Makeup for brown eyes for a wedding. Wedding makeup for brown eyes Wedding makeup for black eyes

Of course, girls with brown eyes look beautiful without any makeup. But on your wedding day, even the most expressive eyes should be suitably decorated to make them even more striking.
The most successful type of wedding makeup for a brown-eyed bride is soft, velvety, smoky makeup in the spirit of smoky-eyes. Indistinct, blurry colors will be more than appropriate on such an important, solemn day, when the bride looks innocent and chaste.

Step-by-step wedding makeup for brown eyes in the spirit of smoky-eyes

Step #1. The eyelids - both upper and lower - are prepared for applying cosmetics. For this purpose, they are tinted with a concealer of a natural color.

Step #2. Outline the upper eyelid with a contour pencil. The resulting line must be carefully shaded.

Step #3. Completely paint over the upper eyelid with dark shadows that need to be shaded.

Step #4. At the border where the dark shadows are shaded and above, apply a lighter tone to the eyelid, which should be well distributed.

Step #5. Apply the lightest shade in a very thin layer up to the eyebrows.
Step No. 6. Apply colored or black mascara to the eyelashes several times.
Step No. 7. We emphasize the lower eyelid with a contour pencil.

Step #8. On the lower eyelid, apply a slightly dark tone to the contour line and blend it with a brush.

Playing in contrast

Now you need to determine what colors will suit a brown-eyed bride. The choice for her is practically unlimited. A rich palette of both warm and cold shades is at your service.

The only prohibition is the entire orange spectrum, which absolutely does not suit brown eyes. The selection of a certain color scheme depends on the natural color type of the girl - the shade of her skin, hair, iris.

So, for example, wedding makeup for a blonde with light skin and hazel-colored eyes will not be the same as for a dark-skinned woman with black eyes and dark hair. Makeup artists recommend choosing contrasting colors when decorating brown eyes. Just playing with contrast will give brides with brown eyes the opportunity to appear before their loved ones in all their splendor.

First, let's decide on contrasting colors for girls with light brown eyes. These are all shades of blue - from sapphire to deep purple. When doing make-up in the spirit of smoky-eyes, a charming woman with hazel eyes should use eggplant, lilac, and violet shadows. It is better to take a blue or purple contour pencil. From the inside, the corner of the eye can be slightly accentuated with a light beige concealer.

For night-black eyes, all shades of white without exception are suitable as contrast. In this case, not only pure white is used, but also intricate shades of pale gold and cream. Outline pencil - black or dark brown.

Many makeup artists believe that it is quite possible for very bright brunettes with brown eyes to use liquid black eyeliner. At the same time, be sure to follow the rule: lines drawn with eyeliner must be round and smooth.

Other colors for wedding makeup for a brown-eyed bride

Almost all brunettes look great with gray shadows from light to cool, rich steel shades.

The special sophistication and charm of a brown-eyed bride will be emphasized by beige-brown and golden tones. Sand shades will also perfectly highlight the beauty of brown-eyed blondes, and pair them with brown pencil and mascara.

Brown-eyed, brown-haired women are guaranteed wild success on their wedding day if they use pinkish flowers. And olive shadows will help create a chic makeup for brides with light brown curls.

On your wedding day you especially want to be beautiful and attractive. The eyes of the groom and guests are focused on the bride, the photographer chooses the best angle... Figure, hairstyle, dress, veil ─ everything is subject to critical analysis, so the bride should look like a feast for the eyes! The eyes always attract special attention. The bride who has brown eyes is very lucky - her eyes are quite expressive, but I want them to glow with even more love and tenderness.

Preparing for wedding makeup

Even bright, glowing eyes require the right design. Photos from a professional photographer taken three to four days before the wedding will help you choose the right makeup for brown eyes for your wedding. This way, the bride will be able to evaluate how comparable the image created with makeup, hairstyle and outfit is to her idea of ​​the ideal, and she will have time to get as close as possible to it. And at the wedding she will be perfection! It is very important that the makeup completely matches the bride’s mood. Only she herself can feel it.

