We open the calendar - January begins, or how to teach a child the seasons and months. How to remember the names of the months of the year. We teach the names of the months with children.

Seasons for children look like every time new world with bright characteristic colors, smells and sensations inherent in a certain time of year. You can start introducing children to the seasons with pictures describing nature, demonstrating the features of the season, and introduce easy poems about nature for children about the seasons in pictures and riddles.

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season consists of 3 months, and there are 12 months in a year. Every month of the year has had its own name since ancient times. The names of the months of the year come from ancient times; in their names you can see what is happening at a given time of year, in a given month.

Let's take a closer look at each season.

Four sisters

Poems for children about the seasons
(author E. Karganova)

Nature has it
Four pages
The weather has
Four sisters

Pages about every season


The birds are flying in
The animals wake up
First sister
IN SPRING called


Everyone is full and warm
The sun's bright light
Second sister


Stocked up
Leaves fly away
Third sister -
AUTUMN golden


Snow sparkles everywhere -
She came to us herself
Fourth sister -
Zimushka - WINTER

Many month names come from the folk calendar and are associated with some important events, for example, June is grain growing, because the grain is rising, but September is gloomy, because the weather at this time of year begins to quickly deteriorate and gloomy. At every season, nature changes, the forest changes color, and the weather changes. We also change at every season, changing clothes, games and activities.

Tasks-games for children about the seasons

Name what natural phenomena are shown in the picture?

You can choose from these natural phenomena: Rain; Snowfall; Hail; Storm; Wind; Rainbow

(The correct answers can be found by clicking on the picture.)

Now, tell me, in what seasons do these natural phenomena occur?

Picture of the seasons for children in the form of a clock

Download the image to your computer, print it and cut it out of paper. Then you need to come up with an arrow, it could be a strip of paper. Make a hole in the center of the clock and insert the hand. Now you need to move the arrow, pointing to the time of year with a picture of the clothes corresponding to the season.


A game for children with pictures of the seasons.

Walk along the paths of the labyrinth and you will find out what time of year the bear sleeps, when the strawberries ripen in the forest and when the birds fly away to warmer climes.

(Click on the picture to open a larger image for downloading)

Guess what time of year it is?

Look carefully:
What seasons are shown in the pictures?

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(ɐнɔǝʚ) (ɐwиε)

Your baby is growing and it’s time to tell him that after autumn comes winter, and after spring always comes summer. Parents are wondering what the most effective and simple teaching methods exist, how to make the seasons clear to children?

Baby calendar

The seasons are easy to distinguish from each other. Each season brings with it an important, interesting event. For example, birthdays, family dates and holidays, New Year, so beloved by children. Start making a personal calendar with your child:

  1. In winter, Santa Claus comes to the baby with gifts, dad brings a Christmas tree, and the baby dresses it up.
  2. In the summer, the whole family goes to the sea: your parents are on vacation, mom and dad are both at home, and you have fun together in nature.
  3. In autumn it rains and you can run through puddles in boots, while older children go to school with backpacks.
  4. In spring, the snow melts and the first flowers bloom, the leaves on the trees become more and more green right before our eyes.

With your help, your child notices and learns the names of the seasons. Months are more difficult. Not only is it so difficult to remember their names, you also need to learn the order of how they run after each other, like a round dance.

Methods for remembering months and seasons of the year

When should a baby start getting acquainted with the outside world? It is best to start a detailed acquaintance with the months when the child starts talking. Now each of your walks becomes not only entertainment, but also an activity. But how to teach a child the months of the year and the names of the seasons is not difficult, start implementing the techniques from this article right now:

  • Play games.
  • Create drawings.
  • Learn and compose poems, riddles, fairy tales, stories, cartoons.
  • Use associations and memorable dates.
  • Pay attention to the sensations.
  • Explain why seasonal clothing is worn.
  • Link your baby's favorite holidays to months.
  • Contemplate, finding with your baby all the changes that occur.

Detailed description of methods. The child is 2 years old

Walks. Active, linguistic observation of nature can be taught from the age of 2. Every new day, focus your child’s attention on the weather, what season and month it is. Describe in words everything you find and feel today. Become a walking and talking encyclopedia for your child.

What is it for. The information will be stored subconsciously, that is, your baby will instinctively know the names of the months and what is connected with them, without specifically learning them. This long-term memory will help him later when you move on to educational games.

The child turned 3 years old. Educational games

There are special nature calendars, “Seasons” lotto and their digital analogues for children. Take 4 identical parts of a sheet, stick a picture on each, which will make it easier for your child to explain the difference between winter and summer. Label the pictures and place each card on an envelope to hold pictures of seasonal clothing, holiday cards, and other images. At five years old, you will replace these pictures with pictures with the names of the months. The top flap of the envelope should be cut off so that the cards are visible from it, and it is easy for the baby to get them with his fingers.

