Funny greetings on Cats Day. Funny greetings for cats day Happy birthday to your friend cats

Good day! On March 1st in Russia they celebrate not only the arrival of spring, but also another holiday associated with our favorite pets - cats. What’s interesting is that every nation has its own specific day dedicated to cats: the USA - in the fall of October 29, in Japan - this day falls on February 22, etc. There is also August 9, better known as World Cat Day, widely celebrated in many countries around the world. Of course, in such wonderful holiday you need to thoroughly congratulate your cats.

Each cat has its own taste and play preferences, so there is no universal gift. Although, you can give a box of catnip, but after that you can not hope for adequate behavior of the pet in the next week, and in severe cases (if the cat is thrifty) for the entire next month. In general, don’t be greedy and please your proud pets on this wonderful day, and they will delight you for the rest of the year.

Everyone who loves cats just like you can also be congratulated with a beautiful kitten in addition to the one you choose from this article.

Happy Birthday wishes to a woman with cats

Every woman hides a cat -

Half wild, half domestic,

That one who casts a spell over okroshka,

That sizzling one from yesterday...

On your birthday I wish you

Be a cat in everything and everywhere:

Become a strong lioness in life

And a graceful tigress.

How a cougar can be flexible

Like a lynx - careful,

And at home - cozy

A domestic cat!

Funny greetings for Cat Day

We honor March 1st -
Graceful, sweet cat!
Everybody loves her naughty girl
Proud beauty - baby!
He will look faithfully into your eyes,
It will snuggle and rub a little!
Well, who doesn't melt like sugar,
From the tenderness of an affectionate cat?
Sometimes you come - all out of sorts,
You will see your favorite cat,
And in a moment of grief they will retreat,
And happiness will come little by little!

If the cat Vasily is sleeping,
This means that Vasily the cat is full.
Respite for mice
And smiles from ear to ear.
Well, if not, he’s not sleeping,
But he only pretends
Blame yourself, brothers -
The rogue loves to pretend.

There are different types of cats:
Both clean and dirty
Thin, striped,
Flea-filled, pot-bellied,
Insidious and kind
The sofas are comfortable,
Medicinal, singing,
Smoking and drinking.
A little grey,
Excessively plump
Bandits and pickpockets
Home guards,
Mangy, walking,
And even talking ones.
Cozy, homey,
Rag, paper...
And my favorite cat is
He meets me at the door
Stands on its hind legs
And he salutes the hostess.

Tsap Tsarapych is a cat,
Our tenant is an apartment dweller.
He's been living with us for a long time,
He is big and quiet.
But we call for a reason
Tsap Scratch the cat.
Step on his tail-
You will find out why!

Congratulations in your own words on Cat Day

The month of March, the first day, and on this day all of Russia celebrates a wonderful holiday for their pets - Cat Day! Eared, striped, fluffy, spotted, hairless, small and large bundles of joy, happy holiday to you! We wish you healthy and tasty food every day, placed with love in your bowl in the morning! We wish you clean trays, soft pillows and warm sofas! We also wish you a beautiful view from the window, fresh air, frequent walks, and attention from your owner! We forgive you for scratched furniture, because what is furniture compared to you, our dear cats, cats and kittens! May your purring be melodious and your sleep sound and sweet! We wish you understanding of your owner, although who is the boss in the house is a moot point! Happy holiday, dear cats! Purr for your own pleasure and for our joy!

Happy cat holiday to you, Russians! On this March, spring day, you should forgive all the cats in the world for the tattered wallpaper, and it doesn’t matter that it’s just been pasted! And let's not pay attention to the fact that your cute cat tore off your curtains today, nothing! Let’s also forgive the fact that when you turned away for a second, your plate of aromatic soup was thrown off the table and spilled onto the freshly washed floor! And the fact that the ficus on the window is all bitten - it’s just standing in the wrong place! Where should they sharpen their claws? Right! On the couch! Just think - furniture! Are there chicken bones in your slippers? So you need to wear slippers, and not throw them anywhere! Is it uncomfortable to sleep because your prince or princess is lying across the sofa? Well, you know, cats also want to lie around, not just you! And you don’t have to grab a wet towel to punish your pet, today is their holiday after all! Happy Cat Day!

