accidents have serious consequences for a child’s health, so children should never be left alone, unattended. Children are very inquisitive and try to imitate us adults in everything. They can turn on electric heaters and love to play with small objects. Remember, the child’s health is in your hands!

The child's health comes first
The wealth of the earth will not replace it.
You can't buy health, no one can sell it
Take care of him like your heart, like your eyes.

Consultation for parents on the topic

"Healthy lifestyle in the family"

Health and care for the development of the child is a healthy lifestyle for the family. Therefore, parents should think about what kind of atmosphere and what conditions they can create for the baby. A favorable climate in the family and friendly relationships between parents and children are important. Be friendly and polite and teach this to your children.

A healthy lifestyle is:

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;

Maintaining a daily routine for the child at home;

Negative attitude of parents towards smoking and alcohol;

Proper nutrition;

Responsible attitude towards child health, health culture;

Creating favorable conditions for mental and physical development child;

Spending leisure time together.

A preschool child must master the habits of cultural behavior:

Say hello and goodbye;

Thank you for a fulfilled request or wish;

Replace toys after play;

Show concern for the younger ones;

Ask politely rather than shout;

Do not disturb adults or other children at the table during classes.

Parents should pay great attention to the child’s personal hygiene habits:

Monitor the condition of clothes and shoes;

Use only personal hygiene items;

Brush your teeth;

Do gymnastics every morning;

Wash your hands before eating;

Perform hardening procedures, because Hardening is a way to increase the body's resistance to fluctuations in ambient temperature and colds.

Hardening procedures include:

Clothing appropriate for the seasons;

Lightweight clothing indoors;

Morning exercises, and invigorating gymnastics after a nap;

Walking barefoot;

Washing feet with water;

Air and sunbathing;

Maintaining the temperature in the room.

( When hardening procedures, one must take into account the emotional state and individual characteristics child.)

A healthy lifestyle in the family involves the development of motor habits associated with dexterity, strength, and flexibility.

It’s good if you can create a sports complex at home, because... it helps to arouse in children the desire to engage in physical education, sports, properly organize leisure time, and develop dexterity and independence. The sports corner should consist of a wooden stepladder, vertical posts on which a rope is attached, a stepladder made of ropes, rings, a horizontal bar, and a swing. In the sports corner you must have: balls of different sizes, a stick, a hoop, a jump rope. Exercises in the sports corner should bring only positive emotions to the child.

Proper nutrition for children of any age is the key to health. Children in preschool age grow quickly, all organs and systems are actively formed, metabolism is intense, so the correct diet of a preschooler plays a very important role in his development.

Nutrition should be complete and balanced - contain the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as minerals, , water, i.e., provide the body with the material necessary for growth and development.

Parents from a young age of their child must gain his trust and not lose him later.

From an early age, try not to scold or punish the child, but, first of all, to explain where and what he was wrong about, what he did wrong.

In case of mistakes and failures of the child, do not scold or ridicule him, but help him and overcome difficulties.

Take your child's problems as seriously as your own.

Try to understand the child’s point of view on the world around him.

Do not try to demand that your child be like anyone other than himself.

Do not intimidate or humiliate a child

Try to give the child freedom of choice and action, within reasonable limits.

A caring attitude towards the child will help him to be friendly and adapted to the social environment.

Consultation for parents “Taking care of health from childhood, or 10 commandments of health”

Target: formation of health of preschool children.

(senior group).

Progress of the consultation:

Every parent wants to see their children healthy and happy, but not everyone thinks about how to ensure that their children live in harmony with themselves, with the world around them, with people. Meanwhile, the secret of this harmony is simple - a healthy lifestyle.

As a rule, the result of a healthy lifestyle is physical and mental health. They are closely related. It is no coincidence that people say: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” Psychologists and teachers have long established that the most favorable way to form healthy habits is preschool age. During this period, the child spends a significant part of his time in the family, among his relatives, whose lifestyle and behavioral stereotypes become the strongest factors in the formation of their ideas about life.

A healthy lifestyle is a joy for both big and small in the house, but to create it, several conditions must be met.

Many people practice it themselves, using simple rules known to everyone to maintain health. Known from deep childhood: “the sun, air and water are ours” best friends“... But not everyone remembers and many underestimate the magical properties.

Since they also look simple and very ordinary, this is consistency and systematicity.

10 commandments healthy life:

1. Nutrition:

For full growth and development, children need rational, nutritious nutrition. When organizing your child’s meals, try to stick to simple, but very important rules:

Eating according to a schedule - develop a habit for your child to eat at strictly defined hours;

For cooking, use only natural products that do not contain preservatives or synthetic additives;

Include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in your child’s diet, especially in the spring;

It is important that the diet is well balanced: the food must contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;

There should be fruits and vegetables on the table every day;

A child's appetite often depends on appearance food. The baby will eat with great pleasure if you creatively decorate the dish, creating some recognizable figures from the products.

It is important to remember that sometimes children want this or that food in their diet because their body needs it.

Listen to your child's needs!

2. We regulate the load!




We live by the motto: “Time for work, time for fun.”

We carefully monitor the child's behavior. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the child’s condition. Loss of attention, whims, hysterics, refusal of activity, disinhibition are a signal of overload.

