Day of National Unity and Harmony - history of the holiday. Day of National Unity or Day of Harmony and Reconciliation

Day national unity in Russia on November 4, 2018: history of the holiday, customs, traditions, congratulations.

With the expulsion of the Poles from the Kremlin, the long period of the Time of Troubles in Russia ended. A few months after the liberation of Moscow, the Zemsky Sobor, which included representatives of all classes of the country: nobility, boyars, clergy, Cossacks, archers, peasants and delegates from Russian cities, elected a new tsar - a representative of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich.

November 4, 2018: what holiday is it in Russia?

National Unity Day is a national holiday, day military glory Russia. In 2018, it is celebrated on November 4. This is an official holiday in the country. The holiday is associated with the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders in 1612 and symbolizes national unity. It is dedicated to the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. All citizens celebrate it Russian Federation. In 2018, National Unity Day is celebrated for the 14th time.

National Unity Day: why November 4 became a holiday

National Unity Day, which has been celebrated in Russia on November 4 since 2005, takes us back to the distant year 1612 and the zemstvo militia of Minin and Pozharsky. In the autumn of 1612, a popular movement arose in Nizhny Novgorod for the liberation of Russian lands from foreign invaders (Poles). This movement was led by the Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin and the experienced governor Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. In mid-February, militia units moved towards Moscow, along the way gathering everyone who wanted to join the fight against the invaders.

The first clash between the militia army and the Poles took place on August 22 near the Novodevichy Convent. The detachments of Minin and Pozharsky hardly managed to defeat the Poles if not for the help of the Cossack hundreds of Prince Trubetskoy, stationed not far from the capital. But after the first victory, the people's militia still had to retreat to the left bank of the Moscow River. However, the outcome of the campaign was again saved by Trubetskoy’s units, and on October 22 (November 4, new style), the comrades-in-arms of Minin and Pozharsky entered Kitay-gorod, and four days later the Polish garrison, settled in the Moscow Kremlin, capitulated.

National Unity Day: history of the holiday

On November 4 (October 22, old style), 1612, the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky stormed Kitay-Gorod and liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. Russian troops marched to the Kremlin in a religious procession with the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - the defender of the Russian land. In 1630, the Kazan Cathedral was built on Red Square. In 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich declared November 4 a public holiday - the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, in memory of the liberation of Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian troops. After October revolution In 1917, the tradition of celebrating this celebration was interrupted.

In September 2004, the Interreligious Council of Russia proposed establishing a holiday on November 4 - National Unity Day. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin No. 200-FZ of December 29, 2004 amended Article 1 of the Federal Law of March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ “On the days of military glory and memorable dates Russia" and Article 112 Labor Code RF No. 197-FZ dated December 30, 2001. November 4 – National Unity Day became a day of military glory and a holiday.

National Unity Day: holiday traditions

National Unity Day is a young holiday that is celebrated magnificently and solemnly. Its goal is to unite the people of Russia, regardless of social status, nationality or religion. On this day, citizens of the country remember the historical event to which this celebration is dedicated and organize mass events.

Political parties hold rallies and parades. Craft fairs are held in city squares, entertainment programs for adults and children, exhibitions. Charity events are held in many cities. Action participants collect things, toys, books, money and donate them to orphanages, homes for disabled children and boarding schools.

Free food and drink distribution points are organized at the celebration sites. In the evening, concerts are held where pop stars, dance and music groups perform.

The main place of celebration is Red Square in Moscow. The event begins with a solemn procession through the city and ends with the laying of bouquets at the memorials to Elder Minin and Prince Pozharsky. The President makes a festive speech to the citizens of the Russian Federation and presents State awards.

The celebration takes place on a special scale in Nizhny Novgorod, the birthplace of Kuzma Minin. On November 4, city authorities open public facilities: bridges, schools, kindergartens, parks. The main events take place on National Unity Square, where a monument to Minin and Pozharsky is erected. There is a big concert and fireworks display.

Since 2001, the public patriotic event “Altar of the Fatherland” has been held. It involves social activists, cultural workers, students, and schoolchildren. They repeat the path of the militia, which begins in Nizhny Novgorod and ends in Moscow on Red Square.

Congratulations on National Unity Day 2018

Popular wisdom said:
We must always live in harmony,
We are united and this is all the strength,
That is why there is happiness in our hearts!

