Lesson in kindergarten on the topic: “Preparing for Maslenitsa. Summary of the lesson in the senior group “Maslenitsa” Game lesson in the senior group on the topic of Maslenitsa

 Goals and objectives:
1. Introduce the Maslenitsa holiday.
2. Expand children’s knowledge and ideas about Russian folk holidays.
3. Develop auditory attention, logical thinking.
4. Activate the active dictionary.
5. Improve the ability to navigate in time.
6. Develop finger motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, tempo and rhythm
speeches, creative imagination.
7. Introduce children to Russian history.
8. Teach respect for the origins of Russian culture.
Educator: Guys! Guess the riddle!
They rest all week
Everyone is treated to pancakes!
It's cold, they're saying goodbye to winter,
And we welcome spring with warmth!
Educator: Guys, what holiday do you think this riddle is talking about?
Educator: That's right, this holiday is called Maslenitsa, and today we are with you
let's talk about this holiday, about Maslenitsa, about the rituals and customs with which
celebrated this holiday.
Educator: Maslenitsa is one of the most joyful and happy holidays.
Maslenitsa has been the most beloved holiday in Russia since ancient times. Maslenitsa lasts until
week, and all this time the housewives bake pancakes and pancakes that are so reminiscent
sun, invite guests and treat them. In the old days in Rus' they celebrated Maslenitsa
pagan sun god Yaril, and this holiday marked the arrival of spring and
Educator: Guys, do you know what is the symbol of spring, the sun in this
holiday? No? Then guess!

Yellow, round, fragrant
And it tastes so good
And with jam and honey,
With condensed milk!
Educator: Well done! These are pancakes! Bright, rosy, fragrant!
Educator: Maslenitsa has always been noisy, fun with songs and games. All
for a week on Maslenitsa we had fun, went down the slide, danced in circles, and treated ourselves to food
pancakes. The most important thing is the pancakes! Damn symbol of the sun. Same round and
hot. They are served on the table piping hot. People ride on Maslenitsa
painted sleighs, from huge ice mountains, on giant carousels! Singing
perky ditties and jokes. Jesters and buffoons will make you laugh to tears in the street
booths and theaters. This is what it is, Russian Maslenitsa! Let's go with you too
let's play!
Outdoor game: “Spring, red spring”
Spring, red spring dance in circles
Come spring with joy
With joy, with joy,
With great mercy!
With flax high they stop, hands
lift up, stand on
With deep roots they squat, hands down
With abundant bread! Running in a circle holding hands
Educator: Every day of Maslenitsa has its own name and rituals. Let's,
Let's remember what day starts the week? (Monday) Let's play the game “What the
what, and before what? »
Game: “What behind what, and before what? »
Educator: What day comes after Monday? (Tuesday)
What comes after Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday? What days of the week do we call
on weekends? Guess what day of the week I will guess. It comes after

Tuesday and before Thursday? (Wednesday). What day of the week comes before
Friday? (Thursday), etc.
Well done, we remembered all the days of the week, and now let’s see what everyone did
day during Maslenitsa week!
Monday - Meeting.
Maslenitsa begins on Monday, which is called the meeting. On this day
They celebrate Maslenitsa and build snowy mountains. They made a stuffed doll - Maslenitsa,
They dressed her up, put her in a sleigh and took her up the hill. They greeted her with songs. First
there were children. Starting from that day, the children rode down the mountains every day.
Tuesday - Flirting.
Children and adults went from house to house, congratulated them on Maslenitsa and begged
pancakes. Everyone visited each other, sang songs, joked. On this day they began
games and fun, girls' swings, horse rides were arranged, snow was built
great and icy fortresses, the buffoons sang their ditties.
Wednesday - Gourmand.
The adults started skiing down the mountains. From that day on, we rode around the village in a troika with
bells Relatives visited each other's families, visited with children,
feasted on pancakes and other Maslenitsa dishes. On this day, dad's sons-in-law
come to their mothers-in-law for pancakes to mom's moms, to our grandmothers. Speech therapist: Let's
you and I will turn into cheerful bakers, we will also bake pancakes and pies for
Maslenitsa! But try to guess what we need for work!
Children guess riddles:
What do you pour into the frying pan?
Yes, they bend it four times? (pancakes)
Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, lush and fragrant,
He's black, he's white,
And sometimes it’s burnt (Bread)
First they put him in the oven,
How will he get out of there?
Then they put it on a dish.

Well, now call the guys!
They will eat everything one piece at a time. (Pie)
The ring is not simple,
Gold ring,
Shiny, crispy,
For everyone to enjoy.
What a delicious meal! (Bagel)
They bake cheesecakes from me,
And pancakes and pancakes.
If you are making dough,
They must put me down. (Flour)
Don't peck me, my friend, you loud cockerel.
I’ll go into the warm earth and rise up to the sun.
Then there will be a whole family like me. (Corn)
I'm bubbling and puffing
I don't want to live in a kettle
I'm tired of the sauerkraut
Put me in the oven. (Dough)
Our fat Fedora
It doesn't take long to get enough.
But when I’m full,
From Fedora - warmth. (Bake)
“The house grew up in a field.
The house is full of grain.
The walls are gilded.

