Features of multiple pregnancy. Features of multiple pregnancy Twins 31 weeks opening 2 5 cm

Expecting a child is a crucial moment in the life of every woman. Pregnancy with twins is a double responsibility associated not only with the anticipation of upcoming troubles, but also with possible complications course of pregnancy. When registering, such a pregnant woman immediately comes under special supervision of staff medical institution. Any woman can become pregnant with twins.

Causes of multiple pregnancy

During fertilization, two germ cells unite - the mother's egg and the father's sperm. If several eggs are produced in the mother's body at the same time, their simultaneous fertilization can occur. In this case, two children develop at the same time; they have a different set of chromosomes and little similarity. Such children are called twins. If one egg is fertilized, but during its division two fetuses are formed, it is said to be a twin pregnancy. Such children have a similar set of chromosomes and are always born of the same sex.

Signs of multiple pregnancy

Already at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman may suspect the development of twins. At the same time, all the symptoms of pregnancy appear especially clearly. Features of twin pregnancy:

  • in the early stages of pregnancy, toxicosis is more pronounced;
  • the breasts increase significantly in size and become painful;
  • pigmentation may appear on the body;
  • severe anemia of pregnant women;
  • shortness of breath and heartburn are more pronounced due to the high position of the diaphragm;
  • with gestosis, swelling is more pronounced;
  • varicose veins appear more often on the legs;
  • stretch marks often appear on the skin;
  • due to the increased load on the spine, pain occurs in the lumbar region;
  • weakness and fatigue appear, stronger than during normal pregnancy.

Signs of twins in the early stages are nonspecific, so to obtain a reliable diagnosis you need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist for an examination.

Multiple pregnancy has characteristic signs already in the early stages. Your doctor may look for signs multiple pregnancy upon examination: the size of the uterus is increased and does not correspond to the gestational age. When researching hCG level a significant increase can be detected.

At later stages, it is possible to identify objective signs characteristic of twin pregnancy - the heartbeats of two hearts are heard, and parts of the body of two fetuses are palpated. The most accurate way to determine twins is by ultrasound. Pregnancy with twins after cesarean can proceed without complications, but the woman needs closer medical supervision. After caesarean section Doctors often recommend repeat surgery and rarely allow you to go into labor on your own.

Increased belly size

During a twin pregnancy, the belly grows in size faster than during a normal pregnancy. Belly sizes during twin pregnancy by week:

  1. Week 12. During pregnancy with one fetus, the belly at this stage is barely noticeable; during multiple pregnancy, the uterus is sufficiently enlarged and the woman’s position becomes noticeable to others.
  2. Week 17. Already at this stage, it becomes difficult for a woman to lie on her back and her lower back becomes strained. How to sleep when pregnant with twins? You have to sleep lying on your side with your knees bent to facilitate breathing. To unload the spine, it is recommended to place a pillow under the pregnant belly or between the legs.
  3. Week 20 It is recommended to use a special bandage, which is put on while lying on your back and worn throughout the day. The bandage is worn over underwear so as not to irritate the skin of the abdomen. The bandage is selected individually according to size.
  4. Week 30 The abdomen is significantly increased in volume, stretch marks may appear. Doctors recommend using special creams to increase skin turgor.

Many people think that when pregnant with twins, the weight of the belly also doubles. But that's not true. Weight gain during pregnancy depends on the woman’s initial height and weight. Based on these indicators, body mass index is calculated. To do this, you need to divide the weight (in kilograms) by the woman’s height squared (in meters). If a woman had a low body mass index before pregnancy - less than 20, then she can gain twenty kilograms throughout the pregnancy, especially if she is pregnant with twins. Weight gain with an index of 20-27 during pregnancy with twins can reach 17 kg. And with a mass index level of more than 27, a woman gains no more than 13 kg during a normal multiple pregnancy. Weight gain during pregnancy with twins is more noticeable.

Trimesters of pregnancy

Gestational age table:

Normal course of pregnancy with twins in the first trimester

The first trimester occurs from the first to the 12th week of pregnancy. During this trimester, the formation of the main organs occurs. The pregnancy calculator will allow you to calculate the duration of pregnancy and the day of the upcoming birth by day last menstrual period. Sex in the early stages can be irregular due to toxicosis and constant nausea in a woman. If there is a threat of interruption, sex should be limited. You can have sex at any stage of pregnancy if there are no contraindications.

Embryo development by week of pregnancy:

On the 7-8th day after fertilization, implantation of the fetal bladder occurs into the wall of the uterus. On days 10-14, pregnancy can be determined using a test or blood test for hCG. On days 13-14, you can determine pregnancy using a pharmacy test, the reliability of the result is 95-100%.

By the end of the first month of pregnancy, the fetus is no more than 1 cm long and is actively developing. internal organs, the baby’s head and sensory organs are formed. The mother's weight begins to increase. At 4-5 weeks, the baby’s heart begins to beat. During this period, the first ultrasound examination is performed to confirm the fact of pregnancy and assess the condition of the embryo.

After 12 weeks, toxicosis gradually goes away. Nausea disappears, appetite gradually returns, and well-being improves. At 12-14 weeks, the belly is visible under tight clothing. Children develop their fingers and toes, head and neck. At 10 weeks the heart is already formed; defects can be diagnosed. Usually, an ultrasound examination is prescribed within 10-12 weeks. The formation of baby teeth occurs; the woman is recommended to take multivitamins with calcium.

Week 12 is the optimal period during pregnancy with twins to determine gross developmental disorders and possible Down syndrome. An abortion is performed when gross developmental defects are detected in twins.

