Are the unemployed entitled to maternity leave? What maternity payments are required for non-working mothers and the rules for their registration

In accordance with Russian legislation in the field of state support for families with children, various options disability of a woman, affecting the right to receive and the procedure for calculating child benefits. For women who find themselves unemployed due to the liquidation of an enterprise, the amount of payments for a child and their number will be somewhat different than for an ordinary housewife.

If a pregnant woman is fired, she can register with the employment service (register as unemployed), and then receive unemployment benefits before the start of maternity leave. Benefits are not issued during maternity leave, so you must provide the employment center with a certificate of incapacity for work, received for a period of 30 weeks in antenatal clinic.

Regardless of social status, presence or absence of work, any woman has the right to count on the benefits and benefits due to her by law during the period of caring for a child up to 1.5 years.

What benefits are provided at the birth of a child if the mother does not work?

For students full-time education, fired on liquidation of an enterprise, as well as individual entrepreneurs(who voluntarily paid insurance premiums for the previous year to Social Security) in addition to the previous ones, several more types of benefits are paid:

  • when entering medical care. registration in early pregnancy.

However, students behind these additional payments you need to contact your educational institution. And for entrepreneurs in the social insurance fund. And only those dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise, as for the previous three types of benefits, formalize these payments with the Social Security authorities (district OSZN).

Payments before and after childbirth for the unemployed through Social Security

The table below shows the types of government assistance that unemployed women can count on in 2017, belonging to various categories.

Type of benefitSize, rub.Documentation

Maternity benefits(only to those dismissed upon liquidation of the organization)

Benefits for women registered with medical institutions in early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)613,14 a certificate from the antenatal clinic (antenatal clinic) or other medical organization that registered the woman in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)
Maternity benefits for women dismissed during pregnancy34 473,60

(for students - in the amount of the scholarship)

sick leave issued at the 30th week of pregnancy honey. the institution where the woman registered
Note: the same benefits can be received by students at their place of study and individual entrepreneurs - directly through the Social Insurance Fund


Birth benefit16350,33
  • certificate from the registry office about the birth of a child (form 24);
  • copies of work records of both parents or a diploma (if you have never worked);
  • applicant's passport


Child care allowance up to 1.5 years old3065,69 - for the 1st child;

6131,37 - for the 2nd and subsequent children.

  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of cohabitation;
  • birth certificates of previous children;
  • a copy of your work record book or diploma (if you have never worked);
  • a certificate from the employment service confirming non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • a certificate from the other parent’s place of work for this child;
  • applicant's passport;
  • certificate of the amount and payment or non-receipt of maternity and care benefits (for fired women and students)
for those dismissed during the liquidation of the enterprise - 40% of average earnings, but not less than the above amounts and no more than 10873.36 for each child of a given age

All of the above documents and additionally:

  • copy of the order on granting parental leave
Child benefit under 16 (18) years of ageDifferent ones are installed in each subject of the Russian Federation; you can find out more about them on the regional page of our website
  • birth certificate;
  • certificates about the composition of the recipient’s family;
  • certificates of family income, if one or both spouses do not work, copies of their work records (diploma) and a certificate from the labor exchange;
  • certificates: marriage, divorce, paternity;
  • recipient's passport;
  • a certificate from school for a child aged 16 to 18 years

Social Security (OSZN) makes payments of monthly benefits through the post office or bank, which was indicated in the application by the recipient, no later than the 26th day of the next month.

When finding employment, the recipient is obliged to notify the social protection authorities within a month, since care allowance will need to be registered with the employer. If you do not notify OSZN employees in time, an overpayment will be issued, which will be collected in court.

Child benefit under 16 years of age paid after registration within one calendar year. For further continuous receipt, you must provide a new package of documents annually. If you do not apply for payment for more than 6 months after the last transfer to the recipient’s account, the OSZN will only pay additionally for the last six months in the amount established for this period.

Maternity leave usually refers to two types of leave - prenatal and postnatal, the duration of each of which can vary from 70 to 86 days. The very concept of “vacation” means temporary release from a permanent occupation, that is, from work or service while maintaining the average salary for this period. Accordingly, unemployed women cannot be provided with maternity leave or pay during the leave period. But since the bearing and birth of children is a significant event not only for an individual woman, but also for the state and society as a whole, the legislator has provided a number of exceptions for various categories of unemployed women.

