How long does labor last and how does it begin? Correct behavior during childbirth.

How to behave correctly during childbirth

In the first stage of labor, during each contraction, the blood supply to the fetus deteriorates. Your sensations are such that you involuntarily want to breathe deeper. Your heart rate also increases. Thanks to such1 reflex reactions to contractions, the baby receives more oxygen. If you breathe calmly, evenly and deeply during a contraction, you are helping your baby cope with temporary hypoxia.

True, deep breathing during childbirth is a relative concept. Due to the high position of the diaphragm, a woman in labor can only breathe from the upper parts of her lungs. But with each inhalation, air should flow into the lungs, freely filling the upper part of the chest. And you need to exhale just as easily. You cannot draw in air convulsively, with effort, and exhale in jerks.

The position of the woman in labor during labor may vary. Some women prefer to stand, others to walk. And this is quite acceptable if there are no contraindications due to polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, high blood pressure, etc. But it is best to lie on your side, slightly bending your knees, and gently stroke, barely touching, the lower half of the abdomen in the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation . Stroking is done with the fingertips of both hands in the direction from the midline of the abdomen to the sides. While stroking, you can repeat the formula that you used during auto-training: “I am calm. I control myself. My breathing is even, deep...”

Acupressure self-massage can also be used to relieve labor pain. From the front, pressure is applied to the points at the anterosuperior edge of the iliac bones; behind - to the points at the outer corners of the lumbar rhombus. When pressing on the points, the palms are placed along the thighs, and the massaging itself is performed with the ends of the outstretched, slightly vibrating thumbs. The points at the outer corners of the lumbar diamond are pressed, placing either hands clenched into fists or a roller under the lower back. All techniques are performed accurately.

Reflex zones during contractions:

1 - pressing, 2 - stroking

Additionally, you need to keep track of when your contractions start and end. Remind yourself with the appearance of each of them that the cervix has dilated a little more, you have become a little closer to the end of labor, that you need to breathe evenly and calmly to help your baby.

If you are in a lot of pain, tell your doctor. And he, depending on the situation, will find a way to help you.

During the first stage of labor, many women experience vomiting. If there are no other pathological symptoms - for example, stomach pain, headache, “flickering spots” before the eyes - this is not scary and is usually associated with a change in the tone of the autonomic nervous system during childbirth, as well as with the dilatation of the cervix. Such vomiting usually does not last long and does not require special intervention. After the urge to vomit stops, you need to rinse your mouth with water and take 1-2 sips, but no more, so as not to provoke a new attack of nausea.

During the second stage of labor, you will be moved to the delivery room. You can control your efforts. The effectiveness of pushing is monitored by a doctor and midwife. During this period, the woman in labor experiences a somewhat unpleasant feeling of fullness. It must be said that the pain of pushing largely depends on whether you are pushing correctly and whether your posture is correct.

You are lying on the birthing table, your shoulders are slightly raised. Place your feet on the table, grab the handrails of the delivery table with your hands and, taking a deep breath, hold your breath, close your mouth tightly, and strain. This will intensify your efforts. Then relax and breathe deeply, calmly, without holding your breath. The pushing becomes strongest when the head passes through the pelvis. As soon as it emerges from the external genitalia, the midwife provides assistance to protect the perineal muscles from rupture. At this time, it is necessary to follow all the midwife’s instructions very precisely. Remember that the fetal head is removed from the genital tract without pushing. To do this, despite the pushing reflex that arises, you need to restrain it - relax and breathe through your mouth without the slightest delay in inhalation.

Relaxation during childbirth

Mastering relaxation (relaxation) of individual muscles and the whole body is the basis for a comfortable state during childbirth. Learn to relax correctly, perform certain exercises, and you will be able to consciously control the relaxation of your muscles.

Relaxing the muscles of the body leads to a decrease in the activity of the nervous system and relieves tension. It is known that negative emotions during childbirth, such as anxiety, anger, fear or pain, cause an increase in the amount of catecholamines (stress hormones) - adrenaline and norepinephrine. High levels of catecholamines in the blood affect the duration of labor by reducing the efficiency of uterine contractions, and can adversely affect the fetus by reducing blood supply to the uterus and placenta.

Relaxation relieves fatigue and muscle tension and thereby reduces pain during childbirth. In this case, the uterus receives the maximum amount of required oxygen, which, in turn, also reduces the sensation of pain, since working muscles (such as the uterus) are themselves painfully tense when there is insufficient oxygen supply. In addition, consciously focusing on the muscles that are relaxing will help you take your mind off the pain and tense them during a contraction.

First, you should learn to be aware of mental and physical sensations during rest or sleep. Since the mind and body mutually influence each other, when mastering relaxation exercises, you will be able to notice how mental tension decreases simultaneously with the release of muscles. Your breathing becomes slow and even, with short pauses between inhalation and exhalation. This type of breathing will help you when mastering relaxation exercises and during childbirth.

When starting to exercise, lie on your side among the pillows or sit in a comfortable chair with armrests and head support, create maximum comfort for yourself. Once you have mastered relaxation exercises in a certain position, try relaxing while sitting, standing, or walking, as you need the ability to relax in any position to prepare for childbirth. After exercise, stretch lazily and stand up slowly to avoid dizziness.

Begin to master relaxation techniques in a quiet and calm atmosphere, gradually moving on to classes in a noisier room. Remember that there are a lot of people in the hospital and you need to be able to relax in this environment.

The methods described below will allow you to identify and relieve excessive muscle tension.

Muscle tension and relaxation

Initial position. While sitting in a chair or on the floor, try to relax all the muscles that are not currently involved in maintaining the pose.

Exercise. Clench your right hand tightly into a fist. Pay attention to the sensations in the muscles of the forearm. Tight muscles become tight and hard.

Touch these muscles with the fingers of your left hand. Then relax your muscles and feel their softness.