We will stand up for each other,
Every person is important to us!
Let all troubles pass by,
And the union will be strong forever!

The people of Russia are a great people.
They only move forward with faith.
This is the unity and strength of Russia,
We will always be invincible.

Russian people are a great people.
Each of us is a patriot of the country.
I wish the country to always prosper.
There will be no more war and famine.

Let her journey be fearless.
Don't believe the rumors, they're all lies.
I congratulate you on the unity of the people.
I wish you happiness, hope, freedom.

On Unity Day we wish
Prosperity to all powers.
Smile at people you meet
And be kind to each other!

Together is always more convenient -
The world will become more prosperous.
Let happiness reign around
Friendship will unite everyone!

Wonderful holiday
He is benevolent
Believing helps
Calls for friendship!

National unity,
Of course super power
After all, we are invincible,
When we are united in everything!

Spirit of unity, brotherhood, freedom,
Let him live - not for minutes, but for years,
If we will always be united,
Then - about grief, let's forget about our enemies!

For our united Russia,
For power, glory and strength,
We will stand as a strong wall,
It is worthy to hold the Russian flag!

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today I would like to congratulate everyone on the holiday, today is the Day of National Unity of Russia. Previously, I didn’t quite understand what kind of holiday this was, why it was needed, well, they give you a day off, and that’s okay.

But working in culture (and apparently growing up), I began to look at holidays differently. Or rather, studying in more depth the very essence of the Russian people, I am increasingly proud that I live in Russia and that I am Russian. Let's figure out why National Unity Day is celebrated on November 4 and why it is so important.

The holiday, which unites all the peoples of Russia, was established in December 2004, and was first celebrated in 2005. But the history of the formation of this holiday begins many centuries ago. Let's briefly define what and how.

At the turn of the 16th-17th centuries, a period called the “Time of Troubles” took place in Russia. It was a very difficult period for the state, especially for people. Moscow was conquered by Polish invaders and, in fact, a little more time and our Rus' would have become not ours at all.

Then the period of rule of the Rurik dynasty ended. And the Poles could take the throne. No, our Russian spirit was and is very strong, the common people did not care where and how to live. An attempt was made to gather a people's militia. It was collected, but internal strife in the militia scattered it.

Then a second attempt was made. In September 1611, in Nizhny Novgorod, the zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin appealed to people to raise funds and create a militia to liberate the country. The population of the city was subject to a special tax for organizing the militia. At Minin’s suggestion, Novgorod Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was invited to the post of chief governor.

Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky

Not everything was smooth there, but the people’s desire to be free and live on their own land was stronger than ever. The militia was collected not only in Nizhny Novgorod, but also in many other cities. People of different classes and nationalities gathered. And at that time, an army of unprecedented numbers had gathered.

The tasks of the militia included not only the liberation of Moscow, but also the formation of a new government. And in 1612, a huge army marched from Nizhny Novgorod to Yaroslavl, where a provisional government was created: the “Council of the Whole Earth.” And later, with a list of the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, revealed in 1579, the Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo militia managed to storm Kitay-Gorod on November 4, 1612 and expel the Poles from Moscow.

This victory served as a powerful impetus for the revival of the Russian state. This is how the first Romanovs came to the throne. And the icon became the subject of special veneration.

Miraculous icon.

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

Prince Pozharsky believed so strongly that the icon of the Kazan Mother of God helped in the victory that he built the Kazan Cathedral on the edge of Red Square with his own funds.

In 1649, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the obligatory celebration of November 4 was established as a day of gratitude to the Blessed Virgin Mary for her help in liberating Russia from the Poles. The holiday was celebrated in Russia until the 1917 Revolution.

This day was included in the church calendar as the Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612.

Thus, National Unity Day is essentially not new holiday, but a return to the old tradition.

The essence of this holiday.

This holiday does not symbolize victory, but the unity of the people, thanks to which a great victory took place. National Unity Day is very important for our country. We must remember and understand that only together we can overcome difficulties.

About 195 peoples and nationalities with various religious movements live on our territory. But we are still Russian, we are one country. And even when many scold young people, saying that we are so careless and so on, I still have no doubt that when the time comes, we will unite and overcome difficulties shoulder to shoulder.

Such is our Russian spirit. We must remember not only important dates, but also the very essence that by rallying and uniting we can overcome anything.

