The best graduation scenarios for the preparatory group. Scenario for the graduation party in the preparatory group “Goodbye, kindergarten! Graduation in kindergarten: dramatization of the fairy tale about the Fly-Tsokotukha

Graduation evening in preparatory group. Scenario

The proposed holiday scenario is dedicated to the graduation of children from the preparatory group to school.
The material will be useful as music directors, and teachers of preschool institutions.
Goals and objectives:
Target: Bring emotional joy to children and their parents on the last holiday in kindergarten. Show the level of training of children, their creative musical and choreographic abilities.
Creating an emotionally positive atmosphere of cooperation between kindergarten and family (joint experiences of joy and sadness, parting, a sense of common celebration).
Forming in children and parents a sense of gratitude to kindergarten staff.
Improving the musical, vocal, choreographic, performing and poetic abilities of children.
Cultivate a desire to do well in school. And also to develop and instill in children sensitivity and empathy towards each other.

Good afternoon, dear guests!
We are happy to greet you!
Today our kindergarten opened its doors for a traditional holiday dedicated to our graduates, future first-graders!
For parents they will always be babies, but for us they will be the smartest, funniest, most inquisitive children.

Let the music play loud
The fanfare sounds joyfully
Today is a wonderful holiday,
Meet our preschoolers!

To the music, children enter in pairs (the leader introduces them) and stand on both sides.

1 child:
Today I almost didn’t sleep,
I fussed all night and waited for dawn.
And suddenly it became clear to me what was wrong with me -
Today is my first graduation!

2nd child:
We have grown up, almost like first-graders,
Both the papillae and the porridge have become a thing of legend.
We are now graduates for the garden.
We are students at five minutes!

3rd child:
Today even dads were worried
When we were getting dressed before the ball.
And we became more beautiful and smarter,
Be more attentive, more educated, grow up!

4th child:
We didn't even know how to dress,
We often forgot to wash our face.
Now we have mastered everything ourselves
Sometimes we help our grandmother and mother.

5th child:
You kept us here carefully,
And they taught us a lot.
Thank you from all the guys,
ALL: Thank you our beloved kindergarten!

6th child:
Today we are graduates
No longer preschoolers.
Fun calls await us
And new guys.

7th child:
Let's go to an unfamiliar class
Along the school corridors.
Farewell to our kindergarten, we have
We will remember you with a smile.

Song:"Goodbye kindergarten"
The kids come in listening to the music.

Oh, funny, funny! You were like that too.
And when they grow up a little, they will also come to school with you.

1st baby:
We are very small
Small, but remote.
You've been watched all day
And they shook themselves.

2nd baby:
How did you go for exercise?
How did you dance in circles?
We didn't reach the window -
We just watched through the crack.

3rd baby:
We have come to say goodbye to you,
They brought congratulations.
And we want it for the last time
I'll see you at the holiday

Let's go without us, don't be bored,
And adults here...don't offend them!
Don’t give them whims,
Eat everything, sleep obediently,
Dance, sing, perform:
Glorify our beloved garden.

The kids are leaving.

What happened to the drum, isn't it knocking early in the morning?
What happened to the clown, is he sad and serious?
Here lies my jump rope, next to it is a doll in a bright dress.
Next to them is a bear in a warm teddy coat.
Here is a car, a bunny, a cat, a baby doll named Seryozhka.
Softcover book and airplane designer.
I have no time for them today, I’m making up a poem.
About your favorite drum, about the compote in the glass.
And also about the fact that tomorrow I will suddenly become an adult!
And I'm going to first grade! Together:
We have no time for toys!

Cheerful music sounds, girls run into the hall junior group.
1 Doll.
I'm a beautiful doll
Look at me,
Say goodbye today
We've got a couple.

2 Doll.
Don't be sad today
Come visit more often
We will miss you
Come, we'll be waiting!

Dance: "Dolls"

Our dear dolls are toys,
We will miss you.
Believe me, we will not forget you,
We'll wave goodbye to you
(all graduates) Goodbye!

The graduate takes the first doll girl by the hand and leads her away.

Leading: Of course, kindergarten is not a school. We don’t have lessons, calls, breaks, but still, we have schedules and classes.
Therefore, today we will look at what you have learned, what you have become? This is a kind of exam. And we invited one extraordinary lady to take the guys’ exam.
(Music plays and Mary Poppins enters.)
And here she is. On time as always.

Mary Poppins:
Hello my dear friends!

You came so strangely, it seemed to us that you were brought by the wind... (looks at it)
Mary Poppins:
This is true. My name is Mary Poppins. The north wind whispered to me that today you are going to say goodbye to kindergarten and go to the land of knowledge.
This is true?
So, you simply need me. Remember my rule - no rules.
(closes the umbrella, takes out a fake thermometer)
You may ask, “Why do I need a thermometer?” I want to determine the mood in the room.
(puts the thermometer on the children one by one)
What an active child, sheer charm, a very inquisitive boy, a well-mannered girl, complete perfection!
Now do you understand that you won’t get bored with me? Over the years spent in kindergarten, you ate 3 tons of raisin buns and gained 105 kg. When you sing, the good energy from your songs can replace the power of several power plants. Besides, you guys have gained wisdom, learned to be friends, and dance.
Let it be known to you that I graduated from the ballet school on Tarabar Island with honors, and this is the best ballet school in the world!

Dance "Lady Perfection" with girls.

Mary Poppins:
Thank you girls! How beautiful and elegant you are today! Let's clap for the girls again! (applause)

Leading: And our boys are just gentlemen!

Dance: "Gentlemen" (on chairs)
Mary Poppins:
Now guys, share your dream.

1 child.
We will grow up and certainly
Our dreams will come true.
I'll become a teacher
And maybe you can be a doctor.

2nd child.
And I've known for a long time
In quiet times I don’t sleep, I dream
Become a great football player.

3 child.
And I am a pop artist!

4 child.
And I am a major financier.

5 child.
I want to fly a plane
Be the first pilot on the plane.

6 child.
I dream of becoming a great geneticist,
To solve the problems of old age!
And in the new century of the new millennium
Give immortality to a person!
Leading: But why?
6 child.
But because since childhood I want to know:
Is it true or is it a lie?
Why do parrots live 200 years?

7 child.
I dream of becoming an architect
Build a city without corners.
I am now making my dream come true:
At home I draw from circles.
(shows a picture of a round house)
My house is completed, there is not a corner in it,
Mom, my dream has come true!
You can no longer do it the way you did before, loving,
You put me in a corner!..

8 child.
My grandmother assures me that with my talent
You need to study music from childhood!
The grandmother sleeps and sees her grandson as a musician,
What does music have to do with it if you have no hearing!

9 child.
Someone dreams of flying to the stars,
Someone to climb the mountains,
And I want to become a captain,
And marvel at the secrets of the seas.

10 child.
And my mother dreams for me,
Dad, grandma, friends...
Everyone gives me advice vying with each other,
But I will still remain myself!
I want to be just me a good man,
May we march merrily in step with the coming century!
Know more, sleep less,
Protect girls at school
Be polite everywhere, always!
Parents, do you believe me?


Leading: Children love to fly to blue stars in colorful dreams,
Everything comes true in the world if you really wish it.

Dance: "Rainbow of Wishes"

Mary Poppins:
So, friends! Let's start testing your knowledge!
Mathematics is a very complex science.
Here you need attention, diligence and effort.
Can you count? (Yes!) I really want to know!

Game “Dancing and Counting”

The soundtrack of any cheerful music sounds. The presenter calls any number from 1 to 5 in any sequence. Children jump around the hall in any direction. You should start with the signal: “One!”
Signals: “One!” - children jump one at a time. "Three!" - gather in groups of three and, holding hands, move in a hop around the formed circle. "One!" - they jump again, but alone. "Five!" - gather in a circle of five people and, holding hands, move in a bound around the formed circle. Etc. The game is played continuously without stopping until the end of the music.

I'm laying out the pea pods. While the music is playing, the players must dance and count the peas in the pod; as soon as the music stops, stand up to the pea that corresponds to the number in their hand.

GAME: "Math Peas"

Well done, it’s not boring with you, But can everything be counted?

Mary Poppins.
Here's another task -
Make up a word quickly.

Game "Make a word"

Mary Poppins reads riddles.

I can write any word on paper,
I will help you solve very difficult problems.
Don't forget me, my friend, without me you are like without hands.


He was born very long,
But he grew up and became shorter.



Mary Poppins:
Well done guys, you coped with my game

The guys not only know what the Alphabet is, but they can also sing it from beginning to end.

Song: "Alphabet"

Mary Poppins:
Well done boys. And now I suggest parents create a word that is directly related to school.
Game for parents "Gloves"
2 teams of 4 parents. Parents put on gloves with letters glued on them and spell out the word “certificate.”