Now lift your shoulders up. Analyze how you feel when your shoulders are tense. Relax and lower your shoulders. Now you are more relaxed. This is real relaxation. Have you noticed the difference? If you learn to be aware of which muscles are tense, you will always be able to release residual tension and completely relax.

Tension and relaxation of the whole body

Initial position. You should lie down in a position that is comfortable for you.

Exercise. Muscle tension throughout the body. Tighten the muscles of your stomach, thighs, legs, then your knees, neck and arms. Maintain this tension for 5 seconds. Notice the sensation - effort, tension, spasm or discomfort.

Then relax your entire body. You can start relaxing with the abdominal muscles, and then relax the muscles of the arms, legs and head. Think about the tension passing. Breathe slowly. Breathe, relaxing even more. Feel how relaxed you are.

Awareness of the influence of the psyche on bodily sensations

A person's mental state has a great influence on the tension and relaxation of the body's muscles; if you experience anxiety or anger, your body reacts to this with tension. In a calm state, the body remains relaxed. Therefore, when you are in pain, try to induce a positive emotional state in yourself, this will help relieve muscle tension. Otherwise, the tension will increase and increase the pain.

Test. The images below will help you imagine the opposite reactions to labor pain. Pay attention to how these images affect muscle relaxation. Some may cause tension and fear, others will help you relax.

1. When a contraction begins, you feel a nagging pain first in the lower back... “Oh-oh! Here she is". The pain grows and covers the stomach with an iron hand... “Oh, no!” The pain gets worse and worse. Unbearable! I want to scream: “Enough, I can’t take it anymore!” I can not!". You clench your fists. The back muscles tense. You grind your teeth and close your eyes, resisting the pain. “Please stop this!” The contraction tightens on the stomach. You are weakened. There is no one to help. You hold your breath. Will it ever end? The contraction gradually weakens. It has passed, but you are afraid that it will start again. All over again? "Oh-oh-oh!"

How did you feel reading all this? Are you tense or upset? Now, for comparison, read the following description.

2. The contraction begins like a wave, barely perceptible, somewhere in the distance, like a slight smell. Unclear at the beginning, the wave grows, becomes higher and stronger. You think: “What should I do?” The contraction of the uterus reaches the peak of tension, strength and pain. Your strength, your tension and your pain. You can ride this wave and rush forward on it. Its power will be yours, the cervix will open and the baby will begin to come out of it. You are not fighting the wave, you are too weak for that, yet you feel satisfied, supported and strong. Your face remains calm, your legs and arms remain sluggish and relaxed.

You are not afraid. You open up to this power. And now the wave subsides and goes deep into your body. You are resting.

How do you feel when you imagine contractions this way? Do you find this image less menacing? Does it help you to tune into positive emotions better than the first description? If so, then you can use it in preparation for childbirth.

As you understand, your perception of pain during contractions affects your physical state. If you imagine pain as a necessary and normal condition of labor, you will be able to bear it more easily. Knowledge and training will help you treat pain this way, and this will make childbirth much easier for you.

Passive relaxation

By focusing on sensations in different parts of your body and gradually releasing tension, you can achieve a state of deep physical and mental relaxation.

You can also ask someone close to you to read the text of the exercises below in a quiet and calm voice. Reading should be leisurely, as you need time to concentrate and relieve tension in every muscle in your body.

Pleasant, relaxing music won't hurt either. Once you have chosen the right music, listen to it during each class so that you can use the music to create a familiar, calming atmosphere during labor.

Passive relaxation exercises

Get comfortable, lying on your side or half-sitting, surrounded by pillows, or in a chair with armrests. Take the time and position yourself so as not to waste muscle effort maintaining the position. Place pillows under your head and under your knees. In a word, create comfortable conditions for relaxation.

    Take a deep breath or yawn.

    Now focus your attention on your toes and feet. Feel how warm and soft they are.

    Focus on your ankles. They are weak and lethargic. Your ankles are relaxed.

    Now focus on your calves. Feel how they become soft. Fine.

    Think about your knees. They lie quietly on the pillow and are relaxed - they do not need to support their body. They are very comfortable.

    Think about your hips. Large and strong thigh muscles allow you to walk. Now they are soft and heavy. Fine.

    Now focus on the muscles of the buttocks and perineum. It is especially important to be able to relax these muscles during labor and delivery. Now they are soft and pliable. When the time comes and your baby begins to move through the birth canal, the muscles of the perineum should not interfere with its exit. That's why it's so important to learn how to master them.

    Next are the lower back muscles. Imagine that someone is gently stroking her with strong and warm hands. You are very pleased. Your muscles relax from imaginary touches. Feel the warmth. Feel the tension release from you.

    Now think about your stomach. Relax him. Let it swell as if you inhale, then release it as if you exhale. The stomach is free. Focus on the movements of your abdomen as you inhale and exhale. Fine. Think about the child. Your baby moves and fidgets, feeling warm, cozy and safe inside your belly.

    Now - the chest muscles. You breathe freely. When you inhale, the chest rises slightly and air passes into the lungs. When you exhale, the chest drops and the air escapes. Breathe slowly and easily, as if you were sleeping. The air is calmly and without any effort inhaled and exhaled. This breathing will help you relax even more. And relaxation, in turn, will promote calm and “easy breathing.” Fine.

    Now try to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth - slowly and effortlessly. As you inhale, you may notice a slight tension in the pectoral muscles, which goes away as you exhale. Listen to your breathing. It is barely audible, as if you are sleeping. With each exhalation you relax. Feel how with each exhalation your tension goes away. This is how you should learn to breathe as you prepare for labor. Fine.

    Now - shoulders. Imagine that someone is gently massaging your shoulders. Relax. Feel the warmth. The tension leaves you.

    Focus your attention on your hands. With each exhalation, your arms relax more and more - along their entire length, from shoulder to wrist, hands, fingers. Hands are heavy, warm and relaxed.

    Focus on your neck muscles. All neck muscles are soft, relaxed, and do not need to hold your head up. Your head lies on the pillow, your neck can relax. Fine.

