The rain is falling like peas. Scenario of the autumn matinee “Autumn has come after summer

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs. Children follow them preparatory group and stand in a semicircle.

1 child
Autumn is outside the window again,
The rain is falling like peas,
The leaves are falling, rustling,
How beautiful autumn is!

2 child
The leaves are embroidered with gold,
The paths are washed by the rain,
Mushrooms in bright caps,
You give us everything, Autumn!

3 child
Every leaf is golden -
Little sun -
I'll put it in a basket,
I'll put it on the bottom.

4 child
I take care of the leaves
Autumn continues!
Long, long time for me
The holiday doesn't end!

The presenter reads to the music

Autumn is wandering everywhere,
The poplar has dropped its leaves.
Look - the mountain ash has reddened cheeks,
Yellow leaves flew onto the path.

"Dance autumn leaves» Music A. Filippenko (junior group)

(Children take their seats to the music)
Oh, guys, hush, hush!
I hear something strange.
Someone is rushing here to us
And it seems to rustle.

Music sounds and the Scarecrow appears in the hall.

I don't dress according to fashion
All my life I stand as if on watch,
Whether in the garden, in the field or vegetable garden,
I instill fear in the flocks.

It turns out that this is who has been guarding our garden all summer.

Scarecrow: Yes, it's me, Scarecrow! Hello guys! Where are my vegetables?

Green pea:
Everyone knows how good
I am a green pea.
I decorate all the dishes
And they respect him for this.

I'm fresh and crispy.
I am a real cucumber.
I was green in the garden
I'll become salty in the jar.

I am very important, sir,
Ripe, sweet tomato.
Red, juicy and smooth.

I'm treating everyone, guys.
Who drinks my tomato juice?
Has not been sick for a whole year.

And I, juicy cabbage,
I'm proud of my vitamins.
In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads
I'll certainly come in handy.
And how delicious
My cabbage soup!

I am the onion from all diseases.
Guys, I am the most useful of all.
Even though I'm bitter, it doesn't matter.
You always have to eat me

No lunch without potatoes
No roast, no okroshka.
Everyone respects potatoes
Which of you doesn't know me?

We are all from the garden bed,
Remember us, guys.

Rich in vitamins
And all the guys need us!

(Children sit down).

Scarecrow: What a harvest! I did a good job, I scattered all the birds. It's time to reap the harvest. Well, can you help me harvest?

Game “Harvest” (groups play in turns).

(Children come out - vegetables)
What kind of baby vegetables are these?

I'm a zucchini, a fat man,
golden barrel,
I'm on your site
Still a newbie.

I'm a carrot to everyone's surprise
And blush and beautiful.

Leading:(addresses the vegetables) If you want, my friend, we will sing about zucchini and about my friend carrots.

The song “Harvest” is performed

Scarecrow: Guys, I completely forgot, today is a holiday. Today is autumn's birthday. Let's invite her to us and celebrate her birthday with her.
Autumn, Autumn, we are waiting for you
Celebrate birthday.
Come to us soon.
The holiday will be more fun.
(Autumn comes to the music)

I hear, I hear and I hurry,
I want to make you happy.
After all, today I have
Birthday, friends!

We know about the birthday
And congratulations are ready.
Let's celebrate the holiday
Let's sing and dance!

Autumn dances with the children to cheerful music

(The scarecrow leaves the hall during the dance)

Scarecrow: Autumn, autumn, look what I found! This is for you! Happy birthday!

(hands Ladybug to Autumn)

Autumn: Oh, how beautiful! Thank you! Just let's let her go, it's time for her to sleep, because winter is coming.

Scarecrow: I tried so hard. I wanted you to have something bright and beautiful.

Presenter: Don't be upset, Scarecrow! Our guys will sing a song. We will give it to Autumn for her birthday.

The song “Ogorodnaya - round dance” is performed

They danced and sang from the heart,
Ah, guys are good!

I have a basket in my hands
It contains autumn gifts
I'm rich in everything
I brought it for the kids.
I will treat you
Celebrate your birthday!

(Autumn gives out gifts).

That's it, it's time to go,
Goodbye, kids!

(Autumn and Scarecrow leave to the music)

“Autumn Pictures” script for middle group

Target: Creating conditions for the formation of social and personal qualities of older preschoolers through their inclusion in different kinds activities.
- Development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech in preschoolers, formation of the child’s experience of self-knowledge.
- Help the child to believe in himself, teach him to be successful in his activities, to find his place in the system of social relations and the world around him, and to contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.
- Developing children's interest in seasonal changes in the surrounding world.

Progress of the event.

