Online pension calculator. Calculate pension online How pension is calculated in

Most people face difficulties in determining the size of their future pension. They have a question about how to calculate old age pension?

Main parameters affecting the size of the pension

There are several requirements of the Pension Fund for applicants:

  • the person must have at least 8 years of work experience;
  • the minimum score is 11.4.

Elderly people who do not meet these criteria are entitled to social payments. There are categories of people entitled to early retirement. How to do it right calculate old age pension for women? You can do this directly on our website.

How the formula for calculating pensions has changed

in 2017? When calculating benefits, specialists take into account the following indicators:

  1. The amount of the IPC, which depends entirely on employer contributions.
  2. Premium odds that allow you to increase your payout. They were developed to prevent older people from applying for a pension immediately after reaching the appropriate age. In this way, the state seeks to reduce the burden on the budget.

A new formula is used to calculate benefits:

SP = IPK x SIPC x K + FV x K, where:

  • SP - the amount of old-age insurance pension;
  • IPC - the number of points earned by an elderly person;
  • SIPC - the cost of the IP, which is adjusted in accordance with inflation;
  • K is the value of the coefficient that is used for later retirement;
  • PV - funds that are paid to all categories of pension recipients.

To determine the IPC, you can use the following method:

IPC = SV / SVmax x 10, where:

  • SV - funds transferred by the employer as insurance contributions. Moreover, the tax base is adjusted annually.
  • СВmax - what is the maximum amount of contributions that can be used when calculating a pension.

To earn a sufficient amount of IPC, you must receive an official salary. However, some employers still prefer to pay employees in cash in “envelopes”. In this case, contributions are not credited to the account of the insured person. The absence of pension points does not allow a person to qualify for insurance pension.

IPC cost

On one's own? To do this, you need to know the current cost of the IPC. Federal authorities annually index the price pension point. In 2017, the IPC value reached 78.28 rubles.

What factors determine the amount of fixed payments?

The state-guaranteed amount is calculated taking into account several circumstances:

  1. The presence of dependents who are in the care of an elderly person.
  2. On increased pensions People who have been declared disabled can count on it.
  3. Fixed payments are increased for a group of people who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years.
  4. To reduce the budget deficit, the federal authorities decided to introduce bonus coefficients. They apply to people who retire later due date. Moreover, the size of the coefficient is set taking into account the deferment period.
How many years have passed since achievement retirement age The value of the bonus coefficient, which allows you to increase the amount of the fixed payment
1 1,056
2 1,12
3 1,19
4 1,27
5 1,36
6 1,46
7 1,58
8 1,73
9 1,9
10 2,1

If you do not retire for 10 years and continue to work, you can increase the size of fixed payments by 2.1 times. However, many Russians are skeptical about the idea of ​​delaying their pension. The reason for this decision is that the majority of residents of the Russian Federation do not live to see 66 years of age.

How to determine your pension amount yourself

To do this, you need to know the size of the official salary. If a person plans to delay retirement, then it is necessary to use a bonus factor. The difficulty in calculating pensions lies in the fact that the state regularly indexes the main indicators.

The future pensioner has to look for up-to-date information about the cost of the IPC and the amount of the fixed payment. Under these conditions, many users experience difficulties. They do not know, how to calculate old age pension in 2017 year. When independently determining the amount of benefits, a person is faced with the fact that his salary amount is constantly changing.

To simplify the process of calculating your pension, you can use an online calculator. However, with its help it is impossible to obtain the exact amount of payments. There is a need to carry out independent calculations. To understand the mechanism for calculating pensions, you can consider the following case.

Calculation example

After graduating from university, a person got a job at the age of 24. He was offered an official salary of 35 thousand rubles. The man worked at the company until retirement age. Duration length of service will be: 60 – 24 = 36 years.

Now let’s determine the number of pension points that a man has earned in a year. It must be taken into account that a person has refused a funded pension:

(35,000 x 12 x 0.16) / (876,000 x 0.16) x 10 = 67,200 / 1,401,600 = 4.79 points

  • 12 – number of months in a year;
  • 0.16 – tariff that employers transfer to Pension Fund;
  • 876,000 is the maximum amount in 2017 that is subject to taxes;

From here, we determine the number of points that an elderly person will earn:

4.79 x 36 = 172.44

Let's multiply the number of IPCs by their value in 2017:

172.44 x 78.58 = 13,550.33 rubles.

To the amount received we add the state-guaranteed payment:

13,550.33 + 4,805.11 = 18,355.44 rubles.

How to find out the amount of a funded pension

To calculate old age pension in 2017 you need to know the tariff rate that is used when calculating insurance payments. Enterprise managers pay 16% of their employees' salaries monthly to the Pension Fund.

Of this, 6% is used to form the funded part of payments. The remaining amount is intended to accrue the insurance portion of the pension. In 2015, the authorities decided to suspend the option of choosing funded payments. The peculiarity of the situation is that the pension amount is not subject to indexation.

To determine the amount of savings payments, you can use the following formula:

NP = PN / T, where:

  • PN - the sum of all payments that have been received into the personal account of an elderly person. When calculating, you need to take into account funds generated from maternity capital and government benefits.
  • T - period of formation of a funded pension.

For example, an elderly person has 245,000 rubles in his personal account. The payment period is 228 months. To determine the amount of a funded pension, it is enough to divide 245 thousand rubles by 228.

245,000 / 228 = 1074.56 rubles.

without turning to specialists

The applicant can find out the size due payments in the personal account of the Pension Fund. To gain access, you must register on a website that provides the opportunity to use government services. Many users do not know how to calculate old age pension. Calculator presented on the website helps simplify the procedure for determining the amount of payments.

How long will you have to work to qualify for a certain pension amount?

To achieve an increase in your future pension, you need to know the procedure for calculating it. When calculating payments, experts take into account not only the level of a person’s salary.

The amount of the benefit is affected by fixed payment and the cost of the IPC. Pension calculations may be increased if a person worked in the regions Far North. The amount of payments depends on the bonus coefficients.

For example, a candidate would like to receive a pension in the amount of 18 thousand rubles. When concluding an employment contract, his salary was set at 40 thousand rubles. It is necessary to determine the length of work experience and the salary level that are necessary to calculate such benefits.