There is another reason to start preparing for the wedding in advance, a few days in advance. You should cleanse your skin and prepare it for applying wedding makeup. For this, various mattifying tonics, lotions, and cosmetic milk are used. It is important to remember that after a procedure such as peeling, the skin will take several days to fully recover. Good hydration will speed up skin recovery and improve its condition. It is advisable to use only proven cleansing creams and masks. Moisturizer is also applied to the area under the eyes.

Skin toning

Applying makeup on your wedding day begins with correcting problem areas of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté: capillary “stars”, bags and dark circles under the eyes, various redness. After such “masking”, a foundation with a dense texture is applied with light rotational movements to keep the cosmetics intact for the entire duration of the wedding.

The foundation will help even out the skin color, and to do this, it should be carefully shaded so that there is no visible border between the neck and face. This can be done with light movements of your fingers or a damp sponge. After this, it is advisable to apply a layer of transparent powder with a large round brush to set the base, and only after that apply a layer of foundation powder.

The emphasis of wedding makeup is on the eyes

The emphasis of makeup for a wedding is mainly on the eyes of the bride, so the choice of cosmetics should be approached responsibly. Makeup should not be annoying or flashy; it only emphasizes the natural beauty of the bride. When designing brown eyes, you need to avoid clear lines, refrain from using dark shadows and black eyeliner pencils, and try to emphasize the tenderness and femininity of the bride.

Both fair-haired and brunettes with brown eyes are recommended to use muted, discreet shades for wedding makeup. For shadows, it is better to choose smoky gray, olive, soft pink, beige, golden, light turquoise color tones. Eyeliner pencils can be dark gray or brown. A white pencil is also used.

Makeup sequence for brown eyes for a wedding

First, using beige shadows or a special foundation, the eyelids are matted, then sequentially, shadows of a lighter shade are applied to the part of the eyelid closest to the bridge of the nose, and darker ones are applied to the outer corners of the eyes. Brown-eyed beauties can use contrasting shadows for wedding makeup; it is important not to overdo it. The boundaries between the shadows are carefully shaded. The lower eyelid is lined with a white or light beige pencil, and a dark pencil is used above the upper eyelid.

For fair-haired, brown-eyed brides, shades of blue, mauve or cream are more suitable; for brown-eyed brunettes, golden, brown or marsh-colored shades are more suitable. You shouldn’t get carried away with shiny rhinestones for the eyelids, because the glare from them can interfere with high-quality photography, but you can use shimmering shadows.

It is recommended to use moisture-resistant mascara, taking into account the duration of wedding events. You can glue on a few artificial eyelashes to create a deeper look. You can lightly powder your eyelashes before applying mascara. This will prevent them from sticking together.

Eyebrows require careful care; their shape on this holiday should be truly ideal. It should be adjusted the day before to eliminate redness. Before the wedding, eyebrows should be lightly lined with a pencil that matches the bride’s hair color, then combed with a special brush and secured with gel.

In wedding makeup, the main emphasis is on the eyes, and the lips should not stand out too much. Lipstick or gloss can be used in soft colors, light pink or soft berry shade. To prevent long-lasting lipstick from drying out your lips too much, it is better to use it with lip gloss of the desired shade.

The final step in wedding makeup is applying blush. They must be matte, preferably peach or pink. They should be applied high on the cheekbones, then blended thoroughly so that they do not stand out too much.

Properly done wedding makeup will highlight the natural beauty of the bride, make her feel like a fairy-tale princess, and will delight the groom and guests.

A wedding is undoubtedly one of the main events in life. On this festive day, the bride, more than ever, wants to be more beautiful and happier than everyone else. Each girl carefully selects a dress, shoes and accessories to create an unforgettable image.

Makeup is an integral part of the wedding look. The selected color palette should be harmoniously combined with the outfit and suit the owner’s face type. When choosing make-up, special attention should be paid to the color and shape of the eyes.

Preparing for wedding makeup

In order to achieve perfect wedding makeup, preparation for it must begin long before the ceremony.

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The condition and health of the skin itself is the first thing you should pay attention to before the wedding. Will help bring your skin into good condition cosmetic procedures. They will help not only make your skin smoother and healthier, but also add new notes to your appearance.