Mustached, tailed, striped! Happy holiday! Happy Cat Day in Russia! Today we wish you to receive a double portion of whiskey, warm milk, fresh sour cream, preferably homemade, and one hundred grams of valerian! May you have access to the refrigerator all day long! May your heart become as kind as that of Leopold the cat, and may you have courage like Puss in Boots! We wish that your paws don’t get tired, that your claws don’t get in the way, that your fur shines and shines! Let no one dare to disturb your precious sleep, and let the neighbor’s dog not bark at you when you look out the window! Let the fresh breeze from the balcony give you coolness in the summer, and let the warm radiator warm you up in the harsh winter! Let the fish in the aquarium be caught sometimes, and the ball of thread never roll under the sofa! Happy holiday, dear kittens, cats and female cats!

A wonderful holiday in Russia - Cat Day! Congratulations to all the seals, cats and kittens born in love, which happens in March! Dear kittens, you give us so much positivity and joy that we can no longer imagine our life without you! How wonderful it is to come home after a hard day at work and feel your dear, warm, affectionate, purring bundle of happiness on your lap! wet nose, soft paws, fluffy tail, wise look and a sea of ​​love! What could be more beautiful? All the fatigue is as if it never happened! A powerful force of calm and tranquility, and only a pet can give it to us! We wish our beloved cats longevity and a calm lifestyle in a cozy environment! Let your slippers be your cat’s slippers, don’t be greedy, share the joy with your pets! Love cats and they will repay you in kind!

Cat Day in Russia! Great holiday, and let's not forget to congratulate our furry friends on this occasion! After all, cats deserve gifts, they often calm us down and give us positive emotions! Without cats, our life would be completely uninteresting! If something hurts, our pet will definitely feel it and jump into our arms, without invitation, he is his own master, and knows better than you what needs to be done! And it really does help! Let's pamper them with our attention today, because most of the time our pets are waiting for their owners! Let's devote time to them and spend all our free time with them! The animal senses our mood, our desires, cats understand everything, they will be grateful to you for your attention! We wish all pets and their owners mutual understanding and love! Happy Kitty Day, gentlemen!

SMS wishes for Happy Cats Day

On the very first day of spring
Collect cats together.
Feed them tastier
Don't skimp on the treats.
After all, today is a cat holiday,
Pamper them a little.

There are bright holidays,
Tender holidays,
And this one and that one,
After all, is there anything better?
What a cute kitten
A beloved pet and friend?!

Fluffy day
And mustachioed
And woolly -
The paws are soft
Pipe tail
Cat is a friend
My dear!

A new day is knocking on the window,
It's the day of beloved cats,
Sweet, gentle, graceful,
Bold, cunning and serious...

Mysterious, sunny,
Bald, shaggy...
Step into human life
With velvet paws,
Keep our sleep
And they paint everyday life.
And their main law of happiness is:
“The owner is nearby, the cat is full!”

Don't be bored this holiday,
Get yourself a pet
And then to you at the window
Days of carelessness will come...

World Cat Day,
Today we have
And we have stored
And a kitten for you.

Cat Day, congratulations on Cat Day in verse

Today is an unusual day,
Soft and fluffy,
The cats celebrate the holiday
“Mur-r-r” sounds radiant.

To all the tailed and striped ones
I wish you good health,
Happy wonderful day to the owners

Purring, fluffy,
Beautiful creatures,
Long time ago cats and kitties
Found your calling
The cutest animals,
They came to our house
And then shamelessly
They stayed in it
World Cat Festival
On this day we will celebrate
Let's pet the cats, and they
They will answer us with love!

World Cat Day is today, that's it!
And for many this is not a trifle at all.
On Cat Day, I want them not to get sick,
So that their eyes glow with a joyful sparkle.

Let them purr loudly and give peace,
Let them always find their way home.
Cats bring us warmth and comfort,
Let them live in every home!

All mustachioed, striped
And fluffy and shaggy,
Cats, kitties, cats
Congratulations on a great day.

Let them purr peacefully
They sleep peacefully in a secluded place,
They bring joy and peace,
Create comfort in the family.