Employers are in no hurry to hire employees who will go on long-term maternity leave in a few months, and concealing a pregnancy for most women is both unpleasant and embarrassing, not to mention the possible consequences. Therefore, even worrying about the future, many resign themselves to the situation and prepare for the birth of a new life, remaining a housewife. But a new family member makes you worry about finances twice as much as before, so the issue of maternity payments to the unemployed worries many expectant mothers.

Which unemployed women can qualify for maternity benefits?

Expert opinion

Andrey Leroux

More than 15 years of experience. Specialization: contract law, criminal law, general theory of law, banking law, civil procedure

Women who are in a permanent employment relationship at the time of going on sick leave have the right to receive maternity benefits.
The amount of payment will directly depend on the total length of service and average earnings over the last 2 years. At the same time, whatever the parameters for calculating benefits (length of service and average salary), it should not be:

  • less than the minimum threshold of 43,675 rubles;
  • more than the maximum threshold of 282,493 rubles.

So, to receive benefits, two conditions are required - length of service and average salary for the last two years. Why can’t women who have work experience and have not worked, say, for more than six months, receive benefits? Do not forget that the benefit is paid by the employer. This is why finding employment for pregnant women can be so difficult. The employer is upset not by the fact that a woman will work for several months and go on maternity leave, but by the fact that he will have to pay a benefit of at least 43 and a half thousand rubles to a woman who has worked only a few months, or even much more.

Taking into account these personnel features, the legislator provided that women left without work as a result of the liquidation or bankruptcy of an enterprise will be able to receive benefits, but not from the employer, but from social services. In addition, unemployed women of the following categories have the right to receive benefits:

  • lawyers, notaries and other private entrepreneurs who have ceased their work labor activity in connection with pregnancy;
  • female and full-time students;
  • those serving in the civil service in the Ministry of Defense, the Customs Service and other government agencies, as well as wives of military personnel.

The list is exhaustive. Neither self-employed people, nor housewives, nor evening or part-time students are entitled to receive benefits.

Where to go?

No matter how cruel it may sound, if a woman does not work and does not fall into any of the categories listed above, she has nowhere to turn. The only way to get benefits is to get a job during a short period of pregnancy. Concealing the fact of pregnancy will be dishonest to the employer, but will not be illegal. Unemployed women included in any of the above categories (except for full-time students and civil servants) can apply for benefits to social authorities within six months from the date of issue of the sick leave. The money will be transferred to the account or paid in cash at the cash desk within ten days from the date of submitting the application.

Female students and full-time students with an application for payment of benefits will have to contact the accounting department of their educational institution. Civil servants apply for benefits to the accounting department at their place of service. Along with the application, the authorities responsible for calculating benefits will need to submit:

  • a certificate from the LCD (indicating the gestational age exceeding 180 days from the date of conception),
  • passport,
  • Marriage certificate,
  • a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office for wives of military personnel.

How much maternity benefits are paid to the unemployed?

Benefits are not the only payments due to expectant mothers, and if funds cannot be received from the employer, then every woman can receive financial support from the state, which is another kind of maternity assistance, regardless of whether she has a job or insurance period. Next, we’ll look in more detail at how unemployed parents of a newborn baby can receive maternity benefits, and in what amount.

Features of calculating benefits for women on maternity leave:

First of all, unemployed parents can receive state benefits, which are paid in a lump sum after the birth of a child. In 2015, the amount of payment of such a benefit is 14,497.80 rubles and to obtain it, you need to submit a package of documents to the place of work of the child’s father, and if he is also in the status of unemployed, to the place of residence of one of the parents of the newborn, to the social authorities protection. The package of documents includes the following:

  • application form (written on the spot);
  • a certificate from the registry office about the birth of the baby;
  • personal bank account number where you plan to receive the payment;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of payments in another social security department, if the child’s parents are registered at different addresses.

In addition to a one-time benefit at the birth of a child, unemployed mothers can receive a monthly child care benefit until the child reaches one and a half years of age. This benefit can be received by any person directly caring for the baby; accordingly, it can also be applied for by both the mother and the father of the child. The unemployed are entitled to 2,718.34 rubles for the first child, and 5,436.67 for the second and subsequent children. To apply, you must submit:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • child's birth certificate and its copy;
  • a certificate from the spouse’s place of work or study confirming the absence of payments at this place;
  • a certificate from the employment center confirming the absence of unemployment benefits;
  • certified

In order to increase the birth rate of children, after the birth of their second child, parents can apply for the so-called registration. “maternity capital” - a large targeted cash payment amounting to 453,026.00 rubles in 2015. The purpose of paying these funds may be:

  • child's education;
  • improving the living conditions of the child’s family;
  • increasing the pension for the child's mother in the future.