Leading: Addresses parents
The child will go to school soon.
School life is coming for you too:
It will bring you new worries and troubles.
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And now we’ll tell our fortunes in front of everyone,
What will happen to families? We'll find out today.
We answer my question quickly and loudly.

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the briefcase?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if a child gets a bad grade?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who should take a first-grader to school?

Mary Poppins:
I also want to arrange an exam for parents, I will check whether mothers and fathers are ready to go to school with their children! Questions for ingenuity.

*What can you cook, but cannot eat? (lessons)
*Which hand is better to stir tea? (better with a spoon)
*What baby is born with a mustache? (kitty)
*Locators that you always have with you. (ears)
*Which tail sticks out of the water? (wet)
*How many ends does a stick have? (two)

Now imagine, dear parents, the long-awaited day has come -
Morning. You are getting your child ready for school.
I suggest you practice. We invite the family...... (father, mother,
child) and family…….. (father, mother, child)
A child collects a briefcase;
Mom - makes a bouquet and packs it;
Dad - cheats balloon.
Then, when all the tasks are completed, the family joins hands and runs to the bell. Whoever calls first wins.

GAME: “Get ready for school”

What a pity, the story is heading towards the end,
But we should not be discouraged!
We'll go to first grade to study,
And we will new meeting wait!
May good luck accompany us
Let success follow us!
We will solve all problems in life,
One hundred percent, no interference!

Children, are you afraid to go to school?
Are you, parents, afraid for your children?

Child: Mommy, don't be afraid. Dad, calm down!
I'll go to school with confidence.
We were taught in kindergarten:
Don't be timid and don't be shy,
And try to help friends,
And in all my affairs
Be no worse than others.
Children line up in a semicircle.

1st child.
We are parting today
And we're a little sad.
We would have stayed with you in childhood,
But we want to be students.

2nd child.
Kindergarten is our second home,
We were happy in it.
Here they taught us, tried,
We worked diligently.

3rd child.
We will remember again and again
Childhood is ringing for you too!

Song: “It’s a pity to leave”

1 child:
“Thank you” to the teachers
We will say many times
And to our dear nanny
We love you very much!

2 child:
And our manager -
Thanks to all children!
Every day is your concern
Our kindergarten is getting brighter!

3rd child:
To the musician and the caretaker
Nurses and cooks
To all kindergarten employees
We say “Thank you” to you!

4th child:
Kindergarten is our good friend, he was our teacher.
He taught us to dance, sing songs and observe.
Helped us make friends - we will need it!

5th child:
To all those who taught us, cared for us,
Who gave us a lot of effort - prepared for first grade,
Who fed us, who treated us,
Who just loved us all, we say...
"THANK YOU" - (all children)

7th child:
To the employees of our kindergarten,
From noisy and loving children
Please accept our smiles and these flowers!

8th child:
The years have flown by like an arrow, and school is waiting for the children.
Only a quiet round dance will glimpse the kindergarten in the distance.

9th child:
Even if we part, they won’t forget us here.
This farewell waltz remains in memory.

Farewell Waltz

The manager's word.
For great effort,
For the knowledge gained,
To all our graduates
We will hand out diplomas!


The floor is given to parents.

Kindergarten met you many times in the morning,
He treated me to delicious porridge and read a good fairy tale.
He was a gentle nanny for you, life was interesting in him:
Your own closet, your own crib, life was so sweet for you here.
When parting with kindergarten, there is no need to grieve at all,
After all, no one is to blame, he just became too small.
Your life is changing, school is already waiting for you.
Work hard on your studies and get straight A's.

The celebration ends on the site. Graduates take air balloons, go outside and let them out.

Graduation - 2016

Ved: For some reason the hall became silent

There is delight and a little sadness in the eyes,

Let everyone remember them now:

Flirty and mischievous

A little daring and stubborn

The most childishly playful

Unique, dear,

And everyone is loved in their own way and equally dear.

Meet them!

Fanfare sounds, there is a splash screen on the screen. Children come out to the music and read poetry. There is a photo of everyone on the screen

1 I was the size of a doll, but now this is what I am,

Veronica is now shining like a star in a bright prom dress

2 I’m a boy anywhere, talkative and cheerful,

Today is my holiday, I'm going to school Vlad

3 And I’m a little sad now, it’s a pity to say goodbye to the kindergarten,

I love all my friends, but I have to leave Maxim Ts.

4 Don’t worry about me, rest assured, I won’t let you down in anything,

Kindergarten I won’t forget, I will come to you more than once Yunusov S.

5 I understand - I’ve grown up, I understand - I’ve grown up, Masha V.

And once upon a time I came to kindergarten as a little girl

6 mom just don’t be sad, be calm for me

Children tend to grow up, now look at what I am like! Nursultan

7I haven’t changed at all, I’m still the same beauty

And the boys at school will also really like Masha A.

8How do you like this little guy who looks like me, Maxim D.

He read the poem, clap your hands!

9 Day after day changed often, little by little I grew,

I’ve grown wiser, matured, and now it’s time for me to go to school! Christina

10I changed the rompers to trousers, the vest to a jacket,

Rattles for a textbook, and string bags for a backpack Egor

11Mom had the following worries: washing, washing, feeding, putting to bed,

I’ve grown up, but I have even more worries, because I still have to take me to school! Vania

12Look what I was, look what I became

Time quickly takes away the years, school time has come! Ira

13 Why am I not the groom today, my suit is in fashion,

And once I was a doll, I even seemed to cry! Pasha

14Finally I waited, put on my ball gown,

Mom, dad, don’t be sad, I’ve grown up today Polina

15 I grew up little by little, and my friends were with me

We are one family now, how can I live without you! Vitalik

16 Oh, I can’t believe it, friends, that I’ve become big

And she walked from the nursery with her feet to the school! Anya

17 I was a nice kid: I wasn’t capricious, I didn’t cry

If things get difficult at school, I’ll call dad for help! Gleb

18I have grown up a long time ago, I stubbornly strive for knowledge

But who will help me?

That is the question:

Of course grandma and mom! Maxim Ch.

Presenter: Dear guests! Today is a particularly solemn day for us. We accompany our graduates to school. Time flies inexorably forward, and before you know it, children will graduate from school, then college, and become doctors, teachers, engineers, and artists. But we hope that they will sometimes remember our kindergarten and their teachers, and this very first prom in their lives.

1 child: Polina

There are different holidays throughout the year,

And today is our holiday,

Soon we will become first graders,

We say goodbye to the garden now.

2nd child: Nursultan

The sun is a cheerful ray

He happily knocks on the windows,

And we are proud today

An important word: “Graduate”

3rd child: Nika

Our parents came to our holiday,

And they look at us with excitement.

It's like everyone saw it for the first time

The children have grown up now.

4th child: Pasha

We will soon leave kindergarten,

It's time for us to go to school,

We know that we need to study a lot,

To become real people.

5th child: Anya

Our garden is sad today,

And we're just a little sad

The day of farewell has come,

And a long road awaits us.

Song: Our kindergarten stands behind a low fence

6th child: Vlad

More than once we will remember how we played,

And how many things were there here,

How they painted in the evenings,

And the forest, and the mother, and the stream.

7th child: Masha V.

We will remember the group and the toys,

And the bedrooms are tender comfort,

How can you forget your friends?

With whom we lived here for so many years!

8th child: Masha A.

Yes, we are just a little sad,

And time cannot be turned back,

And it’s time for us, it’s time to hit the road,


Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

9th child: Vanya

So we grew up, and we

The school is waiting for the very first grade.

Do you remember five years ago

How did we go to kindergarten?

10th child: Maxim Ch.

Why didn't you go?

They carried us in wheelchairs.

We often sat on our arms,

They didn’t want to stomp their feet.

11th child: Gleb

I remember, really, every day,

I kept waiting for my mother, looking out the window.

And someone walked around with a pacifier,

And someone wore diapers.

12th child: Christina

Yes, we were all good

Well, what can we take from us – we’re kids after all!

And I did this

At lunchtime I fell asleep over soup...

14th child: Irina

They were such naughty people

They fought with their hands and feet,

And some - even with teeth,

All this is in the past, but now.....

ALL: We are escorted to first class.

15th child: Maxim D.

Preschool childhood leaves one day,

And everyone felt it today!

Toys, cars, rocking chairs are leaving,

And baby books and squeaky dolls.

16th child: Egor

But we can’t forget this colorful world

And our kindergarten is kind, cozy, welcoming.

AND warm hands, and a gentle look

ALL: Thank you, thank you for everything, kindergarten!

Dance " Pair dance»

On the screen are photos of small children

Host: These are the kids I met you in the garden.
And then the years passed
You've grown up a little:
And they played pranks and shouted,
We celebrated the holidays together,
The songs were sung from the heart.
Oh, how good they were!

