Methodological manuals for kindergarten teachers. List of exemplary educational programs, methodological literature, manuals for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards up to

Poglazova O.T., Popova S.V. Getting ready for school. Methodological recommendations for a textbook for preschoolers Together with a fairy tale

A manual for preschool teachers and parents. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010. - 182 p.

Ulashenko N.B. Organization of theatrical activities.

Preparatory group.2009 (jpg)

Zenina T.N. Notes of familiarization classes

preschoolers with natural objects.

Preparatory group

Vershinina. Vasilyeva.

Comprehensive diagnostics of program mastery levels.

Preparatory group


Enrichment and activation of vocabulary.

Preparatory group

Nature is all around us.

Entertaining materials. Kindergarten,

Preparatory group

Tikhomirova L. F. Development of children's cognitive abilities.
A popular guide for parents and teachers.

Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.

The book contains games, tasks, exercises that allow you to successfully develop such cognitive processes in children, such as perception, memory, attention, which is necessary for their preparation for school and further successful learning and intellectual development.

Paramonova L.A. Theory and methodology of creative design

in kindergarten, M.: Academy, 2002. - 192 p.

The manual, in line with the system developed by the author, describes the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the formation of creative design in children 2-7 years old; new technologies for teaching design from all kinds of materials (natural, paper, construction sets, etc.) are presented. Various forms of organizing this work are shown, and foreign experience in the field of children's creative design is highlighted. The book may also be of interest to students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions, preschool teachers, and parents.

Shvaiko G.S. — Games and game exercises for speech development

(Collection of games for speech development), Enlightenment, 1983

Litvinova, M. F. Russian folk outdoor games. Allowance for a teacher kindergarten. / M. F. Litvinova; edited by L. V. Ruskova. - Moscow: Education, 1986. - 78, p.

The collection presents Russian folk outdoor games, as well as their variants. The rules of the games are stated, guidelines teacher for their organization with children preschool age.
The collection consists of four sections: running games, ball games, jumping games, low mobility games. The appendix contains ancient and modern rhymes.

G.F. Martsinkevich. Lesson plans. Teaching literacy to preschool children.

I.A. Bykova. Teaching children literacy in game form"Childhood-Press"

The game techniques and lesson notes proposed in the manual will allow preschool teachers, speech therapists and parents to prepare children for the correct perception of speech sounds and writing. The book contains funny rhymes about letters and development games. fine motor skills will contribute to their better preparedness for schooling. Classes can be conducted individually or with a group of children.
Designed for preschool teachers, speech therapists, parents of preschool children.

The arrival of a baby in a family is associated not only with joy, but also with worries about his future. One can hardly dispute the importance of a good education and all-round personal development, but not all parents and, especially, grandparents understand that the foundations for this are laid at a very early age. If a child attends kindergarten, we can hope that his development will proceed properly, because these days excellent manuals have been developed for kindergarten teachers.

A large amount of methodological literature on child development early age Published by Mosaic-Synthesis. And although these manuals are called “Manuals for kindergarten » , they can also be successfully used by parents. With the help of these guidelines, you can guide the development of a child literally from the first moments of his conscious life.

Methodological manuals for kindergarten are produced in series. "Educator's Library" offers educators and parents various games and exercises that undoubtedly contribute to the development of the child. Yes, the book Sensory development Children of early age (1-3 years) develop their sense of touch, hearing, and vision. Changes in children's imagination and ways of fixing it are traced in the manual “Development of the Preschooler's Imagination.”

Lack of imagination or its weak development has become a true scourge of our civilization. How often, when watching a new film or visiting opening days, one has to admit that the authors have a lot to achieve success, but a lack of imagination reduces the value of what they have created. Imagination and creativity are closely related, but it is needed not only in creative professions. We can only be glad that teaching aids for kindergarten pay attention to this issue.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the manual “Development of Dialogue Communication. Speech and verbal communication of children." Scenarios developed by methodologists help to intensify communication, with the help role playing games the child learns dialogical communication.

Considering manuals for educators published by Mosaic-Sintez, one cannot fail to mention the series “Education Program “From Birth to School.” With the help of these teaching aids, manuals, notes and workbooks can be obtained comprehensive development preschoolers.

All manuals for educators published by the publishing house are certainly aimed at age groups children. For example, in the author’s program “Mathematics in Kindergarten” by V.P. Novikova, you can find lesson notes and workbooks for children 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7 years old in separate books. Also focused on different ages and the author’s program by S. N. Nikolaeva “ Environmental education in kindergarten."

