Setting up for money and success. Technique for programming yourself for wealth

Do you want to learn a method for programming your own subconscious for wealth absolutely free? And it will only take you 5 minutes a day... You don’t need to meditate, you don’t need to read mantras, you don’t need start-up capital, you don’t need to ask for anything or go anywhere, and you don’t need to have experience to be able to program yourself. The program will start working in any case, since our brain is a computer, and productivity—the amount of our success in life—depends only on the quality of the software of this computer. Well, interesting?..

Do you remember what a worldwide sensation the book and the film of the same name “The Secret” caused? At the beginning of the article you can see a video of the principles of the Law of Attraction by one of the authors - Rhonda Byrne. This is a kind of program to attract the attention of the Universe to your personality and desires. Actually, its essence: you can program yourself for any desired result in life and it will happen.

There are many techniques that explain what “rituals” are needed for this: NLP technologies, Ericksonian hypnosis, visualization of the Law of Attraction... But they all boil down to one thing - how successful and satisfied you will be with your life depends on how good a programmer you are of your life. subconscious.

Most of us sincerely believe that all the joys in life and the disappearance of all problems lie in the presence of money, the accumulation of wealth, since it is money that represents security for most of us in a modern consumer society.

Well... all you need to be rich is your own brain. Here's a simple, proven programming method that works for your well-being.

Step 1. Any program is written in pieces - small logical blocks

First, you must choose a goal to increase your own well-being and it must be specific. And secondly, this goal should force you to act to realize it, and not just bulge your pocket and wait for a piece of gold to fall into it from the sky.

Many teachers and coaches on motivation, self-development and goal setting usually encourage setting ambitious goals for yourself. Like, the higher the goal, the higher you will fly... And most of those who try to learn from them usually set incredibly large goals, which are tens of times higher than what they will ever be able to achieve. The point is that this can work well for people who are already confident in their abilities, who have already been able to achieve something through their own efforts. But for beginners or for people who are not yet familiar with tangible success, this approach is like a disaster.

For example, if you have never flown a hang glider, then you are unlikely to agree to jump off the edge of a cliff on it, no matter how great this achievement may seem for your self-development. For anyone who has had at least some experience of soaring through the air on this thing (even with an instructor), this is just the next logical step in development.

Yes, in theory, all goals are certainly achievable! But in reality, you probably won’t believe in your own strength (the subconscious will not believe in this), no matter how much you convince yourself that you can “move mountains.” Instead of choosing a goal that you internally do not believe in, choose a goal that seems within your power. A goal that you will consider difficult, but not impossible.

So, in relation to our conversation... Don't set yourself a goal of making a million dollars by the end of the year. Internally, you yourself will not believe in such a possibility. It’s better to program yourself for what is quite capable of happening in the next three months. Let's say set yourself a goal
increasing your salary (or sales) by 10 percent. I understand that this doesn’t look entirely exciting, but it’s important to start – start writing “working program blocks”, which you will then combine into a powerful, well-functioning software package that will actually work without failures.

So, the first step is to program a small block of the subconscious with a goal that you internally believe in and believe that you can do. Once you force your brain to carry out this program, you will gain the necessary confidence in your own abilities and see that this is exactly how it works. It is from small things that you begin to move towards big things.

Step 2. Any program must be written down - put into a readable working form

No programmer keeps the program he creates only in his head. I don’t know how Mendeleev came up with his periodic table of chemical elements, but mere mortals usually write down their ideas, then analyze them, correct errors, etc., until they come up with a working product. This is exactly what you have to do.

Once a day, every morning, write down the goal you have chosen. What would you like to achieve? Just write down your mini-goal every morning in your planner - let each day start with that goal. Moreover, each program has its own language that will be understandable to the computer. Your program should be understandable to your brain and, as the Law of Attraction teaches, understandable to the Universe. That's why…

A good format for programming your subconscious is to use sentences such as “I am determined...”, “I choose...”, “I intend...”
For example:
"I'm looking for a promotion."
“I choose a job - now I will sell 10 percent more.”
“I intend to close this deal within the next month.”

