Children write riddles about animals. Riddles about animals: from a domestic cat to a bloodthirsty crocodile

Published on our website, riddles about animals deservedly occupy a separate page. This is understandable and predictable. After all, our smaller brothers are called brothers because we love them very much. And that’s why we come up with riddles about animals, which we ourselves successfully solve. 🙂 Well, our kids, of course, also solve the puzzle. And we then collect these riddles about animals with answers and post them on the website. So that you can figure it out.

So let's actually do this now - let's solve riddles about animals. Go!

I doze and sing my song for you.

But when I'm hunting, I'm a hard worker. (Cat).

Lives in front of the porch, has a ringed tail.

He is friends with the owner and serves him faithfully. (Dog).

This little crumb is happy with the little crumbs.

All day long, right up until dark, she hides in a hole. (Mouse).

White on white wrote where he was running.

The redhead will read, understand and find. (Hare and fox).

In rich clothes, but he himself is somewhat blind.

Lives without a window. He doesn't know the sun. (Mole).

How cleverly he arranged himself - he carries the storage room on himself.

And the pantry is behind the cheek. He's so cunning! (Mole).

This angry touchy-feely has been living in the depths of the forest for a long time.

He has a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog).

There was a lump of needles lying between the trees.

He lay there and lay there and suddenly ran. (Hedgehog).

He is as tall as a whole house. This means there is a lot of power in him.

He grew his long nose with all his might for a hundred years, groaning. (Elephant).

He walks with his head up, showing his temper.

This very important graph is called ... (giraffe).

At the threshold she cries, hides her claws.

He will quietly enter the room - purr and sing. (Cat).

Thick grasses lay on the curly sides.

He himself is all so curly, even his twisted horns. (Ram).

Not seeing the ocean wave, not knowing the sea surf,

A sea vest walks in the hot African steppe. (Zebra).

The island with the palm tree measured its water force with the wave.

He got angry and sniffled: “I’m not an island, I’m... (a whale).”

This dairy is chewing and chewing day and night.

He turned all the grass into milk so easily. (Cow).

His tail is crocheted and his nose is round.

The snout is full of holes, and the hook is fidgety. (Piglet).

No mustache, but bearded and butts everyone.

Terrible, like Napoleon. Guess who he is? (Goat).

With a beard, but not an old man. And with horns, but not a bull.

Milked, but not a cow. The bast pulls, but does not weave itself. (Goat).

...(monkey) deftly jumps from banana to banana.

A fish tail, but it is not a fish. The mouth has fangs, but is not a beast. (Crocodile).

White - he is at the pole. Brown is the one in the forest.

This one climbs on eucalyptus, eats leaves and sleeps a lot. (Koala).

It's so easy to recognize him. And it’s easy to guess.

He is enormous in stature and can see far. (Giraffe).

My brother lives in the north and eats sea fish.

And I prefer honey and wild berries. (Brown bear).

We use needles for sewing, but he wears them for living. (Hedgehog).

The belly and back are stones, and the head is snakes. (Turtle).

This beast, I tell you, brothers, can get into itself. (Mink).

Round nose - snout. Instead of a tail there is a hook.

Instead of shoes - hooves. What's his name, tell me? (Piglet).

In winter he sleeps, and in summer he stirs up the hives. (Bear).

It is prickly, but not a Christmas tree. Loves mice, but not cats. (Hedgehog).

He walks calmly, in no hurry, and carries his shield.

Underneath it she knows no fear, this old lady... (turtle).

The fur coat is striped, the muzzle is mustachioed.

Although he doesn’t know how to use water, he washes his face often. (Cat).

There is a haystack in the middle of the yard.

In front is a fork, in the back is a broom. (Cow).

He is born with a beard

But no one is surprised by this. (Goat).

In front there is a snout, in the back there is a hook.

Between them there is a back, and on it there is a bristle. (Pig).

First I made a hole, then I dug a hole there.

The sun is shining, he doesn't know it. (Mole).

He looks like a dog. Each tooth is like a sharp knife.

He runs around with his mouth bared and is ready to attack everyone. (Wolf).

He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree.

And when spring comes, he will wake up from his sleep. (Bear).

