Holidays and events in Baku. Let's celebrate: how national holidays are held in Azerbaijan

At the end of March, I found myself visiting my friends - an Azerbaijani family who had been living in Russia for quite some time. I dropped in for just a couple of minutes, but, in the best traditions of Caucasian hospitality, I was seated at the table. There was no point in refusing - especially since the receiving party had a really good reason: the family was celebrating a national holiday.

Which? But try to guess and imagine my confusion when the hostess - Gulnara - put a plate with colored eggs on the table and began to light candles.

And... where is the Easter cake? - I asked in bewilderment. - What is it, Easter? Although... wait... what is Easter in Islam... What are you celebrating?

Gulnara smiled:

Nowruz. Well, consider it... Maslenitsa!

Happy New Year!

The whole family laughed seeing my confusion. I absolutely did not understand what was happening. Finally, especially for me, the hospitable hosts conducted a short historical and cultural excursion into the traditions of national holidays of Azerbaijan. After which everything more or less fell into place. So, get ready: you will be surprised how much our peoples have in common.

The arrival of spring

Let's start with Novruz, the celebration of which I found myself. Its full name is Novruz Bayram, translated as “holiday of a new day.” Although in a broad sense it is still a New Year's holiday. It is celebrated for five days, including March 20 and March 21, the vernal equinox. Novruz has nothing to do with Islam, and therefore all numerous ethnic and religious groups celebrate it in Azerbaijan. Everyone rejoices at the arrival of spring and the fact that nature comes to life. Here it is - the starting point of the new year. Hence the tradition of painting eggs, symbolizing the birth of a new life. This custom is at least two and a half thousand years old: the ancient New Year was celebrated this way back in the first centuries BC throughout Persia.

In addition to colored eggs, the Novruz holiday table must include sweets, pilaf, semeni (wheat sprouted in a plate) and... a mirror. According to ancient belief, the Earth rests on the horns of a huge bull, but this bull periodically gets tired and once a year throws the planet from one horn to another. How do you know at what point he does this? Place the egg on the mirror: as soon as it sways, the bull “throws” the Earth and the new year begins.

And a mirror is an obligatory attribute of fortune telling. Azerbaijani girls, like Russian young ladies on Epiphany evening, are trying to find out who will become their betrothed. To do this, you need to get up in the middle of the night, light a candle and go to the mirror. You will see your future groom in it. Or here’s another way: before going to bed, you need to eat a salty flatbread and under no circumstances wash it down with anything. The betrothed will appear in a dream and bring water to the bride.

But the most common fortune telling these days is “gulag faly” or “fortune telling by ear.” This is when neighbors eavesdrop on each other. But not to find out secrets family life, but to interpret the future. If you hear favorable words in a fragment of a neighbor’s speech, the year will pass happily. That is why everyone tries to reconcile with each other in advance and talk only about good things.

No Novruz is complete without jumping over a fire. It also feels like something familiar, doesn’t it? A fire is lit in each yard, over which you need to jump 7 times to “burn away” all adversity.

And this holiday is unthinkable without the two main characters Kosy (Goatbeard) and Kechal (Bald). Drawing an analogy with our Maslenitsa, these are... buffoons who organize performances on the streets of cities. Kosa lives in the mountains and symbolizes winter, Kechal - the spring land from which the snow has melted. The heroes make fun of each other, and spring must win in their verbal duel.

State days

In addition to Novruz, the sacred Muslim holidays of Gurban Bayram (the end of the Hajj) and Ramadan Bayram (the end of the fast in Ramadan) are celebrated at the state level in Azerbaijan. These days are non-working days.

Some secular holidays remain from the times of the USSR. Here they still treat Victory Day with great respect and celebrate March 8th by watching “Office Romance.”

However, the holidays that truly unite all residents of Azerbaijan are “state days.” Here are the most important ones:

Day national revival(November 17),
- Independence Day (October 18),
- National Flag Day (November 9),
- Day of National Salvation of the Azerbaijani People (June 15),
- Republic Day (May 28).

The last one on the list will be there very soon. This holiday is actually the country's first Independence Day, proclaimed back in 1918. Then the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic existed for only 2 years, but after the USSR collapsed, the holiday was revived.

Some names of Azerbaijani holidays sound unusual to us. What, for example, do the days of “national salvation” and “national revival” mean?

So, in order.

National Revival Day

29 years ago, on November 17, 1988, a rally of residents of the country dissatisfied with politics took place on the main square of Baku Soviet Union. The demonstrators were concerned about the outbreak of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the influx of refugees. It was then that calls were made for the first time for Azerbaijan to secede from the USSR. Since then, November 17 has been considered the day of unification of Azerbaijanis and strengthening of the national spirit.

