The best product for deep cleansing dry skin. Cleansing pores at home

So that imperfections do not have to be hidden under a thick layer of cosmetics, you need to properly cleanse your skin. It is on the quality of this procedure, which must be performed both in the morning and in the evening, that its external beauty and internal “well-being” actually depend. Evening cleansing will always be key - because by the end of the day, makeup loses its freshness, pores become clogged, and dust particles and other impurities “settle” on the skin.

Max Mara © fotoimedia/imaxtree

First of all, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary cleaning products. The main thing is that they should suit your skin type. Sometimes they don’t pay attention to this at all - thereby making a huge mistake!

Remember: girls with oily skin should avoid products with oils, while those with dry skin should not have alcohol-containing lotions on the bathroom shelf. For the skin around the eyes - it is sensitive - you need a special product with a softer composition. One more detail: different products are needed for makeup removal and directly for washing.

When the entire set is assembled, you can begin the procedure. How to properly cleanse your facial skin at home? The sequence of actions should be like this:

Makeup removal

  • Start with eye and lip make-up remover - it is best done with the help of, which dissolves even long-lasting makeup well. Remember not to rub the skin too much - especially in the area around the eyes (it is believed that the skin here is 10 times thinner than in other areas). Look for other worthy cleansing agents in ours.
  • However, in general, an aggressive effect on the skin of the entire face is undesirable - do not rub or stretch it, otherwise you will provoke the premature appearance of wrinkles and folds. Also, take your time: if the mascara does not remain on the cotton pad immediately, then you need to wait until the composition of the makeup remover softens it and helps remove it from the eyelashes carefully, without injuring either them or the skin.
  • When your eyes and lips are no longer wearing makeup, wipe your face with a fresh cotton pad soaked in micellar water. Having completely removed the remnants of makeup and dirt, you can wash your face further.

Two-phase eye makeup remover lotion Lancôme Bi-Facil © lancome


Next, foams, gels and other products that have a more intense effect on the skin should be used. Give preference to products containing not only cleansing, but also moisturizing components - for example, a gel from the “Endless Freshness” series from L'Oréal Paris with rose and lotus extracts is suitable.

Cleansing gel L "Oréal Paris "Endless freshness" © rivegauche

Toning and moisturizing

To restore the skin's hydrolipidic barrier, which is affected not only by cleansers, but also by water, you need a tonic - choose one that will meet the needs of your skin type. A good option– “Absolute Tenderness” tonic for sensitive skin from L'Oréal Paris. And don't forget about the moisturizer - you can complete the skin cleansing procedure by applying it.

Tonic for sensitive skin L’Oréal Paris “Absolute tenderness” © rivegauche

Additionally – peeling and cleansing masks

  • The skin also needs deeper cleansing, but it should not be done often: once or twice a week will be enough. Use scrubs in summer (check out the Endless Freshness Double Scrub for normal skin from L"Oréal Paris) or peeling with fruit acids - in winter, to stimulate skin renewal, provide it with freshness and a healthy glow. Cleansing masks (for example, with clay) are also useful - use them if inflammation appears on the skin.

L’Oréal Paris Double Scrub “Endless Freshness” © rivegauche

  • Remember the importance of cleansing, but do not overuse this procedure - so as not to harm the skin: do not dry it out or injure it (microdamage over time “results” in the early appearance of signs of aging).

Important: even if you don’t have any energy left to wash your face in the evening, you should definitely remove your makeup before going to bed! Keep cleansing wipes on a shelf near your bed for emergencies.

Monique Lhuillier © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Other rules for cleansing facial skin

  • Dermatologists do not recommend using soap to cleanse your face - it dries the skin and can lead to dehydration.
  • Do not rub the skin, especially in the areas around the eyes: this can lead to irritation - these areas are especially delicate and sensitive.
  • If you use a product with a gel texture for cleansing, apply it with massage in a circular motion, avoiding the area around the eyes. Don't forget to treat the skin of your neck.
  • If you suddenly run out of cleanser, you will come to the rescue olive oil– it will cope “excellently” with removing makeup from the face.
  • After cleansing, do not rub wet skin with a towel - lightly blot it or walk with a dry, clean cotton pad.

Facial cleansing for different skin types

Dermatologists advise choosing a method of cleansing the skin depending on its characteristics. For combination, dry, oily and other types, different methods and products are suitable.