The most popular beauty treatments before a wedding are facial cleansing and peeling. Mechanical or hardware facial cleansing is necessary for girls who suffer from problem skin. Ultrasonic cleansing will help girls with less problematic skin; it will cleanse and tighten the pores of the face.

Peeling will help cleanse the skin of peeling, smooth the surface of the skin, and reduce wrinkles. Depending on the desired result, light peeling can be done at home or in a beauty salon. For better results, it is recommended to undergo a peeling course with a cosmetologist, who will select the depth of cleansing for a specific skin type.

Help to make the bride's facial features more expressive Botox injections and contouring with hyaluronic acid. Botox injections will reduce facial wrinkles and, if desired, make your lips fuller. Hyaluronic acid injections will help transform your facial contours. This acid will fill wrinkles under the eyes, in the nasolabial fold, etc.

It is important to remember that after any procedure, a long amount of time must pass for the skin to recover from aggressive influences. Therefore, you cannot carry out procedures right before the wedding.

The rehabilitation period depends on the chosen session and the specialist’s recommendations. Procedures are carried out 1-4 weeks before the ceremony.

The perfect make-up can only be achieved by experimenting and comparing. Therefore, before the wedding it is worth conducting wedding make-up rehearsal and hairstyles. It’s worth making several variations of makeup, capturing them on camera and comparing. Only then will you choose the perfect makeup.

Features of wedding makeup for brown eyes

Wedding makeup should highlight the natural beauty of the bride. If the wedding is in a traditional style and the girl covers her head with a veil, then it is advisable to emphasize the youth and “innocence” of the girl. You need to avoid flashy colors that stand out from the overall image.

If the wedding or banquet is on a specific theme, then the makeup can be more vibrant, free and conceptual.

If you do not plan to use the services of a professional makeup artist, you should take care of your own cosmetic products. It is necessary that they be as durable and high quality as possible.

A touching event is planned, so you should think about waterproof eye cosmetics. Foundations and powder should give a matte effect and eliminate oily shine.

Don't use too much highlighter. Firstly, it is no longer fashionable. And, secondly, after a few hours of active pastime, the highlighter, together with the shine from sweat, will create the effect gym skin, i.e. skin like after an intense workout in the gym.

If you want to follow fashion trends, but not deviate too much from wedding etiquette, you can use one of fashion ideas:

  • Paint your lips with a wine shade. Over the last couple of years, matte lipsticks in deep colors have been popular, so fashionistas often use them in wedding makeup. The right shade of red lipstick is perfect for brown-eyed girls.
  • Most often, wedding makeup focuses on the eyes. Recently, there has been an increasing trend to focus on the lips, keeping brown eye makeup minimal. If you have a beautiful smile and straight teeth, then feel free to paint your lips in rich shades of red.
  • Use glitter. Apply some glitter to your eyes, cheekbones or hair. This will make the image festive, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  • The arrows are white. You can often see white arrows at fashion designer shows. This fashion was adopted by makeup artists, using them in evening and wedding makeup. Light arrows will beautifully highlight brown eye color.
  • Smokey ice brown. Brown or plum shades will deepen brown eyes without looking provocative.

Before applying eye makeup, you need to analyze not only the color, but also their shape. Large, almond-shaped eyes are considered “beautiful.” Therefore, when doing makeup, makeup artists strive to visually bring the eyes to this shape.

The following are distinguished: eye shapes:

  • Close or wide set;
  • Round, almond-shaped;
  • With raised or lowered corners of the eyes;
  • Deep set or convex.

The right makeup artist will help correct the shape of the eyes according to the bride’s wishes.

Eyeshadow color palette

Girls with brown eyes are a little luckier than those with other eye shades. Brown-eyed people can afford different colors, but do not forget that each shade is individual.

When choosing a color scheme, you should consider recommendations:

  • Lilac shades of eyeshadow are suitable for girls with light brown eyes with a golden hue;
  • Warm and cool shades of pink will perfectly highlight brown eyes with a hazel tint;
  • Natural, pastel colors are suitable for any brown eyes. For example, pearl, velvet pink or golden. The light palette is ideal for wedding makeup, making the image even more delicate and feminine;
  • Brown can also be considered a universal color for brown eyes. By making a smooth transition from light to dark tones, you will get a beautiful classic makeup for brown eyes.

