Wart during pregnancy: causes and treatment features. Are warts dangerous during pregnancy and is it possible to get rid of them?

Warts are round growths on the skin that appear due to the strong growth of the epithelium and skin papillae underneath it. In the medical literature, such formations are called wart or verruca in the singular and verrucae in the plural. Skin papillae are benign, but under certain conditions they can degenerate into malignant tumors. Sometimes papillomas go away on their own, but in some cases a dermatologist may recommend their removal.

Warts appear due to infection with the human papillomavirus (abbreviated HPV). It can enter the human body in early childhood, but since children usually have high immunity, the infection is in a “dormant state.” Only when conditions are favorable will the virus become active and appear in the form of wart nodules - papules.

Do not think that warts are a rare disease, since up to 90% of the world's population is susceptible to this infection. It may not manifest itself, but its carrier transmits the virus through touch or their belongings to another person, in whom it manifests itself in the form of a wart. Infection can also occur from an animal infected with HPV.

The appearance of warts during pregnancy

Until a woman becomes pregnant, she may not even realize that she is a carrier of the human papillomavirus. However, while carrying a child, hormonal levels change, other changes occur, due to which the immune system weakens, and in some cases the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted. This leads to the fact that the infection makes itself felt in the interval from fertilization of the egg to the birth of the baby. It is known that in the first trimester of pregnancy the female body is subject to a very high load, protective functions are reduced, which becomes a trigger for HPV.

There are other reasons that can provoke the appearance of skin formations during pregnancy:

  • Due to hormonal changes, progesterone levels increase, which provokes softening of the epithelium. Due to this skin covering becomes too sensitive.
  • With a decrease in immunity and the appearance of toxicosis, chronic diseases worsen, which can provoke the formation of papillomas. Among such diseases are gastrointestinal (gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.).
  • As a pregnant woman gains weight, the connective tissues of the skin may become damaged, leading to stretch marks.
  • A woman carrying a child wears uncomfortable and tight clothes.

When a pregnant woman discovers warts, it is important not to panic. Those papules that have formed on the face and limbs cannot harm the child in any way or negatively affect the development of the fetus. However, a woman may experience negativity that affects her mental state. Such warts are not painful, but can grow into large plaques.

However, everything changes if warts are found on the genitals or on the cervix. They can harm the fetus both during gestation and directly during labor. A child can become infected with the human papillomavirus when moving through the birth canal.

Symptoms and description of warts during pregnancy

The photo shows a common wart

Let's take a closer look at the types of warts that can appear in pregnant women:

  1. Common papillomas. They are nodules with a dense and uneven covering at the top. Villi may appear on them, and the general outline and appearance of this formation sometimes resembles cauliflower. Typically, such papules appear on the hands - in the nail area or on the back of the hand, but can be found on the neck, face, and in the armpit area.
  2. Condylomas acuminata or genital warts. Such nodular formations have a pinkish tint and can grow into papillary tumors. The usual place for their detection is the genitals and anus area. Condylomas are a source of infection and grow rapidly, thereby complicating labor. If such warts are detected in a pregnant woman, a biopsy and a Pap test (smear) are recommended. This procedure is necessary in order to identify cancer cells located in the vagina or cervix. This is very important, since they can cause the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one.

What to do if you find a wart during pregnancy?

If warts were discovered during pregnancy, the main thing is not to try to damage or pick them out. This contributes to the further spread of the IF virus to healthy areas of the skin, resulting in the formation of new papules.

It can be difficult to cope with such a problem on your own, because a wart has a rather specific structure, and its roots can spread deep under the skin. It is important to consult a dermatologist.

Carrying out an examination, the specialist will identify the extent of the damage and will be able to give recommendations regarding the most appropriate method of treatment. In this case, the physiological characteristics of the female body during pregnancy will be taken into account.

If, while pregnant, a woman experiences massive spread and rapid growth of papillomas, a dermatologist may recommend removal of warts. Such operations can be performed after the 28th week of pregnancy. By this time, the fetus has practically formed all the vital systems and organs. Since dermatologists prescribe antiviral medications after operations to remove skin nodules, a woman carrying a child must be very careful when taking them.

The danger of warts during pregnancy

In the photo there are genital warts on the genitals

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for a woman. But due to the fact that at this moment the body is working “for two”, its immunity decreases, which leads to some troubles. For example, the appearance of a wart during pregnancy. Why such neoplasms arise and whether it is possible to get rid of them in such an interesting “situation”, we will now talk.