Kids come in to the music

Will bring up: The kids came to the party today

We brought our wishes for you

(kids performance)

Christina: You accepted us as kids, kindergarten, our home

We have become big now and say goodbye to you!

Here walls, beds and toys have become family

Teachers and nannies, and your friends, girlfriends

The cuckoo sings on the clock and says: It's time to say goodbye!

Goodbye, toys, it’s a pity to part with you!

Goodbye dolls, bears, and pictures in our books

The guys will play with you, as we once played!

Veronica: Doll Nadya, goodbye, how I love you!

And now I give it to my new mother to raise

You see, they bought me books, it’s time for me to go to school

Stay here, baby, we're out of our way now

Be good, be exemplary, don’t contradict the new mother

And she will probably try to save you!

Maxim D.: All the girls and boys
They won't forget you, Mishka,
Give me your paw goodbye
Goodbye, clubfoot!

Pasha: You can talk to a bunny
Tell him your secret.
Sing him a simple song.
Quietly tell a fairy tale
And also my favorite bunny
He loves to dance very much.

Spanish "Dance with toys"


Look at the children's faces -
Smiles make the room brighter!
The boys will go to school soon
And they will take a smile with them.

Guys, do you want to go to school?

Children: Yes.

Leading: let's ask everyone if they want to go to school and why.

Game "I want to go to school because..."

The guys stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other , the music sounds when it stops, the child with the ball in his hands speaks whether he wants to go to school and why.

Masha A. Our beloved, our beautiful, our wonderful kindergarten

Today you are seeing off your preschoolers on their happy journey

Goodbye to our fairy tales, our merry round dance

Our games, songs, dances. Goodbye, school is waiting!

Our favorite kindergarten, you will be remembered forever

We will send you from school from excellent students

Hi everybody!

Leading: Children want to go to school for many reasons, but it’s not enough to want, you also have to be ready for school. Would you risk not getting ready for school before the first of September, but putting everything off until the morning!? Let's sit down and pretend to be in a deep sleep with the whole family!

So, the alarm clock rings gently, but you don’t hear it. You wake up at the moment when there are exactly 30 minutes left before the line. And we give you exactly one minute.

Mom, you must collect a bouquet for the holiday.

Dad, you have to blow up the balloons.

And the child, pack your briefcase and put in only what you need for school.

GAME “Get your child ready for school”

Mom does beautiful bouquet made of artificial flowers, dad inflates the balloon, child folds school supplies to the briefcase. School supplies mixed with toys are placed on 2 tables.

Leading: All of you dreamed about something as a child. Now is the time for your children to dream. Let's find out what they think about, who they want to become.

Ira: I want to become a doctor. Dental.
And smile at all the sick.
- Don’t twitch, my dear,
Here's your baby tooth!

Maxim Ch.: I want to be a hairdresser:
I'll cut off the girls' braids
And I'll give them a haircut
Under a teddy bear!

Pauline: I thought about it-
It would be nice to become a doctor
But not for children, but for cats!
The children are in pain - we will cry,
Let's burst into tears in the heat of the moment,
Mom will call the doctor.
And to the stray cat
What if it’s suddenly unbearable?
Who calls doctors to him?
He is a stray - he is no one's!

Vladik (director): And of course I will soon

A well-known director.

I will travel abroad:

To Cannes, Rome, Paris and Nice.

Scene “Again deuce”


I want to make a film! Great movie! What will it be about? Oh! Exactly! About school! And the film will be called “Deuce Again.”

Assistant: Frame 1 take 1

(Father comes out with a newspaper, mother with laundry, son with a briefcase,music take1)

Son : Mom! I got a bad grade.

Mother: Father! Our son got a bad grade.

Father: How did our son get a D? Where's my belt?

Director: Stop, stop, stop! Something is not right here! Exactly! We need something more fun!

Assistant: Frame 1 take 2

(music rock and roll take2)

Same thing just fun

Director : Stop, stop, stop! Something is not right here! Exactly! We need something sporty!

Assistant: Frame 1 take 3

( music “Come on, sing us a song, the merry wind” take 3)

Also only a recitative accompanied by marching

Director: Stop, stop, stop! Something is not right here! Exactly! It needs to be something more tragic!

Assistant: Frame 1 take 4

( terrible music)

Father: How did our son get a D? Where is my validol?

Everyone falls. They get up and bow.

Ved: Today it is impossible to contain the excitement

Your last holiday in kindergarten

Our hearts are both warm and anxious

After all, the children have grown up and will go to school

Oh, how difficult it is for us to part with you

And let you out from under the wing

You became family, you became friends

And it seems we can’t find anyone better than you

Dance "Polka"

Presenter: Kindergarten means dancing and singing,
This is health! Always interesting!
It's activities, games and laughter!
This is useful for all children!

Spanish song “_Well that’s all...”

Now we’ll play a little and tell fortunes. After my question, you will take the note and read it.

The child will soon go to school,
School life is coming for you.
It will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And now we’ll tell our fortunes in front of everyone here,
Today we will find out what will happen to families...

Thank you, dear kindergarten, for your affection and care. Nika
Because mom went to work calmly in the morning.

Thanks to those who fed us delicious and sweet food Masha V.
Without you, we would not have grown this big.

Thanks to those who taught us to sculpt and draw, Vlad
Thanks to those who taught us to sing and dance.

Thanks to our manager, Masha A.

for the fact that the kindergarten was more beautiful year after year.

We tenderly say thank you to our teachers. Pauline

We also confess to you: you look like our mothers.

ALL: Thank you, dear ones, thank you more than once.
For what, dear ones, you have done for us!

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Leading. - Attention! The solemn moment has arrived:

We present the children with a document, It’s called a Diploma,

It will be a memory for you for the rest of your life. Everything will be: school, college,

Your first diploma is here! And try to learn like this,

To be proud of your diplomas!

Presentation of diplomas and gifts

Well, now I want our respected parents to take an oath. You must say YES loud and clear!
1. Will we always help children with their studies? - Yes!
2. So that the school is proud of its children? - Yes!
3. Is remembering formulas nonsense for you? - Yes!
4. Will we be as wise as a star in the sky? - Yes!
5. When school is over, will we go for a walk with the children then? - Yes!

Ved: Guys, your parents also want to say something, let’s sit down and listen to them

A word to parents

Presenter: Our dear children, your last holiday in kindergarten has ended. May you have many, many more in your life different holidays, may life give you only goodness and joy. And may your future be the most wonderful!
Soon our group will be empty,
All farewell words will fade away.
Golden rustling carousel
Autumn leaves will spin.
On a long journey for knowledge, science
You will go into the autumn hour.
But we want you guys to know:
Here in the garden we are glad to see you!

What should I say to you goodbye at this touching hour?
May your wishes and dreams come true.
To go through life boldly, to take on any task,
So that you don’t go astray, so that everyone is proud of you.
Build, sing and dare, but don’t forget about us!

Song “The years flew by after summer and winter”

End of the holiday (balloon launch)

Ekaterina Onoprienko
Scenario graduation party for preparatory group


Hall festively decorated. Fanfare sounds, middle school children come out groups to the middle of the hall

Girl. This day is solemn

The sun is shining

Kindergarten today

Accompanying children to school.

Boy. We'll go to school too

When we grow up a little here.

Although I'm already ready!

D. How modest! (shakes head or wags finger)

M. Oh, sorry! (to the girl)

Invite graduates!

The girl rings the bell and they leave. To the song "Little country" or during the Waltz, children enter the hall in pairs, make a lap of honor, disperse through the center, stand in two lines (against each other)

Ved. Today we are escorting our expensive:

1. ALENA BELIKOV AND ALESH KOLESNIKOV (children go to the chairs)








1r. Oh, how beautifully the hall is decorated

Many guests today

Ball we are opening graduation now

And we invite friends.

2 rub. Farewell holiday

Cheerful and sad

It's hard to contain my excitement.

Moms, dads, and teachers

They came to see us off to school.

3 rub. The world is unknown, school, wonderful

We would like to see soon

It's just so sad to say goodbye to kindergarten

We will miss you with all our hearts.

4r. That's preschool childhood passes

How can we keep him?

With tender sadness, our beloved kindergarten

We will remember.


1r. So we grew up, and we

The school is waiting for the very first grade.

Do you remember five years ago?

How did we go to kindergarten?

2 rub. What are you talking about? We didn't go

They carried us in wheelchairs.

We often sat on the arms.

They didn’t want to stomp their feet.

3 rub. I remember crying every day

I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.

And I walked with a pacifier,

And someone wore diapers.

4r. Yes, we were all good

Well, what can we take from us - after all, we are kids.

And I did this

At lunchtime I fell asleep over soup.

5 rub. Sometimes I ate poorly

Spoon fed me

The bib saved us from the porridge

From tea, soup, yogurt.

6r. Remember, I'm made of sand

He built big cities!

