Recommendations before and after cosmetic tattooing. Permanent lip makeup: what you need to know about the procedure, its results and possible complications

Permanent makeup

Permanent makeup For modern women has become very relevant: the busy pace of life requires saving time, the need to look young forces you to engage in fitness and fashionable sports and at the same time always look attractive. It allows you to make your face more expressive, correct asymmetry, and also hide some age-related changes.

Permanent makeup or micropigmentation, is created by introducing dyes into the skin through a needle using a special apparatus, which differs from the apparatus for performing a tattoo. For micropigmentation, special paints are used - pigments consisting of various components. Organic components are less durable than inorganic ones, therefore they are destroyed over time, and the color of permanent makeup fades. This process depends on the ratio of organic and inorganic components in the paint and on the speed metabolic processes in the skin, since the mineral components remain in the skin forever.

Permanent makeup remains unchanged for 1 to 3 years, its destruction is influenced by the following factors:

  • metabolic processes in the skin;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which causes paint to fade;
  • the amount and depth of pigment injected into the skin.

Preparation for the procedure and precautions

The day before and on the day of the permanent makeup procedure, do not take:

  • aspirin and aspirin-containing medications (blood thinners);
  • don't drink coffee;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • do not drink cola, energy drinks or other caffeine-containing drinks;
  • don't eat seafood.

All this has a vasodilating effect even in case of trauma during the procedure. skin will bleed heavily, washing out the pigment.

The day before the permanent makeup procedure, it is recommended to take antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin), even if you are not allergic, in order to minimize swelling.

The procedure of permanent makeup on the lips can provoke the appearance of a herpetic reaction. To avoid this, prophylactic use of VALTREX or ACICLOVIR is recommended.

It is better to do permanent makeup in the middle of the cycle, or at least after the end of menstruation (but not during!).

After you have done permanent makeup, you must strictly follow the recommendations for taking care of permanent makeup.

How does the procedure work?

  • To begin with, we will meet with you to discuss the procedure itself and the factors influencing its result.
  • Filling out a questionnaire for the presence of allergic and chronic diseases.
  • Drawing a contour along which permanent makeup will be performed in the future. The shape is selected carefully, everything should be symmetrical and neat. When the form is chosen, we proceed to anesthesia.
  • Anesthesia can be an application (cream, spray with an anesthetic effect) or an injection, if desired.
  • Direct implementation of the permanent makeup procedure itself (on average 2-3 hours)
  • Well, here are my recommendations for tattoo care.

Complete healing occurs within 7-14 days, depending on the condition of the skin. This process occurs as follows. In the first hours after pigmentation, swelling is observed, which will subside in about a day. In the first few days after the procedure, the implanted pigments look unnaturally bright and intense, their shade changes, mixing with lymph and blood. This is followed by the formation of crusts (this is similar to the healing of scratches). the crusts peel off within 3-5 days.

During the entire healing period, the following rules must be observed:

  • Under no circumstances should the resulting crust be removed. Pigments are not implanted deeply, and the paint may “go away” along with the crust, forming a depigmented area.
  • It's better to avoid long periods water procedures and refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool. Limit the use of soap, shampoo, gel and decorative cosmetics 8-10 days.
  • Do not sunbathe, stay in direct sunlight or visit solariums.
  • Avoid using hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic ointments, and alcohol-containing compounds. they can cause changes in swelling and pigmentation, including discoloration.
  • Do not use formulations with strong chemical components (for example, fruit acids). Use regular ones cosmetics skin care.
  • After the permanent makeup procedure, the herpes virus may appear on the lips. It is recommended to take prophylactic antiherpetic drugs 2-3 days before the procedure.
  • Lubricate the pigmented area with Bepanthen + cream as needed.

What are the contraindications?

Absolute contraindications:

  • diseases associated with blood clotting disorders (for example, hemophilia);
  • diabetes;
  • severe somatic diseases;
  • malignant tumors (melanoma);
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • the presence of colloidal scars;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders.

Relative contraindications:

  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • stress;
  • depression;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • menstruation period;
  • allergy;
  • tendency to inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva (mucous membrane of the eyes)

Sharp lines, beautiful shape, impeccably even tone and even slight swelling - this is exactly how many people want their lips to look. For a very long time, the desired effect was achieved only with the help of cosmetics. Now there is an interesting and attractive alternative.

What is this method?