Why do warts appear during pregnancy?

Warts in pregnant women are a common occurrence. As mentioned above, the reason for this is reduced immunity. The thing is that warts are benign formations, the appearance of which is provoked.

More than 70% of people are carriers of it, so you can catch it very easily by simply communicating with an infected person. At the same time, this virus may not manifest itself in any way for years, and even the person himself may not even suspect that he is sick.

The virus begins to manifest itself only when an environment favorable to it is created, for example, decreased immunity, hypothermia, frequent stress, etc. During pregnancy, a favorable environment for the virus occurs against the background of a decrease in the body’s protective functions and hormonal changes.

Before talking about whether it is possible to remove warts during pregnancy, a few words should be said about what they are and how they manifest themselves.

So, there are so-called papillomas, that is, common warts. They most often appear during pregnancy. Papillomas are dense, convex nodules that have an uneven surface at the top. The lower part of the growth has villus, which gives the growth the appearance of a cauliflower.

In a healthy person, papillomas mainly appear only on the arms and legs. But since the body behaves unpredictable during pregnancy, such growths can appear on the neck, face, chest and even in the groin area.

There are also genital warts and genital warts. They are elongated formations that have a pink tint. They don't appear alone. If genital warts appear, there are many of them. At the same time, they gradually begin to merge, forming papillary growths. “Favorite” places are the external genitalia and the anus.

The danger of warts during pregnancy

If warts appear during pregnancy, you should immediately inform your doctor. The virus itself does not pose any threat to the health of the mother or the unborn baby, and very rarely its manifestations cause pain.

But unaesthetic appearance- It's not a problem. The danger is that these warts tend to grow and increase in volume. And with numerous neoplasms, they can merge, forming large plaques.

The most dangerous are those warts that form on the genitals. The thing is that when they grow and merge, the birth canal may close, which, naturally, will lead to a difficult birth and numerous consequences.

Therefore, if warts appear on the arms, legs or neck during pregnancy, doctors do not recommend removing them, since they do not pose any threat to the woman and the unborn child. However, if numerous papillomas have formed on the genitals, they should be removed immediately.

What to do?

If they appear during pregnancy, under no circumstances should they be torn off, as this will contribute to their further spread, and it is possible that they will not appear on the labia.

Such removal of warts during pregnancy will not bring any results, since papillomas are very specific in structure and have deep roots. In this situation, only a qualified dermatologist can help. He will examine the woman and assess the degree of infection in the body, after which he will be able to select an effective treatment that will not affect the process of pregnancy.

Can pregnant women have warts removed? It is possible, but this is not always necessary. The thing is that their appearance provokes significant changes in the body. And after childbirth, when all processes in the body are normalized, most tumors can disappear on their own.

Many experts do not recommend touching warts at all, unless they appear on the external genitalia, especially in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. They explain this by the fact that the body can behave unpredictably, which can even lead to premature birth. In addition, in order to completely eliminate papillomas, it is necessary to accompany surgery with the use of immunostimulating drugs. And they are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Removal of warts during pregnancy is only required if:

  • neoplasms begin to grow, change their color and shape;
  • there is a risk of papillomas appearing on the genitals;
  • The appearance of warts brings painful sensations to a woman.

How are common warts removed during pregnancy?

How to remove a wart during pregnancy? To do this, you can resort to the help of modern medicine, which offers the following methods for removing papillomas:

  1. Laser therapy. It is used very rarely during pregnancy. Using a special device that emits laser beams, the wart is removed by destroying it and forming a localized depression in its place, which soon disappears on its own. The advantage of this method is that the papilloma is removed along with the root and there is no risk of bleeding. However, laser exposure can lead to premature birth, so this method is used only in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Cryotherapy. The safest method for removing tumors in women during pregnancy. During the procedure, the papilloma is frozen with liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which reaches -400C. As a result, the cells of the neoplasm are instantly destroyed, which leads to its disappearance. This procedure It is completely painless, but in the case of large papillomas, it may need to be repeated.
  3. Surgical method. During pregnancy, it is used extremely rarely and only if there is a need for histological examination of tissue. During the procedure, healthy tissue is incised and the papilloma is removed along with its root part. After that, cosmetic sutures are applied at the site where the growth is cut out.

Treatment of warts during pregnancy should only be carried out by a doctor. You should not try to get rid of them yourself using various alternative medicines. After all, most of them require the use of toxic substances, the accumulation of which in the body can adversely affect the health of the unborn child.

Video about papillomas during pregnancy

Warts during pregnancy can cause the expectant mother not only aesthetic discomfort, but also a lot of health problems. It all depends on their location. If they are on the surface of the epidermis, there is no need to be too afraid - they will not harm the woman, and after the birth of the baby she will be able to remove them without fear or serious consequences.

But what if the benign tumor is on the lining of the cervix? What consequences can papillomatosis have for the expectant mother and her baby? And can pregnant women have warts removed? For safety reasons, the answers to these questions should be known to every woman planning a pregnancy or already in an “interesting position.”

Causes and types of warts in pregnant women

There are many reasons why warts may appear on a pregnant woman's body.

Warts are benign epidermal neoplasms, the occurrence of which is associated with the entry into the body of the expectant mother of the human papillomavirus, or HPV for short. Favorable conditions for its penetration into the blood of any person are:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • immune suppression;
  • stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • vitamin deficiency, etc.

For expectant mothers, the appearance of papillomas is more common due to weakened immunity, vitamin deficiency and hormonal changes.

What types of warts can occur in pregnant women?

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of varieties of such growths, they can be divided into two large groups:

  • papillomas localized on the surface of the epidermis of various parts of the body (pins, vulgar, juvenile, flat, filiform warts, etc.);
  • warts located on the mucous membranes and skin of the genitals (genital warts).

On a note. Genital warts are especially dangerous for the expectant mother, but you cannot fight them on your own. If you take certain steps without consulting a dermatologist or gynecologist, the consequences can be dangerous for both the woman and the fetus.

In order to understand what risks the expectant mother is exposed to, in whose genital area a benign growth is located, it is necessary to consider this issue in more detail.

Why are warts dangerous during pregnancy?

Condylomas can be dangerous for the unborn child.

The appearance of warts during pregnancy does not pose any threat to the health of the mother. Unless, of course, tumors appear on the arms, legs, soles, neck, back and other parts of the body, except the genitals.

Why are condylomas so dangerous? If they are located on the pubis or on the inside of the thighs, then nothing, but provided they are localized on the mucous membranes of the vagina, external or internal labia, cervix, then in this case the alarm will be not unfounded.

The fact is that genital warts, during the movement of the child through the mother’s birth canal, can rupture, thereby causing the release of blood. Thus, the fetus becomes infected with HPV through the hematogenous route.

Important! In rare cases, when the growth of the virus in the genitals is extensive, the patient is prescribed C-section, and only after childbirth the infection is treated.

The entry of the papilloma virus into the baby’s body can also occur during its intrauterine development. That is, through amniotic fluid. In this case, there is a “vertical” or placental method of transmission of the causative agent of papillomatosis.

The danger of warts during pregnancy also lies in the fact that there are many types of HPV, and some of them can lead to the development of a carcinogenic process. And since pregnant women’s protective functions are significantly weakened, they should first of all be wary of the dangerous consequences of papillomatosis.

In a complex case of the disease, the doctor may decide on a caesarean section.

Are warts treated during pregnancy?

If papillomatosis can pose a serious threat to the health of a woman and her unborn baby, is it possible to remove warts during pregnancy? Provided that the pathology is really fraught with serious consequences, this cannot be done, but must be done. However, during this period, the medicinal method of removing skin growths is strictly prohibited, since they can harm the baby.

To get rid of an unpleasant problem, the patient must definitely see a doctor. If papillomas are localized on open areas of the body, you should visit a dermatologist. If their location is intravaginal or genital, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. Only after making a diagnosis and determining the degree of danger of neoplasms will the doctor be able to recommend safe methods, with the help of which warts will be removed from the expectant mother.

The decision to remove warts from a pregnant woman can only be made by a doctor.


So, the diagnosis has been made, and the doctor insists on immediate removal of the growths from the expectant mother. Since drug therapy in such conditions is contraindicated for obvious reasons, there are only a few options for instrumental excision of tumors.

However, it should be borne in mind that not only the location where the wart is located plays a role, but also the duration of pregnancy. Doctors refrain from conducting active therapy in the first 3 months of fetal development so as not to harm it. If the growths must be removed before the due date, then one or another manipulation is performed starting from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Note. The only one medication, approved for use for removing warts in pregnant women, is oxolinic ointment. It contains exclusively natural ingredients that cannot in any way affect the health of the fetus. But it can also be used only in the second and third trimesters.

Removal methods

There are 3 ways to remove pathological growths during pregnancy:

  • laser coagulation;
  • cryodestruction method;
  • surgical excision.

To understand what awaits her, the expectant mother must know the specifics of each of these manipulations.

Scalpel excision

They resort to this method of combating papillomatosis extremely rarely. After the operation, the patient may be left with scars or scars, since it requires subsequent stitches.

The indication for surgical intervention is the need to select material for histological examination. As a rule, it is carried out for genital genital warts and skin growths that threaten the onset of malignancy.

Remember!If the wart turns black, begins to bleed, itch, or grow in size - all this should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor! Such signs may indicate the transition of a growth from a benign to a malignant form.

Traditional methods

Alternative medicine methods have also proven themselves to be effective in the fight against benign tumors on the skin. Of course, not all of them are approved for use in pregnant women, and therefore it is necessary to consider only those that are the safest and most effective.

Potato pulp compress

Grated potato gruel will help in the fight against warts.

Peel 1-2 medium-sized potatoes, wash and grate on a fine grater without removing the skin. Apply the prepared mixture to papillomas 3-5 times a day. The duration of therapy is a purely individual matter, so you should not expect immediate results.

Potato juice contains a lot of useful microelements that have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to this, treatment of papillomas during pregnancy is not only safe, but also quite efficient process. Even if the wart does not disappear immediately, such a compress will prevent its inflammation and bleeding.

aloe leaves

Before applying aloe, the new growth needs to be steamed a little. If it has become rough (especially if there are plantar warts), you can glue a callus plaster on it for 2-3 days - it will soften the skin.

Place an aloe leaf, cut in half, with the flesh side down, on the new growth. Bandage or secure it with a bandage. Leave the compress overnight, and in the morning remove the bandages, replace the aloe leaf with a fresh one, and repeat the procedure again.

The manipulation must be performed for 10 days. If during this time you do not notice progress, this method of traditional therapy should be abandoned.

Fresh celandine juice

This product has a powerful bactericidal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect. However, it contains toxic substances that burn the wart.

About application fresh juice celandine should first be consulted with a dermatologist, since it can enter the bloodstream through the skin pores and be carried along with it throughout the body. Only a doctor can judge the degree of risk of its penetration through the placenta to the fetus.

The method of using this substance is simple, and it consists of lubricating the neoplasm with celandine juice 2-3 times a day. The manipulation must be performed until the papillomas completely disappear.

Here are the most effective methods traditional medicine from warts, which can be used during pregnancy. Despite their relative safety, you should not use them without first consulting a doctor.

How to prevent the appearance of papillomas in pregnant women?

Prevention of papillomatosis in expectant mothers involves fulfilling the simplest requirements. They are to:

  • wear comfortable clothes and shoes;
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the whole body;
  • avoid stressful situations, which in themselves are dangerous during pregnancy;
  • use only personal towels, scarves, bed linen;
  • treat wounds and cuts in a timely manner;
  • eat foods enriched with large amounts of vitamins and microelements;
  • ensure that the immune system is fully functioning.

By following these simple recommendations, the expectant mother will be able to protect herself from such an unpleasant disease as papillomatosis. Even if the papilloma virus already lives in a woman’s body, it will not be able to become active provided that she is responsible for her health before and during pregnancy.

If the virus manifests itself, and warts nevertheless appear on the body of a pregnant woman, then the decision on the need to remove them is made by a doctor (gynecologist or dermatologist, or both doctors together). If the growth is located in open areas of the body and does not pose a serious danger to the health of the mother and fetus, then the pregnant woman is usually recommended to postpone removal and treatment until the long-awaited baby is born.

Warts are benign formations on the skin or mucous membranes that are a manifestation of the papilloma virus. This infection is common to most people, the degree of manifestation depends on individual physiological characteristics.

Usually papillomas do not cause discomfort unless they are painful.

As a rule, the papilloma virus develops latently in the human body, there are several reasons for this:

1) Reduced immunity.

2) Hormonal changes.

The incubation period can range from several weeks to 2-3 years. To investigate a specific subtype of the virus, you should donate blood for analysis or conduct a cytological examination.

Warts during pregnancy: causes and treatment.