It is vitally important to formulate your goal in such a way that the subconscious mind agrees with your attitudes and statements. For example, the statement “I will become richer every day” does not work, because if this is not confirmed, then subconsciously you will feel that you are deceiving yourself even before you finish writing your own thought. If you write down the installation as: “I intend to achieve an increase in salary by so much in 2 months,” then such a formulation does not have any contradictions in your goals, emotions and the environment around you.

That is, the main principle is that your attitude should not contradict the life situation, it should not lie, because this dissonance will be immediately detected by your subconscious and, naturally, nothing will work for you.

Step 3. In programming, the expected result is always known - visualize your future success

After you have written down your goal, you should imagine the result you are striving for. In general, how do programs begin to be written? First, the result they are striving for is known, even the technical specifications are drawn up in such a way that it becomes clear how everything should look and work at the end. It's the same with programming your own mind. You must see the end goal - visually imagine what you are striving for. You must clearly imagine yourself in the future when your goal is achieved and a feeling of satisfaction fills you.

For example, you must clearly imagine that, say, you are closing a profitable deal. You must clearly imagine the moment when the signatures of the interested parties will be put, and you will see the desired figure in your own account. You must clearly imagine this moment and the feelings of satisfaction that you will experience.
What is this for?
You must believe in it, your subconscious must believe that it is possible, which means removing all possible contradictions and doubts. And simply direct you to a given event, to a given goal.

Joy, a sense of success, confidence in the goal - these are all components of subconscious motivation. It’s a stretch, but you can convince yourself of something, but you can’t convince your subconscious. The subconscious must believe you so that there is no contradiction. If the subconscious mind sees the result, the program will start correctly. How to do it?

Simply generate consistently positive emotions within minutes of writing your daily goal in your planner. It’s even better if you attach some kind of positive anchor to this. For example, it’s easy for you to be positive when you drink a large cup of coffee, holding it between your palms (this is an abstract example). Well, visualize the goal exactly like this - immediately after you write down your program in a notepad.

Step 4. Increase program execution power - ask yourself for help

Now that you're enjoying the positive feeling of visualizing your goal, look back at your day ahead and ask yourself, “What can you do today to help your goal come to fruition faster?”

Your subconscious is configured, the program is running, but you don’t know yet whether it works correctly. Your mind doesn’t yet know what steps you need to take in order to achieve the result within the time frame you set. Therefore, your brain-computer needs to help optimize the process of program execution. You have to ask yourself, “What is the next most practical action you can take to move you closer to your goal?”

For example, you know very well that in order to grow in your career, you must demonstrate to your superiors a certain activity that they need for the position for which you are applying. No one will give you a position simply because you launched some kind of program in your head. Your bosses have completely different programs of their own... Well, help your mind to understand the need to “get active” in the workplace in order to get a promotion.

When you receive the answer, write it down in the same notebook where you set the goal. Then take targeted action to help your own program succeed. Your actions strengthen your own subconscious that you didn’t just wish for something, but actually act towards it. As a result, you will not deceive yourself and will not interrupt your own program to achieve what you want.

As a result, you will find that your actions, which previously may have gone smoothly, now go like clockwork, and most importantly, let’s say in our example, management notices your efforts and makes positive marks for themselves regarding your person...

Step 5. The program should run constantly

At this point, a real programmer would write only one phrase: “Go to Step No. 1.” I'll explain in a little more detail...

Do the above steps daily, that is, constantly, until you achieve what you want. Moreover, do not suffer from the disease of Julius Caesar, who did several things at once. Program yourself for only one goal and work daily only with it! Also – don’t change your goal and your program! Scientists say we only use 20% of our brain. So don't load this 20% with something you can't handle. Well, or learn to use your brain at least 80%. True, then, it will be you who will teach others and give advice. Then I’ll be your first student... :)

If you change your goal or no longer strive for it, then choose a new goal and start all over again. Any change in goal is a new goal and you have to start all over again. If you don’t do this, you will again begin to deceive yourself, and the subconscious will quickly “see through” this.