To apply for maternity capital, you should contact the pension authority at your place of residence with an application, to which you should attach the birth certificates of children, insurance numbers of individual personal accounts of all family members, the passport of the person applying and a marriage certificate (divorce certificate for divorced citizens). As a result, the applicant receives a certificate that can be immediately used to pay a mortgage, expand housing conditions, or for the education of a child after he reaches 3 years of age, as well as to increase the pension of the child’s mother.

Special types of assistance paid during maternity leave

For children of military personnel, a special allowance is also provided, independent of other payments, the amount of which is 9838.93 rubles, and its payment is made until the child reaches three years of age, or until the child’s father returns from service. Unlike the BiR benefit, this benefit does not require a condition about a formalized marriage with a military serviceman; it is enough that the father, who is a military man serving on conscript service, is included in the child’s birth certificate.

An important point is also the presence of additional significant factors that give the right to receive other government assistance not specified above - low-income families, large families, and so on. For example, a single mother without official employment can additionally receive targeted assistance in the amount of 300 to 1,300 rubles, as well as social payment per child in your region from 480 to 1000 rubles per month. In addition, disabled children need state support, therefore, their parents are entitled to a special allowance for caring for a disabled child in the amount of 5,500 rubles. If such care is not provided by parents or a legal guardian (trustee), then assistance is paid in the amount of 1,200 rubles. In addition, they can be issued social pension for disability, its size depends directly on the disability group.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, there are additional regional types of benefits, or the above-mentioned child benefits may apply, but at an increased rate. For example, in Moscow, a benefit for registering early stages pregnancy benefits are also paid to unemployed women, and in St. Petersburg, children from single-parent families are paid an allowance of 2,859 rubles until they reach 1.5 years of age.

Women who have already become mothers or are on maternity leave can receive financial support from the state.

Its size in most cases depends on the amount of wages that were transferred to them over the last 2 years.

Persons who are in an official labor relationship with an employer (subject to compulsory social insurance) can count on receiving maximum payments.

What benefits are provided at the birth of a child if the mother does not work? And do they even exist in 2019?

It must be said right away that unemployed women or students have the right to receive assistance from the state. Its size will be different, but any money in such a matter is not superfluous.

To eliminate confusion with types of benefits, amounts of payments and specifics of calculation, we present them all in the form of a list:

Now let’s determine what pregnancy benefits are available to unemployed mothers from those listed in the list.

Unemployed women, as well as employed women who register with a medical organization before their pregnancy exceeds 12 weeks, are entitled to a one-time payment of 628 rubles.

Money is added to those given after going on maternity leave if there is a certificate from the antenatal clinic or other medical institution where the expectant mother is registered.

It must be attached to the package of documents required to receive funds after going on maternity leave.

The benefit is assigned 10 days after submitting the full package of documents. The money is transferred by social security authorities via mail or to an existing bank account specified by the woman no later than the 26th of the next month.

The number of unemployed people entitled to benefits also includes full-time students, regardless of whether they pay for their studies or not.

The following have the right to receive benefits:

  1. Full-time students.
  2. Unemployed people who became unemployed after the company fell under liquidation proceedings.

The right to receive a sum of money arises for a woman at the moment she goes on maternity leave. In a normal pregnancy this is 30 weeks, in a multiple pregnancy it is 28.

If a woman lives in an area contaminated after the Chernobyl accident, the period is 27 weeks.

Payments are also provided in the event of premature pregnancy (22-30 weeks). They are paid by social security authorities at the place of actual stay, for students - at the educational institution.

The amount of monetary reward is:

  1. For those dismissed due to the liquidation of an enterprise - 300 rubles.
  2. For female students - in the amount of the scholarship, regardless of whether the woman receives it or not.

Necessary documents (if the “unemployed” status arose in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise):

  1. Passport;
  2. Application for granting benefits;
  3. Certificate of incapacity for work;
  4. Information about the last place of work (certified extract from the work book);
  5. Certificate from the Employment Center stating that the person is unemployed;
  6. Decision of the Federal Tax Service on termination of activities subject to licensing or state registration;
  7. Certificate from the SZN authority at the place of residence;
  8. Certificate of registration for pregnancy up to 12 weeks (to receive an additional 628 rubles).