18,000 – 4,805.11 = 13,194.89 rubles.

In this formula, 4,805.11 is the amount of the fixed payment that is valid in 2017.

The number of pension points can be found by dividing the resulting amount by the cost of the IPC:

13 194,89 / 78,58 = 167,91

The amount of insurance payments to be transferred to the Pension Fund will be:

167.91 x 876,000 x 0.16 / 10 = 2,353,426 rubles.

We divide this value by 0.16 and get the amount of income that a person should earn in his entire life:

2,353,426 / 0.16 = 14,708,916 rubles.

The length of service will be 14,708,916 / (12 x 40,000) = 30 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of determining payouts using an online calculator

To calculate an old-age pension for a woman 1962 year of birth, you must enter all the parameters into the calculator. Most people are not specialists who are well versed in pension law. Thanks to the calculator, you can quickly calculate the amount of payments. To do this, just enter the following information:

  • gender of the applicant;
  • year of birth of a person;
  • are employer contributions used to form the funded part of the pension;
  • duration of military service and child care;
  • number of dependents;
  • salary level;
  • how many years a person plans to work.

The script will independently calculate the pension amount. If desired, the user can print the results. The disadvantage of the calculator is that in this way you can only determine the approximate size of your future pension. It is impossible to calculate all the parameters that specialists use when calculating payments.


The online calculator simplifies the process of calculating your pension. However, the obtained figures cannot be called accurate. To determine the correct payout amount, it is best to use a formula. If necessary, a person can consult with specialists of the Pension Fund.

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Reform pension system Russia provides for a gradual transition to a new mechanism for calculating insurance and funded pensions, as well as the individual pension coefficient. This radically changes the size of final payments to citizens of the country upon reaching retirement age. What changes will occur in the procedure for calculating pensions in 2019?

Pension capital in 2019 – features of formation

A citizen’s pension capital, according to the new provisions, should be formed from two parts:

  1. Mandatory insurance contributions to the Pension Fund.
  2. Voluntary contributions to non-state pension funds.

Moreover, if the first amount is guaranteed to be determined by the state, then the size of the second can be determined by the citizen himself.

At the same time, on a voluntary pension capital The following conditions apply:

  • Funds sent to it are not taxed.
  • A citizen has the right to contribute monthly from 0 to 6% of his income.
  • The safety of voluntary pension savings is guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Agency.

Important point: If it happens that a non-state pension fund goes bankrupt, the citizen will be returned the entire amount contributed by him.

How to calculate your insurance pension in 2019?

After a Russian citizen retires, he is awarded a pension, the amount of which depends on his length of service and the points he has accumulated. Its average in the country is now 13,700 rubles.

What is an insurance pension? This is part of the pension benefit, which is annually indexed by inflation. old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner. Depending on the reasons for the payment, the procedure for calculating it also changes.

Old age and disability pension is calculated as follows:

Pension benefit amount = F + B + K + C, Where

F– a fixed part of the pension on the day it is accrued to the citizen.
B– points accrued to the pensioner.
TO– calculated individual pension coefficient.
C– the price of one point at the time of pension accrual.

The survivor's pension is assessed in a simpler way:

Pension benefit amount = K * C, Where

TO– individual pension coefficient calculated in relation to the deceased breadwinner.
C– the price of one pension coefficient at the time of pension calculation.

As for the funded pension...

The funded part of the pension is a special part that workers born after 1967 can count on.

In this case, the citizen himself determines the tariff based on which his employer will make contributions, namely:

  • 16% - for an insurance pension.
  • 10% - for insurance and 6% - for funded pension.

After the tariff is selected, the citizen sends a written notification to Pension Fund branch at the place of residence. The funded part of pensions in Russia has been “frozen” for three years now, which is happening against the background of the implementation of the anti-crisis plan by the Government of the country.

We calculate the individual pension coefficient in 2019

This indicator, which began to be used in 2015, is an objective reflection of the employee’s length of service and salary. It is measured in points, which are awarded to the employee annually. Currently, the price of one point is 74 rubles 27 kopecks. They plan to index it in April 2017.

The individual pension coefficient plays an important role in the pension calculation process itself.

Since 2017 pension benefit will be provided to the citizen only if:

  1. His insurance experience turned out to be more than 8 years.
  2. The number of points accumulated by a person is 11.4.

Important point: With the maximum possible salary for the year, an employee can accumulate 8.26 points in 2017.

Pension reform 2019 – what do experts say?

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the pension reform that will be launched in Russia in 2017. Its final parameters have not yet been determined, since experts cannot come to a consensus regarding increasing the retirement age, the formation of the funded part of the pension and benefits for working pensioners. What points of view do experts put forward on this issue?

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov: on the issue of indexation

The Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation put an end to the controversy regarding the likelihood of pension indexation, noting in his speech that “pensions and social benefits will be indexed in 2017, since this is a requirement of the law, which means we will fulfill it at any level of inflation.”

Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia Alexey Moiseev: about pensions of citizens with high level income

The problem of pensions for citizens with high salaries was discussed so often at different levels that the Deputy Minister had to make a statement on behalf of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. He pointed out that the abolition of pensions is not expected, since “no state system can pay a replacement rate of 40% to a person who received 100 thousand rubles during his life.” For such purposes, according to him, the funded part of the pension was provided.

Russian Minister of Labor Maxim Topilin: about funded pensions for citizens

The head of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation notes the importance of the funded pension, and emphasizes that it can become the basis for increasing the standard of living of pensioners. At the same time, he points out that “the funded part of the pension should not be a withdrawal from the insurance.”

Vice-President of Business Russia Tatyana Mineeva: on the abolition of pensions for working pensioners

The expert considers the initiative to cancel pensions for working pensioners to be an ill-conceived measure. In her opinion, working citizens of retirement age continue to make insurance contributions and join the ranks of Russia’s labor force, of which there is a clear shortage given the current demographic situation. As the Vice-President of Business Russia notes: “The demographic situation in the country means that every year there is a decrease in the working population and an increase in the number of people of retirement age, which will worsen with the abolition of pensions.”

