Quartz: what kind of mineral is it and what properties does it have? What is quartz stone? Quartz has healing properties.

Quartz is the most common and at the same time the most unusual mineral, which is represented by an incredible variety of different varieties, shapes and colors. It is considered an ornamental stone, but among various types There are also semi-precious and even precious stones in quartz, because the well-known amethyst, aquamarine, agate, rock crystal, citrine, cat's eye and many other popular jewelry stones belong specifically to quartz.

Description of the mineral

The origin of the name of this mineral has several versions. Thus, some scientists believe that the modern term "quartz" comes from the German word "quarz", which in turn comes from the Saxon word "querkluftertz", literally translated as "cross veins". Another group of scientists insists that the term arose as a derivative of the Old Cornish name for silica crystals - "cross-course-spor".

Quartz can be found in many both metamorphic and igneous rocks, including granites, gneisses, as well as clastic sedimentary rocks, sea and river sand.

By its nature, pure quartz is transparent and colorless, like water; it is not for nothing that ancient peoples compared it to ice. But, combining with other minerals and chemical elements, quartz can take on the most unexpected forms and be painted in a wide variety of colors, forming a huge group of minerals.


Numerous varieties of quartz are divided into two types:

  1. Crystalline.
  2. Cryptocrystalline.

Crystalline varieties of quartz include:

  • rhinestone– colorless, transparent quartz;
  • hairy– rock crystal containing inclusions of fine-needle crystals of other minerals (rutile, tourmaline, etc.);
  • smoky quartz (rauchtopaz)– transparent crystalline quartz from grayish smoky to brown;
  • morion– translucent or opaque black quartz;
  • amethyst- the most valuable type of all varieties of quartz (rock crystal), which is classified as precious stones. The most common amethysts are violet, but there are also violet-pink and lilac-red stones of this type.
  • citrine– quartz of golden or lemon yellow color;
  • rose quartz– semi-precious stone of delicate pink color;
  • prase– green quartz due to the presence of small green actinolite fibers or crystals of other minerals;
  • cat eye– quartz of white, pinkish, gray color with a light tint effect;
  • ametrine- a rather rare variety of quartz, distinguished by undistributed areas of yellow and violet-lilac color.

Cryptocrystalline varieties of quartz include:

  • chalcedony– a translucent cryptocrystalline fine-fibered variety of quartz with shades from white to honey-yellow;
  • agate– a variety of chalcedony with layered-banded coloring;
  • chrysolite– transparent quartz of yellow, pale green or bright green color;
  • cornelian– quartz in pink or red shades;
  • aventurine– a fragile and opaque variety of quartz of yellowish, red or cherry color with beautiful shimmering inclusions of iron mica and mica;
  • sapphirine– coarse-grained quartz of a bluish color;
  • onyx- a cryptocrystalline variety of brown quartz with white and black patterns alternating with red-brown, brown-yellow, honey, white or pinkish plane-parallel layers.

Chemical composition and physical properties

In terms of its chemical composition, quartz is silicon dioxide. Its chemical formula is SiO2. It is part of many minerals in the form of silicates and mixtures. The main varieties of quartz arose due to microscopic inclusions of other minerals, mainly iron oxides, the combination with which gives quartz a wide variety of colors.

In appearance, this mineral is colorless hexagonal crystals (crystals in the shape of six-sided pyramids), which have some piezoelectric properties.

Quartz crystals are quite hard and can scratch glass, although they are inferior to diamonds and corundum. On the Mohs scale, quartz has a hardness of 7 and a density of 2.6 g per cm3.

Quartz can withstand very high temperatures, its melting point is + 1713 °C. However, it is easily soluble in hydrofluoric acid and alkalis and belongs to the group of glass-forming oxides.

History of the stone

Quartz was discovered by mankind among the very first minerals. Thus, during excavations at sites of primitive people, archaeologists discovered various tools, jewelry and weapons made from quartz.

Mentions of this stone can be found in the works of ancient philosophers - the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder and the ancient Greek Theophrastus.

Admiring quartz, the ancient Greeks in ancient times called it “krustallos”, which means “ice”. In those days, both the Greeks and Romans were sure that this amazingly pure mineral was extraordinary ice created by the gods. This belief existed until the 14th century, when it was finally proven that rock crystal (one of the types of quartz) - real stone, which has nothing to do with ice.

Rock crystal was used in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome to make jewelry, seals, vases and bowls. They were covered with beautiful carvings and treated with special love and care.

Quartz (rock crystal) also aroused surprise and admiration among the peoples of India, Egypt and China. Its processing required enormous patience and much effort, but the skilled craftsmen of these countries created incredibly beautiful, elaborate and complex crystal products: household and interior items, jewelry, sculptures of deities and symbols of occult rituals.

In the 11th-15th centuries, European craftsmen also created beautiful products from rock crystal. The luxurious crystal bowls, vases and glasses they made were especially valued. Crystal was often processed in the form of seals. Jewelry was also made from it.

In the Middle Ages, quartz was widely used for the manufacture of church utensils: bowls, lamps, floor lamps. Products made from it could be found in the royal treasuries of rulers of different countries.

Since the 16th century, various crystal vessels have become especially widespread in European countries such as Italy, France and Germany. They were combined with chic gold frames, luxuriously decorated with diamonds, rubies and emeralds.

In Russia, the very first deposits of quartz (rock crystal) were discovered in the Urals only in the middle of the 18th century. Russian craftsmen used it to make seals, as well as jewelry: brooches, rings, and so on. Particularly prized were necklaces made of faceted crystal beads made by Ural craftsmen.

Place of Birth

Today, quartz is one of the most common minerals, and its mining has been carried out around the world for centuries. Its largest deposits are in Brazil, Australia, Africa, Madagascar, the USA and Sri Lanka. It is from here that the main supplies of quartz varieties for the jewelry industry are made.

The healing properties of the mineral

Naturally, the healing properties of this mineral depend on its variety. However, there are common healing properties for the entire group of quartz.

Thus, lithotherapists claim that quartz has a positive effect on the respiratory system and recommend keeping the stone near you when you have a cold.

But according to lithotherapists and traditional healers, the most valuable qualities, including antiseptic ones, are found in water infused with the mineral. They claim that the so-called “quartz water” has a positive effect on the entire body and is a powerful preventative against many diseases.

It is recommended to use quartz water for cosmetic purposes to rejuvenate the skin, smooth out wrinkles and relieve inflammation. Cosmetologists recommend regularly washing your face with this water and making baths with it to make your skin smoother, more elastic and firm.

Magic properties

The magical powers of quartz have always been given special importance. Ancient magicians believed that quartz, and especially rock crystal, is the “astral skin of the planet” and its crystals are capable of recording signals sent to us by the Universe. It is not without reason that a magic ball made from pure rock crystal was used in ancient times and continues to be used to this day to predict the future and reveal the secrets of the past. However, it is not recommended for the average person to use it for such purposes. Such experiments, say magicians and fortune tellers, can lead to disastrous consequences and even madness. But wearing quartz crystals in the form of amulets and talismans is highly recommended.

People who believe in the power of stones claim that quartz products can help a person:

  • strengthen memory;
  • develop imagination;
  • strengthen active thought processes;
  • make speech more vivid;
  • attract good luck, success and material well-being;
  • find true love.

However, like healing, magical properties quartz depends largely on its varieties.

  • Amethyst provides protection from all evil spirits.
  • Citrine helps in public speaking, trade and travel.
  • Aventurine brings good luck in the game and a positive outcome in risky situations.
  • Rose quartz can help cope with stress, increase self-esteem and enhance natural talents. This stone is most suitable for women.
  • Black quartz (morion) – has the most powerful magical properties. However, it should not be used for selfish purposes under any circumstances, since it is believed that this mineral is capable of “revenge” on its selfish owner.

Quartz and zodiac signs

For many zodiac signs, quartz will be the best amulet and talisman, but it is most suitable for:

  • Scorpios;
  • Libra;
  • Aquarius;
  • Taurus;
  • Aries;
  • Leos;
  • Sagittarius.

Application of the mineral

For many centuries, quartz has been used to make various jewelry, but the area of ​​application of this group of minerals is not limited to jewelry making.

Quartz is actively used:

  • in the crystal and glass industry;
  • in the ceramic industry;
  • in a number of metallurgical processes;
  • in radio electronics;
  • for the production of building materials (concrete, brick, asphalt, plaster, etc.);
  • for the manufacture of optical devices;
  • for the manufacture of precision instruments (watches, scales, etc.);
  • in telephone and radio equipment;
  • in ultrasound generators;
  • in the production of silica refractories;
  • in medical equipment (for the manufacture of physiotherapeutic and x-ray equipment);
  • as an excellent finishing material;
  • as a filter for water purification.

