The best places to meet men. Where and how to meet a man for a serious relationship

Probably, deep down, every woman dreams of meeting guys with ease.

However, for many women it is quite difficult to take the first step towards a stranger.

If you are tired of loneliness, and you dream of finding, if not a life partner, then at least good friend, then this article is just for you.

The life of an average woman is limited by the following boundaries: home - study or work - store - home, so the chance of making a successful acquaintance is not at all great. First of all, you need to expand your living space, that is, spend more time where there are a lot of men.

If at least a dozen men pass by you every day, your chances of making a successful acquaintance will increase significantly.

Try to visit places where there are many representatives of the stronger half of humanity more often. If you need a man, take the initiative.

Visit places where there are a lot of men, but clubs and bars are not the best places to meet people. Although if you are only satisfied with meeting for one night, then you can make acquaintances in a club. If you need a husband, don't look for the easy way out.

Many men do not consider girls in nightclubs as potential wives at all.

Where can I meet a guy?

Dating at work

Meet all men at work and through work, including suppliers, business partners, visitors, and supervisors.

You can meet guys:

  • V gym
  • at evening courses
  • in driving schools
  • various sections.

But choose only those courses where there are usually more men than women. Cutting and sewing courses, yoga and ballroom dancing are not at all suitable for dating. More promising courses will be:

  • web design
  • aikido section
  • autocourses.

Take up skiing, then you will be surrounded by athletic and wealthy men.

Dating while studying

At the university you can meet a young boy and a man aged:

  • student
  • graduate student
  • teacher
  • or laboratory assistant

All these men can be your match.

Meet at the bookstore

If you want to find a man with high intelligence, then feel free to go to a bookstore or library.

Don't be shy and ask your potential partner to recommend a book for you.

In the library you can easily identify the interests of the man who interests you.

Meet on vacation

Bus stations, train stations, and waiting rooms can become places to meet a man. You can easily meet the man you like on a tourist trip, especially at sea, where it is very easy to start a holiday romance.

Although, it is unlikely that the holiday romance will continue upon arrival home.

The Internet is a place to meet a guy

The Internet is one of the most accessible ways to find your soulmate.

But there are certain risks in online dating, since not every person reveals real information about themselves, and not everyone is looking for a partner to live together.

Reason for dating

To directly meet the guy you like, give a clue to start a conversation:

In fact, there are a lot of ways to meet guys, be smart and don’t be afraid to experiment, then all your efforts will not be in vain, and you will finally meet the man of your dreams.

Aug 27, 2013 LittleToxa

Those girls who are eager to meet promising gentlemen are advised to visit the places where they gather more often. Where is it? Various interest clubs, sports centers, hunting teams, and so on. The question is what to do if the lady does not have such hobbies. Don’t despair – there are plenty of other surefire ways to meet your destiny. So, where to meet a man in Moscow.

Let's look at the rating of the most popular dating places:

  • Office - if you, like many modern people, spend a lot of time at work, it makes sense to look for a gentleman there. According to statistics, serious relationships begin quite often in the service, which is easy to explain - firstly, we practically live at work, and secondly, when you are side by side with a bunch of people every day, you can meet among them the one himself.
  • Rest - during a trip, even the laziest and most passive ladies manage to make a lot of interesting acquaintances, but what can we say about those who never miss their chance? The main disadvantage of holiday romances is that they rarely end in something serious. But maybe it's for the better?
  • Excursion trips are a good alternative to a full-fledged vacation, which is still waiting and waiting. The main thing is to choose the right program - so if you don’t get to know each other, at least you will enjoy the excursion.
  • Supermarket - yes, not too romantic, but very effective. We are not looking for a prince on a white horse, but just a good man. There are more than enough of them, and those who live near you, in the supermarket near your house.
  • Friendly parties - future spouses often meet at meetings of friends. Haven't seen anyone for a long time? It's time to see old friends and see what new friends they will bring with them.
  • City holidays - such celebrations are free, allow people to meet with similar interests and encourage new acquaintances.

  • Bookstores are not the most popular option, but why not? At the same time, evaluate what your potential chosen one likes to read (and you will understand that he likes to read in principle - a rarity in our time).
  • A fitness club is an excellent indicator of your attitude towards yourself and is generally a good place to meet people. Choose the strongest man in the room - and go ahead and get acquainted.
  • Courses foreign language- Respectable people are found in such places. So decide on a language that is useful for you (your work), get yourself in order and go to acquire new knowledge and make connections.
  • Dating parties are a popular dating format today. For a nominal fee, you can meet 5-10 interested gentlemen in just one evening. Comfortable!