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Types of warts

There are several types of warts that a woman can develop while pregnant. All of them, despite the possibility of degeneration, are initially benign neoplasms caused by the human papillomavirus.

Each of them poses a different level of danger to the pregnant woman and the fetus. It is customary to distinguish the following types of warts:

There are 3 types of papillomas:

  • regular - flat, no more than 3 mm in length;
  • pointed - localized in the area intimate area;
  • threadlike. It reaches a length of up to 4 cm due to its elongated shape and stalk, with which it is attached to the skin.

Treatment of the disease in pregnant women

Treatment of warts usually occurs through removal. However, pregnancy has its own peculiarities. Traditionally, for people in normal condition, wart removal is carried out in several ways, for example:

In rare cases, growths are removed by direct excision with a scalpel. Then the surgeon makes an incision and removes the body and root of the wart. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. However, can pregnant women remove warts using any of the following methods?

In most cases, warts do not cause significant discomfort, so it is best to endure temporary inconvenience during pregnancy and refrain from removing them.

The exception is genital warts, which, due to their location, can cause infection of the fetus during childbirth.

However, it is best to remove them no earlier than the third trimester of pregnancy. Doctors recommend removing growths when the period is at least 28 weeks.

Sometimes in pregnant women, the immune system is so weakened that warts form entire communities, sometimes in several places at the same time. If such formations appear on the face or visible part of the neck, the woman is unlikely to be able to tolerate this position until childbirth.

According to doctors, the virus in its latent form is not a big threat to conceiving a child. Even if there are a few warts on the mother’s body, this is not dangerous. But, of course, it is advisable to undergo the necessary examinations.

Many people who are faced with the problem of papillomas ask: “Is it possible for pregnant women to remove warts?”

Doctors say that the issue of removing tumors in pregnant women should be treated with great attention. They advise to be sure to be examined before pregnancy.

If this was not done, and the virus began to manifest itself sharply in the first months of pregnancy, but does not cause inconvenience, then removal of the formations should be postponed during pregnancy.

If the situation is critical and the papilloma virus needs to be treated, it is better to start therapy in the second or third trimester. This is the period when the child’s organs are already formed.

Removal can be done using the same methods using Creon, laser, traditional surgery, etc. For the removal of genital warts, the most acceptable procedure can be considered radio wave coagulation together with the treatment of epithelial tissues with antiseptics.

Care should be taken when choosing antiviral drugs for pregnant women due to side effects and contraindications. In addition, medications that increase general immunity are allowed.

This option is possible when neoplasms intensively appear on later, which can greatly complicate the birth process. If, after the examination, serious consequences are predicted, a special form of the papilloma virus is identified, in the most extreme case, termination of pregnancy and only subsequent therapy for the disease is possible.

An oncologist should participate in consultations with the patient; the board of doctors decides on a cesarean section or termination of pregnancy and subsequent treatment measures.

In some cases, patients say that warts go away on their own. Doctors attribute this to the fact that after childbirth, hormonal changes, affecting changes in the general condition of a woman’s body.

Immunity increases, the condition of the genital organs (in particular, the vagina and uterus) improves. Therefore the infection disappears.

In more than 90% of cases, the formations disappear on their own after childbirth.

If a woman’s condition worsens and action on pathological formations is required for the health of mother and baby, the following treatment is prescribed:

In most cases, doctors use Dichloroacetic acid or Trichloroacetic acid as the safest chemicals for removing condylomas during pregnancy.

To prevent the growth of formations, local anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, rectal suppositories, are used.

Is it possible to remove (cauterize) condylomas during pregnancy? During pregnancy, condylomas located in the perianal area and on the mucous surfaces of the intimate organs should not be removed due to the increased risk of miscarriage.

Removal of genital warts while expecting a baby is allowed only after

14 weeks


The best time for treatment is the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, mainly after the 28th week of pregnancy.

During this period, all important fetal systems are already formed, and medications will not have complications on the health of the fetus and its development.

Folk recipes for getting rid of pathological formations during pregnancy are contraindicated, since most remedies involve cauterizing warts with herbal ingredients, which is unacceptable.

When deciding on the method of childbirth, the doctor weighs the benefits and possible harm to the baby.

In uncomplicated cases and the location of formations in the anus and genitals, natural childbirth is allowed.

In other cases, especially when the growths are localized in the vagina, a cesarean section is performed.