At the first sign of these manifestations, you should stop or reduce the intensity of activity or communication. Give your child a chance to rest as soon as possible. The best rest is physical activity in the fresh air.

Attention! Even exceeding emotionally positive loads: exciting games, joyful communication can lead to overload and, as a result, to unfavorable results. If we, adults, do not take action in time and do not stop or reduce the load on the child, this condition may be followed by exhaustion, malaise, hysteria, and then illness.

3. Fresh air!

It is simply necessary for children's developing brains!

Lack of oxygen leads to a significant decrease in activity. In an unventilated, stuffy room, a child cannot be in an active, alert state, much less perform any tasks that require concentration.

Lack of oxygen leads to rapid fatigue and exhaustion.

For good health and successful activities, the child needs to stay in the open fresh air and in a ventilated room:

Mandatory during sleep;

Physical activity in the fresh air is required - at least 2 hours a day.

Remember, children's brains need

in a large amount of oxygen.

4. Physical activity!

Movement is a child's natural state.

The task of adults is to create conditions for the child’s motor activity. The best environment for this is a playground, a park, because they combine two important conditions for physical activity - space and fresh air.

“It’s interesting for the cheerful children in the yard:

The kids rolled down the slide and grabbed the buckets,

And they run to the sandbox and bake Easter cakes.

And the Easter cakes were ripe, the children sat on the swings...”

Let your child walk as much as possible, play outdoor games,

runs, jumps, climbs, swims…. This is very important for a complete

activity of the brain, and, consequently, of the child’s entire body!

5. Physical Culture!

Systematic physical exercise is very beneficial for health. They not only strengthen physical health, but also the child’s psyche, have a positive impact on his character. They contribute to the development of strong-willed qualities, self-confidence, responsibility, and the ability to make friends.

The arsenal of types of physical culture is very wide: it

Morning exercises – preferably with stretching and jumping:

The main thing is that the child likes the chosen type of physical education,

so that he does it with pleasure.

6. Water treatments!

About the importance water procedures for human health has long been known and confirmed by centuries of experience.

They are very beneficial for health, well-being, and good mood.

You can choose any type of water treatment suitable for your child or alternate different types:

Dousing in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bed with 1-2 small buckets of warm, cool or cold water;

Contrast shower, contrast baths for hands and feet (3-7 contrasts, starting with warm or hot and ending with cold, the duration of warm or hot is 2 times longer than cold);

Wiping with a wet towel.

7. Warm, friendly psychological climate in the family

The environment in which a child is raised, the psychological climate in the family, has a huge impact on the state of physical and mental health child. In a comfortable situation, the child’s development proceeds faster and more harmoniously. He “absorbs” everything positive that surrounds him. And this makes him a strong, happy and confident person.

And vice versa, if a child grows up in an unfavorable environment where there is aggression, irritation, anger, anxiety, fear, he is “infected” with these negative emotions and feelings, which leads to various kinds of disorders of his health and, consequently, to developmental delays.

"Touch me with kindness,

Like healing living water, -

And the diseases will be washed away by the wave,

And sadness will pass by,

The soul will be illuminated with beauty.”

Never deny your child communication!

Establish a ban in the family on:

Violent negative (and even positive) emotions, especially in the evening, before bedtime;



By communicating positively with your child, you charge him with energy.

Our negativity (screaming, irritation) destroys the child’s fragile psyche and disorients him.

And therefore, it weakens his capabilities and ultimately his health.

8. Simple massage and self-massage techniques:

Hands, feet, ears, face, biologically active points of the body.

9. Creation:

Children are creators. Adults only need to create conditions for their creative activity.

In creativity, a child can express himself: his thoughts, feelings, emotions. He can create his own world according to his own laws, feel joy and satisfaction. In creativity, a child can express negative feelings and experiences and free himself from them. Through creativity, a child comprehends beauty and the harmony of the world.

Help your child see the beauty in the world, help him “fall in love with

beauty" and support his desire to create.

Suitable for this different kinds activities:


Modeling (from plasticine, clay, dough);

Listening to classical and children's music and sounds of nature;

Music and singing lessons;

Dance classes and artistic activities.

All this and much more provides the opportunity for emotional expression,

teaches the child to love work and be proud of himself.

10. Let's keep the daily routine!

It is very important to teach your child to wake up and fall asleep, eat, play, walk, and work at the same time.

Give Special attention proper sleep (timely falling asleep - no later than 21.00-22.00, minimum sleep duration - 8-10 hours);

Regulate TV viewing both in terms of time (no more than 40 minutes - 1 hour, and in content - in the evening, avoid stimulating topics).

This instills a feeling of security, confidence and stability.

This teaches the child to distribute and maintain physical

and mental strength throughout the day.

This makes him calmer and more positive.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle for all family members in the present is the key to a child’s happy and prosperous life in harmony with the world in the future.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not that difficult. But if we teach children from the very beginning early age appreciate, protect and strengthen our health, if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only in this case can we hope that the future generation will be healthier and more developed not only intellectually, spiritually, but also physically.

So be healthy and always remember the words of Socrates:

Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.”