Take for example the Great Patriotic War. Hitler could not understand why he could not defeat Russia. After all, it was so easy for him to conquer corrupt Europe. And this is our unity, our spirit. We do not spare ourselves, because we know why we give our lives. For the sake of the future of your children, the future of your state.

To be honest, I don’t know any clear examples of such unity in other states and peoples. I am proud to live in such a diverse country, rich in culture and Russian spirit. Once I asked my classmate what your nationality is, he smiled and said, I’m Russian, even though I’m a Tatar, I’m a Russian Tatar. A foreigner's brain would explode from such an answer.

National Unity Day is an occasion for all citizens of the country to realize and feel like one people.

How it is celebrated.

For the first time, in new Russia, celebrated this holiday in 2005, with special attention In Nizhniy Novgorod. A monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky was unveiled there.

In general, the most magnificent celebrations are held in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. In other cities, celebrations are just as colorful and vibrant. Processions, folk festivals, fairs, concerts and so on are held.

Everyone is walking and having fun, but the main focus is the patriotic nature of the celebration. All parks, open areas, concert halls are filled with large numbers of people. They are all of different nationalities, but they are all united. We are united not only in the face of danger, but always. We all must understand this and educate the younger generation correctly.

Happy great holiday to everyone - Happy National Unity Day!

Weekends in early November have become familiar for Russians. But surveys of citizens have shown that many people who are happy to take an extra day off have little idea of ​​why they don’t need to go to work or school. Even passers-by who pronounce the name of the holiday without hesitation cannot always explain its essence. Indeed, this is one of the controversial holidays in the Russian state calendar, but every citizen of the country should know about it.

The country's government established National Unity Day in 2004. The holiday was first celebrated in Russia on November 4, 2005, but its history begins much earlier - several centuries ago.

What is celebrated on November 4th

It is known that November 4 is a holiday that perpetuates the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders in the difficult year for the Russian state in 1612. However, according to archival documents, November 4 is not the day of final liberation, since the walls of the Kremlin at that time were still besieged by enemy troops.

November 4 no longer symbolizes victory, but the unity of the people, which made the defeat of the invaders possible. On this day, the soldiers of the troops of Pozharsky and Minin prayed to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, liberated Kitai-Gorod and entered it as winners along with the icon. Since then, the Kazan Icon began to be revered and worshiped; people were sure that it was the miraculous icon that helped them win.

Prince Dmitry Pozharsky built the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square specifically to store the miraculous icon. The date of construction of the temple is lost in history, but it is known for sure that it was consecrated in 1636. During the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, November 4 was proclaimed the Day of Gratitude to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in church calendar The holiday was listed as the Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. This significant holiday for the country was celebrated in Rus' until 1917; the Bolsheviks, who came to power, immediately removed it from the list of holidays.

Perhaps the prayers charged the fighters with new strength and helped them cope with the invaders, but the unity of people still played the main role. More than ten thousand militia soldiers fought under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky. Among them were people of various nationalities and classes. It is believed that it was on the 4th, during a joint prayer, that they rallied, were united by a single common goal and together moved towards the invaders. It was the unity of purpose that helped so much different people find mutual language and come to the long-awaited victory with an icon in your hands.

What was the reason for a new holiday

For eight decades, the Soviet state celebrated November 7 - the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, its inherent values ​​were revised, and they wanted to remove the red day from the state calendar. However, people, accustomed to the November holiday, by inertia continued to celebrate the holiday, which had lost its relevance, for another 14 years after the collapse of the USSR, renaming it the Day of Harmony and Reconciliation.

The initiator of the establishment of a new holiday was the Russian Orthodox Church, the idea to revive a day memorable for Russians was voiced at the Interreligious Council of Russia. Patriarch Alexy II made a proposal to make November 4 a holiday; he asked to revive the Day of National Unity and Memory of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which was celebrated in Rus' for more than 250 years.

In December 2004, the State Duma approved amendments to the Labor Code, according to which official holidays The Day of Harmony and Reconciliation, celebrated on November 7, was excluded, and a new holiday was added - National Unity Day, scheduled for November 4. Only the communists spoke out against the new amendments, but their votes were in a significant minority and did not influence the final decision.

National Unity Day in the new Russia

The first National Unity Day was celebrated magnificently in 2005. Nizhny Novgorod became the main center of festive events. The main event of the holiday was the opening of the monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. A place was found for the new monument on National Unity Square near the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist.

