Prom hairstyles with braids. Men's prom hairstyles

Prom is one of the most significant events in the life of every girl. And, of course, along with the dress, manicure and accessories, the hairstyle is also important.
And today we will talk about fashionable hairstyles on prom 2016, which are suitable for hair middle length!
Let's discuss the most popular hairstyles this summer.

Volume braids

If you want to create a luxurious look, then you can’t do without voluminous braids. Not only leading designers, but also stylists think so. This year they suggest paying attention to combined hairstyles, which surprise not only with complex elements, but also with a rather difficult technique.
For medium-length hair, stylists offer several options.

One of them is a circular braid based on loose hair. This hairstyle looks very stylish and at the same time claims to be one of the main trends of the current season. But for braiding, style experts recommend choosing a spikelet-style braid!
Current hairstyle side braid, which is fashionable to create paired with a side parting. In addition, stylists note that this hairstyle is best combined with a voluminous backcomb, especially when it comes to festive hairstyle for prom. On medium-length hair, a loose braid with falling strands of hair, which can be styled with small curls, will look more harmonious!
The waterfall braid hairstyle is still very popular among stylists and many girls. Paired with original jewelry For hair this hairstyle looks amazing. This year, stylists offer a French waterfall style hairstyle with small braids in a bohemian style.

Hello, dear readers! Beautiful hairstyles for prom, this is one of the most important topics for discussion. last months studying at school, university, college. And for good reason, because everyone wants to be the king and queen of the evening.

We understand how important it is for you to look dignified and charming, so we have come to the rescue. And now we will review the most stylish evening hairstyles of this year.

Prom hairstyles for short hair

And so, we will go from smaller to larger. We start with styling for the celebration, which the owners can try short haircuts.

Pixie hairstyle

If you are a lover of freedom, sports and recently got a pixie haircut that was fashionable in 2016, we can recommend you this hairstyle.

In order to repeat this hairstyle you will need:

  • Modeling styling spray;
  • Medium diameter round brush;
  • Hair fixation spray;

First you need to wash your hair and spray evenly with styling spray. Then dry your hair, paying attention to each strand, wrapping it around a round comb.

If you want to highlight each strand, then take a little wax on your fingertips and run it through the strand.

It is important not to over-wax, otherwise your hair may appear greasy. Now you can fix your hair with hairspray.

The following installation involves either short bob or a pixie with fairly long bangs. To create such an elegant hairstyle better hair Do not wash, this will keep them better.

Apply a little heat protection spray to your hair and curl it with a curling iron, starting from the root.

Try to direct your curls back when curling, this will make it easier to style them later. Now apply some gel and polish.

If your hair still doesn’t hold its shape, you should secure it with bobby pins, these can be either simple hair clips to match your hair or decorative ones.

Braid for short hair

For gentle and romantic natures, we suggest braiding a braid like this.

It looks elegant and feminine, but if this is not enough for you, you can decorate it with ribbons or rhinestones.

A bob with curled hair looks very impressive.

To do this, you can use both hot rollers and curling irons of different diameters, while experimenting with bangs. All you have to do is fix the curls with varnish at the end.

Hairstyles for long and medium hair

Well, perhaps we’ll start with a simple hairstyle, which Natalie Portman shows us in this photo.

It is done quite easily. Simply apply some hair styling product and then use a curling iron to style your hair in the direction you want, parting your bangs sideways.

The next hairstyle is very simple in its execution, but you will look like a princess. Just make a straight parting, dividing your hair into two equal parts.

Make braids from two strands and secure them at the back of your head as shown in the photo. It is better to do this hairstyle for medium hair.

Option 3 for longer hair

For slightly longer hair, we offer a similar hairstyle. Also, divide your hair into two parts and braid the braids not inward, as we are usually used to, but turning them out.

Then simply arrange the ends of the braids beautifully in one bun, securing them with hairpins and hairspray.

Hairstyle with loose hair

Another hairstyle option with loose hair is Hollywood curls. Having done such beautiful curls, you will never remain in the shadows.

This style looks great on both long and short hair. The only negative is that working on such curls requires a lot of equipment.

You shouldn’t experiment on your own on the eve of graduation; it’s better to seek help from a specialist.


But if you decide to prepare for prom yourself, you can make a ponytail; this is a universal hairstyle and goes with any outfit.

There are many interpretations on this topic. You can simply make a high ponytail in the center, twisting the ends with a curling iron and decorate with a ribbon.

Or you can complicate the task by decorating your hair with a braid or a hoop with rhinestones and letting curls on the sides. It's up to you to decide, but in this case, without outside help not enough.

Options with a braid

Another one simple installation, these are options with a scythe. Backcomb the top of your head, decorate it with a hoop, and you're the queen of the ball.

For girls with a rebellious character, we suggest making a challenge with the help of such a braid - a mohawk.

Even more options women's styling for prom, which you can make yourself in this video.

Prom hairstyles for men

Fashionable men's haircut 2016 is the “Canadian” haircut. This haircut focuses on the bangs, while shortening the temporal part of the hair.