Everyone around him is moving forward, only he is doing the opposite.

He can move backwards for two hours straight. (Cancer).

When the little animal opens its mouth, it’s not a mouth, but a trap.

And both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap. (Frog).

The house is on the back, and the eyes are on the horns. (Snail).

A rope winds along the ground, at its end there is a head. (Snake).

He walks along the meadow, shakes his beard, chews grass, and gives him milk. (Goat).

A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys. (Sheep).

A cloud on legs walks along the paths. (Sheep, ram).

Gray, but not a wolf. Eared, but not a hare.

It has hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey).

At night he doesn’t sleep at all – he watches over the gray mice. (Cat).

I combed my hair without a comb and washed my face without water.

She climbed into a soft chair and sang in every key. (Cat).

In her bag there is no bread or rolls.

In her bag there is a baby on a walk. (Kangaroo).

Two horns on the nose, hooves on the legs, protection from enemies.

He is not at all bloodthirsty, because he is a herbivore. (Rhinoceros).

This red-haired cheat is very cunning and dexterous.

If it gets into the chicken coop, it will carry away all the corydalis. (Fox).

This beast lives in anxiety. Legs save you from trouble. (Hare).

They drove the antlers out into the meadows to eat.

And late in the evening the horns arrived with milk. (Cow).

Doesn't weave, doesn't spin, doesn't sew, doesn't embroider,

And he dresses everyone. (Sheep).

Our little jumper - a little coward - wears a short tail.

Timid eyes squint, ears lie along the back.

Fur coats are different, in two colors:

White is in winter, and gray is in summer. (Hare).

It curls up into a ball and cannot be grasped (Hedgehog).

Believe it or not, believe it or not: a beast ran through the forest.

It was not without reason that he carried two spreading bushes on his forehead. (Deer).

Small, nimble, grey. The tail is like an awl. (Mouse).

All four petals of the flower were moving.

I wanted to pick it, it fluttered up and flew away. (Butterfly).

Small stature, long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth. (Mouse).

Needles and pins come out from under the bench.

They look at me and want milk. (Hedgehog).

Under the pines, under the fir trees, there is a bag of needles. (Hedgehog).

Believe it or not, a miracle animal lives in the zoo.

He has a hand on his forehead, it looks like a pipe. (Elephant).

He shakes his beard and pulls his bast, but does not weave bast shoes. (Goat).

In winter, under the howling of a blizzard, he sleeps in a snowy hut.

And our forest master will wake up only in the spring. (Bear).

It gets bored without its owner. Doesn't allow strangers into the house. (Dog).

It looks like a cat is sitting on the window.

And a nose like a cat, and a tail like a cat.

And everything is like a cat, but it is not a cat. Who? (Cat).

This dog's brother is gray, and the robber is the very first. (Wolf).

Hundreds of enemies surround him.

The wolf and the bear attack him.

But there are two sharp fangs for protection

And his temper is fierce, like that of a bull

A quick red-haired little ball with a tail like a parachute.

Jumps briskly through the trees, has been there and there. (Squirrel).

What animal do they ride and walk on? (Along the zebra).

This child had a mustache and meowed like a kitten.

He roared, having matured, because it was ... (lion).

What's that noise at the watering hole? What happened there?

Everyone around here was awakened by the bloodthirsty ... (crocodile).

Hidden among the branches, all nature and animals

Like a scene from the stalls, the black...(panther) sees.

A carcass emerges from the water. It's hard on dry land.

The belly hangs to the ground. This is a fat...(hippopotamus).

Carrion is her prey. Smells great.

She doesn't need hygiene. Eats anything...(hyena).

He is similar to a hippopotamus - both are very thick-skinned.

Has a horn on its nose. And that fat guy...(rhino).

If the nose were an ordinary nose, it would not suffer from the question

If the nose is a huge horn, then who is it? (Rhinoceros).

A huge, clubfooted man wanders through the forest.

He loves raspberries and fragrant honey. (Bear).

These are the riddles about animals we have collected for you.

Liked? I'm sure so! Because the riddles are actually good. And the pictures chosen for them are beautiful.