In general pension reform 2019 is aimed at optimal indexation of payments without damage to the crisis-prone economy, revision of the mechanisms for calculating the funded and insurance part of pensions, as well as increasing the retirement age of working citizens.

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Despite a fairly large amount of information in the media about reforming the pension system, for most the difference between work and pension remains unclear, many do not understand what a pension point and bonus coefficient are. Also, citizens are quite skeptical about non-state pension funds (NPFs) - often because of the word "non-state". But the most pressing question still remains pension calculation.

How is the pension calculated?

Until 2015 pension provision working citizens and members of their families was regulated by Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ. The old-age labor pension (this is the most common type of pension) consisted of two parts - funded and insurance.

However, in 2013 they adopted two laws, which actually identified the concepts "labor" And "insurance" pension.

  • From January 1, 2015, citizens who have and are eligible under certain conditions are paid an insurance pension.
  • In some cases (depending on the decision of the citizen himself), it is supplemented by another independent payment - a funded pension.

The procedure and conditions for assigning these pensions are outlined in Federal Laws N 400-FZ and N 424-FZ (for insurance and funded pensions, respectively).

The main changes that the year brought were new pension calculation formula, as well as requirements for. According to these requirements, in order to receive an old-age insurance pension, a person must:

  • have an insurance experience in 2019 (periods when the Russian Pension Fund received insurance contributions from employers) of at least 10 years, and until 2024 inclusive, this requirement will increase by one year annually;
  • availability of the required number of pension points (value in the new formula) from 16.2 in 2019 and further to 30 in 2025;
  • achieve the generally established age of 65 for and 60 for, taking into account the transitional provisions of the law (there are certain categories of citizens entitled to).

New formula for calculating insurance pensions

In order to navigate the new formula, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the terminology of the Federal Law “About insurance pensions”:

  • (IPC or pension point) is a special value that depends on the amount of insurance contributions (and therefore on wages) paid by employers;
  • - multipliers created to motivate citizens later than they have rights to it work on a simple principle: the longer you wait to retire, the more you will have;
  • - a state-guaranteed amount, analogous to the fixed base amount in the law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”.

In general, the new formula for calculating the old-age insurance pension can be written as follows:

SP = IPC x SIPC x K + FV x K, Where:

  • JV- the amount of old-age insurance pension;
  • IPC- the amount of pension points accumulated at the time of calculation;
  • SIPC- the cost of the individual pension coefficient;
  • TO- bonus coefficients (for fixed payments and pension points they have different values);
  • FV- fixed payment.

The value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC)

To better understand the above formula, it is important to know how the number of pension points is calculated:

IPC = SV / SV max x 10,

This means that the primary task of future retirees is to accumulate as many pension coefficients as possible, because even in the case of indexation, the cost of the IPC will not fundamentally change.

Fixed payment amount

The fixed benefit (FB) is a guaranteed amount added to the insurance pension by the state. According to Part 8 of Art. 10 of Law No. 350-FZ, the amount of the fixed payment from January 1, 2019 is 5334.19 rub.

Under certain circumstances and conditions, the size of the PV can be further increased. These circumstances may be:

  • establishment of disability group I or;
  • having at least 15 years of experience in the Far North or areas equivalent to it;
  • later (due to premium coefficients).

Below is a table that reflects the dependence of the value for a fixed payment on the period for which a citizen delays or suspends receiving pension payments:

Period for which the application for pension was deferred, yearsPremium coefficient for fixed payment
1 1,056
2 1,12
3 1,19
4 1,27
5 1,36
6 1,46
7 1,58
8 1,73
9 1,9
10 2,11

As can be seen from the data presented above, if you do not retire within 10 years after receiving the right to it, but, for example, continue to work, then in addition to additional (and therefore pension points), the citizen will receive an increase in the fixed payment more than doubled.

But you need to understand, for example, that the average life expectancy in our country is 66 years, and you will have to wait until 75 - how profitable this is, each citizen must decide for himself.

How to calculate your old age pension yourself?

The calculation method, at first glance, is not complicated and consists of the following steps:

  • We calculate the number of pension points based on the gross salary;
  • if you plan not to retire after receiving the right to it, look for the required period in the coefficient table and multiply the number of pension points and the fixed payment by the corresponding values;
  • multiply the cost of one individual pension coefficient by the number of points;
  • We add the resulting amount with a fixed payment.

However, the whole difficulty lies in the fact that such values ​​as a fixed payment, the value of a pension point and gross salary are not constant values: if the PV and the cost of the IPC only increase (indexed), then the salary changes many times over the course of a career.

Therefore, any calculations regarding the size of the future pension are approximate nature and serve only as a guide for citizens.

Citizen Ivanov, after graduating from university in 2018, was offered a job on January 1, 2019. He is 23 years old, the official salary will be 50 thousand rubles on average before taxes. He plans to work until retirement. A funded pension will not be generated. Let's calculate the amount of pension he will be able to receive upon reaching 65 years of age:

  1. We calculate the insurance period: 65 - 23 = 42 years;
  2. We calculate the number of pension points that Ivanov will receive in one year: (50,000 x 12 x 0.16) / (1,150,000 x 0.16) x 10 = 5.217 points, where
    • 12 - number of months;
    • 0.16 - insurance premium rate (16% when forming only an insurance pension);
    • 1,150,000 - the maximum contribution base in 2019 (Government Decree No. 1426 of November 28, 2018).
  3. We multiply the number of points by the number of years that these points will be formed: 5.217 x 42 = 219.13 points;
  4. We calculate the product of the number of IPK and its cost (according to data for 2019): 219.13 x 87.24 = 19116.94 rubles;
  5. Let's add to this the amount of the fixed payment: 19116.94 + 5334.19 = 24451.13 - this will be the amount of the old-age insurance pension, calculated taking into account the 2019 standards.

Once again, it is worth noting that the calculations used the values ​​​​as of January 1, 2019. Taking into account the indexation of both the value of the pension point and the fixed payment, we can conclude that the pension will be slightly higher than the one obtained in the calculation (comparable with inflation).

Formula for calculating funded pension

Highlighted the savings part labor pension V independent species pension payments. At the same time, citizens had a choice: or not. If the first option is chosen, then insurance premiums are divided: 10% of the gross salary goes to the insurance pension, 6% to the funded pension. In addition, future retirees had the opportunity to participate and further increase their savings. However, since 2015, the possibility of joining the program has ceased.