Let them cure boredom,
They jump on their own hands,
They will be affectionate and obedient
And they are indifferent to wallpaper.

Congratulations to all “cat people”
I wish you a magical day.
Wishes for health
I’ll purr to everyone with a mustache.

Let the stress be removed properly
Cats are always cute
After all, when the fluffy is nearby
Anything other than that is nonsense.

Beautiful poems for International Cat Day

There are any cats in the world,
But they evoke one thing in us -
Happiness and joy to see them,
You can look at them forever.

They are graceful, free and beautiful,
On World Cat Day we wish
Health to animals, patience to grow,
Always be happy with them.

Today is World Cat Day,
Soft fluffy day.
We all love them very much.
Everyone has their own angel.

We wish you, kittens, gentle,
We have sweet and affectionate hands.
Behave yourself diligently -
Everyone around you will love you.

Today we honor cats, friends!
It is impossible to imagine a world without them,
Without white, black, striped,
Fluffy, smooth, mustachioed,
Without expensive, beautiful, fashionable,
And without simple and mongrel ones.
We want to congratulate the cats
We'll give you a tasty morsel,
They will be able to say “thank you” -
Rub gently on your leg.

Happy World Cat Day
I congratulate you,
They love generously
They give it to the owners.

Songs purr
For our coming sleep,
Life with cats
Kinder and better.

In a family with cats,
There is peace and comfort there,
So let it be in every home
I live cats.

More graceful than a cat
There are no animals in the whole world
Cats, seals, kittens
Available in almost every apartment
All masters and hostesses
We congratulate you on Cat Day,
Let pets live long
No diseases and no fleas!

Cat Day, congratulations on Cat Day in prose

On soft paws, quietly, World Day of Furry, Tailed and Mustachioed Pets is creeping towards us. I would like to sincerely congratulate all lovers of the most characteristic, graceful and independent pets. Let life always only purr to you and never stroke you against the grain. Good luck and good luck to you in everything.

Happy World Cat Day! Let furry pets always be our affectionate friends, joy and reassurance. Cute mustachioed lumps bring joy, happiness, and pleasant chores to the house. Let them always be healthy, playful, obedient and inspiring to their owners!

Congratulations on World Cat Day and I want to wish that our gentle and fluffy, smooth-haired and wayward, sweet and kind friends will always wait for us at home, support us with their purring, inspire with their love and delight us with their pleasant community on cozy and quiet evenings.

To all cat lovers, we congratulate you on the day of these adorable and fluffy animals! We wish you that your friendship will always be mutual, cheerful and carefree. Let your furry pets respond to you with love, sincerity and devotion! We wish you and your cats health!

Today is an unusual holiday for the most ordinary and at the same time mysterious creature. Cats. Congratulate your mustachioed friend. Give him a double portion of treats, throw a ball, and let him play. And perhaps from this day on, the cat will respect your slippers, your sleep and the territory of your refrigerator. Happy World Cat Day!

Happy World Cat Day! I wish you to walk through life with a confident, proud and graceful cat’s gait, I wish that the warm love and gentle purring of your furry pet will warm you in any weather.

Our dear, glorious Cat!
Gently you move forward.
A real diplomat -
Everyone is happy to make friends.

Stay in the future
You are sensitive, wisest.
Let life be like honey:
Congratulations, Cat!

The cat is naturally gifted with talent,
Kind, wise, smart cat,
Faithful friend and companion,
He will be happy in life!

We hasten to wish the cat:
Give kindness to people
Let your eyes shine with happiness,
Angels protect!

A wonderful person and at the same time, I congratulate the elegant cat according to the eastern horoscope on his holiday. Let the cat's intuition always help you make the right decisions in life, let those around you respond in kind to tenderness and affection, sensitivity and love, let there be good health and strong claws to rise to the right heights.

The cat is an ardent optimist,
Cheerful, prankster.
We will support your motto:
“Life is, of course, a holiday.”

Let the fun increase
Grief doesn't come
Let the snowstorm swirl
Your passion for fashion.

Show high taste
And live to the fullest
Bring your creativity to life
And fantasy waves.


Prudent and intelligent
Rabbit Man (aka Cat)
Always find happy moments
He is always lucky in all his affairs.