Surely you will be interested in learning these interesting facts about quartz:

  1. Lenses made from quartz are better than glass ones. They are superior to their glass counterparts in both transparency and strength.
  2. During excavations that were carried out in Mesopotamia, quartz beads more than 7 thousand years old were found.
  3. The predecessors of modern sunglasses were made of morion plates and secured with bronze temples. They were discovered during excavations in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. These glasses are now kept in the British Museum.
  4. The Roman Emperor Nero loved products made from rock crystal. He owned two rare and amazingly beautiful drinking cups, made from perfectly pure rock crystal. Today they, together with a rock crystal urn 22 cm high and 24 cm in diameter, are kept among the national treasures of France.
  5. Some of the largest items made from rock crystal are the samovar of Peter I, made by Russian craftsmen, which is now kept in the Armory, and a crystal seal that depicts Atlas holding the globe on his shoulders. This seal is carefully preserved in the US National Museum of Natural History.
  6. The exposition of the Museum of the Mining Institute of St. Petersburg is decorated with a crystal 1.2 m high and weighing more than 1 ton. Interestingly, for a long time it was a city street stand.
  7. The most amazing quartz product is the Mayan quartz skull. It was discovered on the Yucatan Peninsula during excavations of an ancient Mayan city in 1927. This enigmatic and mysterious skull with a movable jaw and skillfully carved prisms is made of crystalline quartz, and, as scientists have verified, without mechanical processing, but with the help of a laser. The most surprising thing is the fact that many people, being near the Quartz Skull, often feel a specific sweetish-sour smell, hear incomprehensible sounds, and those with supernatural abilities feel its special aura.
  8. Amazing metamorphoses occur when black quartz (morion) is exposed to high temperatures and x-rays. Thus, when slowly heated to 300 °C, morion acquires a golden hue and becomes similar to tea topaz; when heated to 400 °C, it completely discolors, and when irradiated with X-rays, it regains its original color.

How to distinguish natural quartz from fake

Despite the fact that quartz is the most common mineral on the planet, it is counterfeited just like other natural stones. Artificial varieties of quartz or glass are often passed off as natural gems. Most often, the most expensive types of quartz are counterfeited, and, first of all, amethyst.

To distinguish a natural quartz mineral from a fake, you will need:

  • steel knife;
  • a piece of glass;
  • glass of water;
  • magnifying glass.

Try some simple experiments:

  1. Try scratching the stone with a knife. Natural quartz is hard enough that it won’t leave scratches.
  2. Try scratching a stone with glass. There will be no trace left on natural stone, while glass can easily be scratched by natural quartz.
  3. Examine the stone with a magnifying glass. In an artificial mineral, you can easily see chaotically located air bubbles, while in a natural stone, cracks and bubbles form in strictly defined places: zones of accretion of crystals and flows of nutrients.
  4. Just try touching the stone and the glass with your tongue, and then compare your sensations: natural stone is always colder.
  5. And finally, a test exclusively for amethysts. Immerse the gemstone in a glass of water and take a closer look at its color: a natural amethyst immersed in water will discolor around the edges.

Quartz- one of the most common minerals in the earth's crust, a rock-forming mineral in most igneous and metamorphic rocks. Free content in the earth's crust is 12%. It is part of other minerals in the form of mixtures and silicates. In total, the mass fraction of quartz in the earth's crust is more than 60%. It has many varieties and, like no other mineral, is varied in color, in forms of occurrence, and in genesis. Found in almost all types of deposits.
Chemical formula: SiO 2 (silicon dioxide).

See also:


Trigonal system. Silica, the most common form of which in nature is quartz, has developed polymorphism.
Two main polymorphic crystalline modifications of silicon dioxide: hexagonal β-quartz, stable at a pressure of 1 atm. (or 100 kN/m2) in the temperature range 870-573°C, and trigonal α-quartz, stable at temperatures below 573°C. It is α-quartz that is widespread in nature; this modification, stable at low temperatures, is usually called simply quartz. All hexagonal quartz crystals found under ordinary conditions are paramorphoses of α-quartz over β-quartz. α-quartz crystallizes in the class of trigonal trapezohedron of the trigonal system. The crystal structure is of a frame type, built from silicon-oxygen tetrahedra arranged in a helical manner (with a right or left turn of the screw) relative to the main axis of the crystal. Depending on this, right and left structural and morphological forms of quartz crystals are distinguished, distinguishable externally by the symmetry of the arrangement of some faces (for example, trapezohedron, etc.). The absence of planes and a center of symmetry in α-quartz crystals determines the presence of piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties.


In its pure form, quartz is colorless or has a white color due to internal cracks and crystalline defects. Impurity elements and microscopic inclusions of other minerals, mainly iron oxides, give it a wide variety of colors. The reasons for the color of some varieties of quartz have their own specific nature.
Often forms doubles. Dissolves in hydrofluoric acid and alkali melts. Melting point 1713-1728 °C (due to the high viscosity of the melt, determining the melting point is difficult; there are different data). Dielectric and piezoelectric.

It belongs to the group of glass-forming oxides, that is, it can be the main component of glass. One-component quartz glass made from pure silicon oxide is obtained by melting rock crystal, vein quartz and quartz sand. Silicon dioxide has polymorphism. A polymorphic modification that is stable under normal conditions is α-quartz (low temperature). Accordingly, β-quartz is called a high-temperature modification.


Crystals are usually in the form of a hexagonal prism, topped at one end (less often at both) with a six- or three-sided pyramidal head. Often, towards the head, the crystal gradually narrows. The faces of the prism are characterized by transverse shading. Most often, crystals have an elongated prismatic appearance with the predominant development of the faces of a hexagonal prism and two rhombohedrons forming the crystal head. Less commonly, crystals take the form of a pseudohexagonal dipyramid. Externally regular quartz crystals are usually complexly twinned, most often forming twinned areas according to the so-called. Brazilian or Dauphinean laws. The latter arise not only during crystal growth, but also as a result of internal structural rearrangement during thermal β-α polymorphic transitions accompanied by compression, as well as during mechanical deformations.
In igneous and metamorphic rocks, quartz forms irregular isometric grains intergrown with grains of other minerals; its crystals are often encrusted with voids and almonds in effusive rocks.
In sedimentary rocks there are nodules, veinlets, secretions (geodes), brushes of small short-prismatic crystals on the walls of voids in limestone, etc. Also fragments of various shapes and sizes, pebbles, sand.


Yellowish or shimmering brownish-red quartzite (due to inclusions of mica and iron mica).
- layered-banded variety of chalcedony.
- violet.
Binghemite is iridescent quartz with goethite inclusions.
Bull's eye - deep crimson, brown
Volosatik - rock crystal with inclusions of fine needle crystals of rutile, tourmaline and/or other minerals that form needle crystals.
- crystals of colorless transparent quartz.
Flint - fine-grained cryptocrystalline silica aggregates of variable composition, consisting mainly of quartz and to a lesser extent chalcedony, cristobalite, sometimes with the presence of a small amount of opal. Usually found in the form of nodules or pebbles that arise when they are destroyed.
Morion is black.
Overflow - consist of alternating layers of microcrystals of quartz and chalcedony, never transparent.
Prazem is green (due to inclusions of actinolite).
Prasiolite is onion-green, obtained artificially by calcining yellow quartz.
Rauchtopaz (smoky quartz) - light gray or light brown.
Rose quartz is pink.
- cryptocrystalline fine-fiber variety. Translucent or translucent, color from white to honey-yellow. Forms spherulites, spherulite crusts, pseudostalactites or continuous massive formations.
- lemon yellow.
Sapphire quartz is a bluish, coarse-grained quartz aggregate.
Cat's eye - white, pinkish, gray quartz with a light tint effect.
Hawkeye is a silicified aggregate of bluish-gray amphibole.
Tiger's eye - similar to hawk's eye, but golden brown in color.
- brown with white and black patterns, red-brown, brown-yellow, honey, white with yellowish or pinkish layers. Onyx is especially characterized by plane-parallel layers of different colors.
Heliotrope is an opaque dark green variety of cryptocrystalline silica, mostly fine-grained quartz, sometimes mixed with chalcedony, oxides and hydroxides of iron and other minor minerals, with bright red spots and stripes.


Quartz is formed during various geological processes:
Directly crystallizes from acidic magma. Quartz contains both intrusive (granite, diorite) and effusive (rhyolite, dacite) rocks of acidic and intermediate composition, and can be found in igneous rocks of basic composition (quartz gabbro).
In acidic volcanic rocks it often forms porphyry phenocrysts.
Quartz crystallizes from fluid-enriched pegmatite magmas and is one of the main minerals of granitic pegmatites. In pegmatites, quartz forms intergrowths with potassium feldspar (pegmatite proper); the internal parts of pegmatite veins are often composed of pure quartz (quartz core). Quartz is the main mineral of apogranitic metasomatites - greisens.
During the hydrothermal process, quartz and crystal-bearing veins are formed; alpine-type quartz veins are of particular importance.
Under surface conditions, quartz is stable and accumulates in placers of various origins (coastal-marine, aeolian, alluvial, etc.). Depending on the various conditions formation, quartz crystallizes in various polymorphic modifications.


Quartz is used in optical instruments, in ultrasound generators, in telephone and radio equipment (as a piezoelectric), in electronic devices (“quartz” in technical slang is sometimes called a quartz resonator - a component of devices for stabilizing the frequency of electronic generators). It is consumed in large quantities by the glass and ceramic industries (rock crystal and pure quartz sand). Also used in the production of silica refractories and quartz glass. Many varieties are used in jewelry.