The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking
On a golden pillar" (Kolos)
Educator: Well done! You know how to solve riddles! What day of the week follows?
environment? (Thursday)
Thursday is wide, RazgulyayThursday.
On this day there was the most entertainment, the most fun day, we walked from morning until
evenings. There were horse races, fist fights and wrestling. We built a snow town
and took him in battle. We rode horses around the village. The mummers amused the people. All
we treated ourselves to pancakes. They carried a stuffed animal on a wheel, sang ditties, danced, drove
round dances. On this day they started caroling.
Educator: Let's play in the snow too!
Outdoor game "Snowball"
One, two, three, four, bend your fingers
You and I made a snowball making a snowball
Round, strong, very smooth, they show a circle with their hands,
clasp hands, stroke palms
And not at all sweet! wag their index finger
Once - let's throw it up, throw it up imaginary
Two - we’ll catch it, they “catch” a snowball
Three - let's drop the snowball
And we'll break it! trample the snow with their feet.
Friday - Mother-in-law's evening.
At mother-in-law's parties, sons-in-law (our dads) treated their mothers-in-law (our grandmothers)
pancakes. And at noon the girls carried out pancakes in a bowl on their heads and walked to the hill.
The guy who liked the girl was in a hurry to try the blink so that
find out if she will make a good housewife.

Saturday - Sister-in-law's gatherings.
On this day, the newlyweds invited their relatives to visit them and treated them to
a treat. There were conversations about life and life, they made peace, if before that they were in a quarrel
were. They also remembered deceased relatives, spoke kindly about them and
good words. The daughter-in-law gives gifts to her sisters-in-law (husband's sisters). On this day
they burn the effigy of Maslenitsa and say goodbye to winter for good. The ashes are scattered
across the field so that there is a good harvest. Speech therapist: Let's play a little, we have
It's Maslenitsa!
Ball game: “Call me kindly”
Educator: I say different words, name these items affectionately. (Crap -
pancake, pancake; pie - pie, pretzel - pretzel, honey - honey, etc.)
Sunday is a day of forgiveness or farewell.
It was farewell to Maslenitsa. Fires were lit in the field or on the ice slides,
to melt the ice, destroy the cold, and burn the doll with songs. Ashes again
They were thrown across the field in order to reap a rich harvest the following year. To the forgiven
Sunday they went to each other to make peace and asked for forgiveness if they offended
earlier. They said: “Please forgive me.” “God will forgive you,” they answered
This. Then they kissed and did not remember the insults. But even if there were no quarrels and
offended, they still said: “Forgive me.” Even when we met a stranger
man, asked him for forgiveness. This is how Maslenitsa ended.
Educator: This is how Maslenitsa passed in Rus'! Did you like it? What's new
did you find out?

Open extracurricular activity“The holiday “Maslenitsa”.

Target: Increasing interest in the traditions of the Russian people (Maslenitsa holiday).


    Revive interest in ritual Russian holidays.

    Enrich the spiritual world of children.

    Summarize and consolidate children's knowledge about the Maslenitsa holiday.

    Foster a sense of patriotism based on Russian traditions.

    Corrective work.

Speech exercise

"S" - "Z"

s_a – z_a

s_o – z_o

s_u – z_u

a_sa – az_a

o_so – o_o

u_su – u_zu

a_c –a_z

o_s – o_z

y_s – y_z

Vesnyanka, nickname, proverb, rebus, skits were acted out; sister-in-law's get-togethers.

They welcome spring with joy and see off winter with laughter.

Surikov’s painting “The Capture of a Snowy Town.”

Progress of the lesson.

The folk song “Vesnyanka” is played.

Educator: The Russian people, like other peoples, have their own music, songs, customs and holidays.

Introductory conversation (Behind the screen).

Educator: Guys, tell me which ones you know

winter holidays?

(New Year, Christmas, Epiphany.)

Educator: Name the month at the end of winter.


Educator: What is the name of the month at the beginning of spring?


Educator: What signs of spring do you know?

(In spring, the days become longer and the nights shorter. The sun warms up. The snow melts. Icicles drip from the roofs of houses.)

Educator: Today we will talk (talk) about the latest winter holiday, and what is it called, guess the rebus. (Teacherdraws the children’s attention to the board where a picture with a rebus hangs.)

Possible children's answers.

The theme of our lesson is “Maslenitsa”.

Guys, today I will tell you about the most fun national holiday - Maslenitsa.

How they celebrate Maslenitsa, how they celebrate, what they drink, what they eat, what songs they sing, what words they say. You will learn about this and much more in our lesson today.

Maslenitsa is the latest winter holiday. This is a holiday of seeing off winter and welcoming spring.

Most often, Maslenitsa is celebrated at the end of February - at the beginning of March.

At this time, the days become longer, the sky is clear, and the sun begins to warm up like spring. The snow is melting, icicles are dripping. At this time, people celebrate. It's called Maslenitsa.

This year Maslenitsa began in the spring from March 11 to 17, which happens very rarely.

Guys, the Maslenitsa holiday came to us from time immemorial, in a different way a long time ago. It was celebrated by our great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers.

At that time, people greatly deified nature, treated it with respect and reverence.

They conjured the sun - Yarilo (that's what the sun was called then) to shine brighter so that spring would come faster. People danced in streams and sang stonefly songs. (At the beginning of the lesson, a song was played - spring fly.)

Guys, what stonefly do you know?

(Suggested student answers)

Oh, the water is running like a stream.

Oh, the water is running like a stream,

No snow, no ice.

The cranes have arrived

And the nightingales are small.

We are singing spring flowers,

Calling the red spring!

Educator: To welcome spring, you need to say goodbye to winter. On Maslenitsa we celebrated spring with fun! We saw off the winter with laughter.

Educator: The Maslenitsa holiday is called differently: cheerful Maslenitsa, wide Maslenitsa, and cheese week. Why?

Now he will tell us about it...

Presentation by a pre-prepared student.

Maslenitsa holiday is the longest and fun party in Rus'. It lasts for a whole week. This week is called cheese week, during which people eat cheese and eggs.During this week you cannot eat meat, but dairy products are allowed. The main dish this week, the main treat of this holiday were pancakes; in the old days it was believed that a pancake was a little sun. The pancakes were served with honey, fish caviar, sour cream, jam, eggs, and butter. There is even a saying: “Without a pancake, it’s not Maslenitsa.”