A new trend that has moved from high fashion to wedding fashion is red eye shadow. Reddish shades will be very interesting, and most importantly, they will look appropriate if you first take care of your skin tone.


There is also a place for arrows in wedding makeup. If necessary, they will perfectly emphasize or correct the shape of the eye. The main thing is to keep it simple rules:

  • The arrows should not be thick or very long. This kind of makeup is inappropriate for a wedding celebration.
  • If you decide to focus on the arrows, then you should not combine them with bright, contrasting colors of eye shadow and lipstick.
  • Eyeliner doesn't have to be black. You can try, for example, brown color, which will look more natural compared to black.

Arrows that end along with the lash line or are slightly elongated are ideal.

Lips and blush

Blush you should choose natural, pink shades. Blush should be applied only to the apples of the cheeks to refresh and enhance the beauty of the face.

The shade of blush is selected in accordance with the color and undertone of the skin. Skin tone can be determined by looking at the color of the veins on your wrist. If your veins are bluish-green, then you most likely have a warm undertone. If the veins are bluish-lilac, then it is warm. If both green and purple shades are present, then the skin is neutral.

When choosing blush, you can use cheat sheet:

  • Soft pink blush for fair skin with cool undertones;
  • Peach, apricot and other shades with a yellowish tint are suitable for girls with fair skin and warm or neutral undertones;
  • Brighter tones (berry, lilac, plum) are suitable for girls with medium skin color and cool undertones;
  • Hot pink blush is suitable for dark-skinned girls.

If you can’t resist emphasizing your cheekbones, then lightly brush them with bronzer in the area under your cheekbones and blend them out.

In classic wedding lip makeup, preference is given to nude shades. Beige, peach, caramel, lilac, dusty pink are the ideal colors for a special event.

The advantage of soft lipsticks is that even if they wear off during the day, it won’t be so noticeable. You can apply a colorless lip gloss on top of the lipstick, which will add volume to your lips.

If it was decided to focus on the lips, then you can use more saturated shades of red, matte wine colors.

In order to beautifully perform wedding makeup at home, you should practice so that there are no unpleasant surprises on the special day. Also, if you plan to use new decorative cosmetics in wedding makeup, then you need to test it in advance for an allergic reaction.

Step 1. Cleansing. Thoroughly cleanse the skin of dust and makeup residues using foam or gel cleanser. If necessary, you can use a light scrub on your face and lips to get rid of flaking.

Step 2. Care. Moisturize your face and lips. Use nourishing cream and lip balm according to your skin type. Before applying makeup, you can also use a moisturizing face mask for a better effect.

Step 3. Base. Apply foundation or primer to face and blend. Primer will make your skin look more even. Mattifying primers control the appearance of oily shine on the surface of the skin.

Step 4. Skin tone. Apply concealer to the area under the eyes, corrector to problem areas and foundation (BB, CC cream). Blend cosmetics using a brush or sponge.

Step 5. Apply light pink blush to the apples of your cheeks and blend as much as possible using a wide brush. If necessary, you can do a little facial contouring.

Step 6. Perfect eyebrows. Comb your eyebrows and draw a line with a pencil along the upper and lower hairline, blend with a brush. The color of the pencil should not differ much from the color of the hair. The ideal shade is a color 2-3 shades darker for blondes and 2-3 shades lighter for dark brunettes. Fill the inside of the eyebrows with pencil or shadow and blend. Comb your eyebrows again.

Step 7. Eye makeup. Make a neat, thin black arrow along the hairline, and also apply a little light shadow to the inner corner of the eye. Apply dark brown shadows on the inner and outer parts of the mobile eyelid. Apply golden shadows to the middle of the mobile eyelid and blend until a smooth transition is formed. Apply dark shadow in a thin line under the lower lash line and blend. Complete your brown eye makeup with mascara.

Step 8 Lip makeup. Clean the skin of your lips and apply hygienic lipstick. Draw a contour around your lips with a pencil in the same color as your lipstick or a couple of shades darker. Blend the product using a stiff lip brush. If necessary, you can go a little beyond the contour of the lips to visually make them a little wider. Apply lipstick and blend using a lip brush. If during the process you notice that you have gone unsightly beyond the contour of your lips, adjust your makeup using a cotton swab. Apply clear lip gloss to add volume.

Step 9 Set your makeup with mattifying face powder and your wedding makeup is complete.

Wedding makeup for brown eyes and blonde hair

If you have blond hair and dark eyes, evening makeup allows you to create many interesting, festive looks.

In wedding makeup, blondes should pay close attention to the design of their eyebrows. They should not be lighter than the hair color, but also not contrasting. A shade 2-3 shades darker than your hair is best. Eyebrows can be tinted with a light brown pencil or filled in with eye shadow.

When choosing eyeshadow, blondes can choose peach shades; olive-colored eyeshadow will look impressive. You can also complement the look with notes of lilac, blue or sand shadows.

Don't forget about black or brown mascara. You can also use false eyelashes to create a more attractive look.

Wedding makeup for blondes with an emphasis on the eyes

In wedding makeup brunettes It is allowed to use brighter shades.

Just like blondes, dark-haired beauties will suit shades of pink in their eye makeup. For brunettes with brown eyes, shades of bronze, as well as blue and pink colors are perfect, which will highlight the individual beauty of the eyes. To enhance the shade of eye shadow, you can use pigment.

A highlighter will add a little shine to your evening look. It is enough to apply a little product to the t-zone, cheekbones and corners of the lips and you will get a fresher and healthier complexion.

Bold brunettes who want a brighter look can resort to classic makeup with red lips and black eyeliner. But in this case, you should not use bright eye shadow so that the image does not turn out vulgar.

To create a more festive wedding makeup, you can use liquid shadows and glitters. Light, shimmering glitter on the eyelids combined with mascara will look amazing.
Wedding makeup for brunettes with an emphasis on the eyes


If you are the happy owner of dark curls, then for sure, in addition to an undeniable advantage over blondes, you also have a bright appearance. Brunettes most often have dark skin, which makes makeup on such a face look especially impressive. In this case, the wedding look is chosen with special pleasure, the makeup looks more expressive, and the contrast of the curls against the background of the white dress makes the image even brighter. Wedding makeup for brown eyes of brunettes, the photo of which you see below, must not only be chosen correctly, but also correctly depicted.

Basic makeup rules for brown eyes of brunettes for a wedding

  1. To begin with, you should choose a makeup artist who you can trust with your look on this important day for every bride. You should not skimp on trial makeup, which is applied a few weeks before the wedding. The price is several times cheaper than standard wedding makeup, and the benefits are unimaginable. The tastes of the bride and the stylist do not always agree, and such a discrepancy can spoil the wedding mood;
  2. Cosmetics should be of high quality and last well all day;
  3. Makeup should match the bride's color type and the shade of the dress. For example, the bright white color of the dress is suitable for fair-haired and blonde women, but the champagne color suits dark-haired and brown-eyed girls more.

Color spectrum

Many shades suit girls with brown eyes and dark hair. Chocolate colors, delicate honey tones and all brown tints will look especially good. Such shades well emphasize the natural beauty of dark eyes and make the look more expressive, but at the same time very natural. If you have chosen a sandy palette of warm tones, then you can dilute them with darker colors. A good option for brown-eyed brunettes would be a pink palette. These tones are suitable even for dark-skinned girls, whose makeup should be done in moderation in everything so as not to overload the face with many tones.

On the day when a beautiful girl gets married, everything must be perfect, so the bride carefully prepares for this event. In addition to organizing wedding events, even more important is the creation of a formal image - the choice of a wedding dress, accessories, hairstyle and application of festive makeup, which is selected individually taking into account the shade of the iris. What should be the wedding makeup for brown eyes – dark and mysterious? Below we will discuss the features of applying makeup, nuances when choosing shades, and the dependence of the range on hair color.

Features of wedding makeup for brown eyes

If a representative of the fair sex is the happy owner of brown eyes, there should be no doubt about what to focus on. Over the past two years, a new fashion trend has emerged and gained significant popularity - bright lips and an almost complete absence of makeup on the eyes, but in the case of a dark iris, there is nothing better than emphasizing the expressiveness of the gaze. Brown eyes by their nature have warmth and depth, so even without professional makeup they look charming and mysterious.