Quartz single crystals are used in optical instrument making for the manufacture of filters, prisms for spectrographs, monochromators, and lenses for UV optics. Fused quartz is used to make special chemical glassware. Quartz is also used to produce chemically pure silicon. Transparent, beautifully colored varieties of quartz are semi-precious stones and are widely used in jewelry. Quartz sands and quartzites are used in the ceramic and glass industries

Quartz - SiO 2


Strunz (8th edition) 4/D.01-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 4.DA.05
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.8.1


Mineral color itself colorless or white due to fracturing, with impurities it can be colored in any color (purple, pink, black, yellow, brown, green, orange, etc.)
Stroke color white
Transparency translucent, transparent
Shine glass
Cleavage the very imperfect rhombohedral cleavage according to (1011) is most often observed, there are at least six other directions
Hardness (Mohs scale) 7
Kink uneven, conchoidal
Strength fragile
Density (measured) 2.65 g/cm 3
Radioactivity (GRapi) 0

As long as planet Earth exists, minerals “live” on it. There are hundreds of them, all of them differ in physical and chemical qualities, colors, age and charm. There are purely collectible pieces, and many are involved in the creation of masterpieces of jewelry art. Each stone is an individuality with its own riddles, legends and secrets. For example, Quartz is a mineral that predominates in the earth’s crust.

They say about this stone that it cools the palms and warms the soul. It has many names: chemists call it silicon dioxide, mineralogists call it silica. In nature, it occurs in the form of hexagonal transparent crystals with a sharp top. In terms of its hardness, quartz occupies an honorable fourth place behind diamonds, corundum and topaz.

This mineral is both magnificent and diverse. There are a great many varieties of Quartz, and they all differ in color, structure, and energy:

  1. Black (morion) - at first glance, similar in appearance to resin. It can be translucent or opaque. Magicians and alchemists often used it in their rituals. In jewelry, it is used only after annealing, during which it changes its hue to yellow.
  2. Pink is a beautiful soft pink mineral that becomes colorless in sunlight. Minerologists classify it as a type of rock crystal. It is credited with unique magical and healing qualities. It is generally accepted that it calms the nervous system, restores mental balance, relieves grievances and worries, and makes people more restrained.
  3. Green (prazem) – these crystals are translucent, have a soft green tint, and are considered a treasure among jewelers. Jewelry with such a gem is usually worn to match the color of the eyes and used in fashion shows of collections of famous brands. For example, wearing earrings with green inserts can relieve fatigue, reduce irritability, and remove stress.
  4. White milky. It is unique in that as the temperature increases, it begins to release ozone, which cleanses the lungs of carbon dioxide, so such quartz beads will be very useful for those who have problems with the lungs and throat. Having absorbed heat, this mineral does not release it for a long time, therefore it is a valuable specimen in steam rooms.
  5. Smoky (rauchtopaz) is a brown mineral, individuals of which differ in intensity and tonality. Very beautiful jewelry is made from this stone, and its unique cut is impressive. Such products have undeniable beauty, but there are categories of people who are not recommended to wear such things. These include weak-willed, nervous, easily wounded, suspicious individuals.
  6. Rutile (silicon dioxide) is one of the most expensive representatives of the Quartz group. Valued for its golden-red hue with fine crystalline inclusions. Most of all, fortune tellers and sorceresses love him. They use it as a love spell and protection against the “bad eye”. Products with such a stone should be worn by creative people. It is for them that it will serve as an excellent talisman.
  7. Violet (amethyst) is a precious natural stone of violet color, translucent texture. Due to the fact that deposits of such a mineral are quite common, jewelry with amethyst inserts are inexpensive, which is why they are very popular. Its appearance is in no way inferior to rare precious stones with exorbitant prices. Aesculapians treated infertility in women and lack of potency in men with this gem.

One of the varieties of Quartz is rock crystal. It has high thermal conductivity, which is why it constantly feels cool. It has a unique structure and perfect transparency, as it is completely free of impurities. The nobility of Ancient Rome used balls of this stone to cool their hands on hot days.

Most often, quartz is found in the form of elongated prismatic crystals. There are specimens in the form of irregular isometric grains that have grown together with other minerals.


The color range of quartz crystals is quite diverse and includes particularly valuable specimens, such as:

  • purple;
  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • pink;
  • smoky;
  • black;
  • blue-gray;
  • white;
  • flickering;
  • golden brown.

Chalcedony, which has a cryptocrystalline structure, is also a type of quartz. These are carnelians, chrysoprase, carnelian, onyx and other minerals. Quartz crystals are a product of metamorphic and igneous rocks.

Silica also has the following polymorphic modifications:

  • coesite;
  • moganite;
  • Seyfertitis;
  • Berlinite.

Chemical composition

The chemical formula of quartz is SiO2. This mineral is a representative of the group of glass-forming oxides, since it is capable of forming a supercooled melt - glass. Quartz can be dissolved exclusively in hydrofluoric acid, and the temperature should be in the range from 171 to 1728 degrees. This difference in temperatures is determined by the fact that the mineral has a very high melt viscosity, so it is not possible to clearly determine the melting point.

Physical properties

Silicon dioxide contains natural metallic impurities and inclusions. As a rule, these are compounds of iron and aluminum. Quartz belongs to the category of very hard minerals with high thermal conductivity and viscosity, a cool surface state, and resistance to chemical compounds. It is considered a dielectric conductor.

According to IMA classes, quartz is classified as an oxide. It has:

  • low optical relief;
  • trigonal system;
  • sufficient fragility;
  • unique hardness with an index of 7;
  • conchoidal fracture;
  • greasy, glassy or matte sheen;
  • cloudy, translucent, translucent, transparent, water-transparent structure;
  • imperfect cleavage;
  • white strokes.

This stone is of the uniaxial type (+), its specific gravity is 2.6; density – 2.66 g/cm3; molecular weight – 60.08; refraction - nω = 1.543 - 1.545 nε = 1.552 - 1.554; maximum birefringence – 0.009.

Where these minerals are mined

Unique deposits of Rock Crystal are scattered all over the world. The very first crystals were recovered from the ice of the Swiss Alps. That's where its name came from. High-quality crystals are found in France, Italy, and Transcarpathia.

Where else are these unique minerals mined? In Madagascar, India, USA. These raw materials are supplied from Brazil, especially for lilac quartz (amethyst). The main deposits are located on the Uruguay border. Arizona and South Carolina are famous for their deposits. Beautiful specimens are found in Ceylon and the Ural Mountains, Japan, Namibia and Zambia. Australian amethysts are in great demand among jewelers.

History of the origin of the stone

The name Quartz owes its origin to the German language, which means “solid”. It is impossible to determine for certain the year of discovery of this mineral, since it was known about in ancient times. Legends and beliefs have been formed about Quartz since time immemorial. Our ancestors used this gem to produce household items. Moreover, attention was paid to it immediately, from the first find. He attracted me with his firmness. He smelled of magic and the healers and magicians did not fail to notice this.

Scope and scope

Quartz is very popular not only among jewelry lovers. This is its main, but not its only purpose. The scope of its application is quite diverse.

Zodiac sign

This gem has a great influence on people. Depending on the color of the mineral, it may or may not be suitable, or it may be a talisman for a certain zodiac sign.

  1. Aries. Note the purple or snow-colored quartz. The stone will help passive representatives of this sign to become confident, purposeful, persistent, will make a person become the life of the party, will force them to become sensitive not only towards loved ones, but also just strangers, and will destroy selfish notes in them.
  2. Calf. The influence will come exclusively from green and gray specimens. Such varieties of quartz will promote wisdom and prudence, warn against misfortunes and unkind people, and help lift your spirits during depression. If Taurus wear rings with rauchtopaz, then they are guaranteed the chance to quickly and easily eliminate any misunderstandings that have arisen, climb the career ladder, and become an indispensable employee for their superiors. For Taurus women, the mineral will help them decide on a love relationship and make the only right choice.
  3. Twins. Give preference to red and yellow crystals. It is precisely such jewelry that will remove disappointments from life, bring joy and carelessness, and provide the opportunity to achieve what you want in a love relationship. In business you will have a chance to overtake your rivals without making them enemies.
  4. Cancers. It is preferable for them to wear stones of smoky or purple shades. And it doesn’t matter which finger the ring or ring is worn on. The main thing is that this will enable the owner to become more vigilant and self-possessed, normalize the nervous system, become calmer and more reasonable. These types of quarts are recommended to be worn separately from others. precious stones so that the impact is more pronounced.
  5. Lions. The most suitable shade is pinkish. Such a mineral will instill confidence, fortitude, strengthen inner sense, and relieve painful sensations and stop the bleeding. It will also protect you from a miserable existence and help stabilize your financial condition.
  6. Virgos. Take pink, red, or purple-tinged sugar quartz seriously. Such minerals can bring good luck, solve complex problems, and help you emerge victorious from a bad situation. It also has a positive effect on a person’s energy and should be worn as a talisman. Moreover, the setting for the stone does not matter at all. His aura is so strong that he is able to protect against dishonest people.
  7. Scales . Smoky and yellow shades will come in handy. They will help you decide on a romantic relationship, choose a soul mate, and improve family relationships. Balance and harmony are ensured. Also has medicinal properties.
  8. Scorpios. Wear jewelry with opaque rutile, smoky, brown crystals. This will bring good luck, help you achieve your goal, strengthen your confidence in your rightness, and make envious people retreat.
  9. Sagittarius. The pink mineral will prevent troubles and make you believe in luck and uniqueness. You deserve more - strive for your goal and you will succeed. Moreover, no special effort is required. It will bring peace and tranquility into your life, drive away bad thoughts and feelings. Be healthy and happy with him.
  10. Capricorns. Smoky and milky gems are just for you. And it doesn’t matter what shape it’s cut into. It protects against diseases, strengthens the immune system, and improves memory and hearing.
  11. Aquarius. Put on a ring with golden quartz and you will feel a surge of vitality, improved mood, and increased tone. For you, life will become a holiday that nothing and no one can overshadow. It will help protect its owner from ogling people, from fears and troubles, and will help in business.
  12. Fish. If jewelry, then only with a pink, blue or green stone. Thus, quartz of a rare bluish hue helps to run a successful business, overcome obstacles on the way to achieving your goal, and attract investment. The green stone will remove negative energy, give you the opportunity to stop, concentrate and accept the only correct solution. The pink mineral has a positive effect on health and body indications.