7r. Oh, don't!

We all baked Easter cakes

Not as smooth as they could have been.

And together we played

They treated each other!

8 rub. They were such naughty people.

Fight with hands and feet

And some even use their teeth,

All this is in the past, but now...



Ved. Dear children! We see how you can’t wait to become students and cross the threshold of school. What if we don’t wait for autumn, but set up a real school here right now?

Children: With lessons?

1st century: With lessons.

Children: With breaks?

1c.: Of course, with changes.

Children: We agree! Hooray!

1r.: Wait, wait, but we don’t have the most important thing!

Children: What?

Person 1: We don’t have briefcases! And without briefcases, what kind of students are we?

Children (sadly): What kind of students we are!

2v.: Yes, that’s right, you can’t go to school without schoolbags. Let's take a closer look around, maybe we can find at least one briefcase?

Children: Let's.

Children walk around the hall looking for briefcases

1st: Look, guys, a briefcase! It's shiny, beautiful and new. Well, so real!

2p.: Not a briefcase, but a sight for sore eyes!

There is a lock, two compartments:

For notebooks, primers...

3r.: It seems to me, guys,

That the briefcase is not simple,

4p.: It seems to me, guys,

He's a bit too big.

There is one more question...

Children: Who brought it to us?

Person 1: I think I guessed it. Our teachers brought it!

Children run up to teachers

1v.: Yes, guys, we won’t hide it - we brought this miracle - a briefcase.

2v.: It contains everything that will help us set up a real school.

Children: Wow! This is great!

1st century: Do you know the Main School Rule?

Children: No, we don’t know

2v.: Just think about it.

Children: A schoolchild should always learn his lessons!

And listen carefully to the teacher.

At school you can't play around in class.

You can't quarrel or fight!

1st century: That's right. But the Main School Rule reads: “A student should never be late for class”.

Children: Well, of course! Right! How come we didn’t guess it right away? It's so simple - don't be late.

2v.: Do you think simply? But one centipede we knew, no matter how hard she tried, could not come to school on time.

Children: Why?

Educator: Now you will find out everything.

Children dramatize poem B. Orlova “Why were the centipedes late for class?”

1st century: now you know the Main School Rule, which means you can open a school. Our first lesson is a reading lesson.

2c.: in a few minutes the first bell will ring, and you and I have nothing ready! Get to work!

(adult and children arrange chairs for new staging, ABC books, toys are taken out of the briefcase, bubble. The school bell is ringing)


Boy: How long has it been since I ran around in kindergarten?

I'm behind a soap bubble

And now (bell rings)

I'm studying at school

Today we meet with the primer.

From the wall, where early in the morning

The golden bunny is jumping,

Looking affectionately from the frames

Lomonosov and Tolstoy,

They look straight at Seryozha,

Speaking with a wise eye:

We, my friend, once too

We started with the ABC book.

Girl I have no time for toys now -

I'm learning from the ABC book,

I'll collect my toys

And I’ll give it to Seryozha.

Wooden dishes

I won't give it away yet.

I need the hare myself -

It's okay that he's lame.

And the bear is too broken...

It's a pity to give away the doll:

He'll give it to the boys

Or he'll throw it under the bed. 4

Give the locomotive to Seryozha?

He's bad, without a wheel

And then, I need it too

Play for at least half an hour!

I have no time for toys now -

I'm learning from the ABC book.

But I, it seems, Seryozha,

I won't give you anything.

No need to pester mom,

No need to go to grandma:

Read it, please read it!

No need to beg your sister:

Well, read another page!

No need to call, no need to wait,

1st century: The reading lesson is over, a break awaits you

The bell rings.

2v.: Do you guys know that in our school all breaks are musical? And we invite you to relax and play.

Music a game "SEARCH"

1c.: The bell is ringing for you again

(bell rings)

Hurry to class!

2v.: Here are the problems in a row

And they talk about something

Their language is special -

Try to guess.

Teachers present several mathematical problems in the form of pictures. Children solve them.

1st century: Rang (bell rings) call again

So the lesson is over.

2v.: Announcing a change,

We'll definitely dance!

Children perform ITALIAN POLKA

1st century: Dear guys! Now we want to briefly interrupt our game of school, because the guys from secondary school have come to congratulate you groups.

2v.: Today they want to take you to school, say good words wishes and give a musical gift. Let's meet!

Secondary children groups: 1. You will go to school soon,

Please don't be lazy.

We wish you guys

Good student.

2. You rarely played with us,

Called kids

Sometimes we were offended

They didn't give us toys!

3. But now you are not like that

You are very big now,

We have come to congratulate you

Welcome to first grade!


1c: Well, guys, aren’t you tired of playing school? No? Then we continue. (bell rings)

2c.: And now there will be your favorite lesson - a music lesson!

Children take music out of their briefcase. instruments - ORCHESTRA

1st century: Our bell is ringing, singing

Invites you to a lesson.

2v.: If you want to be healthy,

Don't be afraid of doctors

So we need to try


Playback: It's physical education class now!

Song about exercise "Radiant Sun"

Cheerful music is playing. Auntie Kashletushka and Uncle Sneeze enter the hall, dancing. Auntie coughs endlessly in different directions, Uncle sneezes and takes out handkerchiefs from numerous pockets.

T.K. (looks around). Well, it looks like we've come to the right place. Look how many children there are, girls and boys. Finally, we will do what we love. (rubs hands).

D. Ch. Let's get busy, we'll definitely get busy - a-a-apchi!

Educator: Be healthy!

T.K. Oh, I hear those nasty words again!

D.Ch. I can’t, I just can’t be healthy. If I stop sneezing, I'll have to part with my wonderful handkerchiefs! (takes out another handkerchief and shows everyone)

T.K. Well, as long as there are diseases in the world, you and I are eternal! Yes, I should cough here So: kha (right, kha (left). And then everyone starts coughing.

After her words, both teachers begin to cough non-stop.

Well, do you hear? As long as people get sick and cough, you and I are eternal. (dance to cheerful music)

1st century: (stops coughing) Hey guys, what's going on here?

2v.: Who came to visit us?

T.K. and D.Ch. Didn’t you recognize us?

Vosp.: We didn’t find out...

D. Ch. Let me introduce myself.: Uncle Sneeze!

T.K. Auntie Kashletushka!

1st century: For some reason we haven’t seen you before in our kindergarten...

2v.: For some reason we don’t remember you...

T. K But we remember you still so small. You were sick then, sick, sick, sick...

D.Ch. (dreamily) Yes, those were golden times, not like now. The children stopped getting sick completely!

T.K. And why? With them are Nina Nikolaevna and Tatyana Gennadievna from morning to lunch in the gym hall: sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up, one-two, one-two.

D. Ch. And the nurse, Lidia Vasilyevna, directs the tube quartz at them, and directs it...

T.K. Exactly. You used to run away to group, and there Taisiya Nikolaevna with general cleaning and cross-ventilation!

D. Ch. You rush into the music room, and there Ekaterina Anatolyevna sings songs with the children, strengthening their lungs...

T.K. That’s it, otherwise it’s even worse - with your own dancing: leg to the right, leg to the left... Ugh, even disgusting!

D. Ch. They completely tortured the kids, they don’t let them get sick in peace

T.K. What are we here for? We will help the kids!

D.Ch. Get to work!

They walk around the hall, coughing and sneezing in all directions.

1v.: What is this? So our guys will start coughing and sneezing! Hey, stop it right now!

2v.: We are here at holiday gathered, we escort the children to school.

Continue to sneeze and cough

1v.: Yes, we cannot cope with them ourselves. Here you need the help of a professional. We need a doctor! But who, guys?

Children: Dr. Aibolit!

2v.: But where is he now? Maybe in Africa, on the Limpopo River? How can we call him?

Children: We need to sing them a song.

Song about Doctor Aibolit

(The Doctor appears with a medical case)

Aib. What's happened? Tell me.

Who's sick here? Show

1st century Dear Doctor Aibolit, our children can get sick.

2c. And if they get sick, they won’t go to school.

Aib. (thoughtfully) So-so.

T.K. So we say, why should they go to this very school?

D.Ch. (waving a handkerchief) There's no need to go there at all

Aib. Ah-ah-ah. old friends - T.K. and D.Ch.! That's why I need you.

T.K. D. C Why?

Aib. I wanted to treat you to one delicious mixture.

Teachers pass a tray on which lies a spoon and a bottle of medicine

T.K. (suspiciously) potion?

D.Ch. (with interest) Delicious?

Aib. (pours the mixture into a spoon, hands it to D. Ch.) Delicious, delicious. And very useful

D.C. drinks the spoon and hands it to T.K.

T.K. (sniffs the potion) It smells somehow suspicious... isn't it castor oil?

