Find a sporting event for a mixed age group. Physical education entertainment for correctional groups of different ages "Pirate Island"

  • develop coordination of movements, the ability to maintain dynamic and static balance, orientate in space;
  • to form in children a positive attitude towards their health and that of their families;
  • arouse children’s interest in doing exercises with a sheet of paper together with their parents;
  • bring joy from joint motor activity.

Material: sheets of paper yellow, red and Green colour, audio recordings of the songs “It’s fun to walk together”, “Rain”.

Progress of physical education entertainment

Educator (V.). Welcome, dear guests! We are starting family sports entertainment, in which our nimble kids and their beloved parents take part. We meet the participants.

A sports march sounds, children and their parents enter to the applause.

IN. We received a letter. Let's read it.

I am the autumn breeze

I am sending you a piece of paper as a gift.

It's fun to play with him!

Try to guess

What can a leaf become?

Who is it from? (From “cheerful breeze.”)

The teacher distributes colored sheets of paper from an envelope to children and parents.

IN. We will go on a journey with magic leaves.

Oh, it looks like it's starting to rain:

To avoid getting wet in the rain,

We take the roof with us.

(Hold a piece of paper above your head with both hands.)

Let's wet our hands with the rain: spread them apart... But what should we do with the leaf? Let's put it on his head. But to prevent it from falling, you need to raise your head, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and walk slowly so that the leaf does not fall. Well, shall we try?

The wind blew, it picks up our leaves, tears them off our heads and spins them in the air. (Children throw leaves up and try to catch them.)

After the rain there are puddles everywhere. How can we cross them without getting our feet wet? (You can put leaves and step over them, like over bumps.)

Let's play. Our game is called "Freeze". (Children walk or run between the leaves lying on the floor. At the teacher’s signal, they stand on the leaves, trying to maintain their balance.)

IN. We will make the task more difficult for parents. You need to fold the piece of paper in half, stand on it and stand on one leg, maintaining the chosen position.

Look, the sun came out and dried up the puddles.

Let's make a spyglass. Our “magic” leaf will help us with this. Look how beautiful it is around, what a good and cheerful mood our guests are in!

And now I have a question for the most resourceful and perceptive. How can you move a sheet of paper without your hands? (Press with your knees.) Shall we try to pass? Well done!

But that's not all. There is one more task for you. Please tell me what favorite children's toy can be made using our magic leaf? (Ball.) Of course, it's a ball.

Let's crumple up a piece of paper and turn it into a "ball". Do you want to play? Try tossing and catching the ball with both hands. Now let's throw it and catch it with one hand. Maybe someone will be able to “juggle”? How cool and deftly you do everything! It cannot be otherwise.

Unfortunately, our sporting entertainment is coming to an end. I suggest spreading out our balls and tearing the leaves into small pieces.

Now let's launch fireworks! Hooray!!!


IN. Did we have fun playing?

Are we not at all tired?

We traveled with a “magic” leaf?

What was our leaf?

You showed how dexterous, skillful, resourceful, and most importantly - friendly everyone is.

Thank you all for the good mood you gave.

See you soon!


Create a joyful and fun mood, attach to healthy image life through physical exercise.



  • Contribute to the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
  • Create a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Preserve and strengthen physical health children;


  • Practice walking and running in a column one at a time, completing tasks as directed by the teacher;
  • Strengthen the ability to crawl on all fours;
  • Develop skills in expressive and emotional transmission of game images;


  • Cultivate interest in physical exercise;
  • Develop the ability to play together; friendly feelings, positive emotions;
  • Cultivate a conscious attitude to exercise.

Equipment: letter, “health paths”, mat, baskets - 1 pc., arc, traces”, ribbed bridge, carrots 2 pcs. for each child, musical accompaniment.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall to the music (march)

Instructor: How many guests we have! Let's welcome our guests!

Children: Hello, guests!

Instructor: A letter came to our kindergarten, it is very strange (shows the envelope).

Want to know who sent you the envelope?

The riddle will help you find the answer! - “Long ear, little ball of fluff,

He jumps deftly and loves carrots.” Who is this?

Children: Bunny.

Guys, let's share our health secret? Where does the hare live? (In the forest).

It's time to go to the forest, because a bunny is waiting for us. The road ahead is not easy. We need to cross the bridge across the river and crawl under the gate.

Then let's go!

  1. Musical and play gymnastics

Our little feet walked along the narrow path,

Hands also helped, everyone waved and waved.