Permanent lip makeup is a special technique for pigmenting the upper layer of skin. It is carried out using micropunctures into which special coloring compounds are introduced. Pigments are prepared on the basis of plant and mineral components, so that the entry of “chemicals” into the blood is minimal.

To some extent, the technique resembles the well-known tattoo. Only when applying a pattern to the skin are its deep layers affected, and punctures for permanent makeup are made to a depth of 0.3 - 0.8 mm.

The result of this tattoo:

  • the uneven contour becomes clear;
  • skin tone turns from pale to bright (natural or with a lipstick effect);
  • instead of a small volume, a swelling effect appears;
  • thin lips visually increase.

How long does permanent lip makeup last, and how does it disappear? Since our skin is constantly renewing itself, pigmentation disappears over time. How soon depends on the chosen technique, age, and the body’s individual ability to regenerate.

Colors for permanent lip makeup can be very different. Real specialists in this field are fluent in the techniques of obtaining the desired shade.

It won't work at home. In order for everything to go well, a lot is needed: a highly qualified master, a special tool, professional dyes and painkillers, as well as complete sterility. It is basically impossible to carry out the procedure yourself.

Do - don't do

Pros and cons can be found in each cosmetic procedure. The advantages of tattooing are obvious: less time will be spent on daily makeup, many women look younger and more well-groomed. A thing of the past, lipstick marks remain on glasses, clothes and skin. You can swim, walk in the rain, touch your face without fear of smudging your lipstick.

Most consider the relatively high price charged by salons to be a disadvantage. And when choosing a bright pigment, you will have to remain in an irreplaceable image for a long time.

Finally, lip care after permanent makeup requires a certain discipline, otherwise complications may develop.

What are the different techniques?

Various permanent tattoo techniques allow you to achieve different desired results.

Today, several tattoo techniques have been developed, varying in complexity and results.

  • Permanent makeup for lip contour

Most often, artists recommend this type of tattoo to clients over forty. After all, with age, the outlines of the mouth become less and less clear. Injuries, extensive severe herpes, and deterioration of blood supply inevitably leave traces. If the violations concern the labial border, then with the help of contour tattooing the problems can be resolved.

When working on the contour, the main surface of the lips is not affected. Therefore, the master must select a pigment that fully matches the natural color.

  • Permanent lip makeup with shading

Most of all, the result of using this technique resembles lips on which the lipstick has worn off a little. As in the previous case, the contour line of the mouth becomes clearer. In addition, you can achieve the effect of slight swelling.

  • Full filling

Recommended for those with a clear lip contour. Using this technique, the master works with the entire surface without touching the border. When choosing the watercolor method, choose pigments of natural, unobtrusive colors. The result is a healthy, even tone with a slight shine.

You can also create a lipstick effect. Then brighter and richer shades are chosen for tattooing.

  • 3d effect

Most complex technology in the field of permanent tattooing. Allows you to solve a whole series of problems: asymmetry and other contour irregularities, chronic pallor, excessive/insufficient fullness.

To achieve the desired result, the artist can use up to five shades of pigment. The technique has a variation called “Lip Light”. This means that bright highlights will “play” on the client’s lips, creating a feeling of wet shine.

This technique has a relatively short-term effect and requires avoiding direct sunlight. The master may also recommend drinking liquids only through a straw for some time.

So, you have weighed all the pros and cons and understand that permanent tattooing is definitely for you. Have you already found an excellent specialist and set a day? Don't forget to prepare thoroughly!

Before the procedure

Preparation for permanent lip makeup requires quite serious preparation. You need to treat it responsibly so that you are pleased with the result and there are no complications.

The procedure can cause serious damage to the immune system, so the body needs to be helped to cope with the upcoming stress. For three to four days before and after tattooing, it is recommended to take a course of acyclovir to prevent herpes.

Next, the day before visiting the salon, you will have to give up alcohol, energy drinks, and not drink strong tea and coffee. Also exclude any seafood from your diet and do not take aspirin, as both slightly reduce blood clotting.

Delicate moment. Be sure to warn your significant other about the upcoming procedure. It is strongly recommended to refrain from kissing for two to three days after tattooing.

How is permanent lip makeup done?

First, you need to discuss the desired result with a specialist and choose a technique. Then the outline and the color itself are drawn in order to fully evaluate the expected effect.