On Maslenitsa they not only eat pancakes, but also go to visit people and have fun, because there is a long fast ahead of 7 weeks - a time of strict behavior. No wonder they say: “Maslenitsa is not all for the cat, there will be Lent.” Therefore, for a whole week people walked, had fun, played snowballs. We built snow forts, visited fairs, and rode troikas.

Educator: She prepared an interesting story for us... and even with proverbs!

What proverbs and sayings do you know, have you heard about Maslenitsa, about pancakes? Make up proverbs and

sayings, name them.

Damn is not the only one good.

Damn is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly!

Not life, but Maslenitsa.

It’s not all about Maslenitsa, there will be Lent too.

Maslenitsa lasts for seven days.

Maslenitsa is a waste of money, a waste of money.

Maslen is afraid of bitter radishes and steamed turnips.

At least put something away from yourself and celebrate Maslenitsa.

It was Maslenitsa near the yard, but she didn’t go into the hut.

It’s not Maslenitsa without pancakes.

Educator: Guys, look at how artists depict Maslenitsa in their paintings.

What is depicted in the painting by Boris Kustodiev?

(Children's expected answers)

In Boris Kustodiev’s painting “Maslenitsa skating” people are sledding around a town with colorful churches here and there. On the right is a theater with a large inscription in red letters. Behind him is a colorful carousel, people are selling in the crowd Balloons: pink, yellow, blue, which are about to fly into the sky.

What does Leonid Solovatkin’s painting tell about?

In Leonid Solomatkin’s painting “What a Maslenitsa!” right in the middle of the village street there is an ice slide. Children are rolling off it, someone has fallen. The sled turned over. The people laugh.

How are the boxes from the village of Fedoskino decorated?

Here are boxes decorated with paintings about Maslenitsa. On the box from the village of Fedoskino there is a troika rushing along a snowy road across a river. The riders smile, they are entertained by the accordion player, and the coachman spurs the horses to run faster.

What do we see on the box from Mstera? And on the box from Mstera we see that a trained bear was brought to the fair, dancing to the accordion.

Educator. That's how many funny stories artists tell us about one of the most fun winter holidays.

Physical education minute.

Guys, now we will have a fun physical education session “Where was Ivanushka?” (All movements are performed according to the text.)

Where was Ivanushka?

At the fair!

What did Ivanushka buy?


Chicken on Senechka

pecks the grains.

Duck in a puddle

floats back and forth.

Lamb in the kindergarten

chews grass.

Cow for children

gives milk.

Ivanushka in Gorenka

sings songs.

Educator: Guys, the main participant of Maslenitsa is a large straw stuffed doll named Maslenitsa. She was dressed in a sundress or dress, a scarf was tied on her head, and her feet were shod in bast shoes. (The teacher shows a small stuffed doll and puts it in the sleigh.)

The doll was seated on a sleigh and taken to the snowiest mountain with songs.Children were the first to celebrate Maslenitsa with chants. From all over the village, they gathered on the hill and called Maslenitsa.

Are you my soul, my Maslenitsa,
come to my wide yard
ride on the roller coaster,
They'll roll around in pancakes.

There were other calls as well. (The teacher suggests saying them.)

And we celebrated Maslenitsa,

We met, soul, we met.
We visited the hill,
We've been, soul, we've been.
They lined the mountain with pancakes,
They laid it out, soul, they laid it out.
They filled the mountain with cheese,
They stuffed, soul, they stuffed.
They poured oil on the mountain,
Watered, dear soul, watered!

All week people walked, had fun, played snowballs, fist fights, built snow towns, visited fairs, rode troikas, organized mother-in-law evenings and sister-in-law get-togethers, where they played funny scenes from your life.

Sketch "Filya and Ulya".

Ulya: Hello, Phil!
Filya: Hello, Ulya!
Ulya: Filya: Mother sent pancakes.
Ulya: Where are they?
Filya: I put them under the bench.
Ulya: What an eccentric you are, Filya!
Filya: How about you, Ulya?
Ulya: I would put them in the oven, you come and eat.

Ulya: Hello, Phil!
Filya: Hello, Ulya!
Ulya: What, did your mother send you gifts?
Filya: Mother sent a sundress.
Ulya: Where is he?
Filya: I put it in the oven.
Ulya: What an eccentric you are, Filya!
Filya: How about you, Ulya?
Ulya: I would hang him.

Music sounds, the children disperse in a circle and come back together again.

Ulya: Hello, Phil!
Filya: Hello, Ulya!
Ulya: What, did your mother send you gifts?
Filya: Mother sent a ram.
Ulya: Where is he?
Filya: I hung it up.
Ulya: What an eccentric you are, Filya!
Filya: How about you, Ulya?
Ulya: I would take him into the barn, give him water to drink, and give him some hay.

Music sounds, the children disperse in a circle and come back together again.

Ulya: Hello, Phil!
Filya: Hello, Ulya!
Ulya: What, did your mother send you gifts?
Filya: Mother sent her sister Nastya.
Ulya: Where is she?
Filya: And I took her into the barn, gave her water to drink, and gave her hay.
Ulya: What an eccentric you are, Filya!
Filya: How about you, Ulya?
Ulya: I would sit her on a chair and give her some tea!

Music sounds, the children disperse in a circle and come back together again.

Ulya: Hello, Phil!
Filya: Hello, Ulya!
Ulya: What, did your mother send you gifts?
Filya: Mother sent a pig.
Ulya: Where is she?
Filya: I sat her down at the table and gave her tea.
Ulya: Oh, Phil, you simpleton!

