Semin's husband Bledans age. Evelina Bledans was abandoned by her husband

Alexander Semin and Evelina Bledans are one of the most famous Russian couples who have never hidden their personal lives and relationships from their fans. Their family received enormous attention due to the fact that they

We were raising a child with Down syndrome. This is a great responsibility that artists have taken upon themselves.

Recently it became known that Bledans’ husband, Alexander Semin, found new love. This came as a huge shock to many fans and admirers. Evelina also spoke about a broken family that has been gone for almost a year.

In September 2017, Andrei Malakhov’s program was broadcast, dedicated to the life situation of Evelina Bledans. The actress spoke about all her experiences, difficulties and joys. But most of all, fans were shocked by the information about the separation from her husband. As it turned out, they have not lived together for a whole year, but continue to raise a child. The director has already met a new passion. The new love of Alexander Semin, Bledans’ husband, remains a secret.

The couple's relationship began to go wrong a long time ago. The media are also discussing the improvement in the appearance of Alexander Semin. He really got rid of excess weight, lost almost several tens of kilograms, and began to look much better. This could have been the reason for the separation, since Alexander made new acquaintances. Nothing is yet known about the new love of Alexander Semin, Bledans’ husband. But he very often appears accompanied by young ladies at various parties.

Photo of Evelina Bledans' son

The program opened eyes to many family joys and disappointments that had been hidden for a long time. It is reliably known that legal cases regarding the division of property are currently underway, which also indicates the dishonesty of Alexander Semin. Most likely, he will even refuse the child, as he will consider it another burden.

An incredibly large number of problems occurred in the life of Evelina Bledans, which helped to strengthen her character. While she was in a relationship with Alexander Semin, there were people who tried to tarnish their reputation. Articles appeared that talked about how Evelina was profiting from her child through various charity events. A video of a girl’s revelation about how she was beaten by Alexander Semin appeared on social networks. But in the end this was not confirmed because the information was false.

Bledans and Semin went through a lot together and the separation could not be just let go. Many fans hope that the couple can restore their relationship. This is of great importance not only for them, but also for joint child Seeds. They had incredibly big plans for the future, which suddenly collapsed.

Reasons for separation

So far, all the secrets of the new love of Alexander Semin, Bledans’ husband, have not been revealed, there are not even any photos together. But this does not stop him from continuing to enjoy life. He has always been surrounded by the attention of women, as he works as a producer and director, so he has to communicate with a variety of actresses. This is what was the first reason for the separation. Alexander spent a lot of time outside the home.

The reasons for separation can be incredibly varied, since Evelina Bledans could have hidden all information about the relationship. How strange it is, but the actress does not blame her legal husband for anything, since she considers his actions to be completely justified. There is almost a 9 year age difference between them and this also played a big role. For the young and thinner Alexander Semin, family life could become some kind of burden that he could not cope with. But he did not give up raising the child, and continues to visit him and spend a lot of time with him.

Despite all the changes in family life, today for many people, Evelina Bledans’ relationships with other men are of great importance. You need to understand that further life cannot continue alone. She needs support from the stronger sex, financial assistance, and so on. Thus, many hope that she will be able to restore the relationship and that the Semin family will soon be reunited.

Problems in the life of Bledans

Of course, the actress tried in every possible way to hide her difficulties and experiences, but the media very often got to the most serious topics. Recently, a program was organized on NTV dedicated to the health of Evelina Bledans’ half-sister, whose name is Diana. As it turned out, she has a serious disease - cirrhosis of the liver, which she has been struggling with for a long time.

The stepsister categorically refused to undergo treatment and decided to improve her health on her own. Fans and admirers of the actress were amazed by her compassion and what she was ready to do for the sake of her family and friends. Charity events under the leadership of Evelina Bledans are held very often, as she has organized a fund to support children with Down syndrome. She is an active user social networks, where you can get acquainted with all the joys in her life.

Evelina was invited to the “Live Broadcast” program with Adrey Malakhov

Constantly caring for the child Semyon also takes an incredibly long time. For Bledans, the loss of her husband is a serious blow, as she will need to hire a nanny and look for work. Of course, with her talent and ability to play in the theater, she will immediately become in demand, but the child will remain unattended by both parents. Therefore, Alexander Semin needs to part with his new love and return to his wife for the sake of his child. Recently, they began to spend time together very often.

New life

Caring for a child with Down syndrome was also left to Bledans and Semin. They spend a lot of time together, and no one has abandoned their direct responsibilities. This demonstrates the responsibility of parents who, despite family feuds, continue to support each other. That is why the couple did not announce their separation online, so as not to upset anyone. Of course, now everyone needs to start new life, which can really change the future.

Semin very often appears accompanied by unknown women at various festivals and corporate parties. Fans actively follow his life. So far, there is no news or information about the beloved, as everything is kept secret. Bledans’ husband, Alexander Semini, is his new love, and they are hiding the relationship in every possible way. Only Evelina Bledans could not withstand the load that had fallen on her recently. She had to tell everything on the air of the TV show “Andrei Malakhov. Live".

Programs that discuss the lives of celebrities very often reveal hidden details. Maybe soon everyone will know the identity of the homewrecker of the Semins’ family happiness and well-being. Family happiness is incredibly important for any person and under no circumstances should it be destroyed.

The news that actress Evelina Bledans and producer Alexander Semin are no longer together came as a shock to fans of the star couple. Spouses raising special child(five-year-old Semyon was born with Down syndrome), became an inspiring example for thousands of families who find themselves in the same situation. Therefore, many took it to heart that the actress and producer separated after six years of marriage. 48-year-old Bledans and 35-year-old Semin separated about a year ago, and all this time Evelina hid the breakup from fans by posting footage of a happy family life on Instagram. Moreover, even Bledans’ close friends and the couple’s relatives did not know about the divorce. Why she and her husband divorced, and why she hid it for so long, Evelina told in Andrei Malakhov’s “Live Broadcast” program.

“I’ve been divorced for a year now,” the actress admitted with tears in her voice as soon as she appeared in the studio of Malakhov’s TV show. – Sasha and I have come a long way together, we have gone through so many things that not everyone can go through. Our family was considered ideal. Fans wrote to me on Instagram: “There are only two ideal couples in Russia: Pugacheva and Bledans have the coolest husbands. Pugacheva has a husband, but now I don’t... I decided that I must preserve the wonderful history of our family. Because, by and large, our family did not break up. We have Semyon. And we will continue to do everything for the sake of Semyon, for the sake of children with Down syndrome and for the sake of our Love Syndrome Foundation.

Evelina does not hide that even now, a year later, it is very difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that her husband left her.

We didn’t want to talk about it, because it’s difficult,” says Bledans. - It seemed to me that this was the man with whom I would live out the rest of my days, and go with him into another world. He is 13 years younger than me, and I thought he would raise Semochka when I was gone. The "free" status doesn't sound very encouraging to me. But there is Semyon - this is the main incentive to live, and the main thing for which I met Sasha.

Even Evelina’s close friends, actress Zhanna Epple and singer Natalya Gulkina, who came to the studio to support their friend, did not know about the spouses’ divorce until the last moment.

Eva, what happened, he didn’t cheat on you, did he? – Zhanna Epple asked emotionally.

No, he didn’t leave for another woman, he didn’t find a new relationship,” Bledans assured. - It’s just that the romantic story ended, and we decided to leave. There was also this moment: it was difficult for Sasha to deal with publicity. People constantly approached him on the street and conveyed greetings to me and Semyon. We didn't quarrel, didn't fight. We have a good relationship. We just made a decision, but despite it, dad often sees his son.

Many in the studio noted that the couple separated after Alexander Semin lost 50 kilograms, became younger and began to look much more attractive.

Evelina, I’m sorry, but it’s your own fault,” Andrei Malakhov intervened. “He used to be a cute chubby guy, but now he’s lost weight and become a sex symbol.” You dug your own grave. If I were chubby, I would always stay near you.

According to the actress, Alexander himself wanted to change and lose weight - it was solely his initiative.

This is a merit of his willpower, he himself lost weight,” she admitted. - He's really amazing now. Well, what can I do, someone will get my pupil. Our divorce did not happen overnight. It happened gradually. The romantic story is over. And Sasha understands that we are creative individuals. I’ll say a terrible thing, but it seems to me that he left me so that I could be happy again. I'm probably a fool, I always make excuses for my men. So it's all about me, I wasn't good enough...

Evelina admitted that in an attempt to keep her young husband, she even decided to undergo breast surgery.

“I still understand that I would like to return him,” says the actress. - Therefore, new breasts are in the same piggy bank to be beautiful and desirable. Deep down, I understand that I want Sasha back. Although it is impossible to enter the same river twice.

You've been posting family photos of you together on Instagram for a whole year. For what? – Andrei Malakhov asked a question.

Well, we didn’t have a fight, we just got divorced,” Evelina tried to explain. - We have Semyon, we do everything to make him feel good. I couldn’t hold my husband by the pant leg and beg him to stay.

The couple has already settled the formalities: the divorce has been officially filed, the former spouses have agreed on the division of property and alimony for their son. According to the actress, Alexander Semin offered her a generous financial assistance and left him and Semyon a house near Moscow.

I left my husbands twice with a purse, cosmetics and a change of underwear. Sasha, knowing my stories, himself offered me a very good conditions, - said the artist. And she added that the rumors that she allegedly supported her family while touring were a myth.

The misconception is that it was I who supported the family. Maybe just a little, at the very beginning of our lives. Then Sasha made a big breakthrough. The fact that we moved from a tiny apartment to a huge house is entirely his merit.

Ex-husband Bledans never appeared in the Live Broadcast studio. A recorded interview with him was shown on the screen, in which Semin outlined his version of the reasons for the divorce. According to Alexander, Evelina always loved the stage more than her family.

It's difficult for me to talk about us in the past tense. Our child is special, and the marriage was special, with a syndrome. There was always another person standing between us, and his name was “spectator.” Evelina still received the greatest pleasure and maximum joy from her work,” Semin said.

However, those present in the studio found the spouses’ versions of the reasons for the separation unconvincing. Many are sure: Alexander Semin simply left Evelina for a younger rival.

“I, as a family psychotherapist, have no doubts: he lost weight and became a macho not under your influence, he has a different goal, a different incentive,” said psychologist Natalya Morozova.

Evelina does not hide the fact that loneliness is hard for her, and she dreams of meeting new love.

“I want to see another man in my life,” she says. - But after Sasha, it will not be easy for me to accept a new relationship - he set the bar too high.

Evelina Bledans is one of the brightest and sexiest Russian actresses. She was married three times, but, in her own words, she found happiness only in her last marriage. Her husband, director and producer Alexander Semin, is almost 16 years younger than her. There is a lot of gossip around the couple; some spiteful critics consider Alexander a soft-bodied henpecked man who fell into the clutches of a fatal predator. Few people know that it was Alexander who showed firmness in making a fateful decision for the couple.

Who is Alexander Semin?

In the media space, Alexander Semin is often presented as a director and producer. However, Semin’s filmography is not very large - you can hear about the film “Nanolove” and about the work in the fantasy style “Manipulator”.

Alexander was born in 1982 in Moscow, into a family of defectologists. His parents worked in an orphanage, speech problems children with Down syndrome.

In 2004, Semin graduated from the directing department of the Moscow University of Culture and Arts.. After that, he worked in the event industry in advertising, making videos for small and medium-sized companies.

As a creative director at the agencies Deluxe Interactive Moscow and SPN Ogilvy, he achieved some success. His works won prizes at international marketing and advertising competitions.

Today he is an independent consultant and creative director own agency of ideas and meanings “What if Semin?” At some point, he realized that most of all he wanted to invent, generate ideas.

As he himself admits, just a few years ago “to paint such a picture would have been a blatant challenge to the industry and clients.” “Our business today surprises many. We really only sell ideas and only meanings.”

Love story

The history of the relationship shows that Evelina initially occupied a leading position: she was the first to take the phone number, the first to call, repeatedly declared her love and proposed in different squares in different cities around the world. However, further living together and Alexander’s actions show that the main one in their couple is still a man.

Beautiful Evelina met her future husband on the set of the film “The Manipulator”, where she played the role of an oligarch's wife. Alexander was initially the producer of the project, but at some point he took up the director’s mouthpiece. When Bledans appeared on the set, Semin approached her to discuss the role.

She was struck by Alexander’s exquisite perfume, as well as some inexplicable energy. That’s when she asked the coveted number from the man she liked. The actress went on tour, and their romance initially consisted of long SMS messages.

They agreed to meet after Bledans returned, but Alexander could not wait for the date and rushed to meet Evelina at the airport. Instead of words of greeting, there was a long kiss.

From that moment on, the lovers began to meet. At first secretly, because Evelina at that time was married to businessman Dmitry. At that time, the couple practically no longer lived together, Dmitry moved to Israel with his adult son, and the divorce took place peacefully and painlessly.

Interesting notes:

Evelina moved to Alexander's 30-meter one-room apartment, and numerous dresses, costume jewelry, cosmetics, and jewelry moved with her. Until this moment, Alexander considered himself a completely accomplished young man - an apartment in Moscow, a successful career. But the appearance of Bledans in his life forced him to reconsider the situation. In three years, Alexander made a creative and career breakthrough, and the family moved to a luxurious country house.

When fear turns to happiness

All fans of the actress know that in 2011 the Bledans-Semin couple had a child with Down syndrome. The sunny boy Sema has become a symbol of all children with this diagnosis. This genetic disease can be detected during pregnancy, and in these cases, doctors suggest getting rid of the fetus. However, Alexander, having learned about this, insisted that Evelina give birth.

He told the doctors: “Even if you scare us now that the child has begun to grow wings, claws, a beak and that he is generally a dragon, that means there will be a dragon. We will give birth to a dragon and we will be happy.”

When making this decision, Alexander was well aware of the difficulties that could await him. Since childhood, he had seen children with Down syndrome and vacationed with children with mental disabilities in the same pioneer camps near Moscow. One of his main fears was the fear of having an unhealthy child. And now fate throws him such a challenge.

Evelina and Alexander not only overcame their fear, but also learned to be happy parents, live, enjoy every minute, every little achievement of your Sema. Agency "What if Semin?" launched the Media Sema project. This video portal publishes lessons on the development of children with Down syndrome. Alexander and Evelina pay a lot of attention to this problem. Evelina and Alexander consider it their great merit to save the lives of “special” children. They communicate with families in which parents, inspired by the example of the star couple, did not terminate their pregnancies and are safely raising their special babies.

Alexander turned out to be a very good father and the real core of the family. He is the main breadwinner, support and wall, despite his youth and lack of a bright “star” status. “The Lord is cool, talented and ironic,” says Alexander, “you just need to notice it and turn it to your advantage.”

In the fall of 2017, Evelina and Alexander divorced, but they often spend time together and parted on a friendly note.

Yesterday, the Rossiya 1 channel aired the program “Andrei Malakhov. Live,” where Andrei Malakhov’s guest was TV presenter and actress Evelina Bledans. She openly told the TV presenter about why she broke up with her husband, producer and director Alexander Semin, after seven years of marriage.

I still understand that I would like to return him... Although I understand that we did everything right,

Bledans shared, telling Malakhov that the crack in her relationship with Semin arose a long time ago, and until the moment of separation she different ways I tried to improve them - for example, I decided to have breast surgery. But the real reason for their discord was the fact that Alexander could not come to terms with her publicity:

People constantly approached him on the street and said hello to me, Semyon. We didn't quarrel, didn't fight. We have a good relationship. We just made a decision, but despite it, dad often sees his son.

Evelina said that Alexander helps them with their son Semyon not only morally, but also financially:

My husband left me the house and offered me very good alimony. Now I know that if I suddenly find myself without a job, Semochka and I will have something to live on.

Alexander Semin himself made a comment on the Live Broadcast:

It's difficult for me to talk about us in the past tense. Our child is special, and the marriage was special, with a syndrome. There was always another person standing between us, and his name was “spectator.” Evelina still received the greatest pleasure and maximum joy from her work.

At the end of the program, Malakhov suggested that Semin had probably found a new lover, but was “afraid to introduce her” to Evelina. Bledans noted that she herself is ready for new love, although she cannot yet forget about her ex-husband:

I won't lie, I'm open to relationships. I won’t say that I’m looking for a man, but I would like to meet someone. However, Sasha set the bar high for me. For him, I was always a girl who obeyed him in everything. He was so creative and loved me so deeply.

Evelina Bledans and Andrey Malakhov

Note that Alexander Semin became the third husband of Evelina Bledans: they got married in 2010, and in 2012 they had a son, Semyon, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome. Despite the syndrome, Alexander and Evelina do everything so that the boy grows up in harmony and happiness.

Seeing how Evelina Bledans’s ex-husband had lost weight, fans showered him with compliments. The moderately plump producer Alexander Semin became a role model, since he managed to get rid of almost 50 extra kilograms in a year, which is difficult not to notice in the photo before and after losing weight. How did he do it? It is worth noting that he hid the secret of his weight loss for a long time. There are many myths about this. However, not so long ago, Alexander Semin, the ex-husband of Evelina Bledans, who now looks completely different in the photo, finally revealed the truth and told how he actually lost weight.


In an interview, the actress mentioned that her husband, with the help of perseverance and willpower, did the almost impossible for himself. She is truly proud of him. Evelina herself looks amazing at 48 years old. She has ideal figure, something that even young girls cannot always boast of. According to the actress, in this case there is no merit to her. She practically does not need to keep in shape, since nature has rewarded her with the ability not to limit herself in food and at the same time not to gain weight. As for her ex-husband, Alexander Semin was much less fortunate. To achieve significant results, he had to make enormous efforts.

The thinner Alexander Semin, who managed to lose 48 kg, claims that he is not going to stop there. He set a goal for himself and it is not in his rules to deviate from his plans.

What is the reason for this decision? Why did the producer suddenly decide to lose weight?

Perhaps he felt uncomfortable in front of his beautiful wife. Or maybe there are health problems associated with excess weight. One way or another, the result is obvious. Photos of Bledans’s thinner husband are replete with images on the Internet.

Despite the large age difference (Bledans is 13 years older), Alexander Semin looked older than his years, which cannot be said about his ex-wife. Looking at the photo of the thinner producer, fans came to the conclusion that their ages were visually equal.

Fans make assumptions about the reasons for Aleksandar Semina’s weight loss. One of them is stress. After all, everyone knows that the couple had to raise a son who was born with Down syndrome.

Nutrition for Alexander Semin

To lose weight, Alexander Semin had to completely reconsider his taste preferences and change his own diet. There is no talk of any secret diet. The producer just stuck to it general rules healthy eating:

  • exclusion from the diet of fried, sweet, salty, flour, fatty, spicy foods;
  • fractional meals;
  • dinner until 18.00;
  • maintaining water balance in the body.

Alexander does not give himself any slack even on holidays. Even when the table is full of sumptuous dishes, he sticks to his diet, not allowing him to enjoy a small piece of cake or a herring under his fur coat.

According to Alexander himself, maintaining water balance plays a big role in maintaining proper nutrition for the purpose of losing weight. The human body needs 2 liters daily clean water without gas, excluding juices, tea and other drinks. Thanks to a sufficient amount of fluid, toxins and waste are eliminated, metabolism is normalized, which is very important when losing weight.

Physical exercise

Proper nutrition is only part of Alexander Semin’s weight loss process. The man radically changed his lifestyle and became more active than before. For example, he began to use the car less often, preferring walking. When he saw the first results of losing weight, he added even more physical activity.

In addition to long walks in the fresh air, Alexander began to visit Gym, took up swimming in the pool. He spent most of the day on the move. On weekends I went to the bathhouse. In other words, he led an active lifestyle, which, combined with proper nutrition, helped him lose weight.

Thus, Alexander Semin, the ex-husband of Evelina Bledans, lost 48 kg in almost a year. Now the man looks slender, fit, young and more respectable.

Photos before and after

When Alexander Semin, the ex-husband of Evelina Bledans, first appeared in the photo, his fan did not immediately recognize him. Rumors even began to circulate that the actress had found herself another man. The producer was bombarded with a lot of comments, amazed at such stunning results.

And this is not surprising. How Bledans’ husband lost weight can be clearly seen in the photo before and after losing excess weight.

Despite the fact that the couple do not live together, Evelina proudly talks about how she ex-husband managed to lose weight. They actively communicate and together raise their son, who needs increased attention and care.

Life after losing weight

After losing weight, Alexander Semin’s life changed. Today he is a role model and gives faith to people who want to lose weight. After all, if a famous producer could do it, why can’t others?

With the loss of excess weight came self-confidence. At the same time, improvements in career and, accordingly, financial condition are noticeable. Alexander finally allowed himself to buy a house in an elite area. In addition, the man became more popular with women. After his divorce from Evelina Bledans, everyone knew that he had met a new love.

However, Alexander Semin never announced the details of his weight loss. Perhaps the reason is the excessive modesty of a man who is unusual in sharing his own successes with the whole world. But ex-wife proudly talks about this as a feat of her ex-husband.

Myths about losing weight Semina

In connection with Alexander Semin’s weight loss, many rumors appeared in the press. Some argue that the reason for losing excess weight is not at all proper nutrition and playing sports. In their opinion, Evelina Bledans’ husband hired a personal nutritionist who developed a special diet for him, due to which he lost weight. It was she who made it possible to achieve such stunning results.

Another myth about the reasons for Semin’s weight loss is a terrible disease, which led to a sharp weight loss. Taking this rumor at face value, fans even began to notice Alexander’s unhealthy thinness in the photo.

Semin himself does not pay attention to rumors and leaves his fans the opportunity to dream to their hearts' content. Not long ago, a man said that now that 48 extra pounds are behind him, it’s time to start building muscle mass. Since Alexander’s perseverance and willpower are no longer in doubt, everyone is sure that soon the man’s appearance will change again, and he will appear in the photo with pumped up muscles.