Lack of persistence is the number one reason why so many people fail to achieve their goals.
If you give yourself slack before you reach your goal, then obviously you didn't really want to achieve it... right?
Choose a goal that you cannot do without, that you simply need - and act! Program yourself and act!
This technique takes about 5-10 minutes with your morning coffee and works flawlessly once you practice it.

I tested this on myself. It works for me.
It will work for you too!
Be confident in yourself and achieve what you want! For example, wealth... :))

The easiest way to succeed, become rich and get what you really want is to learn program the subconscious. In fact, subconscious programming techniques are accessible and very easy to understand for absolutely every person. And in order for this to work for you, the most important thing here is to understand the principle of operation of a subtle substance called the subconscious, not to be lazy, to be persistent and to believe in the result.

Good day, blog reader Today, as part of the “” section, we will talk a little about consciousness and subconsciousness. By whom and how our subconscious is formed. And also about how reprogram the subconscious so that as a result your life develops the way you want it.

Speaking about the subconscious, here we can safely say “Everything is in our mind”

After all, who we are in this world primarily and directly depends on what and how we think. And the result is what we do and have in the future.

If a person thinks about poverty, he will live his life in poverty and misery.

If a person thinks about wealth and success, wealth and success will eventually come into his life.

But, in order for this to be exactly the way we need it, it is necessary to understand how and by whom our subconscious and mind are programmed.

Whether you are aware of it or not is your choice, but the subconscious directly influences our desires, goals, thoughts and actions, as well as the path to achieving them.

The subconscious is a kind of program that is not conscious of us, which is located inside us.

The unconscious formation of which begins from the moment of birth and continues throughout our lives.

First, it happens in the family. The actions, deeds and words of parents are perceived by the child as truth, an axiom that does not require proof, and are recorded in our subconscious as a program for perceiving the world.

It is in very early childhood that our attitude to the surrounding reality, an optimistic or distrustful attitude towards people, our views on life, certain behavioral stereotypes, habits and actions are formed.

It is precisely at the beginning of our life that the adjustment and real unconscious programming of our subconscious takes place.

And, therefore, our further actions, actions and, in general, our way of life will depend on these attitudes.

Without fully realizing the mental processes previously created by external sources, over time begin to be embodied in our lives.

And something happens to us that we don’t want, but for some reason, we are not able to control these processes.

Why is this happening?

This is the work of our programs, so to speak, recorded by parents, kindergarten, school, etc., which manifest themselves in the image of our unconscious thoughts, actions and deeds.

It is these subconscious programs that give invisible orders and control our lives and us. They force us to act one way or another in certain situations, direct us in one direction or another in life, and are completely responsible for wealth, success and the construction of our entire life.

Here it is also worth saying that the essence lies not only in the programmed belief in our subconscious.

But whether you like it or not, there is also a flow of everyday information. We are constantly surrounded by ideas, thoughts, and words that affect our well-being, success and wealth.

After all, everything that surrounds us in our daily lives directly affects us not only consciously, but subconsciously.


If we consciously receive a stream of negative destructive information. Our subconscious will eventually translate this into our reality.


If you read good, kind books, you have happy thoughts.

If you read books about horror, nine times out of ten negative events will happen in your life.

When you focus on some news, your brain records this news as a fact. And this news will affect you, in good or bad ways.

Remember one thing.

How you live, what you have, what you do or don't do, what relationships you have, whether you are lonely or happy, every part of your existence is the result of your thoughts in the past.

And it has a direct bearing on what is recorded in your subconscious from the moment of your birth until the present moment.

This is important to understand and remember.

Our every action was programmed earlier. Every word you heard someone say, you took it and consciously placed it in your subconscious for processing. Which in turn was processed as a fact, then created a reaction, and was subsequently transferred to consciousness for subsequent execution.