And if you liked it, be sure to check it out on our website. After all, we have a lot of such articles: almost 50 pieces!!! For example, they teach children to think unconventionally. And they will be an excellent assistant in organizing your holiday.

However, what am I telling you? See for yourself and see for yourself!

A riddle is a brilliant invention of the human mind. It helps to search and find connections between objects, show attention to detail, and look at familiar things from a different angle. This tiny puzzle teaches us to think, feel the language subtly and understand more deeply the world. Most adults are convinced that riddles are fun for children. However, you should train your brain at any age - at least for prevention. How many folk puzzles can you remember right away? 10? 20? Surely these will be the most famous. But there are thousands of mysteries! In addition, you can compose them yourself.

How to come up with a riddle? Let's give some advice.

We study

To begin with, we recommend accumulating material for observations. To start creating yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with how other authors do it. Take a collection of riddles with you on a long journey to the sea or to the country. Solve them with the whole family, discuss how successful they are, admire folk (or literary) wisdom and successful comparisons.

Please note that the same object or phenomenon can be described in completely different ways. For example, sleep.

  • He knocked down both the army and the governor.
  • What's the sweetest thing in the world?
  • He won’t knock or blurt out, but he’ll approach anyone.

How to come up with a simile riddle?

To compose a simple problem, you need to learn how to find the properties of an object and compare it with other objects (phenomena) based on these qualities. It is very convenient to fill out a small table.

You can combine the obtained data like this:

It's as hot as an oven.
Golden like a dandelion.
Round like a wheel.
Bright as fire.

Try it - it's a fun process!

What if an object or phenomenon does not have clearly defined characteristics? Ask yourself the question: “What can he do? Who else does this?

Here's what happened:

Flying like a bird.
Howls like a wolf.
Whistles like the Nightingale the Robber.
Bends trees like a giant.

Another option is to use negations:

It's flying, but it's not a bird.
Howls, but not a wolf.
He whistles, but not the Nightingale the Robber.
He bends trees, but not a giant.

How to come up with a riddle “on the contrary”?

We will still draw verbal pictures, but in addition to similar features, we will find characteristic differences between the object or phenomenon under consideration and others. For example, a cloud is white, like cotton wool, but you can’t pick it up. The fog is gray-haired, like an ancient old man, but it won’t tell a fairy tale. The moon is delicious, like a cheesecake, but you can’t bite it.


What (who) is it like?

What can he do?

What is the difference?


yes without a tail

for a ram

don't let it gore

on the plane

let him sit on the leaves of the trees

don't bite

Possible variant:

Winged like a bird, but without a tail.
Horned like a ram, don't let him gore you.
It flies like an airplane and lands on
It buzzes like a bee, but doesn't bite.

Consider the parts and the whole

Which one can you come up with? Let's use mathematics to help! Consider the human body. What parts does it consist of? One tongue, lips, one mouth, two eyes, two ears, a pair of arms and legs. How did the people reflect this in folklore?

One chatterbox
Another whistler
And the third one is coming.
Two brothers vidaki,
And two are hearers,
Two runners
Yes, two brothers-grip.

And now, using this principle, we come up with riddles ourselves.

I'm sitting on a chair myself,
feet on the steps
He grabbed the pitchforks with his hands.
I'm rushing on two plates like a rocket.

We have given only a few examples. Of course, most of them are unlikely to ever find their way into folklore or author’s collections, but we don’t pretend to do so. The main thing is that this fun entertainment will be extremely useful for both kindergarteners and primary schoolchildren. Surely, in the process of playing together with your child, you will develop your own techniques and artistic discoveries.

Coming up with a riddle is a creative task for the development of children in elementary school. Schoolchildren analyze, compare, and contrast the properties, features, and attributes of various objects, phenomena, animals, etc.

Composing riddles on your own is a very exciting process that children adore. They are happy to prepare such homework on the world around them or other subjects in grades 1-3 primary school. Children especially like to come up with their own riddles about animals, seasons, birds and plants. Below are the riddles the students came up with for one of these lessons.

Riddles invented by children

Gray, fluffy, but not a wolf.
Striped, but not a tigress.
There is a mustache, but not a grandfather.
Give me the answer quickly!