Medicinal properties

Not every mineral can boast of such unique healing properties. However, quartz is endowed with them. Thanks to it, our body can receive excellent water passed through a quartz filter. This water can also wash away the negative energy accumulated during a difficult day. Quartz will help cure skin diseases, including providing a rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face and hands, giving it softness and elasticity. If you are sick with colds, the illness will be relieved with a quartz pendant.

Magic properties

Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that quartz has strong energy. Magic lenses and balls were made from this stone, and temple fires were lit with it. Not a single magical action was complete without this gem: it looked into the past, predicted future events, revealed secrets and solved riddles. Particular importance was attached to rock crystal. He was able to influence a person, force him to do certain actions and actions, that is, he took possession of him.

Each type of quartz had only its own inherent power. Thus, the pink mineral calmed, balanced, and forced one to control oneself even if the situation was getting out of control. People became non-confrontational, welcoming, friendly, and responsive. It was good to communicate with them and spend free time. Green gems relieved irritability and fatigue. Wearing such a pendant helped to quickly get out of depression, really look at what was happening and draw the right conclusions. Red quartz could bewitch, ward off the evil eye and damage, and prevent negative energy from affecting a person’s condition. He could even protect his owner from black magic.


Products with quartz inserts are very popular. On store shelves you can see earrings and rings, bracelets and necklaces, beads and cufflinks, pendants and many other jewelry. They are worn under festive outfits and in everyday life, at celebrations and at work, by businessmen and office employees. They are always beautiful, charming and mesmerizing. They exude power and magic.

Household use

Not only jewelry is made from quartz. It is used to manufacture optical instruments, ultrasound generators, telephone installations and radio equipment. The ceramic and glass industry cannot do without it. Quartz sand and siliceous refractories contain it in their composition in significant quantities. A variety of crafts are made from quartz, such as ashtrays, bowls, and vases.

How to distinguish from a fake

Despite the fact that there are plenty of places to mine quartz crystals, unscrupulous people still try to sell synthetic fakes to ignorant connoisseurs of beauty. They are very similar to the originals, but the forgery is revealed by air bubbles inside the stone in a chaotic disorder and cracks. Moreover, transparent crystals of greenish, bluish or bluish tints are not found under natural conditions. They can only be translucent. It is also necessary to pay attention to the size of the mineral. If it is large enough, then it is undoubtedly a crude fake.

True quartz of natural origin will become not only a decoration, but also a talisman for its owner.

Quartz is one of the most common and studied minerals on the planet. The extraordinary natural bounty has led to the fact that these minerals can be found in various parts of the world. Being one of the most common stones, quartz has a wide variety of colors and other optical characteristics.

Despite the fact that quartz stones are often colorless, its other varieties win the hearts of mineral collectors and ordinary jewelry connoisseurs.

Many people know about rock crystal. Amethyst, citrine, morion are also fairly well-known stones. They have one thing in common - these are all the most famous types of quartz. Naturally, in addition to aesthetic qualities, the stone also has many magical and healing properties, which we will consider.

About Quartz stone

Quartz is a common natural mineral that in its pure form is transparent and colorless. Single crystals have a hexagonal shape, pointed at the top. Due to impurities, structural features, as well as a wide range of colors and shades, quartz has a large group of minerals.

In terms of chemical composition, it is silicon dioxide, which may include admixtures of aluminum and iron.

  • Quartz is a hard mineral, second only to corundum, diamonds and topaz in this property.
  • Pure quartz (rock crystal) has high thermal conductivity, making it cool to the touch.
  • It is resistant to chemicals and strong acids, so it only dissolves in alkali or hydrofluoric acid.
  • The melting temperature of quartz is 1700°C.

The history of quartz goes back to ancient times BC. Primitive people made labor items and weapons from it, and the age of the first jewelry found during excavations is 7000 years. The properties and characteristics of the mineral are mentioned in the scientific treatises of ancient philosophers.

According to archaeological excavations, we can conclude that quartz was mined back in the days of primitive people. It was they who began to use the mineral for making tools and weapons. In Mesopotamia, archaeologists discovered quartz jewelry that is seven thousand years old. In addition, it is mentioned in ancient philosophy - by Theophrastus and the Elder Pliny.

Based on this, it can be argued that quartz was a very popular material in ancient times. Although the high popularity of the crystal is not surprising, since it accounts for more than 90% of the total volume of the earth’s crust.

Pure quartz is colorless and transparent, like water. It is silicon oxide - SiO2 with possible impurities and internal structure features. Single quartz crystals have 6 faces and a pointed pyramidal top.

The most characteristic impurities of quartz are compounds of iron and aluminum. Quartz takes many different forms, forming a large group of minerals.

There are fused arrays of crystals (pink, gray quartz). There are transparent crystals of rock crystal and yellow citrine, smoky rauhquartz, black morion and lilac amethyst. There are milky, pink and blue quartz. Green and brown quartz with impurities forms one of the varieties of aventurine. Quartz crystals may contain thin crystals of rutile and tourmaline (hair quartz).

Interesting varieties of quartz are cat's eye, falcon's eye and tiger's eye (associated with other minerals). Quartz crystals often feed into other rocks, forming in cracks and geodes (cavities). The weight of druses (intergrowths) of quartz crystals can reach several tons. In this series, lilac amethyst quartz is especially distinguished. Unlike amethysts, it is opaque and has white concentric circles, the so-called growth zones.

  1. Quartz is often refined by annealing to produce golden, yellow and orange-brown hues.
  2. Quartz is irradiated to produce a deep lilac color.
  3. Quartz is artificially synthesized and used for various needs.

Quartz is resistant to chemical attack, it does not react with ordinary strong acids, and dissolves only in hydrofluoric acid. Alkalis also have virtually no effect on quartz. The melting point of quartz is 1570oC.

Synthetic stone

Today, you can often find synthetic quartz on sale, which is comparable in price to natural quartz and is passed off as it. Most often these are large beads, balls or magic crystals. They may even contain cracks or include air bubbles.

Bubbles in natural crystals usually form in those places where a larger crystal has suppressed a smaller one and grown on top of it; they seem to repeat a certain surface. Bubbles still form where there is a strong flow of nutrients (distributed in the volume, as if a frozen flow).

Light curtains are formed in places where parallel crystals tightly join (accrete) (they give shine inside). Cracks form during sudden temperature changes during crystal formation; they are also not random (they occur in places of greatest stress inside the crystal).

Nothing is formed in random places; the crystals reject most of the impurities. Disordered individual small or large bubbles most often indicate synthetics.

In ancient times, quartz was spoken of as a stone that cools the hands but warms the soul. This expression is capacious and accurately conveys the character of this unusual mineral. The first definition can be related to exact science, and the second to metaphysics, to a person’s ability to appreciate beauty. The uniqueness of quartz is determined by the combination of various properties.

  • strength, density, hardness. In terms of hardness, silicon is second only to topaz, corundum and diamonds. It is this property that formed the basis for the name of the rock “quartz”, which is translated from German Quarz, twarc means “hard”;
  • transparency or multi-color based on the absence or presence of quartz fillings and microinclusions of other minerals;
  • high thermal conductivity. which ensures the stone is cool to the touch. This ability of the mineral was used by the ancient Romans when cooling their palms with crystal balls;
  • resistance to chemical environments. dissolves only in alkalis and hydrofluoric acid;
  • dielectric. used in powerful power stations;
  • piezoelectric. allowing you to set and control the operation of high-frequency devices, including communications and computing equipment;
  • polymorphism. providing high temperature variety. Melts only at 1700C.