Students need to provide a certificate of pregnancy, write an application at the educational institution, and attach a certificate of early registration (if this was done).

The money will be transferred no later than 10 days, in other cases - no later than the 26th of the next month. Documents are submitted in originals or in the form of certified copies.

Benefits for the birth of a child in 2019 can be paid to both the mother and the other parent.

Similar funds are allocated for the second and third children. The amount of monetary allowance is 16,759 rubles. (liquidation of an enterprise, students).

List of documents:

  1. Statement;
  2. Certificate from the maternity hospital about the birth of the child;
  3. Parents' pension certificate;
  4. Certificate of cohabitation of the applicant with the child (to be taken from the housing department);
  5. Certificate of annulment, if applicable;
  6. Passports and copies;
  7. An extract from the last place of work (from the work book, if any);
  8. Certificate of absence of previously accrued benefits (from the social security authorities).

Maternity benefits for non-working mothers are transferred under the same conditions as indicated above. The main thing is to have time to submit documents no later than six months from the date of birth.

This type of benefit can be received not only by the mother or father, but also by other persons caring for the child: grandmother, grandfather, etc.

This is an excellent chance if the mother has already returned to work full time, but does not want to lose her due remuneration, or when she is studying.

To receive cash payments, you need to contact the social security authorities at the place of residence (non-working mother), students - at the place of study, other family members, if the mother works - (at the place of work).

If the benefit is applied for by a working family member, he will receive 40% of his salary monthly. A non-working mother will be paid benefits in minimum size– 3142 rubles/month. Here you need to think before taking such a step.

A working family member will receive a salary of 100%, and benefits - only 40%.

If the mother does not work or receives a scholarship at an institute/college, it is better to arrange everything for her; this way the family will have more money.

The resulting figure should not be more or less than the minimum and maximum indicators established by law: 24,536 rubles and 3,142 rubles.

Note! The benefit for up to 1.5 years will be paid to the mother even if she does not work all day or at home.

Documents for those who do not work:

  1. Statement;
  2. Birth certificate;
  3. A certified extract with information about the previous place of employment;
  4. Order on maternity leave from previous job (copy);
  5. Certificates of amounts received for pregnancy and childbirth or care for up to 1.5 years;
  6. Information on average earnings (for people fired after going on maternity leave).

Those who were engaged in activities subject to registration or licensing must provide copies of documents confirming their status, as well as a certificate stating that there is no registration as an insurer and no payment for care for up to one and a half years.

If a child was born after January 1, 2019 and the family income is less than one and a half subsistence levels for the last year, they are provided with targeted assistance from the state in the amount of 10,523 rubles (national average). Charges may vary in each region.

Payments are made until the child is 1.5 years old and do not affect the standard care allowance. Each mother will be able to receive both benefits.

The implementation of measures to support families is aimed at maintaining the birth rate. Planned increase financial assistance up to 10,836 rubles in 2019 and 11,143 rubles in 2020.


  1. Passports;
  2. Application for payment;
  3. Birth certificate;
  4. Certificate of income.

The payment can be received by the father or guardian.

What payments are due to a non-working mother at the birth of her second child? At the birth of a second or third child, parents receive all the benefits listed.

When a child reaches 1.5 years of age, monetary compensation in the amount of 50 rubles is provided. It is produced up to 3 years. Plus, the family has the opportunity to receive maternity capital, the amount of which is 453,026 rubles.

Parents who have a third child can count on additional regional maternity capital, if it is provided for by local legislation. In some places it is given after the 5th child or is compensated by the issuance of land plots.

To obtain a regional certificate you must submit the following documents:

  1. Passport;
  2. Birth certificate;
  3. Certificate of marriage registration or annulment;
  4. Certificate about the number of people living in the family.

In some cases, documents may be required that confirm the status of a “low-income family,” a certificate of income, a mortgage agreement, and information about the movable/immovable property owned.

Large families whose per capita income is less than that established in the region living wage, can count on a monthly payment for the third child and subsequent ones, until they turn 3 years old.

Each region has its own rules and laws, demographic characteristics, and budgetary possibilities. Based on many factors, an additional regional funding program is calculated for families with children who have never worked or are students.

Payments are made at the social security authorities or at the place of study, so all interested mothers should contact them there. Federal payments correspond to those given in the article, and regional ones differ in each specific case.