Features of pregnancy in the second trimester

The second trimester begins at 13 and ends at 24 weeks. Sex during this period is not contraindicated if there is no pathology of pregnancy.

Twins pregnancy by week:

  1. The 13th week of pregnancy with twins is characterized by a heavy load on the mother’s body. It's the fourth month of pregnancy. The uterus begins to enlarge, and pain may appear in the groin area due to sprained ligaments. Developing child actively moves in the mother's womb, a sucking reflex appears.
  2. At the 15th week of pregnancy with twins, each fetus is already about 10 centimeters long, the lungs are already formed, and the child is training the respiratory muscles. The glottis is still closed, so there is no risk of it getting into the lungs. amniotic fluid.
  3. Week 17 shows a good appetite; during pregnancy with twins, the belly grows more noticeably, it becomes more difficult to breathe and sleep on the stomach. You need to start using cream for your chest and abdomen to prevent stretch marks. Children begin to hear everything that is happening around them. You need to talk to them, turn on good music.
  4. The 18th week of pregnancy with twins is the period when it is time to start using a bandage. Lower back pain appears and it becomes difficult to walk in heels. It is necessary to start doing gymnastics, attend classes in antenatal clinic in preparation for childbirth. The doctor may recommend hospitalization to continue the pregnancy. At what date can the gender of future children be determined? From 18 to 21 weeks of pregnancy, a routine ultrasound is performed to assess the condition of the child, and at this time the sex of the children can be determined.
  5. 19th week of pregnancy. Growing twins reach half their height at birth. All organs are already formed, children continue to grow and develop. The sense of touch is already quite developed; twins can feel each other in their mother’s belly. Children have their own biorhythms, they wake up and fall asleep at the same time, which does not always coincide with the mother’s biorhythms.
  6. Week 20 The first tremors appear. When pregnant with twins, a woman feels the movements of the babies in different parts belly. Babies can swallow amniotic fluid, which accumulates in the intestines in the form of dark, pasty stool - meconium. Stool is released into the environment after birth. Twins urinate in amniotic fluid, which is constantly renewed through the placenta.
  7. 21 weeks pregnant with twins. A pregnant woman constantly feels movements. The abdomen is significantly enlarged and does not allow bending over. The weight of each child at this time is about 400 grams.
  8. 22 weeks of pregnancy. Twins reach a total weight of 800-1000 grams.
  9. 23 weeks of pregnancy. Each fruit already weighs about 500 grams. Developing twins actively absorb calcium, which they need for bones and teeth, so at 23 weeks it is necessary to take multivitamins and visit the dentist. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, causing urination to become more frequent.
  10. 24 weeks pregnant with twins. At this stage, all chronic diseases, especially kidney diseases, can worsen. Anemia increases, dilated veins appear in the legs, swelling, and stool disorders. The lungs of children are already fully formed; a surfactant is formed, which is responsible for respiratory function.

Third trimester of pregnancy

During this trimester, the woman’s body and babies are preparing for the upcoming birth. In order to check the child’s condition, it is necessary to conduct a CTG. In this case, a special sensor is applied to the anterior abdominal wall, the baby’s heartbeat and the tone of the uterus are measured. CTG is performed after 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Twin pregnancy calendar by week:

  1. 25 weeks pregnant with twins. At this stage, the nervous system and sensory organs, as well as their immunity, are actively formed. In children, brown fat is deposited on the body, which will serve as a source of energy in the first days after birth.
  2. 26 week of pregnancy. The uterus is located high, the twins already weigh more than one and a half kilograms. It becomes difficult to breathe and walk due to an increase in the volume of the abdomen and an increase in the volume of circulating blood.
  3. 27 weeks pregnant with twins. You should keep the necessary things ready for hospitalization, as the risk of premature birth increases. If prolonged pain appears in the lower abdomen or amniotic fluid breaks, you must urgently call an ambulance.
  4. 28 weeks pregnant with twins. This is the seventh month of pregnancy. Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth for multiple pregnancies opens 84 days before the expected birth. Pregnant woman goes to maternity leave and visits the doctor regularly. In the third trimester, gestosis may appear, so it is necessary to measure blood pressure, monitor weight gain and submit urine for analysis.
  5. 29 weeks pregnant with twins. Babies are rapidly gaining weight. Twins weigh about 2400 grams. Children can gain weight at different rates; the difference in weight can be up to 300 grams.
  6. Week 30 is characterized by a decrease in amniotic fluid. When pregnant with twins, the babies begin to move less, since their weight is quite large, and they become cramped in the uterus. The internal organs are sufficiently developed, the gastrointestinal tract is preparing to digest food.
  7. 31 weeks pregnant with twins. The total weight of the children is approximately three kilograms. The babies are gaining strength and their kicks are becoming more noticeable. The abdomen reaches its maximum size, pulling in the lower back. Children begin to occupy a position in the uterine cavity in which they will remain until birth.
  8. Week 32. The eighth month of pregnancy has begun. At ultrasound examination Twin pregnancies are determined by presentation and the method of delivery. Most likely it will be a caesarean section. During pregnancy with twins, babies gain weight more slowly, but the process of final formation of all organs and systems accelerates.
  9. 33 weeks pregnant with twins. Starting this week, you will need to visit your doctor weekly with constant weighing and urine testing. Children have well-developed senses, they respond to sharp sounds and light, taste the amniotic fluid, watch dreams.
  10. Week 34 The stomach goes down. During pregnancy with twins, the head of one of the babies drops into the pelvis, the twins become cramped and move less. At this stage, the fetus is already fully viable.
  11. 35 week of pregnancy. The body is preparing for childbirth. The twins are fully formed. There are practically no complications during childbirth at 35 weeks. It is necessary to fold and keep ready everything necessary for hospitalization.
  12. 36 weeks pregnant with twins. This is a week of waiting for the long-awaited birth. There is practically no weight gain anymore. Doctors examine the pregnant woman regularly and prepare for a planned birth.
  13. 37 weeks pregnant with twins. Often the doctor recommends hospitalization as early as this week. More than half of twins born are born during this period.
  14. 38 weeks of pregnancy. Children don't grow as fast. Twins gain about 30 grams per day. The estimated due date is approaching. You should monitor for swelling and increased blood pressure. Contractions can start at any time. If you experience abdominal pain and the first contractions, you need to go to the maternity hospital.