Products for removing warts in pregnant women

The most important thing is that removing warts during pregnancy does not harm the unborn child. It means that:

  • You should not self-medicate, but you should definitely consult a doctor,
  • You should not use celandine, as it is a very poisonous plant,
  • You should also not use the drug Superchistotel,
  • It is not recommended to cauterize warts with liquid nitrogen.
  • It should be taken into account that laser removal and electrocoagulation are not dangerous for the child, but the anesthesia that is used is extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

Removing warts during pregnancy by surgery, laser or liquid nitrogen is not always permitted to the expectant mother. In such cases, women resort to folk remedies.

Dangerous! Before using any herbs, infusions or decoctions from them, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Even if there were no allergic reactions to them before pregnancy, during pregnancy the body can react completely differently.

The most harmless recipe is considered to be based on the use of vitamin A (retinol acetate). Applying it daily to the formation guarantees the disappearance of even the largest bumps. The following recipes are considered good and proven remedies in the fight against the disease.

  1. Apply raw grated potatoes to the papilloma. Repeat the procedure at least 5 times a day.
  2. Place cotton wool soaked in apple cider vinegar on the wart for 15-20 minutes. Do this no more than 2 times a day.
  3. Apply a drop of hydrogen peroxide solution to the wart no more than 2 times a day until it is completely destroyed.
  4. Make a paste from the pulp of an aloe leaf and grated garlic, apply to the papilloma, and leave overnight.
  5. You can also read wart spell. This is a completely harmless method that works through the power of thought.

Useful video

Let's see folk video from a grandmother who has been treating diseases since childhood traditional methods.

Important: when treating, only touch the wart itself. To protect healthy skin, cover the area around the papilloma with a bandage. If redness, peeling of the skin or unbearable itching occurs, immediately stop using the treatment.

Prevention of condylomatosis

An effective means of preventing a particular disease is prevention. During pregnancy, the following rules should be followed:

  • When visiting the gym, swimming pool or sauna, use only your own shoes to avoid the appearance of plantar warts;
  • check your toes regularly;
  • do not walk in damp shoes;
  • avoid sweaty feet;
  • do not come into contact with people who have clearly visible foci of the disease or traces of their removal;
  • If any scratches or microcracks appear, treat them promptly;
  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • eat right to boost your immunity.

Pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of every woman. You have to take twice as much care of your health, but even such care cannot protect a woman from all troubles. Warts during pregnancy are one of these cases; their appearance cannot be prevented.

And everything would be fine, but how to treat the disease if pregnant women cannot take most medications?

Why do warts appear?

A woman will not develop warts just because she is pregnant. The cause of warts is the human papillomavirus, which can remain in a woman’s body for a long time without symptoms. For a wart to appear, a “push factor” is needed, and that is pregnancy.

Significant changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman hormonal level associated with fetal formation. Such stress, especially if it goes along with a weakened immune system, in some cases will cause warts to appear.

During pregnancy, these growths on a woman’s body can appear absolutely anywhere:

  • on the legs (on the foot and the leg itself);
  • on the hands (on the palms and the hand itself);
  • on a finger or toe;
  • on the face and neck;
  • on the body;
  • on intimate places.

If even a small lump appears that vaguely resembles a wart, you should immediately tell your gynecologist about it, since in pregnant women any reaction of the body can become a pathology.

There is no need to solve the problem yourself; only a doctor, after assessing the situation, will tell you whether the growth can be removed.

Types of warts

All warts are approximately similar in appearance. These are small growths that rise above the skin without changing color. In rare cases, a wart may be yellowish or pinkish, and only in its advanced form begins to change color (from red to black). In the center of it you can see small black dots, which are roots.

The appearance of a wart is influenced by its location and structure, and therefore there are:

  1. Papillomas. Dense, rough elevations above the skin, which do not exceed 1 cm in diameter. They are the same in color as the skin, pinkish, brownish, yellowish. One of the most common types of warts in pregnant women.
  2. Flat. No more than 3 mm in diameter, only slightly raised above the skin without changing color. The appearance of such warts occurs rapidly in groups, but they occur very rarely in pregnant women.
  3. Plantar. Appear on a stupa or on the palm of your hand (quite rare). They are yellowish in color, and dense and dry in type. A plantar wart is always painful and difficult to remove. But the appearance of plantar warts during pregnancy is very rare.
  4. Anogenital. Amazing intimate parts and can involve the anal area. Due to their structure, such warts received another name - genital warts. Such warts occur more often than other types during pregnancy and can pose a threat to the mother and fetus, and therefore you should definitely ask your doctor what to do with the warts, and not cauterize or pick them out yourself.
  5. Filiform. They are attached to a leg and are most often located in the intimate areas, in the armpits. They occur during pregnancy with approximately the same frequency as anogenital warts.