Moscow region (if one of the parents is registered and the child will also be registered in the region or city):

The city also has benefits for travel, food, medicine, housing and communal services, and IVF.

Saint Petersburg:

  1. Birth of the first child – 3300 rubles. (in a single-parent family/military family - 3,750 rubles), 2nd - 4,280 rubles, including in a single-parent family/military family;
  2. From 1.5 to 7 years for products – 960 rubles. single-parent family – 1400 rubles;
  3. From 7 to 16 (18) years – 900 rubles, NS (single-parent family) – 1300 rubles;
  4. Birth of the 1st child (for the purchase of children's goods and food) - 29,830 rubles, 2nd - 3,979 rubles, 3rd and subsequent ones - 49,730 rubles;
  5. Student family – 3650 rubles;
  6. Family capital - 148,069 rubles;
  7. Land capital - 341,000 rubles;
  8. From birth to 3 years of age for low-income families - 10,400 rubles.

Social support for large low-income families in the Perm Territory implies free provision of clothing, travel, free medicines up to 6 years of age, a plot of land, exemption from payment of transport tax, and much more. etc.


  1. Support for low-income families: up to 3 years - food, up to 16 (18) years: basic size / single - 307/814 rubles;
  2. Up to 3 years: provision of food, medicines.

In Tatarstan, financial assistance is provided for families whose income per person does not exceed the subsistence minimum: payment for meals for students, a 30% discount on utilities, vouchers to dispensaries and sanatoriums, subsidies for travel of 282 rubles, fuel, clothing, etc.


  1. 1st, 2nd, 3rd child – 6, 12, 18 thousand rubles. regardless of wealth;
  2. Twins or triplets – 5000 rub. one-time;
  3. Up to 16 (18) years old if income is below the monthly minimum: basic size/single mother – 320/480 rubles;
  4. For the 3rd child (every month) – 10,225 rubles;
  5. For families with many children, when the child goes to school – 5,000 rubles;
  6. To buy a school uniform - 2000 rubles, 300 rubles. – school supplies;
  7. For families with many children, upon admission of a child to a higher educational institution - 10,000 rubles.
  8. Improving living conditions regardless of financial situation, for families with many children: 100,000 rubles;
  9. Regional family capital – 100,000 rubles.

There is a wide system of material assistance: from travel to payment for housing and communal services.

Volgograd region:

  1. Up to 16 (18) years old, low-income, every month: regular size/single parent-student family – 317/635/1000 rubles;
  2. One-time payment at birth – 25,000 rubles. (conditions: the child was born after 2016, the mother’s age is no more than 23 years);
  3. For 3 to 3 years old, low-income, every month - 8115 rubles;
  4. Parental capital for the 3rd and subsequent children born after 2016, over 3 years old - 70,000 rubles.

Krasnodar region:

  1. Up to 16 (18) years old, low-income: basic size/single parent – ​​190/370 rubles;
  2. Nursing, pregnant women, children under 3 years old - 150 rubles for food;
  3. 3rd child, born between 2013 and 2017, under 3 years old, in need - 10,050 rubles;
  4. Subsidies for housing and communal services, travel, free medicines for up to 6 years;
  5. Regional family capital - 119,815 rubles.

Full information on all payments to needy families can be obtained on the websites of the social protection authorities of the indicated regions and cities.


Pregnant women belong to the socially protected segments of the population in our country.

The state is trying to stimulate the birth of children in every family by establishing various benefits and allowances. However, the size of payments for employed and unemployed people differs.

One of the first supports for a pregnant woman is maternity benefits. Is it supposed to be inoperative?

Are unemployed people entitled to maternity leave?

The amount of sick leave payment depends on length of service the pregnant woman and her earnings for the last two years before the benefit was assigned. In this case, payment for the entire duration of maternity leave cannot be less than value and more.

In 2019, the lower limit for pregnancy benefits is 51,919 rubles, the upper limit is 301,095.20 rubles.

But what if at the time the payment is assigned, the woman does not work anywhere? Can an unemployed woman count on receiving maternity benefits in connection with pregnancy and upcoming childbirth?

The following unemployed citizens can receive benefits:

  • female students studying full-time in secondary, higher educational institutions or graduate school, regardless of whether the education they receive is free or paid;
  • those who became unemployed due to the liquidation of the organization in which they worked until recently, as well as due to the cessation of entrepreneurial, notary, and lawyer activities;
  • Individual entrepreneurs who have closed their business;
  • serving in government agencies, the armed forces and the customs service of the Russian Federation.