In multiple pregnancies, delivery is usually planned. A week or two before giving birth, doctors recommend going to a specialized hospital. In most cases, the woman is offered a caesarean section. There is no need to worry, as this operation is done to preserve the health of the mother and babies. If desired, a woman can become pregnant again and give birth to a healthy child.

2016-04-01 07:40:33

Svetlana asks:

Hello. I'm 21 weeks pregnant with twins. When I walk I have pain in the lower abdomen, what does this mean?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

This is a twin pregnancy.... The uterus is stretched for a longer period, the curvature of the spine is more pronounced due to the large weight in front, the load on the body is greater. With twins they occur more often premature birth. Therefore, we need a bandage for pregnant women: one that holds the back and below and in front of the first child. If there is pain in the lower abdomen during the 21st week, it is necessary to look at the condition of the cervix - cervicometry.

2015-01-14 15:49:12

Raisa asks:

Hello! Please help me understand the results... I am 12 weeks pregnant with twins with one non-developing fetus (at 6 weeks)
rubella IgG 57,; IgM negative
HSV type 2 IgG 1.6; IgM negative
CMV IgG 3.3; IgA negative
other infections are negative

Answers Sukhov Yuri Alexandrovich:

Hello, Raisa. I don’t really understand what your specific question is, besides, it is now customary to expand the well-known TORCH infections and call them the TORCH complex. However, you did not present all the results. Most likely, you need to seek personal advice from an infectious disease specialist with all the available documentation; you may even need to convene a consultation with the participation of an infectious disease specialist and an obstetrician-gynecologist. Sincerely, YuSukhov

2014-06-22 21:04:17

Vera asks:

I'm 25 weeks pregnant with twins and IVF. I would like to go to the sea, 300 km from my place of residence. How dangerous is such a trip, we are going by car.

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

If nothing worries you and you feel fine, then you can go, taking with you a first aid kit with the necessary medications (progesterone preparations, etc.).

2013-03-20 13:55:38

Svetlana asks:

Hello, I'm 37 weeks pregnant (with twins). Please tell me what is the best way to give birth by cesarean or natural birth, if the first baby has a cephalic presentation, and the second one has a transverse one?

Answers Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

You should discuss this issue with the doctor delivering the baby. With qualified labor management, natural birth is possible. Good luck and good health to you!

2012-11-10 19:44:58

Anna asks:

Help me to understand. 22 weeks pregnant with twins. According to ultrasound data, anatomically, 2 fetuses are developing according to the norm, but one fetus has a formation with a liquid component of the subcutaneous layer of soft tissue, which is located on the right under the armpit with a transition to the anterior part of the chest, size 9.7 * 42.8 * 30.9 mm. Screening markers for pathology are normal. Doctors are still finding it difficult to say what it is... Tell me what it could be?

2012-07-11 01:57:50

Alena asks:

Hello! Please tell me if I can fly on vacation at the 7th week of pregnancy with twins, flight time is 6 hours. I will be returning back for 12 weeks, all this time I will be in the sanatorium under supervision. My doctor said - the flight is over! Just take your bag with you! My husband and I immediately went and got tickets, but now I decided to look at what they were writing on the Internet and I was shocked, who to believe!? Flying in 4 days, tell me what to do. Thank you very much in advance!

2012-03-23 12:29:23

Irina asks:

Hello, at the 28th week of pregnancy with twins, fetal failure was diagnosed, although there were no complications throughout the entire period and all tests were normal (first pregnancy). Labor was induced, everything went fine. I would like to ask when can I plan a new pregnancy and what tests should my husband and I undergo? Thank you.

2011-08-26 10:21:14

IRINA asks:

Hello doctor, I’m 5 weeks pregnant with twins, I took Aevit, drank 40 capsules, which is exactly what happens during conception and development, now I’m worried it won’t affect the children, they won’t have deformities.

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Hello. Large doses of vitamin A do cause birth defects, but if the dose was taken “before the missed period” and the pregnancy is prolonged, then no damage has occurred.

2011-08-02 16:24:53

Natalya asks:

Hello! At 11 weeks pregnant with twins, I underwent the TORCH complex.
Result IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus 1,2. This positive result for values ​​greater than 0.6.
IgM antibodies are less than 8. This is a negative result for values ​​less than 15. After 2 weeks, I retested IgG antibodies, the result is 4.1. What does this mean? And could the presence of herpes on the lip affect the testing? An increase in IgG Antibodies indicates that I have this infection? Thank you in advance.