On his birthday he glows with happiness,
And gives warmth to those around you,
We congratulate and wish him,
May your soul always be light!

Cats are incredibly artistic
And everything is fine with a sense of humor.
Sometimes they are not at all indignant,
And observant, which is very good.

I wish everything works out for them,
So that they have a high income.
So that love ripens in hearts,
So that their world is full of happiness.

Lucky by nature
Things are always going well for them,
There are tales about their kindness,
Do not take away affection from them.

We want to wish the cat
Continue to live in the same spirit,
Your cat nature
Use skillfully, wisely.

And be tactful, careful,
Don't face the impossible.
And if you encounter a difficulty -
They stepped over and smiled.

Every cat is
Happy in life
Fortune has you as a friend,
Let good surprises
They are waiting for you in all matters.
You move through life softly
Slowly, without fuss,
And you are lucky in trading,
And with finances on your own terms.
I wish to be cheerful
And be happy with fate,
To happiness and luck
They always walked next to you.

Good nature is not alien to you,
You are always looking for justice
And you don’t need much to be happy,
The main thing is to have family nearby.

You are also the embodiment of positivity,
Sociability is important to you
You always strive for harmony,
This is what it means to be born in the year of the cat.

And today I wish you happiness,
Try to find nirvana,
So that everyone passes by the bad weather,
So that you don't have to suffer.

To a woman

Calm, smart,
And gives goodness to everyone,
Born in the year of the Rabbit,
Her family is lucky to have her!

She's always friendly
And pretty
Idolizes his family
And gives her peace.

And on this birthday
We want to wish her
Always stay afloat
Don't lose hope.

Kindness and sociability are your strong point. You are such a positive person that interactions with you never seem to be enough. It's easy with you, and that's the main thing. Your sincerity is impressive as you prefer truth to hypocrisy. Of course, the influence of the cat in whose year you were born cannot be ruled out, but still most of your qualities are solely your merit. And today, I want to wish you brightness, happiness and peace. Don’t drown in the dullness of gray everyday life, don’t regret the past, don’t give up, and new facets will open up before you!

The animals are funny
Gentle, sweet.
Always graceful
Very beautiful.

There are fluffy ones,
There are also bald ones
But everyone is called
Affectionately - kitties.

Cat lovers
Happy Cat Day!
Pets their best
We'll give you sausages.

They are loved
Like little children
Cats make it more comfortable
On our planet.

Who sleeps peacefully in his basket,
Who is soft, warm and dear?
Of course this is our cat
We love her with all our hearts!

This furry creature -
Our full member of the family!
We give her warmth and attention
Lots of care and love!

She loves us in return too,
You can see it in the eyes!
People love your cats,
They will give you warmth!

To all cat lovers, we congratulate you on the day of these adorable and fluffy animals! We wish you that your friendship will always be mutual, cheerful and carefree. Let your furry pets respond to you with love, sincerity and devotion! We wish you and your cats health!

Let every cat have one
Life is simply beautiful and full,
After all, all cats and cats give us
There is so much kindness every day!

You will only hear a gentle “mur-mur”
And immediately the day will not be so gloomy,
Always love cats, because they
They will warm you with warmth on any day!

To all lovers of purrs,
Those who are accustomed to tenderness,
Happy Cat Day,
Is your cat ready yet?
Open the valerian
Pour in cat food.
He is the favorite of aunts and uncles,
Treat the animal and pet it,
And I wish you
Don't let the cat tear up your clothes,
I didn’t steal from the table,
I didn’t drop the Christmas tree at home,
Let the cat give you strength,
And love gives in return.

On Fluffy Pets Day
Give them gifts.
Stroke gently, and also
Comb your silky fur!

On World Cat Day,
Graceful cute babes
Congratulations! Let them
Brighten your days!

Cats give us joy
And on the paws, on the mustache
You can find out their loyalty
Cats must be respected!

On this day I wish everyone
There are no problems with cats,
Enjoy petting cats
Admire their beauty!

Happy Fluffy Day,
Cute, glorious is impossible,
Naked, soft, muscular,
The best - our cats!

Let it be insinuatingly, as before,
They walk around the world
Illuminating the heart with happiness
And purring with a gentle lyre.