After this, the actual procedure begins:

  1. The master makes tiny incisions along the contour - they will serve as conductors for the anesthetic substance.
  2. Then the anesthetic itself is applied in the form of a gel, cream or spray.
  3. The master makes punctures with the finest needle to apply the coloring preparation.
  4. Pigment is applied to the work area.

After tattoo

Photos of lips before and after permanent makeup procedure

The first few days can be called, without exaggeration, the most difficult. At the end of the procedure, the lips will inevitably swell. Hard crusts form on the surface of the skin. Underneath them, intensive healing occurs, after which the unsightly scales disappear.

A white film on the lips after permanent makeup appears about a week later. This is the so-called secondary crust. It peels off and also gradually disappears.

How to care for your lips after permanent makeup? Until the crusts and film disappear completely, you need to wash your face with warm boiled water using a cotton pad. For a week you should not eat spicy, salty foods, as they have an irritating effect. You will also have to give up alcohol, visiting the pool, solarium and sauna. It’s ideal if you can stay home for a couple of days and be in peace.

Attention. Caring for injured lips after the procedure requires patience and responsibility. Neglect of hygiene can provoke the development of infection.

Complications and contraindications

Of the complications, the most common is the lack of the desired result. In this case, salon clients go to find out: why didn’t permanent lip makeup take place? The key reason is the lack of professionalism of the person who performed the tattoo. The problem may be an incorrectly selected pigment or excessively deep punctures.

And after permanent lip makeup, herpes can “craw out”. This is a viral disease that most of us have in a latent form (read about its manifestations on the face and ways to combat it). The disease progresses as immunity decreases. Prophylactic use of acyclovir before and after the procedure virtually eliminates the occurrence of this complication. However, if herpes does develop, the sores “eat up” the pigment and leave clearly visible spots.

If complications arise, correction is required.

The procedure cannot be performed for the following diseases/conditions:

  • oncological diseases;
  • low blood clotting;
  • pregnancy/lactation;
  • psychical deviations;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, skin (especially with);
  • epilepsy, diabetes mellitus;
  • HIV/AIDS, hepatitis;
  • keloid scars on the lips.

With proper preparation, if the procedure was carried out by a professional, and subsequent care was thorough, the result of permanent lip makeup will please the “hostess” from one to five years.

Tattooing is the introduction of pigments under the upper layers of the skin with a thin needle. Such injury to the delicate skin on the lips, combined with the presence of a virus in the body, leads to an exacerbation of herpes infection. A qualified cosmetologist will definitely recommend taking Acyclovir before lip tattooing.

The pharmaceutical product is an effective antiviral agent and has the ability to suppress herpes viruses. Along with high antiherpetic activity, it has low toxicity to the human body. Acts directly on the source of infection and does not cause harm to healthy organs. The active substance penetrates the infected cell, where it blocks the DNA of the virus, stopping the processes of its reproduction and spread. Widely known for its immunostimulating effect. In the treatment of herpes disease, Acyclovir reduces the formation of rashes, reduces painful sensations, swelling, stimulates the drying of the blisters. Sold in pharmacies at a reasonable and affordable price.

The name of the drug adopted by the International Pharmacological Society is “aciclovir”. It belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of direct-acting antiviral agents and is intended for systemic use.

The active ingredient in the medicine is called acyclovir and is contained in the form of sodium salt.

Release form:

  1. Tablets for oral administration of 200 and 400 mg.
  2. Ointment for external use 5%.
  3. Gel for external use 5%.

The drug rapidly penetrates tissues, fluids and organs, the maximum concentration is observed 1.5-2 hours after taking the drug. Bioavailability (absorption from the gastrointestinal tract) when taken orally is about 30% of the dose taken. 85% is excreted unchanged from the body by the kidneys.

Why take it before tattooing?

The herpes virus has been present in the human body for decades, up to 90% of the world's population is infected with it, but the disease only manifests itself at moments when the immune system weakens. Clinical picture of the disease: itching, burning sensation, swelling, then a red spot appears, which turns into a blister filled with liquid. After 3-5 days, the bubble bursts and a crust forms in its place. One of the reasons for the acute manifestation of infection is injury to the red border of the lips due to micropigmentation.