Aib. Not castor oil, but cough and sneeze mixture

T.K. Ha ha ha! What a funny Aibolitishka! We cannot be cured. We will always cough. Like this. (tries to cough but can't). Oh, what's wrong with me? Nothing works out

D.Ch. It can’t be! You, Auntie, try again. (he tries. But it doesn’t work)

T.K. Nothing comes out - I don’t cough!

D. Ch. Come on, I- ah...ah...and I can’t either. Doesn't sneeze me-e-e (cries, burying his face in Auntie’s shoulder)

T.K. (crying) What does all this mean?

Aib. This means. That you are definitely healthy now!

T.K. and D.C. We! Are you healthy? A-a-a (they cry even louder)

1st century Why are you crying?

T.K. We don’t know what to do with us now...

D. Ch. We have long forgotten what it means "be healthy"

2c. It's very nice to be healthy. A healthy person is always cheerful and cheerful, he is interested in everything, he plays, sings, dances and...

Together: He's doing well at school!

T.K. And we, too, will become cheerful and cheerful?

D. Ch. Will we learn to sing, dance, and do well in school?

1st century Certainly! Let's guys teach T.K. and D.Ch. a fun dance?

2c. So, look at the guys and dance with us!


1st century Our school game has come to an end. We are glad that everyone is happy and healthy...

1st century That you know how to be friends and help each other...

2c. That you value and respect those. Who has done so much for you over the years!

1st century Now all we have to do is walk you to the school door.

T.K. This school again? Tell me, what's so interesting about it?

D. Ch. Isn’t it possible to do without these same schools?

1st century Don't you know what would happen if there were no schools in the world?

T.K. and D.C. NO!

2c. Then listen to the song called... “IF THERE WERE NO SCHOOLS”


1st century Well, now you understand why we need schools!

T.K. It seems they understood. We also want to go to school with you.

D.Ch. We will also have notebooks, books and briefcases! But we don't have briefcases!

T.K. (Noticing a large briefcase) Although no, it seems that I have already found my briefcase. 9

D.Ch. (noticing him too) And I found it!

They approach the briefcase from different sides, hug it, look at it, closing their eyes with pleasure and not noticing each other.

T.K. Here it is, my briefcase!

D. Ch. Wonderful briefcase!

Suddenly their hands touch, they open their eyes in surprise and notice each other. Their mood immediately changes.

T.K. But this is my briefcase.

D.Ch. No, mine.

T.K I saw him first!

D. Ch. And I was the first to remember that at school you need a briefcase. Me-e-e (sticks out tongue)

T.K. Oh, take it!

She tries to reach Chihaya, but her briefcase gets in the way. D.Ch. continues to tease, the heroes begin to run around the briefcase. Teachers intervene.

1st century Stop it now!

T.K. He wanted to take my briefcase!

D. Ch. No, he is mine (there is a dispute0

2c. Shame on you! You are acting like little children! Don't you know the school rules?

T.K. and D.Ch. Which ones?

1st century You can't quarrel or fight at school. All our guys know this.

T.K. Now we know it too. But we need a briefcase!

D. Ch. Yes, yes, please give us this wonderful briefcase. We will go to school with him.

2c. But the briefcase is not real.

T.K. and D.Ch. How can it not be real?

1st century He's beautiful and shiny

Only he... isn't real!

We prepared it for our children to play at school.

T.K. Well, now we won’t have briefcases, which means we won’t be able to go to school.

2c. Don't worry so much. We'll definitely come up with something.

The teachers approach the children and quietly agree on something. T.K. and D.Ch are trying to overhear what is being said, but...

1st century The guys and I decided to help you. We have real portfolios for you

T.K. and D.C. Ur-r-ra!

Playback Bring in your briefcases!

Music is playing. Two boys solemnly bring in real briefcases. Having received them, they thank the children.

1st century Now all you have to do is collect your briefcases, putting in them what you will need at school.

T.K. and D.C. Oh, we can do it! This is us in a moment!

To cheerful music, they go for a large briefcase and return, barely dragging real briefcases.

2c. You packed your briefcases quickly! But why are they so heavy? You probably put all the textbooks in the world in them?

T.K. What kind of textbooks are there! There is no room left for them.

D. Ch. Here we have everything we love, everything we need.

1st century Can we take a look at your portfolios?

T.K. and D.C. Yes, please!

1st century (takes out a two-liter bottle of Coca-Cola from T.K.’s briefcase) What is it?

T.K. This is for wetting your throat before answering in class.

1st century (takes out a huge lollipop) What is this for?

T.K. And this is my school breakfast

1st century (takes out a large watch) Well, why an alarm clock?

T.K. (offended) Why is this so? What if I fall asleep so soundly in class that I don’t hear the bell for recess?

1st century (takes out a pillow) Who wants a pillow?

T.K. Yes, for me, of course. If I still want to sleep during recess...

1st century So, you don’t know how to pack a briefcase, T.K. Do kids need these things at school?

Children: No!

2c. Maybe D.C. with this coped: his briefcase will be lighter. Oh, what is this?

One by one, the teacher takes out handkerchiefs from Sneezing’s briefcase.

Why do you, D.Ch., need all this at school? After all, you have already recovered.

D. h. Yes, it’s like that, out of habit.

2c. You don't need them anymore. Let's get them out of here.

The teacher takes another scarf and pulls out a whole bunch of 30 scarves. Sounds fun

music, everyone is tangled in their scarves, but finally the bunch ends

1st century Guys, we can’t do it without your help from T.K. and D.Ch.

2c. Help them assemble their briefcase correctly.

Attraction game "ASSEMBLE YOUR BRIEF"

(two teams of children alternately put school bags into items: albums, primers, notebooks, pencil cases)

1st century Well, now you know what a schoolchild should carry in his schoolbag?

T.K. and D.Ch. We know. Thanks for the science, guys. Meet me at school. Goodbye! (LEAVE)


1r. Do you hear the cuckoo calling?


The hour of farewell has come

It's very sad to leave

2 rub. Last time in festive hall

We were in the spotlight

Well, goodbye to our beloved hall

You often come here to us the holidays were calling.

3 rub. Our goodbye group,

And there are cribs in the bedroom.

Now they are waiting for us

Notebooks at school.

4r. Wardrobes in the locker room

A little sad

As if to go

They want to go to school with us.

5 rub. Our beloved garden, don’t be sad, don’t be sad

And with us, with the kids, you say goodbye

We'll go to school, and you'll be replaced

The babies will come - a change of toddlers.

6r. We go to school and we talk:

Kindergarten, beloved, thank you for everything"

7r. Bow to everyone and thank you very much

For affection, care, warm welcome.

We will always remember our preschool childhood,

And tomorrow we will all go to school together.


1st century The sun is shining tenderly in the sky

The breeze plays with the leaves

Well, we are very sad today

We say goodbye to our beloved children.

2c. Ours has come to an end holiday

We want to tell you guys

How hard is the moment of parting?

Let's not talk "GOODBYE"

Together: We'll still say "GOODBYE!"


1st century Expensive Graduates! The farmer of the garden addresses you with kind, parting words.

2c. Word to parents! GIFTS FOR CHILDREN

Characters: 2 Presenters, Vrungel, Miracle Yudo, Shapoklyak, Marya.

Progress of the event:

(To the music from the film “Hearts of Four” “Everything has become blue and green around” the presenters come in, pick up one toy at a time, spin around with them, press them to themselves, as if remembering how fun they had before, go to the window, put them on palm on the forehead (they are looking for children), out of boredom they sit down to play chess, but after three moves sadness sets in and they cry, as if wiping away tears. The recording “Children's Laughter” plays, then beautiful, gentle music, children run into the hall with beautiful balls in the shape of hearts (inflated with helium) and stand in a semicircle. Children squat, spin, and gently press the balls to their chests)
1st Presenter: Today is graduation. There is sadness and joy in my heart.
My own children have grown up. What a pity!
2nd Presenter: Look how everyone has grown up (pats the head) Obedient and beautiful,
Today you are graduates
And so irresistible (admires)
1st child: It’s not in vain that our mothers congratulate us from the bottom of our hearts today,
We have become students, We are no longer kids!
2nd child: Today we’ll say “Goodbye!” And teachers and nannies,
Everyone who loved us was glad to see us, Farewell, beloved kindergarten!
3rd child: Today we were hardly recognized by all the guests who gathered in our cozy hall. Came here for the last time.
Remember us forever!
4th child: We leave our hearts for you as a souvenir. May they please you and always amuse you!