Let them teach kindness
Lords of hearts,
Kitty is the best
The crown of evolution!

Pour milk into a saucer
And let's pamper ourselves with sausage...
Will bring it into the house for this
The cat gives you comfort and affection.

Nothing that will harm
And she’s too lazy to catch mice -
Today is her holiday
It's cat's day all over the world.

Sleeps peacefully and serenely
Let her be on the window.
You will give her tenderness -
The cat will return everything in full.

Happy holiday to all cats!
Soft, kind, affectionate, fluffy,
And big, and small, and crumbs,
White, black, red and spotted!

Let them purr tenderly and tenderly,
They greet you joyfully from work,
They sleep so sweetly, peacefully, serenely,
Let your home be filled with comfort!

Happy World Cat Day
Congratulate everyone
Who has paws, a tail
And soft fur
To a man's heart
Tread a path
Easy and error-free
Any cat can.
Purrs affectionately
Shares warmth
First to launch
A cat to a new home.
I wish that in peace
We lived with cats
They just need
To be loved.

On March 1st in Russia they celebrate not only the arrival of spring, but also another holiday associated with our favorite pets - cats. What’s interesting is that every nation has its own specific day dedicated to cats: the USA - in the fall of October 29, in Japan - this day falls on February 22, etc. There is also August 9, better known as World Cat Day, widely celebrated in many countries around the world. Of course, on such a wonderful holiday you need to thoroughly congratulate your cats. Each cat has its own taste and play preferences, so there is no universal gift. Although, you can give a box of catnip, but after that you can not hope for adequate behavior of the pet in the next week, and in severe cases (if the cat is thrifty) for the entire next month. In general, don’t be greedy and please your proud pets on this wonderful day, and they will delight you for the rest of the year.

We honor March 1st -
Graceful, sweet cat!
Everybody loves her naughty girl
Proud beauty - baby!
He will look faithfully into your eyes,
It will snuggle and rub a little!
Well, who doesn't melt like sugar,
From the tenderness of an affectionate cat?
Sometimes you come - all out of sorts,
You will see your favorite cat,
And in a moment of grief they will retreat,
And happiness will come little by little!

If the cat Vasily is sleeping,
This means that Vasily the cat is full.
Respite for mice
And smiles from ear to ear.
Well, if not, he’s not sleeping,
But he only pretends
Blame yourself, brothers -
The rogue loves to pretend.

There are different types of cats:
Both clean and dirty
Thin, striped,
Flea-filled, pot-bellied,
Insidious and kind
The sofas are comfortable,
Medicinal, singing,
Smoking and drinking.
A little grey,
Excessively plump
Bandits and pickpockets
Home guards,
Mangy, walking,
And even talking ones.
Cozy, homey,
Rag, paper...
And my favorite cat is
He meets me at the door
Stands on its hind legs
And he salutes the hostess.

Tsap Tsarapych is a cat,
Our tenant is an apartment dweller.
He's been living with us for a long time,
He is big and quiet.
But we call for a reason
Tsap Scratch the cat.
Step on his tail-
You will find out why!

From the Cat's point of view -
Life is clear and simple:
Vovka's dad exists
To go to the cat for fish,
Because the fish themselves
They wouldn't be able to jump into the bowl;
Mom - well, for an option -
With whom to nap in front of the TV?
And the fire brigade -
To remove the Cat from the ledge;
Chair - for tearing upholstery,
Wardrobe - to hide in,
Only Vovka exists
It’s not clear why.
He, according to the Cat,
Very harmful to the tail!
And for decent cats,
You know, not a hundred tails!

I’ll purr like a cat and scratch behind my ears,
I'll look out the window again and tease the dogs,
I will rub against you, tearfully ask for milk,
Ask to take a walk in the senets in order to seduce men.
It's spring, it's a wonderful time for cats,
To take a little walk and unwind completely,
Just leave the window, I’ll come running through it,
And I’ll spend the cat day with you like a kitten.

Happy Cat Day 2020, the cutest and fluffiest holiday! In Russia, Cat Day is celebrated on March 1, and World Cat Day is celebrated on August 8. Congratulate the owners of cats and kittens on this day. They will be very happy about your surprise. Choose a greeting for Cat Day and write it on a card or send it via SMS. The person will be very happy about the attention to himself and his pet!