Day of National Salvation of the Azerbaijani People

The first years of the independent life of the young republic could not be called simple. The country was experiencing the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, an economic recession, and emigration of the population. But in 1993, Heydar Aliyev returned to govern Azerbaijan again, soon leading the state to economic prosperity and political stability. The day of the president's return here is called nothing less than the Day of National Salvation of the Azerbaijani People and is celebrated on June 15.

Heydar Aliyev is truly a national hero in the republic, and his birthday (May 10) is now also celebrated as the Flower Festival. This is an unofficial celebration, during which parks and boulevards are decorated with floral art objects.

Cultural holidays

National cultural holidays occupy a special place in the life of Azerbaijan: National Cinema Day, Azerbaijani Alphabet and Language Day, but above all, National Music Day. After all, it is the language of music that everyone understands without words. This holiday is celebrated on September 18, the birthday of Uzeyir Hajibeyov, composer, conductor and founder of many cultural reforms in the republic. Hajibeyov combined elements of national music with European classics and created the first operas in the Islamic world.

The modern musical tradition also does not deviate from these principles: folk elements are woven into symphonic works, opera, rock, jazz, popular songs and even... rap battles. However, as for the latter, this is not surprising, because in Azerbaijan there is an ancient custom of performing meykhana - a song composed on the spot, sung in recitative. “Come on, goodbye” remember? This is the real meykhana.

The main secret of such a song is “it must come from the heart.” Not a single festive Azerbaijani feast is complete without meykhana. The Novruz celebration, which I attended, was also no exception. The owner of the house in a recitative form told us how wonderful the coming of spring was, and how glad he was to see relatives and friends gathered at his table.

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to compose songs, but I can speak “from the heart in prose.” And therefore, here on the blog I would also like to thank Gulnara’s family for their hospitality, congratulate all Azerbaijanis on the upcoming Republic Day and wish them happiness, success, goodness and good luck!

Photo sources z-bajram-v-kazani-programma/ 267824 71.html

Holidays and events of Azerbaijan 2020: the most important festivals and bright events, National holidays and events in Azerbaijan. Photos and videos, descriptions, reviews and timings.

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In Azerbaijan, the tradition of celebrating the New Year has been preserved twice: in the new style - from December 31 to January 1, and in the old style - from January 13 to 14. Moreover, both Christian and Muslim parts of the population take part in the celebrations.

The promotion of an active lifestyle among young people has led to the fact that every year on March 5 the whole country celebrates physical culture and sports. The most popular sports are football and chess; national types of wrestling are also very popular. On the day of the holiday, sports competitions and relay races are organized in parks and on the streets, in which anyone can take part.

Navruz is one of the most popular holidays, dedicated to the spring equinox and the renewal of nature. Since ancient times, the holiday has retained many traditions, including washing in the morning clean water from a river or stream, exchanging warm, sincere wishes and treating each other with sweets. In the morning you need to eat something sweet - usually honey or sugar, and then inhale the aromatic smoke - it is believed that this is how a person gets rid of evil spirits.

There must be seven dishes on the festive table starting with the letter “s”. There should also be a candle on the table - protection from evil forces, a mirror - a symbol of clarity, and a painted egg - a symbol of the globe - should be placed on it. As soon as the egg sways, it is considered that the year has begun and you can congratulate each other.

The May Flower Festival is an unforgettable and amazing event in the life of the country. Every year on May 10, crowds of people gather on the seaside boulevard to lay flowers at the grave of President Heydar Aliyev (the holiday is dedicated to his birthday). Throughout the National Park there are colorful flower arrangements, exhibitions of plants and unique birds; guests of the holiday create an exhibition of drawings on the asphalt with their own hands. The evening program includes a concert with performances by world celebrities and festive fireworks.

The May Flower Festival is one of the most exciting events of the year. Every year on May 10, the National Park hosts colorful flower arrangements, exhibitions of plants and unique birds. Guests of the holiday create an exhibition of drawings on the asphalt with their own hands.

On July 15, Baku celebrates Sabantuy, a holiday that came to Azerbaijan from Tatarstan. There is so much you can see in the city on this day - horse racing, songs, dances, sports competitions (those who want to do tug of war and run in sacks), as well as an accordion competition, wrestling competitions and much, much more.

National Music Day on September 18 is another wonderful occasion to enjoy live sound and the perfection of plasticity. During the festival, a folk orchestra, a youth symphony orchestra, and graduates of the opera and ballet theaters demonstrate their skills. The Azerbaijan Theater of Musical Comedy demonstrates its performances.

On October 26, the Pomegranate Festival is traditionally held in Goychay. The streets and parks of the city are decorated before the holiday, and all guests gather at the main festive site in the city center, where the pomegranate fair takes place widely. Here you can try wonderful juice and learn a lot of interesting things about the benefits and significance of this amazing fruit. Entertainment includes a concert and competitions - both sports and music and dance.

This one is bright and fun party noted in different countries in different ways, however, everywhere he is loved and expected. Starting from the first days of December, in cities, villages, in every team and every family, the approach of this winter celebration is felt.