    Now - mouth and lips. The muscles of the mouth are relaxed. You don't have to deliberately hold your mouth open or closed.

    Relaxed muscles will take a comfortable position on their own. No tension.

    And now - eyes and eyelids. The eye muscles are sluggish and relaxed. Don't try to keep your eyes open or closed. It will happen naturally. The eyelids are slightly closed, and the gaze is not focused on anything. The eyelids are heavy and relaxed.

    Focus on the muscles of the forehead and eyebrows. Relax these muscles. Feel the warmth. A calm facial expression corresponds to your inner state.

    Enjoy this state of calm and well-being. You can relax this way whenever possible - before bed, after lunch, during a work break. This state must also be achieved during childbirth. When giving birth, you won't lie down all the time. You will walk, sit down, take a shower, but during contractions you will be able to relax all the muscles that are not involved in maintaining the pose. This will relieve unnecessary nervous tension, give you a feeling of calm and self-confidence and help you behave correctly during childbirth.

And now it’s time to finish our exercises. There's no rush. Slowly open your eyes, stretch, look around the room and slowly stand up.

Active relaxation

If you have learned to relax in any position and during any activity, then you are already well prepared for childbirth and this skill will be very useful to you in the hospital. The goal of your classes is to learn, in any conditions, to induce in yourself a state of the same complete physical and mental relaxation as when practicing at home, when you lie down and your body is supported by pillows or a comfortable couch.

Active relaxation exercises

Try relaxing your muscles in different positions - standing (upright or leaning against a wall or on your partner's shoulder), sitting, semi-sitting, on all fours, kneeling and resting your head and shoulders on a chair, squatting, lying on your side.

In each of these positions, certain muscle groups work while others remain relaxed. Only by learning to relax in different positions will you be able to effectively relax during labor. In a state of deep relaxation, when you have established proper breathing, try to imagine the beginning of contractions, creating vivid visual images of the expected sensations. With the help of such exercises, you make each of your practical sessions a rehearsal for childbirth.

Spot Voltage Check

Sometimes it seems to you that your body is completely relaxed, but when you focus on certain parts of the body (arms, legs, stomach), you feel that some muscles are still tense.

The exercises listed below will help you completely relax your entire body, sequentially moving from one part to another. The relaxing effect of these exercises is based both on the natural reduction of muscle tension when exhaling, and on your acquired ability to consciously release tension.

Exercises for consistent stress relief

Take a position that is comfortable for you. Breathe slowly and easily, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus your attention on your right leg. As you inhale, try to determine if there is tension in the muscles of your right leg. As you exhale, relax all the muscles in your legs. Repeat if necessary. Then, on your next inhalation, focus on the muscles of your left leg. Identify tense muscles and relax them as you exhale. Repeat these exercises, mentally dividing your body into the following eight parts:

    right leg;

    left leg;

    buttocks and perineum;

    chest and stomach;

  • right hand;

    left hand;

    head, face and neck.

Consistently releasing muscle tension in different parts of the body with each exhalation, you will feel completely relaxed at the end of the session.

This method will be useful to you during childbirth. Your partner will be able to help you by telling you which muscles you need to relax, or by touching and stroking these muscles with each exhalation.

Relaxation countdown

If you can become aware of muscle tension and release it correctly, you can learn other techniques to quickly relax. These skills will be especially helpful during labor and delivery. With each contraction, your “organized” breathing will serve as a signal to relax.


Start your workout while sitting in a comfortable chair. You can continue the complex in any position that the time of childbirth requires of you - standing, on all fours or on your knees, as well as lying down (see below for more details about the position during childbirth).

Inhale through your nose. As you exhale through your mouth, relax the muscles of your entire body, from head to toe. Count down from five to one until you are completely relaxed. First, you should learn to relax for five breathing cycles. Once you have mastered this exercise, you will be able to relax during one slow exhalation. Imagine that while counting, a wave of relaxation passes through your body, covering all its parts:

    head, neck and shoulders;

    arms, hands and fingers; » chest and abdomen;

    back, buttocks and perineum;

    legs, feet and toes.


    Along with relaxation and other methods that alleviate the condition of the mother in labor, properly organized breathing during childbirth reduces pain. Properly organized breathing is breathing with a certain frequency and depth.

    You will select specific values ​​for the frequency and depth of your breathing depending on the characteristics of the future birth, your preferences and the need for oxygen. Having previously mastered the proposed exercises and adapted to them, you will be able to calm down and relax with their help during childbirth.

    There are three main types of controlled breathing during labor: slow, light (accelerated) and variable (transitional). You can use all three breathing methods if they help you relax and get enough oxygen, and help you behave properly during intense contractions.

    It is best to breathe slowly in the early stages of labor and continue to do so as long as it helps. Then you can switch to light or alternating breathing - whichever suits you best. The third type of breathing is recommended in the later phase of labor. Some women benefit from slow breathing throughout labor. Others use two types of breathing: slow and light or slow and variable, and some use all three types. What exactly you choose will depend on your reactions and the intensity of the contractions.

    Slow breathing should be used during intense contractions when you can no longer walk or talk. You can breathe slowly through your stomach or chest; It is important that your breathing helps you relax.

    Using the slow breathing method:

      Establish the desired type of breathing: as soon as the contraction begins, take a deep breath. Release all tension (slowly, from head to toe) as you exhale.

      Focus your attention on the sensations.

      Inhale slowly through your nose (if this is difficult, then through your mouth) and exhale completely through your mouth. Hold your breath for as long as you can. Breathe 6-10 times per minute (about half as often as usual).

      Inhale calmly but noisily, leaving your mouth slightly open and relaxed. The sound should be the same as during a relaxed inhalation.

      Drop your shoulders and relax. Relax the muscles of your chest and abdomen, lifting them slightly as if you were inhaling, and then tense the same muscles as if you were exhaling.

      When the contraction ends, take one last full, relaxing exhalation. Then inhale as if you were sighing. A yawning can be a suitable ending to a breathing exercise.