Cat, cat, cat,
Warm tummy
Smooth back,
Red hair,
The cat walks softly
On fluffy paws,
The cat loves meat
Milk and affection.
I'm glad that there is
I have my cat
World Cat Day
I can point it out!


Purring, fluffy,
Beautiful creatures,
Long time ago cats and kitties
Found your calling
Cute animals,
They came to our house
And then shamelessly
They stayed in it
World Cat Festival
On this day we will celebrate
Let's pet the cats, and they
They will answer us with love!


On soft paws, quietly, World Day of Furry, Tailed and Mustachioed Pets is creeping towards us. I would like to sincerely congratulate all lovers of the most characteristic, graceful and independent students. Let life always only purr for you and never stroke you against the grain. Good luck and good luck to you in everything.


World Cat Day is today, that's it!
And for many this is not a small thing at all.
On Cat Day, I want them not to get sick,
So that their eyes glow with a joyful sparkle.

Let them purr loudly and give peace,
Let them always find their way home.
Cats bring us warmth and comfort,
Let them live in every home!


All mustachioed, striped
And fluffy and shaggy,
Cats, kitties, cats
Congratulations on a great day.

Let them purr peacefully
They sleep peacefully in a cozy place,
They bring joy and peace,
Create comfort in the family.

Let them cure boredom,
They jump on their own hands,
They will be affectionate and obedient
And they are indifferent to wallpaper.

SMS congratulations on Cat's Day


Congratulations to all “cat people”
I wish you a magical day.
Wishes for health
I’ll purr to everyone with a mustache.

Let the stress be removed properly
Cats are always cute
After all, when the fluffy is nearby
Anything other than that is nonsense.


Beautiful animals -
Mysterious cats:
Free, independent,
They go their own way.

They have beauty and grace,
Bringing peace.
Let's give
They receive affection and love.

And purring tenderly,
They will answer
And our hearth is family
They will save you from troubles!


On Fluffy Pets Day
Give them gifts.
Stroke gently, and also
Comb your silky fur!

In world holiday cats,
Graceful cute babes
Hello! Let them
Brighten your days!


You're tired, come home,
Who will be next to you?
Who's lying on the sofa?
And he purrs under your breath?

Well, of course! It's a cat!
I'll lie with you for a little while,
Your anger will go away immediately
And peace will come!

And on World Cat Day
We are not too lazy to congratulate them,
Our best doctors,
Our devoted friends!


Let your favorite pussy
Ham and sausages
For every "mur" receives
Yes, he is rarely in melancholy.
Her luxurious and smooth fur,
And the claws would be sharp.
In the game so that you are cheerful and active
She was a sporty cat.
Make your mug more beautiful!

There are no different diseases to be seen!
Sleep on the hostess's pillow!

When is Cat Day 2019 - March 1


To all lovers of purrs,
Those who are accustomed to tenderness,
Happy Cat Day,
Is your cat ready yet?
Open the valerian
Pour in cat food.
He is the favorite of aunts and uncles,
Treat the animal and pet it,
And I wish you
So that the cat doesn’t tear up the underwear,
I didn’t steal from the table,
I didn’t leave the Christmas tree at home,
Let the cat give you strength,
And love gives in return.


I'm your favorite cat
I will congratulate you today!
Life isn't the same without you,
My little miracle!

You are a doctor for the whole family,
And consolation and reward,
And your eyes are lights
Always happy to see me!

Like a graceful walk,
Scratch your belly quickly!
And everything is easy and simple,
When the cat purrs!


Happy World Cat Day! Let furry pets always be our affectionate friends, comfort and reassurance. Cute mustachioed lumps bring joy, happiness, and pleasant chores to the house. Let them always be healthy, playful, obedient and inspiring to their owners!


Fluffy day
And mustachioed
And woolly -
The paws are soft,
Pipe tail
Cat friend
My dear!


All those who love cats,
Who keeps and loves affectionate cats,
Happy Cats Day, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I can’t find words to express my wishes right away...