It may seem that meeting a guy is not so difficult, because there are 3.5 billion of them on the planet! But that's not true. And even if you meet someone, what will you say and how will you do it? There's no magic potion that will make him come to you and speak first, but you don't need one. Why? Because you are an interesting and confident girl who can do it herself.


Find the right guy

  1. Think about what kind of people you like to spend time with. You don't have to look for a guy who will completely meet your requirements, but he should have qualities that you value. What is important to him? What does he like to do? What does he do in his free time? If you know the right guy, that's great! But if not, you will need to find it.

    • When will you understand Which you need a guy, think about where you can find him. Maybe he's the type to meet at a party? Or on the sports field? At the concert?
  2. Sign up for courses that interest you. You may be advised to go to those courses where guys who will appeal to you can study, but this is not the best way. You need something you enjoy to you: this way you will enjoy the process, and the guy who will study there will share your hobbies. What kind of courses are these? Acting skills? Sport section? Maybe you want to volunteer at a homeless animal shelter? Even if you don't meet a guy there, you can make new friends, keep yourself busy and learn something new.

    • The only place where you you can't meeting no one - this is at your home, if you prefer to sit in front of the TV with a cat. Do something outside the home and sooner or later you will Necessarily you will meet someone. After all, there are 3.5 billion guys on earth.
  3. Go where you feel comfortable. It could be a bookstore if you like to read, or a coffee shop if you're a coffee lover. It could even be a place you go with friends. Busy places like a skating rink or bowling alley are also suitable - that is, places where people your age often spend their free time.

    • You can go there alone or in a group, but it is important that you are alone there for some time, because guys do not feel very comfortable surrounded by crowds of people (or rather, most guys). They are more likely to approach you if you are alone.
  4. Do what you enjoy. If you are always looking to learn something new, go to different places, meet people, play sports or art, and follow your dreams, you will surely meet your person. All will be. Absolutely right. In addition, you will feel happy and confident because you will know that you are in the right place. Who can resist you?

    • They say that everything happens exactly when you don't expect it. And there is an explanation for this. If you live your life and meet someone who also lives your life, you can make a great couple. A guy shouldn’t interfere with your life, and it doesn’t matter whether you have him or are just looking for him.
  5. Be careful with virtual dating. You can find the right person in chat rooms, on social networks or on a forum, but you need to be careful. There are many scammers on the Internet that you should not trust. If you meet someone this way, try to also meet people who know them to make sure they are a real person.

    • Do not share personal information with anyone. You can say your name and phone number, but you should not tell the person where you live or what your passport details are. And why does the guy need this information?
  6. If you are in school, take your time. Do not look for undistinguished people - this will lead to inharmonious relationships that will not end well. If you feel like you really need a partner, stop. Look closely at interesting people with similar hobbies. It is important that you think alike, otherwise the relationship will not work and someone will suffer.

    • Don't settle for a relationship with an average guy who doesn't evoke strong emotions in the hopes of changing him. This will hurt you and prevent you from developing romantic or friendly relations. If there is no spark, do not try to create one. You will find a person who will light you up and who will feel the same about you, and at the same time change for no one there won't be any need.
  7. Be picky. You've spent some time searching, and now you think you've found the right guy. Do you think he will be ready to spend time with you without expecting anything more? Do you want to be with him for a long time? Can he take care of himself? Does he respect others? Do you enjoy being around him? If yes, then you are on the right track! It's time to act.

    • When communicating with men, it is important to remember the following: if you think that he knows what you like, he does not; if you're sure he knows what you like, it may be true. If you told him that you like him, he may still doubt that you do. In the following sections, we will teach you to take your time, but still say and do everything you need to do at the right moment. Ready?

Become a confident person

  1. Be open with people around you. If you don't communicate with anyone, it will be difficult for you to get close to a guy. Start meeting and making friends with others. This is useful for a number of reasons:

    • He will see that you communicate with others. You will seem like a friendly, interesting and sociable girl. This will make it easier for him to approach you.
    • He may be friends with the people you hang out with. This will make things easier.
    • By talking to a group of people, you will be able to talk to him. Everything will look as if you have no secret intentions and as if you are not trying to disguise any feelings.
  2. Practice communicating. The more often you get out of the house and talk to people, the easier it will be for you to do this. If you can only string two words together, you will feel awkward and embarrassed. And this is normal, because sociability is an acquired skill, not an innate one.