      Relax, change your body position, drink, etc.

    Repeat the exercises described above until you feel completely confident that with the help of slow breathing you can completely relax. During labor, you should breathe like this for 60-90 seconds at a time. Practice breathing correctly in different positions - sitting, lying down, standing, on all fours, and even in a car. With each exhalation, focus on relaxing different parts of the body - this way you will relax all the muscles that are not involved in maintaining the pose.

    Use light (fast) breathing if you feel that slow breathing does not bring relief.

    To master light breathing, inhale and exhale through your mouth at a frequency of about once per second. Breathing should be shallow and light, quiet inhalation and noisy exhalation.

    Application of light breathing:

      Pay attention to your breathing as soon as the contraction begins. As you exhale, release all (every part of your body) tension.

      Focus your attention.

      Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, gradually speeding up your breathing and making it more shallow - depending on the intensity of the contraction. If the contraction quickly reaches its peak, you should start breathing faster. If the contraction reaches its peak gradually, you should also gradually speed up your breathing rhythm. At the same time, the muscles of the mouth and shoulders should be relaxed.

      Once you have quickened your breathing to match the intensity of the contraction, inhale and exhale through your mouth. Breathing should be shallow and approximately once per second.

      When the intensity of the contraction decreases, gradually switch to slow breathing, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

      When the contraction ends, finish with a deep breath.

      Relax completely, change your body position, drink, etc.

    This type of breathing is not as easy to master as slow breathing. Be persistent and take your time, gradually you will get used to this exercise. First practice breathing at a frequency of once per second, but the breathing frequency may vary - from twice per second to once every 2 seconds. Then try breathing at different frequencies, but that one! s to make you feel comfortable. The best way to count your breathing rate is to count your breathing cycles (inhale-exhale) over 10 seconds. If you count from 5 to 20 cycles, you are breathing correctly. If within 1-2 minutes you can freely and effortlessly establish the correct rhythm of light breathing, then you are ready to combine it with slow breathing.

    Alternating (transitional) breathing is a variant of light breathing and combines light shallow breathing and periodic noisy exhalations. Alternating breathing begins with rapid breathing, followed by light, rapid breathing at a rate ranging from 2 times per second to 1 time every 2 seconds. After every 2-5 cycles, exhale slowly, deeply and without tension, this exhalation will help you establish a breathing rhythm.

    Application of alternating breathing:

      At the beginning of the contraction, establish the desired breathing rhythm. As you exhale, release all tension (sequentially, from all parts of the body).

      Concentrate the sewing. You can concentrate on your partner's face.

      Throughout the contraction, breathe through your mouth easily and superficially, with a frequency of 5-20 cycles per 10 seconds.

      Every second or after every third, fourth, or fifth breath, exhale slowly. You don't need to take a deep breath for this, it should be a normal one. Some women prefer to exhale with a "hu" or "pa" sound. Choose the appropriate type of breathing for yourself and maintain it throughout the fight. Your partner can count for you (“one, two, three, four exhalations”) or you can count for greater concentration.

      When the contraction ends, take one or two deep, relaxing exhalations.

      Relax completely, drink, change position.

    Add these exercises to your routine. Contractions can last two minutes and be double, so learn to breathe “organized” for at least 3 minutes in a row. In this case, it is necessary to change the position of the body.

    When selecting the exercises that you will use during childbirth, you should distinguish between two states: the first period, when the cervix opens, and the second, when the fetus is expelled from the uterus; in these states, two points are taken into account: contractions and pushing.

    Automotive training classes are best conducted in special groups under the supervision of obstetricians and gynecologists. Practice shows that women easily learn the recommended techniques and that the acquired skills allow them to reduce pain during childbirth.

How to behave correctly during childbirth so that a woman’s condition is stable and balanced? To do this, you should know about the periods of labor and draw conclusions based on them. Therefore, today we will consider in detail how to behave during childbirth, what is necessary and what absolutely cannot be done.

Who is a doula?

This is a specially trained woman who helps a woman in labor not only during labor, but also during the pushing period. A doula is necessary for pregnant women for several reasons.

1. She is able to calm the woman in labor, without in any way interfering with the natural process.

2. A doula provides physical comfort to a woman. She can advise you on the best positions to take, how to breathe, and when to call a doctor.

3. The doula, in some way, becomes an intermediary between the woman in labor and the doctors, since she takes upon herself communication with the medical staff. After all, it is difficult for a woman who is about to become a mother to communicate when she is in a state of some kind of stress, and in addition experiencing pain. And a woman in labor should not be distracted by secondary issues; she should concentrate only on the child.

4. Such a woman can help a pregnant woman get ready for the maternity hospital and even assist in concluding a contract with the hospital (if this is expected).

Doula actions during childbirth

She does not necessarily have to have a medical education. In our country, doulas most often become women who have their own experience of childbirth. That is, these are people who understand what natural birth is, how important it is for a baby to come into this world correctly and how exciting it is for the expectant mother. In fact, a sister, mother, or grandmother of a woman in labor can become a doula. And it doesn’t have to be a professional worker.

How should a doula behave during childbirth? So, if a mother, sister, or aunt agreed to accompany a woman in labor during labor and pushing, then they should know how to make sure that the expectant mother remembers this period in her life not as torture, but as a gift from God. So, during childbirth, a doula should console, encourage, and share inner peace. And at the same time, she herself must be completely balanced and in no case show fear even when something went wrong. Under no circumstances should she interfere with the medical staff, much less tell the doctor or midwife what they need to do.

What devices are preferable to use?

A woman in labor should not refuse the doctor’s offer to work out on the wall bars, jump or ride on a fitness ball, or take a shower if necessary. After all, all these simple tasks will help cope with pain during contractions. Therefore, you don’t need to lie and moan all the time, but rather move and do what experts recommend.

Periods of labor

Many pregnant women who have not yet had children do not know how to behave during childbirth. Behavior should depend on the period of labor.

Phase 1 - contractions.

Phase 2 - pushing.

Phase 3 - the final stage of labor.

First period: how to behave?

At this stage, it becomes easier for the pregnant woman to breathe, she increasingly wants to go to the toilet, because the pressure on the rectum increases. After some time, contractions begin. It is at this moment that a woman should be extremely attentive. She needs to count the interval between contractions. And when the pause between them is 10 minutes, then the girl will need to go to the maternity hospital. During this period, you should not overeat, because then it will be problematic to push. And the baby will appear in more hygienic conditions if the intestines are empty. If you really want to eat, you can eat an apple or biscuits.

During low-intensity contractions, a woman in labor should listen to her doctor. Don't scream at the top of your lungs. It is better to relax, breathe evenly and calmly.

How to behave correctly during childbirth, when all thoughts are focused only on yourself? You need to try to be distracted by the people who came to support you or called you on the phone. During this period, it is better for the woman in labor to walk around the ward, stand, and turn from side to side. But, under no circumstances should you be in one position.

The first phase can last from 4 hours or longer.

Second period: correct behavior

How to behave during childbirth, when the contractions are already so strong that the woman simply cannot stand it anymore? The second period is the most important and painful, because at this time the fetus comes out of the uterus. Every woman should know that this time lasts up to half an hour, so you should work hard so that the baby is born without problems.

During this period, it is very important to push correctly, so the woman in labor must collect her thoughts and listen to what the doctor and obstetrician tell her. After all, if she is not adequate and does not do what she is told, then the baby may receive postpartum trauma. Experienced women know how to behave during a second birth. Therefore, those who encounter this for the first time should know some points.

When the first push comes, you should breathe through it; there is no need to push, because at this time the cervix has not yet fully dilated.

Then, during one contraction, the woman needs to have time to push three times. This must be done correctly: under no circumstances should the pressure go into the face, otherwise the capillaries of the eyes will burst, only downwards.

The most important thing during this period is to survive it. After all, this is an important phase when the baby’s head is born. This is the widest and hardest part of the baby's body, so the pain will be severe. However, it passes in a matter of seconds.

How to behave during the third period?

This phase is already painless and lasts about half an hour. During this time, the woman in labor should lie quietly on a chair and wait for the doctor to remove the remains of the umbilical cord, placenta and fetal membrane. If necessary, a specialist will apply stitches. And only after that you can rest for 2 hours. How to behave during this period? You need to relax and enjoy the fact that you have become a mother and now have a real treasure on your chest. If during this period you are thirsty or want to eat, then under no circumstances should the woman in labor eat food on her own. You need to tell the doctor about your needs and only after his permission can you drink some water.

Correct postures at different times

What to do during childbirth, and what is the best way to lie or move for a woman who will soon become a mother? During contractions, any vertical position will be ideal. During this period, just lying on the bed is a bad option. It is better to stand up, walk around, hang on your husband, mother, rope, lean on the back of a chair, sit or jump on a ball. The fact is that vertical poses help the fetus to advance faster. During the first attempts, you can get on all fours, raise your pelvis and walk again. During the period of expulsion of the fetus, if a woman gives birth in a traditional position, her legs will be on special stands, and she will need to hold on to the arms. In this phase, the handles should be pulled towards you, and your feet should rest against the supports. At the same time, the chin should be pressed to the chest, and the eyes should be closed. Do not bend or sit up in a chair or bed. On the contrary, you should press closer to the back.

Having put together all the instructions from the three periods, you can take note of the following basic points regarding how to behave correctly during childbirth.

1. Listen to medical personnel and doula.

2. Don’t forget about proper breathing.

3. Use devices that make contractions easier.

4. Look for comfortable positions.

5. If something bothers you, you should definitely ask a doctor about it. There is no need to keep your fears to yourself.

6. Try not to scream, because it won’t relieve the pain, but it will take away your strength, that’s for sure.

8. During pushing, you should only push at the command of a midwife or doctor.

9. After giving birth, you should not get up immediately; you should lie down for 2 hours, as complications are possible.

What about the baby?

It is incorrect to assume that only the woman is involved in the birth process. The baby also actively helps and tries to get out. Interested in knowing how a baby behaves during childbirth? Now let's briefly describe it. The baby pushes off with his legs from the support that serves as the fundus of the uterus. It turns out that during contractions the baby independently rests his head, helping mommy. If everything goes well, then in the intervals between contractions the baby also rests, just like the woman in labor.

Now you know how to behave during childbirth so that the baby is born healthy. Future women in labor should try to remember all the recommendations described in this article, because most of the complications occur from panic and the wrong attitude of the woman.

When the long-awaited contractions occur, the expectant mother experiences different emotions - from confusion to worries about how the birth will go. It is important to remain calm and have a cheat sheet that will tell you how to behave during childbirth. In addition, it is necessary to avoid actions that may complicate the process of bringing the baby into the world.

Stages of the birth process

There are three main stages of labor:

  • Contractions are involuntary contractions of the muscles of the uterus, as a result of which the cervix opens (more details in the article:). The duration varies, the attacks gradually intensify, and the intervals between them become shorter.
  • Attempts are the period of expulsion of the fetus. Contractions of the uterus that the mother can control to help the baby pass through the birth canal. Duration – 30-120 minutes.
  • Loss of the placenta and membranes. Treatment of postpartum ruptures (if any).

How to distinguish contractions before childbirth from training ones?

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Contractions are periodic involuntary contractions of the uterus. They indicate that labor is beginning. The nature of the pain experienced is individual. Some women describe them as rolling waves of pain that freeze the body. Others note that during contractions they experienced minor discomfort and unexpressed pain. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and the pain threshold.

The period of true contractions includes two main stages:

  • latent (hidden) – light periodic contractions, at the end the cervix dilates by 4 cm;
  • active – the frequency of attacks increases, the cervix dilates completely, and pushing occurs.