Programming of the subconscious occurs every day with the flow of information that you receive.

And here it is important to realize, or ask the question, what type of program did we receive previously and continue to receive every day?

If we receive good positive thinking in early childhood, we will eventually become a good creative person, with a strong character and correct moral principles.

But, if from birth a person receives negative emotions and thinking. Such a person will have low self-esteem and will not be able to show his true abilities. As a result, as a rule, he becomes a juvenile delinquent, a drug addict, an alcoholic, and ultimately his life is completely ruined.

Let's take this scenario for example:

The child was born into a very rich and influential family.
This child will be programmed from childhood that money is the most important thing in this world.

The most important thing in life is to have a lot of money. This child is programmed to rule all the laws of life, for him it is centered only around money. Money will always play the most important role in his life.

From birth he was programmed to value, respect and use money as a means to achieve any goals in life.

He will surely look down on those who do not have money, as his family does.

As a rule, such families include those people who achieved their wealth through dirty and dishonest means.

Such a program will bring a lot of misfortune to a person, because it leads the child to the concept that rich people are better than everyone else in the world.

There can be many examples, such as this one, or completely opposite ones.

How many people, so many lives and programs.

But here it is simply important to understand that our thinking is not always OUR thinking, often it is not sown by us from birth.

Moreover, you may not even realize it, because this information is laid in such a way that we do not even know that we have received it.

Programming of our subconscious occurs at an unconscious subconscious level.

That is why it is extremely important to control your thoughts, and external information, every day.

And be able to cut off your attention from those aspects that bring irritation and discomfort into your life.

If you want to live happily in the future, take care of your reality.

It can be compared to a garden.
If you plant roses but don't take care of them and leave the garden unattended, what will happen in it?

That's right, weeds will grow among the roses in the garden, and beautiful roses will become shrubs. Weeds will grow along with the plants and perhaps even choke them out, absorbing more and more nutrients from the soil.

To prevent this from happening, the garden needs to be maintained on a regular basis. A garden that is well cared for will produce fruits and berries in abundance, and will always be fragrant with beautiful roses rather than weeds.

This applies to consciousness and subconscious.
If your conscious mind is dominated by negative thoughts, these thoughts will be processed in your subconscious mind. In turn, they will be used as a setting for further reality in order to be embodied at a certain time.

Therefore, feed your mind only with conscious, creative and good thoughts. These thoughts will be processed in the subconscious and remain in memory to bring beauty into your life.

The main thing to remember is one principle.

The subconscious mind does not know what is right or wrong.
It doesn't know what is good or bad.
It only processes what it receives.
And that's all it does.

You must be able to control all the subconscious processes of your mind.

Because it is your vigilance and control that can prevent bad thoughts from entering your mind. And save you from disappointment and pain in the future.

To reprogram the subconscious, you will have to completely change your beliefs, that is, rewrite your attitudes and habits.

Completely change negative thinking into positive, creative and productive thinking, with the help of which you will know in advance what you need to do to become who you want to be. And then wealth and prosperity will enter your life forever.

By the way, this can be done very simply. To do this, you just need to learn to work on yourself and remove all negativity from your life.

The best way to change previous already recorded programs and attitudes embedded in our subconscious is to replace, that is, to reprogram the subconscious using 3 accessible, simple and effective methods.

All that is needed for this is diligence and the desire to put your subconscious at your service.

Completely change all previously recorded programs.

Develop new habits and program your life, your worldview, according to your personal desire.

Surely you have already come across many available technologies, techniques, methods and methods with which you can reprogram your subconscious.

For the purposes of this article, I will simply list 3 methods that anyone can apply and still quickly get the desired result.

1. Visualization.

You must lose, see what you would really like to have or achieve. To do this, you just need to create various plausible, realistic and highly desirable vivid life stories or situations. And try to give this picture a positive emotion. And the stronger this emotion and your faith in the plausibility of this picture or image, the faster you will be able to make changes to the old program and write into the subconscious a program to implement this task.