Cleansing combination skin

If you have combination skin, use washing gels and scrubs with caution: they often dry out the skin. The best choice for cleansing is tonic or milk, which will also moisturize it.

Giorgio Armani Cleansing Milk © armanibeauty

Cleansing dry facial skin

How do you know if a product is not right for you? If after using it you feel like your skin is tight, then the formula does not contain enough moisturizing ingredients. Put away scrubs and soaps, and always read the ingredients: it should not contain alcohol.

Lancôme Galatée Confort © lancome cleansing milk for dry skin

Cleansing sensitive skin

This skin type is the most capricious, since most products can cause an allergic reaction. Look for the “hypoallergenic” mark on the packaging: this is a “green light” for those who often experience inflammation on their skin.

Cleanser for sensitive skin Kiehl's Centella Skin-Calming Facial Cleanser © kiehl's

Cleansing oily skin

This universal remedy for the cleansing that everyone should have. The micelles included in its composition effectively remove makeup and impurities. Another plus: micellar water can be used to remove eye makeup (it does not contain alcohol).

Micellar water YSL Top Secrets © yslbeauty

It not only carefully removes all impurities, but also moisturizes the skin.

Makeup remover wipes

They are easy to use and fit into any cosmetic bag. But they may not cope with long-lasting and waterproof makeup.

What skin cleansing rules do you follow daily? Write a comment and test your knowledge by taking our test.

Various inflammatory processes often occur on the skin of the face. These could be blackheads, pimples, allergic rashes, and irritations. In this case, you will need a deep cleansing of the facial pores. You can clean the epidermis in a salon, or on your own. Let's take a closer look at the techniques offered by salons and effective home procedures.

Basic cleansing techniques performed at home

If skin problems require cleansing the pores on the face, then you need to tune in to regular procedures. One-time sessions will not bring the expected result.

The number of cleansing activities depends on the type of skin. Before cleaning the pores on your face at home, it is recommended to adhere to the following points:

  • for a normal type of epidermis, one procedure every two weeks is sufficient;
  • very oily skin needs deep cleansing every week;
  • Dry skin susceptible to mechanical stress requires treatments once a month.

The main cosmetic measures for cleansing pores on the face at home include the following procedures:

  • steaming the face over herbal infusions;
  • procedures that help remove dead cells from the surface layer of the epidermis;
  • application of nourishing and moisturizing agents;
  • cleansing procedures using homemade masks.

Deep cleansing of the face at home ends with a cosmetic event that helps narrow enlarged pores.

Before you begin home procedures, you need to develop comprehensive program, how to clean the pores on your face, and follow each step step by step.
Next, we will discuss how to cleanse facial pores at home, according to basic techniques that you can do yourself.


Steam baths to cleanse the pores on the face are best done after removing makeup, in the evening.

You can make steam baths using regular hot water. It is enough to sit for 10 minutes over a container of hot, boiled water, covered with a towel.

But greater results can be achieved by using herbal infusions for steaming. To prepare decoctions, you can use pharmaceutical, dry plants such as chamomile, calendula, mint, linden, nettle, parsley, and string. Choose a plant that will solve problems with a certain skin type.

Try cleansing your face with chamomile steam using the following recommendations:

  1. you will need dry chamomile (10 g), water (700 ml), sea salt (20 g);
  2. boil water, add flowers. Close the container with a lid and leave for a couple of minutes;
  3. strain the prepared broth;
  4. add salt and mix well.

Cover your head with a towel and lean over a container of herbal infusion. You need to sit for 7 minutes and then proceed to the next procedure.

Home remedies for cleansing

After steaming, it is necessary to apply means for deep cleansing pores of the face. These include self-prepared scrubs, or ready-made formulations that help get rid of dead skin particles.

A product for cleansing pores on the face in the form of a scrub, selected according to the type of skin. Receptive, dry epidermis requires gentle, gentle formulations. For oily skin with enlarged pores, coarser scrubs (based on coffee grounds, sugar or pomegranate seeds) are suitable.

For oily skin You can use a scrub made from baking soda and salt. A cotton pad soaked in foam cleanser is dipped in mixed salt and soda. The face is scrubbed using massaging movements.

Gentle scrubs can be prepared using oatmeal with the addition of honey and vegetable oil. When cleansing pores with a facial cleanser with dry skin, you need to perform very gentle, leisurely massage movements so as not to cause injury to your face. For dry skin, it is better to apply the product with your fingers, so you can feel the pressing force.

