The girl considers me a friend. Relationship

Everyone knows very well that there is no friendship between a girl and a man. One of them always falls in love, but the other always thinks that they are only friends.

But many people are mistaken in this, especially girls. So, guys, if you have fallen in love with your friend, but you understand that she has no one to see in you other than a friend, then this article is for you.

How to make a girl fall in love with you

What to do?

Many people think that this issue cannot be resolved. After all, each girl has her own peculiarity, her own character and so on. But still, you should know the golden rules that apply to everyone.

Rules for a man in love

  • First, you need to think through your steps. Find out what her weaknesses are. Maybe she likes compliments or candy. Watch this carefully.
  • After that, go to the mirror and look at yourself. Do you like yourself? If not, then she’s unlikely to like you either. Therefore, you should carefully consider how to change your image. After all, every girl likes well-groomed guys. Personal hygiene must be observed. Choose the right cologne.
  • Learn to control the situation. Seize every moment to confess your feelings to her or show yourself as a potential boyfriend. She should see you as more than just a friend.
  • Always be optimistic but understanding. Always support her. Try to make her feel good and happy with you.
  • Be individual. Every girl is a little selfish. You don’t need to fulfill all her wishes, but you don’t need to forget about the woman. Do everything, but in moderation.
  • Always be honest. Girls don't like being lied to. It is better to tell the truth, which will not go on your side. As a result, she will understand that you can be trusted and understand that the girl is not the last person for you.
  • If she refuses you, never give up on your goal. Girls, in most cases, are used to checking a guy. They want to know will you give in the first time?
  • Give her little surprises. Give her a chocolate or a flower. For example, a dispute would be an excellent option. After all, if you lose, you can wish for whatever you want.

My friend Roman shared his love story. I quote his story and advice practically unchanged.

“...I thought that I would never tell this about myself, but now... I dated a girl for about a year. Everything is fine. And suddenly “I don’t love you anymore. Let's part as friends." I think, what nonsense. In general, what to do if a girl falls out of love?

I’m sharing the method that helped me get the woman I loved back and everything I’ve picked up along the way. I'm sure it will help. Go.

I know what you feel after the words

Agree, it is difficult to calmly and adequately respond to the words:

  • Let's remain friends
  • I don't love you anymore, we need to break up
  • I love someone else, you and I have nothing in common
  • I need to think and understand myself
  • Don't call me or come.

So, my serious relationship was crumbling from “Let’s break up. I do not love you". Well, they just finished off the man who was lying down. “I am amazed, literally and figuratively. I didn't understand what was happening. Hell..." - these are the words, the emotions were steeper.

At that moment, I clearly realized that I want to return my beloved girl, I want her to be nearby. And then there was a feeling of powerlessness, emptiness, a burning desire to tell her a lot of good things so that she would understand my attitude towards her. This barrel organ of thoughts and words did not let me go day or night.

I couldn’t even imagine that a healthy 28-year-old guy could be so vulnerable and confused. What a wimp I considered myself then.

Why doesn't a girl love you anymore?

Psychologists believe that a woman falls in love with the guy whom, on a subconscious level, she considers worthy of procreation. She leaves the man due to the loss of attractiveness for her, or she has met a more worthy successor to the family. Next, I’ll explain what can be done with this in our favor when we talk about ways to make a girl fall in love with you.

At this moment, her emotions are no longer with you, although she is also worried. The fact is clear - the feelings were mutual and passed... with her. But mine remained. They still remain.

! Tip number 1. Your task now is to stop panicking and understand what about you pushed her away. Decide whether you need her so much that you are starting an operation to get her back. What will you change about yourself, forever.

Reasons I researched for myself:

  • Habit killed passion
  • High expectations on her part
  • Lack of attention to her
  • Heavy character of a man
  • They became uninteresting in each other. Life goals diverge
  • She fell in love with someone else.

Surely you know the real reason. If you're still not ready to let your girlfriend go, read on.

What you should never do

My slow-witted character saved me. I didn't stop her. But this is what I really wanted to do.

  • Call and tell her how much I love her, that now everything will change. At worst, write.
  • Shower her with flowers and gifts
  • Tell her how bad I feel without her
  • Talk to her friends to influence her.

! Tip number 2– don’t humiliate yourself and don’t follow her around. She may take pity on you, but it won’t bring back love. You risk destroying even what remains. Better think about how you will return not her, but her love.