2. Self-hypnosis.

This method is aimed primarily at increasing your own self-esteem. This is done by repeating the same positive qualities and statements written down earlier.


Every day, morning and evening, you say to yourself:

I am rich, successful, smart, slim, healthy, handsome, strong, etc..

In short, you really have to believe it, and speak with the affirmation that you are already what you want to be.

After 40 days, the subconscious will add these statements to its archive and enter this thought into its algorithm to complete the task.

3. Meditation.

This is the most effective way of programming the subconscious, and gives the best and fastest results.

But to complete it you will need the ability to concentrate your thoughts and a certain diligence.

The meditation technique really works wonders and, if desired, anyone can master it.

During the period of meditation, you can not only make adjustments to the program of the subconscious, but also make reality correspond to your desires.

Meditation allows you not only to rewrite the program code of the subconscious and make the necessary changes, but also helps to reveal your true talents.

Also, with the help of meditation, you can become calm, balanced, healthy, increase vital energy, and direct all mental processes in the direction you need.

Of course, these are not all methods; in fact, there are many of them. But here it is important to understand that the essence is not in the method, but in patience, perseverance, and the systematic implementation of techniques, plus time.

But I want to say whatever method you choose for reprogramming the subconscious, it will definitely bring results.

Subject to your firm determination to make these changes.

If you feel despair and reluctance, internal compulsion, or discomfort from the fact that you need to change something, or change.

This approach will lead to nowhere or produce disastrous results. It's better not to try to make changes if you don't want to change anything and make changes.

But if you firmly decide that changes are necessary, then you will begin to act right now. In this case reprogramming the subconscious will bring you the desired result, and your life will include happiness, joy, wealth, success, and everything you need to enjoy life and get everything you want from life.

I wish you success and prosperity!
Sincerely, Natalia Butenko!

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A striking example of the fact that the subconscious and money are directly connected is the story of Maria’s friend, who was constantly dissatisfied with her level of income and work. Working through the money blocks helped her correct her situation.

Her prejudices that only “thieves” can be rich in the conventional understanding that a woman cannot achieve high goals without the help of a man seriously hampered the attraction of cash flow into her life.

Only awareness of the blocks, their elaboration using the deprogramming technique, and replacement of prejudices with positive attitudes helped her cope with “fictitious” poverty.

The question arises of how to work with the subconscious to achieve success. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the possible monetary blocks and determine which ones are inherent to a person. There are several psychological blocks that prevent a person from increasing money:

  1. Authoritarian imprinting. Parents were forced to believe that the rich are equal to thieves, for example.
  2. Self-punishment. It consists of deliberate inaction to obtain money. A young person may feel that if he devotes a lot of time to work, he will become too distant from his parents, leaving them alone. However, parents, on the contrary, will be several times happier from the fact that their son has become more successful.
  3. Internal conflict. In this case, a person is constantly looking for confirmation either of why he wants to be rich, or of why he should not increase his income.
  4. Generic programs. A person’s prejudices may be associated with the prejudices of parents, distant relatives who are no longer alive. At the genetic level, a program of non-acceptance of money is reflected in a person. You can check your generic program by analyzing your emotions regarding the following phrases: “Officials have large cottages. He is relaxing in a luxury hotel in Dubai. Prices for travel and housing and communal services have increased.” If phrases of this kind offend a person and cause negative emotions, then they contain generic programs that need to be worked out using the deprogramming technique described below.

The subconscious and money are interconnected; if a person is committed to the opinion that money is not the main thing in life, that money spoils a person, then the subconscious itself will not give him the freedom to achieve financial heights.

Attracting money and luck into your life with the help of the subconscious is based on various types of meditation. The simplest is to say the affirmation every day: “This energy is for my highest good from the point of view of a higher plan.”

By subtly influencing the deep subconscious, such a phrase, after some time, can force a person to look at money, well-being and wealth from a different perspective.