Quartz is a mineral that comes in many varieties, differing in structure, color and energy.

Among clearly crystalline quartz, the following varieties are distinguished by color::

  • Black quartz is morion. An opaque or translucent stone that resembles resin in appearance. In jewelry they are used only in annealed form, changing the color to yellow shades. It is considered a stone of alchemists and magicians.
  • Rose quartz is an opaque mineral of delicate pink shades that discolors in the sun. It is considered a type of rock crystal. It has powerful healing and magical properties, helps to get rid of grievances, find peace of mind and peace of mind.
  • Green quartz is prazem. A translucent mineral with hints of onion green in color, it is used to make jewelry and ornaments. Thanks to its properties, it helps relieve fatigue, stress and irritability.
  • Milky white quartz - when the temperature changes, it releases ozone, which has a beneficial effect on clearing carbon dioxide from the lungs. It retains heat for a long time, so it is often used in baths.
  • The smoky mineral is rauchtopaz. The stone has a basic brown color with many differences in tonality and intensity. Rauchtopaz is common in the jewelry industry; you can find many products with excellent cutting. Not recommended for people with a suspicious and vulnerable character.

  • Purple quartz - amethyst. The precious translucent stone of purple shades has a low cost due to the large number of deposits, but in appearance it is not inferior to expensive gems. Amethyst is credited with healing properties that can cure female infertility and restore potency in men.
  • Rutile quartz is silicon dioxide. Due to its golden-red color with thin crystalline inclusions, the mineral is the most expensive of all varieties of quartz. It is considered a powerful love spell, effective protection against magical powers. This is a talisman of creative and inspired people.

Morphological varieties

  1. Babylonian quartz - ladder structure of growth;
  2. « Quartz in a hat"
  3. Star Quartz.

Varieties of color associated with inclusions of large-sized particles:

  • Milky quartz milky white and almost opaque;
  • « Vein quartz" - with droplets of inclusions of the mother solution;
  • Blue quartz - with the finest needles of rutile, characteristic of highly metamorphosed rocks;
  • Ferrous flint - with iron oxides;
  • Tiger's eye - quartz with crocidolite
  • Hawkeye - quartz with crocidolite
  • Prazem - green quartz, translucent with actinolite
  • Cat's eye - with asbestos
  • Aventurine - shimmering , with flakes of golden-yellow or green micaceous minerals or hematite.

Cryptocrystalline varieties of silica are called chalcedony. It differs from quartz in X-ray diffraction patterns by a different intensity of secondary peaks and a wider base of the main peaks. In thermograms, there is no thermal effect of the alpha-beta transition.

Quartz can be mined from granite rocks or synthesized artificially. Mineral extraction is carried out using the quarry method.

Mining is carried out using the following technologies:

  • explosive - explosives or an air cushion are used;
  • cutting.

The deposits are extremely numerous; Let us mention only a few as examples. They are covered in more detail in a separate article.

From deposits in Russia of great mineralogical interest, it should be noted the long-known Murzinsky, Lipovsky, Shaitansky and other pegmatite mines (Ekaterinburg), containing druses of magnificent crystals of rock crystal, smoky quartz and amethyst in association with feldspars, tourmaline, lepidolite, etc.

Hydrothermal veins with high-quality rock crystal are available at the Astafievskoye deposit (Southern Urals). “Alpine veins” with quartz piezoelectric raw materials are known in the polar Urals (Dodo, Neroika, Pelengichi). Pegmatite veins with morion and amethyst are common in the Adun-Chilon ridge (Transbaikalia) and other places.

Deposits of quartz veins with rock crystal are also known in Aldan (Perekatnoe). A good amethyst is located in the river valley. Kedon (Magadan region) and in the manifestation Obman (Aldan), citrine - in the Olkhovichnoye deposit (Subpolar Urals).

Wax-red layered jaspers as ornamental stones are common in the Primagnitogorsk region (Ural). Kalgan jasper, uniformly colored greenish-gray, and jasper of the Orsky region (Ural), varied in patterns, are widely known.

Foreign areas of distribution: Ukraine, Transcaucasia; Central Alps (Switzerland, Italy, France); Province of Rio Grande (Brazil, Uruguay) - crystal; Schleswitz - amethysts; Halbach and other deposits in the Saxon Ore Mountains, Thuringian Forest, Harz - agates; Halle and other localities - lignite quartzites (Germany); freshwater quartzites of the Paris Basin and other deposits.



  • Quartz is a valuable mineral raw material and is used in many industrial sectors.
  • It is used in the manufacture of optical instruments, in radio receivers and telephone equipment and ultrasonic generators.
  • Rock crystal and quartz sand are used in the glass and ceramic industries.
  • The mineral is an indispensable component in the manufacture of siliceous refractories and quartz glass.

The stone is widely used in jewelry. Depending on the variety, quartz is used to make beads, bracelets, and as inserts in brooches, pendants, earrings and rings. Ornamental stones are used to make unusual souvenirs and home furnishings.


Quartz is very often represented in druzy. A druse is a set of accreted, chaotically located crystals. They can grow on a common base; often there are drusen that do not have a base, but have a relatively flat supporting edge. The size of the crystals in a drusen may vary.

From a scientific point of view, the fusion of two crystals is already classified as drusen.

A druse consisting of small crystals, several millimeters in size, is called a brush. Drusen with a flat base and crystals directed away from the center, perpendicular to the base, are called a flower.

Druse is a set of crystals coexisting together in peace and harmony. They are a developed community where each member is unique and perfect in their own way, but they live together on a common basis. In a friend, as in any association, all members are united to solve joint problems.

Each individual crystal influences its neighbors both with its own energy and with the energy it received from its “brothers,” charging each other, emitting the light of harmony into the surrounding space, and they themselves bathe together in the common rays. This can serve as an example for people of harmonious coexistence on Earth.

Druse absorbs, transforms and emits energy, positively affecting the environment. It is perfect for cleaning the room, as well as objects that are placed on the device. Druses are well programmed for specific tasks.



In some cases, natural quartz of inexpressive color is subjected to special treatment.

  1. To give the stone its golden-yellow hue, it is fired at high temperatures.
  2. To acquire a purple color, the mineral is subjected to radiation.

Interestingly, Russian scientists have patented a technology for artificially coloring stones, which is not yet in use, due to the huge number of natural shades of this mineral.

Jewelers use quartz stones as inserts in mid-price jewelry. The only exception is rose quartz, such stones stand alongside diamonds and emeralds, they are set in gold. Jewelry with this stone belongs to the luxury class; they are found in famous world collections.


How to distinguish artificial from natural?

Thanks to the huge number of varieties and colors of quartz origins, jewelry stores today offer a wide range of jewelry made from this mineral. It is worth considering that in addition to natural, there is a synthetic one(artificial) crystal, which can be passed off as natural by unscrupulous sellers.
In order not to stumble upon a fake when purchasing jewelry, you should be extremely careful, carefully examining the crystal.

It is possible to distinguish a fake from a genuine stone by obvious signs. A fake will be revealed by artificial cracks and air bubbles, arranged in a chaotic manner in disordered groups and having different sizes.

Natural stone may also contain cracks and bubbles, however, such defects are naturally incorporated into the crystal - in areas of crystal accretion or increased nutrient flow. Take a look at the photo of natural quartz so as not to stumble upon a fake.

Product care

For creating the right conditions care and storage you should know the rules. Daily care consists of simple steps:

  • Moisten a napkin with clean water and wipe stone products;
  • Quartz items can be cleaned with kitchen products or glass cleaners;
  • Any household chemicals will help clean the stone.

Residues of food and paint stains are easily removed from quartz surfaces. To do this, use scrapers made of plastic or wood. They are used to clean contaminated areas. Items made from quartz can be easily returned to their original form by being polished. Special products can be found in hardware stores.



The cost of inexpensive varieties of quartz starts from 100 rubles. per crystal:

  • Rhinestone - 100 rubles - 34,000 rubles. (field: Brazil, Minas Gerais).
  • Rauchtopaz (smoky quartz) - 100 rub. (field: Russia, Subpolar Urals) – 24,000 rubles. (field: North Karelia).
  • Morion - 1220 rub. (field: Russia, Bashkortostan, Mata) -3740 rub. (field: Russia, Ural).
  • Amethyst - 2400 (deposit: Russia, Yakutia) - 42,000 rubles (deposit: Bolivia).
  • Citrine - 1140 rub.-7600 rub. (field Russia, Subpolar Urals, Nikolay-Shor).

Due to its diversity, any day except Sunday can be suitable for purchasing quartz. Also considered a bad day is the one on which the last lunar day falls. The rest of the days will be fine.

Like many other gemstones, quartz has amazing properties, helping a person improve his health and get rid of life’s troubles. For example, crystals of sugar quartz and some other types perfectly cleanse space, in addition, they are antiseptics.

It is believed that if you put this crystal in a glass of water, the liquid will acquire beneficial and healing properties. This water is suitable not only for drinking, but also for cosmetic procedures. If you regularly wash your face with water purified by quartz crystals, your facial skin will acquire a healthy appearance, elasticity and freshness.