They tick, they count, they calculate time,
They walk and hurry, although they stand still.

It's pouring and watering the beds
Gardeners respect

Water is dripping from the sky
What is who where
Children grow up quickly
If they fall under it

There are four horns on one leg.
Pokes, grabs, helps to eat.

Little elephant
Runs across the carpet.
Collects dust with its trunk,
The tail sticks out in the socket.
(Vacuum cleaner)

The master sewed a fur coat,
I forgot to take out the needles.

That always walks around without looking back

I have a lot of girlfriends
We are all very good.
If a person needs
We will help from the bottom of our hearts. (Books)

I'm waiting for you guys!
I am very, very beautiful!
Why don't you take it?
Because it's poisonous!

Who sings so loudly
About the fact that the sun is rising?

It blows smoke and gives warmth.

They beat him, but he flies.

He will tell us everything
Morning, evening and afternoon.

In the morning they open
They close in the evening.

Mechanical screen
Shows everything to us.
From it we learn
What and where, when, how much?

What kind of miracle backpack is this?
There are pens and chalk in it,
And also pencils
And look for markers.
(Pencil case)

What kind of berry is this?
Appetizing, big?
The top is full of greenery,
And she's red inside.

He has four legs
He keeps jumping along the path.

This house is very smart,
In it we take knowledge.

She herself is mute
But she teaches everyone.

Striped Citizen
Quenched our thirst.

Shaggy friend
The house is guarding.

Cross-eyed, small,
In a white fur coat and felt boots.

Sits on a spoon
Long legs.

Small, colorful,
If it flies away, you won't catch it.

You speak quietly and audibly loudly.

Blizzards are cold,
The wolves are hungry
The nights are dark
When does this happen?

Arrives after winter
Maslenitsa meets
Warms everyone with warmth
The birds are calling

He'll tell you everything
And the whole world will show.

We get up on them in the morning,
And we all go to school.

She has one arm, it is very thin.
Everything is working, digging,
Large holes are pulled out.

It’s warm with him,
Without it it’s cold.

This is a beautiful animal
It loves affection, cleanliness,
Milk and mice.

This is my favorite thing
Little children.
This item can be bought
Or you can do it yourself.

And everyone loves this
Especially in the heat.
(Ice cream)

What's that bright light in the dark?

Small, prickly.

There are wires inside.
Like the sun is shining brightly
He will greet everyone warmly.

A hole has been dug and it is full of water.
Anyone who wants to will get drunk to the fullest.

In the morning it blooms,
Closes at night.

Round ball
Rolling around the field.

There's an elephant in our kitchen
He sat down on the stove.
And whistles and puffs,
The water is boiling in the stomach. (Kettle)

Wedge in the sun,
Damn when it rains

If a child is having difficulties, parents can get involved and help come up with a riddle for school together as a family. Compose together with your children; it will charge you with positivity and give the child the desired time of close communication with his parents. What could be more important than these minutes?

Setting consonant sounds and letters: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Difficult consonants: b;p | w;w | z;s | g;k | s;ts | v;f | r;l | p;l | r;p;l | z;s;c | h;f;sh;sch;ts;x |

Collaboration parents, exercises from the site and the software package will help children make sounds. Correct speech child is good. The work of a speech therapist must be comprehensive and systematic. Speak words clearly pronouncing letters and syllables. Children with severe speech impairments need systematic help from a speech therapist. Individual sessions help solve problems with diction in children. Thanks to the site’s exercises, you will be able to understand the development of your child’s vocabulary, whether he connects them together and pronounces them correctly. Here on the site you will find exercises for setting all the sounds of the Russian alphabet, and also teach your child to read.

Riddles invented by children

A riddle is a means of developing children, as well as an exercise in reasoning and the ability to prove. Invite the children to come up with a riddle themselves or describe some object or phenomenon, and you try to guess it, then switch roles. For example, a wall (every house has one, it can be made of brick, concrete, stone, wood). The stars (invisible during the day, but visible at night, and even then not always, are far, far away). Lightning (flashes in the sky, after which there is a lot of noise). If you cannot guess the riddle, then the child gives you further hints (about the wall - you can hang a carpet on this, there may be windows or doors, etc. until you guess). Children really like these games, especially when they come up with the riddle themselves.