First you need to let your child remember the names of the seasons and what is connected with them. Discuss with him what you can do when there is snow, the sun is shining hot, and it is raining. At the same time, it is better to start learning the alphabet, and you can start mastering the months at 5 years old. Be patient, as it is quite difficult to get the names of the months and their sequence into your head. But, in anticipation of his fifth birthday, your child, having mastered the alphabet, will be able to more easily perceive information and structure it.

Poems, riddles, fairy tales, cartoons, children's films

In the period from 3 to 5, the baby also receives information about the seasons and months from literature and television. There are many riddles and quatrains on this topic that can be easily learned by heart.


Smoke is coming from the chimney.
Glass is painted.
Let's go sledding.
We are not cold - we are warm.


Summer is upon us again!
It became hot and light.
Straight along the paths
Feet run barefoot.


A week of March will fly by,
April will ring in drops,
May will come to us with flowers for him,
The sun will flood our city.


If the leaves on the forest have turned yellow,
If the blue birds flew into the blue sky,
If the cloud is gloomy or the rain is pouring,
Everything outside the window is called autumn.

Good films were created back in Soviet times: “Twelve Months”, “Morozko”, “Three Nuts for Cinderella”, the film about spring “Snow Maiden”, which well shows the change of seasons and the melting of snow. Watch them with your child and talk about these moments. Even if your child watched a movie or cartoon himself, discuss with him what he liked most and what upset him, and what he would do. Pay special attention to the details of the seasons.

Child 5-6 years old

By the age of five, your child, as a rule, has already mastered the alphabet, clearly knows the difference between winter and spring, and even expresses his preferences for which season he likes most. Now is the time to explain to him the order in which the months go.

Association games

It's time to take 12 cards out of our envelopes and study them in detail. Ask your child to put the months in order and tell him what he remembers about them, when Christmas or grandma’s name day will be, what clothes people wear in January, when you go on vacation.

Making unusual watches

  1. Divide the thick cardboard circle into 4 parts. These will be sectors with images of the seasons. Divide each sector into 3 parts and write the names of the months.
  2. Attach the hands to your clock.
  3. Place the arrows in the right place.
  4. Every first number, change the direction of the arrow. Of course, it’s better to let the baby do it himself.

Now, seeing all the months at once every day, the child will intuitively remember their location. Draw his attention to the "Clock of the Seasons". “What season of the year is it now? Is it autumn now, September?”

Don't forget about spiritual intimacy

Psychologists say that playing together, communicating, walking, doing crafts, and helping preschoolers in the kitchen and housework form warm memories that will save them throughout life. adult life. While children are small, we don’t just teach them, we lay a strong foundation, deep roots that will not allow them to fall in difficult moments of life.

Don't worry if your child is slow to learn the names of the months and seasons. Arriving at school, he will easily consolidate this skill in the first year. From the age of six, you can start writing the date and month in your copybooks every day. Also, don't limit yourself to our recommendations. Each child is individual and if you decide that at the age of three it will be useful for him to see a clock with seasons, then try it, only you yourself will find the right key for your little one.

A short summary list of teaching methods for months and seasons, by year of life

  • 2-3 years. Conversations during a walk, cards with the seasons of the year.
  • 3-5 years. Poems, stories, fairy tales, cartoons, films and discussion of what they saw, learning the alphabet.
  • 5-6 years. Clocks with seasons and months, cards with envelopes, associations.
  • 6-7 years. The path to school, daily work with copybooks, indicating the date.

Cartoon about the seasons and months from the series “Lessons from Aunt Owl”:

On this page of the site you will find information on how you can interestingly tell children about time, how to introduce them to concepts related to time, such as year, month. With the help of this material and simple exercises you can teach your child the months of the year.

Studying time

They usually say about time that it goes, runs, flies, flows...

Time never stops. People on earth have learned to measure time. To do this, they use such concepts as year, month, week, day, hour, minute.

1 year is the time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun.

  • How many years will it take if the Earth makes 2 full revolutions, five full revolutions around the Sun?
  • How old are you? How many revolutions did the earth make around the sun during this time?

When the earth makes 100 complete revolutions around the sun, a hundred years will have passed.


It has no legs and no wings,
He's flying fast, you can't catch him

Answer: time

Seasons and months

There are 12 months in a year:

    January was walking through the snowdrifts, the king of all winter frosts!
    February caught up with him - he lost his shawl from the blizzard.
  3. MARCH
    March came running for his shift and the ringing rang: “Spring, let’s start!”
  4. APRIL
    April sailed along the streams, he carried drops in his pocket.
  5. MAY
    The leaves of May rustled: “Take off your warm jacket!”
  6. JUNE
    The dandelion carried June. Do you want a miracle? Just blow!
  7. JULY
    And in July, and in July we had a holiday at sea!
    August was buzzing with bees and sitting like a mushroom in the forest.
    In golden September we forgot about the heat!
    The wind blew in October: let's pick up yellow leaves!
    November froze us and threw the first snow on the ground.
    December is upon us, ending a long year!