At the end of the holiday, on Sunday, they “said off Maslenitsa” - they burned an effigy.

On Forgiveness Sunday, they went to each other to make peace and asked for forgiveness if they had offended anyone before. They said: “Please forgive me.” “God will forgive you,” they answered. Then they kissed and did not remember the insults. There weren’t even quarrels or insults, they still said: “Forgive me!” This is how Maslenitsa ended.

Each day of Maslenitsa had its own name and its own fun. Now the guys will tell about them in poetry.
Wide Maslenitsa- Cheese week!
You came dressed up to greet us in Spring.
We'll bake pancakes and have fun all week,
To drive the cold winter out of the house!

Morning... MONDAY... The “MEETING” is coming.
Bright sleds slide down the hills.
All day fun. Evening is coming...
Having skated to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

“PLAYING” carefree is a joy for TUESDAY.
Everyone went out for a walk and frolic, as one!
Games and fun, and for them - a reward:
A rich and golden Pancake week pancake!

Here WEDNESDAY comes up - it’s called “Gourmet”.
Every housewife casts a spell at the stove.
Kulebyaki, cheesecakes - they succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes - everything is on the table!

And on THURSDAY - the free “RAZGULAY” comes.
Ice fortresses, snow fights...
Troikas with bells enter the fields.
Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed
Maslenitsa aroused great interest

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!
Eat it with caviar and salmon, maybe a little simpler,
We ate it with sour cream, honey, and butter.

SATURDAY is approaching - “SISTER-IN-LAW'S TREAT”.
All the relatives meet and dance in a circle.
The holiday continues, general fun.
A nice farewell to Zimushka!

Bright SUNDAY is coming quickly.
Everyone eases the soul on “FORGIVEN DAY.”
The straw effigy - Zimushka - is burned,
Dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt...

The fair crowns the lavish festivities.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
In a year we will meet Beauty again.

Let's celebrate again and serve pancakes!

The teacher offers to watch a video about Maslenitsa.

Summary (behind the screen)
What holiday were you talking about?

When is Maslenitsa celebrated?

How long does Maslenitsa last?

How do you celebrate the holiday and what do you do on Maslenitsa? (What songs are sung, what games are played, etc.)

Who is the main participant of the holiday?

What is the main dish of the holiday? Why?

The teacher thanks everyone and (according to the good Russian tradition) invites everyone to the table to drink tea and eat pancakes.

The song “Ruddy Pancakes” is playing.

Abstract open class V preparatory group"Our Maslenitsa"
Summary of an open lesson in the preparatory group “Our Maslenitsa”

Introducing children to the history and traditions of the Russian people.

Open educational lesson« Our Maslenitsa »

Target: give children an idea of ​​the national holiday - Maslenitsa.



Introduce children to the history, traditions of the Russian people.

Introduce Russian folk holiday Maslenitsa, its meaning, symbols, traditions.

Introduce Russian folklore, using chants, tongue twisters, folk songs, proverbs, petitions, round dances, children's folk art.

Correctional and developmental:

Correct and develop the cognitive sphere of children.

Correct and develop visual and auditory perception.

Correct and develop all types of memory.

Correct and develop imaginative thinking.

Correct and develop agility, endurance, endurance, visual and auditory attention.

Continue to enrich and activate your vocabulary.

Correct and develop the ability to clearly pronounce proverbs, tongue twisters, and intonate them correctly. Pay attention to correct sound pronunciation.

Correct and develop the emotional-volitional sphere of children (endurance, perseverance, ability to express one’s feelings) .

Correct and develop small and gross motor skills.


To cultivate respect and a patriotic attitude towards the history of Russian traditions, love for native land.

Bring up moral feelings through Russian folk art.

Influence a positive emotional attitude throughout classes, using Russian folk music, reproductions of paintings by Russian artists, illustrative, video materials, as well as surprise moments.

Equipment: ICT, presentation « Maslenitsa » ;Russian folk music and songs; reproductions of paintings by Russian artists; illustrative, photo, video materials; drawings; logorhythmic exercise "House and Gate"; nicknames; development tasks imaginative thinking, visual and auditory perception, memory, attention; crafts.

Progress of the lesson

Mistress: How our owners tried,

Everyone cleaned the house for the holiday.

Is everyone ready? (Yes). Well then

Open the gates and welcome guests!

Logorhythmic exercise "House and Gate"

Children: There is a house in a clearing, The fingers of both hands make a “roof”.

Well, the path to the house is closed. Hands are turned palms to the chest,

middle fingers touch, thumbs up - “gate”.

We are the gate open, Palms unfold.

We invite you all to visit. They bow to the guests.

Children sit down

Mistress: - Children, what time of year is it now? (winter)

Which ones do you know winter months (December January February)

What national holiday do we celebrate in February? (Maslenitsa )

What kind of holiday is this (This is the time when winter meets spring.

What is the symbol Maslenitsa(Crap) .

Why? That's right, guys! In February, people say goodbye to winter and prepare to welcome spring, celebrating the holiday Maslenitsa. Housewives bake delicious golden brown pancakes with a crispy golden crust. After all, pancakes are like the sun, and Maslenitsa- this is a holiday of meeting the sun.

Mistress: To us Shrovetide is going crazy,

We'll meet her well.

Under the clip they bring Maslenitsa, placed in the middle

Mistress: We made it ourselves, sewed a dress for her. Let's welcome the guest and dignify the beauty.

1st: Wide Maslenitsa – Cheese Week!

You came dressed up to greet us in Spring.

We'll bake pancakes and have fun all week,

To drive the cold winter out of the house!

2nd: Expensive our Maslenitsa!

White Dunya, rosy Dunya!

The braid is long, three arshins!

Scarlet ribbon, two-and-a-half pieces!

3rd: The scarf is white, new-fashioned!

The bast shoes are frequent and big-headed!

Wow, beauty!

4th: Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!

You cling to the oak tree, to the deck!

Oh, they said - ours Maslenitsa is seven years old,

And in total Maslenitsa seven days.

Mistress: Guys, what are the seven days of ours called? Maslenitsa – seven days of the week? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Mistress: First day - Monday - day for meeting,

Everyone goes to visit friends, sings clear songs

Mistress2: Song - round dance "ThisMaslenitsa » (sit down)

Mistress: Second day - Tuesday - everyone around is playing, They call it Flirting

Now it's time for us to play, kids!

1. Grandma decided to bake pancakes

I put out the dough and lit the oven.

Two pancakes for my granddaughter, two pancakes for my grandfather, for myself and two for my neighbor.

Let's ask the guys soon: How many pancakes did you get? (8)

2. Six cheerful teddy bears,

To us at The oil can is in a hurry.

But one of them got tired and went home

Let the kids find the answer: How many bears will come to us?

3. Five pancakes were in a bowl.

Lariska took two pancakes,

Another one was stolen by the pussy.

How much is left in the bowl?

4. I'm on There was a butter can,

What have you seen there!

Seryozha fell into the snow,

And behind him is Alyoshka.

And behind him Irinka,

And behind her is Marinka.

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys were there?

And here are the children sledding. Listen patter:

Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled.

Sledge jump, Senya off his feet, Sanya in the side,

Sonya in the forehead, with the sled all in a snowdrift. (Everyone repeats)

Mistress: Here the environment is suitable - it’s called Lakomka.

Every housewife casts a spell at the stove.

Kulebyaki, cheesecakes - they succeed in everything.

Pies and pancakes - everything is on the table!

Do you, friends, want pancakes? Then look carefully?

The cook decided to cook pancakes for us, what items in the picture does he need?


How to name these items in one word (dishes) .

Guys, our cook is so absent-minded, he forgot what ingredients are needed to make pancakes. Let's give him a hint.

Guys, our cook decided to treat us to one delicious drink, and you will find out which one when you guess my riddle:

It is hot, aromatic and tastes very pleasant.

He heals ailments and drives away fatigue.

Gives new strength and invites friends to the table.

With gratitude the whole world praises the miracle elixir!

Pour aromatic, tasty...

Of course it's tea. But the cook again forgot what the tea is made from, let's help him, find out which product is extra.

Mistress: Oh yes, well done, you helped the cook, we hope that the pancakes and seagulls will be very tasty. And the next day is Thursday.

On Thursday - Take a walk, if you want, sing, if you want, play.

Don't forget the spoons.

Mistress 2: Spoon Ensemble

Mistress: On Friday and Saturday there is a hunt for guests.

All the relatives gather, gorge themselves on pancakes, oil can is praised.

Oh guys, we're in trouble. Look, grandfather Ivan is sleeping and doesn’t move his ears, let’s wake him up. Let's shout a shout out to him.

Grandfather Ivan, get up quickly

Celebrate Maslenitsa,

Wait for guests, grandfather!

Grandfather never wakes up. Let's do physical exercises, he will hear and wake up.

Mistress 2: Fizminutka "Self-assembled tablecloth"

Grandfather is sleeping and doesn’t hear anything. Guys, look where grandfather Ivan sleeps. Right? Now everyone sit down at the tables. There are envelopes in front of you. Open 1 envelope. Find the correct picture and read the proverb.

What is wrong in the picture?

Read the proverb


Open 2nd envelope. Look, grandfather Ivan has prepared a treat. What did he do wrong? Find the right picture and read the proverb.



Sit on chairs

Mistress: Well done, they helped grandfather Ivan clean up the house. Guys, do you like pancakes and want to try them?

5th: We haven’t eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes.

6th: Tin-tank, Give me a blink, pancake-gain,

Butter piece!

7th:Give us the pancake oiled,

Yes, toasted!

8th: Auntie, don’t be stingy,

Share a piece of butter!

Mistress: I’ll be happy to treat you, but first remember what rules of behavior must be observed at the table? (children's answers)

And now I will ask you a difficult task. Now we will repeat the rules of behavior once again, and put the correct letter in the highlighted word.

Now the guests are gathering and the hostess admire:


The guests say to the hostess:

Your outfit is very WATERY!


We invited a guest to the table,

We sat him down on the TABLE.


I'm waiting for a treat, I'm sitting quietly,

I'll put the LEG on the table for now.


Me, friends, when I yawn,

I cover my mouth with FLOUR.


Many kind words to the Hostess for the treat.

We gave her a BUFFET of flowers for everything

Dad brought JARS for Egorki:

On Oil can, son, go down the hill!

Mistress: And the seventh day is Sunday,

Everyone asks each other for forgiveness,

After all, on Maslenitsa is needed,

Strengthen friendship with love.

What about you guys? magic words do you know forgiveness?

(sorry, forgive me, please, it's my fault, I won't do it again)

Let us also ask each other for forgiveness and hug.

Well done. Guys, do you know that in the old days, people tried to cajole the sun so that it would be bright and warm, so that the summer would be green and cheerful, so that there would be a good harvest. How did they do it? Do not know. But listen. People made small models of the sun out of paper, attached them to sticks and took them outside. Waving the sun above their heads, people sang songs and chants. The sun, hearing their songs, became kind and warm.

Do you want a warm summer? Well, then let’s appease the sun and make our own crafts. Sit comfortably at the tables. In front of you are ready-made layouts that we made, only Sunny is missing something. What?

That's right, he lacks an eye, a nose and a mouth. And now you need to glue it all. Prepare everything you need.

Now let’s review the safety precautions when working with glue.

Let's get to work. And work is more fun with music.

Children making crafts "Sun", music is playing

Everyone got the job done. We put aside the glue, wipe our hands, and go out with the sun closer to Maslenitsa.

Mistress 2: (Children stand around Oil cans and sing a song"Hello, dear spring")

Mistress: Now it’s time to end the holiday, Burn Maslenitsa.

And because you made me and the guests happy, I will treat you to pancakes.

And now, adults and children, it’s time for everyone to go outside!

They're burning in the street Maslenitsa and shouting:

Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out,

So that all the snowstorms fly away at once,

So that the birds sing and the grass turns green.

Help yourself, dear guests!

Here are a couple of pancakes,

Eat piping hot!

All blushes are beautiful!

And for the holiday - Let's tell everyone...

IN CHARM: Thank you!

Integrated entertainment activity for junior and middle groups of kindergarten, theme: “Maslenitsa”


Introduce children to the national holiday Maslenitsa.
Improve pencil drawing and gluing skills.
Teach children to give and accept gifts politely, using speech patterns.
Practice word formation.
Develop eye, fine and gross motor skills.
Cultivate interest in the holidays and traditions of your people.


Seven circles cut out of paper in the form of pancakes.
Sheets of paper in the shape of a frying pan with an open circle in the middle.
Colour pencils.
Sheets of paper with a snow fort on one side and snowballs on the other.
Circles and strips of paper yellow color, equipment for application.
Blindfold scarf, bell.
Audio recordings: folk, P. Tchaikovsky - Seasons, February: Maslenitsa.

Preliminary work:

Children prepare and bring small gifts for their desk neighbor: an apple, a pen, a hairpin, a notepad, bubble and so on.
Learning the rhyme “Dear Maslenitsa is coming”

Progress of the lesson:

Maslenitsa is a cheerful folk holiday that appeared a long time ago,
but people loved it so much that it is still celebrated to this day. Maslenitsa lasts a whole week - seven days. During Maslenitsa week the end of winter is celebrated. People, tired of snow and cold, rejoice in the sun, which begins to warm more and more. This holiday is dedicated to seeing off winter.

The name “Maslenitsa” arose because during this week meat was no longer eaten, but butter and other dairy products could still be eaten.

Maslenitsa week continues for seven days. And all week long they bake delicious pancakes, because they are so similar to the sun that everyone misses during the winter. Here we have sunshine pancakes. There are so many of them. how many days does Maslenitsa week last? Can you guess how many pancakes-suns there are here? Also seven. Each pancake will tell you about its day and offer you its own fun.

"First pancake"

The celebration begins on the first day of the week - Monday, it is called “meeting”. On this day they make a stuffed doll and build snow slides, and, of course, they start baking pancakes.

Drawing “Bake a pancake in a frying pan”

Here they poured pancake batter into the frying pan white, and try, bake it until it’s ready - color it so that it looks like a ready-made delicious pancake.

Children are given a sheet of paper in the shape of a frying pan. You need to color the circle in the center (damn) and draw circles on it.

"Second pancake"

Tuesday is called “flirts”. On this day, ice and snow forts are built for games.

Didactic game “Hit the snowball into the ice fortress”

Try to throw the snowball exactly at the fortress.
Children draw lines with a pencil from the snowballs to the fortress.

"Third pancake"

The environment is called “gourmet”. On this day people come to visit for pancakes.

Application "Sun"

Damn really looks like the sun. But if you attach rays to it, the similarity will become even greater.

Children are invited to make “rays” from strips of yellow paper, gluing them at the ends to the front and back sides of the circle - the “sun”.

"Fourth pancake"

Thursday is “revelry”, the most fun day. They carry a stuffed animal on a wheel and ride around,
they sing songs and start caroling. Caroling means walking around the yards,
sing funny songs and wish health and prosperity to the owners.

Dynamic pause “Chime”

Now let's play folk game"Chime". This game has been played on Maslenitsa since ancient times.

The players stand in a circle. The driver is selected by the reader.

Dear Maslenitsa is coming,
Our annual guest,
Yes, on painted sleighs,
Yes, on black horses,
Maslenitsa lives for seven days,
Stay for seven years.

Two people go into the middle of the circle: one with a bell, the other is blindfolded.

Everyone in the circle sings:
Dili-ding, dili-don!
Oh, where does this ringing come from?
Beat-bang, beat-bang!
We'll find him now!

A blindfolded participant must use the sound of a bell to find and catch the participant with a bell. After the participant with the bell is caught, he becomes a “blind man’s buff” and is blindfolded, and the previous “blind man’s buff” becomes a regular participant and stands in a circle.

"Fifth pancake"

Friday - "evenings". Now dad invites grandma over in the evening and treats her to pancakes.

Maslenitsa pancakes are simply delicious!
With sour cream and caviar, with butter and jam.
All the people honor our Maslenitsa.
You won't find a more fun and beautiful holiday!

Verbal didactic game“What kind of pancakes are there?”

An ordinary pancake can be called by different unusual words. listen carefully. prompt carefully:
There is only one on the plate - we just call it... (damn).
We baked a lot of them - then we’ll call them... (pancakes).
We baked it for our daughters - let's call it... (pancake).
Their son will eat - let's call it then... (pancake).
Huge, like a house - let's call it... (pancake house).

"Sixth pancake"

Saturday - “get-togethers”. They visit each other and give gifts. On this day, the effigy of Maslenitsa is burned and they finally say goodbye to winter. The ashes are scattered across the field to ensure a good harvest.

Didactic exercise “Give a gift”

You have prepared small gifts for each other. Give them to your desk neighbor. Don’t just hand it over, but say kind words. And don't forget to thank for the gift you received.

Watch how Galina Vladimirovna (assistant teacher) and I exchange gifts:
- Galina Vladimirovna, please accept this gift from the bottom of your heart.
- Thanks a lot! Svetlana Alekseevna, I am very pleased to give you this modest gift, please accept it.
- Thank you, I am very pleased to receive a gift from you.

"Seventh Damn"

The last day of Maslenitsa is a “farewell”.
The party ends, fires are lit on the ice slides to melt the ice and destroy the cold.
And the last day of Maslenitsa is called “ Forgiveness Sunday" After all, the last day of the week is Sunday. And they call him forgiven, because on this day everyone asks each other for forgiveness for what they have done, for mistakes, for everything that could offend a person.

Like on Shrovetide
Pancakes were flying out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve everyone some pancakes.
In the heat of the moment, take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

And now it’s time to try real Pancake Day pancakes. Wash your hands thoroughly before eating treats. And the pancakes they bake for Maslenitsa are delicious, simply delicious. It’s not for nothing that this holiday was affectionately called Maslenitsa.

Pancake tasting accompanied by music.

Teacher of the highest qualification category Papushina Galina Alfeevna, Vologda, 2016. Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 60 “Rodnichok” .

Program content:

Educational objectives:

Give children knowledge about the Russian folk holiday Maslenitsa. To acquaint children with the history of the origin and traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa - how this holiday was celebrated in Rus', what significance the scarecrow of Maslenitsa and pancakes had in this holiday. Teach to understand folk nursery rhymes, nicknames.

Developmental tasks:

Develop a cognitive interest in the traditions of your people. Develop attention, memory, coherent speech.

Educational tasks:

Foster a sense of patriotism, develop interest and respect for Russians national holidays, traditions and customs.

Venue: music hall

Integrated educational areas: "Cognition" , "Communication" , “Socialization”, “Music”, “Safety”.

Preliminary work:

Conversations on the topic "Broad Maslenitsa" ;

A selection by parents of illustrations, pictures, photographs on the topic "Maslenitsa" ;

Compiling by parents a card index of proverbs, sayings, omens, fables, riddles, ditties, chants;

Learning fables, chants, proverbs, sayings;

Russian folk games;

Listening to Russian folk songs;

Methods and techniques:

Children's reports;

Meeting with interesting people - Lyudmila Evgenievna Moskivitina, a kindergarten cook;

Joint activities between children and adults;

Work in pairs.

Material used:

Presentation of children on the topic "Maslenitsa" .

For experimentation: whorl, whisk, electric mixer, bowl, flour, egg, milk, salt, sugar.

Vocabulary work: nickname, stuffed animal, whorl, mother-in-law, son-in-law.

Hall decoration: Russian hut.

Progress of the lesson: (1 slide)


What kind of holiday is coming to us?
Early spring
How much joy it brings
He is always with him!

Ice mountains await
And the snow sparkles
The sled is running down the hill,
The laughter doesn't stop.

At home the aroma of pancakes
Festive wonderful,
We invite friends for pancakes,
Let's eat them together.

Children: - Maslenitsa.

Educator: - Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays among the people, the origin of which goes back to ancient times. It is celebrated at the end of February, beginning of March. Maslenitsa had a different name. What was Maslenitsa called? (Farewell to winter). And seeing off winter and welcoming spring is always a holiday. On Maslenitsa, it is the duty of every person to help drive away winter and awaken nature. People forgot about the cold, winter frosts, about melancholy and sadness, and had fun from the heart.

Why was the holiday called Maslenitsa? (Because the housewives baked delicious, buttery pancakes.)

You are supposed to eat pancakes all week. Pancakes cannot be replaced with cakes or sweets, because pancakes are like the sun - round, golden, hot.

Dear guests were invited for pancakes and refreshments. The more guests, the more happy days per year. Maslenitsa was affectionately called overeaten, round, ruddy, wide and white. Why do you think? (children's answers).

(2 slide)

Educator: - Previously, in Rus', villages and cities were transformed for Maslenitsa: ice slides, snow palaces and fortresses, swings, booths for buffoons, circus performers, areas for bear fun and fist fights, tables under open air with a variety of foods and drinks. Maslenitsa was played by the whole world: adults went to visit each other, children had fun sledding, everyone laughed together at performances, and rode in troikas. Children, tell me, how do they celebrate Maslenitsa now? (children's answers).

Educator: -B Maslenitsa week Each day has a name that says what is supposed to be done on that day.

Children's reports: (3 slide)

Maslenitsa begins on Monday, which is called the meeting. On Monday we started baking pancakes. Each housewife had her own recipe, which she kept strictly secret from her neighbors. The holiday was opened by children. They called and greeted Maslenitsa: “Maslenitsa, red beauty, light brown braid! Come to my wooden house to amuse your soul, have fun with your mind, and enjoy your speech...” . After the call, the guys ran down the snow slides and joyfully shouted: “Maslenitsa has arrived! Maslenitsa has arrived!” .

Educator: - Maslenitsa also loves to have songs of praise sung and round dances performed in its honor. After all, when they dance in a circle, they stand in a circle, and the circle is also a symbol of the sun.

A game "Golden Gate" .

Rules of the game: The two presenters join hands and build "gates" (raise clasped hands up). To choose a couple of children for the role "gate" , you need to use a counting rhyme. The rest join hands and the round dance begins to move, passing under "gate" . The round dance must not be broken! Everyone says the words in unison:

“Golden Gate, come through, gentlemen:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited

And we won’t let you through the third time!”