January 14 – Old New Year

The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year comes from the divergence of the Julian calendar (or otherwise the “old style” calendar) and the Gregorian calendar - the one by which almost the whole world now lives. Divergence of calendars in XX - XX I centuries is 13 days. The Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon, an additional holiday that resulted from a change in chronology. Because of this discrepancy in calendars, we celebrate two “New Years” - according to the old and new styles. Thus, on the night of January 13-14, everyone can afford to “pre-celebrate” their most favorite holiday. Indeed, for many believers, the Old New Year has a special meaning, since they can celebrate it from the heart only after the end of the Nativity Fast. Interestingly, the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars increases by one day every century when the number of hundreds in the year after Christ is not a multiple of four. Therefore, from March 1, 2100, this difference will be 14 days. And from 2101, Christmas and Old New Year will be celebrated a day later. Today, the popularity of the Old New Year is growing from year to year, and Russia is no exception. All more people They treat it as an independent holiday that prolongs the charm of the New Year or allows you to feel this charm for the first time... After all, this holiday is calmer, it is not characterized by the bustle that is the inevitable companion of the New Year. It is also celebrated in Azerbaijan and Belarus.

January 20 - Day of National Sorrow

Azerbaijani holiday. In Azerbaijan, it is considered a day of mourning in connection with the tragic events of January 20, 1990, when Soviet troops were brought into Baku. Thus, the Constitutions of the USSR and the Azerbaijan SSR, as well as the Constitutional Law on the sovereignty of the Republic, were violated. The result was 170 dead, about 400 wounded. Among them are peaceful townspeople: youth, old people, women, children. There were also casualties among military personnel. This is the terrible result of the tragedy that took place on the streets of Baku that night.

The Alley of Martyrs is located in Nagorny Park. Here are the graves of heroically killed Azerbaijani citizens who fought for the independence of their state. The entire Azerbaijani people worships the Alley of Martyrs.

February 14 – Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day)

Celebrated in Estonia, Belarus, Finland, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Poland.

Officially, Valentine's Day has existed for more than 16 centuries, but the holidays of Love have been known since the times of ancient pagan cultures. For example, the Romans celebrated Lupercalia, a February festival of eroticism in honor of Lupercalia in honor of Lupercus the Faun, a fertilizing deity, and the love goddess Juno Februata. With a nail holiday program there was a kind of lottery: young men drew lots - pieces of paper with the names of young maidens. These girls became their friends until the next lottery. Much later, the Christian Pope Gelasius, wanting to get rid of pagan remnants, replaced female names names of saints and changed the rules of the game somewhat. Naturally, not everyone liked it. The wise dad, judging that canceling the youth festival was a thankless task, decided to modify it a little, transforming it into Christian holiday. So, it was urgent to find a replacement for Faun Luperk. The most suitable candidate for the pope seemed to be the holy martyr Valentine, who had the most direct relation to love.

February 21 - International Day native language

International holiday UN holiday; noted in Russia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Armenia.

International Mother Language Day was proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on November 17, 1999 and is celebrated every year since February 2000 with the aim draw attention to the need to preserve multilingualism in the world. In turn, the UN General Assembly in its resolution declared 2008 International Year languages ​​(International Year of Languages). 2010 was proclaimed the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures. Languages ​​are the most powerful tool for preserving and developing our material and spiritual heritage. 96% of all existing languages ​​- and there are 6 thousand of them - are understood by only 4% of the world's population. But even the most exotic languages, spoken by a negligible number of people, are carriers of collective memory and intangible cultural heritage. According to UNESCO estimates, half of the world's approximately 6 thousand languages ​​may soon lose their last speakers. All steps taken to spread minor languages ​​serve not only to develop greater familiarity with linguistic and cultural traditions around the world, but also strengthen mutual understanding, tolerance, promote dialogue.

February 26 - Day of Khojaly genocide and national mourning

Azerbaijani holiday (day of mourning). On the night of February 25-26, 1992, Armenian armed forces, with the support of heavy equipment and personnel of the 366th motorized rifle regiment of the former USSR, stationed in the city of Khankendi, captured the city of Khojaly. The assault on the city was preceded by massive shelling from artillery pieces and heavy military equipment, which began on the evening of February 25. As a result, a fire broke out in the city, and by five o'clock in the morning on February 26, the city was almost completely engulfed in flames. The population remaining in the city, approximately 2,500 people, was forced to leave their homes with the only hope of making their way towards the city of Agdam, the regional center, which is the nearest point, populated mainly by Azerbaijanis. But these plans were not destined to come true. The Armenian armed forces, with the assistance of the military force of a motorized rifle regiment, destroyed the city of Khojaly with particular cruelty and committed massacres against the civilian population. As a result, 613 people (children, women, elderly people) were killed. 150 people went missing. Several families were completely destroyed, many children lost both or one of their parents. 487 people were injured. 1275 people were taken hostage. Enormous damage was caused to the state and personal property of citizens, estimated at 5 billion rubles (in April 1992 prices). These figures represent the bloodiest tragedy of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which began in February 1988.

On January 6, 1992, the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic declared independence.

March 8 – International Women's Day

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, March 8 remained on the list of public holidays Russian Federation. International Women's Day is celebrated in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Belarus like International Women's Day; in Uzbekistan as Mother's Day; in Armenia it is celebrated on April 7 as Motherhood and Beauty Day.

March 21 – Novruz

Nowruz(pers. “new day”), and also International Nowruz Day(March 21) is the first day of the beginning of spring, corresponding to the day of Ohrmazd in the month of Farvardin according to the astronomical solar calendar among the Iranian peoples, Turkic peoples and a number of peoples of Eurasia. The word “Navruz” itself is translated as “new day”. In some ideas about Nowruz among the Kurdish people, the word comes from the phrase gender - Niw and day - roj. It is also worth noting that this version appeared quite recently and orientalists, Kurdish scholars and linguists find direct evidence of this theory of the origin of the holiday. In general, Navruz is the equality of day and night; the beginning of a season of growth and prosperity.

March 22 – World Water Day

In 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, as part of the UN conference “Environmental Protection and Development”, the UN General Assembly decided to celebrate March 22 as World Water Day. Like many peoples of the world, so do the Azerbaijanis, who always pour water after a person leaving on a long journey. People's faith in the cleansing power of water gave hope. Thus, according to one of the beliefs among Azerbaijanis, forty vessels of water should be poured on the head of the guilty person. Or, for example, the custom of telling bad dreams to water still exists. Purification through water is also expressed in the custom of jumping over flowing water seven times on the last Wednesday before the Nowruz holiday. This was done with the aim of cleansing from the sins and sorrows of the passing year. And the morning after the new year, there was a custom to bring water from the spring.

March 31 - Azerbaijani Genocide Day

On March 26, 1998, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev issued a Decree, according to which this date was established to commemorate the victims of the massacres of Azerbaijanis in Baku, Shemakha and other cities committed by Armenians in March 1918.

April 2 - International Children's Book Day

Celebrated in Azerbaijan. Since 1967, on the initiative and decision of the International Children's Book Council, on April 2, the birthday of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, the whole world has been celebrating International Children's Book Day, thereby emphasizing its role in shaping the spiritual and intellectual image of new generations of the Earth.

April 28 - World Day for Safety and Health at Work

World Occupational Safety and Health Day has been celebrated in Azerbaijan every year since 2003, when the International Labor Organization began to promote the idea of ​​a culture of occupational safety and health with its help. Every year in April in Baku and other regions of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, associations of employers and workers organize, as part of their activities, an awareness-raising campaign dedicated to the prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases.

April 30 – World Twin Cities Day

The holiday “World Day of Twin Cities” has been celebrated since 1963 on the last Sunday of April (including in Azerbaijan). The World Federation of Twin Cities is an international non-governmental organization founded in Paris on April 28, 1957. Founded by representatives of sister cities in Aix-les-Bains (France), in 1970 it already united up to 1 thousand cities in more than 50 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The first agreement on friendship and cooperation between the cities of the allied countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition was signed back in 1942 between Stalingrad and the English Coventry - cities almost completely destroyed by the war .SH tab-apartment WSPG - in Paris.

May 3 - World Press Freedom Day

Celebrated in different countries, including Azerbaijan.

On May 3, 1991, African journalists gathered in the Namibian capital, Windhoek, for a regional seminar on promoting independent media and signed the Windhoek Declaration, which called on governments around the world to ensure freedom of the press and its democratic character. This declaration was the first document containing commitments to protect people's freedom to express their opinions and have access to a variety of independent sources of information. The significance of the Windhoek Declaration adopted at the seminar was so great that the UN General Assembly on December 21, 1993 decided to celebrate May 3 internationally as World Press Freedom Day.

May 9 - Victory Day

On fire During the Second World War, three million Belarusians burned. There is not a single family in the republic that has not been affected by the war. It is not surprising that May 9 is one of the brightest holidays in Belarus. It was the Belarusians who were the first to take the blow of Nazi Germany and experience the full brunt of the last war. Tortured but unconquered Belarus, thanks to the exceptional courage and dedication of the entire population, turned into an impregnable fortress for the invaders and entered world history as a partisan land.

May 10 - Flower Festival in Azerbaijan

On the initiative of the executive power of the city of Baku, a number of events are held annually to commemorate the anniversary of the birth of the national leader and 3rd President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev (May 10, 1923 - December 12, 2003).

May 15 - International Family Day

In 1993, the UN General Assembly decided that, starting in 1994, International Day of Families would be celebrated annually on May 15th. The establishment of this day aims to draw the attention of the public in different countries to the numerous problems of the family in order to increase the possibility of solving them on the basis of comprehensive policies. Special attention dedicated to families affected by war, victims of poverty and AIDS and forced to struggle for basic living conditions. According to the UN Secretary-General, when the fundamental rights of one family are violated, the unity of the entire human family of which they are members is threatened.

May 17 - World Information Society Day

In Azerbaijan, the creation of the legal foundations of the information society and a single national information space, the implementation of the rights of citizens to receive information, its dissemination and use, the formation of “transparent” government apparatuses and local government, electronic state, electronic commerce, strengthening the social and intellectual potential of the country are among the main priorities of state policy.

May 23 - Baba Declaration Day

The Baha'i community in Azerbaijan has existed since the very moment of the emergence of this faith - since the middle of the 19th century. During the years of Soviet power, the Baha'i faith, like other religions, could not be practiced openly. After the collapse of the USSR and the restoration of state independence of Azerbaijan, freedom of religion gradually began to be restored in the country. In 1992, after the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted the Law on Freedom of Religion, the Bahá'ís of Azerbaijan were given the opportunity to officially create communities. In 1993, by decision of the Board of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, official permission was given for the activities of the Bahai Community of Baku. In 2002, the Baku community was re-registered with the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In the same year there was also registered Sumgayit Baha'i community.

In 2004, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Azerbaijan, the central body of the national Bahá'í community, received official registration. Baha'is in the Republic of Azerbaijan after democratic reforms, along with other citizens, live a full life.

May 27 - Ramadan

Celebrated in Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Chechen Republic, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. The holy month of Ramadan was determined for Muslims in the second year of the Hijri (622nd year) and is intended to teach people to love the principles of Allah, give them the opportunity to show their strong-willed qualities, tolerance, be vigilant, and conscientious. During this month, Muslims observe fasting. The history of orujlug begins in the second year of the Hijra, when in the city of Medina, the Prophet Muhammad established the month of Ramadan for Muslims. It was on one of the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan that Allah gave the Quran to Muslims. It is said that this event happened on the night of the 23rd to the 24th, or on the night of the 26th to the 27th. This night is called "laylat" al-Qadr"- a strong and powerful night. The Koran says the following about this night: “On this night we really gave strength, power, this night is stronger than a thousand months, the angels descended to the earth and are waiting for the order of Allah, on this night there is peace until dawn.” During the fast, it is not allowed to eat, smoke, perform marital duties, etc. during daylight hours. Only children, the sick, pregnant women, those fighting at the front, travelers (travellers) are free from this. Orujlug begins with the appearance of a new Month (Moon) and lasts 29-30 days.

May 28 - Republic Day in Azerbaijan

Another name for the holiday in Azerbaijan is the Day of the Revival of Azerbaijani statehood.

The formation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918 is the brightest page in the history of Azerbaijan, which requires objective scientific study by historical science.

May 31 - World No Tobacco Day

On May 31, a number of events are being held in Azerbaijan to mark World No Tobacco Day. Children dressed in T-shirts with anti-tobacco symbols distribute leaflets on the central streets of Baku with information about the dangers of smoking. On the same day, anti-tobacco videos are broadcast on the country's central channels; the problems of tobacco smoking, its social and medical aspects are discussed on radio stations and television programs.

June 1 - International Children's Day

International Children's Day serves as an occasion to mobilize world public opinion in protecting children from the threat of war, in preserving the health of children, in carrying out their upbringing and education on democratic and humane principles.

June 15 - National Salvation Day of Azerbaijan

Established due to the fact that in 1993 Heydar Aliyev returned to the leadership of the Republic and was elected Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This day has been celebrated since 1997, and in 1998 the holiday received state status.

June 20 - World Refugee Day

Every year refugees and internally displaced persons celebrate this sad day. It was approved by a resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2000. World Refugee Day is a statement of facts: wars on earth do not stop, but there are international agreements on which the protection of refugees is based and respect for the fortitude and courage of refugees around the world is shown.

July 11 - World Population Day

It was declared as an international holiday at the initiative of the Board of Governors of the UN Development Program in 1989. The world's population is constantly increasing. If in 2001 its population was 6.1 billion people, then in 2050, according to UN estimates, it will reach about 9.3 billion people. In developing countries, young people under 20 years of age make up more than 40% of the population. This means that the decisions young people make will shape our world and the prospects of future generations. The day before world day The United Nations calls on the world's leaders to listen to what young people have to say about their concerns and hopes, and to ensure that laws, policies and programs that support young people's participation in public life and protect their rights are effectively implemented.

July 15 - Sabantuy holiday in Azerbaijan

Despite the fact that Sabantuy is a national holiday of Tatarstan, it, according to President M. Shaimiev, “crossed national borders, becoming a common holiday ... of friendship for people of different nationalities. Sabantuy promotes the mutual enrichment of cultures and allows other peoples to come into contact with the centuries-old customs and traditions of the Tatar people.” Therefore, it is celebrated annually in Azerbaijan.

August 1 - Day of the Azerbaijani Alphabet and Language

During the period when Azerbaijan became part of Tsarist Russia, the people used the Arabic alphabet. But since 1920 in Azerbaijan (already part of the USSR) Russian language has actually acquired the status of the state language: an alphabet reform was carried out, as a result of which the new Azerbaijani alphabet based on the Latin script began to be used instead of the Arabic alphabet; Later it was decided to switch to the Cyrillic alphabet.

September 1 - Feast of Sacrifice (Kurban Bayram, Kurman Ait or Eid al-Adha - among the Krygyz)

Islamic holiday end of Hajj (Eid) al-Adha; Azeri Qurban Bayramı), celebrated 70 days after the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, on the 10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah in memory of the sacrifice of the prophet Ibrahim. The Muslim calendar consists of 12 lunar months and contains about 354 days, which is 10 or 11 days less than the solar year. For this reason, the days of Muslim religious holidays Every year they shift relative to the Gregorian calendar. Celebrated in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Chechen Republic, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Dagestan Republic and etc.

September 8 - International Literacy Day

International holiday, is also noted in Azerbaijan.

According to various estimates, there are 774 million adults in the world who cannot read or write, of whom two thirds are women. More than 72 million children are out of school. These figures serve as a reminder of how much remains to be done to ensure that citizens' rights to education and literacy are realized. Globally, the fight against illiteracy is still a major challenge. It must involve everyone - governments, United Nations organizations, other international organizations, the private sector, civil society, local groups and individuals.

September 10 - World Suicide Prevention Day

international day (World Suicide Prevention Day).

Suicides for a variety of reasons remain actual problem and in Azerbaijan. The International Association for Suicide Prevention, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), conducts activities on this day aimed at saving the lives of people who are or have been suicidal. According to WHO, suicide is the biggest problem facing humanity, causing the death of a million people every year. In addition, suicide is one of the leading causes of death globally, primarily among young people. WHO calls for suicide prevention not only with the help of healthcare professionals, but also with education, law enforcement, justice, religion, politics, media. Cases of suicide are not uncommon in developed countries, with high level life of the population. According to statistics, the world leader in suicide is Sweden, one of the most prosperous countries in the world. The best protection society from suicide could be national traditions, family values ​​and other qualities inherent in every nation.

September 18 - National Music Day in Azerbaijan

Celebrated annually on the birthday of the founder of professional musical art in Azerbaijan, Uzeyir Hajibeyov. Hajibeyov’s opera “Leyli and Majnun”, the first in Azerbaijan and in the entire East, was first staged on January 12, 1908. The history of professional national opera in Azerbaijan begins from this date. The 34th session of the UNESCO General Conference, as part of the organization’s program for celebrating anniversaries of outstanding personalities and significant events, decided to officially celebrate the 100th anniversary of the opera “Leyli and Majnun” in 2008-2009. The first Festival of National Music, which started in February 2007 and dedicated to the centenary of the first opera in Azerbaijan, as well as the country’s composition school in general, was held in the regions of Azerbaijan: Ismayilli, Gabala, Fuzuli, Kurdamir, Agsu, Khanlar, Ganja, Goranboy, Masallah . State musical groups took part in the concerts.

In the musical history of Azerbaijan, unforgettable pages are associated with the name of the opera and pop singer, People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomayev.

September 21 - International Day of Peace

In 1982, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day of Peace as a day of general ceasefire and renunciation of violence (resolution of November 30, 1981). Initially, the International Day of Peace was celebrated on the third Tuesday of September - the opening day of the regular session of the UN General Assembly. In a resolution dated September 7, 2001, the General Assembly decided that Since 2002 International Day World will be celebrated annually on September 21st. On this day, a call is made to stop all hostilities for at least 1 day and to honor this holiday in all countries with a minute of silence at noon local time. The UN uses the Day of Peace to highlight its wide-ranging work in support of peace and to encourage individuals, groups and communities around the world to think about peace and share information and experiences to achieve it. The UN calls on all Member States, United Nations organizations, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to observe the International Day of Peace in an appropriate manner, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the UN to ensure a worldwide ceasefire.

October 1 - International (World) Day of Older Persons

Marked as international holiday, including in Belarus, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Russia. It was established by a decision of the UN General Assembly in 1990 with the aim of attracting more attention to the problems of older people. Old people are treated differently. In words, “we honor old people everywhere.” In reality, when a certain age limit is reached, human morality literally pushes the elderly out of public life, without taking into account their creative and labor potential.

October 18 - State Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan

On August 30, 1991, at an extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan, it was adopted Declaration on the restoration of state independence of the republic. At the same time, a resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the restoration of state independence of the Azerbaijan Republic” was adopted. Based on the Declaration of Independence adopted by the National Council of Azerbaijan on May 28, 1918, the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan Republic adopted the Constitutional Act on state independence of the Azerbaijan Republic on October 18, 1991, establishing the foundations of the state, political and economic structure of the country. From that moment on, October 18 became a holiday of national independence.

October 26 - Pomegranate Festival in Azerbaijan

Under the joint organization of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the regional executive power, in the city of Goychay - the traditional center pomegranate growing Azerbaijan - The Pomegranate Festival is held annually. For participation in festive events Representatives of government agencies, members of the Milli Majlis, representatives of the diplomatic corps, and guests from neighboring areas come to the area.

November 12 - Constitution Day of Azerbaijan

The Constitution of the republic was adopted through a general popular referendum on November 12, 1995, and on the same day the first parliamentary elections were held in independent Azerbaijan. The decision to establish Constitution Day was made on February 6, 1996. The people of Azerbaijan, continuing the centuries-old traditions of their statehood, declared their intentions to defend the Republic of Azerbaijan, guarantee a democratic system, achieve the establishment of a civil society and live in conditions of friendship, peace and security with other peoples.

November 13 - International Day of the Blind

On this day, events are held in Azerbaijan, the purpose of which is to attract public attention to people who have lost their sight. For example, the Baku City Hall decided to equip all traffic lights in the capital with sound signals for visually impaired pedestrians. Specialists chose the sound taking into account the interests of both disabled people and residents of the residential area. The signal volume may vary depending on the time of day. The loudest signal sounds during the daytime hours, and from 9 pm to 8 am it is turned off. On December 9, 2007, a cooperation agreement was signed between the UN Development Program and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation regarding the provision of access to information and communication technologies for people who have lost the ability to see and with low vision. There are 320 thousand disabled people living in Azerbaijan. Of these, 40 thousand are blind and visually impaired. The project will serve the participation of these people in the life of society, expanding their opportunities for obtaining knowledge and information through information and communication means, increasing their employment, and generally improving the lifestyle of these people.

There are 124 million blind people in the world. The World Health Organization estimates that their number could double by 2020.

November 14 - World Diabetes Day

Alarming statistics show that the number of patients diabetes mellitus in Azerbaijan is increasing from year to year. The state has created a legislative framework focused on people with diabetes: the law “On State Assistance to People with Diabetes” (December 23, 2004); in the summer of 2005, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the State Program on Assistance to People with Diabetes. Today, scientists around the world are increasingly convinced that the foundations of this insidious disease are laid in childhood. That is why timely prevention among children and adolescents can protect them and the entire society from this disease. And even if diabetes still overtook a person, then detected on early stage it can be brought under control. And then the person will live normally, without fear of the serious consequences of this disease.

November 17 - National Revival Day of Azerbaijan

In 1988, on this day, on Lenin Square (Freedom Square) in Baku (Azerbaijan), the first open-ended mass protest rallies began against the policy of the central authorities of the former Union regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and for the first time calls were made for Azerbaijan to secede from the USSR. Gradually, the rally grew into a powerful, unprecedented political action. According to some estimates, about half a million people gathered in the square in those days. On November 22, a curfew was introduced in Baku and large numbers of Soviet troops were deployed. On the night of December 3-4, using military force and armored vehicles, the protesters were dispersed, many of whom (about 400 people) were subsequently arrested. For Azerbaijanis, National Revival Day symbolizes the beginning of the national liberation movement, as a result of which Azerbaijan became an independent state. In 1991, Azerbaijan became an independent state; in honor of this event, Independence Day was established in the Republic.

December 1 - World AIDS Day

The action has been carried out on the initiative of the World Health Organization since December 1, 1988. In Azerbaijan in 2006, 928 carriers of HIV infection were registered. The first case of HIV infection was identified in 1992. These are official statistics that do not reflect the real situation. The main problem in all countries is the lack of medications to support the lives of HIV-infected people. There are 15 laboratories in different parts of the country where anyone can anonymously and completely free of charge donate blood for HIV detection. Recently, another problem has emerged - AIDS is brought to the country by guest workers - people who go to work in Ukraine, Russia, Dubai. To protect the country's population from this terrible disease, multi-stage cooperation is being carried out by all structures interested in this, and support is also provided from the state. Conviction or bad attitude to people living with HIV/AIDS, drives the epidemic underground, creating ideal conditions for the spread of HIV.

December 1 - Mawlid al-Nabi - birth of the Prophet Muhammad

Currently, Mawlid an-Nabi is widely celebrated in Azerbaijan, Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and other Muslim countries.