Spring , summer, winter And autumn pass over these months.

twelve brothers
They wander after each other,
But they don't bypass each other

Answer: months

Look carefully at the drawing. Determine where which season is drawn?

  • Name the winter, spring, summer and autumn months.
  • What month is your birthday? What time of year is this?

  • Winter– the coldest time of the year. In winter the most short days and the longest nights. The sun is very weak. Plants, insects and some animals are in hibernation.

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,
The blizzard is walking.
When does this happen?

Answer: in winter

  • Spring– the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter. The sun is getting hotter and hotter. Plants and insects are waking up from their winter sleep. Are returning migratory birds, because now they have enough food. People begin field work.

The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life,
The day is coming.
When does this happen?

Answer: in the spring

  • Summer– the warmest time of the year. The day in summer is the longest, and the night is the shortest. The future harvest is ripening. Animals and birds have a lot of food, and they can breed.

The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming,
The rye is ripening.
When does this happen?

Answer: in summer

  • Autumn– the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. The sun is warming less and less. People are harvesting. Some animals store supplies for the winter. Plants are shedding leaves. Insects are disappearing. Migratory birds fly away to warmer regions.

The fields are empty, the ground is wet,
The rain is pouring down.
When does this happen?

Answer: in the fall

Each month has not only its own name, but also its own serial number.

  • Help each bunny find its month by number


Our planet Earth rotates not only around the sun, but also around its own axis, exposing first one side or the other to the sun. Where the planet is illuminated by the Sun, it is day. At this time, it is night on the other side of the planet. One revolution of our planet around its axis is a day.


In summer, the days are long and the nights are short. In winter, on the contrary, the days are short and the nights are long.

The concept of "Seasons"

Read the poems (or listen). Tell me when does this happen?
For each poem, draw a tree that you can see at this time of year.
Say the opposite: summer - ..; spring - ..; Cold - ..; wet - ..; bloom - ..; fly away -...

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds:
The way she howls like a beast,
She will cry like a child.
A. Pushkin

The field is sunny and quiet.
The hot day dries the earth.
Buckwheat thought about it.
Barley hung his head.
G. Ladonshchikov

From the midday rays
A stream ran down the mountain,
And the snowdrop is small
I grew up on a thawed patch.
G. Ladonshchikov

Boring picture!
Endless clouds
The rain just keeps pouring down.
Puddles by the porch.
A. Pleshcheev

There is a tree in the royal garden. On one side the flowers bloom, on the other the leaves fall, on the third the fruits ripen, on the fourth the branches are pruned. What kind of tree is this? - This is the year.

Find the extra word: winter, cold, frosty, calm, snowy, blizzard. Think of similar words: hot,..
Let's play together: If you are picking mushrooms, this is..., if the buds are swelling, this is..., if you are walking in felt boots, this is..., if you are wearing a warm jacket, this is... or...

Determine what time of year is shown in the pictures. What happens to a tree in winter, spring, summer and autumn?

What season do these objects remind you of?

Tell your child that a year consists of 12 months.

Let's divide the months by seasons:

After this, learn the names of the months with your child. Here you need to learn with your child how many days there are in which month and how you can determine this.

Name the winter, spring, summer and autumn months. Tell me what is shown in the pictures. Look at the pictures and tell us what is happening in nature at this time.

Find the extra item in each group. Explain your choice.

Look at the pictures and tell me when this happens? Name the time of year.

Guess riddles about time

These birds fly in a line,
And they won't come back anymore.
There are seven birds in every flock,
You all know them! (Days of the week.)
twelve brothers
They wander after each other,
But they don't overtake each other.
The bridge stretches
For seven miles,
And at the end of the bridge -
Golden Mile.
(A week.)
They come every year
To visit us:
One gray-haired
Another young one
The third gallops
And the fourth one is crying.

How to use your hands to determine the number of days in any month? Clench your hands into fists and turn them as shown in the picture.

JANUARY - 31 JULY - 31
FEBRUARY - 28 (29) AUGUST - 31
MAY - 31 NOVEMBER - 30

Listen to the poem. Tell me, how many days are there in February in a leap year?

Thirty days are always in September,
In April, June and November.
One day more in other months,
Only February doesn’t want to catch up.
There are only twenty-eight days in it,
But in a leap year it is a day longer.

Determination of the sign of the year according to the Chinese horoscope. I WAS BORN:

Determine what zodiac sign you were born under: I WAS BORN: