Recommendations for preparing for competitive tests, educational and methodological material on the topic. “Pedagogical briefing” Format: short press conference with members Caring for indoor plants

Olga Pavlova

Dear colleagues, I am glad to welcome you to our school "FSES DO". In the meantime, while we are gathering, I suggest you read the quotes.

Today we will talk about the game. As parents and educators, we very often hear the child’s words “Let’s play!” And, unfortunately, parents often answer: “I don’t have time... I can’t... I’m tired... I’m in a hurry... I don’t have time...”. And teachers usually say: “Go and play. Who’s stopping you?” Are you ready to agree with me?

And the children go and play: the way they know how. Someone plays “Mothers and Daughters”, someone plays “Celebration”, boys usually play “Builders”, “Drivers” and perhaps that’s all. And in general, the games of our students are very poor, not only in theme, but also in plot. And it's very sad. Because we know very well how valuable play is for a child’s development. And if we start talking about the merits of the game, then the allotted time will not be enough for us. We all know that play is the first step on the ladder of life. The game teaches, develops, educates, and acts as a reliable means of socialization and self-development of the individual - that is why it is so important for the child.

And today we have gathered here to think a little about how to make games interesting, not monotonous, and at the same time remember how the game develops, remember that gaming activity, like any other, also needs to be developed.

And I suggest you do this in the form of a pedagogical briefing. Briefing is a short press conference organized according to headings within one topic.

I suggest you split into two teams. One team will have teachers of junior and middle groups, and the other will have teachers of senior and preparatory groups.

Briefing rules(slide 2):

1. “You think for 1 minute and answer.”

2. Self-esteem. Each team evaluates itself according to the following scheme:

Red color - you are confident in the correctness of your answer;

Green color – there are doubts.

3. The team that raised the green sign gets the right to answer first. The second team completes or corrects the answers. If both teams raise red signs, the right to respond goes to the team that did it first.

And since we are talking about the game today, I now suggest you play the game “Obedient Balls”. Any game has its own goals and objectives. Try to guess what goal I am pursuing by playing this game with you?

Instructions: I ask each team to stand in a circle and hold hands. Your task is to keep the balls in the air without releasing your hands. A fallen ball cannot be picked up. The team that can hold the most balls will win.

So. The goal of this game is.

I declare the press conference open and our first section is

Children's games are varied in their content, the degree of independence of children, forms of organization, game material. And due to the diversity of children's games, it turns out to be difficult to determine the initial basis for their classification. Therefore, there are many different classifications.

Modern domestic pedagogy divides games:

Creative (invented by the children themselves);

Games with rules (invented by adults);


Each group is further divided into subgroups. And so that you don’t get confused in all the variety of games, I have prepared colorful booklets for you.

Today we will dwell in more detail on the SRI of preschoolers (slide 7).

A role-playing game has two lines - plot and role-playing. Let's look at the storyline a little.

One fine day the child suddenly begins to behave strangely. He suddenly lays out various objects in front of him on a chair or on a table, begins to manipulate them one by one, and mutters something under his breath. A child can play with the tableware in the closet, with mom and dad’s things, and may even begin to sound out pictures in a book. Parents usually do not pay attention to such activities of the child, but you and I know that this is a game. The first component of a role-playing game is the director's game. Indeed, the child’s actions are extremely similar to the director’s actions. The child himself composes the plot, decides who will be who, creates the mise-en-scène himself and plays all the roles himself, or at least becomes the announcer narrating what is happening. The child director acquires the necessary quality for the further development of the game - he learns to “see the whole before the parts.”

What age is the director's play typical for?

So, in the director's game, the child learned to connect individual items according to the meaning and began to independently come up with the plot of the game. Now it's time to remember the second component of the game - the roles. At the beginning fourth year in a child's life there is the new kind game, which is called a role-playing game. Everyone is very familiar with this picture: a mother is late for work and still has time to drop off her baby at kindergarten, but he, as luck would have it, does not walk quickly, but shuffles his feet. Mom hurries him, but to no avail. Approaching the porch of the kindergarten, he suddenly did not walk up the steps like all “normal” children, but began to “circle” them. “What kind of a child is this!” - Mom says in her hearts. “And I’m not a child, I’m a machine.” It turns out that the baby shuffled his feet not so that his mother would be late for work or to once again “get on her nerves,” but only because he is a machine, and a machine, as you know, does not lift its legs-wheels, but glides smoothly along asphalt. This is our friend - figurative role-playing game.

When a child has learned to independently come up with a plot (i.e., in other words, has mastered the director’s game) and has gained experience in role-playing behavior (played a figurative role-playing game, tried to transform himself), then the basis for the development of plot-role-playing games arises - games in which he participates not only he alone, but also other children or adults.The child learns to fully play role-playing games after three years- in preschool age, but this does not mean that directing and figurative role-playing play fade into the background - the child continues to improve his skills in all these areas.

IN role-playing game The child's main attention is focused on the social relationships of people. That is why the child begins to play with familiar themes - a store, a hospital, a school, transport - and many others. And if earlier these games were very rich in content, now they look more like diagrams than colorful descriptions of certain events.

Why did this happen?

In preschool pedagogy, there are different approaches to guiding children's play. Researchers who have studied the issue of managing children's games have identified two groups of techniques: techniques of indirect influence and techniques of direct guidance. However, the most promising direction is the method of integrated game management. Development this direction Scientists E.V. Zvorygina, N.F. Komarova and others worked under the scientific guidance of S.L. Novoselova. As practice has shown, the introduction of this technique allows the end preschool age to form a full-fledged amateur creative play, That is an important condition preparing children for school and their transition to the next leading activity - educational.

Comprehensive game management includes four internally related components that are equally important in the process of forming the game. They can be presented as follows (slide 9):

1. Familiarization with the surrounding world through active activities. In other words, work to enrich the content of the game. And here methods are used to enrich children with knowledge, impressions, and ideas about the life around them (Appendix 1).

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when planning work to familiarize yourself with the outside world, it is necessary to take into account what emphasis should be placed. Until about three years of age, children are interested in objects used by adults, their properties and purpose. In middle preschool age, when becoming familiar with the world around us, it is necessary to show the actions that adults perform in the process of activity. And in older preschool age, pay attention to the interaction and communication of people.

2. Organization of the subject-game environment. What does this include?

It is clear that playing areas must correspond age characteristics children. Here you need to remember that children of the third year of life at the beginning school year Only toys are offered for play. As they master play actions with substitute objects, they can be brought into the play corners. And until the children take on the role, there should be no role-playing attributes or costume elements in the play corners. They are introduced at the moment when children begin to show interest in taking on a role and denoting it with a word. Game environment should be flexibly changed taking into account the enrichment of the life and play experience of pupils. And one more thing - children should participate in the design of play corners, thereby developing their initiative, creativity and interest in the game.

3. Activating communication between the teacher and children(Annex 1)

An adult creates game problem situations that encourage children to independently set up game problems, solve them in a variety of subject and role-playing ways, as well as to interact. It is necessary to engage in activating communication in a timely manner, at a time when children are experiencing difficulties or need to update previously mastered play skills. This means that the teacher must constantly keep in sight

playing, be observant.

4. Enriching the gaming experience. Here we widely use a variety of methods for developing gaming activities (Appendix 1).

There was a time when children were involved in mixed-age interactions in the courtyards, kids played with older friends and naturally in games they adopted gaming experience. Currently, children are deprived of such multi-age communication.

Here are the main directions in the development of children's gaming experience (slide 10):

1. Complication of content

2. Complication of game actions

3. Interaction with a partner

4. Independence and creativity.

This is how we need to develop the plot (slide 11)

And to make it even more clear, I propose to look at the example of the game “Space” (slide 12 – 18)

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten of a general developmental type (intellectual, physical priority areas of development of pupils)

prepared by: Art. teacher Ponomarenko I.Yu.

x Kavalersky 15.03. 2013

Topic: “Interaction with families of pupils”

Target: Introduce teachers to new forms of work with families of pupils

Show importance of aspects labor education in order to develop the child’s personal qualities.

Preparatory work:

1. Drawing up notes for the teaching hour.

2.Game “Briefing”

2.Design of tables.

3. Methodical pause: Preparation of the consultation “Organization labor activity with children at the site” teacher Stebaeva O.N.

4.Homework: prepare proverbs and sayings about work.

5. Preparation for the final speech and decision of the hour. Head of preschool educational institution Astakhova O.B.

Presenter's opening remarks:

Today our meeting is devoted to the topic of labor education in kindergarten and family. What is labor education and why is it needed in preschool age, this will be discussed today. I would like to read the words of A.S. Makarenko: “ Work - This at all Not what child's hands are busy, teenager . Labor is what develops a little person, supports it, helps him to assert himself“Industriousness and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are cultivated from early childhood. Work on labor education is based on the formation of children’s objective activities and is associated with their play activities. It is in the process story games the motivational-need side of children’s activities is formed, associated with mastering service skills (in the case of actions with toys) and self-service. Mastering the operational side of activity allows the child to become independent and skillful in meeting his immediate needs. Thus, the child’s personal development is stimulated. Family and preschool are two important institutions for the socialization of children with special educational needs. Their educational functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for the development of the child. An analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of combining the efforts of a preschool institution and a family shows that recently new, promising forms of cooperation have emerged that involve involving parents in an active partnership in the pedagogical process. Our life is constantly becoming more informationally complicated. It is no longer enough to get an education and work in your specialty. You need to learn something all the time. The need for knowledge penetrates into all areas of life - professional, family. A modern family needs pedagogical, psychological, and legal knowledge. Most parents trust their life experience, based on the experience of their own parents. This often leads to family disharmony: there are no models of how to cope with the problem. The activities of a teacher should not remain aloof from the changing situation in society. Working with families should take into account modern approaches to this problem. The content of the teacher’s work with parents includes all issues of raising and educating children, which the teacher introduces to parents. It is important to focus on the needs of the family, the requests of parents, and not just read them reports and lectures at parent meetings. Now we come to the main thing. Game "Briefing" All participants of the teaching hour participate. After consulting, distribute the answers among yourself.

Exercise 1.Name the traditional forms of interaction with parents.


    Parent meeting

    Visual forms of work: photo exhibition, holding exhibitions of works by children and parents.



Task 2. Name non-traditional forms of working with parents.


    joint leisure activities, exhibitions

    holding meetings, consultations in non-traditional forms, trainings, briefings, etc.

    Open days, class screenings, newspaper releases.

    preschool educational institutions websites

    collaboration on thematic plan, projects

    weekend routes or excursions.

    organization of the group's development environment

    improvement of the kindergarten, landscaping,

    festive decoration of kindergarten,

    environmental campaigns (“Bird Feeder”, “Golden Autumn” (collection natural material for educational activities)).

    Pedagogical mini-library,

    information stands.

Task 3. What difficulties do you encounter when conducting parent meetings. Choose your answer

    Lack of parent attendance at meetings.

    Difficulties in establishing contact with parents.

    Uniformity of forms of holding meetings.

Task 4. " The most “difficult” parent is the most “pleasant parent” (I suggest participants divide into two groups)

    One group describes a portrait of the most “difficult” parent.

    Another group of "positive" parents.

Have you ever had such parents?

Do you think it is necessary to seek contact with those parents who are unpleasant to you?

Our work involves constant daily communication with the parents of children. Anything can happen in life, we are not always happy with each other. Let's analyze our dissatisfaction with our parents and formulate a list of complaints against them. Fill out the table by subgroups. (4-5 min)

Now put yourself in the shoes of a parent.

Solve the pedagogical role situation. You are a parent. You are in a hurry. We ran to the kindergarten to pick up the child. A car is waiting for you on the street, and your daughter turns to you with joy: “Look how I drew!” Your actions (options)

Was it easy for you to complete this exercise?

To what extent have you been able to create a real relationship between parent and child?

Would you like to change something in the relationship between children and parents?

Methodical pause. Listening to the consultation “Organization of work activities with children on the site”

The work of children in nature creates favorable conditions for physical development, improves movements, stimulates the action of various organs, strengthens the nervous system. Working in nature is of great importance for the mental and sensory development of children. This work, like no other, combines mental and volitional efforts. Native nature provides a wide scope for children’s observations and work, to enrich their knowledge and ideas. In the process of growing a plant or caring for animals, the child constantly faces simple and complex tasks that the child has to solve. The surrounding nature is a source of development not only of the mind, but also of the child’s moral feelings. It is especially important to induce in a preschooler an emotionally positive attitude towards objects and natural phenomena. The most effective means for this is the systematic, progressively more complex work of children to grow on the kindergarten site and in a corner of nature. Nature is also the child’s first aesthetic educator. Working in nature, a child learns to see, understand and appreciate its beauty. Caring for flowering plants, planting bushes and trees gives children incomparable lively and vivid impressions of the beauty and aroma of flowers, autumn foliage, and emerald raindrops sparkling in the sun.