The publishing house has published not only books to help educate children, but also to then check learning results (monitoring).

Many books of this pedagogical publication are stamped “Recommended by the Ministry of Education” Russian Federation". "Mosaika-Sintez" is rightfully considered one of the leading publishing houses in the field of preschool care and education.

The authors have developed an intensive methodology that ensures the development of communicative abilities of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. The book, consisting of 2 parts, contains a system of lessons that develop the ability to communicate in typical everyday situations.
The publication is addressed to kindergarten teachers, teachers primary classes, as well as parents who can carry out speech training for the child at home.


The manual contains discussions about the rules of etiquette. In an accessible and fun way, children become acquainted with the rules and norms of behavior accepted in modern society. They learn how to greet adults or each other when meeting, what polite words need to be said in various situations, how to properly talk with people, talk on the phone, behave in public places, at home, at the table, how to give and accept gifts.
The manual is addressed to educators, tutors, parents, teachers junior classes. Can be used for collective and individual training.


The notebook is intended for classes with preschoolers suffering from speech disorders, as well as for children without speech problems. A series of exercises promotes the development of a child’s speech. The subject corresponds to the program speech therapy groups kindergartens and programs preschool education. The notebook is an addition to methodological development E.N. Krause “Practical speech therapy. Summary of classes on speech development in preschool children." This technique has been tested on speech therapy classes where its effectiveness has been proven. The workbook can also be used by parents and tutors for home study with children without speech disorders.


The textbook includes a program for preschool educational institutions. Basics of safety for preschool children and a system of developmental tasks for children of older preschool age. The tasks involve different forms of interaction between children and adults (games, trainings, classes, conversations) and are aimed at developing the foundations of environmental culture and values healthy image life, careful handling of dangerous objects, safe behavior on the street.
Workbooks for children developed based on this content will help them learn more effectively. new material.
The set consists of a teaching aid and 4 workbooks and is intended for both kindergarten teachers and parents.

Workbooks for the manual - issues 1, 2, 3.


I sewed a shirt for a bear
I'll sew him some pants
I need to sew a pocket on them
And put some candy.

Mnemonic tables are especially effective when learning poems.
Using supporting drawings to teach memorizing poems captivates children and turns the activity into a game. This method is especially effective for children with speech pathology. In preschool age, visual-figurative memory predominates, and memorization is mainly involuntary. The visual image that the child retains after listening, accompanied by viewing the drawings, allows him to remember the text much faster.

The archive contains 39 poems with mnemonic tables.
see continuation....


The manual presents recommendations, didactic techniques, and experience in developing the song creativity of older preschoolers. In the development of musical classes using technologies according to the system of K. Orff and E. Notdorf, the mechanisms of creative thinking are involved, conditions are created for nurturing in children interest in the process of composing, a sense of self-worth, and self-realization. The benefit is intended music directors and teachers of preschool educational institutions, students of pedagogical colleges.


The book presents rough planning mathematics classes for a year. The structure of the classes allows you to combine and successfully solve problems from different sections of the program. The proposed system of classes, which includes a set of tasks and exercises, various methods and techniques for working with children (visual, practical, playful), helps preschoolers master the ways and techniques of cognition, apply the acquired knowledge in independent activity. This creates the prerequisites for the formation of a correct understanding of the world, allows for a general developmental orientation of learning, connection with the mental, speech development And various types activities.
Game situations with elements of competition, used in the classroom, motivate children’s activities and direct their mental activity to find ways to solve assigned problems. The methodology of conducting classes does not involve direct teaching, which can negatively affect the child’s comprehension and independent performance. math assignments, but implies the creation of situations of community and activity. Activation of mental activity develops the child’s active position and develops learning skills.
The scope of classes allows teachers to realize their creative potential and take into account the characteristics of a specific group of children.


A lot of attention needs to be paid to raising a child in preschool age. First of all, this is necessary in order to correct and direct the child’s development in the right direction, which will make the process of personality development harmonious. It is also important that all practical techniques that are used for education in preschool age are correct and appropriate and do not harm the baby.

A manual for kindergarten teachers: why is the Internet not suitable?