Answers Consultant at the medical laboratory "Sinevo Ukraine":

Good day, Natalia! You have no reason to worry. You are a lifelong carrier of CMV, like most adults. There is no need to endlessly check CMV IgG levels, especially since the result for this immunoglobulin will be positive for the rest of your life. Reliably determine whether the virus is active in this moment and when approximately the last activation (primary infection) occurred, it is possible only with the help of other studies: perform an ELISA blood test for IgG avidity to CMV, and a PCR test of blood, urine and saliva for viral DNA. Only if the viral DNA is present in biological fluids (especially in the blood), and the avidity is low, can we talk about activation of the virus, requiring treatment. If you do not have the DNA of the virus, there is no need for treatment, since the virus is dormant, does not cause harm, and does not require treatment. The activity of the virus will need to be determined (using the PCR method) in each trimester of pregnancy and when a rash (ARVI) appears during pregnancy. The inactive virus does not harm the baby and does not require treatment. Be healthy!

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Time flies quickly, you have just recently entered the final trimester, and the 31st week of pregnancy has already begun, which means that the eighth obstetric month is coming to an end. There is less and less time left until the cherished date of birth, and many women during this period are happy to choose clothes and other things for their baby.

There are still about nine weeks until the planned due date, but it’s time to choose a maternity hospital where your long-awaited baby will be born. Moreover, anything can happen, in case labor begins prematurely, it is better to always keep Required documents at hand. In addition, 31 weeks of pregnancy is not best time For long trips, it is better to relax close to home.


Pregnancy at 31 weeks is not an easy time. Surely, you have noticed that you have become much more tired, and when climbing stairs you feel short of breath. These unpleasant phenomena are due to completely understandable reasons. By this period, the uterus has grown so much that the remaining internal organs are compressed. It is for this reason that:

  • difficulty breathing (shortness of breath);
  • heartburn, feeling of nausea when overeating;
  • constipation;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

All these phenomena are temporary, you just need to endure this difficult period. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended:

  • avoid sudden movements;
  • walk slowly and carefully;
  • watch your posture;
  • rest more often.

The 31st obstetric week of pregnancy is the time when a woman’s metabolic processes accelerate. This is manifested by the fact that expectant mothers often feel hot, although the air temperature is low. Sweating and appetite increase.

Sweating should only be combated by frequent showering. Doctors do not recommend using antiperspirants that block the activity of the sweat glands during this period. After all, toxins are removed from the body along with sweat.

By 31 weeks, a woman’s body weight should increase by 8-11 kg, if for comparison we take the weight before the pregnancy period began. You need to weigh yourself weekly, and your weight gain should not be more than 500 grams per week.

If you notice that you are weighing a lot more, this is a reason to consult a doctor. A sharp jump in weight may indicate the formation of internal edema. The abdomen at this stage is already solid, the fundus of the uterus is located a palm above the navel.

The shape of the abdomen is an individual indicator; it depends on the woman’s body structure, as well as on the number of pregnancies she has had previously. During the first pregnancy, most stomachs are “sharp” and stick out forward. In subsequent pregnancies, the belly may become more rounded due to muscle strain.

Preparing for childbirth

31-32 weeks of pregnancy is still very early for childbirth, but meanwhile, the body is already beginning active preparation.

  • Special hormones begin to be produced, thanks to which the ligaments and pelvic bones soften. This is necessary for easier passage of the baby through the birth canal.
  • Training contractions appear periodically. This manifests itself as a feeling of spasm, the stomach becomes “stony”, and mild pain may occur. Such contractions occur sporadically and are never regular.

  • The breasts are preparing for the lactation period. Colostrum, a thick liquid, may periodically be released from the nipples. yellow color. Do not try to express colostrum under any circumstances; nipple stimulation can cause uterine tone and premature labor.


The child has grown a lot, so he is already feeling cramped in the uterus. Most likely, the baby has already assumed the position in which he will remain until birth. Therefore, movements at 31 weeks of pregnancy are limited to the fact that the baby pushes the wall of the uterus with his hand or foot.

An attentive mother may notice that at 31 weeks of pregnancy, fetal movements occur at a certain period. Most often, in the evenings, when mom goes to rest. The number of movements needs to be monitored. If the intensity of fetal movements sharply increases or, on the contrary, the baby stops “giving signals,” then you need to consult a doctor.

If there are two in the tummy

31 weeks pregnant with twins is a difficult period. The fact is that with multiple pregnancies the risk of premature birth is much higher, but the thirty-first week period is still too early for childbirth. If possible, you should maintain your pregnancy. And for this you may have to resort to medical help.

Perhaps at this time you will have to go to the maternity hospital for conservation. In this case, you will have to lie down almost all the time so as not to stimulate labor. By this time, doctors must already decide whether the pregnant woman will give birth on her own or require a cesarean section.

The indication for surgery is breech presentation of children, or the option when one twin is located transversely. Doctors can decide whether a caesarean section is necessary even if a woman has certain diseases.

How does a child develop?

Let's figure out what happens to the baby at 31 weeks of pregnancy. By this period, the formation of the body had long ended, but organs and systems continued to improve and develop.

A fetus at 31 weeks of gestation is not yet ready for independent life, but if premature birth does occur, the child’s chances of survival are very high. He can already breathe on his own, although his respiratory system is still imperfect.

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is about 1600 grams, but this is only average figure. Your child may be slightly larger or smaller than average. At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s weight depends not only on developmental characteristics, but also on hereditary factors.

So, if the parents are short, then the child’s weight at 31 weeks may be slightly less than the average parameters. If you are pregnant with twins, the total weight of the children can be about 3 kg. Moreover, one child, as a rule, weighs a little more than the other.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the development of the baby proceeds as usual, at this time the following changes can be noted:

  • the fetal brain at 31 weeks still continues its active development, the central nervous system is improving;
  • the accumulation of adipose tissue occurs at a rapid pace, the baby at 31 weeks of pregnancy is no longer as red and wrinkled as before. But before giving birth, he still has to approximately double his weight;

Adipose tissue is needed not only to make the baby look cuter and plump. Its main function is to protect the body from hypothermia and overheating. Therefore, babies born ahead of schedule and those who do not have a sufficient “reserve” of adipose tissue are placed in incubators where a stable temperature is maintained.