    • We are all social. We learn to communicate quickly, and this applies to you too! It will be difficult at first, but each time it will become easier and easier. Therefore, you need to train on people you have an interest in No romantic feelings to hone your skills and abilities.
  3. Be open. If you smile and seem outgoing, you're bound to meet someone. If you're withdrawn and don't engage in conversations (like looking at your phone all the time), people will give you a wide berth, thinking you don't want to talk. Don’t isolate yourself, look around and participate in everything that happens. If you and your boyfriend are in the same place, everything that happens will concern both of you, and you will have something to talk about.

    • Imagine this situation: you are standing in the dining room and having a snack. A mutual friend jokes and you all laugh. Later, you and your boyfriend go outside and you remember this joke. You laugh together again, and the awkwardness is gone - that's all!
  4. Look after yourself. Comb and style your hair, wear clean clothes, wear perfume. You probably wouldn't like this guy if he looked like he'd been dumped in the trash, would you? He feels the same way about it. To be approached, you must look your best. Wear clothes that make you feel confident, wear your favorite lip gloss, and smile.

    • You will immediately attract the guy's attention physically. This is fine. Keep track of your appearance, and it is quite possible that he will pay attention to you. But don't overdo it - it may push him away. If you try to seem like someone else, he will notice, so do what your inner feeling tells you.
  5. Treat all people with respect. Don't treat yourself or other people with disdain. All people have value, including you. If you believe this, everyone will immediately understand that you are friendly and interested in everyone, and some guy will probably want to get to know you better. If you know how to cast interested glances and smile at the right moments, he will want to chat with you. A positive attitude will attract good things into your life, while a negative attitude will hinder everything.

    • Even if he doesn't like you, don't be upset. What if he refuses? This will be a rather painful lesson that many of us take years to learn. If he refuses, be happy about it. You could have spent a lot of time thinking about what could have happened, and he saved you from that. Now you have the opportunity to pursue another guy you like. Hooray!
  6. Remember that he may be even more nervous than you. Many guys find it difficult to talk to a girl, so don't forget about it. He needs incentive, so give him a quick glance or smile, and when he talks to you, he will realize that it's not scary at all.

    • This will help you calm down. When you understand that he, just like you, is worried that you might not like him, it will be easier for you to offer him your company.

Talk to him and get to know him better

  1. Before you start a conversation, look around. Let's say you're walking down the school hallway and you see a guy you like. He is looking at some poster. Approach him and ask him about something related to the poster. Introduce yourself, be open and talkative. That's it, you've done it! Perhaps things will develop more slowly from this point on, but the hardest part is behind us.

    • You can ask what he is doing or what he is looking at. If there's something you like there, say so. If you don't know anything about it, ask him questions to get to know him better. If he's looking at a poster for a band you've never heard of before, ask what kind of music it is and tell him the name sounds familiar to you. Any phrase that will help start a conversation will do. Then you can talk about the groups and find something in common.
  2. Find out what he is interested in and ask a question or comment on something. You started talking, but what now? Have a difficult conversation about your views on life? Hmm, not so fast. First you need to find out what he likes (for example, whether he plays sports) so that you have something to talk about. At any appropriate moment, you can comment on something related to his hobby, and this will be an excellent topic for conversation.

    • This will also let him know that you are paying attention to him, which he will like. Perhaps he will also ask you about your hobbies. If this happens, you will be able to calmly communicate and spend time together.
  3. Come up with a short and witty remark that you could use in conversation. The hardest thing is to start a conversation, and then it will be easier. Here are some conversation ideas:

    • Comment on something that is happening around you. If you are on sports game, comment on the actions on the field. Then tell a funny story that happened at the last game you went to. Perhaps he also has his own story.
    • If you are not in the very interesting place, look around and try to use the surrounding objects. Did you have the same mirror as a child? Tell him about it in a way that makes him interested.
    • The first conversation doesn't have to be very deep. It can be as simple as: “I had that same chair when I was a kid! Oh, it reminds me of the time I spent at my parents’ house.” Mention something funny or incredible. Ask if he has such stories.
  4. Be confident, sweet, calm. Act like this is just a normal conversation because that's exactly how it is. Take your time - this is just the first conversation. If you feel like the conversation isn't going well, let it end. You will have the opportunity to talk again another time. If you both enjoy the conversation, let it continue! If he asks for your phone number or asks for your Facebook name, great! And if not, don't be upset.