How dangerous is the disease?

In the photo, papillomas are located in the vagina, which can be transmitted to the unborn child.

For a pregnant woman, even the slightest deviation from the norm can be a big threat to her and her baby’s health. The human papillomavirus can be transmitted to a child as it passes through the birth canal if the mother has warts there. And if they are not very dangerous for the mother in this case, then they will appear in the baby’s throat, and can even completely block the opening for breathing.

If there are many warts and they have big sizes, and are located in the vagina, then during childbirth the pregnant woman may experience severe bleeding due to their rupture. Therefore, the doctor recommends that the woman undergo a cesarean section to prevent such undesirable consequences.

Another danger is that in a small percentage of cases, the wart ceases to be a benign tumor and begins to turn into a cancerous tumor.

If such a process occurs very rapidly, then the woman urgently needs to surgically remove the wart and start taking antiviral drugs. But the problem is that such treatment may pose a risk to the fetus and therefore doctors have to choose between benefits for the woman and possible complications for the child.

Stories from our readers

After 5 years, I finally got rid of the hated papillomas. I haven’t had a single pendant on my body for a month now! I went to doctors for a long time, took tests, removed them with a laser and celandine, but they appeared again and again. I don't know what my body would look like if I hadn't stumbled upon . Anyone who is concerned about papillomas and warts should read this!

Should warts be removed?

Removal of warts is only necessary if they:

  • began to change color;
  • became very painful;
  • prevent a woman from living a normal life;
  • pose a threat to childbirth;
  • began to turn into a cancerous tumor.

Most often, during pregnancy, only removal of condylomas is indicated; all other growths are best removed after childbirth, when the woman’s body is stronger and ready for the course of treatment.

If you still don’t want to wait or there are indications for removal, then you should get rid of the problem in the second trimester, since this period is most favorable for the mother and fetus, when the baby’s main organ systems have already passed the first stages of development.

A dermatologist should tell you how to get rid of warts, but any actions should be coordinated with a gynecologist so as not to harm the baby.

Folk remedies

Since pregnant women cannot take most medications, you can try to remove warts with folk remedies.

Before removing warts using traditional methods, you should ask your doctor for permission. Although these substances are the safest for a pregnant woman, the possibility of an allergic reaction and side effects should still be excluded.

Drug treatment

Women should not take most antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs during pregnancy due to possible complications for the fetus.

Therefore, only a doctor can tell what medications to treat, taking into account the period at which the pregnant woman is pregnant and the type of wart. Viferon and oxolinic ointment are allowed to be used in the second trimester; other drugs are practically not allowed for pregnant women.


  • warts - at the site of the growth, the skin is burned with a laser down to the very roots. After such a procedure, the likelihood of relapse is extremely low.
  • Cryodestruction– Liquid nitrogen can also burn off warts. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the growth with a special device until the affected areas are completely frozen. This procedure is easy and simple, but after it there is a possibility that the warts will return.
  • Scalpel removal– used quite rarely and only when it is necessary to take a sample for a biopsy.

Any surgical intervention should be carried out only if the benefit to the pregnant woman is greater than possible risk for a child.

What not to do?

Most women try to solve the problem on their own, considering warts not a reason to seek advice. But under no circumstances should they be cut, picked out, steamed or pierced, since any injuries can lead to the wart beginning to degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

You should not use celandine to remove growths during pregnancy. Celandine really helps with this pathology, but for a pregnant woman it is very toxic and can do more harm than good.

You shouldn’t buy ointments, creams, or patches at the pharmacy yourself, as you will only waste your money, and then you will see “pregnancy” as a contraindication.


To prevent warts from starting to bother a woman during the most crucial period in her life, she should worry about prevention in advance. When planning a pregnancy, you should be tested for the papilloma virus; if it is positive, then undergo a course of treatment, and only then conceive a child. It is especially important to take into account that the virus is transmitted through sexual contact and household contact, and therefore you should follow the rules of hygiene and use contraception in order to protect yourself in advance.