December 31 - Day of Solidarity of Azerbaijanis around the World

This day marks the Day of National Solidarity of Azerbaijanis living in all countries of the world. This day has become a national holiday since 1991. Several tens of millions of Azerbaijanis live in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkey, CIS countries, Germany, France, Great Britain, Scandinavian countries, the USA and the Middle East. The largest Azerbaijani diaspora (about 2 million people) lives in Russia. The main idea of ​​the Day of National Solidarity of Azerbaijanis of the world is “the unity and solidarity of the Azerbaijanis of the world, the statehood of Azerbaijan, respect for the national and spiritual values ​​of the people, feelings and ideas associated with belonging to the Azerbaijani people, attachment to the historical homeland.

Since Azerbaijan lives according to the Gregorian calendar, the new year here begins on January 1. New Year is celebrated in Azerbaijan in the same way as in most other countries of the world. On this day, New Year trees are decorated, people congratulate each other, and Santa Claus or Saita Klaus and Sne-V&O Gurochka give gifts to children. New Year is celebrated in festive table. It is believed that desires
wishes for the New Year will definitely come true.

On March 8, 1908, police dispersed a peaceful demonstration of women in New York. On the initiative of the leader of the German women's movement, Clara Zetkin, this day has been celebrated throughout the world since 1911. In Azerbaijan, International Women's Day began to be celebrated in 1917.

This holiday has the oldest traditions in Azerbaijan. Their roots go back to ancient times
time. At the state level, it began to be celebrated in 1921, when the resolution of the Azerbaijan Revolutionary Committee declared March 20-21 holidays. During the period of repression in the 1930s, the celebration of Nowruz at the state level was prohibited. Historical sources allow us to say that Novruz Bayram has been celebrated in Azerbaijan since the time of the Babylonian civilization - the 3rd millennium BC. By the decree of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR dated March 13, 1990, the celebration of Novruz at the state level was resumed.

This day began to be celebrated after the end of World War II. On Stalin's initiative, it was decided to celebrate May 9 as the day when Nazi Germany signed the act of surrender. Since then, this holiday has been celebrated in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan played an important role in the victory over Nazi Germany. During the war, Azerbaijan supplied 70% of oil and oil products, as well as 85-90% of aviation fuel produced in the Soviet Union for Soviet air force. About 681,000 Azerbaijanis went to the front, about 250,000 of them died on the battlefields.

It is associated with the events of the early 20th century. On May 28, 1918, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the first democratic republic in the East, was formed. But in April 1920, after the occupation of Azerbaijan by Soviet troops, the republic was abolished and the celebration of this day was prohibited. On May 19, 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan, by its resolution, resumed the celebration of Republic Day on May 28.

On June 15, 1993, Heydar Aliyev was elected chairman of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan. Having previously held the post of Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Heydar Aliyev saved the country from collapse and prevented a civil war in June 1993, when the very existence of the state was under threat. On June 27, 1997, the Milli Majlis (parliament) of Azerbaijan declared June 15 as the Day of National Salvation.

After the declaration of independence of Azerbaijan in 1918, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic began to create its own army. On June 26, the Government of the Republic adopted a resolution to create the first national army unit - the Caucasian Islamic Army. But the Soviet occupation on April 28, 1920 prevented this. After the restoration of independence at the end of the 20th century, the President of Azerbaijan, by decree of May 22, 1998, declared June 26 as Armed Forces Day.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Azerbaijani people gained independence - the struggle for national liberation they began in 1988 ended in victory. On October 18, 1991, the Supreme Council of the Republic adopted the constitutional act “On the restoration of state independence”, and a referendum on December 19 confirmed legal force this act. Since October 5, 1994, October 18 has been celebrated as Azerbaijan's Independence Day.

After the adoption of the first Constitution of the independent Republic of Azerbaijan on November 12, 1995, this date became significant and is celebrated annually as Constitution Day.

This important holiday, which is the result of the nation’s struggle for freedom and independence. It was on November 17, 1988 that the Azerbaijani people began to openly express their dissatisfaction with the country's policies by holding protest demonstrations. By decree of the President of Azerbaijan in November 1992, this day was designated as the Day of National Revival.

In the late 1980s, at a time when the Soviet regime was already collapsing, Azerbaijan began to make greater efforts to deepen ties with Azerbaijanis abroad, and primarily with those living in Iran and Turkey. It all started with the destruction of many kilometers of barbed wire barriers installed by Soviet troops between our countries. This historical event occurred on December 31, 1989, after the restoration of state independence of Azerbaijan. On the initiative of Heydar Aliyev, the then chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, taking into account the enormous significance of this event, December 16, 1991, December 31 was declared the Day of International Solidarity of Azerbaijanis and has been celebrated since that time. This holiday plays an important role in establishing strong ties with Azerbaijanis living in different countries and helps strengthen their unity and solidarity.
Azerbaijanis also celebrate Islamic holidays - holy Ramadan and the holiday of Sacrifice - Eid al-Fitr, the dates of which are determined according to the Muslim calendar (Hijri). Holidays are also declared days off.