I personally wish you peace and patience,
To forgive everything to the shaggy ones,
And I wish them good behavior,
So as not to upset the owners forever.

Poems for Cat Day


Cats give us joy
And on the paws, on the mustache
You can find out their loyalty
Cats must be respected!

On this day I wish everyone
There are no problems with cats,
Enjoy the affection of cats,
Admire their beauty!


Happy Fluffy Day,
Cute, glorious is impossible,
Naked, soft, muscular,
The best are our cats!

Let it be insinuatingly, as before,
They walk around the world
Illuminating the heart with happiness
And purring with a gentle lyre.

Let them teach kindness
Lords of hearts,
Kitty is the best
The crown of evolution!


Pour milk into a saucer
And let's indulge in some sausage...
Will bring it into the house for this
The cat gives you comfort and affection.

Nothing that will harm
And she’s too lazy to catch mice -
Today is her holiday
It's cat day all over the world.

Sleeps peacefully and serenely
Let her be on the window.
You will give her tenderness -
The cat will return everything in full.


Happy holiday to all cats!
Soft, kind, affectionate, fluffy,
And big, and small, and crumbs,
White, black, red and spotted!

Let them purr tenderly and tenderly,
They greet you joyfully from work,
They sleep so sweetly, peacefully, serenely,
Let your home be filled with comfort!


Happy World Cat Day
Congratulate everyone
Who has paws, a tail
And soft fur
To a man's heart
Tread a path
Easy and error-free
Any cat can.
Purrs affectionately
Shares warmth
First to launch
A cat to a new home.
I wish that in peace
We lived with cats
They just need
To be loved.

Beautiful poems for International Cat Day


Caring owners,
Purring cats
Happy Cats Day,
I wish you good days.

Always live in peace
And rejoice in each other
Have interesting everyday life together,
Have wonderful leisure time!


There are any cats in the world,
But we have one thing: they cause -
Happiness and joy to contemplate them,
You can look at them forever.

They are graceful, free and beautiful,
On World Cat Day we wish
Health for animals, patience to grow,
Always be happy with them.


Today is World Cat Day,
Soft fluffy day.
We all love them very much.
Everyone has their own angel.

We wish you, kittens, gentle,
We have sweet and affectionate hands.
Conduct yourself diligently -
Everyone around you will love you.


Today we honor cats, friends!
It is impossible to imagine a world without them,
Without white, black, striped,
Fluffy, smooth, mustachioed,
Without expensive, beautiful, fashionable,
And without simple and mongrel ones.
We want to congratulate the cats
We'll give you a tasty morsel,
They will be able to say “thank you” -
Rub gently on your leg.


Happy World Cat Day
I congratulate you,
They love generously
They give it to the owners.

Songs purr
For our coming sleep,
Life with cats
Kinder and better.

In a family with cats,
There is peace and comfort there,
So let it be in every home
I live cats.

Cool congratulations on Cat Day


More graceful than a cat
There are no animals in the whole world
Cats, seals, kittens
Available in almost every apartment
All masters and hostesses
We congratulate you on Cat Day,
Let pets live long
No diseases and no fleas!


Let every cat have one
Life is simply beautiful and full,
After all, all cats and cats give us
There is so much kindness every day!

You will only hear a gentle “mur-mur”
And immediately the day will not be so gloomy,
Always love cats, because they
They will warm you with warmth on any day!


To make the fur shine,
I heard my nose and my hearing was sharper
It's time to celebrate
Cat's day, that's the whole question.

We wish you happiness, affection,
Let him live like in a fairy tale,
Every day sour cream in a bowl,
We wish you happiness, pussy!


Happy wonderful world cat day,
I solemnly congratulate you.
Our beloved shaggy ones,
I wish everyone to be at home.

Let there be no abandoned cats,
That's how they love people.
Take soft happiness
You are braver in your family and in your home!


Our little brothers
Today is a special day.
Today is the holiday of cats, cats and all kittens.
It's easier for us to live with cats,
No one would argue here.
Everyone loves these small and kind animals.

When it's sad,
My fluffy cat is nearby
And my soul feels so much lighter, brighter right away.
The house is empty without cats,
I'm infinitely glad
That there are these beautiful creatures on earth.