Religious processions, charity events, rallies, concerts and others were held in large cities. holiday events. In the capital, the president of the country solemnly laid wreaths at the Moscow monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

The modern Day of National Unity is a holiday that calls on people not only to remember the most important historical events, but also to remind citizens of a multinational country the importance of unity. After all, only together, moving in the same direction, can we cope with difficulties and overcome obstacles.

National Unity Day- the holiday is quite new, but with long historical traditions. It appeared in Russia in 2005, actually replacing the main Soviet holiday - November 7, which today is a working day.

National Unity Day: how we relax in November 2018 in Russia

In 2018, the last public holiday remained in Russia - National Unity Day. In the first week of November, in connection with this holiday, Russians will have a three-day weekend, followed by a shortened working week.

Let us remind you that according to production calendar, in November 2018 in Russia there are nine days off and 21 working days.

What date is National Unity Day?

National Unity Day - a day off or a working day?

This is a public holiday and is a day off. This year the holiday falls on Sunday, so the day off will be postponed and Russians will be able to relax from 3 to 5 November.

Saturday, November 3rd,- day off. Sunday, November 4,- National Unity Day, according to Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is an official non-working holiday. Monday, November 5th- a holiday day off, which appeared as a result of the postponement of the day off from the fourth day.

From the history of the National Unity Day holiday

If we briefly tell the history of this holiday, then it all began with the Time of Troubles, which, according to historians, was in Russia from 1598 to 1613. This period, which coincided with the change of centuries from the 16th to the 17th, was accompanied by natural disasters, riots, civil war, Polish intervention and other troubles. The result of this was a severe state-political and socio-economic crisis that almost destroyed Russia.

It is believed that the problems began when, after the death of the king, IvanaIV (Grozny) his son ascended to the Russian throne Feodor I Ioannovich. He ruled for quite a long time - 14 years, but was not a strong ruler and did not leave descendants. After his death the dynasty Rurikovich stopped.

In 1598 he ascended the Russian throne Boris Godunov, a representative of a noble and influential boyar family. But he was unlucky. Not only did natural disasters and crop failure hit Russia during Godunov’s reign, he was (most likely unfairly) considered the culprit of death youngest son Ivan the Terrible - Tsarevich Dmitry, who died in Uglich under mysterious circumstances.

Soon they began to say that perhaps Dmitry was alive and was about to return to take the throne that rightfully belonged to him. As a result of these rumors, confusion arose, which was taken advantage of by various rogues who declared themselves to be the miraculously saved prince. In Russian history, these impostors are usually called “False Dmitrys.”

A real leapfrog began on the Russian throne. Following the Godunovs they came False Dmitry I And Vasily Shuisky, then seized power Seven Boyars, then there was a Polish prince Vladislav, and then two more False Dmitry. At this time, the Polish invaders were already in full control of Moscow.

The life of Russians at this time was so difficult that many lands were depopulated and fell into desolation; people fled to the forests, awaiting the Last Judgment and general destruction.

Then the patriarch Hermogenes called on the people to defend the Fatherland and the Orthodox faith and expel the occupiers. This mission was entrusted to the Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin and the prince Dmitry Pozharsky. They gathered a huge militia, which included representatives of all classes and peoples who then lived on the territory of Russia.

Taking as a symbol the considered miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, Nizhny Novgorod militia October 22 (November 4, New Style) 1612 took Moscow's Kitay-Gorod by storm and expelled the Polish interventionists from Moscow.

This victory was the first step towards the revival of the Russian state, and the icon of the Kazan Mother of God became a subject of special veneration.

In February 1613, the Zemsky Sobor, which included representatives of all peoples and classes of Russia, as well as many Russian cities, elected 16-year-old as the new king Mikhail Romanov. Mikhail became the first autocrat of the Romanov dynasty, which ruled Russia for three hundred years.

The Zemsky Sobor of 1613 is considered a symbol of the final victory over the Time of Troubles, the triumph of Orthodoxy and national unity.

As for the Kazan Icon, it began to be revered not only as the patroness of the Romanov dynasty - a special church holiday was established for this shrine.

Son of Mikhail Romanov - Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, who reigned in 1645–1676, ordered November 4 to be celebrated as a day of gratitude to the Most Holy Theotokos for her help in the liberation of Russia. This holiday was celebrated before the revolution of 1917 and was preserved in the church calendar as the Day of Celebration in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612.

