Beautiful congratulations to a boy on his 10th birthday. Accept our congratulations quickly

A series of days connects us invisibly like a chain, sometimes passing through our souls and hearts, changing us and changing itself. And only tradition remains unchanged. And this is wonderful, this is one of the most magnificent social ideas, it allowed us all to gather here for our tenth anniversary. I congratulate you and wish that today’s holiday marks the beginning of another glorious tradition!

Ten - first anniversary,
Wonderful and bright!
Congratulations and gifts
Take it quickly!
Definitely waiting for you
The greatest happiness
There will be true friends
May it always be with you.

My dear son, dear little sparrow!
You have already lived in the world for ten years,
May the sun shine brighter above you,
Be happy under your spring star.

Let the breeze gently caress your shoulders,
Don't cry or whine, be strong as a rock,
May time quickly heal the wounds in the heart,
The singing of birds makes your head spin!

And may your ten years turn into happiness,
The sadness will go away from your clear eyes,
May love and happiness return to you,
And I’ll try, my dear, for two.

Study hard, be obedient little one,
Dance and sing with your friends,
Many happy days are reserved for you
And grow up, son, quickly!

Sister, happy birthday!
Today is your anniversary - 10 years!
Let your cherished dreams come true,
The road to victory will open!

And you will blind everyone with your beauty,
And with a pure, open soul!
And I hope in you, and I believe in you
What the greatest success awaits you!

Let every day become a discovery for you. Let every day give you something new, interesting and unusual. 10 years is the age when you no longer Small child, but not yet an adult. Therefore, live in such an uncertain age for a long time and rejoice in everything that you already have and will definitely have.

Today is a very important holiday:
You are ten years old today.
You grew up to be a brave boy,
There is no better person in the world.

I wish you with all my heart
Be happy and cheerful.
So that your health doesn’t let you down,
And don’t rush to become more mature.

Daughter, a delight for the eyes,
You strive to grow up quickly.
Even though the game still attracts you,
Do you feel like it's time to end?
A carefree childhood, miracles.
They won't just fall from the sky
Benefits you can't live without -
You need to make an effort.
You have been living on earth for ten years,
Many secrets have been revealed to you.
How many discoveries lie ahead!
You are at the beginning of a long journey.

You are ten years old today
Your first anniversary.
Your mind has become completely stronger,
You have become a little bolder.

Are you trying to know the whole world?
And merge with him in soul!
And mom looks at you:
“It’s already quite big!”

Your energy and agility -
Turns everything around!
And the world says with love:
“Be happy, dear friend!”

Go ahead, don't be afraid, you are a hero,
All this is for you!
Be honest, kind to everyone with your soul,
Your family is with you!

He can do everything, he understands
He is an ace at the computer!
Explains to mom and dad
How to play solitaire.

We sincerely wish
Baby grow up to be a fighter
Both cheerful and beautiful
And a daring fellow!

Our dear, beloved child,
So you have lived through your first decade.
It started from the very cradle,
And now he has received a deposit
For health, for joy, for happiness,
To the cloudlessness of youth, playful.
Try to actively integrate into life
And may she be serene!

You are ten years old today
Solid anniversary!
There is no bride yet,
But there are a hundred friends nearby!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Man up from year to year!
With the bride, (name), take your time,
Your turn will come!
While you study the computer,
Always study for five,
And sports, look, don’t forget,
So that you can give back!
Everyone is surprised: such
You are important and cool!
And I think that you are completely
The boy is too big!
And you are smart, almost like me,
Or maybe smarter.
Well, I congratulate you,
On your first anniversary!

Can there be any doubts?
The fact that you are the best in the world,
Your birthday has arrived
Open your palms wider
Accept gifts quickly
And of course congratulations.
It will be joyful and bright
May you be in the mood today!

Baby, baby, happy birthday
You've already become so big!
Restless fun
Today we will make it into a fairy tale.
Let's put out the cake, blow out the candles,
We will accept gifts
Until evening looks out the window
We will congratulate you.
Let happiness look into your soul,
A smile colors the moment of fate.
Listen to mom and dad right
And be healthy, child, you!

You are 10 years old today
Not a lot to start with!
I wish you not to experience troubles,
Luck may not let you down!
It's time for beautiful youth -
It's just around the corner!
May happiness always await you,
And the sun with warm rays!

Well, you've done it, boy.
Apparently he ate a lot of porridge!
At ten years old, big as a bear,
Well, listen to congratulations!
To always be fair,
To protect the girls.
To be happy in life
And he didn’t forget me!

10 years! What is the date?
Happy Birthday, our dear,
We want to wish you excitement,
Let peace reign in your heart.
Believe in your dream, keep that happiness
What brings smiles to life,
Let them leave all misfortunes
Be strong, be strong in everything.
To make childhood last longer
And gave many days
The brightest and best,
Crowded lights!

Are you celebrating today?
Mini anniversary,
Our congratulations
Take it quickly.

The date is not simple -
A whole 10 years.
Let it be in life
Many victories.

Smart and obedient
Be a boy.
Know that you will become great
Have you ever.

Brave and courageous
You will grow.
We wish a lot
Find happiness.

You are ten years old today
And wishes are no secret!
Be a real young man
So that all adversity does not matter,

Don't be discouraged by difficulties
And surprise mom and dad -
Study and great success,
Less tears, more laughter!

Happy Birthday to You
We congratulate everyone together,
And you for ten years,
We wish you all the blessings of earth.
We wish you to study well at school,
And fall in love with a classmate,
Find friends, don’t be discouraged,
Love and respect parents.
You're a ten, you're a grown man,
You can already go to the boys’ ears.
Accept from us today, on name day,
Everything I've been waiting for all year.

If the guy is 10 years old -
It means a lot
And therefore to wish
I'll have good luck
Faithful, devoted friends,
Cooler phone
And grades for studies
The very best!

What do you want at ten years old?
More sweets and candies!
And fun entertainment
And not stupid adventures,
Pick up another hobby
Adults should never lie.
And sporting achievements,
But fewer objections.
Be persistent, but in moderation
And serve as an example for others.
And hang out with friends
Stay true to your friend!

You are ten years old today -
Your first anniversary.
Your mind has become completely stronger,
You have become a little bolder.

Trying to know the whole world
And merge with him in soul!
And mom looks at you:
“It’s already quite big!”

Your energy and agility
Turns everyone on.
And the world says with love:
“Be happy, dear friend!”

Go ahead, don't be afraid, you are a hero,
All this is for you!
Be honest, kind to everyone with your soul,
Your family is with you!

You are 10 years old today
Not a lot to start with!
I wish you not to experience troubles,
Luck may not let you down!

It's time for beautiful youth -
It's just around the corner!
May happiness always await you,
And the sun with warm rays!

Happy Birthday to You
And all the best to you, my love,
We sincerely wish you!

Don't be sad and don't be bored!
Be happy in the world.
And don’t upset your family!
Well, happy ten years!

What we wish for in ten years:
May there be more victories,
Success, achievements,
Have fun adventures.

Be dexterous, be brave, don’t be timid,
And you will find true friends.
Don't offend the weak
And never be discouraged!

This joyful hour has come,
Let's celebrate your birthday
We have so many congratulations,
Dear, we wish you good luck!
What can you wish for when you're ten?
Be happy and be smart too
Honor your father and mother,
And be like them in everything!

You are already an adult today
10 years is a big date.
Although at times I was unbearable
And mom and dad scolded

But I know you are a man
Smart, persistent person.
Let them be proud of their son
Mom and dad at 10 years old!

You're already a big guy.
Look at the age!
And it's time in ten years
Conquer the whole world.

I wish you victories
Soon, I know for sure,
The world will know about you.
Be happy, my idol!

10 years is great
No problems and no worries
Only summer is ahead,
Youth and smile await!

Show zeal in your studies,
Make your loved ones happy,
I wish on your birthday
More holidays like this!

Congratulations, congratulations,
And we wish you kindness.
You are very smart, we know
May your dreams come true.

Happy first anniversary in life,
After all, you are already 10 years old.
Let the threat not loom
Never, but only light.

May there be smiles and good luck,
They never fall behind.
You are a good boy
Let your dreams live in you.

You are 10 years old today.
There are no more boys like this!
Smart and cheerful, so good
You just can’t take your eyes off it!

I wish you a bunch of toys,
Become strong, strong and powerful,
To be a kind and good son,
Don't trust fake friends.

Be happy and go to success.
And there is more room for laughter in life!

Today you are 10 years old
Your first anniversary in fate,
What an adult you are, not a kid at all,
You're a cool guy, a naughty tough guy!

May the sky above you be peaceful
Don't be afraid of anything and rush into battle,
Study well, be patient,
Let victories cover your path!

You are ten years old today
And the sun shines brighter.
Giving love, warmth and light,
Let luck not leave you.

Grow up as a protector, a man,
You are my dear boy.
Let toys and cars
Today your house will be filled!