The master sewed a fur coat,

I forgot to take out the needles.

What always walks around without looking back?

I have a lot of girlfriends

We are all very good.

If a person needs

We will help from the bottom of our hearts.

I'm waiting for you guys!

I am very, very beautiful!

Why don't you take it?

Because it's poisonous!

(fly agaric)

Riddles about a car for children

Riddles about vegetables and fruits are very entertaining and have a positive impact on the development of the child. Of course, the upbringing of children must be comprehensive; both parents and educators must understand this, because by solving fruit and vegetable riddles, the child learns about the world, learns to think and think.

It is noteworthy that there are more than 7,500 varieties of apples in the world, their size ranges from the smallest (the size of a cherry) to large fruits. In our country, due to the unfavorable climate, a small amount of fruit grows - apples, pears, apricots. Exotic fruits (pomegranate, peach, nectarine, mango, papaya and others) are brought to us from abroad. Fruits are very tasty, so they often replace dessert. Plus, they contain a large amount of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on people's health. Each fruit has a specific effect on the human body, because the content of vitamins and minerals in them is not the same. Most fruits do not lose their properties, even if they are frozen, canned or dried.

It's almost like an orange

Thick skinned, juicy,

There is only one drawback -

Very, very sour. (Lemon)

Well, guess what?

It's very simple:

Orange, neither give nor take,

Just shorter. (Mandarin)

We all know him from childhood -

The most amazing fruit

Orange reminds

It's called - ... (Grapefruit)

This dinner is the best

I'm glad and Misha is glad,

After all, today our mother

She bought us... (grapes)

They look like cucumbers

They only grow in ligaments,

And these fruits for breakfast

They serve the monkeys. (bananas)

It's not very easy to guess -

This is the kind of fruit I know -

It's not about coconut

Not about the pear, not about the plum, -

There is also such a bird,

Also called - ... (kiwi)

This guy is very strong

Naughty tooth

Split it first

And then eat. (nut)

Not in forests and not in gardens,

Not with you and not with us,

And in tropical fields

Grows... (pineapple)

From plant products,

From famous berries, fruits,

Of all that is sweet, juicy,

What is edible and not so much,

For all the children to eat,

Can we cook... (jam)

Among the melons are green balls.

The kids flew in - The balls are nothing but bark. (Watermelons)

Sea riddles for children

Riddles about the sea introduce kids to the natural bodies of water on Earth, types of seas and their inhabitants.

There are many seas on the planet - the Black Sea, the Sargasso Sea, the Caribbean Sea and many others. In the modern world, seashores are most often considered as resort areas. And in ancient times, the seas were viewed more as strategic objects; huge fleets were created to protect the seas from attack.

Star in the sea Pirates often operated in the seas and robbed peaceful ships. There were especially many of them in the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas. And in the depths of the seas, in addition to the amazing underwater sea, hidden are countless treasures of sunken ships.

Riddles about the seas develop children's memory, imagination, and create an interest in adventure.

Both on land and in water -

He carries the house with him everywhere.

Travels without fear

In this house... (turtle)

She is not afraid of any beast -

The shell is worn on the back.

He lives for three hundred years without fear.

Who is this? (Turtle)

Maybe a giant fish

Launch a fountain over the water.

Who is famous for this?

Ocean dweller - ... (whale)

He is huge, thick-skinned,

And it looks like a fish.

A fountain of water flies upward -

So greets everyone... (whale)

What kind of tailed, dark cloak

Cutting through the waves in the sea?

Carefully! There is a rank in it.

He's electric... (scat)

Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. automation of sounds

Albums-guides include a variety of tasks in an entertaining form, the implementation of which develops in the child the correct pronunciation of the sounds S, Z, Sh, Shch, Ch, R, L. In addition, they contribute to the enrichment of children’s vocabulary, the development of their imagination, coherent speech, logical thinking and other necessary prerequisites for schooling. When completing tasks, children develop independent work skills. The tasks presented in the manual contribute to the development of basic mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, creativity child.