Children are involved in collecting seeds: from a flowerbed, autumn leaves for a herbarium and decorating a group room, replanting flowers from a flowerbed into pots for a corner of nature, maintaining order in the walking area and verandas. To successfully solve problems of self-development and accuracy, instilling hard work, it is very important to choose the right children's equipment - rakes, shovels, scoops, buckets. Of great importance when organizing work with children during a walk is the emotional attitude to the task, which is set by the teacher even before the start of work. The work itself will not always interest children; sometimes they are attracted by the goal set by the teacher, and while doing the work they are captured by the community of interests, coherence, and competitiveness.

It is equally important to create the right motivation, to explain why it is necessary to do this work today and in this particular way. Children senior group should be brought to the understanding that it is necessary to do not only interesting work, but also the necessary diversification and brightening up of monotonous activities; the teacher can invite children to guess riddles. In order to properly guide the observations and work activities of children during a walk, the teacher must expand his knowledge of the biology of plants and animals, possess practical skills in this area, as well as methods for conducting observations, excursions, and organizing the work of children of senior preschool age

Task 4. Draw up a schematic algorithm of actions for raising a child’s work skills .

* Caring for indoor plants.

* Hand washing.

* Washing clothes for the doll.

Task 5. Auction of pedagogical ideas.

    How can you arouse children's interest in being on duty?

    How can you arouse children's interest in working in a corner of nature?

    How can you get children interested in self-care, such as putting on tights?

Task 6.“What personal qualities of a child do we form by cultivating hard work?” (ball game)

(Attention, ability to finish a job, responsiveness, mutual assistance, activity)

Task 7. Homework Let's remember folk wisdom, proverbs and sayings about work.

8. Summing up.

Closing words of the Head of the preschool educational institution O.B. Astakhova:

I thank all participants. At our teaching hour, it turned out that a family for a preschool institution has both advantages and disadvantages, and that you should pay attention and think about what conditions are necessary for a child to fully grow and develop. Both family and preschool have their pluses and minuses. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the pedagogical competence of preschool teachers, and for this it is necessary

Pedagogical solution:

    Continue to work with families of pupils based on the principles of cooperation and mutual understanding.

    Bring the topics and frequency of parent meetings in accordance with the plan. Pay attention to specific conditions and problems of the group, the relevance and practical significance of the topics of parent meetings and consultations.

    Raise the pedagogical level, and in particular communication skills teachers of preschool educational institutions on interaction with families of parents.

    Study the traditions of labor education that have developed and are developing in the families of pupils

    Encourage parents to read literature together with their child on various professions, work, and watch relevant feature and animated films.

6. Conduct joint competitions with parents, events for improvement and landscaping of the kindergarten territory, focusing on the needs and capabilities of children and science-based principles and standards.

7. Before March 28, prepare and hold a meeting in a non-traditional form, a meeting on labor education.

I would like to end with a poem:

When the child was born -

Event, but the most important thing here is

That the person, of course, was not born,

And hope was born for him.

When he gave way to the elders,

Supported the sick and elderly

He was still on the march -

It was far from a person.

When I flew into the apartment, as if on

Carrying my certificate with me from school,

They made some effort

But he has not yet become a man.

And only when with persistence and patience

He will tie himself to work forever,

You can congratulate him on his birthday,

A real man was born.


1. Komarova T.S. Labor education in kindergarten. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005.

2. Kutsakova L.V. Moral and labor education in kindergarten. For working with children 3-7 years old. M.:Mosaika-Sintez, 2007

Participants of the Competition Participants of the Competition are teaching staff of preschool educational institutions with a qualification category and work experience of at least five years. Participation in the Competition is voluntary, the applicant’s consent to nominate him for the Competition is mandatory. The winners of the “Teacher of the Year” competition will not take part in the competition in the following years.