You can even shave your head completely near the temples and leave it very long bangs or find a balance in length - the choice is yours.

You can also style your bangs in different options using gel and varnish. You can see examples in these photos.

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And we say goodbye to you for a while. We wish you to have a good time on this unforgettable evening, because the prom happens only once - don’t miss the moment!

Graduation party for any girl is a very significant event. It is not surprising that graduates approach the choice of outfit with particular seriousness. Since the hairstyle plays an important role in the image, it is worth choosing it in advance. In this case, you need to take into account the clothing style, face shape and hair structure.

Hairstyles for prom 2016 are presented quite widely, so every girl will be able to choose the right option.

Short hairstyles for prom 2016

Many people believe that short hair does not allow them to create a beautiful and original hairstyle that would be suitable for an event such as graduation. But this is absolutely not true. This year, stylists recommend not to come up with complex solutions with short hairstyles. It's better to choose more simple options, but supplement them stylish accessories in the form of hairpins, combs, headbands inlaid with stones, flowers or pearls.

If you wear a short bob, it would be appropriate to curl strands of hair with large curlers or add volume to perfectly straight hair using backcombing and styling products. For more, you can create large or small curls, depending on your preferences.

Prom hairstyles 2016 for medium hair

This length is considered the most optimal and convenient for creating hairstyles of any style.

One of the most fashionable hairstyles For graduation 2016, braids are considered. Modern technology weaving tirelessly continues to amaze. It is very important to combine several types of braids at once or build a hairstyle from many small braids. The combination of braided strands with loose ones looks interesting and fashionable. There is also an option when the braid smoothly turns into a bun or “snail” of loose curls.

Curls are still trending different sizes. This hairstyle will be a great addition to both the dress and the dress.

Natural beauty has remained at the peak of popularity for several seasons now. Therefore, perfectly straight hair will attract the attention of others no less than voluminous “structures” on the head.

Prom hairstyles 2016 for long hair

To those girls who always dreamed of becoming princesses and chose fluffy dress, more complex multi-tiered hairstyles are suitable, which can combine curls, braids, backcombing, and other intricacies of hairdressing.

Greek style has remained in demand among girls and women for many years. It perfectly combines romance, femininity, tenderness and elegance. For such a hairstyle you will need a special headband, which can be decorated with flowers, stones, chains or other decorative elements. It is worn over the hair and the strands are tucked under it. This hairstyle is not only beautiful, but also practical.

If you prefer simple elegance, choose a hairstyle like Malvina. The upper tier of hair can be secured with a beautiful elastic band or hairpin, and the lower tier can be straightened with curling irons or, conversely, curled into ringlets.

School graduation party - an important event in the life of any modern young girl. Therefore, every graduate wants to be the most beautiful on this day and look perfect.

One of the main components of a girl’s evening look is her hairstyle. Her choice is worth paying attention to Special attention, taking into account the location of the banquet, the style of the evening dress, makeup and, of course, the last fashion trends season.

Everything should look as harmonious, elegant as possible and emphasize the beauty, youth and dignity of the young lady.

What hairstyles for prom will be relevant and stylish in 2016?

How to choose the right girl beautiful hairstyle for prom 2016, given her evening dress and hair length? Fortunately, this season the stylists turned out to be generous and pleased young fashionistas a huge variety of fashionable hairstyles.

In 2016, it is important to use ideas with various weaves and all kinds of braids; waves, curls and large curls will also decorate the evening looks of graduates. But the main trend of this year's season is high vintage hairstyles, which will add sophistication and special elegance to the image.

This hairstyle will look very beautiful with a dress that emphasizes and demonstrates the shoulder line. High collected hair They will fill the image with romance and allow the girl to feel like a real princess.

When choosing a hairstyle for prom, it is worth considering some nuances. There is one very important rule which must be adhered to. Remember, the brighter and more extravagant a girl’s outfit looks, the less provocative hairstyle she should choose. Conversely, simple and modest dresses look very impressive with chic and intricate hair styles. It is important that all elements of the image are in complete harmony with each other, perfectly combined and consistent with each other.

A woman's hairstyle for prom 2016 should not only be beautiful, fashionable and modern, but also suit the girl herself, emphasize her radiant festive look, and sometimes even hide some flaws.

In the life of every girl there are events that are remembered forever, one of them is the prom. Young ladies They prepare for it for a long time, approach the choice of image, evening dress, and accessories with special trepidation, dreaming of becoming the queen of the ball. Hairstyles play a special role in creating an image.

What are the trendy prom hairstyles this season? Let's look at the classics and new items, and try to give recommendations that will help you decide on the appropriate option.