Maternity leave is not provided for pregnancy and childbirth:

  • students studying part-time or part-time (evening);
  • housewives or women working informally without work experience;
  • women who quit their jobs of their own free will.

Important! Thus, a non-working woman can receive maternity benefits in some cases. An unemployed housewife or an informal worker cannot apply for maternity leave and does not receive payment for 140 days.

How to get it if you don't work?

If a pregnant unemployed woman falls into a category for which benefits are not provided, then she can receive it legally only in one case. If you officially get a job.

Let's take a closer look at how to receive maternity benefits for those unemployed women who can legally count on them.

Full-time students

An unemployed student writes an application to the educational institution, namely in its accounting department, for payment of the benefits due. Maternity leave begins 70 or 84 days before birth -. Overall relaxation depends on many factors.

Money is paid from budget funds (federal or regional) through the institution’s cash desk within 10 days from the date of application.

Must be presented simultaneously with the application.

Important! The amount of maternity leave for full-time students will be equal to the amount of the scholarship.

For former employees of liquidated organizations or closed individual entrepreneurs

Benefits for this category of unemployed women are provided if the liquidation of an organization or the closure of an individual entrepreneur occurred within last year, and they registered with the employment center regarding unemployment.

The benefit in 2019 will be 655.49 rubles. rubles and will be paid from the federal budget to the account details provided to the pregnant woman.

While on maternity leave, a woman cannot be deregistered at the employment center. Moreover, after maternity leave, an unemployed woman can apply, but the payment of unemployment benefits will be suspended.

You should contact the authority for payment. Social protection population where it is necessary to provide:

  • statement;
  • sick leave;
  • a certified extract from the work book containing information about the last place of work and dismissal from it;
  • document from the employment center about being in unemployed status / decision of the tax authority on deregistration for individual entrepreneurs.

Within 10 days from the moment of submitting the entire set of documents, maternity benefits will be accrued to the non-working woman, and the direct maternity payment will be made the next month after applying for benefits (no later than the 26th).

Dismissed during liquidation

If a pregnant woman becomes unemployed due to the fact that the employment contract was terminated on the basis of clause 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then she has the right to receive maternity leave.

If, during the liquidation of an organization, a woman is dismissed for another reason ( own wish, agreement of the parties), then there is no right to benefits.

Conditions for receiving maternity leave for those dismissed during liquidation:

  • V work book the basis for dismissal is indicated - clause 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • the woman registered with the employment service after leaving the organization and was not yet employed at the date of the benefit request;
  • the dismissal occurred in the last 12 months preceding the date of registration of maternity leave.

You need to contact the social security office at your place of residence with the following documents:

  • application for payment of benefits under the BiR;
  • sick leave according to BiR;
  • work book indicating the grounds for dismissal (certified copy);
  • certificate from the employment center confirming your unemployed status.

The period for reviewing documents and assigning benefits is 10 days, payment is made no later than the 26th of the next month.

The amount of benefits for non-workers in connection with dismissal due to liquidation is established by Article 8 of Law 81-FZ, taking into account the indexation coefficient, from January 1, 2019 = 655.49 rubles.

Civil servants

For women working under contracts (civil service, customs and military service), maternity leave benefits are calculated based on the employee’s salary.

Important! The payment is assigned within 10 days from the date of submission of the application and pregnancy certificate from a medical institution to the accounting department at the place of duty.

Useful video

To find out whether a non-working woman is entitled to benefits in connection with her pregnancy and childbirth, see the video below:


A non-working pregnant woman can receive benefits in connection with her condition and upcoming birth only if she is a full-time student, an employee of government agencies or customs, undergoes military service or dismissed during liquidation.


It's fast and free!

Women who have a job and are insured in the social insurance system during pregnancy and after childbirth can count on certain social guarantees in the form of various benefits. Some of them are paid in a fixed amount, and some depend on the amount of salary received. What benefits are available to pregnant unemployed women? After all, they cannot apply for payments to the employer, and average earnings They do not have any information to calculate benefits. Let's look at what an unemployed woman can count on while expecting a child in our material.

Are payments due to unemployed pregnant women?