(Children take turns, loudly call their names and surnames and beautifully let go
hearts! They fly to the ceiling)

2nd Presenter: Today, guys, we see you off, We wish you more A’s and B’s, So that every teacher at school can say: “You worked hard for A’s in kindergarten!”
1st child: Goodbye, our kindergarten, teachers, friends!
Everyone is happy for us today, And mothers’ eyes are sparkling!
2nd child: Don’t worry, our mothers, we won’t let you down,
In the warm autumn, we ourselves will go to school happily!
3rd child: Say goodbye to kindergarten, We all came today.
We have to get ready for school. We are seven years old, we have grown up.
5th child: I really want to study, I promise not to be lazy,
And always by seven o'clock, I will wake up myself.
6th child: I will keep my books, pens and notebooks in order.
I will be a student
With a real diary!
7th child: In summer, autumn, winter, the Garden greeted me like a home, We can all repeat:
Everyone (in chorus): It was good to live here!

(Children sing the song: “Kindergarten is a magical land.”
Words and music by O. Shaporenko)
1st Presenter: Today we are seeing off our children to first grade! As a farewell, we invite you to dance a preschool waltz!

(Children perform the Waltz dance.
Music by I. Strauss. After the dance, the children sit on chairs. There is a knock on the door.)
2nd Presenter: Someone is knocking on our door, but is afraid to come in here.

(Children of the younger group enter the hall to the song “Top, top, stomp the baby”)

Teacher of the younger group: Dear children, today we came to the holiday to congratulate you on your transition to first grade. Children of the younger group:
1st child: Today is the last ball, For you, graduates,
School lessons and school bells await you.
2nd child: We will be very sad without you in our native garden.
Come visit us at least once a year!
3rd child: We envy you a little: You are almost schoolchildren.
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you a bon voyage!
(Children of the younger group sing the song: “Congratulations to the kids for
graduates”, Words and music by S. Solodova. After the song, the children of the younger group give gifts to the graduates and leave the hall to the song “Top, top, stomp the kid.”)

1st Presenter: Never with a fairy tale,
Never break up.
Let the years go by,
Return to fairy tales again.

(Music plays (background for the film), Captain Vrungel enters the hall)

1st Presenter: Look, guys! And here is the captain, who has traveled and seen many countries! A cap, binoculars, looking at the horizon... It seems to me that he is a real captain!
Vrungel: Greetings! I am very glad to meet you - sea captain Vrungel Khristofor Bonifatievich! ABOUT! Yes, you have here, as I see, fun is in full swing!
For what reason did you gather?
1st Presenter: Today is both a sad and a happy day - we are seeing off the children to school. Vrungel: So, you know that the “School Regatta” started today.
All famous captains take part in it. We had to deliver valuable cargo for the children who would be entering school for the first time this year.
But bad luck - our compass broke and we lost our course! In addition, our valuable cargo was rudely stolen by someone!
1st Presenter: What to do now?

Vrungel: We urgently need to go in search of cargo! I see that my team is young, and I need help. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me alone to keep order on the ship.
(To the presenter): I appoint you... as my senior assistants. 1st Presenter: What should the guys do?
Vrungel: Like what? Actively help in the search! Are you ready to swim? (Children answer) Attention! Raise the anchors!

(Game: “Raise Anchors.”
Equipment: A cord 1 m long is attached to a cylinder with a diameter of 0.5 cm,
the second end of which is attached to a small load (anchor). Rules of the game: Two children play. The goal of the game is to use your fingers to twist the cord and lift the load (anchor) as quickly as possible.
The game is played 2-3 times.)
Vrungel: Listen to my command! Let's start saying goodbye! (To parents) Fellow mourners! Please do not shed tears on the deck! (To children) Be equal! Attention! Sing a song!

(Children sing the song: “ Wonderland childhood",
Music and lyrics by A. Evtodieva. After the song, the children sit on chairs)

Vrungel: Full speed ahead! Our path lies in the next fairy tale! 1st Presenter: Yes, full speed ahead!

(Music plays, the Captain looks through binoculars. Miracle Yudo appears)

Miracle Yudo: Wow! Who dared to invade my domain?! It hasn't been here for three hundred years
the foot of a man has stepped!
1st Presenter: Oh, mommies, who is this?
Miracle Yudo: I am the sea Miracle Yudo!
Welcome guests!
Where are you going, why, where are you from?
Answer quickly!
Vrungel: Hello, sea Miracle Yudo! The guys and I decided to go in search of valuable cargo, which is intended for future schoolchildren. This is the road that led us to you.
Miracle Yudo: For schoolchildren? And who are these school-ni-ki? 1st Presenter: These are children who study at school.
Miracle Yudo: School... School... What kind of animal is this? And I didn’t hear it by ear, and I didn’t see it by sight! Why do you need it, this school?
1st Presenter: What are you, Miracle of the Sea! People really need school! All children want to go to school. They look forward to classes.

Miracle Yudo: Yeah, you probably have to study a lot, work hard, get up early, and I really don’t like that.
1st Presenter: Oh, you! So you will remain ignorant. Now our guys will tell you what school is and why it is needed.
1st child: What is school? How can I answer you?
This is where all the children rush in the morning.
2nd child: What a strange question, If you have already grown up?
If it’s seven, then it’s just time to get ready for first grade!
3rd child: What is school? How can I answer you? Changes and calls, buns in the buffet.
4th child: What is school? How can I answer you?
This is the place where you learn about everything in the world.
5th child: And the marks in the diary, and the task on the board.
You will learn and understand everything if you go to school!
Miracle Yudo: Oh, this school is boring, but I’ll never go to school anyway. Why do I need to learn all these letters and numbers, I already have a good life.
(Thoughtfully) Guys, imagine what could have happened if there were no schools at all.
1st Presenter: And our guys senior group They will now show you what could have happened if there were no schools.

(The song “They teach at school” sounds, children of the senior group enter the hall. They stage the song “If there were no schools”
Words by Yu. Etnin, music by V. Shainsky)

Children of the older group:
1st child: You will go to school soon, And we will grow up,
Only the kindergarten is fun, We ask you not to forget.
2nd child: Mom bought me books, I’ll play at school,
I will plant a doll with a bear, I will teach them to read.

3rd child: I’m a little girl, I want to tell everyone a secret, My sister promised me,
Take me to school too.
4th child: We also wish you to learn a lot of new things.
And your beloved kindergarten, Never forget!

(The song “They Learn at School” plays; the children of the senior group give gifts to graduates and leave the hall)

Miracle Yudo: Well, okay! Although unconvincing, it is entertaining! And I have a passion for having fun! Maybe you can come up with something else for me, my beloved?
1st child: If suddenly a real disaster happens to you,
Who will come to your aid, who will always be there?
2nd child: Answer my questions, Look around,
After all, believe me, everyone has such a reliable friend.
3rd child: We can’t live in the world without a friend or girlfriend.
So come on, guys, Let's cherish our friendship!

(Children perform the dance “Friendship”,
Song "Friendship", gr. Barbariki)

Miracle Yudo: Okay, so be it, I see that you guys are friendly, I’ll show you the way to the next fairy tale! Swim, captain, straight there!

(Points in the direction, waves goodbye, leaves the hall)

Vrungel: Straight ahead, full speed ahead!
1st Presenter: What are we going to do now, it’s time for us to have lunch!
Child: We are completely hungry
Mom, I’ll even eat porridge!
Vrungel: What should I feed you?
Maybe catch some fish?

(Game: “Jolly Fisherman”)

Vrungel (looks through binoculars): Attention! The next fairy tale is right on course!

(Music from the film “Crocodile Gena” plays, Old Woman Shapoklyak appears with the rat Lariska)

Shapoklyak: I’m very glad to see you, friends!
I'm a crazy old lady!
My rat is with me
Named Lariska,
Don't you want us
Take it with you to first grade?
1st Leader: If you want to join us,
We will test your knowledge
Do you agree?
Shapoklyak: We agree!
1st Presenter: Come on, Shapoklyak, tell me, what is two plus three? Shapoklyak: It will be. it will be. Something like six! 1st Presenter: Children, is the correct answer? Children (in chorus): No!
1st Presenter: Well, Shapoklyak, you haven’t learned to count, but our graduates can count. Guys, let's show Shapoklyak how you can count.

(Game: “Whose circle will gather faster?”.
Rules of the game: While the music is playing, the children walk in a circle, holding hands, with the end of the music the leader says: “Gather together in groups of two.” Children should
quickly change lanes, two people at a time. The game continues: “In threes, in fives, etc.)

1st Presenter: Well, well, Shapoklyak, you don’t know how to count, you don’t remember about exercises. What should I do with you? Are you even able to put together a briefcase?
Shapoklyak: Why collect it? It's not difficult at all. Stuff everything in and that's it.
1st Presenter: There is no need to stuff anything in there, especially everything in a row. You need to fold your briefcase very carefully. And only those items that may be useful at school.

(Competition game: “Collect a briefcase”)

Vrungel: Eh, Shapoklyak, well, you don’t know how to do anything! Shapoklyak: How is it okay?! I can hit light bulbs with a slingshot! And throw watermelon rinds on the asphalt so that someone falls,
yes as it should. And I’m very good at putting buttons on the teacher’s chair. And much more.

1st Presenter: No, Shapoklyak, our children do not need such “skills”! And you, if you really want to go to school with the guys, try to quit your bad habits!
Shapoklyak: You are evil! I'll leave you! Lariska, come on, bite them! (Scares the children with Lariska) Go, go to your school! We will somehow manage without you!

(Shapoklyak leaves the hall)

Vrungel: Attention! Let's set a course for the school islands! Full speed ahead!
1st Presenter: Captain, the coast of humor is straight ahead.
Child: Humor means laughter.
A good joke for everyone.
Humor is you and me
And funny friends.

(Comic scene: “Petya goes to school.”
Characters: Girl - presenter, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather,
boy - Petya)

Girl: It’s Petrushka’s holiday today:
Our Petrusha is a first grader!
He's walking down the street
Surprising all the people.
Only. Petya is not alone.
Who is behind Petya? Let's see.
Adults and children watch.
And for Petya. the train is moving.

(Petya appears, followed by mom with a bouquet, dad with a briefcase, grandmother with
pie, grandfather with a stick)

Girl: Who is in a hurry for Petenka? Mom: Mommy.
Girl: Who is running after Petenka? Dad: Daddy
Girl: Who is hobbling after Petya? Grandma: Grandma! Girl: Who groans, but catches up? Grandfather: Grandfather!
Girl: Well, tell me, why did you cling to him? Is Petya a locomotive?
did you bring the trailers?
Mom: Who will button the shirt?
Children: Himself!
Dad: Who will carry the briefcase?

Children: Himself!
Grandmother: Who will butter the bun? Children: Himself!
Grandfather: Who will tie the shoes? Children: Himself!
Mom: But he’s still small!
Dad: But he’s still weak!
Grandma: He's so pampered!
Grandfather: He's so sick!
Mom: Have pity on him, my first-grader!
Dad: I took time off from work to take care of him!
Grandmother: My grandson is getting thin - I’ll give him a pie!
Grandfather: Skip to class - I'll tie his shoelace!
Girl: This is just nonsense
No good!
We'll take it from you,
Come on, Petrushka, to class.
Petya will be with you soon,
Answer everything: “I myself!”
Who knew the story?
He got it on his mustache!
Don't be alike, children,
Look at Petya like that!

(Children participating in the skit sit down in their places)

Child - boy: You play more fun, Balalaika three strings, Sing along, who knows how, Come out, boys!
1. We begin to sing ditties, We ask you not to laugh.
There are a lot of people here, we might feel shy.
2. Why did I wake up ten times tonight? Because today I am entering first grade.
3. The backpack is a miracle! Only here, dear friends,
All my toys don’t fit into that backpack!
4. Pavlik promised the guys: “I’ll fix the unit.”

If I study a little, I’ll get a D straight away!
5. Stands at the map Student Masha for half an hour.
And he just can’t find where our capital is.
6. Our friend is tired, he’s just sweating from the lesson. Why is he so tired? - He waited the whole lesson for the bell.
Vrungel: Excellent! Our sea voyage continues. Raise anchor! 1st Presenter (looks through the telescope): Comrade captain! Oh, I seem to be far away, I see the edge of the earth!

(Marya the artist enters the hall to the music) Vrungel: Oh, what a beauty! Who could it be?
Marya (bows): Hello, good people! Hello, smart kids! I
- Marya-krasa - long braid. Why did you come to my fairy tale?
Vrungel: Hello, Marya is a mistress! We heard! We know! You can do everything
You can do everything! Maybe you can help us too?
Marya: Why don’t I help?
I'll help if I can!
Tell me your sadness.
Vrungel: You see, the children need to be sent to school, but the valuable cargo is lost. Don't you know where he is?
Marya: I’ll tell you where to look. But first I would like to get to know you a little better. I wonder if you will all get straight A's at school?
Or will the “twos” defeat someone? Now we will check it!

(Game “Collect fives”
Equipment: 2 hoops, grades made of cardboard “fours” and “fives”. Rules of the game: Children take turns running up to a hoop in which fives and fours are mixed.
They take the five and return to their team)

Marya: Well done, guys! Don't let me down! You will receive only good grades! Do you want to see how your parents studied at school?

(Game “Collect fives”
Equipment: 2 hoops, grades made of cardboard “two” and “three”. Rules of the game: Parents take turns running up to the hoop in which they are mixed
fives, fours.)

Marya: Of course, it was a joke. Parents also brought home “B’s” and “A’s” from school.
These are your dear toys, it’s time to part with them. You fed them, gave them water, but this game is over. It's time to get ready for school, but let's not be sad.
Well, now I propose to invite them all to the dance.

(Girls perform the dance “Farewell to toys”)

Marya: Well, it’s time for you to go, So that you don’t go astray, I’ll give you a sign now, Everyone, look here!

(Fairy-tale music sounds, a bottle is rolled out into the hall, with a note in it. Vrungel takes out and reads the note, the children perform movements according to the text)

Text of the note: Go straight first, And then turn left, Take one step, then the second,
And one more, another. Jump forward on your toes
Spin around, turn around, Squat down, turn around quickly. Only the brave, the skilled traveler, will find what he was looking for!

Vrungel (to educators): Senior assistants! Deliver the cargo on deck! Presenters: We have to deliver the cargo to the deck!

(The presenters bring a chest of gifts into the hall for future schoolchildren)

Vrungel: Our task is completed. The valuable cargo has been found and delivered to its destination!
It's good that fairy tales
They don't say goodbye to us
We are all with them
Let's go back to childhood!
Well, it's time for me to say goodbye,
Return to your fairy tale!

(Captain Vrungel leaves from behind the hall)

1st Presenter: Dear Parents, let your guys always make you happy with their
success! But we just want to ask you one thing!
Let your childhood play
Enough, to the full, not in short,
Let me wash myself with the rain,
Let it open like a flower.
Spare the child's soul,
Take care of your eyes,
Don’t reproach yourself for pranks in vain -
Neither a parent nor a teacher.
Let your childhood play
Laugh, jump around!

(Teachers perform a song for children)

1st Presenter: Well, all the games have been played, all the songs have been sung, our holiday has quietly come to an end, and this means the moment of parting is coming!
The time has come to say goodbye to the kindergarten and say the last words.

(Children line up in a semicircle and take turns reading)
1st child: Goodbye, our kindergarten, teachers, friends! Everyone is happy for us today, but mothers’ eyes are sparkling.
2nd child: Mommy, don’t be afraid, daddy, calm down! I will go to school with confidence, we were taught in kindergarten.
3rd child: Don’t be timid and don’t be shy, and try to help your friends, and in all your affairs be no worse than others!
4th child: Moms, we love you very much and we won’t upset you. We promise to get good grades!
5th child: I promise the teachers - I will be attentive at school, I will try not to yawn, and not to count the crows in the window.
6th child: And I want to say in front of everyone - I will answer loudly, So that I can get B's and A's in class.
7th child: Our kindergarten, goodbye! We're off to first grade! Even though parting is sad, don’t worry about us!
8th child: We are no longer children; it’s time to go to school. And at this farewell hour our song is for you!

(Children sing the song “Thank you, kindergarten”)

1st Presenter: We would like to wish you, dear children, to learn, grow, meet new friends. We will always be very proud of you, Walk the stairs of life boldly!

2nd Presenter: The children are leaving along the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From the kindergarten, from the school threshold
We accompany them to school:
Together: Good morning!

(The floor is given to the head of kindergartens, presentation of diplomas, response
word from parents, etc.)

Leading: Today it is impossible to contain the excitement.

Last holiday in kindergarten

Our hearts are warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and will go to school.

And how difficult it is for us to part with you,

And let you out from under the wing into the world.

You became family, you became friends,

And it seems like you couldn’t be found better.

Today, guys, we congratulate you,

You go to school to study and make friends

We wish you all success and health -

And never forget your kindergarten!

Leading: The hall cannot accommodate today

All the guests present

We are seeing off today

Dear children!!!

1 child: First graduation holiday

It's good that it's in the spring.

When everything around you blooms, turns green and grows.

Together with the grass we grow.

We'll go to school soon.

2 child: And mothers look with excitement

On yesterday's preschoolers

And dad’s gaze warms

And my brother winks.

3 child: Even grandma stealthily

She brought a handkerchief to her eyes

Will be a schoolboy from now on

Her dear grandson.

4 child: We ourselves are out of excitement

Forgot all the poems

Were just preschool kids

And now the students.

5 child: With tender sadness “Goodbye”

Let's tell the group we are native

We never parted with her,

Only on weekends.

6 child: There were builders here,

Doctors and tailors.

In our bedroom hundreds of times

We rested during a quiet time.

Song "We are now students"

(Changing up Pinocchio)

7 child: We set the table for dinner,

Studying etiquette

And they drew in albums

House, trees and dawn.