Step-by-step instructions on how to get a girl's love

After the first emotions, I had to turn my head on and this is what we came up with. As it turned out later, the steps are not new, but they work.

Each of us understood that we were completely confused in relationships, claims against each other and ourselves, so we decided to take a break and sort out our own emotions. But I realized that it would be difficult to cope without a professional psychologist. And on the advice of friends, he turned to Danil Delichev.

To be honest, I didn’t expect a special effect and was always skeptical about such undertakings. But he really turned out to be a master of his craft and a real relationship guru. And it’s not surprising, because Danil has vast experience in “resolving” difficult love stories, including our own. He was able to easily find the key and the necessary recommendations for my situation. Did you manage to get the girl back? Still would!

Now it's been a year since we've been together. The breakup benefited both of them. Not only was I forced to make important decisions for myself, but she also reconsidered her attitude towards me and towards relationships in general. Sincerity, reliability, and necessity appeared.

The last piece of advice from me is that relationships are born, grow, sometimes get sick, sometimes die like a living organism. If you want your relationship to survive, you will definitely get your girlfriend back. And you will become the only right man for her.”

You were friends and friends, and suddenly it turned out that you could not only be friends with her, but also date her. But for her you are just a friend. If you simply say: “Let’s date,” then 90% of you will be rejected, because girls do not perceive friends as potential partners. In this article I will give some tips to help you move out of the frame just a girl friend into the frame of a potential partner.

1. Since you are still just friends, ask her about what she liked about her ex-boyfriends. Surely you will have something in common with them. And then you need to demonstrate these traits, and as actively as possible. It’s just advisable to stick to reality, otherwise it will look ridiculous.

2. As is known, from simply friendly relations In love, girls switch much more slowly. Therefore, it would be nice to disappear somewhere for a few days. This is very good advice, which is often given by experienced seducers to those whom the girl has invited to remain just friends. You yourself won’t understand how you will turn into the one the girl misses. But don't delay this too much. Keep in mind that if a girl hasn’t called you for several months, then this is still a cause for concern.

3. Sometimes you still have to lie. For example, in the case when your friend found out that ex-girlfriend you were treated poorly. You can say that you have changed since then, you have become much better.

4. Girls are subconsciously driven crazy when a guy's pupils dilate. This is actually easy to achieve by dimming the lights. Therefore, if possible, do this when you are near the object of your passion. This will make her feel good about you.

5. Tell her what kind of girls you like. Discreetly name the traits she possesses. But at the last moment, say that, of course, she is not like that. By doing this, you are challenging her, and she will try hard to please you.

6. Always accept her advances. The more a girl invests in you, the more she hopes to get. Getting sick is a great option. She will visit you, give you tea, and at the same time she will produce oxytocin - the attachment hormone.

7. Call a friend who is doing great on the personal front, and agree to sit somewhere in pairs: he with his girlfriend, and you with that same friend. Thus, she will subconsciously perceive herself as your girlfriend, and the romantic atmosphere will further enhance the sensations.

8. Do it anyway. At least kiss her goodbye. The more you touch her, the more she perceives you as a sexual partner and not just a friend.

The relationship between a guy and a girl is a complicated thing. Girls may not notice a guy, and then suddenly fall in love, or develop a relationship slowly and steadily. However, the guys try and build relationships. But often they are faced with the fact that the development of relationships only leads to friendship. Why did this happen and how to proceed? This is exactly what we will look at in our article.

In order to understand this problem, you need to understand the reasons why the girl considers you only a friend. But we can say with complete confidence that your chosen one is either not deciding on a serious relationship. Or the girl has no interest in you.

There are several main reasons why you are only a friend for a girl:

1. She is not attracted to you as a man. Yes, you are a good, reliable person with whom it is interesting to communicate, but nothing more. That's why you're only suitable for her as a friend.

2. The girl has someone. If you know that this is not the case, then do not exclude the possibility that your friend may have sympathy for another person. That's why she doesn't notice you.

In any case, don't give up. After all, this is the lot of weak people. You need to be patient and see the potential for future relationships in friendship. By understanding the reason, you need to protect yourself from the main mistakes that guys make in such a situation.