First, let's define who can be classified as non-working expectant mothers. Specifically, this category may include:

  • Women who do not have a job, quit their jobs, or work without proper registration. Even if a woman works, but her relationship with the employer is not documented, she cannot be considered working for the purpose of assigning benefits, because her salary is unofficial and insurance contributions in connection with maternity and illness are not accrued to her;
  • Women – individual entrepreneurs who have ceased their entrepreneurial activities by deregistering with the Federal Tax Service;
  • Private lawyers and notaries who have ceased their practice;
  • Women who were fired due to the liquidation of the company or the termination of activities by the employer-entrepreneur;
  • Spouses of conscripted military personnel;
  • Full-time students.

If we compare what payments an unemployed pregnant woman receives and a working woman, we will see that some benefits are not available to the unemployed due to the fact that they should be calculated based on average earnings. In some cases, a woman who does not have a job may be assigned such a benefit, but only in a minimum amount. Let's take a closer look at what payments are available to non-working mothers and under what conditions.

What payments are due to pregnant unemployed people in exceptional cases?

Paid maternity leave - This maternity benefit is not paid to unemployed women, but there are exceptions:

  • Those dismissed upon liquidation of an organization, termination of business activities of individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, within a year before the day they are recognized as unemployed, if they are registered with the employment service, are entitled to benefits. But, if for workers its size is 100% of average earnings or is calculated from the current minimum wage, then here are the payments a pregnant unemployed woman is entitled to - the minimum fixed amount of 613.14 rubles per month, which for maternity leave for 140 days it will be 2822.12 rubles, for 156 days – 3144.65 rubles, for 194 days – 3910.66 rubles. (Articles 7 and 8 of Law No. 81-FZ dated May 19, 1995, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2017 No. 88). To apply for benefits, you must contact the social security authority at your place of residence. If a woman receives unemployment benefits, then she has to make a choice between it and maternity benefits - she cannot receive these payments at the same time.
  • Expectant mothers who are students of universities, scientific organizations and other professional educational institutions can receive benefits equal to their scholarship. Payment of maternity benefits is made at the place of study, and it does not matter on what basis the student is studying - commercial or budgetary (letter of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2010 No. 02-02-01/08-3930).

In addition to maternity leave, women who started medical examination before 12 weeks of pregnancy, a lump sum payment is assigned(Article 9 of Law No. 81-FZ). Its size is fixed and subject to indexation - today it is 613.14 rubles. Only those who are entitled to maternity benefits can receive this payment, that is, women dismissed during liquidation and full-time students; the rest of the unemployed are not entitled to benefits.

What payments are due to pregnant unemployed women and mothers?

Absolutely all unemployed women have the right to one-time payment at the birth of a child . It can be received by the mother or father of the newborn. A working father will receive benefits at his place of work, and if an unemployed single mother receives benefits, or both parents are studying, then it will be paid by the social security service at their place of residence.

The amount of benefit for a newborn is the same for everyone, and changes only due to indexation. From 02/01/2017 it is 16,350.33 rubles. (Government Decree No. 88). The amount received is not affected by the number of existing children, and if twins are born, the benefit is assigned in full to each of them.

Monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years old employed women retain 40% of their salary, and non-working women are assigned only the minimum amount: 3065.69 rubles. per month for the first child and 6131.37 rubles. – for the second and subsequent younger children. Benefits for unemployed mothers are paid by the social security authority from the day the child is born until the age of 1.5 years.

Mothers receiving unemployment benefits must choose only one payment out of two - they cannot be assigned at the same time. For student mothers, the right to benefits remains the same while continuing their studies, but they also need to make a choice: between maternity benefits and care benefits for up to 1.5 years.

Special benefits for conscript wives are relied upon regardless of their employment, including, social security authorities pay them to the unemployed. Women receive these payments along with all other benefits due to pregnant women and mothers:

  • One-time benefit to the wife of a conscript soldier Requires a pregnancy of 180 days or more and a registered marriage. The benefit amount is RUB 25,892.45. (Article 12.3 of Law No. 81-FZ).
  • Monthly allowance for the child of a conscript is paid from the day of his birth, but not earlier in the day my father began his conscription service in the army. The payment continues until the child is 3 years old, but no later than the day the father ends his military service (Article 12.6 of Law No. 81-FZ). The benefit amount is RUB 11,096.76. per month.

What payments are also due to a non-working pregnant woman:

  • If there are social indications and a medical opinion, the expectant mother may receive additional nutrition. Its size is set by the regions, and they decide whether to issue benefits in cash or in kind.
  • At the local level, at the expense of regional budgets, other payments and additional payments may be established for pregnant women, including the unemployed.