Autumn. Consultations and recommendations for parents in the autumn

Dear parents, let me offer you some games, tasks, questions, poems for the development of your child’s speech. You can use them on a walk with your child, at home if you have free time, and maybe in the car when traveling to the country. You will not only communicate with your child, but also have a good time.

Using the “Autumn” theme as an example, you can use similar tasks and games for the “Winter” and “Spring” themes.

1. Find out if your child knows what time of year it is, pay attention to changes in nature. During the walk, ask him questions and encourage him to answer them with complete answers. Explain how to answer questions; Tell me what word to start the answer with. For example: - What time of year is it now? - It's autumn now. - Why do you think so? Start your answer with the words - on the street. — It has become cold outside, it rains often, the leaves on the trees have turned red and yellow, the grass is drying up, the flowers have withered. The children went to school. People put on warmer clothes. Ask your child if he knows the meaning of the word “leaf fall.” What two words did it come from?

Try to have your child name as many signs of autumn as possible. If difficulties arise, help with guiding questions.

2. Help your child remember that there are two periods in autumn: early autumn and late autumn. Tell your child about how these periods are characterized.

While walking with your child in the park, watch for signs early autumn and invite your child to answer your questions by comparing these two periods. What is the sky like today? — The sky is clear and blue. —What is the sky like in late autumn most often? — In late autumn, the sky is often overcast with clouds. —What leaves do you see on the trees? — The leaves are red, yellow, orange. —What are the trees like in late autumn? — In late autumn the trees are bare. — Pay attention to the grass under the trees. What is she like? — The grass is still green, flowers are blooming in it. — What will happen to the grass in late autumn? — In late autumn, the grass will turn yellow and dry out. - Go to the anthill. Tell me what you see. — Ants drag blades of grass and twigs into the anthill, preparing for winter. — What happens to insects in late autumn? — Insects disappear in late autumn.

3. Remember the names of migratory birds. Why are they called that?

4. While walking, pay attention to how people dress in the fall.

5. Learn a quatrain with your child that will help him remember the names of the months of autumn.

September October November

With rain and falling leaves.

And the birds fly away

And the children need to go to school.

Word games:

  • “Select, name, remember” for the selection of definitions and verbs.

The sky in autumn (what?) is gloomy, gray, dull. Similarly with words - sun, wind, rain, leaves, grass...

In autumn, the leaves (what do they do?) turn red, turn yellow, wither, dry, fall, spin, rustle. Similarly with words - sun, wind, rain, leaves, grass...

  • “Call it affectionately” for the formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes: cloud - cloud, sun - sun, rain - rain, similarly wind, leaf, puddle, grass, umbrella...
  • “Complete the sentence” to coordinate present tense verbs with singular and plural nouns.

The wind blows - the winds blow.

The bird flies away - the birds fly away.

The leaf turns yellow - the leaves turn yellow.

The rain is drizzling - the rain is drizzling.

The flower fades - the flowers fade.

The cold is coming - the cold is coming.

The leaf is falling - the leaves are falling.

The harvest is ripening - the harvests are ripening.

The cloud is covering - the clouds are covering.

  • “Say the opposite” to the use of antonyms.

In summer the sun is bright, and in autumn...

In summer the sky is bright, and in autumn...

In summer the days are long, and in autumn...

In summer the clouds are high, and in autumn...

In summer people grow crops, and in autumn...

In summer the trees stand dressed, and in autumn...

In the summer the flowers bloom, and in the fall...

In summer the wind is warm, and in autumn...

In spring, birds fly from warm regions, and in autumn...

  • “Count” to agree numerals with nouns:

1 puddle, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5...

1 bird, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5...

1 sheet, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5...

1 acorn, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5...

1 cloud, 2..., 3..., 4..

1 day, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5...

1 flower, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5...

1 branch, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5...

1 pebble, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5...

  • "Find mistakes" for development auditory attention(define what doesn’t happen in autumn).

Children sunbathe, swim, wear light clothes.

Dry, colorful leaves rustle underfoot.

The buds swell and the leaves bloom.

People harvest vegetables and fruits.

Wild animals do not store food.

Dandelions are blooming outside.

Butterflies flutter over the flowers, bees collect nectar.

The sky is covered with gray clouds, and it often rains for a long time.

  • “Insert a word” to coordinate prepositions with words in a sentence.

The leaf fell... to the ground.

A cone fell... from a tree.

The fungus got into... the basket.

The sun hid... a cloud.

The hare looks out... bushes.

The boletus hides... in a leaf.

A squirrel dries mushrooms... on a branch.

People are harvesting apples... orchards.

The mouse hides the grains... in a mink.