Consult a cosmetologist before cleaning the deep pores on your face with scrubs so as not to harm the skin.

Homemade masks

Any homemade masks that help cleanse the epidermis are left on for 20 minutes. The main component for preparing a homemade composition is cosmetic clay. But, the composition of the mask for cleansing the pores of the face should be selected according to the type of epidermis.

When applying a face mask that cleanses pores, do not overdo it. If the composition is kept for more than 20 minutes, the skin will receive small but noticeable injuries.

Homemade masks based on oatmeal are considered an excellent remedy for deep cleansing the epidermis. Use the following recipe for a pore-cleaning oatmeal face mask:

  1. you will need ground rolled oats (1 tbsp), chicken egg white, lemon juice (6 drops);
  2. the protein is pre-whipped into foam;
  3. The components are mixed and left for 20 minutes.

The remaining composition is washed off with warm water. You can rinse your face with herbal decoction.

Another recipe for a cleansing mask made from oatmeal, which is suitable for any skin type:

  1. to prepare the composition, you can grind rolled oats into flour, or take whole flakes;
  2. if the skin is oily, then the flakes are filled with water, if the epidermis is dry - with milk. If the skin is too sensitive, then linden infusion is used for brewing;
  3. The brewed rolled oats should sit for 10 minutes.

The mask is applied to the face in two stages. First, apply a small amount of product using gentle massaging movements and immediately rinse off. Apply the mask a second time and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Treatments to help tighten pores

If the pores on the face are constantly enlarged, this can cause various inflammations. In addition, the surface of the skin looks uneven and unkempt. Cleansing and narrowing pores on the face are mandatory procedures included in the complex of skin care measures. There are several ways to help narrow enlarged pores:

  • herbal decoctions;
  • clay-based masks;
  • vegetable and fruit masks;
  • oil masks;
  • use of ice.

Let's take a closer look at each option on how to clean and tighten the pores on your face.

Herbal infusions

To tighten pores, you need to wash your face with herbal infusions, or wipe your face with infusions after each wash. For this purpose, pharmaceutical herbs such as chamomile, calendula, parsley, mint, linden, nettle, and plantain are used.

A decoction from any plant is prepared very simply. You need to brew a teaspoon of dry plant in a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. The broth needs to be strained.

Clay masks

Masks with blue clay remarkably narrow enlarged pores. The preparation of the composition is simple:

  1. blue clay is diluted with water and mixed until smooth;
  2. Instead of water, you can use cooled boiled milk.

The mask is left for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

If the skin is particularly oily, then add a couple of drops of lemon juice or calendula tincture with alcohol to the composition.

Masks with vegetables and fruits

Try making a pore-tightening mask using parsley. To prepare the composition, finely chop the parsley and mix with yogurt, kefir or lemon juice. The ratio of components for the mask is 1:1.

The next mask is prepared from cream and lemon juice. The components are mixed in equal proportions and left on the face for 20 minutes.

Oil formulations

To prepare for problem skin, use grape seed oil or almond oil (you need to mix 1 tablespoon of each). Add a drop of mint or tea tree oil to the composition. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. To achieve narrowing of pores, you need to complete the course for a week.


To tighten pores, you can wipe problem areas with ice cubes. For cooking cosmetic ice use herbal infusions(parsley, calendula) or cucumber, lemon, grapefruit juice.

Wipe your face with ice after washing your face in the morning. When the skin is dry naturally, apply moisturizer.

Quickly clear clogged pores

You can cleanse your facial skin of clogged pores using a charcoal mask:

  1. take 2 crushed charcoal tablets;
  2. add a spoonful of gelatin and charcoal to milk heated to 40 degrees;
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply it to your face with a brush.

Leave the mask on until it hardens. The mask is not washed off, but removed with gentle movements. After the procedure, wipe your face with ice and wash with cold water. Then apply nourishing cream.

Another option for clearing clogged pores on the face is to prepare a mixture of clay and honey. A spoonful of clay is diluted in mineral water or infused tea, then honey is added. With the help of such a mask you can solve the problem of how to quickly cleanse the pores on your face.

As a quick cleanser for skin pores faces will suit scrubbing with soda. Soda is mixed with sea salt in equal proportions, and foam for washing is added. This scrub is used no more than once a week.