Many pregnant women think about how to distinguish the onset of true contractions from false ones, which are harbingers of future labor (on average 2 weeks before the birth of the baby). Unlike true contractions, which become more and more frequent and are accompanied by the discharge of amniotic fluid, the main symptom of false contractions is stiffness and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen for a short period of time. Other characteristic features:

  • lack of frequency, severe pain;
  • duration no more than 1-2 minutes;
  • are mainly observed during the period of change in body position.

False contractions prepare the female body for the difficult and important moment of childbirth. If they do not start bleeding, there is no drop in blood pressure and other signs of deterioration in health, there is no need to worry.

Behavior of a woman in labor during labor

The purpose of contractions is to open the cervix so that the baby can pass through the birth canal. On average, they last from 3 to 12 hours; in primiparous women they can be more painful, lasting up to a day. What to do during this period? If the expectant mother notices that contractions occur at intervals of 10-15 minutes, she should go to the maternity hospital (more details in the article:). It is important to record the time of the first contraction and note when each subsequent contraction begins.

From the moment labor begins, you should not eat or drink much. If you are thirsty, it is better to rinse your mouth or replace a sip of water with a piece of ice. This limitation is not only due to the fact that digesting food will lead to additional stress on the body. Food may cause vomiting. In addition, it is unknown how the birth will take place. You may need anesthesia, which is not given on a full stomach.

General rules of behavior for a woman in labor during labor:

  • At the initial stage, when the intervals between attacks are up to 15 minutes, you need to call an ambulance or tell your loved ones to take the expectant mother to the maternity hospital. During the waiting period, you need to check your packed things again, take a shower, lie down and try to relax.
  • During the second stage of contractions, it is advisable to already be in a medical facility. The pulling sensations in the lower abdomen will intensify and become more frequent. Eating and drinking is not recommended. You can take a few sips of still water.
  • During the third and most painful stage, the frequency of contractions is 2-3 minutes. This stage can last up to 4 hours and requires maximum concentration and patience. A conversation with loved ones, special gymnastics and breathing, and a light massage will help you take your mind off the pain.

The most convenient positions

There are positions in which it is easier to survive painful and tiring contractions. During an attack, the following positions are recommended:

  • put a pillow on a chair and sit facing the back, during pain, cross your arms behind the back, lowering your head down;
  • lean on the wall or headboard while maintaining an upright position;
  • get on all fours and relax, you can lean your elbows on the fitball and sway slightly on it, as if on the waves;
  • lie on your side with pillows under your head and hips and curl up during an attack;
  • You can only sit on a fitball, swaying from side to side (it is forbidden to sit on the bed or on the floor during this painful period).

If the birth is partnered, in a standing position you should put your hands on the shoulders of a loved one. When fighting, bend over and arch your back. At the same time, the partner can massage the lower back of the woman in labor.

Is it possible to walk?

The expectant mother cannot control the strength and frequency of contractions. If labor takes place normally (not rapid, without breech presentation and deterioration in the mother’s general well-being), you should move more from the very beginning. You can walk around the room, go out into the corridor with the permission of the medical staff, and change your body position more often. This will activate labor, ensure the flow of oxygen to the tissues of the uterus and fetus, and allow it to be more active at the time of birth.

Between attacks of pain, it is important to relax your muscles as much as possible. Their tension can become an involuntary obstacle in the baby’s path. In addition, the body becomes more susceptible to pain due to the release of hormones into the blood that are produced under stress.

Relieving massage

Massage improves blood circulation, soothes, and distracts from pain. During childbirth, it can be performed by a partner or the expectant mother herself. Purpose of manipulation:

  • relax tense muscles during contractions - light touches and stroking contribute to this;
  • reduction of pain during a painful attack - pressing firmly with the palm of your hand on the sacral area will relieve pain.

Self-massage technique to reduce pain:

  • put your hands on your waist and try to rub the spine area in this position;
  • massage the points on the protruding parts of the pelvis with your fingertips;
  • during a painful attack, you should breathe correctly, place your palms on the lower abdomen, after inhaling, move them up through the sides, and as you exhale, lower your hands.

During childbirth, together with a partner, the husband can stand behind the woman and gently stroke her belly. The woman in labor can relax and lean on her partner. The accompanying person can massage the thigh area with his palm and make light pressing movements at intervals of several seconds.

Special breathing exercises

Proper breathing distracts during severe pain during childbirth and provides the body of mother and baby with the necessary oxygen. Also, proper breathing will help during contractions, and uncontrolled breathing will only aggravate the process. Techniques used:

  • “counting to 10” - helps in the initial period (take a deep breath at 4 from the beginning of the contraction, exhale until the end of the count);
  • “frequent” - fast and rhythmic inhalations and exhalations at the peak of the contraction.

What absolutely cannot be done?

Some actions of the expectant mother may interfere with the natural course of childbirth, so obstetricians prohibit:

  • strain the pelvic muscles - maximum relaxation will help the baby to be born easier;
  • eat food during contractions, it is better to replace drinks with ice cubes;
  • lie motionless on your back, suffering from pain (in this position, the uterus compresses the vena cava, this leads to poor circulation and oxygen starvation of the fetus);
  • while pushing, pushing “into the head” is ineffective and leads to capillaries bursting on the skin of the face and on the sclera of the eyes;
  • scream and panic (childbirth is a natural process, and if it takes place under medical supervision, everything will be fine);
  • you should push only after the obstetrician’s command - only a specialist can determine how the baby is moving through the birth canal and chooses the optimal moment so as not to harm the baby.

If a caesarean section is indicated, a woman in labor should not be upset. The doctor knows when it is best to use this method of delivery. In addition, anesthesia prevents you from feeling pain during surgery, and thanks to modern medications, the sutures heal quickly, without negative consequences for the body.

Behavior of the expectant mother during pushing

Attempting is the process of expelling the fetus (more details in the article:). The success of this stage depends on how well the woman in labor follows the obstetrician's commands. At the same time, contractions increase, not stopping for a minute, but the woman must restrain herself and control her attempts. During this period you need:

  • push only at the command of the obstetrician, otherwise you can injure the child, who is making every effort while moving through the birth canal;
  • wait out the urge to push, try to stop it - this will allow you to control the birth process. The woman in labor can walk, breathe rhythmically and frequently, lean on a fitball or the headboard of the bed;
  • push correctly at the command of the obstetrician (3 times in one contraction), it is important to strain the stomach, not the head, make every effort to help the baby pass through the birth canal as quickly as possible;
  • There is no need to scream at the pushing stage, as this can provoke ruptures and hypoxia in the baby.

How to psychologically prepare for a successful birth?

Pregnancy ends with childbirth, during which the woman has to face pain and discomfort. Nine months of gestation allow you to prepare your body step by step for this exciting event. In addition to physical readiness, a positive psychological attitude is important:

  • it should be understood that childbirth is a natural physiological process, and when it is over, you can press the long-awaited baby to your chest;
  • The mother’s emotions are transmitted to the child, he is also afraid and nervous, so during contractions it is important to focus as much as possible on proper breathing and set yourself up for a successful result;
  • think about supporting loved ones who are waiting for good news in the clinic or at home.

Knowledge of how to behave during childbirth is especially important for first-time mothers, as well as expectant mothers who give birth again in 10-15 years. This information will allow you to actively participate in childbirth and make every effort to help the baby. Calmness and willingness to interact with an experienced obstetrician will guarantee a successful birth.

Every woman during pregnancy knows that contractions are a sign that the baby will soon be born. This is a very difficult time, because it is completely unclear how to behave and what to do if labor pains begin unexpectedly. Many people panic and are afraid to go to the doctor. However, contractions are a process that has already been well studied and analyzed. If you figure out what it is in advance, it won’t be so scary later. And, most importantly, you will know what to do and the birth will be successful.

What are contractions?

Let's start with the fact that the uterus has several functions in a woman's body. She keeps the fetus inside throughout her pregnancy, providing it with everything it needs. But when the time comes, she “expels” the child from herself. The placenta and pituitary gland of the fetus produce special hormones that cause uterine contractions. Gradually, the cervix dilates enough for the baby to be released into the world. In total, this process can last from 8 to 14 hours on average.

The most important thing is that at first you don’t need to do anything during contractions. The main thing is to come to the obstetricians on time and not miss possible deviations.


It all starts with an unpleasant weak nagging pain in the lower abdomen. These pains are slightly reminiscent of the sensations during menstruation. They are not very strong and do not last very long, so try not to miss them - this is a sign that contractions have begun.

If you don't know what to do if contractions start, remember: first, find a notepad and a watch. Try to have you or something near you record the beginning and end of each contraction. This way you can calculate the frequency of contractions - a very important parameter.

Many people at this moment take out a camera to film this magical moment of the birth of a baby. True, there is still a very long time before labor begins, but you can already prepare the apparatus so that you don’t have to look for it in a hurry.


In total, there are 3 phases during contractions:

  • Initial – approximately 7-8 hours
  • Active – approximately 3-5 hours
  • Transitional – approximately 1-1.5 hours

But remember, everything is individual: many women do without the first phases of contractions, and for some, contractions last much longer than planned.

At the end of the last phase, the contractions smoothly turn into attempts - the child is trying to come out, you must help him with this. By this time you should have been in the hospital for a long time. There, obstetricians will tell you what to do during contractions and pushing, how to breathe and how to behave.

During the first phase, the duration of the contraction is approximately 20 seconds. The interval between them is 20 minutes. This is a fairly simple time when you can still relax, rest, and ignore the pain. Take this chance and rest, it will be difficult to do this in the future.

The next phase is much more painful. Labor contractions come every 5-10 minutes and last 30-60 seconds. Remember: if the interval is less than 10 minutes, go to the obstetrician: labor is coming soon. Gather all your belongings, including your camera if you plan to make a video. If the maternity hospital is far away, you better hurry. You should be with your obstetrician when the transition phase begins - contractions lasting more than a minute every 2-3 minutes. Then more active labor will begin, where you will have to try. It will be nice if you watch a video in advance on how to breathe correctly and how to behave, then the birth will be successful.

This is an ideal scenario. However, the phases can pass either faster or slower. The main thing is to focus on the interval between contractions, then you will be able to successfully survive them.

Although you don't have to do much during contractions, there are some rules and tips on how to behave. Try to follow them.

  1. Postures during contractions are completely unimportant - you can try to survive them sitting, standing, lying on your side or back, on all fours. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and can relax. You can behave as you wish, as long as you feel calm. This does not affect childbirth in any way.
  2. Breaking water is a sign that labor is starting. Regardless of the phase of contractions, rush to the maternity hospital. Don't delay.
  3. Any bleeding during contractions is unnatural - it should not happen. This is a sign that something has gone wrong. Call the doctor, go to the maternity hospital immediately.
  4. Try to rest and relax. Labor can take a very long time, and contractions are the only time you have a chance to sleep and gain strength. In addition, they are easier to carry when the body is relaxed and the muscles are not tense.
  5. Learn to breathe correctly. There are many techniques, you can learn them on videos on the Internet. Choose one for yourself in the middle of pregnancy. If you didn't do it then, learn now. During contractions, breathing is very important, because the child’s body receives less oxygen than before. This needs to be made up.
  6. Movement is good. If you can, try to walk around the room and move your pelvis at least initially. This will open the cervix faster.
  7. Try not to eat anything and empty your bowels and bladder more often. In case of complications, leftover food will serve you poorly. Surgery will be very difficult.

Relax. Problems rarely arise. Much more often everything goes well. Don't panic, don't be afraid. Everything will be fine with you too. The birth will be successful, and the child will be born healthy and strong.