Facial Features

The choice of hairstyle largely depends on the length and thickness of the hair, as well as the shape of the face.
Let's take a brief look at facial types and nuances that should be taken into account:

  • Triangular - the main features of which are wide cheekbones and a narrow chin; a correctly chosen hairstyle should smooth out the imbalances, covering, for example, the cheekbones with curls or asymmetrical bangs;
  • Oval - in which all proportions are observed, such Suitable for type any option;
  • Square – the main characteristic is a protruding jaw, the task of the hairstyle is to hide this defect;
  • Round – equal length and width of the face, large cheeks. Girls who belong to this type are advised to avoid elements that emphasize this nuance, for example, an even parting, an overly varnished and smoothly combed top. Voluminous hairstyles with backcombing work well.

Hairstyles for short hair

Many girls with short hair believe that it is impossible to wear such length for prom, however, this is not the case.

Romantic curls

Curls pulled back with a few strands released are a win-win option for any look. Beautiful curls various shapes and size can be created using modern means such as stylers, irons, curlers or curling irons. When creating such a hairstyle, it is important to maintain the volume, which is done using backcombing and fixed with varnish. An ideal complement would be various accessories in the form of textile flowers, stone hairpins or headbands.

Stylish styling

For owners short hair A suitable option for prom would be a “light mess” style. It will look no less stylish and will complement any image from a romantic diva to a femme fatale. Styling is done after washing your hair, when a little foam or gel is applied to slightly dried hair, after which the strands are separated by hand and fixed with varnish.

Prom hairstyles for medium hair

This hair length is the most optimal for creating almost any hairstyle.

Volume bun - discreet classic

An everyday and banal hairstyle in the form of a bun can also become original and suitable for any evening dress. There are quite a few options for buns, you can make it lush and large at the very top of your head, decorating it with a headband or beautiful hairpins with stones, you can create it from curls, releasing several strands that will fall on your shoulders.

IN last years fashion trend At proms, retro dresses with a flared skirt began to appear, as well as narrow and tight models with an open back and a deep neckline in the style of the magnificent Marilyn Monroe. Large curls laid back, an open face and a side parting will emphasize the discreet sexuality of the image.

Greek style of fragile Aphrodite

Exactly on greek style A large number of brides and graduates make their choice. And for good reason! Because it combines elegance and restraint, tenderness and romanticism. Hairstyles in the style of the goddesses of Olympus are also popular, since they are simple to perform and practical to wear. To create it, you will need a headband decorated with flowers or stones, which is worn over the hair and strands or curls are tucked under it.

Seductive 20s

If you decide to opt for the glamorous image of a femme fatale from the 20s evening dress with fringe, furs and long strands of pearls, then the hairstyle - styling the curls in a “cold wave” with an elegant headband decorated with feathers and textile flowers will complement the look. There can be many styling options, from asymmetrical partings to bizarre and extraordinary waves that gather to form a futuristic sea shell.

Owners of long hair can always boast of original and complex options hairstyles

Elegant Brigid Bordeaux

Surely many of you are familiar with the image of the famous actress; in recent years it has become again popular and in demand among graduates. An updo with a lot of backcombing and matching hair will be a great complement bright dresses in the style of "dudes" with full skirts medium length and modest top.

Baroque style - original splendor

Many young girls who have dreamed of becoming real princesses since childhood decide to fulfill their cherished dream during the prom, appearing there in pretentious lush corset dresses with rings and multi-layered skirts. A multi-tiered hairstyle with a backcomb, curls or braids, gathered into a high head of hair similar to those worn by the court ladies of King Louis the Magnificent, would be suitable for this look.

Everything ingenious is simple

If you are not a fan of voluminous “structures” on your head, but prefer simplicity and sophistication, then “Malvina” will be one of the suitable hairstyle options for prom. The upper tier of hair gathered into a ponytail and loose, falling lower strands, which can be straightened or curled into ringlets if desired, will always look simple and tasteful.

Not complicated, but elegant options include ponytails with or without backcombing, which will complement a bold and shocking evening look in combination with short and open mini-dresses. This season, sleek, glossy ponytails were introduced at Christian Dior's spring/summer 2015 show and instantly became a trend. Stylist Guido Palau wrapped the models' ponytails in a loop through which he threaded a ring with several links and extensions attached.

  • Practice doing your chosen hairstyle a few weeks before the holiday to avoid various extensions on the special day;
  • If you are the happy owner of thick and heavy hair, then choose hairstyles that do not require the creation of curls, since on heavy hair the curls quickly stretch out and by the end of the evening the hairstyle will lose its original appearance;
  • Creation of a majority evening hairstyles will require the use of various fixing agents. No matter how manufacturers swear that they are harmless, most of them still harm the structure of the hairs, making them brittle. Take care of the health of your own hair in advance by starting to use strengthening balms and health products;
  • In addition to harmful cosmetics When creating hairstyles, hairdressers use professional devices that high temperatures curl or straighten strands, simultaneously burning and destroying healthy hair, therefore, before using hair dryers, curling irons, straightening irons and stylers, it is necessary to apply a special product - thermal protection in the form of a spray, emulsion or balm;
  • Avoid tight elastic bands and hair clips; hair begins to split and break, and when exposed to additional harmful factors that we mentioned above, the damage can be significant.