And so, what not to do if a girl said that she considers you only a friend:

1. Don't get depressed. Friendship is already something. Initially, you must understand that if a girl offers you friendship, then this is not so bad. Because you are at least a reliable person with whom she is interested in communicating, and this is not a bad thing.

2. No ultimatums. You shouldn’t put the question bluntly and say that you can’t be a friend because you have deep feelings for her. By doing this, you will most likely be left with nothing. With such words you will not win the girl’s heart, but will only push her away from you.

3. And most importantly, don’t be a bore. Don't bother your girl with constant calls and messages. Many guys begin to almost follow the girl. With such actions they only bother and scare the girl away. You are a man, so have respect for yourself.

Girls love persistent men. But they also love men who know how to compromise and, if necessary, can give in to them. After all, it is actually very difficult to live with a dictator. Agree to friendship and understand that this is not a categorical “no” told to you, but only temporary. Therefore, first of all, show your beloved that you are a truly reliable and not annoying friend.

Don't forget that love between a girl and a guy often begins with friendship.

And so, understanding not the hopelessness of your situation, but seeing only bright prospects in it, let’s move on to the final solution to your problem.

Let's consider what you need to change in yourself so that a girl sees you as her potential man:

1. Charm. Girls fall in love with men who know how to impress. Develop good qualities in yourself that your chosen one likes.

2. Flirting. Learn to subtly hint to a girl about something more. The ability to flirt with your eyes, facial expressions and words is a serious weapon in the fight for a girl’s heart.

3. Compliments. The beautiful half of humanity loves good words in their direction. This way, you will let the girl know that you are very attracted to her.

4. Confidence and reliability. These are the feelings your friend should experience when she is with you. These are the qualities that tell you that you can be relied upon.

Using these tips, you will make yourself more attractive. And over time, your chosen one will understand that the one she was looking for Serious relationships, next to her and it’s you.

Spend time together. If you want to talk about the status of your relationship, you need to find a time when you can spend time alone. Ask him if he is free this weekend or next and invite him over. If he doesn't agree or tries to make an excuse not to come, it's a sign that he's not interested in you romantically.

Do the same things as usual. Don't ambush your friend by attacking him with a sudden question. Do something fun and interesting that you usually enjoy doing together. Play a video game, watch a movie, or discuss a sports game.

Ask him if you can chat privately. When you feel like now is the time, pause the game or movie. You can even wait until your friend starts getting ready to go home. And then ask if he can stay for 5 minutes and talk. Tell him up front that you don't want to embarrass him, but you need to clear up any confusion in your relationship. At this stage, you don't have to say whether you like him or not.

  • You could try saying, "Hey, do you mind if we have a quick chat? I wanted to discuss something with you. I'm a little confused and confused about the status of our relationship, and so I want to understand what's going on between us."
  • Say in advance that no matter what you will remain good friends. These conversations are usually very awkward, so it's important to make your friend feel as comfortable as possible. Tell him how much you value your friendship with him.

    • You can say, "Our friendship means a lot to me, and I want to make sure that we maintain it. But at the same time, it is important for me to make sure that we are honest with each other about our expectations."
  • Ask your friend what he thinks about your relationship. The question itself can be difficult. You might even want to rehearse this conversation with a friend in advance to get some help. There are many ways to phrase a question.

    • "How do you see our relationship?"
    • “Do you think something more than just friendship is possible between us?”
    • "How do you feel about me?"
  • Give him enough time to respond. He may react shyly, embarrassed or nervous. Give him time to think and listen to his answer. Don't interrupt him. Wait until he finishes speaking before you say anything.

  • Treat his answer with understanding. If he says you're like a sister, a friend, or "one of my guys," it means he values ​​your friendship but doesn't want anything more. React to his answer with dignity. Say that now that you know how he really feels, you feel much easier and calmer.

    • Try saying: “I understand perfectly well what you are talking about. I also perceive you as best friend, and I just wanted to make sure that we remain friends. I'm very glad we were able to discuss this."
    • Your friendship may not be exactly the same as it was before this conversation, and a few awkward situations may arise. However, if your friend still wants a friendly relationship with you, it means that you are important to him, but not in a romantic way.
  • If a guy confesses his feelings to you, tell him how you feel about him. If he confirms your suspicions that he likes you as more than just a girlfriend, be honest about how you feel about him. If you also feel sympathy for him, tell him right away.

    • You can say, "I'm glad to hear that. I like you too, and I feel the same way."