When the last phrase sounds, "the gate is closing" - the drivers lower their hands and catch and lock those who are inside "gate" . Those who are caught also become "gate" . The game goes until the last two uncaught players.

(4 slide).

Tuesday was called - you'll play.

In the morning, young people sledded and ate pancakes. Names of relatives and friends: “Our mountains are ready and our pancakes are baked - we ask you to be kind” . The favorite thing to do was ride down the ice slides: whoever didn’t slide down the slide offended Maslenitsa.

A game "Malechena-malechenina" .

Players choose a driver. Each player receives a small stick (approximately 20-30 cm long), and everyone says the following words in unison:

How many hours
It remains until evening
Until winter?

Having said “Until winter?” , players must place the stick on their palm or

any of the fingers of the hand. When everyone has put down their chopsticks, the driver begins to count to ten. The winner is the one who managed to hold the wand the longest. During the game, the driver can give the players various instructions: turn around, walk, sit down so that the stick does not fall.

(5 slide)

Wednesday was called gourmet. On this day, housewives act according to the saying: “What’s in the oven is all swords on the table” . Mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law for pancakes. In addition to the son-in-law, the mother-in-law invited other guests.”

Educator: -Children, do you know who the mother-in-law is? What about your son-in-law?

Educator: -The guests ate pancakes that day and told tall tales.

Amuse us with tall tales (children):

*Two greedy bear cubs
We sat on a branch.
One was holding a saucepan
Another was kneading flour.

Once! Cuckoo! Two! Cuckoo!
They both fell into the flour.
We found ourselves not in torment,
And grandma's in cottage cheese.

*Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?
Boy. Yes, the caftan burned
Girl. So sew it up!
Boy. There is no needle.

Girl. How big is the hole?
Boy. Yes, there is only one gate left.

(6 slide)

Child-Thursday is called going wild. Maslenitsa was in full swing. On this day they walked from morning to evening, danced, danced in circles, sang ditties. To help the sun drive away winter, horse riding was organized "in the sun" (clockwise around the village).

(7 slide)

Educator: -But the main action of this day was competitions in strength and agility, fist fights, horse racing, cock-fights, snow fortresses. From this day on, Maslenitsa unfolded in all its breadth.

A game "Cockfighting"

Participants are divided into pairs and stand 3-5 steps apart from each other. Couples pretend to be fighting roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who lost his balance and stood on the ground with both feet is out of the game. Before starting the game, children agree on how they will hold their hands: on the belt, behind their back, crossed in front of their chest, or with their hands to hold the knee of a bent leg.

Rules: 1. Players must approach each other at the same time.

2. You cannot push each other with your hands.

Most often, in a pair, one player leaves the game, one remains the winner. Winners from different pairs can team up and continue the game.

A rooster fight can also take place in another position, for example, in a squat, with the players holding their hands on their knees.

(8 slide)

Child - Friday was called mother-in-law's get-togethers - it was a guest day. On this day, sons-in-law treated their mothers-in-law to pancakes. The mother-in-law and her relatives were invited to dinner with honors.

(9 slide)

Child - And Saturday was called sister-in-law’s get-togethers. Relatives gather for tea with pancakes, and at the same time sing songs, mischievous ditties, and dance.


Maslenu week was supposed to:
There are - until the hiccups,
Yell until you're hoarse,
Sing to the fullest,

Dance until I drop!
And let's dance with you too!
General dance.

(10 slide)

Child - The last day of Maslenitsa is called Forgiveness Resurrection.

On the last day of Maslenitsa, a straw effigy, a symbol of winter, is burned. They see off the winter until next year. Everyone asks each other for forgiveness. Maslenitsa is leaving, and with it winter. Spring is coming into its own.


(11 slide)

On the last day, they made a straw effigy, decorated it, and then burned it so that it would take away all illnesses and misfortunes.

When Maslenitsa was burning, we noticed smoke coming out. If it rose up in a column, it foreshadowed a good harvest. If smoke spread across the ground, it was a sign of crop failure.

The ashes from the scarecrow were fluttered over the fields - "for a rich harvest" .
They burned Maslenitsa under the words:
Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out.
Birds are flying in the sky, bells are ringing.

Sunshine, shine, clear, shine!

(12 slide)

Educator: -The richer Maslenitsa is celebrated, the richer the year will be. Let's remember what sayings the Russian people came up with:

Pancakes don't ruin your belly.
-Every day is not Sunday.
- Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, it’s bringing honey.
-Without pancakes it’s not Maslenitsa, without pancakes it’s not a name day.

Damn is not the only one who is kind.
-The first pancake is lumpy, the second with butter, and the third with kvass.

Educator: And the sweetest thing is Maslenitsa

The pancake treat is delicious,

The pancakes are delicious, rosy,

With egg, butter, sour cream.

Guys, you haven’t eaten pancakes for a long time, do you want some pancakes?

Meeting with interesting people - Lyudmila Evgenievna Moskvitina. A story about making pancake dough.

Experimenting: Children prepare dough (work in pairs): mix flour, egg, salt, sugar and beat with a whisk. Lyudmila Evgenievna takes the prepared dough to the kitchen.

Educator: -And while the pancakes are being baked, listen to what chants the children shouted to welcome Spring (children):

*We are bored with winter!
Goodbye, goodbye, Maslenitsa!
Come, spring, with the sun!

*Spring will come,
The earth will warm up
Long days in spring
They won't get bored.

*Rooks flew from the roof.
Sparrows chirp - they call for spring.

*Blessed spring, long-awaited,
Red spring, come, clear spring,
With the hot sun, with heavy rain,
Bring the harvest to our happy land!

At the end of the lesson, the cook, Lyudmila Evgenievna, brings in pancakes and treats the children and guests.