Please note that accumulated funds are not indexed by the state and are not protected from inflation, so you need to carefully consider the choice of the organization that will manage capital.

According to Article 7 of the Federal Law “About funded pensions” The formula for calculating a funded pension is as follows:

NP = PN / T,

  • NP- the size of the funded pension;
  • Mon- sum of all pension savings in a special part of the personal account of the insured person (including savings formed with the help of maternity capital, state co-financing, etc.);
  • T- the estimated period during which the pension will be paid, equal to 252 months in 2019.

Contributions to the funded pension themselves depend on wages and make up 6%.

When citizen Petrov retired, his savings amounted to 300,000 rubles. To calculate the amount of payments, you need to divide the amount of pension savings by the period that the citizen will receive a funded pension:

300000 / 252 = 1190.48 rubles.

How to find out the amount of pension savings?

In the era of the Internet and communication technologies, there are quite a few ways to find out almost any information. Information on pension aspects is no exception:

  • Now you can calculate your pension without leaving home and sign up for a consultation with the Pension Fund.
  • And besides this, through your personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, as well as through the bank (subject to the availability of appropriate agreements), you can find out the amount of your pension savings, which will be used to form your funded pension.

How long do you have to work to receive a given pension amount?

Of course the answer to this question is cannot be unambiguous and depends on too many factors - the size of wages and fixed payments, as well as the cost of the individual pension coefficient. It is necessary to take into account the period in which the citizen retires, and whether he will suspend receiving it after its appointment, keeping in mind the bonus coefficients for the above values. In addition, there are allowances for working in the Far North, etc. Therefore, the calculation of the length of service required to receive a certain amount is the same approximate nature, as well as the calculation of the pension itself.

To answer this question, you first need to create an algorithm by which the length of service will be calculated:

  • We subtract a fixed payment from the pension amount;
  • divide the remaining amount by the cost of the pension point - we get their number;
  • from the formula for calculating the IPC we calculate the amount of insurance premiums;
  • divide the MC by 0.16 and determine how much you need to earn for your entire work activity
  • we divide what we get by the expected salary multiplied by 12 months.

If you want to know not the length of service, but the required salary, in the last paragraph you need to divide by the expected length of service.

Citizens A and B want to receive a pension of 20 thousand rubles. A knows for sure that he will receive a stable salary of an average of 40 thousand rubles, and B is sure that he will work until his retirement; he is 22 years old. How much does A need to work and what salary should B have so that they can receive the desired amount of payments?

For citizen A:

  • 20000 - 5334.19 = 14665.81 rubles, where:
    • 20000 - expected pension size;
    • 4982.9 - the amount of the fixed payment as of January 1, 2019.
  • 14665.81 / 87.24 = 168.11 (number of points), where:
    • 87.24 - cost of one pension point (rub.) from January 1, 2019;
  • SV = 168.11 x 1150000 × 0.16 / 10 = 3093201.56 (the required amount of insurance contributions in rubles to assign the desired pension amount);
  • 3093201.56 / 0.16 = 19332509.75 (the amount of money earned by A for his work activity);
  • 19332509.75 / (12 x 40000) = 40.28 years - this should be the length of service of citizen A.

For citizen B:

Because We already know the amount he should earn (19332509.75 rubles), all that remains is to divide it by the number of years remaining for him until retirement: 65 - 22 = 43 years. Now, using an analogy, we calculate the salary required for the specified pension amount:

  • 19332509.75 / (12 x 43) = 37466.10 rubles.

Pension calculation using the Pension Fund calculator

So, basic quantities influencing the final amount of payments are:

  • “white” wages;

Thus, calculating the size of a pension is a purely mathematical matter: there are clear formulas and algorithms that need to be used to find out the number of pension points, the required length of service or the salary that will need to be received for a given amount of payment.

Therefore, despite all the apparent complexity, modern technologies make it possible not to resort to manual calculations - special specialists can do this for citizens calculator programs.

For example, for calculating pension using the Pension Fund calculator you only need to enter initial data, such as year of birth, official salary, pension option (tariff), number of children being raised, the nature and timing of your labor activity- and the calculator itself will calculate the size of the pension and display the result within a few seconds.

But it is worth understanding that the use of calculators does not provide an understanding of the structure of the pension system. All the nuances can only be understood if you delve into the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The calculation of pensions also depends on the legislation in force during the period when citizens were working. Today it is relevant to talk about three pension laws that establish different procedures for calculating pensions. In this article you will learn the main points of calculating a pension according to different rules, which will allow you to check a previously assigned pension.

The article provides the procedure for indexing the pension assigned on January 1, 2002. The content of the article is useful for pensioners who doubt whether their pension has been assigned and indexed correctly.

The procedure for calculating pensions according to the Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 No. 340-1 “On state pensions in the Russian Federation.”

Quite often, when calculating a pension, I am asked the question about the possibility of using the previously valid pension legislation.

First pension law The Russian Federation, according to which it is possible to calculate pensions up to December 31, 2001, is the Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 No. 340-1 “On state pensions In Russian federation".

The possibility of applying this law in modern conditions is confirmed by the position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which verified the provisions of Art. 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation.” The issue of violation of the pension rights of citizens was raised in connection with the introduction of a new procedure for calculating pensions, providing for the assessment of the pension rights of insured persons, according to which the total length of service was defined as the total duration of labor and other socially useful activities until January 1, 2002, taken into account in the calendar ok.

According to this normative act, the right to old-age pensions was established on a general basis by Art. 10 of the Law - for men upon reaching 60 years of age and with a total work experience of at least 25 years; for women - upon reaching 55 years of age and with a total work experience of at least 20 years.

However, as a rule, this procedure is less beneficial than that established by the later pension law, Federal Law dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation,” which will be discussed below. Since the legislator limited the maximum pension amount.

So, according to Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 No. 340-1 “On state pensions in the Russian Federation”, the maximum pension amount for a total length of service equal to that required for a full pension (25 for men, 20 for women) is set at three minimum pension amounts . The pension increases by one percent for every full year total length of service in excess of that required for granting a pension, but not more than 20 percent.