Today, a considerable number of different products have been developed to maintain the beauty of the face and to clean it. Experts have created a whole series of beauty products: tonics, lotions, masks, scrubs, peelings, creams and other cosmetics, the prices of which are completely different: from cheap to terribly expensive. Do they all help the skin?

Por are largely interrelated concepts, so today we will talk about them as something unified.

Scientists who work in the field of cosmetology claim that many products that young people use are very harmful to the skin and should be avoided... But with facial cleansing you should be especially careful, since this procedure is the most important: the condition depends on it skin.

What should not be in store-bought facial cleansers?

  • Gluten.
  • Glycols.
  • Bentonite.
  • Animal fat (animal flat, tallow).

Pore ​​cleansing is a procedure used to completely cleanse the face. This procedure should be approached very delicately and performed exclusively according to the instructions, as it can damage the epidermis of the skin. You can cleanse your pores at home or seek help from a cosmetologist.

It is worth mentioning a more complex cosmetic process. As you understand, we will not deviate from the topic. IN in this case This refers to a service such as deep cleansing of pores. This is a much more complex set of procedures, which, moreover, should be performed exclusively by qualified specialists, since otherwise the likelihood of worsening the skin condition is very high.

Reasons for the formation of sebaceous plugs


  • Hormonal disorders of the body.
  • Heredity or genetic predisposition.
  • Wrong care for your facial skin.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Dehydration of the skin.

Foods that cause clogged sebaceous glands

  • Sausages and smoked meats.
  • Mayonnaise and sauces.
  • Roast.
  • Bakery.

These products should definitely be excluded from intake or their consumption should be reduced to a minimum.

Deep pore cleansing and its types

  1. Mechanical cleaning (carried out manually and is considered the most painful).
  2. Chemical facial cleansing (use of chemicals containing an impressive percentage of fruit acids).
  3. Ultrasonic cleaning when using ultrasound).
  4. Vacuum cleaning (a special device is used to suck out all contaminants).
  5. Brossage or brushing (exfoliation of the top layer of skin using special attachments).
  6. Disincrustation (cleansing of the skin under the influence of negatively charged electrons).

Cleansing pores at home

You can do it at home too. However, to do this, you should learn to correctly perform the actions that will be described below.

If you have problem skin, then a pore cleansing mask is your option. You can improve the condition of your facial skin in any case, even the most advanced ones. The main rule is not to give up.

Homemade masks for cleansing pores are gaining more and more popularity every year, as they do not require large financial and physical costs. Let's talk about them next.

Stages of facial cleansing

  1. Cleansing the epidermis of greasy deposits, dust or surface dirt.
  2. Steaming the facial skin (avoid using creams and other products).
  3. Using a peeling or scrub (you can apply a mixture prepared by yourself, or use a purchased product (check the composition carefully).
  4. Removing blackheads. Do the procedure with your hands (cut your nails, thoroughly disinfect your hands).
  5. Skin disinfection with hydrogen peroxide.
  6. Closing pores (using special masks).
  7. Soothe your facial skin (apply a non-greasy cucumber cream or mask).

Types of masks for use at home

Express face mask using aspirin

Grind acetylsalicylic acid in a coffee grinder (or other available means), mix with vitamin C. Cleanse your face of all cosmetics, then wash your face with fairly hot water (just don’t burn your skin). Take one tsp. the resulting aspirin flour and dilute it with cooled boiled water (consistency of gruel, medium thickness). The resulting mixture is applied to the face in a circular motion. After the mask has dried, begin to wipe your face in a circular motion with a swab previously moistened with water (slightly moistened), thoroughly rubbing your nose, forehead and chin. Rinse off any remaining residue with water and apply a mask that tightens pores. When finished, moisturize your face with cream.

Moisturizing the skin after cleansing

You can help your skin after cleansing by using homemade creams. To effectively moisturize the skin after the procedure, resort to the following options:

  • One tsp. honey should be mixed with a tablespoon coconut oil and add to this 1 tsp. lemon juice. Spread a thin layer of cream evenly over the face and rinse with water after half an hour. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  • Almond oil is considered another skin moisturizer. Due to the high content of vitamin E, the oil perfectly tightens pores. The method of using it is quite simple: you need to drop 4-5 drops of almonds onto a cotton swab and wipe your face with it. You don't have to wash it off.
  • Let's not forget about regular cream with minimal fat content. It's best to use any baby cream. It should be applied in a thin layer to the skin, lightly massaging it. Then remove the remaining cream with a regular napkin.
  • And, of course, honey is the most powerful moisturizer. One tsp. Honey should be diluted with water (a few drops) and the mixture should be applied to the face. After a third of an hour, rinse off the applied moisturizer, first with moderately hot water, then with ice water (without interruption).