    • If you feel strong enough, ask for his phone number yourself. Some people like directness. Don't do it suddenly, gently lead the conversation towards it. For example, "Are you having fun?" or “What a beautiful shirt you have, it suits you very well!” Be sociable and open. Laugh at the right times. Self-confidence is most important. Your main goal will be to get either his phone number or the address of his social network page.
    • Once you get to know each other better, invite him to spend more time together. Of course, you see him at school, but that's not enough. Try to take the initiative and invite him to go somewhere with you and your friends.
      • When you get used to closer communication, you can move on to communicating in private. It is important to proceed slowly and carefully.
  5. Let him know that you like him. You've done so much, now what? Now you can tell him that you are interested in him, and he may hint to you that he likes you. In any case, this will be a step in in the right direction. Ask your friends what they think of your chances, and don't be surprised if he does the same.

    • It is best to talk about feelings in private, when everything will contribute to this. If you spent the day together and he is in a good mood, this is the right moment! You may have to blurt it out before you get nervous, but hopefully it'll come out something like, "You know, I really like you. I think we'd make a good couple. Would you like to give it a try? " If he agrees, great! And if not, don't worry. Say something like, “I understand, I just wanted to be honest.” It is possible that the way you react will pleasantly surprise him and he will change his mind.
  • Where you meet matters. If you enjoy spending time outdoors, your chances of meeting someone will increase if you go mountain climbing rather than spend the weekend shopping. If you are religious and love singing, join a church choir. Take courses that interest you. The guy sitting next to you will also be passionate about this subject.


  • What matters is how you act. Your views may be misinterpreted. Perhaps you look at a guy just to say hello, and he decides that he really likes you. Be careful and avoid guys who react inappropriately to you.
The most simple option, without a doubt, is acquaintance at work. You observe your colleagues every day for many years. In a good team you can find out useful information about your chosen one. In addition, the work environment is a natural habitat, which means you can see people as they really are. So if your chosen one is suddenly cunning and hypocritical, in a short time at work you can understand what he is hiding and why. Of course, there are many opponents of office romances, but if you really like the person, it’s worth a try.

A hobby club is a great option if you have an interesting hobby. Well, or you are going to acquire some kind of hobby as soon as possible. Tennis, swimming, karting, surfing, horse riding... A fitness center is also suitable as such a club, where it is easy to make acquaintances by asking for advice.

If you have a car, you can try to make acquaintances on the road. This option is suitable for advanced drivers. You need to imagine how you can attract the attention of men.

You can try to find a partner for speed dating, which is gaining popularity. During the evening at such events you can meet two dozen people. And certainly sympathy will arise with one of them.

Holiday romances are not very promising, but they can give a lot wonderful days. Choose the right resort - ski resorts, resorts with the opportunity to engage in active recreation such as diving or windsurfing. Places like these allow you to find interesting man leading an active lifestyle. But be prepared for the fact that when you arrive at such a resort, you may find only couples there. At least you will have a break from the bustle of the city and work in such a situation.

Unconventional but good places to meet men

Large grocery stores are excellent springboards for making acquaintances. The best time to look for men there is in the evening, when there are fewer people there. On weekends and in the evenings, it is difficult to look for a free man in grocery stores, since at this time they are mainly purchased by married couples.
You should not look for men in theaters or museums. Established couples go there most often.

Courses and trainings - it is better to choose advanced training courses in the technical field, because there are quite a lot of men in them. You can also choose courses that are simply interesting to you, from learning a foreign language to website building. But don’t look for men at psychological trainings, they go there for support or in search of motivation, and an emotionally shaken, insecure man who is a regular attendee of trainings of this kind is very far from ideal.

Are you wondering where everyone is hiding? good guys? Surely you are already tired of looking for the ideal life partner at the bar, while many times lowering the bar of requirements. What do you look for in a man who could be a long-term partner? Surely you expect to be treated with respect and sincere feelings. Meeting such a person can take place in one of the following places.

Local charity

If you're dreaming of a kind and compassionate life partner, one of the best places to look is your local charity. Surely in your area there are a lot of funds, shelters and social centers. Meeting one of the volunteers can completely change your life. In him you will receive a worthy friend, a caring, selfless, attentive person who values ​​altruism and helping his neighbor. This is confirmed by scientific data that revealed the preferences of men and women when choosing romantic partners for long-term relationships. It turns out that altruism, good deeds and generosity make us most attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Well, if you start performing small acts of kindness yourself, your chances of attracting the attention of a good guy will increase.