You are 10 years old today
No longer small, not yet an adult.
I wish you only victories in life,
So that he is always reliable for everyone.

There are more true friends around,
But don’t forget about the first ones.
And on this holiday I am with you,
Happy birthday, dear.

Let them still play with toys at the age of ten,
For your birthday, accept my gift.
Let him only develop you,
I really want you not to get sick, dear.

Be obedient and polite boy,
And raise your hand higher in class.
With friends to make it interesting,
And read smart books more often.

Our defender of the fatherland,
I'm quite mature now.
Even if he chews a pencil at school,
Yes, a deuce is enough for the magazine.

But on this big anniversary
We see the man in you.
We wish you a hundred friends
And only success in your destiny!

Happy 10th anniversary, I congratulate you!
I wish you to be brave and kind!
And be the strongest in the fight for yours,
Let everything in life obey you!

To do this, of course, you need to study,
So that you can achieve a lot in life!
May gifts give you miracles,
A cherished dream has come true!

First round anniversary
Ten years is great!
Let the house of friends be full,
And this day will become magical.
Today you have become more mature
Happy anniversary!

And who is ten years old?
Gave me a gun
Helicopter, mosaic, ball?
Don't hide your gifts!

Treat the guys to cake,
Then have fun playing.
And of course, on your birthday
Please accept my congratulations.

Let your wishes come true
All endeavors go well.
Explore the multifaceted world
And don’t give me friends!

We all wish you a happy birthday,
You are ten years old, you have become quite big,
Hurry up and unpack our gifts!
And hurry up and blow out the candles on the cake!

We wish you success in your studies,
Luck, goodness, dreams come true,
Be obedient, strong and the happiest,
The world will change because of your kindness.

Your tenth birthday is here!
Don't sit in the corner, accept gifts.
And let the terrible frosts crackle outside.
May there always be paradise in your soul!

Everyone around you wishes you health like a lion.
And over time you will become a real man.
May your dreams and all your hopes come true.
May everything on this day be as you wished!

Here you are ten years old -
Got a little bigger.
This is the first anniversary
Good sir.

Be the happiest person in the world
And study without failing.
Forget about everyone's problems,
Be strong and persistent.

10 years is a happy anniversary,
Your parents allow you everything,
Lots of balls and true friends,
You are on stage, and everyone around you is an audience!

We wish you luck
And good grades at school,
And good mood
Never face pain!

Ten years is a small anniversary,
But more is to come
I wish you to grow up healthy
Become a pride for your family,
Let your dreams come true quickly
And success watches you everywhere,
Only true friends will be nearby,
Happiness, love and unearthly kindness.

You're not going to play football,
And you don't turn on the Internet,
We sit down at the table together,
You are ten years old today.

And everything is ahead of you,
But the main thing now is study,
And understand for yourself,
What do you want to become after school?

But that will all happen later,
Today is your birthday
We'll cut the birthday cake,
And we eat all the treats.

A strong guy - a hero,
Hands are not afraid of weights.
And on the tenth birthday
I wish you good mood,
To live in happiness, not to know worries,
Play football in the yard.
keep up with your studies,
Visit all countries!

We came to congratulate you,
We brought gifts.
We will celebrate your anniversary,
We will declassify all the secrets.

We will give you cars,
So that you can press the pedals,
After all, you are a boy of the highest class,
And you surprised us more than once.

Grow up to be just as curious
And sometimes shrouded in mystery.
May courage and bravery be near you,
After all, a real man really needs this.

This is your first anniversary,
Very important holiday!
You will call all your friends,
Joyful pranksters.

There will be mountains of sweets
Thousands of gifts
Pranks will say goodbye
Standards will collapse.

After all, the day is not just an ordinary one,
And very unusual.
We will celebrate it with you
Gorgeous and excellent!

Why are you cheerful today?
What do you expect from friends and family?
Has the New Year holiday come?
Did the weekend come suddenly?

Today is a pretty normal day,
For others who don't know you.
And for us it’s a great holiday,
An important day given by fate.

The date is round and long-awaited,
Anniversary, the first in your life.
Of course, the event is important.
Please accept congratulations soon!

Today is not an ordinary birthday for you,
And the date is more important and rounder.
And they sing these congratulations
Your first ever anniversary.

How big you have become, how grown up you have become!
You've completed the top ten.
And every year is more important than the last year,
The whole world lies at your feet!

You have taken a new step in this life,
Well, go up to victories and success.
You will be able to comprehend the secrets of the universe
And face difficulties without fear and with laughter.