  • The organs of vision are improved, the baby can open his eyes and distinguish light from darkness. A corneal reflex appears, that is, the child reflexively closes his eyes when he touches the eye;
  • The development of the fetus is also reflected in changes in its appearance. Facial features become clearer, this can be seen by looking at a photo from an ultrasound machine with a 3D effect;
  • continues and emotional development child, the baby may show displeasure at sharp and unpleasant sounds, react differently to the voices of the mother and strangers, and worry if a bright light is directed at the woman’s stomach.

The emotional state of the fetus is associated with the mother’s mood. Therefore, a woman needs to avoid negative emotions, try to remain calm, listen to pleasant music and do things that bring pleasure.


The third planned ultrasound screening takes place at 31 or 32 weeks.

When undergoing an ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy, the specialist will find out:

  • What position is the fetus in? At this stage, the likelihood that the child will change his position is small. Therefore, if the examination shows that the baby is in a transverse or leg presentation, the doctor may decide whether a cesarean section is necessary.
  • What condition is the placenta in? This determines how well the fetus is supplied with nutrients.
  • How well developed are the child’s internal organs?
  • An assessment is made of how much amniotic fluid is in the uterus. Too little or too much amniotic fluid is considered a complication of pregnancy.
  • Position of the umbilical cord. The presence of double or triple umbilical cord entanglement is a factor that can complicate childbirth.
  • In addition, the condition of the woman’s pelvic organs is assessed.

At this stage, tests are carried out as planned, that is, the following is carried out:

  • urine examination for the presence of protein;
  • blood test for glucose and hemoglobin levels.

Possible problems

A pregnant woman may be bothered by various ailments, so you need to know which of them are normal and when urgent medical attention is required.


Normally, discharge at 31 weeks of pregnancy is transparent and moderate, although their quantity may increase slightly, since at this time blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases.

However, sometimes copious discharge that is colorless and odorless is a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid. And this condition is dangerous for the fetus, since an infection can enter the uterus.

At the pharmacy you can purchase special tests that allow you to determine the admixture of amniotic fluid in the discharge. If the result is positive, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

If at 31 weeks of pregnancy the discharge changes in character, this may indicate an infection. At this time, it is necessary to take a smear test so that if an infection is detected, there will be time for treatment.

If the infection is not treated, there is a risk of infection of the baby during childbirth. The appearance of bloody discharge is especially dangerous. The appearance of blood may be a sign of the onset of placental abruption.

Premature birth

31 weeks is still very early for the birth of a child, but anything can happen, so you need to be prepared for any surprises. If a pregnant woman has a stomach ache and cramps occur periodically at ever-decreasing intervals, then labor may have begun. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

However, at this time the stomach can hurt the most various reasons, including those not related to pregnancy. For example, chronic diseases of the digestive system or kidneys may worsen. But, in any case, a sore stomach should not be ignored.

If the pain does not go away for a long time or recurs periodically, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. Signs that premature labor is beginning, in addition to pain, are:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen and vaginal area;
  • release of mucus plug with bloody spots;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid.

So, the 31st week of pregnancy is the time when you need to start mentally preparing for childbirth. Gather the things you will need at the maternity hospital in advance. Of course, it’s still too early to give birth and you need to get ready to carry the pregnancy to term, but if a critical situation arises, you won’t have to frantically rush around putting together what you need. Let the folded things calmly “wait” until the due date approaches.

Well, the seventh month of pregnancy is coming to an end. In most cases, now the mother has already gone on maternity leave, which indicates that she has more time to rest and prepare for childbirth - since it will soon pass! If now you have not yet decided where your baby will be born, it’s time to start looking for a maternity hospital and a person who will help you and your child. In addition, this time is very favorable for you and your baby’s future dad to start taking courses for your new parents - the information will not be forgotten before the birth, and you will become well prepared for them.

31 obstetric weeks of pregnancy are already seven months and 20 days (one obstetric month includes 30 days).

What's happening?

Fetus at 31 weeks of gestation

The baby is growing, so over this week mommy will gain about 300 grams. You need to closely monitor your condition - whether there is any swelling, whether you are exceeding the usual weight gain for this period.

The baby is growing actively - weekly he gains about 200g, and at 31 weeks of pregnancy the baby’s weight is about 1500g (weight range 1400–1600g), and his height is more than 40cm.

Together with the baby, his organs also grow - the brain is now actively growing, reaching 25% of an adult, all organs are maturing. Subcutaneous fluid begins to accumulate fatty tissue, which in the future will be responsible for maintaining a stable temperature for the baby.

The child begins to actively urinate - this indicates that his kidneys have begun to work and remove unnecessary substances from the body on their own, despite the fact that a significant part of them, of course, is still excreted by the mother.

The lungs begin to produce a special substance that is important for the opening of the lungs after the birth of the baby - surfactant. It is precisely on this basis that babies born after the end of the 31st week of pregnancy have a much better chance - since their organs are already slowly beginning to function.

The color of the baby's eyes at 31 weeks of pregnancy is the same as before, light blue, but pigment slowly begins to accumulate in the iris. Regardless, your baby's eye color will likely be bright at birth, and the true eye color will likely be acquired within a few months of birth.

The child reacts well to light, may squint if bright light hits his tummy, and his pupils actively react to changes in lighting.

Belly at 31 weeks of pregnancy

Correct nutrition

The belly has increased in size even more, the expectant mother begins to experience discomfort associated with compression of the internal organs: heartburn, constipation. In addition, these phenomena are enhanced by progesterone. To avoid these problems, you will have to change your daily routine and diet a little.

You need to eat at least five to six meals daily, in small portions - this way you will not have the emotion of a full stomach and heartburn.

It is necessary to add more foods to your diet that facilitate bowel movements (mostly fiber) and eliminate everything that leads to flatulence.

The baby is currently growing actively, so his mother’s diet should contain a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins. The diet should be varied and must include first courses.

It is worth carefully monitoring the amount of food consumed - in the later stages, women in most cases experience a constant feeling of hunger. But you shouldn't indulge yourself - because the more weight you gain during pregnancy, the heavier you will need throughout labor.

Fetal movements at 31 weeks of gestation

The baby is active, but due to the fact that he has already grown significantly, he does not have the opportunity to behave actively as before. Based on this, mommy needs to carefully monitor the movements of the fetus: in the antenatal clinic you will be given a special diary in which you need to note all movements. Normally, the baby moves at least 20 times a day, or 4 times an hour during the rest period.

Mom's feelings

At this time, the body is already beginning to prepare for childbirth - quite often the tone of the uterus increases, and training contractions are noted. The body begins to produce a hormone that leads to a weakening of the symphysis pubis, causing the pelvic bones to begin to diverge - this will make it easier for the baby to appear. The gait begins to resemble that of a duck - don’t worry, after the birth is over, everything will return to normal.

The expectant mother is often worried about fatigue, pain in the back and legs. At this stage, mothers are advised to rest more, but they should not significantly reduce their activity - this will only make things worse. It is necessary to take walks in the fresh air every day and do special gymnastics for pregnant women.

If your legs get too tired and varicose veins appear, ask your husband to give you a gentle massage of your feet and legs in the evenings, this will significantly ease the condition of your legs and relieve fatigue.

It is necessary to constantly monitor your weight - a significant increase can indicate not only overeating, but also edema, which is quite dangerous at the 31st week of pregnancy. In addition, it is necessary to systematically measure blood pressure - it is during this period that it begins to fluctuate, increasing for many mothers, and decreasing for some, on the contrary.

Apart from stomach problems, mothers quite often complain of severe dizziness and weakness when lying on their back. This is due to compression of the abdominal vessels by the enlarged uterus. Mothers at 31 weeks of pregnancy are not recommended to lie on their backs. It would be much better to rest on your side or half-sitting.

Quite often, at 31 weeks of pregnancy, mothers complain of trouble sleeping - because of the huge belly, which compresses the insides, it is difficult for them to fall asleep, and during the night they also have to go to the toilet quite often - the bladder is also compressed by the uterus. In addition, in the later stages, mothers quite often begin to suffer from nightmares about pregnancy and the baby. Share your fears with your family - they will support you and help you dispel your worries.

Discharge at 31 weeks of pregnancy becomes more abundant due to increased blood supply to the pelvic organs. But they should not be accompanied by unpleasant sensations or have a pronounced odor or color. If you experience bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor, this may be an indication of placental abruption or preterm labor. In addition, you should be concerned if copious watery discharge appears - leakage of amniotic fluid threatens the baby with infections.

During this period, the woman may begin to secrete colostrum - the breasts are also preparing for the birth of the baby. At this time, it is worth carrying special breast pads with you - as colostrum may begin to leak at the most inopportune moment. In order not to spoil your mood, always carry earbuds in your purse.

Pain at 31 weeks of pregnancy

Pain will always accompany mommy - back pain, pain in the legs, and nagging pain in the abdomen. If these pains do not become very intense, there is no need to worry - this period During pregnancy, wave-like nagging pain in the abdomen is normal. If the pain becomes constant, the uterus feels very dense to the touch, you should consult a doctor, because the constant increased tone of the uterus indicates problems and the possibility of premature birth.

Necessary studies and analyzes

During this period, visits to the doctor are made every 14 days. At the appointment, the gynecologist will examine you, measure the size of your abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus, and listen to the fetal heartbeat. If necessary, the doctor may re-order urine tests. blood. Ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy is demonstrated only in those situations when there is doubt about the condition of the fetus. If your pregnancy is progressing normally, and the doctor sees no reason for alarm, there is no need to repeat the ultrasound.

The 31st week of pregnancy with twins is not much different from a simple pregnancy. Firstly, any of the babies may be smaller in size than a child should be by this time. Secondly, twin pregnancies often end in childbirth at 30 weeks. It goes without saying that there is nothing pleasant about this, but at this stage the children are already sufficiently formed and have every chance of growing up healthy.

Another trouble with twins is that they are much less mobile than one baby, and based on this, they usually maintain the position in which they are at 31 weeks until birth. It is unlikely that one of the babies will be able to turn over; therefore, in such a situation, a caesarean section may be useful.

It goes without saying that the mother of twins needs to pay double attention to her condition - since she is obliged to provide everything necessary not only for herself, but also for her two babies. Based on this, proper nutrition with sufficient vitamin content is of particular importance for her.

Sex at 31 weeks pregnant

Sex is not forbidden at all - childbirth is still far away. And if you have no contraindications (multiple pregnancy, placenta previa, toned uterus), then you and your husband have the full opportunity to continue pampering yourself intimate relationships. It goes without saying that you should be careful - sex should not be too violent and hard, it is better to choose positions where the man is behind; be directed to limit the depth of penetration. But the main thing is to know that it is virtually impossible to harm a child during sex, so you should not deny yourself pleasure due to this common fear.