According to the teletype message of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2001 N 5489-VYA, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2001 No. LCH-06-32/6084 “On the recalculation of pensions and the calculation of compensation payments” minimum size pension from 08/01/2001 is 185.32 rubles.

Thus, the maximum possible size pension is 185.32 x 3 x 1.2 = 667.15 rubles.

It is advantageous to apply the procedure established by the law in question when calculating length of service, since only these regulations are allowed to include the following periods in addition to work:

- service in the Armed Forces former USSR(Article 90 of the Law). Moreover, when calculating length of service for the purpose of granting an old-age pension on a general basis, military conscription service was included at double the rate;

- training in colleges, schools and courses for personnel training, advanced training and retraining, in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, clinical residency is included in the total length of service along with work (Article 91 of the Law);

— accommodation for wives (husbands) of military personnel undergoing military service under contract, together with husbands (wives) in areas where they could not work in their specialty due to lack of employment opportunities (Article 92 of the Law);

— payment of unemployment benefits, participation in paid public works and relocation in the direction of the employment service to another area and employment (Article 92 of the Law);

- and other periods.

Calculation of pensions according to the federal law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation.”

In the period from 01/01/2002 to 31/12/2014, a different pension procedure, established by Federal Law No. 173-FZ.

In accordance with Art. 7 of the Federal Law, men who have reached the age of 60 years and women who have reached the age of 55 have the right to an old-age labor pension. In this case, a mandatory condition is to have at least five years of experience insurance period(taken into account when determining the labor pension is the total duration of periods of work and other activities during which insurance premiums were paid, as well as other periods counted towards the length of service).

At the basis of the established pension formula, the main indicator is the estimated pension amount (RP). It depends on:

1) the coefficient of average monthly wage, limited to a maximum of 1.2. This coefficient is determined as the quotient of dividing your average monthly earnings (AM) by wages in the Russian Federation for the same period (ZP). Problems arise when it is not possible to document the amount of earnings for five years before 2002 or in the period from 01/01/2000 to 12/31/2001;

2) from a length of service coefficient equal to 0.55 and increases by 0.01 for each full year of total work experience in excess of the specified duration, but not more than by 0.20.

At the same time, when calculating the size of the pension, the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the third quarter of 2001 is taken into account for calculating and increasing the size of pensions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (SZP = 1671 rubles). Its size does not change and is the same for all future pensioners.

Taking into account the above, the maximum pension amount as of 01/01/2002 is:

RP = 1671 x 1.2 x 0.75 = 1503 rub.

According to the Law, the pension includes two parts:

1) basic part– 450 rub.;

2) insurance part– 1053 rub.

Subsequently, pension capital is calculated, which depends on insurance premiums for the period from 01/01/2002 to 12/31/2014.

If they were not there, the basic and insurance parts of the pension are indexed. If insurance premiums have been accrued, they are also indexed as the insurance part of the pension.

Its size is established in accordance with Article 30.1 of paragraph 1 of Federal Law 173-FZ: 10 percent of the estimated pension capital calculated in accordance with Article 30 of this Federal Law (before January 1, 2002) and, in addition, 1 percent of the estimated pension capital capital for each full year of total work experience acquired before January 1, 1991.

So, a man can retire at the age of 60. Taking into account the start of work at 18 years old, the period of work from 01/01/1991 to 31/12/2001, as well as 31 years of total work experience until January 1, 1991, the maximum valorization amount will be 41%.

In other words, the increase is calculated as the product of the insurance part of the pension and the valorization percentage. Please note that the insurance part does not include insurance premiums.

We will index and increase pensions in accordance with the law, without charging insurance premiums.

date Insurance part Increasing factor Basic part Increasing factor Total

The pension amount as of January 1, 2002 was 1,503 rubles.

Insurance part – 1053 rubles, basic part – 450 rubles.

01.02.2002 1,065 1,065 1600,7
01.08.2002 1222,38 1,09 522,38 1,09 1744,76
01.02.2003 553,72 1,06 1776,1
01.04.2003 1376,4 1,126 1930,12
01.08.2003 1486,51 1,08 598,02 1,08 2084,53
01.04.2004 1620,3 1,09 621 2241,3
01.08.2004 1722,05 1,0628 660 2382,05
01.03.2005 900 2622,05
01.08.2005 1912,99 1.06 x 1.048954 1,06 2866,99
01.04.2006 2033,51 1,063 1035,09 1,085 3068,6
01.08.2006 2159,59 1,062 1035,09 3194,68
01.04.2007 2358,27 1,092 1112,72 1,075 3470,99
01.10.2007 1260 3618,27
01.12.2007 1560 3918,27
01.02.2008 2641,26 1,12 1560 4201,26
01.04.2008 2839,35 1,075 1560 4399,35
01.08.2008 3066,5 1,08 1794 4860,5
01.03.2009 1950 5016,5
01.04.2009 3603,14 1,175 1950 5553,14
01.08.2009 3873,38 1,075 1950 5823,38
01.12.2009 2562 5823,38

Valorization 41%. Magnification = 3873.38 x 0.41 = 1588.09



2562 8023,47
01.04.2010 5805,54 1,063 2723,41 8528,95
01.02.2011 6316,43 1,088 2963,07 9279,5
01.02.2012 6758,58 1,07 3170,48 9929,06
01.04.2012 6989,05 1,0341 3278,59 10267,64
01.02.2013 7450,33 1,066 3494,98 10945,31
01.04.2013 7696,19 1,033 3610,31 11306,5
01.02.2014 8196,44 1,065 3844,98 12041,42
01.04.2014 8335,78 1,017 3910,34 12246,12

Thus, if the pensioner did not officially work after December 31, 2001 (the employer did not make insurance contributions for his employee), taking into account the start of work at 18 years old, the period of work from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 2001, as well as 31 years of total work experience before January 1, 1991, the pension amount as of December 31, 2014 will be 12,246.12 rubles.

If insurance premiums were accrued during the specified period, the amount of the pension will be increased in accordance with the procedure established by law.

We calculate pensions according to federal law dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”

On January 1, 2015, pension legislation changed dramatically again. The pension system includes mandatory pension insurance, state pension provision and non-state (voluntary) pension provision.