The bride’s task: to make the correct cut of this jewel for her brown eyes, to help them shine even brighter. A few weeks before the wedding, the hero of the occasion should study makeup options that suit the brown iris of the eyes, and then choose one or two. Together with a makeup artist, a girl can try to implement both methods of applying the chosen makeup, take photographs, and then determine which one will look better with the wedding dress and the rest of the image as a whole. A few tips to help brides do the right brown eye makeup:

  • The foundation for the face should not be too greasy, of good quality, long-lasting, so that during the wedding the ideal tone does not become stained or lumps.
  • You should not use radiant powders - they can highlight skin imperfections (fine wrinkles, unevenness). The same goes for eye shadow, eyeliner, and lip gloss.
  • The ideal tone color is natural. It is worth abandoning options that are too dark or light.
  • It is important not to overdo it with blush. If the clear lines of the cheekbones look good in a photo or in the evening, then in natural daylight such makeup will look vulgar.
  • A concealer is a good helper when you need to hide small wrinkles and acne.
  • A light-reflecting concealer applied to the lower lids of brown eyes can highlight them even more.

Color palette

A rich range of colors for makeup suits brown-eyed beauties:

  • First of all, you need to turn to warm chocolate, brown, nutty shades, the color of coffee beans, and delicate honey shades. These shades will perfectly highlight brown eyes and make the look natural. A warm sand color scheme, which is best used with contrasting dark shades, will also look great. It is important to take into account the bride’s color type when choosing makeup; if warm brown is combined with a cool skin color, it is better to give preference to a monochrome black and white palette.

  • Girls with brown eyes can also turn to the use of bright, cool shades - cornflower blue, blue, lavender, violet. Green and herbal colors look good - these colors are most suitable for blondes. The only colors that should be avoided at all costs when creating wedding makeup for brown eyes are terracotta and orange. These shades can “extinguish” the radiance of the dark iris, making the look dull and shallow.
  • As for the type of holiday makeup itself, the ideal option for a special event would be a smooth gradient transition from the lightest area of ​​applying shadows (in the inner corner of the eye) to the darkest (in the outer corner) - this way the makeup will turn out to be gentle and touching. It is advisable to carefully shade all applied shadows to avoid too sharp, aggressive lines, although the intensity of the makeup itself for brown eyes should be higher than with regular daytime jewelry - then the resulting result will be clearly visible in photographs.

  • If the bride likes to surprise and look shocking, brown eyes allow you to make the colors of the festive makeup contrasting and the transitions sharp. A make-up in which the brown iris is favorably emphasized by arrows, and an unusual shade is applied on top - lilac, green or pink - will look beautiful. It is worth understanding that makeup must be combined with the rest of the image, bright color must be present in other details.

Choice of eyeliner and mascara

Considering that the main focus of a girl’s makeup will be her eyes, it is recommended to use eyeliner and mascara. They must certainly be of high quality, because pencil-drawn contours and lush eyelashes will attract the attention of those present. It is better to choose a black liquid eyeliner; the intensity and fat content of the application will vary depending on the wishes of the bride. This tool is perfect both for emphasizing the eyes with light, delicate makeup, and for more daring solutions, for example, with smokey eyes.

Lipstick and lip liner

If a representative of the fair sex with brown eyes decides to focus on them, then lipstick should be chosen in calm, light shades. Do not overdo it by lightening the lip tone too much, otherwise the bride will look too pale in the photo. Lipsticks in natural skin tones are ideal for this type of makeup, without using too much shine.

For this make-up tool, you must definitely use a contour of a suitable shade, a little lighter - for a smooth transition to the skin, a little darker - to clearly outline the lips. The pencil can play the role of a “sculptor” to give a more beautiful shape to a part of the face, and will also provide indispensable help during a busy wedding day - thanks to the contour, the lipstick will not “bleed.”