Now money will be associated not with the problem of survival, but with pleasant emotions and feelings. After working through this affirmation for 10-14 days, you can begin meditation using the following phrases:

  1. I approve of myself. I deserve the best. I deserve a life of abundance.
  2. The universe is a cornucopia pouring out upon me. Luxury is an expression of self-esteem and self-love. Well-being is my natural state. I love money and money loves me.

The action of affirmations is based on the principle “like attracts like” or “what is inside, what is outside.” Subconscious poverty and wealth affect a person’s well-being.

Working with the subconscious and removing money blockages can be done as part of the “Feel Rich” meditation. You need to close your eyes and relax as much as possible while lying or sitting.

Then imagine the desired house in detail, yourself in the future, it is important to concentrate on sensations, feelings and emotions. At the end of the session you should thank the Universe. This practice is recommended to be carried out regularly before bed.

An effective method of programming the subconscious

If a person is not yet familiar with the techniques of how to work with the subconscious in order to achieve success, then you can start mastering these types of methods with BSFF. This technology consists of performing the following steps step by step.

Step 1. Find a goal that is a priority at the moment. It can cause stress and negative emotions in a person.

Step 2: Identify biases regarding this goal. For example, a person may constantly say that he is annoyed and enraged by a given goal, that he is too lazy to work on achieving it. Phrases like this may include: “I'm afraid of what will happen when I reach this goal.”

At this stage, the following areas of belief should be identified:

  • regarding yourself (“I can’t become rich”, “I’m lazy”, “I’m not worthy”, “I’m poor but proud”);
  • regarding other people (“what will others think”, “it’s a shame to receive big money when there are so many poor people around”);
  • in relation to money (“money spoils a person”, “money is not the main thing in life”, “money is dirt”, “it’s a shame to think about money”);
  • thoughts about the process (“it’s very difficult”, “you need to live within your means”);
  • thinking about possible risks (“what if”, “if I don’t succeed, then”);
  • regarding tasks and steps to achieve well-being that cause negative emotions “I should get Y, but I don’t want to do X”, “you can’t earn money with honest work.”

All prejudices should be written down on a separate sheet of paper. Every negative emotion in the form of fear, doubt or anger is directly related to some kind of prejudice.

Then, next to the negative phrases, you need to write down positive expressions. For example: “I am happy to pursue my goal.” These statements may evoke strange feelings inside (“this is nonsense and a lie”), but you should not pay attention to it.

Step 3. Read the instructions out loud: “This instruction is for you, my subconscious. Whenever I consciously notice a problem and say the word "Eraser", you will remove the problem and all the reasons for it in the most effective way. I am grateful to you for being my most faithful servant." According to this scheme, monetary blockages are removed.

Step 4. Deprogramming. The technique is to pronounce the prejudice with the keyword from the instructions. For example: “I’m too lazy to start a project. Eraser." You need to say the phrase until a yawn appears.

At first glance, the technique may seem somewhat strange. But it should be perceived as a mini-training that not only trains willpower, but also gives the correct instructions to the subconscious.

You can, of course, neglect technology and continue to “slip” on the way to your goal. But there is an option to try to overcome yourself and come face to face with your prejudices.

Step 5. Closing. You should say the following phrases before yawning:

  1. Now I eliminate, at one time, all my problems related to goal X, once and for all. Eraser
  2. Now I remove all fears, doubts, laziness and disbelief in the effectiveness of this procedure. Eraser.
  3. Now I forgive all the people associated with my goal, I forgive the whole world, I thank God and I forgive myself. I did everything as well as I could. Eraser.

BSFF won't work right away. However, after a day, a person will notice that things that were previously annoying no longer cause negative emotions and feelings.

Money rules

There are several money rules that should be followed:

  1. Money must be earned, it must be handled correctly and rationally. You should live by the principle: “I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things.”
  2. Money should be in circulation, and not stored in savings format.
  3. Money should be invested in profitable projects. The main project of every person is life. To become more confident, expand your boundaries, and become more in demand, you need to invest money in your education, improving your professional skills, gaining knowledge, and traveling.
  4. Make donations. Even with a modest income, there is no need to guess this “for tomorrow.” Giving away even 100 percent of your income is the best solution for starting your own money cycle.