Touching congratulations on Cat Day in verse and prose


To all cat lovers
Dedicated poem.
You wouldn't know happiness without them,
They purr so well!

Let your pet
There will be silk wool,
The eyes look joyfully
They will continue your life!


Cats and cats - these cute creatures
Always worthy of our attention!
It is impossible for us to live without cats,
Let's cherish and love cats!

Let everyone take a cat into their home:
There will be fewer homeless people day by day!
Let there be more kindness in the world,
So that all the cats purr with happiness!


And cats here, and cats there,
And to all kittens and cats:
I congratulate you on Cats Day,
I wish you cat happiness
Kind owners, without flaws,
More fish and sour cream.
So that the owners caress everyone,
We were treated to delicious sausage!
And so that all fluffy cats
The house was cozy, warm, clean!


To all cat lovers, we congratulate you on the day of these charming and fluffy animals! We wish you that your friendship will always be mutual, cheerful and carefree. Let your furry pets respond to you with love, sincerity and devotion! We wish you and your cats health!


Funny little animals,
Gentle, sweet.
Always graceful
Very beautiful.

There are fluffy ones,
There are also bald ones
But everyone is called
Good - kitties.

Cat lovers
Happy Cat Day!
To the pupils their best
We'll give you sausages.

They're favorites
Like little children
Cats make it more comfortable
On our planet.

Heartfelt wishes for Cat Day


Various cats and cats
Adults and children love
These cute little animals
Most popular in the world
Who has cats in the house,
Congratulations to those today,
Longevity for their pupils
And we wish you good health,
Let them purr louder
And everyone gets along with people,
And the owners are for it
They get stroked on the back more often!


Today is World Cat Day,
Vivat to everyone who is shaggy!
Let the fur be only smooth,
The eyes sparkle mischievously.

Let the wallpaper not tear
Your nice cats,
Don't steal chops
Let them be with a tray on & laquo; you».


If you are a cat lover,
So fluffy and good..
Congratulations on KOTOstrophy!
Well, that sounds good.

Cats rule, you follow them
For funny purrs,
Full of this joy
Let your soul be satisfied.

You are always welcome in the house
Very nice friends
There's no time for boredom with them here,
Take care of the cat's world.


Why are there crumbs in the apartment?
The chair is a little damaged
I saw a flea on the floor -
Because there is a cat in the house!

Don't bark them today
And give me more goodies,
Get her fleas out quickly -
After all, it's World Cat Day!

Let this little lump
Makes you happy day and night,
Gives affection and warmth,
Good mood!


Who sleeps peacefully in his basket,
Who is soft, warm and dear?
Of course this is our cat
We love her with all our hearts!

This furry creature -
Our full member of the family!
We give her warmth and attention
Lots of care and love!

She loves us in return too,
You can see it in the eyes!
People love your cats,
They will give you warmth!


I congratulate your cat on this day,
I wish your cat to be more beautiful and sweeter,
Drive all the cats crazy, show off on the pillow,
And find a very cute girlfriend to match!

And I want to wish the hostess more love,
And, like your cat, it only gets better,
Find ringing happiness and protect it reliably,
And always appreciate it, handle it carefully!


The furniture is a little damaged
Somewhere in the corner is a tray,
So there's a cat living in the house
Or the skating rink is empty.

But it’s always not without comfort,
Where are the furry pets?
And communication minutes
They bring warmth and sunshine into life.

Congratulations to everyone today:
Cats, seals, owners.
Let it grow stronger every day
Friendship and love are great.


Happy cat day, fluffy and hairless!
The soul of the owners rejoices,
All cats are a bit of an actress
Life with a cat is good!


Cats are real rays of joy:
Soft, fluffy, purring so sweetly,
Greetings on World Cat Day
Let the pussies have a tasty treat,
You need to cover them with affection, take care of them,
Let them be bored and not be bored,
All cats are our friends, very gentle,
And kindness towards them should be inevitable!


People consider themselves
Cat owners
But cats regardless
They go their own way.

Today all over the world
Cat Day is celebrated
Happy holiday to you too
With this I congratulate you.

I wish the cat
She was the mistress
Peace, comfort and happiness
I kept it in the house.