Facial cleansers

  1. Masks.
  2. Scrubs.
  3. Tinctures.
  4. Decoctions.
  5. Specially developed cosmetics.
  6. Lactic and fruit acids.

Before using one or another version of the mask, make sure that you are not allergic to its ingredients. If your face begins to burn or becomes very red, immediately wash off the mask and apply a thick layer of facial moisturizer.

Of course, it is impossible to get your face in order in one day, but the effect of the procedures is noticeable after the first time. In very advanced cases, facial cleansing is done in several procedures, which are extended over significantly longer periods. However, it's worth it. In the meantime, follow the instructions, alternate masks, eat right - and the result will not keep you waiting. Good luck to you, dear girls and women, in achieving your goal!

As you know, the skin is an excretory organ, and its surface is occupied by harmful substances. Moreover, this happens around the clock, which means you need to resort to cleansers at least twice a day. Yes, yes, metabolic processes accelerate at night, so in the morning simply rinsing with cool water will not be enough. By the end of the day, the task becomes more complicated: it is important to eliminate pollution not only of internal, but also of external origin. This must be done in three stages: first remove decorative cosmetics- this is makeup remover. Then move on to detoxification, that is, remove fats, silicones, and dust. At the end - toning. If the first two stages can be combined, then the last one will always be independent, although for some reason many are still convinced that tonic is a cleansing product. And this is not the only misconception.

All cleansing products can be divided into two groups: basic (they should be used daily) and additional (they will only be needed a couple of times a week).

Funds for every day

Mousse (foam)

Helena Rubinstein, deep cleansing cream foam Pure Ritual Care-in-Foam

pros: pleasant tactile sensations and economical consumption.

Minus: a limited amount of active components can be placed in such a texture, so don’t expect super results.

Designed for: girls with sensitive skin.


Two-phase liquid

Divage, eye and lip makeup remover Make Up Remover 2 in 1

Plus: Ideal for removing waterproof makeup.

Minus: Do not use every day, otherwise slight redness may appear around the eyes.

Created for: those with dry skin, because the product formula is based on oils.

Micellar water

Garnier micellar water

Plus: a universal and most gentle product, can be used instead of tonic.

Minus: does not wash away sebum well, so the feeling of 100% cleanliness is not guaranteed.

Created for: those who try to have less contact with tap water and wear lenses.


Pharmatheiss Skin in Balance Pure Skin Cleansing Fluid

pros: gentle cleansing and many ways to use: can be applied directly to the face or on a cotton pad; It is allowed to either wash off the residues with water or not to touch them.

Minus: Not the best option if you have oily skin.

Designed for: dry to normal skin.

Milk (cream)

Oriflame Love Nature 2-in-1 Cleanser

pros: has a delicate effect and does not require rinsing.

Minus: if you don’t use a toner after it, you’ll get clogged pores, and the cream applied at night will remain a dead weight.

Created for: sensitive skin.


Yves Rocher, Sebo Végétal cleansing gel

Plus: The most powerful product for daily use, it cleans almost squeaky clean.

Minus: Not suitable for the eye area and sensitive epidermis.

Created for: any skin except dry.


Decleor, Aroma Cleanse Fresh Matifying Lotion

pros: restores pH balance, eliminates residues of cleansers and serves as a conductor for creams.

Minus: alcohol is sometimes found among the ingredients, and it dries the skin and causes irritation.

Created for: excellent students who do not miss a single step of care.


Clarins, Lotion Tonique Camomille

Plus: express product for cleansing and toning at the same time.

Minus: It’s better not to get carried away with it, otherwise the skin will lose its fresh and healthy appearance.

Designed for: those who go on a short trip and don't want to pay for excess luggage.

Hydrophilic oil

Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil

Plus: will remove even stage makeup and heavy waterproof makeup.

Minus: the product has a specific texture, which, if you’re not used to it, may seem greasy and not the most pleasant.

Created for: fans of vibrant, layered makeup.