The desire for self-development is the basis for improving well-being. To achieve success, become richer, you need to follow the principles described above, get rid of money blocks and do everyday work with the subconscious to attract money and good luck.

Let's say you now earn an income of 30,000 a month, but this is clearly not enough for you to feel truly comfortable. To change the situation, you need to tune into wealth consciousness.

I am sure you will be interested in learning how to increase your wealth and attract much more money to yourself, and tune your consciousness to wealth and prosperity.

Raising wealth consciousness!

If your desires do not fit into the amount you receive, then you urgently need to raise your money bar and change your consciousness towards wealth.

What is a money bar?

To understand this, just think about how much money you can now have at a time, without a twinge of conscience, without fear, without uncertainty, easily and naturally?

You should feel comfortable thinking about this amount. This will show how developed your wealth consciousness is at the moment.

From personal experience...

There was a time when I could not imagine that I could have more than 1000 rubles in my pocket, wallet or account. I just couldn't imagine it. I couldn’t allow the very thought of possible wealth into my consciousness. Let's say 3000 was an unattainable amount for me, and 10,000 was simply an unimaginable, astronomical amount.

I understand that this is funny, but think for yourself, if such a situation did not exist, you would not be reading this article now. Difficulties lead us to self-realization and direct us towards our life's purpose.

Insight has arrived!

I was always connected to some information channel that told me what to do in a given situation. Once I went into meditation, I asked how I could achieve true financial freedom.

The answer was: “You immediately need to raise your money level, allow the thought of wealth into your consciousness. You must believe that you can have, say, 5,000 rubles at your disposal. You need to start working with small amounts, activating the consciousness of wealth gradually.”

I started work!

“To raise my money bar and gain a wealth consciousness, I made an effort every day.”

I sat down, relaxed, went into a light trance¹ and began to think that there were 5,000 rubles in my wallet. I imagined it vividly.

I imagined that I was holding a 5,000 ruble bill in my hands, I smelled this money and looked at the bill in my imagination. At first I felt a lot of discomfort.

A bunch of voices in my head told me: “You can’t have such a large amount of money, this is wrong, you shouldn’t have that kind of money, money spoils and corrupts a person...” The consciousness of scarcity² literally pressed on me.

Internal struggle

A bunch of arguments sounded inside me, but I fought with all my might and internally convinced myself that this was possible, that I really and right now had 5,000 rubles at my disposal. I told myself that this was quite normal, that in fact it was a very small amount and I could easily have it.

I had to argue with my internal negative beliefs, I had to find compelling arguments in favor of having money.

To all objections I answered: “I really need money, I need to attend seminars, receive additional education and diplomas, I want to feel free and independent.”

I adjusted my wealth consciousness by saying that money is wonderful! I convinced myself that with the help of money I could help people close to me, I could give gifts, buy interesting and educational books, and learn new things.

The internal dispute lasted about a week...

About five days later I felt that I could easily have 5,000 rubles. I literally felt my wealth consciousness changing!

Three days later a miracle happened!

Literally three days after I raised my money level, a person called me and offered me a one-time, piece-work job. I arrived at the meeting and heard that they were willing to pay me exactly 5,000 rubles for this work.

I was shocked and happily got down to business! On the same day I completed all the assigned work in the best possible way. Already in the evening I had 5,000 rubles in my pocket. At that moment I realized that the method worked, and it worked perfectly!

I decided not to stop and move on

Now I began to raise my money level to 10,000 rubles. Remembering to be gradual, I did not imagine too large sums. Things went much faster - I no longer had such strong resistance. Just five days later, I received a call from two more people who were recommended by the person who first paid me 5,000.

And it worked again!

Just three days after these calls I received another 10,000. Isn’t it amazing? With this money I opened a small private enterprise and continued to raise my internal monetary bar.