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Questions - answers

I am 31 weeks pregnant and my belly is periodically stiff and painful. But after a couple of minutes. it passes. What it is?

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, you can have training contractions (Braxton-Hix) - they appear and spread in waves throughout the uterus, after which all sensations disappear without a trace. In most cases, training contractions are short-term (no more than two minutes) and do not cause intense pain. At this moment, you may feel that the belly is turning to stone, and nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen. Based on your description, there is nothing to worry about.

I am currently 31 weeks pregnant, the fetus is not moving much compared to previous periods - is this natural?

By the 31st week, the fetus becomes larger in relation to the size of the uterus and the amount of amniotic fluid than before. Due to the fact that it is cramped in the uterus, the number of movements of the fetus is significantly reduced - since it no longer has the opportunity to move as freely as before. In order for the expectant mother to accurately understand whether everything is normal with the baby, she should keep a diary of fetal movements - normally the number of movements is 4 per hour during a period of calm or 10 in twelve hours. If the number of movements is consistently below these figures, this may indicate fetal hypoxia, you need to consult a doctor.

Severe heartburn appeared, but before this, such troubles had never happened under any circumstances. Maybe I have gastritis?

By 31 weeks of pregnancy the uterus reaches large sizes, squeezing all internal organs, as well as the stomach. As a result, nausea and heartburn appear. What is heartburn? It is the reflux of acid from the stomach into the esophagus due to increased pressure in the stomach and relaxation of the gastric sphincters. It is not easy to combat this phenomenon, but it is possible - eat a little and quite often, drink milk during heartburn.

My baby and I are already approaching 31 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal position is still pelvic. I'm worried - will the baby be able to roll over before giving birth? Is it possible to somehow turn it over?

Up to the 32nd week of pregnancy, doctors consider the pelvic position of your baby to be normal - since he is still quite mobile and can change his position in the uterus every day. It is worth taking some measures to transform the position of the fetus only after the end of the 32nd week and only under the supervision of doctors - since quite often the baby is not allowed to turn over by the umbilical cord, myomatous nodes or other troubles. In such a situation, you only have the opportunity to harm him, so do not take any action before 32 weeks and without the advice of a doctor.

The calendar shows 31 weeks of pregnancy and no more than 10 obstetric weeks are left before birth. The baby is actively gaining weight and continues to develop, but the woman is not feeling so well.

A miscarriage can no longer happen at this stage, but premature birth can occur at any time. This is especially true for multiple pregnancies.

Child development

The fetus at 31 weeks of gestation has, by and large, already completed its formation. Now he will only grow and gain weight. By the end of the seventh obstetric month, his height is approximately 40 cm, and the weight of the child at 31 weeks can be 1500 - 1800 grams.

Do not forget that both indicators are purely individual. And a slight deviation is an acceptable norm.

If at 31 weeks of pregnancy the weight of the fetus reaches 1700 - 1800 grams, then we can say with confidence that the baby will be born large.

Fetal development continues at 31 weeks. What happens to the baby at 31 weeks of pregnancy? He is actively preparing for birth and has already turned over in the uterus, taking a head down position.

Sometimes the baby does not want to turn over and his legs end up at the exit of the uterus. In rare cases, it takes a transverse or oblique position. But there is no need to worry, since the baby can still roll over on his own or as a result of performing a special gymnastic complex.

A child at 31 weeks of pregnancy continues to actively accumulate subcutaneous white fat. And the thicker this layer becomes, the fewer wrinkles there will be on the baby’s body at the time of birth. At the same time, the skin becomes much denser and acquires a pleasant pink tint.

Simultaneously with the accumulation of white fat, internal brown fat is also deposited in the baby. Its function is to protect the baby from freezing after childbirth. Later - during the first year of a baby's life - it is converted into ordinary white fat.

There is still a layer of original lubricant on the baby’s skin, but it is becoming thinner. The lanugo, the down covering the baby’s body, also gradually disappears. At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the development of the organs of vision and hearing is complete.

The baby can blink, close his eyes during sleep and open them wide during periods of wakefulness. The iris of the eye is blue. It will remain this way until birth and during the first few months of the child’s life. And only later the eyes will receive their true color.

The production of sufractant continues in the lungs, but not all babies will be able to breathe independently outside the mother’s womb. 31–32 weeks of pregnancy are a period of active brain development. And this process is accompanied by head growth.

The mass of the pancreas continues to increase. Its cells are actively dividing and are already beginning to produce their own insulin. But the enzymes responsible for digestive processes will be produced by the organ only after the birth of the child.

The liver is already able to cleanse the baby’s blood of toxins and continues to produce bile. The genitals are improving, but the gender of the child can be determined with one hundred percent certainty.

Feelings of expectant mothers

The thirty-first obstetric week of pregnancy is a rather difficult period for most women. You get very tired, because at 31 weeks of pregnancy the baby’s weight can reach 1800 grams - and this is a lot. The uterus becomes large and squeezes all the internal organs.

Many pregnant women experience shortness of breath. Lung volume decreases. In addition, the woman becomes clumsy, which is due to a shift in the center of gravity. Even a simple movement can cause a fall.

Shortness of breath can bother the expectant mother not only when physical activity, but also at rest. The current accelerates metabolic processes, so a pregnant woman may sweat a lot.

The breasts continue to prepare for feeding the baby and in some women, colostrum begins to flow involuntarily from the nipples. This is the predecessor breast milk. There is no need to express it, but if the fluid secretion is too active, then you need to use special absorbent liners.

31st week of pregnancy - what can worry a woman?