Additional products

Cleansing mask

GlamGlow, Powermud Dualcleanse Treatment

pros: opens pores and draws out impurities, exfoliates the upper stratum corneum.

Minus: girls with rosacea are better off forgetting about versions with a warming effect.

Created for: those who do not have enough time to see a cosmetologist once a month.


Lumene, Cleanser & Clear It Up! 2 in 1 Deep Purifying Daily Scrub & Wash

pros: accelerates cellular regeneration, evens out color and intensively cleanses.

Minus: If components of natural origin are used as abrasive particles, there is a risk of scratching. Choose a product with synthetic granules.

Designed for: normal, combination and oily skin types.


Ahava, Time To Clear Facial Mud Exfoliator

pros: there is no need to rub your face, acids or plant enzymes break the bonds between cells, after which the keratinized particles themselves leave their homes.

Minus: If you use it thoughtlessly and too often, you can develop age spots.

Created for: all skin types, but especially dry skin.


Guinot, Gommage Eclat Parfait

Plus: This closest relative of the scrub works very delicately, because there are fewer abrasive particles in it. It's easy to use: apply, let dry and roll.

Minus: Provides only superficial cleansing.

Created for: absolutely all girls.

Technical means

Do you want more? Then gadgets and other innovative care items can help you.

Mesh for whipping foam

Arsoa, Face Care foam net

This know-how turns soap into thick foam. It means that you then apply the mixture to your face and wait a couple of minutes. The result is a delicate but deep cleansing.

Felt mittens (or loofah sponges)

The Body Shop, Loofah Pad

Replace the scrub. They are not used dry: either wet your face with water or apply a foaming product.

Brush with rubber bristles

Avon Cleansing Brush

“Sweeps” impurities out of pores and gives a soft scrubbing effect. Works in tandem with gel: just drop the product onto the brush.

Device for daily facial cleansing based on ultrasound technology

Before the procedure, wash your face so that the wave produced by the device breaks the liquid into hundreds of drops. They, moving at great speed, will remove dead cells and cleanse pores.

Vaporizer (steam generator)

Hot steam expands the pores, preparing them for cleaning. Handle the device with great care if you have rosacea, acne, heart problems, or blood pressure. It is recommended to resort to his help no more than twice a month, and the first time this should be done, armed with the advice of a cosmetologist. At the end, don’t forget to apply a pore-tightening product: cream, lotion or toner.

Microdermabrasion device

Rubica, diamond microdermabrasion device Diamond Microdermabrasion System Classic Line

The action of this device is comparable to the effect of a scrub, that is, it cleans purely mechanically. You should pour abrasive powder onto the brush (it comes included) and massage your face with it. This option is much more aggressive than ultrasound and is recommended for aging skin, combating pigmentation and post-acne.

Salon techniques

Ultrasonic cleaning

The operating scheme is the same as that of a similar home device, only the salon unit uses different frequencies and gives a better effect. The device operates at the level of the upper layers of the epidermis, so the method is considered very gentle.

Mechanical (manual) cleaning

The cosmetologist uses either his hands or a spatula. The procedure is painful, but it copes with the task with a bang. Immediately after, the face does not look the best, but after a day or two the redness goes away. An absolute contraindication is rosacea.

Superficial peeling

The main active elements are acids in low concentrations, which penetrate only into the upper two or three layers of the epidermis. The method is atraumatic and involves a short rehabilitation period.

Medium peeling

The substance “eats” the entire stratum corneum, leaving living cells intact. The method is indicated for aging skin, and is also suitable for girls with acne marks and age spots.

Deep peeling

Removes everything unnecessary down to the level of the basement membrane, that is, blood dew, as cosmetologists say. It gives a powerful rejuvenating effect, but due to the traumatic nature it is used less and less often.

Vacuum cleaning

Acts like a vacuum cleaner: a special tube pulls out dirt and at the same time provides lymphatic drainage massage. The main plus is painlessness, the minus is insufficient effectiveness for severe comedones.

Cosmetic milk and cream. They are more suitable for normal, sensitive and dry skin: the oils and other fatty components usually included in their composition can leave an unpleasant feeling of a greasy film or even clog pores, e if your skin is oily and problematic(with the exception of products marked “for all skin types” and “non-comedogenic”). In addition, in the summer, such textures may seem greasy and “heavy,” but in cold weather, when the skin becomes more sensitive and lacks its own lipids, milk or cosmetic cream can be the best skin cleanser.

Gels and mousses. Suitable for all skin types, except very dry. Gel textures are an ideal choice for hot days. Dermatocosmetologists do not recommend using them to cleanse the skin more than twice a day (morning and evening, respectively): Surfactants (surfactants are the basis of the formula for most cleansing and detergents) may cause skin irritation if consumed frequently. If your skin is sensitive, choose products that instead of sodium sulfate-based surfactants contain softer cleansing ingredients synthesized from natural amino acids (for example, coconut or rapeseed oils). Mild surfactants usually foam less and may have to be used twice, but they cleanse the skin just as well!

Skin cleansing: choosing the best products

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Skin cleansing: in search of the best product

A gentle pH-neutral cleansing mousse for all skin types Mousse Nettoyante Fleur De Vigne, Сaudalie with grape and sage extracts

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Skin cleansing: in search of the best product

Absorbent toner for oily and problem skin Oil Absorbing Tonic, La Mer with anti-inflammatory and skin softening ingredients

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Skin cleansing: in search of the best product

Updated line of cleansers for different types skin Perfectly Clean, Estee-Lauder

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Skin cleansing: in search of the best product

A creamy, ultra-soft cleansing foam for all skin types Extra Gentle Cleansing Foam, Shiseido

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Skin cleansing: in search of the best product

Cleansing gel for oily and problem skin with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect B-Active Sebuwash, Environ

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Skin cleansing: in search of the best product

Cleansing gel for normal skin Aqua Effect, Nivea with vitamin E and Hydra IQ moisturizing formula

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Skin cleansing: in search of the best product

Mild soap for dry and very dry skin Facial Soap With Soap Dish, Сlinique

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Skin cleansing: in search of the best product

Cleansing gel to improve complexion of all skin types "Cleanse anti-toxins", Garnier with mint extract and vitamin E

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Skin cleansing: in search of the best product

Cleansing antibacterial emulsion for sensitive skin "Gingko and Microsilver", Natuderm Botanics

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Skin cleansing: in search of the best product

A gentle scrub for daily skin cleansing "Gloss control" Clean &Clear

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Skin cleansing: in search of the best product

Scrub for deep cleansing of facial skin Deep Pore Cleansing Scrub,Avon with salicylic acid

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Soap. Which soap is better - solid (solid, that is, bar) or liquid - a question that cannot be answered unequivocally. Bar soap usually contains many alkaline components that disrupt the pH balance of the skin. In liquid soap or shower gel there are usually fewer alkalis, and more caring and softening ingredients. But it’s better to look at the composition - Clinique, L'Occitane, Belnature and many other brands produce so-called “cosmetic” soap - solid soap with a special low-alkaline soft formula that preserves the hydrolipidic layer of the skin and even restores it with amino acids, oils and other moisturizing and nourishing components.

Tonic. Despite the fact that it seems unnecessary to many, dermatocosmetologists consider the use of tonic to be the final (and mandatory!) stage of skin cleansing: it removes the remnants of cleanser and salts that may be contained in tap water and irritate the skin. Plus, the tonic softens, moisturizes, and accelerates the restoration of the skin's protective barrier.

Cleansing wipes. Makeup remover wipes are a compact travel option. You can take them with you on the train or the gym. What is convenient is that the lotions with which they are impregnated have not only cleansing, but also tonic properties for the skin, contain softening and nourishing components, and sometimes also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial - if these are wipes for oily and problem skin. But it is important to remember: the latter are not suitable for removing eye makeup, nor are wipes containing ethyl alcohol.

Micellar water (micellar solution). Replaces both cleanser and toner, like cleansing wipes, great for travel and especially recommended for sensitive skin that cannot tolerate tap water. After all, there is no need to rinse this product off! What is micellar water? Roughly speaking, an aqueous solution with microscopic particles dissolved in it based on soft surfactants of fatty acids - micelles. Micellar water both cleanses the skin and perfectly removes makeup, including waterproof mascara. The main thing is that for good cleansing of the skin, you need to wipe your face with it several times until the cotton pad is clean.

Scrubs and masks. Even though they are considered deep skin cleansers, applying them to uncleansed skin is the biggest mistake you can make. The second common mistake is using them too often. Follow the instructions, otherwise you will break the skin's protective barrier, and it will become more hypersensitive, irritation and inflammation may occur.