Here we will only talk about compulsory pension provision, which is a deferred part of earnings that is paid when insured event, including reaching retirement age. That is why the Russian Pension Fund promotes the idea that the more funds allocated for future pensions during working life, the higher the pension. But not everything is so obvious.

An old-age pension today is called an insurance pension - a monthly cash payment for the purpose of compensating individuals for wages and other payments lost due to the onset of disability due to old age.

If previously the pension included an insurance part and a basic part, then according to the new law, the old-age insurance pension consists of an insurance part and a fixed payment.

From 01/01/2015, the size of the pension directly depends on the official salary of the employee. Since it depends on her what information the employer will provide about the insured person to the Russian Pension Fund and what insurance contributions he will transfer.

The general insurance premium rate is 22% of the employee’s annual wage fund within the legally established amount (in 2018 – 991,000 rubles). For amounts exceeding this amount, the employer pays contributions at a rate of 10%. In this case, you need to take into account:

1) only 16% goes to the formation of an insurance pension, and 6% goes to the formation of a fixed payment. However, in cases where a citizen has exercised the right to choose the insurance contribution rate for the funded part of the labor pension, 10% is allocated to the insurance part, 6% to the funded part; 6% for fixed payments;

2) in 2014-2019, all funds from insurance contributions (16%) are used to form only an insurance pension, regardless of the pension option previously chosen by the citizen.

The grounds for receiving an old-age insurance pension are enshrined in Art. 8 of the Federal Law: men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55 have the right to an old-age insurance pension. In this case, the obligatory conditions are the presence of at least 15 years of insurance experience and the presence of an individual pension coefficient of at least 30.

Due to the fact that the pension reform is being implemented in stages, when retiring in 2018 it is necessary, in addition to reaching retirement age, to have 9 years of insurance experience and 13.8 pension points (the value of the individual pension coefficient).

The calculation of pensions under the new law should be divided into two parts.

1. Transfer of previously accrued pension amount.

Taking into account the provisions of Part 1 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law, the value of the individual pension coefficient (pension points) until 01/01/2015 is determined based on the size of the insurance part of the pension divided by the cost of one pension coefficient as of January 1, 2015, specified in Part 10 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law, i.e. 64.10 rub.

In accordance with our example, as of December 31, 2014, the pension was 12,246.12 rubles, including the insurance part - 8,335.78 rubles.

If in pension points, then 130.04 (8335.78 / 64.1 = 130.04).

In cases where we are talking about a pensioner, the size of the pension continues to be indexed.

D ataInsurance partIncreasing factorBasic partIncreasing factorTotal

The pension amount as of December 31, 2014 was 12,246.12 rubles.

The insurance part is 8335.78 rubles, the basic part is 3910.34 rubles.

01.01.2015 8335,78 3935 12270,78
01.02.2015 9286,06 1,114 4383,59 13669,65
01.02.2016 9657,5 1,04 4558,93 1,04 14216,43
01.02.2017 10179,01 1,054 4805,11 1,054 14984,12
01.04.2017 10217,69 1,0038 4805,11- 15022,8
01.01.2018 10595,74 1,037 4982,9 1,037 15578,64

Thus, for a pensioner who did not officially work after December 31, 2001 (the employer did not make insurance contributions for his employee), taking into account the start of his working life at 18 years old, the period of work from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 2001, as well as 31 years length of service before January 1, 1991, the pension amount as of January 1, 2018 will be 15,578.64 rubles.

2. Calculation of the pension formed from 01/01/2015.

The old-age insurance pension is formed according to the formula:

Pension points x Pension point value + Fixed payment

You can evaluate the advantages or disadvantages of the new pension legislation using simple examples.

With a salary in 2017 of 10,000 rubles. (annual earnings 120,000 rubles) 19,200 rubles are allocated to the insurance pension. To transfer insurance contributions into pension points, the specified amount is divided by the amount of insurance contributions from the maximum amount established by law (876,000 x 16% = 140,160 rubles) and multiplied by 10. Therefore, the amount of pension points will be 1.37 ((19200 / 140160 ) x 10). This means that 107.65 rubles will be added to the monthly pension. (1.37 x 78.58 = 107.65; the number of pension points is multiplied by the value of the pension point in 2017).

So, for 30 years of work, the pension will be, according to current legislation, 8212.4 (107.65 x 30 + 4982.9 = 8212.4; insurance part plus fixed payment). In such a situation, the size of the pension does not even reach the amount living wage pensioner in the Voronezh region 8,620 rubles. In this case, the state will equalize the pension with the subsistence level of the pensioner’s region by making social supplements to the pension on the basis of Art. 12.1 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”.

With a salary in 2017 of 15,000 rubles. (annual earnings 180,000 rubles) 28,800 rubles are allocated to the insurance pension. To transfer insurance contributions into pension points, the specified amount is divided by the amount of insurance contributions from the maximum amount established by law (876,000 x 16% = 140,160 rubles) and multiplied by 10. Therefore, the amount of pension points will be 2.05 ((28800 / 140160 ) x 10). This means that 161.09 rubles will be added to the monthly pension. (2.05 x 78.58 = 161.09; the number of pension points is multiplied by the value of the pension point in 2017).

So, for 30 years of work, the pension will be, according to current legislation, 9815.6 (161.09 x 30 + 4982.9 = 9815.6; insurance part plus fixed payment). In such a situation, the size of the pension does not even reach the cost of living for a pensioner in the Voronezh region - 8,620 rubles. In this case, the state will equalize the pension with the subsistence level of the pensioner’s region by making social supplements to the pension on the basis of Art. 12.1 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”.

With a salary in 2017 of 35,000 rubles. (annual earnings 420,000 rubles) 67,200 rubles are allocated to the insurance pension. To transfer insurance contributions into pension points, the specified amount is divided by the amount of insurance contributions from the maximum amount established by law (876,000 x 16% = 140,160 rubles) and multiplied by 10. Therefore, the amount of pension points will be 4.79 ((67200 / 140160 ) x 10). This means that 376.4 rubles will be added to the monthly pension. (4.79 x 78.58 = 376.4; the number of pension points is multiplied by the value of the pension point in 2017).