Quartz, especially the green variety, has a healing effect on its owner. The crystal is believed to have a positive effect on the respiratory system. It is worth wearing a stone near your chest during colds- it will have a positive effect on the course of the disease.

Green quartz is an immune system stimulant and a regulator of the general condition of the body. It soothes burns and strengthens the human endocrine system. Green quartz has the ability to transform negative energy into positive,

If we talk about the magical properties exerted by the crystal, it is worth noting that modern magic considers it a stone of illusion. It should only be used for magical purposes by magicians and experienced fortune tellers, since this stone can mislead an ordinary person, causing unrealistic fantasies.

For creative people

The stone is perfect for people of creative professions, as wearing it will tune a person to express their imagination and unleash their creative potential. In ancient times, fortune tellers used the pure crystal mineral to predict the future by making a magic ball out of it.

  • Sugar quartz is able to attract love to its owner.
  • If you place a milk crystal pebble on your desk, your work will go faster and easier.
  • That is why quartz is considered the best assistant for students or schoolchildren, because it perfectly tunes in mental activity.
  • To attract love, prosperity and good luck, crystals should be set in silver jewelry.
  • Having a ring with a crystal of the sugar mineral, its owner will be able to realize her desires and realize her possibilities.
  • In addition, today a lot of stationery, ashtrays, bowls, vases, souvenirs and figurines are being created, which will be an excellent gift not only for a woman, but also for a man.

Having a figurine made of green quartz on his desk, a person will be able to activate his spiritual and physical strength, cope with stress faster, get out of depression, relieve tension and headaches.


Professional astrologers agree that this mineral is ideal for people born under the zodiac signs of Aquarius, Libra and Scorpio. Jewelry in the form of rings and pendants are considered especially effective. Jewelry can help if you suspect problems in your business or personal relationships.

Astrologers consider him one of the best friends and helpers for certain zodiac signs.

If you choose the right jewelry with this stone, it will faithfully serve the owner, literally feeling the moments when you need magical help.

Quartz will help creative people feel a surge of inspiration, allow them to forget about the problems of lack of new ideas, and expand the boundaries of their inner world.

Experts agree that it is capable of influencing the mood of the owner, and if you belong to such zodiac signs as Aquarius, Libra or Scorpio, then you should expect a noticeable positive effect.

  • As when choosing any jewelry with stones, you should exercise caution, because according to astrologers, it is not suitable for everyone.
  • If according to your horoscope you are not Aquarius, Libra or Scorpio, then you should not have jewelry with this stone.
  • But it is allowed to wear quartz in the form of a separate crystal.

However, even an ordinary crystal looks quite beautiful, you can see this by looking at the examples in the photo. If you are Gemini or Virgo, then wearing this mineral is not recommended at all, because it can negatively affect your mood.


Quartz is an amazing mineral that can take on different forms. In its pure form it is either colorless or white. However, there are a great variety of multi-colored species with impurities. Each has a special connotation and equal value to the others. Depending on the appearance and structures, different properties are attributed to stones. The power of influence on the owner may differ depending on the zodiac signs.

People born under the constellation Aries are best suited for purple and snow quartz. For a not-too-insightful and persistent Aries, the gem will help to believe in their own strengths, force them to complete the work they have begun, and ignite those around them with positivity. Purple quartz extinguishes selfishness and makes you treat your neighbors with sensitivity.

Friendly but stubborn Taurus will suit quartz in green and gray shades. The first will add prudence and wisdom, warn of impending danger, and maintain high spirits.

With smoky quartz (rauchtopaz) it is easy to find the right solution to the problem that has arisen. This mineral instills optimism in the heart, gives good spirits, and helps in love relationships. With the help of the mineral, the indecisive Taurus gains confidence in his own abilities.

Changeable and charming Geminis should choose red and yellow varieties of gemstones for jewelry and amulets. With red, bad character traits are smoothed out. Geminis can count on success in romantic relationships; the stone attracts good luck. Golden quartz protects against the evil eye and develops intuition. Recommended for wearing when doing business.

For Cancers

Cancers are suited to purple and smoky quartz. The first helps to achieve heights in the spiritual sphere. Gives the owner endurance and awakens vigilance. Long contemplation of the processed mineral relieves nervous tension. Smoky, on the other hand, relieves stress, helps in solving important issues, and supports in matters of the heart. This type of stone is not recommended to be worn in combination with other gemstones.

  1. Fire Leo is constancy and ambitious. Rose quartz suits him best. The stone enhances insight, protects from various troubles and attracts well-being. Healing properties are also attributed to him. Wearing rose quartz will relieve headaches, improve skin color and blood circulation. The mineral also protects against poverty and promises a long, carefree life.
  2. Virgo, symbolizing purity, prefers sugar quartz. Rose and purple quartz are ideal for her. Red also has a beneficial effect. The stone brings good luck, luck, and helps in solving problems. Accumulates positive energy in the owner. A purple crystal will be good as a talisman. He will protect ill-wishers from bad thoughts. The red-hued mineral eliminates suspiciousness and brings clarity of mind.
  3. Jewelry with smoky and yellow quartz is suitable for Libra. The mineral enhances the owner’s love spell and helps in resolving issues of the heart. Yellow quartz brings harmony to life and has a healing effect.
  4. Opaque crystals are suitable for Scorpios: brown, smoky and hairy (rutile). The first one makes Scorpios lucky; it is worn by gamblers and gambling people. The second patronizes the female sex more. Rutile quartz is a talisman for soothsayers and helps in achieving their goals.

A talisman with rose quartz will bring good luck to Sagittarius. It helps to navigate subtle matters and brings peace to the soul. It prevents you from committing rash acts that could harm the health of its owner.


Capricorns are better off choosing jewelry with smoky and milky quartz. Rauchtopaz protects the owner from illness and the evil eye, and develops intuition. The stone teaches you to draw strength from communicating with people. The milky mineral is a good helper in business and gives its owner optimism.

The most beautiful golden quartz enhances the creative abilities of Aquarius. It develops sensuality and fills with vitality. Quartz golden color attracts joy, provides a positive attitude, brings good luck to travelers.

Blue, green and pink stones are suitable for Pisces to wear. Rare blue quartz brings success in business. Green will protect against negative energy and bring peace of mind. A pink gem will improve health and help in love endeavors.


Medicinal properties

Quartz minerals are rich in beneficial properties and are used in folk medicine. Lithotherapists and healers actively practice quartz water, which can be prepared at home. To do this, water is infused with quartz, or passed through a filter containing a mixture of several types of mineral.

  1. Quartz water has a beneficial effect on the body and is recommended for use for respiratory diseases.
  2. The rejuvenating effect of water infused with quartz has been noticed in cosmetology and dermatology.
  3. She heals acne and dermatitis, the skin after washing becomes smooth, elastic and toned.
  4. Lotions and compresses with quartz water promote the healing of wounds from burns and cuts, and also relieve inflammation from bruises and hematomas.

Quartz crystal pendants affect the human immune system, alleviate colds, and are recommended for people with a delicate nervous system.

When making magical amulets, quartz is most often set in silver. When combined perfectly with this metal, it will help attract material well-being, success and love. Lawyers, businessmen and bankers are advised to wear a pendant or ring with citrine as an amulet. It is believed that this amulet will help not only preserve, but also increase the existing fortune.

A morion talisman will help influence people's behavior; it will bring respect to a person who has a large number of subordinates. An aventurine amulet will help make a good impression on others. But, at the same time, vulnerable and sensitive people should not carry this mineral with them, as it will not reveal its power to them. The most powerful amulet against damage and the evil eye is rose quartz.


Mystic quartz is probably the most amazingly colored stone. It is also called rainbow. Looking at the mystic, it is impossible to believe that it is a natural mineral. It has a beautiful iridescent shade of various colors of the rainbow, which is obtained after special processing.

Mystic got its name due to the fact that it has magical and healing properties. It significantly influences a person’s spiritual path.

It is the mystic who reveals inner resources and points to the goal. If worn, it helps a person overcome self-doubt and self-doubt.

The mystic cleanses the biomagnetic shell. Helps with relaxation. Thanks to this pebble, you can see the whole problem and understand its true cause.

Mystic helps improve digestion, strengthens the nervous system, and restores taste. It is used to support the elasticity of the facial skin (quartz is thrown into water and then washed with it) and for weakened vision (contemplation of the stone is a good exercise for the eyes). The mystic is suitable for Aries, Taurus, Libra, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius.


Rose quartz stone gets its name from its color.

  • It is cloudy in nature and has cracks.
  • This quartz is translucent. It has the ability to fade in bright light.
  • He is credited with the mystical property of influencing matters of the heart.
  • He protects the family hearth.
  • If a girl wears jewelry made from this mineral, this will contribute to her successful marriage.

The pink stone looks so delicate that it can't help but sharpen our senses. It opens the human heart to beauty - reverent love, spiritual development. It has the same wonderful properties as purple amethyst, which is also considered a symbol of love, but passionate.