These albums contain illustrative and lexical materials for production and automation different groups sounds and can be used by parents to reinforce already established sounds in speech. Lexical material The manual was selected and arranged with maximum consideration of didactic and methodological requirements for speech therapy work with children and in accordance with the laws of Russian phonetics. Large illustrative material helps to attract children's attention and increase their memorization. The purpose of the manual is to provide practical assistance to speech therapists of preschool educational institutions, schools and children's clinics. Let me add that it is also easy for parents to study with their children using these albums, the material is given from simple to complex.

Riddles about animals for children are the simplest and most interesting riddles, just like . They are suitable for both babies and older children. All riddles about animals with answers and in poetic form - read and guess with your child.

Riddles about animals for children with answers

A long tail,
Tiny height.
Gray fur coat,
Sharp teeth ( mouse).

A ball of fluff,
Long ear
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots ( hare).

He drinks milk and sings songs.
Washing frequently
But I don’t know about water ( cat).

Jumps across the field -
Hides his ears
Will stand like a pillar -
Ears upright (hare).

He sleeps in a den in winter
Under a huge pine tree,
And when spring comes,
Wakes up from sleep ( bear).

I can wash myself clean -
Not with water, but with the tongue.
Meow. How often do I dream
Saucer with warm milk! ( cat)

He's tall and spotted
With a long, long neck,
And he eats leaves -
Tree leaves ( giraffe).

A bushy tail sticks out from the top.
What is this strange little animal?
He cracks the nuts finely.
Well of course it is... ( squirrel)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,
I sucked a brown paw,
And when he woke up, he began to roar.
This forest animal is... ( bear).

I am a hunchbacked beast
And the guys like me ( camel).

Lives in a hollow
Yes, he gnaws all the nuts ( squirrel)

Beard and horns
Running along the path ( goat).

Grayish, toothy,
Prowls across the field,
Looking for calves, lambs ( wolf).

The panty changed the color,
And then I lost track ( hare).

With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not a bull,
They milk, not the cow,
Bast is tearing up,
But he doesn’t weave bast shoes ( goat).

Walks through the fields, chews grass,
Moos “Moo-oo-oo”, but I don’t understand who ( cow).

Who alone has a horn?
Guess... ( rhinoceros)

Lying between the fir trees
Pillow with needles.
She lay quietly
Then suddenly she ran away ( hedgehog).

Believe it or not:
An animal ran through the forest.
He carried it on his forehead for a reason
Two spreading bushes ( elk).

Barks loudly
The house is guarded
Big bully -
Who is this ( dog).

Hungry - hums.
When full, he chews.
For little kids
Gives milk ( cow).

He walks, wanders, shakes his beard.
The child asks: “Me-e-e.
Give me some tasty grass" ( goat).

Gray wolf in a dense forest
I met a red (fox).

Hot summer in the mountains
Runs around in a fur coat ( ram) .

He's like a huge mountain -
Very kind, kind ( elephant).

Small, white,
Jump-jump along the forest,
Poke-poke at a snowball ( hare).

A red-haired cheat walks through the forest,
Leads with a fluffy tail,
Loves chickens
Petushkov steals.
Who is this? ( fox)

Most of all its size.
The color is normal, smooth, gray.
He carries loads like a robot.
Instead of hands and nose there is a trunk ( elephant).

For some reason there is no time for games,
If he's wandering around ( tiger).

Oranges and bananas
They love it very much (monkey).

Instead of a nose - a snout,
Instead of a tail - a hook,
The voice is shrill and the bell rings,
Who is this? ( pig).

Lives in the forest
He chews raspberries.
Cheerful trampler -
Who is this? ( bear)

Lives in a mink
He chews the crust.
Gray baby -
Who is this? ( mouse)

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I gnaw nuts ( squirrel).

What kind of forest animal is this?
Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree?
And stands among the grass -
Ears are bigger than head ( hare).

He is friends with the owner,
The house is guarded
Lives under the porch
And the tail is a ring ( dog).

Jumps far
Swims deep.
Merry frog -
Who is this? ( frog)

Circling in the sky
It buzzes merrily.
Landed on a branch -
Who is this? ( bug)

He sat on a flower
Like on a small hand,
It buzzed and flew away:
He has a lot to do ( bug).