So, for 30 years of work, the pension will be, according to current legislation, 16274.9 (376.4 x 30 + 4982.9 = 8000.3; insurance part plus fixed payment).

At the same time, the legislator established the maximum number of pension points that can be accrued per year - 10 (but in stages, so in 2018 - 8.7). This means that in 2018, income exceeded RUB 862,170. (RUB 71,847.5 monthly) will not entail an increase in the old-age insurance pension.


Changes in pension legislation are aimed not only at protecting the interests of pensioners, but also state interests. Today, in order to retire in old age, it is necessary not only to work officially, but also to receive a certain salary in order to have the necessary insurance coverage and an individual pension coefficient. Otherwise, citizens after reaching retirement age will not be able to count on an insurance pension, and to receive social pension you will have to wait another 5 years.

Pension provision for citizens is the most important social issue for all Russians. It is of interest to those who have already entered into their pension rights, and those who are just preparing to become pensioners, as well as the younger generation. This is due to the fact that our future life after retirement depends on the answer to this question.

Types of pensions

Before we begin to consider the question of what the size of a pension in the Russian Federation consists of and on what depends, it is necessary to identify the types of pensions. The following categories of citizens have the right to receive pension benefits on the specified grounds:

1. Insurance pension. Men and women who have reached retirement age of 60 and 55 years, respectively, are entitled to it, with the exception of those categories of citizens who have the right to early retirement (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 No. 781), as well as citizens who “earned” insurance (or general labor) length of service using an increased coefficient (workers of the Far North, workers of anti-plague institutions, citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, conscripted military personnel, workers in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, etc.).

2. Disability pension.

3. Survivor's pension.

In this article we will look in detail at how the insurance pension is calculated and give an example of calculating a pension for citizens who have acquired the right to an old-age pension.

At the current time, there are still quite a lot of citizens who have worked in the Soviet Union (before the collapse of 1991) and are preparing to retire. For them, the issue of calculating old-age pensions remains relevant, taking into account the “Soviet” work experience, as well as labor, the calculation of pensions for which was applied until December 31, 2001.

Since January 1, 2002, citizens of the Russian Federation have been forming an insurance period.

“Soviet” service (before 1991) and total work experience (from 1991 to 2002) are taken into account in the assignment and calculation of old-age pensions in accordance with Art. 30 of Federal Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001.

This takes into account the valorization of pensions - this is an increase in the pension capital of all citizens who have work experience before the 2002 reform.

In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, for each year of “Soviet” service, the pension capital of citizens increases by 1%, respectively, and for the period of work from 1991 to 2002. - on 10%.

IMPORTANT! Work experience in Soviet and post-Soviet times is confirmed by relevant records in work book and other documents established for legal application.

Unconfirmed length of service cannot be taken into account in calculating a future pension. This is important, because during the period of collapse Soviet Union, reorganization of Soviet enterprises, etc. Many citizens who have work experience in the former Soviet republics have lost the opportunity to confirm some periods of their work activity and thus received a lower level of pension.

Since 2002, the insurance period has been recorded in the personalized accounting of citizens' pension rights. That is, to calculate the pension, the Pension Fund takes into account only the period of work as a result of which contributions were made to the insured person’s account.

The calculation of the pension capital that a person earned in the Soviet Union and in the period before 2002 is carried out according to the formula:

  • PC = (RP - 450) x T, where
    • PC - pension capital,
    • RP - calculation of the size of the labor pension,
    • 450 - the amount of the basic labor pension as of January 1, 2002,
    • T is the expected period during which the pension will be paid (228 months).

In this case, the size of the labor pension is calculated using the following formula:

  • RP = SK x ZR / ZP x SZP, where
    • SC - experience coefficient. For men with 25 years of work experience and for women with 20 years of work experience, it is 0.55. In this case, it increases by 0.1 for each additional working year beyond the specified period, but cannot be increased by more than 0.20.
    • ZR - average monthly earnings of a citizen for 2000 - 2001. Accepted on the basis of information from the employer (certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the income of the insured person).
    • ZP - average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period of time (RUB 2,223.00).
    • SWP is the average monthly wage level in the Russian Federation for the period from July 1 to September 30, 2002 (RUB 1,671.00).

It is worth noting that when calculating, the ratio of ZR/ZP should not exceed 1.2; to calculate the “northern” pension – 1.4; for citizens with a regional coefficient from 1.5 to 1.8 - no more than 1.7; from 1.8 – no more than 1.9.

Example of pension calculation

Calculation of pensions until 2002

For clarity, let’s look at calculating the amount of pension capital using the example of a kindergarten teacher, a woman who has work experience in the Soviet Union and work experience before and after the 2002 reform (total experience is 25 years - early retirement for teachers, in accordance with Government Decree No. 781 dated October 20, 2002).

Let’s assume that this citizen retired in 2014, before the modernization of the insurance pension system. At the same time, her average monthly salary until 2002 was 2,000 rubles, and her monthly income from 2002 to 2014 was 2,000 rubles. – 15,000 rub. (during the entire period).

1990 - 1 year of “Soviet” experience (valorization by 1%);

1991 - 2001 - 11 years of total work experience (valorization by 10%);

2002 - 2014 - 13 years of insurance experience;

SC = 0.55 + 0.5 (5 years in excess of the required experience) = 0.60

ZR = 2000 rub.

RP = 0.60 x 2,000 / 2,223 x 1671 = 901.94 rubles. - size of labor pension

PC1 = (901.94 – 450) x 228 = 10,3042.32 + 11,334.66 (11% valorization)

114,376.975 – pension capital formed by a kindergarten teacher before 2002.

Calculation of insurance pension

An insurance pension began to be formed for all citizens of the Russian Federation in 2002. It is formed from 16% of insurance contributions from the payroll, which are made by the employer on account of its employees at the Federal Tax Service (until 01/01/2017 at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation). In total, the policyholder sends 22% of insurance premiums to his employees for the formation of their future pension. 16%, as we have already found out, is used to finance the insurance pension, and the remaining 6% goes towards the mandatory pension savings of Russians (from 2014 to 2019, funding for the funded pension is “frozen”). According to the Government of the Russian Federation, all lost pension savings of citizens are taken into account in the insurance pension. In calculating pension capital in our example, we will not take into account 6% in the insurance pension for 2014, since the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation does not provide their accounting method.