The long 9 months of waiting have finally come to an end, a little more and a huge new world will welcome your baby, but for now the expectant mother has a little time left to relax, gain strength and complete all her business.1. Final preparations
2. Correct behavior during childbirth and during labor

1.1. Calm
1.2. Rest
1.3. Breath
1.4. Stay optimistic
1.5. Don't hold back your moans and screams
1.6. Move

3. It has begun!
4. How do you understand that labor has begun and further delaying a trip to the hospital does not make sense?

Very often, expectant mothers at the end of the 9th month of pregnancy complain of accumulated fatigue and dream that labor will begin as soon as possible. Really.

A huge belly, all sorts of unpleasant symptoms, such as swelling, heartburn, and sleep disturbances cause the expectant mother a lot of inconvenience and interfere with normal rest and relaxation.

Meanwhile, the expectant mother is visited by all sorts of questions, such as how to behave correctly during childbirth and contractions before the upcoming important event: the expectation of inevitable painful sensations often frightens women, especially those who are giving birth for the first time or have already experienced difficult previous births. Do not give in to panic: not a single woman has remained pregnant forever, in addition, how the birth will go largely depends on your mood, so it is important to know how to behave correctly during childbirth.

Final preparations

So that the long-awaited hour X does not take you by surprise and passes comfortably, and in the first days after the birth of the baby you can completely immerse yourself in caring for her, without being distracted by all sorts of unimportant matters at that moment, it is better to prepare for the start of labor in advance. .

Try to complete all important unfinished business before the last weeks of pregnancy. So, it is recommended to think about the things that you may need in the maternity hospital and after discharge starting from the 36th week: pack a “duty” bag with everything you need - clothes, hygiene products and documents.

Perhaps, it is important for any woman to feel safe during childbirth, as well as to feel complete trust in the medical staff, so it is better to choose the maternity hospital and the doctor with whom you are going to give birth in advance. If you have the opportunity to meet with a doctor on the eve of this important moment in your life, talk, ask him questions that concern you - be sure to do so - such a conversation will significantly add confidence and help you get into the right frame of mind.

Try to finish urgent and important household chores - this, of course, does not mean that in the last weeks of pregnancy you need to scrub the entire apartment until it shines or iron a whole closet of diapers. Such labor feats will only bring overwork, but it is imperative to prepare the minimum necessary for the first days, collect a discharge kit and take care of the care of older children, if you have any.

In the last days before the baby is born, try to follow a certain diet - light and healthy food that does not overload the stomach will come in very handy in case labor suddenly begins. Eat often, but little by little - this will help you survive heartburn and accumulate the energy that you will soon need.

Correct behavior during childbirth and during contractions

How you behave during childbirth will determine how easily and quickly you will be able to bring your child into the world.

If you have not read or heard anything about the upcoming process, it’s time to remember and put into practice all your knowledge. It is not without reason that antenatal clinics very often recommend that expectant mothers attend a course of lectures on pregnancy and childbirth. Classes on how to behave during childbirth: how to breathe properly, relax, what pushing is and other important aspects will help the mother in labor in this difficult and responsible process.

1. Calmness

It is very important not to lose composure and listen to the doctor’s advice: panic and hysteria have never helped anyone give birth to a healthy child - you will only waste your energy and take away your breath.

2. Rest

Be sure to rest between contractions - in the first stage of labor, when the uterus is just beginning to contract, the pain is not too severe and the expectant mother can easily survive it. At the stage of intensification and frequency of contractions, a break between them was invented by mother nature so that the woman could take a breath. Very often, women in labor recall that they even managed to sleep in the short period between each contraction.

3. Breathing

It is very important to master correct - this will help speed up and facilitate the process of the baby passing through the birth canal. And also reduce pain during contractions.

4. Stay optimistic

A positive attitude and the ability to maintain composure are important components of success. Humor and jokes contribute to the release of the pleasure hormone, which is a powerful natural pain reliever - it’s not for nothing that the medical staff in the delivery room tries to joke with women who are preparing to become mothers any minute.

5. Don't hold back your moans and screams.

“Correct” low, prolonged groans, like those that escape the lips of an athlete during periods of highest stress, help to relax and relieve pain. Screams - sharp, sudden, uncontrollable - on the contrary, will interfere with labor, causing muscle tension and spasms.

6. Move

If your condition allows, you don’t need to be tied to an IV or carry out continuous monitoring of the fetus’s condition, be sure to take advantage of the situation to alleviate your condition. Painful contractions in motion, taking a position that is convenient for you personally, are much easier to survive than lying down. In addition, the vertical position helps speed up the birth process and facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

There are some positions in which mother and baby feel much easier and more comfortable during the birth process. So, for example, by kneeling down during very strong contractions, you can help yourself by making it easier, and gradual smooth squats will increase the pressure on the cervix, and accordingly speed up labor.

If it is not possible to maintain freedom of movement for some reason, then it would be optimal to take a position lying on your left side: this position is optimal for rest and creates minimal pressure on the walls of the uterus and baby.


So, you felt that the end of pregnancy is already close: they are becoming more intense, and perhaps there are already obvious signs of labor that has begun, such as the appearance of regular contractions or the discharge of amniotic fluid.

Of course, the appearance of the first signs of the onset of labor is not always a reason to immediately rush headlong to the maternity hospital. Childbirth is a long process, consisting of several periods, and at the initial stage, many women in labor are more comfortable staying at home.

How do you understand that labor has begun and further delaying a trip to the hospital does not make sense?

Discuss with your doctor exactly when it is time to make a follow-up call and hit the road ahead of time - this time depends on the intensity and frequency of labor contractions. Record the duration of contractions and the break between them - in this case, it is recommended to create a table. As soon as labor pain has reached the control value that you agreed on with the doctor, it’s time to pack your bags.

Perhaps it seems to you or you are sure that the process is going wrong - in this case, it is better to trust your feelings and once again consult with a specialist, at least by phone. If you observe signs of obvious pathology, such as vaginal bleeding or the water has a greenish tint or an unpleasant odor, immediately call an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital.

How to behave during childbirth and contractions video