Even those lucky women who have never encountered the manifestations of a cold on their lips in their lives are not immune from such a nuisance. During the period of regeneration and peeling of the crusts (this occurs 4-5 days after the procedure), herpetic rashes may appear in the areas that were tattooed. And after healing, uneven pigment staining or areas with a lack of color may appear. Subsequent adjustments will help achieve ideal image and forms, but it is more important to prevent complications in the form of a herpetic rash. To do this, the master cosmetologist will suggest taking a preventive course of the drug Acyclovir before and after the procedure for cosmetic tattooing. This step will help prevent the appearance of a herpes rash, and if it does occur (if the immune system is weakened or if there is a tendency to constant seasonal herpetic exacerbations), it will significantly reduce the number of rashes and speed up recovery.

Instructions for use

Prevention of herpes should begin 3 days before and continue for 1-3 days after the procedure. You should take Acyclovir before permanent lip tattoo according to the following scheme:

  1. 1 tablet (dosage 400 mg) 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours for 5 days. The medicine can be taken regardless of meals, with plenty of water.
  2. There is another adoption scheme:
  • 2 days, 1 tablet (dosage 400 mg) 3 times a day;
  • 3 days, 1 tablet 2 times a day;
  • 2 days, ½ tablet (200 mg) 2 times a day.

The tablets are taken at regular intervals.

If a rash occurs, treatment is recommended using tablet forms. Externally, Acyclovir for cosmetic lip tattooing is applied, if necessary, exclusively locally to the rash blisters. It must be remembered that ointments and gels remove pigment from the skin, and this can lead to the appearance of discolored areas.

Contraindications to the use of Acyclovir

The drug is not prescribed:

  • during pregnancy, during breastfeeding;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • if you are allergic to lactose;
  • in cases of individual intolerance.

People with impaired renal function should use with caution. Long-term use of a pharmacological drug in patients with reduced immunity can lead to the emergence of new strains of the herpes virus that are insensitive to the drug. When symptoms appear: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, drowsiness, agitation, skin reactions in the form of a rash, convulsions - the drug should be discontinued immediately and seek medical help in a medical institution.

If you have any doubts about permanent makeup and reactions to viruses, consult your doctor. He will tell you how much and when to take medications against the herpes virus. The risk of spoiling facial features will be minimal.

Photo: Alexey Zarodov/

To be beautiful is the natural desire of any woman, but not everyone has been blessed with dark, thick eyebrows and bright eyes. Makeup helps us correct imperfections and correct our appearance. Alas, even waterproof cosmetics are not able to withstand the test of the sea and the pool, besides, there is hardly a woman who does not wash off her makeup at night, but you really want to wake up beautiful in the morning! Fortunately, cosmetology does not stand still, and the beauty industry has given women permanent makeup or, as it is also called, tattooing. About who is suitable this procedure and how to prepare for it, we’ll talk today.

How to prepare for the procedure?

In order for you to be pleased with the result of the procedure, you need to carefully prepare for it. To begin with, a few general advice(they are also relevant for other types of permanent makeup):

1. First of all, you should carefully choose a specialist and a salon where you plan to do permanent makeup. Study the reviews, ask your friends, perhaps they will recommend you a trusted specialist. Also pay attention to the price; too low a price should alert you. Find out how much the correction will cost.

2. Avoid performing the procedure during menstruation; the most favorable time for permanent makeup is the middle of the cycle.

And now tips that will help you prepare for eye makeup:

If you wear contact lenses, be prepared for the fact that if you have permanent eye makeup, you will have to remove them and not wear them for several days after the procedure. If you can’t imagine life without lenses, then after the procedure you can put them on again (with clean hands, of course!), but during the procedure you must take them off.

If you have them, they also need to be removed and not worn until the wounds are completely healed.

Under no circumstances should you tattoo your eyes if you have conjunctivitis.

The palette of pigments today is huge. With the help of eye tattooing, you can not only make your eyes brighter (simulating black eyeliner or eyeliner), but also visually remove minor imperfections - for example, change the shape upper eyelid, lengthening it, or giving the face more symmetry. You can ask the artist to shade the pigment, imitating shadows, or paint over the lower edge of the eyelid, or you can opt for colored makeup. Decide in advance what you want.

Before the permanent eye makeup procedure, you should stop curling your eyelashes for at least 3-4 days.

You must come for eyelid tattooing without makeup.

So, we are prepared, but how does the procedure itself take place?

First, a conversation with the master - he will tell you how it will go, sometimes the masters give you a questionnaire to fill out - about whether you (or not) have allergies or chronic diseases.

Drawing the outline along which the tattoo will be performed. The form is selected individually, but look at both: are you satisfied with everything, are the sketches made symmetrically?