Curled up into a ball
Fluffy lump
Pink mouth -
Who is this? ( cat)

The beast jumped onto the lampshade,
Purred: “Meow, purr” ( cat).

“I’ll grab it!” I’ll swallow it!”
Clicks his teeth ( pike).

A log floats down the river -
Oh, how furious it is!
To those who fell into the river,
The nose will be bitten off ( crocodile ).

Quickly hides from fear
The shell is hard ( turtle).

Where does the underground passage lead?
Only ( mole).

“I-go-go,” the child shouts.
So this is ( foal).

Mom knits
Long scarf,
Because son ( giraffe).

Let the roof leak
And the gate broke,
Your home for nothing
Won't leave ( snail).

Which of the animals
Fluffier tail
And longer? ( fox)

Someone is being extradited
His ears are long,
The tail is short, like a pompom,
Fluffy himself - who is he? ( hare)

Doesn't speak, doesn't sing,
And who goes to the owner,
She lets you know ( dog).

Pointy ears
There are pillows on the paws,
Mustache like bristles
Arched back.
Sleeps during the day
Lying in the sun.
Wanders at night
Goes hunting ( cat).

Lives in water
The tail wags,
Too toothy, but not barking ( pike).

Sleeps in winter
In summer he stirs up the hives ( bear).

Like a Christmas tree
All covered in needles ( hedgehog)

The tail is fluffy,
Golden fur,
Lives in the forest
In the village he steals chickens ( fox).

In summer - gray,
In winter - white ( hare).

Who is cold in winter
Walking around angry and hungry? ( wolf)

Summer in the swamp
You will find it:
Green frog.
Who is this? ( frog)

Cunning cheat
red head,
The fluffy tail is beautiful.
Who is this? ( fox)

It's not a bird on a branch -
Small animal
The fur is warm, like a hot water bottle.
Who is this? ( squirrel)

I dig a hole day and night,
I don’t know the sun at all.
Who will find my long move,
He will immediately say: this is ( mole).

Are you unfamiliar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea.
Head and eight legs
That's all I am - ( octopus).

Day and night all year round
The kind one digs a mink... ( mole)

You can hear the bell ringing outside the door,
And you can hear barking in the house...( puppy)

Who's in the den until spring
Dreams day and night ( bear)?

M small stature, long tail,
Gray coat, sharp teeth ( mouse).

Little boy
In a gray army jacket
Collects crumbs.
He is afraid of cats ( sparrow).

The owner lives in the house:
Satin fur coat,
Velvet paws,
Ears are sensitive ( cat).

Jump and jump through the trees,
A living flame flutters ( squirrel).

This little baby
I'm glad even for a bread crumb,
Because before dark
She's hiding in a hole ( mouse).

Not a beast, not a bird
Afraid of everything.
Catches flies -
And into the water - splash! ( frog)

Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat for summer,
For winter a different color ( hare).

Look what it is -
Everything burns like gold
Walks around in a fur coat dear,
The tail is fluffy and large ( fox).

In front there is a patch,
At the back there is a hook
In the middle of the back
And there is a bristle on it ( pig).

Gray chases white
Wants to have a white lunch ( wolf).

Who lives in the deep forest -
Clumsy, clubfooted?
In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw
Or wandering through the forest ( bear).

Thick cheeks
Fluffy barrel
Lives with me at home ( hamster).

He looks like a dog
Each tooth is like a sharp knife.
He growled and bared his mouth:
I wanted to attack a sheep ( wolf).

You stroke it, it caresses you,
You tease and it bites.
Sits on a chain
The house is guarded ( dog)

Who is afraid of everyone in the forest -
A bear, a wolf and a fox? ( hare)

Who is the strict forest owner?
Does he sleep in a den in winter? ( bear)

Winter night under the moon
He howls in the depths of the forest.
Knows a lot about long battles
This predatory scary ( wolf).

Doesn't walk on the ground
Doesn't look at the light
And for lunch, for dinner -
Everyone calls her. (fish).

Two horns
Not a bull
Six legs -
No hooves. (cancer)

On top of the stone
Below is a stone
Four legs
Yes, one head. (turtle)

Eyes are on horns,
And the house is on the back. (snail)