Wedding make-up for different hair shades

The selection of holiday makeup depends on the color type - autumn, winter, spring or summer. A brown-eyed girl should think not only about the compatibility of makeup colors with the shade of her eyes; the tone with which her hair is dyed or the natural appearance of her hair and skin tone play a big role. Hair color determines the saturation of the selected shadows, foundation, brightness of transitions, and the level of contrast of the applied materials.

For blondes

It is easier for those with blond hair than for brunettes, brown-haired women or redheads to create a gentle, fragile image of a touching princess. Blondes with brown eyes look interesting and unusual on their own, so the only thing a girl needs to do is just to slightly highlight this beauty. Blonde brides may prefer delicate lavender, pink, lilac, blue, white, and sand shades. You should not experiment with dark colors - in combination with bleached hair, such shades will be too heavy, the look can become gloomy and unattractive.

For brunettes

Brown-eyed brunettes look bright and beautiful. Their appearance is so contrasting that they often do not require special makeup, although dark-haired girls can safely use brighter, richer makeup during a wedding than is recommended for blondes. Well shaded smoky shadows will make the look more mysterious, and wedding makeup for brown eyes with arrows will create the image of a confident girl who knows exactly what she wants. Brunettes should not be afraid to use bright pink, purple, brown, and golden shades of eyeshadow.

Step-by-step photo instructions for DIY makeup

Many girls, learning makeup at home from videos, photo tutorials, with the help of books or on the advice of friends, have achieved such skill that they can create a unique wedding look on their own, without the help of a professional makeup artist. To make a high-quality formal makeup for brown eyes, the bride will need to arm herself with the appropriate tools - tweezers, an eyebrow comb, brushes for applying and shading eye shadow, as well as essential makeup elements - foundation, powder, concealer, eye shadow, blush, pencils.

In the style of smoky-eyes (smoky eyes)

An interesting style of smokey eye makeup has achieved great popularity due to the fact that it helps to correct the shape of the eyes, making them expressive and shining. There are countless options for applying this makeup - from an evening method to a gentle daytime one. The bride is recommended to give preference to a more relaxed smoky eye style, unless the theme of the wedding suggests otherwise. How to do beautiful makeup:

  1. The first step is to create an even skin tone. To do this, you need to use a foundation, a concealer to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, as well as a special foundation that is applied to the upper eyelid and will allow the shadows to last all day.
  2. The second step of makeup is eyeliner with a soft black pencil. The line should be thin, neat, and after application you need to shade it thoroughly.
  3. The third step is to apply the lightest shade of eyeshadow (in this case, a shimmery white-silver). You need to paint the area under the eyebrow and the inside of the eyelid with shadows. If desired, a girl can simplify her task: as shown in the photo, cover the entire eyelid with a light shade.
  4. Next, a brown shade is taken, the area from the outer corner of the brown eyes is painted with it - approximately until the middle of the eyelid, everything is shaded.
  5. Then you need to apply the shadow to the edge of the outer corner of the eyelid and begin to shade it, as shown step by step in the picture.
  6. The makeup is completed with additional lining with a pencil, if the occasion requires it, as well as the use of high-quality mascara.

With red lipstick and arrows

Makeup that uses red lipstick with eyeliner is a classic evening look. This traditional makeup option is perfect for brunettes with brown eyes, although blondes can also look stunning with this technique, as long as you choose the right colors. How to do classic wedding makeup with arrows and red lips:

  • Apply foundation to the face, correct imperfections, hide dark circles under the eyes.
  • Lightly powder your face.
  • A small amount of blush will make your cheeks more “alive”. For this makeup, pale, natural colors are recommended so as not to create even more contrasts.
  • Use suitable light shades of eye shadow to make the arrows look more flattering and the look to be more radiant.
  • Starting from the middle, draw the outline of the arrow from the bottom and top, then draw a line from the outer corner of the eye to complete the stroke, as shown in the photo.
  • When the outline of the arrow is ready, you need to paint over the empty spaces with eyeliner.
  • Use a pencil to slightly tint the lower eyelid and shade it.
  • Apply mascara that will separate and visually lengthen the eyelashes on brown eyes.
  • Apply lipstick of a suitable shade to your lips. Brides with brown eyes should avoid classic colors to make their makeup more festive and memorable.