Anesthesia. Today, creams or sprays with an anesthetic effect are used for this, but the client can also choose an injection. Keep in mind that eyelid tattooing is the most painful procedure among other types of permanent makeup.

The eye tattoo procedure itself will take from 40 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the complexity. At this time, the specialist will inject the dye into the skin 0.5-0.6 mm - while the nerves and blood vessels will not be affected.

Applying antiseptics and a special cream to relieve irritation and redness.

How to care for your eyelids after tattooing?

Do not use cosmetics and try to wet the wounds less often. You can wash your eyes in the morning with wet wipes, but without alcohol;

Swelling may occur within two days - this is a normal, albeit very unpleasant phenomenon. At this time, you should take antihistamines and painkillers;

For a few days, forget about walks, heavy physical activity and sports activities;

Avoid drafts;

It is strictly forbidden to undergo procedures during which the body temperature rises: bath, sauna, bath, steaming. Also, to avoid infections, you should not visit the pool or swim.

You need to sleep and heal wounds on your back; if you sleep with your face in a pillow, the crusts from the wounds may fall off ahead of time - along with particles of pigment;

The crust should not dry out - it should be periodically lubricated with prescribed ointments;

Protect your eyes from the sun's rays; if you go outside in sunny weather, wear sunglasses;

Remember that the full result can only be assessed after 20-25 days, when the pigment acquires its true color (at first the paint looks lighter). Good luck experimenting with your appearance!

Permanent makeup is a complex procedure. It requires searching good master and following a number of instructions before, during and after the procedure. If they are neglected, the result may be unpredictable.

What not to do before eyebrow tattooing

The preparatory stage on the part of a person who wants to have permanent eyebrow makeup involves giving up a number of medications and drinks.

Quitting alcohol

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the human body, causing changes in the circulatory system and the central nervous system. Under the influence of alcohol, blood pressure changes. In most cases, it increases, contributing to a deterioration in health and blood clotting.

The transmission of nerve impulses is also disrupted. Most often this manifests itself in an increased sensitivity threshold. Anesthesia may not be effective.

Alcohol increases blood pressure, which will negatively affect the eyebrow tattoo procedure.

It is recommended to avoid alcohol the day before the procedure. This is the average period for removing ethanol from the body. But it is better if this period is extended. The optimal period of abstinence from drinking alcohol before permanent makeup is a week.

Caffeine and blood thinners

Coffee, strong tea, energy drinks and blood thinners should also not be consumed exactly one day before the procedure. Copious bleeding during work, due to altered blood pressure and increasing the blood clotting period, impair the technician’s visibility of the work area.

The pigment, in the case of excessive bleeding, lies unevenly. In the area of ​​skin being worked on, through no fault of the technician, gaps in the lines may appear.

Drugs of this type of action include: Aspirin, Cardiomagnyl, etc.

Solarium and tanning as a contraindication

1–2 days before the procedure, you should not visit the solarium or sunbathe. This affects the sensitivity of the skin and can change the selected pigment shade.

If you want to get eyebrows of the desired shade, avoid solarium at least two days before the procedure

Preparation for permanent eyebrow makeup

Not only will you have to review the list of drinks consumed, it is important to adjust the menu shortly before the procedure. It is also worth taking an antihistamine the day before. Before you begin preparation, make sure that you have no contraindications to the procedure.

No contraindications

Contraindications for permanent makeup include:

  • any trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • cancer and autoimmune diseases;
  • ARVI, acute respiratory infections and other diseases in the acute stage;
  • herpes;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin and keloid scars in the area of ​​the treated areas;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • taking strong medications, including antibiotics;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis, HIV, syphilis.

Important contraindications are recent plastic surgery in the eyelid area, injections with botulinum toxin-based drugs, as well as peeling and facial cleansing procedures.

Before the tattoo procedure, you should not peel or clean your face.

The procedure cannot be performed on minors without the consent of their parents or legal representatives.

Diet restrictions

The day before the permanent makeup procedure, you should not eat spicy, fatty or difficult to digest foods. They affect the functioning of the body and can worsen overall health.

Taking medications against herpes and antihistamines

If you are prone to herpes, apply topical ointments to the typical area where symptoms appear 5 days before the procedure.

If you are prone to allergies, start taking antihistamines 1–2 days before the procedure.

Video: preparation for permanent makeup

How to do eyebrow tattooing

Permanent makeup is a strictly regulated procedure.