8th child: Other children in September

A new one will come to the group

Well, we'll close the doors.

Great things await us!

9 child: Let's say goodbye to the garden

A school country is waiting for us

And homework

And fun things to do!

10 child: And today is the farewell day

We will not lose heart

We will be with you for a long time

A kind word to remember.

11 child: Teachers and children, teachers, cooks,

Both parents and guests, medical. sister…

Everyone dressed up today and is excited in the morning.

Do not be sad! Goodbye!

It's time for us to go to school!

12 child: To everyone who was next to us,

Raised us, loved us,

He took care of us, did various jobs,

To everyone who worried about us every minute

We will bow now!


Leading: All best songs and fairy tales in the world

I wish I could give the earth to all the children!

So that children grow up kind and sensitive,

So that children grow up brave.

Give them all the sounds and colors,

Help find the firebird.

But in this happy fairy tale

Don't let the cowardly and the wicked in!

Ved: now guys, guess the riddle

And we will find out the name of the hero who will come to us for the holiday.

Carpenter Giuseppe - Blue Nose.

Once I brought a log into the house,

He started making something

The log began to speak,

Who was talking in the log?

Who did Giuseppe make?

(Music sounds. Pinocchio appears with a briefcase.)

Pinocchio: Hello, it's me, Pinocchio.

What is this? What fairy tale have I found myself in?

Leading: You, Pinocchio, didn’t end up in a fairy tale, but on a prom night. Today our children say goodbye to kindergarten to go to school!

Pinocchio: Yes? Wow! What is school? Why is it needed?

Leading: And the guys will tell you about this now.

L. Chadova "What is school."

1 child: What is school?

How can I answer you?

This is where they are in a hurry

In the morning all the children

What a strange question

If you have already grown up,

If 7, then just right

Getting ready for first grade.

2nd child: What is school?

How can I answer you?

This is where you find out

About everything in the world:

About the multiplication table,

About verbs and addition,

About planets, about seas,

That the earth is round!

All together: You will know and understand everything,

If you go to school!

Pinocchio: Ah, it’s clear what school is. And at school it means you have to study.

Leading: Listen to what else the guys will tell you.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness!

Learning is the best wealth.

Learning is always useful.

Leading: And you, Pinocchio, can you write? Read?

Pinocchio: No, I can’t yet.

Leading: We need to study, Pinocchio. Because…

Children: - He who reads a lot knows a lot!

Leading: What can you do, Pinocchio?

Pinocchio: I can play the balalaika, I can even sing ditties.

Leading: This is good! And please sing us a ditty.

Pinocchio: Clean it yourself once a year

I decided to frying pan

But then four days

They couldn't wash me off!

Leading: Yes, Pinocchio, you sing very well.

But our guys also know how to sing ditties.

All children: Place your ears on top of your head

Listen carefully,

We'll sing ditties for you

Very good!

1 child: The new uniform is put on,

White shirt!

Admire me

What a first-grader I am.

2nd child: We feel sorry for the teachers

It's very sad to leave.

If only we were all allowed

Take them with you to school!

3rd child: I go to school with flowers

I hold my mother's hand.

Because of the lush bouquet

I don't find any doors.

4th child: I let you cheat on a test

All problems for Kolechka,

And now in our notebooks

Both have twos!

5th child: My diary,

Like a true friend

He tried for me,

I didn't learn my lesson-

He stayed at home!

6th child: We promise not to be lazy

Don't shout and don't be naughty!

Be exemplary in your studies

Don't let kindergarten down!

All children: What a roar, what a noise,

The walls keep shaking

These are our first graders

Say goodbye to kindergarten!

Buratino: Yes, guys, you sing very well! Well done!

(Changing out Little Red Riding Hood)

Music is playing. Enter the Queen of Mathematics.

Queen: Hello guys.

I am the queen of mathematics.

I came to visit you to test your knowledge.

Pinocchio, first I want to give you some puzzles. To understand how important studying is!

Pinocchio: No I can not. Guys, can you help me?

Queen: Fine!

Listen carefully, do not interrupt, answer the question exactly!

(Riddles puzzles)

1 . Here are the mushrooms on the meadow

They are wearing red caps

2 mushrooms, 3 mushrooms

How many will there be together? (5).

2. Katya's mom sewed it

7 buttons on the dress.

One came off and was lost.

How many buttons are left on the dress? (6).

3. There are tubs against the wall,

Each contains exactly one frog.

If there were 5 tubs,

How many frogs were there in them? (5).

Well done!

Well, Pinocchio, now do you see how important it is to go to school, study and gain knowledge?

Pinocchio: Yes I see. And now I will definitely go to school and be a diligent student.

Queen: Let's go, I'll accompany you.

(The Queen and Pinocchio leave)

Leading: Guys, let's guess the name of the next fairy-tale hero who will come to us for the holiday.

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

Gave her a red cap

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name.

(Music sounds. Little Red Riding Hood appears)

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello, guests!

Hello guys.

You recognized me?

I came to visit you. And I want to tell you riddles.

1. New house I carry it in my hand. The doors of the house are locked.

And books, pens and an album live in that house. (Briefcase)

2. The white pebble melted and left marks on the board. (Chalk)

3. Either in a checkered pattern, or in a line, write on me! (Notebook)

4. Where does the student hide?

Pencil and pen?

I probably guessed

He has a big...(Pencil case)

5. Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller. (Book)

Little Red Riding Hood: Well done boys! You did a good job with my task.

And I see that you are well prepared for school.

Well, I say goodbye to you. Goodbye.

( Little Red Riding Hood goes to the music)

Leading: Now listen to the poems that our children have learned.

Z. Petrova “In 1st grade”

Very soon, very soon

I'll go to school.

And for the first lesson

The bell will call me.

I really want to study

I promise not to be lazy.

And always by 8 o'clock

I'll wake up on my own.

I'll keep it in order

Pens, books and notebooks.

Answer 4 and 5 in class!

E. Blaginina “Schoolgirl”

I will turn seven years old this year.

Now I'm big - I'm going to study.

I must study, I must not be lazy.

Now everyone will know that I am a student.

They may ask me: “How are you, Masha?”

What marks did you bring?”

I will turn seven this year

Now I'm big - I'm going to study.

Ved: We are preschoolers today

We'll see you off to first class.

Let me say goodbye

Let me dance for you.

(Children dance dance)

Leading: Our children have prepared a surprise for you, parents. Our orchestra.

  1. Glockenspiel.
  2. Triangles + bells.
  3. Spoons, maracas.

Leading: One, 2, 3, 4, 5.

We start to play.

We will be with you. Brothers,

We train

So that on the first day of September

We can quickly collect our briefcase.

Game "Collect a briefcase"

Leading: You should always try

And work hard

Who looks sad there?

The music starts again.

We don't allow boredom.

We invite you to sing a song.

Children sing the song "Karapuz"

(We change the children's clothes for the stage)

Presenter: Now let’s listen to the poems that our guys prepared.

Naydenova« I'm learning letters».

I hid the dolls, I don’t want to play.

I don’t have much time, I’m learning letters!

From them I make up words myself.

I read it myself: “Firewood” and “Tra-va.”

Firewood is in the yard, and grass is in the meadow.

Demyanov. "Briefcase"

Not a briefcase, but a sight for sore eyes -

Two locks, 2 compartments!

For notebooks, primers...

Together with mom on Sunday

I didn't go to the store in vain!

And September is already so soon

Few days left to wait!

I go back to the briefcase,

He is the cutest of all the toys!

I stood with him at the threshold,

I walked with him at the gate.

I let my watch down a little -

September will come soon!

Leading:- Tell us, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents, do you love your children?

Well, of course yes!

Do you know what happens when parents are too gentle and spoil their children?

They do everything for them, considering them small. Now we will show you a story in which you may recognize someone...

Scene "Petya goes to school."

Leading:- Well, our wonderful holiday is coming to an end.

1 child: The bell called us all,

It's time to say goodbye

Oh, how I don’t want to, friends,

We have to leave the garden.

2 child: We came to the nursery with kids

They couldn't even hold a spoon.

And now you see everything for yourself.

We have grown wiser here and grown up.

3 child: You were our favorite home,

He warmed his own with goodness.

And more than once we will remember

About you with great warmth.

4th child: Our favorite kindergarten,

What a pity to leave!

It's time to study

We'll have to say goodbye.

5 child: Farewell, beloved kindergarten

Goodbye songs and dances.

And happy holidays

Wonderful, like fairy tales.

6th child: To everyone who every minute

Worried about us;

We talk together

All: Thank you-

Many, many, many times!

7 child: We are sad, it’s a pity to leave

We promise to visit our garden,

But the time has come to say goodbye.

All children: Goodbye we want to say!

Song "Farewell".