To participate in the Competition, the following documents and materials are sent to the Organizing Committee: submission in the form (Appendix 1); personal statement of the candidate (Appendix 2); information card of the Competition participant (Appendix 3); competitive materials of the first (correspondence) round of the Competition (Appendix 4); Acceptance of documents and materials is carried out in paper and electronic form from November 9 to November 13, 2015 by e-mail: [email protected] Bratsk, st. Podbelskogo, 33-a, MAU "TsRO", department of innovative development Format of documents see the Regulations on the Competition

A candidate is not allowed to participate in the Competition if: 1. he has submitted an incomplete list of documents; 2. discrepancies between the documents and the information contained in them are identified with the requirements for their execution; 3. the application was received after the deadline;

The competition has the necessary set of tests that allow one to fairly objectively evaluate the skills of participating teachers and identify leaders. The competition takes place in three rounds. The first round (correspondence) includes three competitive tasks: “Internet portfolio” “Pedagogical find” Essay “I am a teacher” Members of the competition commission from November 17 to November 19, 201... evaluate the correspondence round and, on the eve of the in-person competitive tests, fill out evaluation sheets . Second round (full-time). The second round includes two tasks: “Pedagogical briefing”; pedagogical event with children Third round: “Master class” Talk show “Professional conversation” Three participants of the Competition who scored the highest number of points in the overall ranking based on the results of the first and second rounds take part in the third round. Points scored based on the results of the first and second rounds are not taken into account when determining the Winner of the Competition.

Each stage of the Competition is accompanied by the competitor solving a number of tasks, including the following: 1. systematize materials about his own teaching experience; 2. carry out analysis and pedagogical reflection of systematized materials; 3. objectively assess your professional level; 4. select materials that most fully reveal the system of one’s own pedagogical activity; 5. present the material in an accessible, concise and yet complete manner, taking into account modern educational trends; 6. prepare for a public presentation of your teaching experience.

As practice shows, the winner is the competitor who works and conveys his experience in accordance with the requirements of the Competition, while maintaining his individuality, acting in the logic of his pedagogical paradigm.

“Internet portfolio” Format: Contest participant’s page on the website of a preschool educational organization, including methodological and (or) other author’s developments, photos and video materials, reflecting work experience and demonstrating the quality of presentation of educational information on the Internet. The address of the Internet resource is entered into the participant’s information card (Appendix 3). Only one Internet address is registered.

What should be on the participant’s website: general information: Full name, education, work and teaching experience, information about advanced training, awards (certificates, letters of gratitude), achievements, hobbies. That is, a kind of “dossier of success”, which reflects everything interesting and worthy of what happens in the professional and personal life of the contestant; teaching materials, indicating the professionalism of the teacher: justification for the choice of educational program, set of educational materials methodological literature, used educational technologies; reflection of the experience of using ICT in teaching; developments and recommendations for colleagues and the possibility of their use in various educational situations; author's developments reflecting the experience of educational activities; recommendations for parents; articles on professional topics; forums and (or) other forms feedback and their activity; reviews from site visitors.

"Pedagogical find" Methodological development classes with children on a topic chosen by the Competition participant. Format: Lesson summary using illustrative materials (infographics, photos and video materials) with children, of any focus and topic. It is presented in printed form in the Word text editor. Font – Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing – single, aligned to the width of the page. The volume of work should not exceed 7 pages of A-4 format (excluding the title page).

INFOGRAPHICS from lat. informatio information, explanation, presentation; This graphic method presentation of information, data and knowledge, the purpose of which is to quickly and clearly present complex information. A form of information design, infographics are visualizations of data or ideas that aim to convey complex information to an audience in a quick and understandable way. In addition to images, infographics can include graphs, diagrams, block diagrams, tables, maps, and lists.

Essay “I am a teacher” Essay by a Competition participant, revealing the motives for choosing the profession of a teacher in an educational organization implementing the program preschool education and reflecting his own pedagogical principles and approaches to education and his understanding of the mission of a teacher in the modern world. Characteristic features of the essay: Figurative, aphoristic style with a focus on conversational intonation and vocabulary; Free composition (however, it does not imply the absence of composition at all; those creating the internal structure are present: introduction, main part and conclusion).

“Pedagogical briefing” Format: a short press conference with members of the jury, allowing you to evaluate the professional teaching experience of the contestant, formed through interaction with all participants educational process; the innovativeness of the methods and technologies he uses (the discussion is based on materials from the correspondence tour). Regulations: briefing up to 10 minutes, including introduction participant and questions from jury members.

“Pedagogical event with children” Format: Pedagogical event with children, demonstrating the practical experience of the Competition participant, reflecting the essence of the educational technologies used, declared in the correspondence round of the final stage of the Competition and the first competitive test of the full-time round. Educational activities with preschool children can be presented in different forms. The age of the children is determined by the participant in the final stage of the Competition. Regulations: lesson with children - up to 20 minutes, self-analysis - up to 5 minutes, questions from jury members - up to 10 minutes.