What is ten years?
This age is very important
The time of life's victories,
The time of brave deeds.

School time, friendship time...
In short, adventure time
Very necessary for growing up.
So, my friend (son), happy birthday!

Enjoy every breath
While young and full of strength,
So that you have a good life,
That I received everything I asked for.

This is your first anniversary,
Congratulations on that!
On behalf of your guests
This is what we wish for you:

Health, happiness, joy,
Fives, feats, victories,
And also every little thing,
Needed by a guy at ten years old.

And may fortune smile
May there be many adventures.
And let it curl before you
Have a good journey.

Oh, what a happy childhood:
Ten years is a wonderful, carefree age!
Let it take a place in your memory
This period is so fleeting.

Don't rush to grow up, you can still race
On a bike until nightfall.
But you'll have to do your homework,
And chores around the house, by the way.

All the same, at ten years old a lot is allowed,
What is it wrong for adults to do?
There's a lot of fun now,
Reasons to laugh too.

Please accept congratulations on your first anniversary!
Grow even higher, grow even further!
Every year you become more mature, wiser, and older.
You have become so grown up. Not what it was before!

You show your knowledge in your studies,
In housekeeping - skill, and in friendship - reliability.
Everywhere you have special achievements,
It is impossible to cover them all in poetry.

Therefore, we simply wish you
Celebrate your holiday in a riotous and fun way.
We sincerely congratulate you today,
Such a wonderful boy.

How quickly you have grown! You're already ten!
You are already celebrating your anniversary!
This important date so wonderful
You have become much more mature today, boy.

You have become more serious, and what an assistant you have become!
Washing the dishes is not a problem for you.
You help friends and family powerfully,
This is how grown up you have become!

Happy 10th anniversary, I congratulate you!
I wish you to be brave and kind!
And be the strongest in the fight for yours,
Let everything in life obey you!

To do this, of course, you need to study,
So that you can achieve a lot in life!
May gifts give you miracles,
A cherished dream has come true!


You are ten years old today
Your first anniversary.
Your mind has become completely stronger,
You have become a little bolder.

Are you trying to know the whole world?
And merge with him in soul!
And mom looks at you:
“It’s already quite big!”

Your energy and agility -
Turns everything around!
And the world says with love:
“Be happy, dear friend!”

Go ahead, don't be afraid, you are a hero,
All this is for you!
Be honest, kind to everyone with your soul,
Your family is with you!


You are ten years old today
Solid anniversary!
There is no bride yet,
But there are a hundred friends nearby!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Man up from year to year!
With the bride, (name), take your time,
Your turn will come!
While you study the computer,
Always study for five,
And sports, look, don’t forget,
So that you can give back!
Everyone is surprised: such
You are important and cool!
And I think that you are completely
The boy is too big!
And you are smart, almost like me,
Or maybe smarter.
Well, I congratulate you,
On your first anniversary!


You are ten years old today
And wishes are no secret!
Be a real young man
So that all adversity does not matter,

Don't be discouraged by difficulties
And surprise mom and dad -
Study and great success,
Less tears, more laughter!


You are an adult, almost a man,
There is a reason for joy
After all, today is the anniversary,
Let me hug you harder!

I wish you good luck,
So that all the tasks at school
We would decide in an instant,
It was a joyful learning experience!

So that they praise, not scold,
They were allowed to walk late into the night!
On this joyful day,
Congratulations, friend!


We are sitting at the table in the living room,
We celebrate the anniversary in a decorous manner.
Who is the reason
Understands what's what:
From head to toe
Today he is ten years old.
And we are all burning with fever,
Congratulations to the hero of the day!
We announce the telegram: “Listen to dad, listen to mom.
Eat porridge, noodle soup,
Be healthy - grow big!..”


My very good one,
You're not like anyone else
As if unearthly!

I really want to congratulate you
That's what I want to say
That you are my beloved,
Why are you my noble king!

Fifteen years have struck
Look at the dial!
Growing up so well
With love we are in the chest!


Congratulate you with Holliday. Ten years is an amazing date. Every day you become more and more a man, but today you can still be a boy who grows to delight his parents. I wish you everything, everything that you yourself wanted to receive.


You are fifteen years old today
And I'll help serve you lunch.
I'll whisper gently in your ear,
About how much I love you.

We will gather your friends,
And we will celebrate the holiday together.
I'll give you a gift
And I will never betray you.

I promise to love you
And now I wish.
So that my beloved angel
Received my congratulations.