  • “Finish the sentence” (develop the ability to compose complex sentences with the conjunction because).

I love autumn because...

I don't like autumn because...

There are a lot of puddles on the street because...

Gardeners harvest crops because...

Strong winds blow because...

  • “Right - wrong” to develop an understanding of cause and effect relationships.

I took an umbrella because it was raining. It started to rain because I took an umbrella.

The birds flew south because autumn had come. Autumn has come because the birds have flown south.

It's cloudy outside because it's raining. It's raining because it's cloudy outside.

Fruits and vegetables are being harvested in gardens and vegetable gardens because autumn has arrived. Autumn has come, because fruits and vegetables are being harvested in gardens and vegetable gardens.

People dress warmer because autumn has arrived. Autumn has arrived because people are dressing warmer.

  • “Answer the questions” (formation of adjectives from nouns).

What day does it rain? - ... (rainy)

What day does the wind blow? - ...

What is the rain that comes in autumn? - ...

What is the weather like when it rains often? - ...

What is the weather like when strong winds often blow? - ...

What is the weather like in autumn? - ...

What day is it cloudy outside? -...

What is it like in the morning when there is fog outside? -...

What are the flowers that bloom in early autumn? -...

Talk to your child about color autumn leaves, using adjectives golden, scarlet, crimson, crimson. For example: scarlet maple leaves, golden birch leaves, crimson aspen leaves, crimson rowan leaves.

Then play the game with your child:

  • "Autumn leaves". You throw a ball to the child and name the tree; he returns the ball to you, forming a phrase with two adjectives. For example: - Birch. — Yellow birch leaves. — Maple. — Scarlet maple leaves. - Aspen. — Crimson aspen leaves. - Rowan. — Orange rowan leaves.
  • Learn a poem about the autumn months with your child.


Birds flew in the sky.

Why can't they stay at home?

September asks them: “In the south

Hide from the winter blizzard."


October brought us gifts:

Painted gardens and parks,

The leaves became like something out of a fairy tale.

Where did he get so much paint?


Forest animals in November

They close the doors in the minks.

Brown bear until spring

He will sleep and dream.

  • It is known that the development of speech is greatly influenced by how the child develops fine motor skills hands

During a walk, invite your child to draw on the wet sand with a stick and lay out a pattern of pebbles.

Collect acorns, pine cones, leaves, etc. natural material and make an autumn craft with your child.

Let the child draw “Autumn” at home, everything that he saw in the park during a walk (trees with colorful leaves; the ground strewn with leaves; maybe it’s raining and there are puddles all around...). Then ask the child to tell him what he depicted in his picture.

Use finger games on an autumn theme, they contribute to the development of not only motor skills of the hand and fingers, but also the development of speech (children perform movements with their hands and fingers, accompanying them with speech). Find finger exercises you can find them in books that are called that, or on the Internet.

Here are some examples:

"Autumn leaves"

One two three four five, (bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

We will collect leaves. (clench and unclench your fists)

Birch leaves, rowan leaves, (bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

We will collect oak leaves,

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom. (They walk along the table with their middle and index fingers.)

"Vegetables and fruits"

Lariska has two radishes"

Alyosha's -

Two potatoes.

At Seryozhka the tomboy -

Two green cucumbers.

And Vovka’s -

Two carrots.

Yes, even at Petka’s

Two tailed radishes.(One by one, extend the fingers from the fist, starting with the big one, on one or both hands.)


We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruit. Here:

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear.

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand.

We cook, we cook compote.

Let's treat honest people.

(The left palm is held with a “bucket”; the index finger of the right hand is used to “interfere.”)

(Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb.)

(Again “cook” and “stir.”)

Dear parents, communicate more with your child, talk, ask questions, teach to observe, analyze.

Good luck!

Kobylkina Irina Viktorovna

Municipal state preschool educational institution"Kindergarten "Topolyok"

Kamchatka region, village Milkovo


Consultation for parents on the topic “What is autumn?”

Teach children to name the signs of autumn, changes in the weather, and use figurative words and expressions for autumn;

Learn to compare essential features of phenomena;

Expand children's horizons about natural changes in autumn, about the life of birds and wild animals;

Carry out fun walks for kids with their parents;

Get a clear idea of ​​seasonal phenomena through walks with your parents;

To cultivate attention, love of nature, caring attitude towards animals, birds, positive character traits.

Convey color combinations characteristic of late autumn in the drawing.

What is autumn?

How to make an autumn walk interesting and educational for children? What can you do with your child on a walk in the fall?

Autumn is a transitional season, at this time nature changes very quickly. First, bright colors appear, then the leaves fall from the trees, and they become gray and dull. The air temperature drops, and the child understands that it is getting colder outside every day. Clothes become bulky, heavy and not very comfortable. But it is precisely at this time of year that it is easy to attract children's attention to nature, interest them and show them how life works.

“Herbarium” One of the most interesting activities at this time of year is assembling a herbarium and making crafts from natural materials.

Every season feels like the first time for kids. Therefore, it is important to give them the opportunity to learn the concept of seasons through experience. This will form the basis of a coherent picture of the world. Fortunately, solving such a problem is not at all difficult.

Surveillance in the yard

Let's look around and think - what has changed in the usual picture with the arrival of autumn? Let one - a single tree - grow in the yard - and it can become a wonderful benefit. Come up to it every few days - look at and touch the leaves. Swinging on a swing, you can “fly with the birds” to warmer climes. And admire the color of the autumn sky. In the sandbox - touch the cool sand and pay attention to the warm clothes of your friends. And then go with them in search of thin crusts of ice. If you hold this transparent, fragile miracle in your hand, the baby will see and feel it. How a cold piece of ice turns into a warm drop before your eyes. That's the trick.

Walk to the park

Here you can admire the colors of autumn. Inhale its unique aroma!

Go for a walk in a park or forest more often - both on fine days of leaf fall and on cloudy days. "Magic nature". This activity consists of simply walking, observing, listening to the sounds around you: the rustling of leaves under your feet, the chirping of birds. While walking, remember the signs of autumn, and maybe you will see a flying cobweb or a lot of rowan berries on the trees.

Signs of autumn

Squirrels make a large supply for the winter - expect severe frosts in winter.

There are a lot of rowan trees, which means that the autumn will be rainy and the winter will be frosty.

Migratory birds fly high - the cold is already approaching.

If the leaves fall from the trees very quickly, then the winter will be cold.

The leaves from the birch trees fall unevenly—there won’t be any snow for a long time.

A cat hides its face and covers it with its tail - it means it will get colder.

Where else can you find so many interesting objects to explore?! Moreover, you can touch, feel, smell all this. Give your baby complete freedom.

Are you worried about the condition of your clothes after a walk? It's easier to take a spare with you. And let your child have fun for his own pleasure: crawl on the ground, climb trees, collect armfuls of fallen leaves and bury his head in them!

In different parts of the park you can observe the diversity of landscapes and plants. Today you will admire the spreading maple and collect an elegant bouquet under it. Tomorrow add rowan branches to the composition. Oak will rightfully take pride of place in walks. One day he discovered a smooth acorn under it, and even with a cute cap.

How can you make a walk even more beneficial for your child’s development?

Pay attention to individual elements of the world around you. Take a leaf in your hand, place a ladybug on your palm, and run your baby’s hand along the bark of the tree.

Speak out everything you are considering, mark the signs and properties with words. “Here is a maple leaf. Wide, carved, similar to your palm. This one is yellow. And here is the red one.”

Develop musical abilities, aesthetic taste, the ability to show emotional responsiveness to music, develop creativity and creativity.

Encourage them to express their impressions of listening to classical works in creative activities, performing arts, and speech activities.

Take pictures of your child against a luxurious background, and don’t forget to take pictures of everything around him. Such photographs will help to revive your memory of a recent walk and consolidate your impressions.

Procurement of natural material

You can collect natural materials all year round, as each season has its own charms. Autumn provides a particularly rich palette of colors, with golden and crimson leaves. autumn trees. Harvested natural material can be used in creative works. Any encounter with nature can be used to collect natural material. The more diverse the collected material, the easier it will be to work with it. But the leaves can be used in applique, giving it different shades or as a background. Fir and pine cones can be used in working with plasticine, making a variety of forest animals. The collected dry roots, branches, cones, and twigs have a bizarre shape. You can invite children to answer the following questions:

“What does it look like? What does it remind you of? This encourages children to compare them, remember familiar fairy-tale characters, look carefully at the material, fantasize, think in advance what can be made from it, what composition to create (with the participation of people, animals, birds, fish, etc.).

Try to start every morning with a smile and a good mood, then you and your children will not be afraid of autumn depression!

Folder for parents on the theme "Autumn"

Description of material: The material includes: stories for a child about autumn, poems about autumn for reading to children and memorizing, paintings by Russian artists, riddles, autumn signs, observations with children in nature, simple autumn experiments and logic puzzles for children.
Author: Yulia Vladimirovna Vafina, teacher at MBOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 44”, Miass, Chelyabinsk Region.
Purpose: This material will help in organizing information in the parent corner.
Target: Helping parents introduce their children to autumn.
- teach children to name the signs of autumn, changes in the weather, and use figurative words and expressions for autumn;
- expand children’s horizons about natural changes in autumn, about the life of birds and wild animals;
- hold fun walks for kids with their parents;
- acquaintance with signs and poems about autumn;
- cultivate attention, love of nature, caring attitude towards animals, birds, positive character qualities.
Warm and sunny summer is replaced by autumn. And parents are faced with the question - how to tell their children about autumn? Autumn is a golden and sad time, but not for children! A heap of orange leaves soars into the sky and cheerful laughter sees off the warmth and scorching sun until next year. The child doesn’t care whether it’s autumn or spring, or some other fancy word that all this is called, he wants to play and have fun.

Consultation for parents "Golden Autumn"

With the onset of autumn it was transformed beyond recognition. The green forest was covered with golden leaves, butterflies disappeared somewhere and even some birds moved to warmer climes. For an adult, all these changes are obvious and understandable. And for children? What does he know about the life of nature in autumn?

About the benefits of observations

Many of us consider observing nature with a child to be a frivolous, boring and not particularly important activity. It is much more important, we think, to teach the baby to read and count as early as possible, solve logical problems and formulate his own conclusions. All this certainly deserves attention. But it is precisely all kinds of observations that teach the baby to think, analyze, compare, systematize phenomena, and find a connection between cause and effect. In addition, observing living nature educates aesthetically and morally, makes the child attentive and sensitive, and this is much more important for a child than the ability to read.

It's no secret that city kids have little contact with nature. Yes, and nature as such in big cities left a little. But no matter how much we tell the baby about the seasons and natural phenomena associated with them, showing pictures in books and playing Board games, this is still not enough. As you know, seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times. And how great it would be to go to the forest or to a city park on the weekend so that the baby can see with his inquisitive eyes all the magical transformations that nature has given Golden autumn.

What a park! Even in the courtyard near your house you can arrange a wonderful excursion. Just try to ensure that communication with your child does not turn into a lecture. Ask him questions, be interested in his opinion, strive to develop his curiosity - let him think in search of answers, and it doesn’t matter if his guesses are not always equal. The main thing is the desire to find the truth. So, we dress warmly, take a camera with us and set off to welcome the golden autumn.

Signs of autumn .

First of all, you should talk to your child about the signs of autumn. Let him tell you about it himself. After all, even a three-year-old toddler already has decent life experience. Surely he will say that the leaves fell in the fall, but why? Because it's cold in autumn. Because the leaves turn yellow and fall off. They lie like a carpet on the ground. Only the seeds and fruits of rowan and linden remained on the bushes and trees. Only spruce and pine remained, the flowers faded, the grass turned yellow and withered. While walking on the street, look at the marginal leaves with your child.

If your child already has some idea about the planets and their rotation around the sun, talk to him about why it becomes nice in the fall.

It would be appropriate to talk with your child about spring clothes and why people wear them.

Tell your child that in autumn the days become shorter and the nights longer. For example, pay attention to the fact that at the beginning of autumn, when you returned from kindergarten, the sun was still shining. You had time to walk, play, have dinner, and it was still light outside. And now you are returning home at dusk. If the child does not go to kindergarten, come up with another time milestone that he understands.

Visiting the trees .

The most noticeable changes occur in living nature, especially in the plant world. By observing the trees and comparing how they look in spring, summer, autumn, and winter, you will be able to better understand the changing seasons. It would be good to choose one tree growing close to your house and visit it from time to time to observe its life. A small birch tree is best suited for these purposes. It’s the best way to take a child

They are distinguished from other trees. Remember with your child that in the summer the tree was dressed in a green outfit, in the fall the leaves turn yellow and fly off. Think with your child why this happens.

Tell him that the roots can no longer draw water from the cold earth, and the cold autumn sun is not enough for the tree, so it sheds its leaves and seems to fall asleep.

Together with your child, look at the buds on the branches of different trees. Now they are very small, covered on top with a thick protective skin. Break the kidney and show it to your baby.

If a tiny green embryo is visible in the bud, then the tree is alive, and when it warms up spring sun, new leaves will appear from the buds. You can collect colorful leaves.

Draw the child's attention to the spruce and pine trees. Ask if they have changed with the arrival of winter? No, they did not shed their needles like deciduous trees. So they will stand in green attire. Explain that needles are the same as leaves. But small needles, unlike large leaves, need less sunlight and water. So the Christmas trees don’t shed their needles. Coniferous trees also sleep, but they fall asleep later than deciduous trees and wake up.

Your child can probably identify some trees. But in summer it is easier to do this - the leaves help. But in winter, when they have flown around, it is not at all easy to find out which tree or bush is this or that.

This will be an interesting research task for a child.

Draw the child's attention to appearance tree, look at its bark, maybe there are leaves left somewhere. Birch can be immediately distinguished by its bark, willow by its branches hanging to the ground, and some types of poplar by its high pyramidal crown. Dry fruits remain on rowan and rose hips since autumn. It is because of them that these plants are very easy to recognize in the fall.

See if there are a lot of berries on the rowan tree and check folk sign. Saying that a large harvest of rowan means a cold, harsh winter. This is understandable, because for many birds the rowan tree is a real salvation. Blackbirds, waxwings, and bullfinches love to feast on it. If you are lucky, you will be able to see how flocks of these northern guests literally “sweep away” rowan bunches in a matter of minutes.

And in order to remember even better where which tree is, and at the same time warm up, play fun game. Mom says: “One, two, three, run to the birch tree!” And the baby quickly follows the command. So you can run to the oak, and to the chestnut, and to any other tree growing nearby. And then it will be great to switch roles when the child becomes the leader of the game...

Consultation for parents

Autumn , a transitional season, at this time nature changes very quickly. Bright colors appear first. Then the leaves fall from the trees, and they become gray and dull. The air temperature drops, clothes become bulky and not very comfortable. But it is precisely at this time of year that it is easy to attract children's attention to nature, interest them and show them how life works.

One of the most interesting activities at this time of year is assembling a herbarium and making crafts from natural materials.

Every season feels like the first time for kids. Therefore, it is important to give children the knowledge and opportunity to learn the concept of the season.

How to make it fallDid the walk become interesting and educational for the children? What can you do with your child on a walk in the fall?

Surveillance in the yard.

Let one - a single tree - grow in the yard and it can become a wonderful resource. Approach it as often as possible - look at and touch the leaves. Be sure to pay attention to the passing dog, cat, and flying birds. Talk about body parts, how they move, their size, and how they scream. In the sandbox - touch the cool, dry and wet sand. Pay attention to the clothes of the children playing nearby. And show your child a trick. Give a thin crust of ice in your hand, and the baby will feel and see how the piece of ice melts.

Walk to the park.

Go for a walk in a park or forest more often - both on cloudy days and on fine days of leaf fall. Listen to sounds while walking around : to the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds. Remember the signs of autumn, maybe you will be lucky and you will be able to show them to your child.

Are you worried about the condition of your clothes after a walk? Dress simpler. And let the child have fun in his own time pleasure : crawl on the ground, climb trees, collect leaves and bury your head in them.

IN different parts In the park you can observe a variety of landscapes and plants. Today you will admire the maple tree and collect a bouquet of leaves under it. Tomorrow add a sprig of rowan to the composition. An oak tree will be a wonderful addition, especially if you find a smooth acorn with a cute cap underneath it.


Pay attention to everything that is happening around you. Take a leaf in your hand, place a ladybug on your palm, run the child’s hand along the bark of the tree, hug and press against him.

Speak out everything you consider, mark with words the signs and properties. “Here is a maple leaf. Wide carved, similar to your palm. This one is yellow. And here is the red one. Photograph your baby against a luxurious backdrop. Such photographs will help to revive the walk in your memory, consolidate your impressions and once again admire the beauty of your native land.

Preparation of natural materials.

Harvested natural material can be used in creative works. The more diverse the material, the easier and more interesting it is to work with it. Leaves can be used in applique. Use the cones when working with plasticine, making different animals. The collected dry roots, branches, cones, and twigs have a bizarre shape. You can look at them and ask child: “What are you going to do? What does it remind you of?It helps develop memory, thinking and imagination. Comparing, children remember fairy-tale characters, fantasize, come up with what is fashionable to make from what, what composition(with the participation of men, animals, birds, etc.)


And read as much and often as possible. Instill a love of literature, and through it a love of your native land.

Children enjoy listening to V. Bianchi's tales about animals with entertaining plots. These are like"Who Sings What" "Forest houses", "Owl", "Whose nose is better?" , “Tails” , “Whose legs are these?” , "The Fox and the Mouse".

So, from the fairy tale of V. F. Adaevsky"Moroz Ivanovich"children will learn about the snow crust, under which the grass is preserved in any frost, and in the spring it begins to grow again as if nothing had happened.

Folk tales contain a lot of interesting and instructive things."Kolobok", "Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Zayushkina's hut".

Poems about nature are the first step on the path to understanding the world around us.

M. Poznanskaya “Chamomile”, E. Serova “Dandelion”, Y. Kapotov “Leaf Fall”, I. Demyanov “Autumn”, I. Tokmakova “Autumn Leaves”.