When preparing a pedagogical event, you should: 1) think through: teaching tools, content of developing subject-spatial educational environment; methods that help solve educational problems, activate all participants in the event and create a general atmosphere of interest; 2) take into account: the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and Sanitary Regulations; classical didactic principles and the latest achievements of science and practice. 3) ensure: integrative connections (interrelation of various types of activities, content); motivation and activation cognitive activity children; emotional component of the event; connection between the content of the event and life and personal experience every child.

Activities with children presuppose a partner position of the teacher, which can be expressed by the motto: “We are all included in activities that are not bound by obligatory relationships, but only by desire and mutual agreement: we all want to do this.” Main characteristics of partnerships: 1. Organization of the workspace (children voluntarily join the activity, it is necessary to think through and create a problem situation). 2. Free movement. 3. Communication between children. 4. The end of the lesson is open.

“Master Class” The theme of the “Master Class” is determined by the participant independently. Format: public presentation in front of colleagues and jury members, demonstrating a specific methodological technique, method, technology of education, training, development and health improvement, reflecting modern tendencies development of preschool education. Time limit: 15 minutes for the participant’s presentation, 5 minutes for questions from the jury members.

In terms of content, the master class demonstrates, in the broad sense of the word, the authorship of the participants. For example, own educational programs, technologies, techniques, or individual forms, methods, techniques - in a word, pedagogical “finds”. In the time allotted under the terms of the Competition, each teacher-master goes through, together with his “students,” step by step, the following path: justification for the choice of a relevant (problematic) topic of the master class; search for original and effective ways her decisions; understanding the result obtained; argumentation of the possibility of widespread use of the proposed educational tools, reproducibility of the presented experience.

Talk show “Professional conversation” Format: talk show in which the winners of the Competition conduct a discussion on the proposed topic. The topic of the talk show and its host are determined by the Organizing Committee of the Competition and announced on the eve of the event. Time limit: 1 hour 30 minutes. The topic that is proposed for discussion involves a public discussion of any issue related to education.

Tips that will allow you to succeed: express your opinion clearly, reasonably, do not miss the opportunity to show off your erudition, but do not be overly emotional; do not “spread your thoughts all over the tree,” but strictly adhere to the topic; A sense of humor is welcome. It is desirable that the participant be concise, vivid and convincing, and propose ways to solve the problem posed. The contestant’s general erudition, his knowledge of modern educational trends, and communication culture are assessed.


“Members of a sentence” - Sentence. Collocation – words connected to each other..... The grammatical basis of a sentence. Subject and predicate….. Write down the sentences. The sentence expresses...... Exercise for the eyes. Reflection educational activities. 11. 6. Formation of new knowledge. Compare the first and fifth sentences. - Finish the sentence.

“Members of the sentence questions” - How should schoolchildren treat birds? Homogeneous members of the sentence. Which parts of a sentence can be homogeneous? Santa Claus has (what?) in his bag... He will definitely come and (what?)... And the transparent one left us a frosty trace on the ground. Do homogeneous members depend on each other? How do birds behave before flying?

“Minor members of the sentence” - Why did Lermontov approach us? And Rybnikova’s article reveals the poet’s favorite paths. Generalization on the topic “Minor members of a sentence.” From the introductory article of a literature textbook. From the article by D.S. Merezhkovsky “M.Yu. Lermontov – the poet of superhumanity.” General Weymarn must interrogate the young man.

“Homogeneous members, grade 8” - Dividing: either, either, then - that, not that - not that, either - either. Connective: and, yes (=and), neither, nor, not only – but also, both – and. Homogeneous members. 3. For homogeneous members of a sentence with generalizing words, a colon or dash is placed. Coordinating conjunctions. Adversatives: a, but, yes (= but), however (= but), but (= but).

“Homogeneous members in a sentence” - Constructing sentences. Vocabulary and lexical work. Compose a sentence with homogeneous members of the sentence, BSC. Last week we brought food here, flour, onions, potatoes. Repetition. Explanatory dictation. Schematic dictation. Impressive Prim Reflection Worldview Sociable.

“The main and minor members of the sentence” - Perform analysis No. 4 of the first sentence. Self-check-yourself moment. General lesson on the topic “Main and secondary members of a sentence.” Text is original. The book is amazing.