Paid dating sites

Paid dating apps are another good place to find the perfect match. Although there are a great many publicly available resources, all of them have not proven themselves the best side. Of course, there is a certain percentage of good guys there, but they are all drowned in the general mass of those who just want to have fun. Well, if a man is ready to shell out money to find a worthy girl, this indicates the seriousness of his intentions. When you join one of these resources, it will allow you to weed out unwanted candidates.

Alumni meeting

A nice guy might catch your eye at a high school reunion. Such events are aimed at maintaining connections between former classmates, fellow students or graduate students. Imagine how great it is to meet someone who has a lot in common with you! You studied at the same university in different streams and have never had any problems with him before. Even though you have not met each other before, you will develop trust in this person from the very beginning. Another advantage of such an acquaintance can be the presence of common friends and common memories. Let's not forget your old friends. You probably didn't know this guy that well before, but when you saw him at your high school reunion, you felt a spark ignite between you. This happens when people become adults.

Ask good friends about candidates

It's time to stop being ashamed of your single status. Many marriages, especially if the spouses are far from young, take place thanks to someone’s recommendation. If you want to connect your life with a good man, then you should not sit idly by at home. When friends invite you on a trip out of town or ask you to join them at the gym, don't waste the opportunity to find out about their single friends. Don't be alarmed, you won't be mistaken for an annoying person. Everyone knows how difficult it is to find the perfect life partner these days. You will not be labeled as a desperate woman; on the contrary, those around you will be made aware of your plans to end loneliness. The fact that your acquaintance will be based on a recommendation speaks volumes. This means that someone else thinks your new friend is a good person.

Interest groups

Looking for good man The commonality of interests should not be discounted. To do this, shift your focus to yourself and concentrate on activities that are important to you. If you are a yoga fanatic, choose one of the best places in the city instead of a stuffy class next door. The more visitors, the greater the chances of meeting a worthy person. You may enjoy gardening or cooking, or be a die-hard rock climbing or mountain biking enthusiast. Actively attend any events related to your favorite activity. From a psychological perspective, two people are much more likely to build a strong relationship when they truly love the same thing. When will you meet the right person, don't stop there. Continue to step out of your comfort zone and improve your skills in what you love.

Visiting places that reflect your priorities

In addition to hobbies, there are beliefs in every person’s life. Therefore, strive to take part in all activities related to your views. These could be social events, political or religious movements, concert venues. If you like quality rock, try to go to a concert of a good rock band, and not to a disco where techno music is played. This will increase your chances of meeting someone who meets your standards.

Lonely Hearts Clubs

Some social and public organizations regularly hold meetings to which they invite single people. Such events (most often these are discos or tea parties) are called “For those who are for...” Find a good promotion based on your age limit and go in search of the ideal life partner. Don't be discouraged if you don't find what you're looking for. In any case, new acquaintances and a positive mood will not harm you.

In one of the social network groups

Will help you expand your search social media. You should not be afraid of dating on the Internet, fearing scammers and people who are greedy for casual relationships without obligations. There are a great variety of interest groups and online communities. Just enter your favorite activities in the search bar and start expanding your circle of acquaintances. Well, assessing a guy if he has a completed profile won’t be difficult. After all, there are many clear examples that online dating is a reality.

At an event at your home

This may sound a little strange, but you can also meet a guy in your own apartment. If the footage of your home allows, you can organize themed party, where each of your friends will invite more friends. It is also advisable to plan a trip out of town for a barbecue, and include the same scheme in the invitation cards: 1+1. Thus, for every boyfriend or girlfriend you will meet one stranger. As you already know, having mutual acquaintances, you can easily find common ground. There is another significant point here. If your friends are friends with you, it means they are good judges of people. Therefore, there will be no bad guys at your party.

Hire the services of a matchmaker

If you have noticed, our advice is aimed at all categories of single people: both those who consider themselves modern and those who adhere to old-fashioned principles. If you are one of those who do not trust modern technology, you can resort to the services of a professional matchmaker. In addition, recently the services of dating specialists have become more and more in demand. By using a professional as an intermediary, you will avoid the risks associated with fraud. You can rest assured that all applicants included in the matchmaker’s database have been thoroughly vetted. This way you will save valuable time on searching.

Nice guys really do exist!

We have listed many places where you can meet the man of your dreams. Open your heart and trust your intuition. There are times when she doesn't deceive you. Remember, more choice means more value. Even if you've had bad experiences in romantic relationships before, rest assured that good guys do exist!