  • Increase/decrease in blood pressure. If blood pressure surges occur, you should inform your gynecologist about this. The doctor will prescribe tests, since a person’s blood pressure is affected by the functioning of the kidneys and heart. You also need to remember that increased blood pressure can be promoted by active consumption of pickles and tonic drinks. Diuretics and sedatives, as well as some foods, on the contrary, lower it.
  • Pain in the lumbosacral spine and joints. The reason is simple - significant weight gain. To reduce the pressure exerted by the pregnant uterus, you need to choose chairs with backs for the seat.
  • Discomfort and mild pain in the pelvic area. The reason is the production of a special hormone relaxin, which causes softening and separation of the pelvic bones. This is a kind of preparation of the body for the upcoming birth and the passage of the child through the birth canal.

Carrying twins

31 weeks of pregnancy with twins is a difficult period for a woman. The belly becomes huge, so expectant mothers are strongly advised to give up household chores.

Twins can weigh 1500 grams each. As a rule, they are already turned head down and ready to be born. An ultrasound scheduled this week will help the doctor choose the best option for childbirth. Quite often, twins are born by caesarean section.


In this gestational week, the uterus has risen above the navel by 11 cm, and its bottom relative to the pubis is located at a height of 31 cm. Periodically, the woman feels its tension and relaxation. These are Braxton-Higgs training contractions, during which the cervix gradually softens and shortens.

The duration of the contraction is from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. It is painless and may cause only minor discomfort. If a woman experiences discomfort at this moment, it is recommended to lie on her left side and rest a little.

But if the strength of the contractions increases, they become periodic, then you need to urgently go to the hospital. This recommendation is especially relevant if a woman has bleeding or her water has broken.


The volume of the abdomen continues to increase. Itchy, overstretched skin can cause problems. To alleviate the condition, it can be lubricated with baby cream or olive oil.

At 31 weeks, many pregnant women feel rhythmic tremors in the lower abdomen - this is the baby hiccupping.


Ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy is a planned procedure. For a woman, an ultrasound method is an opportunity to see her child; for a doctor, it is a way to obtain the necessary information. The doctor will be able to determine:

  • the number of fetuses in the uterine cavity;
  • their position;
  • fetometric indicators;
  • location of the placenta and its condition.

An ultrasound allows you to find out exactly how much your baby weighs.

A certain danger is posed by the situation when the baby's place is located too low relative to the internal os of the uterus - less than 4 cm. This can cause bleeding both during childbirth and at any stage of gestation.

An ultrasound examination can determine the thickness of the placenta. Lack or excess thickness - in comparison with average values ​​- may be a sign of placental insufficiency.

The degree of aging of the child's place is also of diagnostic interest. At 31 weeks this is the first degree. If premature aging of the child's place is detected, the woman is hospitalized and specific treatment is prescribed.

During the study, the volume of amniotic fluid is determined and Doppler ultrasound is performed. The 31st week of pregnancy is the period when an ultrasound can determine whether the baby has an umbilical cord entanglement. This important information, which will be used in the management of childbirth. Among other things, the specialist will be able to assess the development of the child and its compliance with the gestational age.

Baby's movements

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, fetal movement is felt especially strongly, since there is less and less free space inside the uterus. The child’s previously established periods of wakefulness and sleep are preserved. But if movements at 31 weeks of pregnancy are reduced - compared to the usual number - then you should urgently inform your gynecologist about this.

Painful sensations

A woman’s weight continues to increase, which negatively affects the spine, pelvic bones, and knee joints. They can hurt quite severely, adding problems to the woman.

Wearing a back brace will help relieve pain and discomfort in the back. But first you need to consult a gynecologist. If a breech or transverse presentation has been diagnosed, the bandage will not allow the child to perform an independent rollover.

Pregnancy at 31 weeks can be complicated by the development of hemorrhoids. Many women complain of pain felt directly in the perineum. This is an acceptable norm, but if pain occurs specifically in the pubic bone, then it is necessary to obtain qualified medical advice.

Headaches are a common companion for pregnant women. But if they are accompanied by convulsions, persistent swelling and blurred vision, then we are talking about the development of gestosis - late toxicosis of pregnancy.

Abdominal pain can also become an alarming symptom. If you have a stomach ache and there are no objective reasons for this, then you need to inform your doctor about it as soon as possible.

Vaginal discharge

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the discharge should remain clear. Any changes in color, consistency or smell are a reason to contact a gynecologist. Thrush is often diagnosed during this gestational week. Symptoms become:

  • cheesy white discharge;
  • presence of sour odor;
  • swelling of the perineum;
  • redness of the mucous membrane.

The disease must be completely treated before labor begins. Otherwise, the baby will be infected while passing through the birth canal. A bad sign is the appearance of bloody smears. It may be a harbinger of the onset of labor.

Especially if it is accompanied by a sore stomach, nagging pain, radiating to the lumbar region. It is possible that clear discharge at 31 weeks of pregnancy is leaking amniotic fluid. The condition requires treatment and, as a rule, the woman is hospitalized.

Acceptable weight gain

To avoid gaining unwanted pounds, you need to carefully monitor your diet. It is recommended to control your appetite and eat only the right foods. The permissible weekly increase is 350 grams.

If a woman’s weight differs significantly from the average norm, then she will be advised to carry out fasting days. The gynecologist will suggest the menu. The presence of extra pounds in combination with edema and high blood pressure may indicate the development of late toxicosis - gestosis.

A very dangerous condition requiring urgent hospitalization. There is not much time left before the birth. A woman is advised to relax, walk and enjoy her position as much as possible.