Thus, the current Day of National Unity, established in 2005, is the legitimate “heir” of the old Russian tradition.

History of the holiday

In the early 2000s, the Russian government planned to cancel the official celebration November 7, which, despite all the renamings and attempts to “upgrade”, remained in the popular consciousness associated with the anniversary October Revolution 1917.

The holiday needed a worthy replacement. Moreover, at the beginning of November in Russia there are school break, when it is desirable to provide parents with more opportunity to spend time with their schoolchildren.

The idea to make it festive National Unity Day November 4 was proposed by the Interreligious Council of Russia in September 2004. The initiative was supported by the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy. On December 27, 2004, the bill was adopted in the third reading, and since 2005 a new holiday has appeared in Russia.

Holiday traditions

On National Unity Day, rallies and processions of various political parties and public associations are held in different cities of our country. The center of the holiday is traditionally Red Square, where the country's leaders lay flowers at the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, and then a grandiose festive concert takes place. This year, the Moscow government approved nine applications for events, dedicated to the Day national unity on November 4.

On this day, events are held in the capital and other cities. holiday celebrations and dozens of different patriotic events. On the eve of the holiday in schools and nurseries preschool institutions are carried out holiday concerts so that not a single child is left uninvolved in patriotic themes. Children's creative groups actively participate in the festival.

In St. Petersburg, on National Unity Day, the now traditional Festival of Light is held, accompanied by a light show and video installations. This year the festival will be held at the Petersburg Sports and Concert Complex and in Moscow's Victory Park.

A special place of the holiday - Nizhny Novgorod - homeland Kuzma Minin. The main festive events take place on National Unity Square, where, like in Moscow, there is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky. A rally-concert takes place there, traditionally ending with festive fireworks.

National Unity Day: congratulations in verse

Happy National Unity Day
Congratulations sound
In peace, friendship and harmony
All peoples want to live.

We wish all of Russia
Live as one family
Let him not know war and troubles,
May peace reign over the country!

Happy National Unity Day!
Happy November!
Let it be in our lives
Place for the holidays, friends.

Congratulations! Let it be
Joy in the world and goodness,
And in our hearts and souls -
It will be sunny and warm!

Happiness to all Russian families,
And health and good luck.
May it be on a beautiful autumn day
Songs of joy sound!

National Unity Day in Russia is a public holiday celebrated annually on November 4th. This date was not chosen by chance. Despite its apparent youth, historically National Unity Day is associated with distant events of the early 17th century, when in 1612 Moscow was finally liberated from Polish invaders. It was on November 4 (October 22, old style) that the people's militia, led by the Nizhny Novgorod governor Kozma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, successfully stormed Kitay-Gorod, forcing the command of the Polish army to sign an immediate surrender. Dmitry Pozharsky was the first to enter the liberated city with the sacred icon of the Kazan Mother of God in his hands. It was she, as they sacredly believed in Rus', who helped protect the Moscow State from the Polish invasion.

In 1625, Dmitry Pozharsky, in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and the victory over the Poles, built a wooden church on Red Square at his own expense. The stone Kazan Cathedral appeared only in 1635; it was built on the site of a wooden church that burned down during the fire of Moscow. In 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree that November 4 is a public holiday, the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The holiday was celebrated in Russia until the 1917 Revolution.

Day of National Unity of Russia in our time

In honor of the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and the glorious victory of the Russian army over the Polish invaders, Russian President V. Putin in 2005 signed a decree establishing a new state holiday in Russia on November 4, National Unity Day. And the very idea of ​​celebrating the holiday on this day belongs to the Interreligious Council of Russia. Therefore, National Unity Day is not only a secular, but also an interreligious holiday, which is celebrated by all residents of the country and representatives of different religions and denominations.

Traditions of Russian National Unity Day

It would be a mistake to think that National Unity Day in Russia has replaced everyone’s favorite November 7th. But, like November 7th, on this solemn day there are concerts, demonstrations and mass processions, and charity events. Also on this day, a gala government reception is always held in the Great Kremlin Hall, at which people who have made a great contribution to the development and prosperity of Russia are awarded. On the evening of November 4, it has become a good tradition to organize visual shows and fireworks, festive celebrations and concerts.

Now in Russia National Unity Day is becoming more and more popular. After all, pride in one’s Motherland, in its past and present, and faith in its happy future is what invariably unites people and makes them a single people.