Choosing eyebrow shape and tattoo method

The final eyebrow shape is always chosen by the client. Before this, the master listens to his wishes and takes into account:

  • eye shape;
  • the depth of their planting;
  • face shape;
  • nose shape, etc.

Before the procedure, the contour of the eyebrows is drawn by the master using cosmetic pencil directly on the face so that the client can evaluate the future result.

To make eyebrows look natural not only in shape, but also in color, they can match the hair color or be half a tone darker than it. The final pigment is selected by the master. Often shades of paint are mixed together in different proportions.

At the same stage, the master and client determine the permanent makeup technique. Today there are several of them used:

  • hairline, when the master draws each hair separately, the eyebrow looks as natural as possible;
  • soft shading, which is a solid line, but with soft borders;
  • mixed, when both techniques are used simultaneously.

Softly shaded line in permanent eyebrow makeup

Hair technique can be:

  • European, with hairs drawn one to one, strictly in one direction;
  • eastern, which involves repeating the natural hair growth lines. Upon closer examination, they are intertwined, being directed in different directions.

European hair technique for permanent makeup. Line arrangement - hair to hair

Preparatory stage

Before the procedure, it is important to cleanse the skin of makeup and natural skin secretions. For this, masters use cotton swabs and antiseptics. The shape of future eyebrows is applied with a special medical marker.

After this, the skin is re-treated with an antiseptic and an anesthetic ointment or gel based on lidocaine is applied. Typically, such measures are enough to prevent clients from feeling severe pain. Minor discomfort and tolerable pain are allowed. If the sensitivity threshold is high, anesthetic injections may be required.

Actually tattoo

During the procedure, the master must open disposable needles in front of the client. This measure helps avoid the transmission of dangerous infections through blood.

Application of anesthetic before permanent eyebrow makeup

The procedure itself, depending on the complexity, can take 1–2 hours. During it, bloody discharge is removed with cotton swabs, the master works with a special machine, mixing and preparing the pigments of the desired shade in advance.

Recovery period

During the first three hours after the master introduces the pigment under the skin, every 30 minutes you need to treat the eyebrow area with chlorhexidine with a cotton swab.

Over the next two days, skin treatment with the same preparation should be carried out every 2 hours.

During the recovery period, you need to take care of your skin so that it does not tighten or dry out. For speedy healing, on the third day after the procedure and for the next 5 days, the eyebrows should be lubricated with Bepanten. Excess ointment must be removed immediately with a dry cloth.

If there is severe swelling of the skin, you should additionally take an antihistamine.

Video: permanent eyebrow makeup procedure

Permanent makeup requires correction. During the procedure and during the healing period, the pigment may not appear as planned. It depends on the characteristics of the body and skin. The boundaries of the eyebrows may become blurred, which is typical for oily skin. There may also be gaps in the lines that need to be filled in again.

The procedure is carried out after about a month, when the final result is clearly visible. Correction is another permanent makeup procedure that requires following the same recommendations, but takes a little less time. In difficult cases, a third correction procedure may be required.

A month after the tattoo procedure, it is necessary to make a correction

Since permanent makeup is impossible without numerous punctures of the skin, after the procedure there are instructions that must be followed for two weeks. This must be done to avoid infection of the treated area and to speed up wound healing.

  • sunbathe in the sun and in a solarium;
  • take bath procedures, visit the sauna;
  • tear off dried crusts yourself;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • put a heavy load on the body physical work or sports;
  • use decorative cosmetics;
  • carry out peeling procedures, use a scrub when washing.

During the first 5 days, it is strictly forbidden to wet your eyebrows with water.

Video: eyebrow care after tattooing

Duration of tattoo preservation and features of pigment manifestation

Regardless of the method used, the pigment behaves approximately the same. During the first week, the eyebrows will be as dark as possible.

During the second week, when the crusts begin to fade, the eyebrows will lighten several tones.

In the third week they will become a little darker again and by the end of the third week you will be able to see the final shade.

The duration of pigment fixation depends on the paints the artist works with. High-quality modern pigments remain in the thickness of the skin until they are completely absorbed for about 2-3 years. During this period, the treated area gradually becomes lighter.

Poor-quality or incorrectly selected pigments can soon after the procedure acquire a blue or reddish tint, different from the natural color of the eyebrows.

Permanent makeup is a serious procedure, the results of which will be visible on your face for several years. It should be entrusted only to experienced craftsmen with artistic and aesthetic taste who have work skills and must follow the rules of antiseptics.