Pension capital, which is formed within the insurance system, as noted earlier, depends on the insurance period and the level of income of the citizen. Since insurance premiums, which form a citizen’s future pension capital, directly depend on his salary (payroll fund).

Until 2015, pension capital within the insurance pension was calculated according to the following rules:

  • PC2 = salary x 12 months. x 16% x P, where
    • ZP – monthly salary of a citizen,
    • 16% - rate of insurance contributions towards the insurance pension,
    • P - insurance experience (years)
  • PC2 = 15,000 x 12 months. x 16% x 13 = 374,400 rub. – pension capital earned by the teacher from 2002 to 2014.

Total pension payment to the teacher kindergarten after 25 years of work will be:

  • SP = PC / T + B, where
    • SP – insurance (state) pension,
    • PC – pension capital (PC1+PC2),
    • T – expected period of pension payment,
    • B – basic pension amount.

The basic pension is guaranteed to all Russians and is paid even to those citizens who have not earned the right to an old-age insurance pension. This minimum social benefit, which is calculated depending on the subsistence level, is indexed annually by the state. In 2014 B = 3910.59 rubles.

  • SP = (114,376.96 + 374,400) / 228 + 3910.59 = 6054.35 rub. – insurance pension for a kindergarten teacher, the right to which the citizen acquired after years of service (25 years).

It is worth noting that every year, twice a year, the state (insurance) pension is indexed to the actual (officially established inflation rate for the previous year) and to the level of growth in the cost of living. Therefore, the final indicator of the amount of the insurance pension in our example will increase annually depending on the rise in consumer prices.

Formula for calculating pensions in 2017

In 2015, the method of accounting for an insurance pension and the right to purchase it changed significantly. Pensions are now calculated using pension points.

In order to understand how pension points are calculated for crediting them to the future rights of a citizen, consider an example:

Citizen with a salary of 50,000 rubles. You can earn the following number of points each month in 2017:

  • CPB = SA year / (NB year x 16%) x 10, where
    • KPB – number of pension points,
    • SV year - the amount of insurance contributions of a citizen for the year,
    • NB year - the maximum established tax base in the current year (in 2017 - 876,000 rubles).
  • CPB = (50,000 x 12 months x 16%) / (876,000 x 16%) x 10 = 96,000 / 140,160 x 10 = 0.685 x 10 = 6.85 points citizen with a salary of 50,000 rubles. will earn in 2017.

Despite the fact that the maximum possible number in 2017 is 8.26 points, 6.85 points will be counted towards the insurance pension of the insured person.

Let’s assume that after 15 years of work, with unchanged earnings, tax base and the value of a pension point (in 2017, 78.28 rubles is worth 1 pension point), a citizen will receive the right to an insurance pension (subject to reaching retirement age or the right to early retirement), since he will have 15 years of insurance experience and the number of pension points will be 102.75, which is more than 30.

  • SP = IPK x SIPC + FV, where
    • SP – insurance pension,
    • IPC is the sum of all pension points that a person earned during his working life,
    • SIPC is the cost of 1 pension point, which is established in the year the pension was assigned (we took it as the indicator established in 2017 - 78.28 rubles),
    • FV is a fixed payment that is established by the state (in 2017 - 4805.11 rubles).

In our calculation of the insurance pension, we took the size of the pension fund at the level of 2017, but it is worth considering that this indicator changes annually after indexation.

  • SP = 102.75 x 78.28 + 4805.11 = 12,848.38 rubles.

This amount will be the citizen’s insurance pension after retirement in 2031, with constant salary indicators, the cost of 1 point and a fixed payment.

However, since 2002, Russians’ pensions have been formed from two parts: insurance and funded. For completeness of information, we present the calculation of the funded pension.

Calculation of the amount of funded pension

The funded pension is financed from insurance contributions from employers to their employees and amounts to 6% of the payroll (of the citizen’s official earnings). From 2014 to 2019 Russians’ pension savings are “frozen”, so they increase exclusively through voluntary contributions (including contributions to the pension co-financing program) and through additional income provided by insurers (NPF, MC, GUK - VEB) to their clients as a result of investment activities .

To reliably calculate the funded pension according to the previously given example, we will take into account that until 2019 a citizen’s funded pension will not be formed, and assume that in 2019 the “unfreezing” of the full funded pension tariff will be approved - 6%.

A citizen’s income is unchanged and amounts to 50,000 rubles.

  • CB = 50,00 x 6% x 12 months. = 36,000 rub. – the amount of insurance contributions towards the funded pension for 1 year.

Let's assume that a citizen has chosen a non-state pension fund with a yield of 10% annually.

It is worth noting that since 2016, Russians have the right to change insurers without loss of profitability no more than once every five years. Therefore, it is after this time that investment income is accrued to client accounts; we will also take this into account in further calculations.

Receipt from insurance premiums for personal insurance, rub.

Calculation of profitability for the current year (10%), rub.

Income from the insurer's investment profitability, rub.


Over the 13 years of work of a citizen, with his constant earnings, constant profitability of the non-state pension fund and the “unfreezing” of savings in 2019, he was able to form an accumulative capital in the amount of 890,100 rubles.

Pension savings can be received in the form of a one-time payment or in the form of a monthly payment of a funded pension. In order to receive all savings at once, it is necessary that the amount of pension savings does not exceed 5% of the amount of the insurance pension. Otherwise, the citizen will be paid a monthly amount, which is calculated using the following formula:

  • NP = NK / T, where
    • NP - funded pension,
    • NK - the total amount of accumulated pension capital,
    • T - pension payment period:
  • NP = 890 100 / 258 = 3,450 rub.

This amount will amount to a funded pension in the form monthly increase to the amount of the insurance pension.

In total, the citizen’s pension provision will be:

  • PV = SP + NP = 12,848.38 + 3450 = 16,298.38 rub.

We received the amount pension payment a citizen who worked from 2017 to 2031 and had an official income of 50,000 rubles, while we took all the data for the calculation for 2017 and left them unchanged throughout the entire time period.