Stop. We sat down. We got up. They walked together again.

The rain poured down and thunder struck. We're walking on our toes.

We dusted off our hands and feet, we were not tired from the road.

The children turned into bears

The bears went for a walk,

Brown, furry, club-footed bears.

Turned into roosters

We raise our legs. We raise our legs and sing a song.

We've all turned into horses, and now we're hurrying, hurrying,

kids are galloping briskly on horses.

Our legs ran

We ran along the path

And until we get tired,

Let's not leave each other behind.

And until we get tired

Let's walk together together.

Preparation of equipment (“footprints”, bridge, gates, health tracks)

2. Obstacle course.
Instructor: Well done guys

They immediately became stronger

And blusher, more cheerful

To find the hare

We need to follow the tracks (hands on belt)

Along the ribbed bridge,

On a beautiful carpet,

And then you have to go through the gate,

How do kittens crawl?

Instructor: Here is the hare's house.

Hare: Hello guys!

Children: Hello, hare!

Hare: Thank you for responding to my request. Will you share your secret so that animals don't get sick?

Children: If you start the day with exercise,

So everything will be fine.

Exercise is useful for everyone, everyone needs exercise.

She saves everyone from laziness and illness!

Music (chord)

  1. General developmental exercises “Bunnies”.

Look, kids, at the meadow (let’s hold hands and stand in a circle)

The bunnies stood in a circle.

Bunnies don't want to get sick -

Doing exercises.

The kids repeat

With them in order.

Music (chord)

  1. The bunnies sat on the swing, (spring, arms back) they wanted to swing.

Up and down, up and down -

They rushed straight into the sky (they shake their arms forward and back)

  1. Leaning forward -

let everyone pick a carrot

and - once again, once again,

Our harvest is great. (bend down and take carrots in one hand, then in the other, showing the harvest)

  1. Look how clever it is

the hares hid the carrots.

They showed again -

Shown again

you can’t see that carrot (they hide their hands behind their backs and stretch them forward)

4.One, two, three, four, five,

the bunnies started jumping

the bunnies started jumping -

so that the bunnies don’t get tired, (put carrots in the basket)

  1. Dandelions are flying (hands up)

The rabbit's nose is tickled.

Let the bunnies rest.

Blow on them, guys.

Breathing exercise “Blow on a dandelion”

Bunny: How amazing! Now I will also do exercises every morning! I will try to do physical exercise.

Guys, let's play one very interesting game"The little white bunny is sitting"

Game "The little white bunny is sitting."

Little white bunny sits (Adult sits down)

And he wiggles his ears.

(An adult brings his fingers to his head, moves them, turning left and right)

That's it, that's it

He wiggles his ears.

(Children imitate the movements of an adult and repeat the words after him)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.


We need to warm up our little paws!

(Adult and children clap their hands and repeat the last two lines)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.


The bunny needs to jump!

(Everyone jumps in one place, repeating: “The bunny needs to jump!)

Hare: Thanks guys. I now understand what needs to be done to avoid getting sick.

Children and hare: You need to wake up in the morning and do exercises!

We will be friends with sports

And cherish your health!

Dance: “Everyone plays sports” (children and Hare)

Bottom line. Well done. Guys! Today we did a good thing - we shared the secret of health with all the forest inhabitants. You did all the exercises correctly. We tried, and now everyone is healthy, cheerful and joyful. It's time to return from the forest to kindergarten.

Let's say goodbye to the hare. Goodbye!

Hare: Goodbye!

Instructor: We will go along a short forest road to the group (on toes, hands on belt), (rugs are irritants).

Scenario sports festival on Health Day for preschoolers with parents “We are growing healthy”

Description: Dynamic, sport's event for children and parents of different age groups with an interesting selection of games and relay races. Methodological development will be useful for kindergarten teachers, instructors physical culture, teachers-organizers of children's parties, parents.
Target: introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle through joint sports activities.
1. Interact by physical education children between kindergarten and family.
2. Give children and parents pleasure joint activities physical education, promote the development of positive emotions, a sense of mutual assistance.
3. Promote a healthy lifestyle, encourage family involvement in physical education and sports.
4. Develop physical qualities: strength, endurance, speed, courage, agility, self-confidence; develop communication skills in communicating with peers and adults.
Material and equipment: musical accompaniment, cards with sports, hoops, gymnastic sticks, tennis rackets, balloons, balls, cubes.

Celebration progress:

To the music of “It's Fun to Walk Together,” children and parents enter the hall.
April 7 is World Health Day. How many of you guys know what it means to be healthy? (Children's answers)
What should you do to be healthy? (Children's answers)

To the sports ground
We invite everyone now
Celebration of sports and health
It starts with us!
Exercising is beneficial. After all, every minute of exercise extends a person’s life by one hour. Today we are all together to get a boost of energy and take part in competitions and relay races.
Before starting the competition you need to warm up well.
To maintain health,
Strengthen your body
Go out to exercise
Show off your dexterity.
Musical warm-up "The radiant sun loves to jump."

Leading. Well done! Good exercise strengthens and helps your health.
Leading: There are many types of sports,
You can’t even count everything.
Let's play now
Name the types of sports.

Competition “Name the sports”.
Parents take turns naming any sport, and the children help them.

Leading: And now a task for the children.
I'll tell you riddles -
Guess them guys.

He doesn't want to lie down at all
If you throw it, it will jump.
If you throw it again, it runs at a gallop.
Guess what it is?.. (Ball)

Two new maples
Two-meter soles:
I put two feet on them
And run through the big snow. (Skis)

They stood all summer
Winter was expected.
The time has come -
We rushed down the mountain. (Sled).

When April takes its toll
And the streams run ringing,
I jump over it
And she through me. (Jump rope)

Leading: We don't whine, we don't cry,
We're friends, we don't fight,
We jump through puddles all day long,
We do sports.

Relay race “Raft crossing”.
Parent and child stand in pairs. At a signal, they place one hoop in front of them on the floor and stand in it, then the child places another hoop in front of the parent, and so one by one, jumping from hoop to hoop, they cross to the counter.

Leading: You warm the whole world,
And you don’t know fatigue.
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you... (sun)
Go through obstacles
And bring a ray of sunshine!

Competition "Sun"
The child runs around the counter, takes a gymnastic stick, runs to the hoop, and gives it to the parent. The parent puts down a “ray”, and the child runs after the next “ray”.

Leading: Now let's see with you,
Who can handle the balls faster?

Competition "With balloons".
Children are given one balloon and a tennis racket. Each participant places the ball on the racket, and, carrying it in front of him on a tennis racket, reaches the rack, runs around it and comes back.

Leading: One two three four five,
The little bunny began to jump.
The bunny is good at jumping,
He jumped ten times.

Game "Bunnies".
The parent holds the child's hands. You need to jump as high as possible.

Leading: To the sports ground
The funny ball called us,
So that everyone becomes friends with him
And he became stronger and stronger.

Relay race “Ball for the captain”.
Children are divided into two teams. The captain has the ball. The captain faces his team. The captain takes turns passing the ball using the two-handed chest method to his players. The player catches the ball, passes to the captain in the same way, runs and stands behind the captain.

Leading: The parents rested and we continue.
Don't bother us now
Our construction is urgent.

Competition "Build a fortress"
The child takes the cube, runs along the tracks, and gives the cube to the parent. The parent builds a fortress. The child runs for the next cube.

Leading: There are no losers today
There are simply the best of the best.
May there be light of friendship in every heart,
Will light a ray of good deeds.

Dance "Colorful Game".

Leading: This is where our holiday ends.
Today you were dexterous, you were also brave,
You were strong, you were skillful,
Fast and fun
Friendly and perky.
Dear guys, dear adults, play sports and be healthy.

Sports entertainment scenario " Fun starts" V mixed age group

Sports entertainment in secondary and preparatory groups

« Fun starts»

Educator: Abzgildina A. R.

Target: Develop interest in sports games, improve children's health.


1. Strengthen the variability of exercises with the ball;

2. Strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

3. Foster collectivism, the ability to play in a team, and empathy.

Inventory: fitness balls, cubes, small balls, hoops.

Progress of the event:

To the music, children enter the decorated sports theme of the hall and sit down.

Leading: Sport guys, everyone needs him,

We with We are strong friends in sports,

Sport is an assistant,

Sport - health,

Sports - game.

To all participants - PHYSICAL HURRAY!

Today we will spend together fun sports entertainment!

Let's all warm up together before we start playing games. Guys, do you agree?


Please everyone stand in your places.

Pinocchio stretched,

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over,

Two - bent over,

Three - bent over.

Hands to the side divorced,

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get us the key,

you need to stand on your toes.

And here we have found the key,

Jumped with all our hearts!

(Children imitate the poem, performing movements. Hands up, inhale - stretch; tilt - one, two, three, arms spread out to the sides; stood on their toes and jumped in place).

(Knock on the door, Pinocchio comes in)

Pinocchio: I heard my name, hello guys! What's going on here? Tell me, did I get to the competition?

IN: Hello, Pinocchio! The guys and I were going to spend sports entertainment!

B: I would like to watch you play and cheer for you.

Leading: Of course, look at Pinocchio, you can play with us.

We wish you all great success. May you not feel tired today and bring a lot of joy!

Guys, for the first competition we need 6 people, 3 from the average group and 3 from the senior! Who wants to play?

1. Competition “Kick the ball between the cubes”. The winner is the one who completes the task first without losing the ball. Don't help with your hands.

B: Well done, how smart everyone is!

2. Competition "Running - flying on the cannonball"

(The ball is held between the knees. They jump to the indicated place, then pick up the ball and run back).

3. Game "Guess the view sports» .

Presenter: Pinocchio, let's now check our guys for attentiveness.

B: Lets do it!

V.: Guys, we are now going to show you different movements, and you try to guess what kind is this sports.

(The presenter and Pinocchio show characteristic movements different types sports, and the children try to guess from the spot (swimming, running, skiing sport, ridge sport, football, etc.).

V.: Smart girls! How observant you all are!

B: I have a competition for you too!

Presenter: Guys, aren't you tired? Shall we play?


B: I need players!

4. Competition "Jumping on big balls".

(5 people from each groups get to the indicated place and back by jumping on balls).

Presenter: Well done everyone, I need 6 more players!

5. Game with 2 hoops.

(Children go to the indicated place, shifting and stepping from hoop to hoop).

Presenter: Well done everyone! And finally, let's play another very interesting game.

6. P/I “The goat walked through the forest”.

The goat went through the forest, through the forest, through the forest. (Walk in a circle)

Found myself a princess, princess, princess.

Let's jump with us (3,

We kick our legs (3,

IN: Well done!

Pinocchio: Guys, it was great with you fun to play, but it’s time for me to go home, and so do you. I will come to you more often okay? Goodbye!

(Thank you bye)

Leading: Goodbye Pinocchio, thank you, come again!

To grow and harden

Not by days, but by hours,

Do physical exercise

We all need it, guys!

Well, our competition is over. For your activity and determination, I want to reward you with medallions! Thanks everyone for funny Games ! Goodbye!

(children go to groups)

Publications on the topic:

Host: Hello, guys! Hello guests! We all gathered together for a holiday, but what is it called? Now we will guess. If you are friendly.

Scenario of a sports festival for Family Day “Fun Starts” in a mixed-age group Goal: To attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment. Objectives: Wellness: help strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Summary of sports entertainment “Fun Starts” (for older children) GOAL: To educate moral qualities personality (feeling of friendship, mutual assistance, responsibility). To develop in children a desire to be active.

Scenario of the holiday “Merry Starts!” Host: Hello dear guests! We are happy to welcome you to our sports festival. Study.

Scenario of the sports festival “Fun Starts” for students Scenario of the sports festival “Fun Starts”.

Health day in a multi-age kindergarten group. Scenario

Scenario for Health Day at a preschool educational institution

Program content:
consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired previously;
to form motor activity of children;
create conditions for physical relaxation of children;
strengthen the physical health of children;
increase resistance to colds;
instill love and interest in health and sports;
Nurture good and friendly relationships among children.

Decor: posters with statements about health and sports; illustrations about sports. Photo exhibition “Be healthy”
Morning reception for children:
Hello guys! Be healthy! (Always healthy!) Today we celebrate Health Day.
* please tell me what it means to be healthy?
* What profession do people monitor people's health?
* how to protect yourself from colds?
* why do you need to eat a lot of fruits and berries in summer?
* why do you need to do physical exercise and sports every day?
* what do you like to eat most?
* what is the difference between “tasty” and “healthy”?
D/game “Helpful - Harmful”
Target: clarify children's knowledge about healthy and unhealthy foods; develop attention, memory, cultivate the desire to be healthy.
Individual drawing work:
The teacher offers children coloring pages “Vegetables, fruits, sports”
Target: improve the skills of uniform painting, using pressure on the pencil to enhance the color. Develop fine motor skills, cultivate accuracy and perseverance.
Looking at the poster “Daily Routine”
Target: Explain to children the concept of a daily routine, teach them the need to adhere to a daily routine to maintain health.

Morning exercises
Exercise is good for everyone
Everyone needs charging.
From laziness and illness
She saves us.

Reflective circle
Psycho-gymnastics “So that you grow up healthy, never hang your nose”
Target: developing a better understanding of oneself and others, relieving mental stress, creating opportunities for self-expression.
Teacher: Guys, every person has a good and a bad mood. How to find out what mood a person is in? (children's answers)
Game "Mask". The teacher invites the children to depict different feelings and emotions on their faces. A bad mood does not allow us to be cheerful. Cheerful, healthy. What can you do to get rid of a bad mood? (children's answers) And it's even easier - smile!

Game exercise"Who has a smile"
The slackers are at ease
Bad mood.
Let them get down to business
Then they will laugh.

Self-massage of hands using su-jok
Target: correction speech disorders for preschoolers using a su-jok massager

Sports holiday"Health Day in Yamal"
1. Strengthen physical training skills, develop physical qualities: agility, speed, confidence, courage in games and relay races.
2. Foster a sense of collectivism, the concept of mutual assistance.
3. Ensure children are physically active to improve health and instill healthy lifestyle habits.

Monitoring seasonal changes
Target: to form ideas about changes in nature in late autumn, to learn to distinguish characteristic signs late autumn, recognize them in the poem, draw children’s attention to how they should dress so as not to get sick.
What kind of window is this?
The house immediately brightened up!
This snow lies like a carpet, the very first, the whitest!
This is what I was whistling about all night
There is wind outside my window!
He wanted to talk about snow
And about welcoming winter.
Rowan also dressed up
In a white festive outfit,
Only grapes at the top
They burn brighter than before.
The teacher asks the children questions:
What time of year is November?
How has the appearance of the site changed compared to the beginning of autumn?
How do people dress in autumn and winter?
What should you do to avoid getting sick during the cold season?
Work: filling tree roots with snow
Target: improve work skills, the ability to work together, and cultivate a desire to provide assistance to living objects.
P/games:"Hit the Hoop", "Pair Run"
Target: continue to teach how to run in pairs, throw snowballs at a target
Individual work: sliding exercise
Target: learn to glide along icy paths with a running start.

Awakening gymnastics

Beauty lesson artistic activity
Younger age"Vitamins for guys"
Target: consolidate the ability to draw round objects using a variety of colors, develop aesthetic perception colors, cultivate neatness.
Older age“What do they sell in a sports store?”
Target: learn to draw objects from an idea; practice the ability to make a sketch with a simple pencil. Develop creative imagination, fine motor skills; cultivate interest in sports.

Role-playing game "Hospital"
Target: continue to teach children to develop multi-character plots, encourage improvisation, changing and combining roles, encourage children to use substitute objects, and cultivate friendly relationships.

Reading K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, M. Jason “I wash my hands”
Learning proverbs and sayings about health.
Target: continue to develop interest in fiction; teach to listen carefully to works, memorize proverbs and sayings. Contribute to the formation of emotional relationships to literary works.

D/game “If you want to be healthy”
Target: clarify and expand children’s knowledge about what needs to be done to be healthy, develop attention, intelligence, and cultivate a desire to be healthy.

Independent games for children.
Offer children ring throws and skittles
Target: learn to independently find something to do according to your interests, develop motor activity, strength, and dexterity. Cultivate friendly relationships.

Consultation “Drink herbal decoctions - you will be healthy”
Practical recommendations for parents “Games and exercises for the joy of your children”
Practical advice for parents “How to teach a child to breathe”, “Teach a child to breathe”
Recommendations for parents “The physical preparation of a child necessary for studying at school”
Photo exhibition “Be healthy”

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2. Alyabyeva E.A. Psycho-gymnastics classes for preschoolers - M: Sfera, 2009;
3. Alyabyeva E.A. Logorhythmic exercises without musical accompaniment – ​​M: Sfera, 2006;
4. Dolgova T.L., Kravchenko I.V. Walks in kindergarten- M: Sfera, 2010;
5. Mamaeva V.V., Karpova S.I. Development of speech and cognitive abilities of preschoolers 4-5 years old - M: Sfera, 2008;
6. Ostanko L.V. Health-improving gymnastics for preschool children - St. Petersburg: Litera, 2006
7. Kharchenko T.E. Invigorating gymnastics for preschoolers - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-PRESS, 2010.