Rose quartz has healing properties. It is considered a symbol of health, as it treats cardiovascular diseases, has a positive effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and also on the functioning of the genital organs. Suppresses diabetes, activates the lymphatic system, which has a positive effect on the immune system.

Rose quartz is enough to be placed on a sore spot - and it begins to heal it. By the way, this stone is believed to promote longevity. The pink mineral is also used for skin massage, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It is better regenerated, cleansed, and therefore rejuvenated.

Rose quartz is mined in Brazil. Blue is also mined there. The pink stone is a talisman of happiness for life. Both jewelry and crafts are made from it.

Sugar or snow

Sugar, or snow, quartz is a mineral that is so beautiful in its whiteness that it resembles a frosty morning. It is considered a stone of wisdom because it helps the owner to be more confident in making decisions.

Sugar stone has strong positive energy.

  1. He is a wonderful talisman for teenagers and children. Therefore, it is recommended for them to wear it. After all, sugar stone helps children get rid of complexes and various fears, making them more mature and decisive. It is not surprising that a sugar stone is very often given as a gift for birthdays, especially coming of age, before entering university.
  2. The sugar mineral helps the owner to isolate himself from those roles that are not inherent or unpleasant to him. It lifts your spirits and gets you out of depression.
  3. Sugar rock looks great in bracelets. And the decoration made of beads lies wonderfully on a delicate girl’s neck. Paired with a light dress it looks perfect. As you can see, the sugar mineral will only perfectly emphasize the romantic image of a girl.

We can talk about quartz for a long time. Each of them has its own strength and healing properties. For example, white quartz is indispensable in Russian baths. Thanks to heating, it saturates the air with ozone, which has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. At the same time, white quartz is also very interesting as an ornamental stone.

Interesting and blue quartz, and green, and brown. Very often they are confused with more expensive gems. But one thing is clear, this stone is designed to help humanity.



Green quartz, also known as prasiolite, is a natural mineral and is used in jewelry as an ornamental stone. Despite its rarity, this stone is not expensive.

Natural deposits of this mineral were found in France and Austria, and in Russia, prasiolite was mined in the Urals. These crystals are used not only as ornamental stones, but also have magical and healing properties.

What is prasiolite?

The mineral owes its green color to inclusions of actinolyate. The name of the stone, prazem, comes from the Greek word "prazon", which literally means "leek". If you look closely, you will notice that the color of the stone is indeed similar in shade to this plant.

Green quartz is not expensive; it is used to make inexpensive jewelry such as beads, bracelets and brooches. Often this mineral is used as inserts, however, there are some products with prasiolite, which are unique works of art and are very popular among jewelers.

The mineral itself is never transparent; it is translucent or completely opaque. Despite the fact that quartz itself is one of the most common minerals in the world, it is green that is quite rare. The hardness of the stone is estimated at 7 points.

As mentioned above, natural prasiolite is incredibly rare. According to mineralogists, new deposits no longer exist, and the old ones have long since dried up, so now most prasiolites, which are sold in jewelry and as individual crystals, are of artificial origin.

  • It is very simple to color quartz green; for this, yellow or lilac crystals are subjected to heat treatment, heating up to 5,000 degrees.
  • They learned to give citrine a green color a long time ago.
  • In the Urals, for example, gems were simply baked in bread, and the output was beautiful green stones.
  • Indian jewelers processed citrines in a more complex way, calcining the stone with the rays of the sun, correctly focused using a complex system of lenses and mirrors.

In magic

Surprisingly, the magical properties of artificial prasiolite are in no way inferior to crystals of natural origin. There is no catch to this - the fact is that green quartz is not synthetic, it is simply a natural mineral, colored to the desired color through heat treatment. The magical qualities of prasiolite make it possible to use it in rituals to attract good luck and wealth, as well as to incite passion.

However, it is absolutely not necessary to charm the stone, especially for an unprepared person. The fact is that after a conspiracy, the magical powers of the stone increase significantly, and its properties become too powerful, which, if handled inexperiencedly, can cause harm instead of a beneficial effect.

If you wear a silver cross decorated with prasiolite, your guardian angel will never leave you. This stone is also a symbol of fidelity and, when given to one of the spouses, will strengthen the family. The magical properties of the stone help women maintain youth and beauty longer.

Prasiolite, in principle, has the ability to improve personal life, making its owner more attractive to the opposite sex. So, if you have not yet found your soul mate, this stone will bring the right person into your life and help smooth out the rough edges in your relationship.

Green variety

According to experts, this green variety of quartz is a talisman that attracts abundance and wealth into the life of its owner, especially with regard to material wealth. And this is not surprising, since green has long been used in magic as the color of wealth. However, the stone is unable to help those who seek to make a fortune through dishonest means; this crystal cannot stand deceitful owners.

A green crystal can change a person’s worldview and help discover talents in oneself that one may not be aware of throughout one’s life.

  • The magical properties of the stone enhance extrasensory abilities, in particular the talent for telepathy.
  • And people with a pragmatic mindset and character become softer and dreamier.
  • Avid singles under the influence of green quartz begin to strive to create a family, even if before wearing this talisman they never wanted a relationship (or carefully pretended to).

Jewelry with green quartz can be worn by everyone, but this stone interacts best with Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Pisces. The mineral protects against nightmares and calms, it endows its owner with kindness and sincerity.

The healing qualities of green quartz

This crystal has not only magical properties, but also healing ones. For example, crystal improves memory and also helps develop logic and imagination. Prasiolite helps to recover from colds faster.

Green quartz is often used for energy massage and cleansing fluids of negative energy. By infusing potions and herbal decoctions on this stone, you can enhance their healing properties. And water charged with prasiolite rejuvenates the skin if washed regularly.

Quartz is a stone that forms the basis of many rocks. 60% of the Earth's lithosphere consists of the mineral quartz and its “descendants”. Quartz stone has given rise to a huge number of semi-precious and ornamental stones. It is important for science and industry.

Let's consider the features and properties of quartz.

Historical path and origin

Quartz is a natural phenomenon that is interesting not only in itself, but also as a parent rock that gives Mother Earth the opportunity to show her imagination.

Due to the widespread prevalence of quartz (to put it simply, it is found wherever there is stone), almost all ancient peoples became acquainted with it - from the Celts and Saxons in the west to the Indians, Koreans and Japanese far in the east.


There are deposits of the mineral throughout Eurasia, the Americas, Africa and Australia. With a high degree of probability he will be under eternal ice Antarctica. But the fact is that each nation considered “its own” variety of this mineral as a separate, independent stone. Without chemical analysis methods, it is impossible to understand that rock crystal, chalcedony, amethyst and heliotrope are varieties of quartz. But that's how it is.

Relatively accurately, the ancients defined quartz stone as a colorless or slightly colored, translucent type - transparent, white, pink, gray, and so on.

Another distinctive characteristic of quartz is that it forms geodes or druses, much like a classic crystal (which it is). In its pure form, the prevalence of quartz in the earth's crust is about 12%. But its derivatives, from semi-precious stones to sand, occupy 60% of the entire lithosphere of the planet. Origin - igneous (frozen magma) or metamorphic.

A description of quartz crystals would be incomplete without mentioning that this gem was highly valued by magicians, alchemists and mystics of antiquity. Moreover, each of its varieties was endowed with different qualities in accordance with the mystical traditions of the ancients.

With the development of science and technology, the valuable physical properties of the crystal were discovered, and, accordingly, the importance of the stone increased. Quartz, of synthetic or natural origin, is used in the manufacture of optical instruments. It is used in piezoelectric technology as a necessary element for generating sound and electromagnetic vibrations. It is used to make glass, fireproof fireproofing materials and so on.

Physico-chemical basis

By chemical nature, quartz stone is silicon oxide. But chemically pure quartz is rare in the earth’s crust; more often it contains various impurities that provide a wide range of colors and shades. Quartz crystal has a high hardness of 7 units on the Mohs scale, although it is inferior to corundum and diamond.

Most derivatives of this mineral are on par with it in terms of hardness.

The color of the line is white; when viewed through light, the stone is transparent (unless it is chalcedony or another opaque subtype).

Mining locations

As mentioned, quartz is found on all continents, and within the continents - in the territories of many states. But in different areas, different subspecies of quartz are mined.


Quartz and all its varieties are mined by quarrying or by sifting and manual searching in placer rocks. It is found in limestones and dolomites, where whole druses are often found. In placers, this mineral occurs in the form of pebbles, rounded pebbles, and the nature and nature of the placer can be anything. Quartzites are found in mountains, in lowland areas, in river deltas, on the shores of seas, and so on. Even sand is based on quartz compounds; monomineral quartz sand is found (and has great industrial value).

In Russia, the main quartzite mining areas are concentrated in the Urals, Siberia (Yakutia), in certain regions of the Caucasus and in the Far East (placers in Chukotka). It is found in Priochye and even in the Moscow region.

Among other countries, the following countries can boast of large deposits of valuable jewelry and industrial stones:

  • Ukraine;
  • Uruguay;
  • Brazil;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Mexico;
  • the island states of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) and Madagascar.