Many parents who send their children to kindergarten and teachers mistakenly think that they can count on the help of the World Wide Web to find the necessary benefits. There is indeed a lot of information on the Internet, but not all sources are worthy of attention. Many manuals are very unreliable, and, therefore, it is not advisable to use educational methods given in such sources. And the selection of necessary and worthwhile information itself will take a lot of time, sometimes it does not even bring the expected result.

Any teacher who works with preschool children has at least once been interested in the possibility of finding truly useful literature and manuals. And this is not strange, because no matter how good the teacher is, and no matter how much experience he has, there are no limits to self-improvement. And, of course, you need to draw wisdom from books and manuals.

Motivating children: why is it necessary and is it necessary at all?

Motivation for activity - Organizing time classes (for older children it may be inside the class). At this stage, the child’s positive attitude towards creative activity in the classroom is organized, namely: conditions are created for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in creative activity (“I want”), a content area is highlighted (“I can”): good wishes, moral support, motto, riddle, conversation, message.

Everything for the teacher or the sequence of development of children’s abilities, according to the authors of the manuals

First part of the lesson - communication activity. Communication stage. Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities. This stage involves preparing children for creative activity: updating knowledge, skills, and abilities sufficient to complete creative tasks; training of corresponding creative operations. Recommendations for conducting: collective polylogue, communicative interaction, conversation, use of the emotional component: “bright spot”, praise.

The second part of the lesson - stage cognitive activity. Formulation of the problem.

Construction of a project to overcome difficulties (“discovery” of new knowledge by children). Tasks are planned to enrich and actualize creative experience. Recommendations: use of physical activity, material and materialized models.

The third part of the lesson is the stage of creative activity.

Primary consolidation of acquired knowledge in creative activity. Children solve creative problems in the form of communicative interaction. Recommendations for implementation: communicative interaction based on verbal and symbolic fixation, competitions, game situations.

The fourth part of the lesson is the stage of assessment and control activities. Constant work in the chosen direction of creativity (drawing, design, music, modeling). At this stage of the lesson, an individual form of interaction is used: older preschoolers independently perform creative tasks to apply a new method of action, and independently evaluate their own creative work.

The emotional focus of the stage is to organize a situation of success, which helps to attract children to further creative activities. After completion, the level of compliance with the set goal and the results of creative activity is recorded and the goal of subsequent creative activity is determined.

The use of interactive games (interaction games) in teaching preschool children increases group creative activity, which is based on identifying each group member in a particular situation and encouraging the search for a problem solution.

Authoritative manuals for kindergarten teachers often contain interesting techniques and methods of working with children. Below are the stages of interactive lessons that can often be found in manuals and that any teacher can use.

Communication stage. Motivation. Presentation of the topic of the lesson.

The goal is to focus children’s attention on the creative task and arouse interest in it; ensure that children understand the content of creative activity, that is, what they can achieve in class, what the teacher expects from them. Using questions short stories, small tasks-problems (up to 3 minutes).

Stage of cognitive activity. Getting the information you need

The goal is to give children enough information to perform a creative task on its basis (updating knowledge). A short survey (up to 5 minutes) is appropriate.

Stage of creative activity

The interactive exercise is the central part of the lesson. The goal is to master creative activities. The sequence of this stage: instruction - familiarization with the purpose and rules of creative activity, the sequence of actions and the amount of time to complete the creative task; determining the need for individual assistance; joining groups according to a certain criterion (criteria) or distributing roles; performing a creative task (the teacher is the organizer, the consultant is present, and is nearby); presentation of the results of the work (up to 12 minutes)

Stage of assessment and control activities.

Purpose: discussion in order to highlight the creative work done, to draw attention to the coincidence (or vice versa) of the expected and obtained results. Questions for children: what new did you learn; how it can be used and the like (up to 3 minutes).

The system of tasks offered to children can be called “What have we learned about? What have we learned? " Here are some options for conversation questions: what did you learn? What new did you learn? How? Where will they be applied? What creative task did you find most interesting? What discoveries did you make for yourself? What new things have you learned? What surprised you? What new games do you like? Remember who helped whom in class? What do you remember most? Where did the complication occur? What exactly are you proud of after class? What did you not want to do in class? Why? What didn't you succeed in the lesson? What are the results of the group? (My own)? Who can you praise? Who would you like to brag about your success to? It is possible to use special signals - colors, signs, scales to indicate the degree of achievement of the set goal of the activity.

The principle of dominance: what do they say about this in the manuals?