Species and subspecies

Quartz is an unusually “plastic” gem in the sense of rock formation. When formed in the depths of mountains, it enters into compounds with other elements located in the earth’s crust nearby, both metals and non-metals. Most often these are calcium, iron, chromium, manganese, magnesium, vanadium and nickel.

It is the chemical “multifacetedness” that determines the color of quartz, and inclusions of other substances that did not replace the silicium (silicon) atoms during the initial reaction give some stones, in particular, hairy stones and various subspecies of multifaceted chalcedony, a characteristic appearance.

Types of quartz:

  • amethyst;


  • chalcedony and agate;

    Agate stone

  • aventurine;


  • rhinestone;


  • morion;


  • rauchtopaz;


  • rose quartz;

    Rose quartz

  • sapphire quartz;

    Sapphire quartz

  • cat's, falcon's, tiger's eye;

    Tiger's Eye Quartz

  • citrine;


  • prase;


  • heliotrope;


  • sardonyx;

    Sardonyx stones

  • onyx.

    Onyx stone

Amethyst is a popular semi-precious crystal of a lilac or violet hue, transparent or translucent (depending on the presence of impurities). Often set in silver, after cutting and polishing it looks very beautiful. Amethyst druse fragments are collectible objects.

Chalcedony is a large group of stones containing many subspecies. The most famous among them are agate, sardonyx and onyx. General characteristics: opaque, contain many inclusions of various organic (fossils) and inorganic substances, the combinations of which give the minerals a specific appearance in cross-section - stripes, ellipses and “pupils”, resemblances of tree branches, “imprints” of ancient moss, sometimes even kaleidoscopic images similar to the ruins of medieval cities.

Aventurine is a blue, gray or reddish-brown crystal. Opaque, but strewn with countless dots-stars of golden or silver color.

Rock crystal is colorless and transparent. The only one of all types has value as a precious stone.

Morion is black or dark brown, matte shiny. Looks like obsidian (the latter, unlike it, is never in druzy). Semi-precious and ornamental stone of the first order.

Rauchtopaz is white or gray, translucent, and has a smoky appearance.

Pink - a deep pink hue, transparent, highly prized.

Sapphire - transparent light blue.

Cat's eye - white, pink, gray (colors can be in any combination) translucent gem with a play of light in the form of a vertical stripe, similar to a cat's pupil.

Hawk eye - similar to a cat's eye, but blue-blue in color. The “falcon's pupil” is formed by blue veins on a dark blue background. Opaque.

Tiger's eye is the same as falcon's eye, but golden brown in color. There are reddish shades.

Citrine is transparent, yellow in color - from sunny to honey, of varying thickness. It is valued as a semi-precious stone on a par with amethyst.

Prazem is a rare variety of green quartz. Transparency depends on the presence and amount of impurities. The color range ranges from gray-green, similar to fog, through grassy to emerald.

Heliotrope is an opaque mineral of green or blue-green color with red inclusions. If the inclusions are yellow, then it is plasma.

Sardonyx and onyx are subspecies of agate, which, in turn, is a type of chalcedony. Sardonyx is red, onyx is brown with white, gray, yellow, pink and the like, in different combinations. Both stones are characterized by thin stripes and veins parallel to each other.

In nature, transparent blue quartz is impossible; blue and green are very rare.

Artificial acquisition

For various industries, the use of natural quartz is impractical due to the large number of impurities that change the physical and chemical properties of the stone, as well as the imperfect shape of the crystals themselves. High-precision technology requires single crystals of a certain symmetry, shape and dimensions, therefore, in the 20th century, a method for synthesizing artificial quartz was developed, which makes it possible to obtain any necessary crystals.

Synthesis of crystals is sometimes used for jewelry making. All blue quartz, as well as a significant part of the blue (sapphire) and green ones found in jewelry, are synthetic products.

Healing qualities

The healing properties of quartz (hereinafter we mean transparent stones of white, pink, yellow or purple flowers, as well as colorless) are concentrated mainly around the respiratory system (lungs and bronchi), central nervous system and skin.

The main remedy is quartz water. A crystal of any of the named colors should be placed in a container with water for a day, then removed and the water filtered.

The resulting quartz infusion is used to treat colds when taken orally. When used externally, for example for washing, quartz water has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin, removes acne and acne, relieves pain and reduces inflammation in dermatitis. In some cosmetology clinics it is used as an anti-aging agent.

Compresses with quartz water accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues. Thanks to them, cuts, abrasions and scratches heal faster, bruises and hematomas resolve better.

Jewelry with quartz, when worn on the head or on the wrists, has a calming effect, relieves stress and heals nerves. But only the green gem acts this way.

In the world of magic

The magical properties of a transparent crystal are associated mainly with divination and clairvoyance, as well as with contacts with the other world. Rock crystal and rose quartz are the main materials for creating magic balls.


Milky white crystal is an aid for meditation, allowing you to focus on your inner world. Pink and red stones promise good luck in love; love spells are based on it. Smoky stone (rauchtopaz) helps the owner make strategically correct decisions. Merchants' stone. Green - its owner remains confident in himself in any situation. Stone of diplomats.

Lilac and violet quartz (amethyst) can make a person tell the truth, even if he does not want to. In addition, he detects poisons in drinks - if an amethyst dipped into wine becomes cloudy, it means it is poisoned.

The properties of quartz in the world of magic are determined by its variety. Rock crystal, morion, prazem, agate, heliotrope, and amethyst are relatives. But they have completely different abilities, moreover, they belong to different elements. T

talismans made from these minerals have completely different qualities, scope of application and character. One of them can become a talisman against the evil eye for a particular person, while the other, on the contrary, can bring disaster.

Zodiac compatibility

Determining compatibility by zodiac sign for quartz is difficult due to the large species diversity of quartzites. Therefore, when astrologers talk about quartz, they mean its white or pink variety. All the rest have their own zodiac and elemental affiliation, often diametrically opposed.

Who is quartz stone suitable for? Everything depends on the elements. Most quartzites belong to Air (rock crystal, rauchtopaz, citrine, blue chalcedony) or Earth (other types of chalcedony, agate, onyx, morion). In all the variety of quartz, there is not a single one that belongs to Fire; water minerals are also rarely found among them.

Rose quartz

Therefore, these are “calm” and astrologically tolerant gems. Quartz is suitable for a person of any horoscope sign, but his “favorites” are people of Air and Earth.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

Everything is complicated here. Due to the fact that quartz is the name of a whole group of similar, but in a magical sense, very different stones, it is impossible to clearly indicate which mineral will be suitable for its company. To the point that some of the quartzites are not even compatible with each other: for example, morion is absolutely incompatible with citrine. But both of them are quartz.

Rutile quartz

Therefore, compatibility with other minerals must be determined specifically for each stone. You need to start from elemental belonging.

Most quartzites, as stated above, belong to Air or Earth. These combinations are neutral among themselves; they do not affect each other.

Quartzites of the Earth group have no effect on Air, are favorable to Water and do not like Fire. Among them:

  • chalcedony;
  • agate;
  • onyx;
  • morion;
  • prase.

They are combined with each other, as well as with emerald, opal, sapphire, moonstone and aquamarine. Avoid proximity to diamond, ruby ​​and garnet.

Natural rose quartz

Air group stones do not like Water, are neutral to Earth and favor Fire. Among them:

  • citrine;
  • rhinestone;
  • rauchtopaz;
  • smoky or rose quartz;
  • sardonyx.

Suitable companions for them are garnet, ruby, heliolite. “Earthly” brothers are suitable, as well as cacholong, jade and jasper. Neighborhood with emerald, opal or aquamarine will be negative.

Application area

In jewelry, quartz and its subspecies are used to create magical symbols, amulets, and jewelry - necklaces, beads, tiaras, and bracelets. Some of the most beautiful and valuable varieties, such as amethyst and citrine, are set in a silver frame and used as inserts in rings, rings, earrings and bracelets.

For the needs of handicraftsmen, crystals are produced, processed in the form of ready-made beads, ellipses, prisms, hearts, and so on. This allows you to use them in any creative work. The cost depends on the type of stone, how it is processed and the size of the product. Minimum price - from 100 rubles. per gram.

How to spot a fake

The main thing to remember is that blue quartz does not exist in nature; transparent blue or green crystals are very rare. If you were given a piece of jewelry with a blue stone, then it is either glass or synthetic. Artificial and synthetic quartz are comparable in price, so we cannot formally talk about a fake.

More often natural stone replaced with glass. Try to scratch the surface of the stone with another glass or metal object: if it is a crystal (synthetic or natural), then no trace of the scratch will remain.

How to wear and care

There is only one rule for wearing it - as close to bare skin as possible, preferably on the head or on the wrist. You can wash it with soapy water or clean it with a soft cloth or sponge. Quartz is resistant to acids and alkalis, so no household chemicals will harm it, but you shouldn’t overdo it.

Rose quartz ring

Favorable period for purchase

For quartz and its subspecies, there is no clear time period during which it is recommended or not recommended to buy it.

Choose your decoration on any day, regardless of the activity of the Sun, phases of the Moon and other factors.