The principle of dominance in a lesson with children is implemented when educators pay attention to some issue, problem, section, that is, the emphasis is placed on only one (any) type of creative activity with children (this type dominates). Other activities act as auxiliary. The means of education include: a cultural creative environment, communication between an adult and a child, specially organized classes.

When defining and formulating a goal, in addition to the priority goal - development creativity, - the teacher needs to set the nature of the games and exercises, which must necessarily change from lesson to lesson, allowing you to diversify the child’s creative activity, preserving and supporting her positive emotions. Any games only produce results when children play them with interest and enthusiasm. Likewise, creativity is always interesting, a hobby.

If any child’s activity is considered as a kind of creative game, then it will develop such important characteristics of creativity as:

  • speed of thought - the ability to generate the largest number of ideas, in fact - the number of ideas that occurs per unit of time;
  • flexibility of thinking - the ability to easily move from polar phenomena of one class to another;
  • originality - the ability to formulate new, unexpected ideas that differ from generally accepted ones;
  • elaboration - the ability to simply generate ideas, but also to creatively develop them,
  • courage - the ability to make decisions in situations of uncertainty;
  • curiosity - openness and interest in everything new, the ability to notice the unusual in everything ordinary, to be surprised by it.

Among the ways to develop creativity, cognitive activity, independence, and self-realization of children, the need to use a variety of tasks in working with preschoolers should be mentioned. These can be tasks of an educational, developmental, cognitive, intellectual, labor, or creative nature.

As you can see, raising children is such a complex and multifaceted process that it will be extremely difficult for even the most experienced teacher to do without specialized literature. This is the need to choose a reputable manual for a kindergarten teacher. It is the benefit during educational process will be a kind of guide that will not let you leave the right direction and will allow you to get good results.

What creative tasks can be set for preschool children?

The development of creative abilities in preschool children is one of the priority tasks of the teacher. To achieve maximum results, he needs a special allowance.

Based on the analysis of the pedagogical aspects of psychological and pedagogical creative tasks, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of the development of cognitive activity of a preschool child, scientists have developed a classification of creative tasks. At the same time, they took into account inherent in preschoolers types of activities that involve the manifestation of creativity (visual, verbal, musical, mathematical). Thus, authoritative experts have identified the following types of creative tasks (often found in special manuals for teachers and can be used in practice):

  • visual creative drawing tasks different materials; various equipment execution of the drawing; finishing a started drawing (when a certain set of lines is specified) drawing with eyes closed;
  • musical creative tasks for inventing humorous jokes;
  • Singing songs in “different voices”;
  • compositions of dances to music;
  • pantomimic transfers of images such as “unusual dances”, playing in a noise orchestra;
  • verbal creative tasks for choosing a rhyme, composing the beginning and end of a verse; phonetic differences between sounds and selection of options for their use; tasks in dialogue poems; riddle tasks
  • logical and mathematical problems of a variable nature with shapes, quantities, numbers;
  • creative tasks of a combined type.
  • for example, listening to “magic sounds”, their further interpretation in movements, verbal or visual efficiency.

As an analysis of scientific, pedagogical and psychological literature shows, the development of the creative abilities of preschool children is possible under the following conditions:

  • ensuring the personality-oriented nature of pedagogical interaction;
  • pedagogical stimulation of creative self-realization in the process play activity, creation of an emotionally favorable educational environment;
  • the gradual inclusion of preschoolers in creative activities (interpretation, improvisation); the introduction of elements of arts integration into the educational process;
  • compliance with the principles of consistency, dominance and variability;
  • application of developed forms;
  • compliance with lesson technology.

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The educational sphere today is developing at a very fast pace: new scientific developments are appearing, new textbooks are being written, more modern teaching methods are being developed, etc. And for a good specialist it is important to be able to track and study new books in his field. But some books are difficult to find on sale, especially in small towns and villages, so the most convenient option is a proven online store of methodological literature.

"UchMag"- a specialized online store of educational and methodological literature published by the Uchitel publishing house. In the online store "UchMag" The most relevant and high-quality works devoted to various aspects of teaching and learning methods are presented.

The Uchitel publishing house has been publishing literature for specialists in the educational field since 1989, and it is intended primarily for practicing teachers. Most of the authors of methodological manuals are practicing teachers or methodologists of the educational and educational institutions and educational authorities. There are also many works by representatives of higher education, incl. candidates and doctors of science.