Autumn, autumn outside the window,
The rain is falling like peas,
The leaves are falling rustling
How beautiful you are autumn!
To the music “Leaf, leaf fall”, children with leaves in their hands enter the hall and dance.
1. Autumn is crying outside the window,
Listyev leads a round dance,
Forgotten favorite ball
On the bench by the gate!
2. He was a little offended
My red-sided friend,
And dreams of going on the road
Take the jump again.
3. And I look at the raindrops,
Pressing my nose to the glass.
Autumn - the crybaby sheds tears
By the departed warmth!
Song: "Rain"
(Children take their seats)
Music sounds and Autumn enters
Hearing the song of the rain,
I’m in a hurry to visit you on holiday, friends.
Hello guys. I am Golden Autumn.
I came to your holiday, to sing and have fun,
And I want to make strong friends with everyone here!
Do you know any poems about me?
1. Autumn holiday in the forest,
And light and fun!
These are the decorations
Autumn is here!

2. Every leaf is golden
Little sun
I'll put it in a basket
I'll put it on the bottom!

3. I take care of the leaves
Autumn continues!
I've been at home for a long time
The holiday doesn't end!

- It’s very nice to meet you
I brought you a musical postcard about me as a gift, so that you remember me in the cold winter, green spring and hot summer.
Children watch and listen to a musical card on the screen.
Did you guys like it? (children's answers)
Now let's go to the forest!
It's full of miracles!
The sun is shining in the sky,
The sun warms the earth.
Both on the hill and on the hummock.
Mushrooms grew everywhere.
You mushrooms are coming out,
Tell us about yourself!
Music plays, mushroom boys go to the middle of the hall
1. Where birch trees and oak trees grew mushrooms.
Here is the wave and honey mushrooms,
There are chanterelles and boletus,
Under the pine tree there are boletus mushrooms,
Mushroom pickers welcome them there!
2. I know this clearing
I grow under the aspen
Mushroom pickers are looking for me
I'm Podosinovich!
3. I am a porcini mushroom, I am the King of Mushrooms,
The priceless gift of mushroom forests
I grow in oak groves and forests.
Glorified widely in the world,
And if you find me
You will find out for yourself how good I am!
Performing "Mushroom Dance"
Guys, what kind of mushrooms do you know? (Children's answers)
Do you know how to pick mushrooms? (Children's answers.)
Song "For Mushrooms"
Music and lyrics by E. Ponomareva.
Autumn addresses parents:
- We sang, danced and read poetry for you!
And now you guess everything for us now!
Now we will check how you are, Dear Parents, you know how to solve riddles!
1. I bring harvests,
I am sowing the fields again,
I send birds to the south,
I strip the trees
But I don’t touch the fir trees and pines.
I am a beautiful yellow...

2. Following August comes,
Dances with the falling leaves
And he is rich in harvest,
Of course we know him!

3. Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say it at random!
Well, of course...

4. He walks and we run
He'll catch up anyway!
We rush to the house to hide,
He will knock on our window,
And on the roof, knock and knock!
No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!
- Well done, parents! Well done boys!! You can do everything: sing, dance, and read poetry!
- The rain will fall quietly
Leaves will fall from above.
Just no sadness to be seen
It's time for us to play!
Game: "Collect mushrooms."
(children divide the mushrooms that are on the floor into edible and inedible. 2 teams participate in the game)
Where are my beloved sons? (claps his hands 3 times)
September, October, November perform to Russian folk music
(on masks on their heads, and holding a basket with autumn gifts).
- I am the first month of autumn
September is a good fellow.
I came with paints, I will touch the leaves tenderly
And a simple tree will suddenly become golden.
- I am the second month of autumn
October - good fellow
I will fulfill the will of autumn
I will color the field, meadow and forest
And I will fill the world with beauty
And I will invite you to wonderland.
- I am the third month of autumn
November - good fellow
I say goodbye to gold's autumn,
And I welcome the white winter.
- My glorious sons did not come empty-handed... after all, you guys deserve our generous gifts! (October hands the presenter a basket of gifts)
- Thank you, Autumn! Thank you, brothers-months!
It's a pity to part with you, but it's time to say goodbye!
You guys come out and dance with Autumn!
Performed “Round Dance with Autumn”
Autumn is leaving
Our holiday has come to an end. It’s time for us to return to the group, where we will have a tea party with gifts from Autumn. We invite our parents too.
Children and parents leave the hall.

Autumn 2014Senior group “Magic Windows of Autumn” 375 d/s.

1. Autumn is outside the window again,
The rain is falling like peas,
The leaves are falling, rustling,
How beautiful autumn is!

2. The leaves are embroidered with gold,
The paths are washed by the rain,
Mushrooms in bright caps,
You give us everything, Autumn!

3. Autumn is wandering everywhere,
The poplar has dropped its leaves.
Look - the mountain ash has reddened cheeks,
Yellow leaves flew onto the path.

“Naughty Autumn” – exercise with leaves by A. Evtodiev

4. To our window, exactly at eight,
Autumn knocked quietly.
She smiled, and then,
Suddenly she began to cry like rain.

5. Autumn, you are rainy and a little sad.

6. But that’s why you’re sweet!

7. But you are delicious!

8. Put on your best outfits quickly!

9. And hurry to visit us:

We will be glad to meet you!!!

“Multi-colored leaves”/Evtodieva A./

(During which Autumn enters).
Autumn:Hello my friends!
I came to you for the holiday!
And I lingered a little,
Everyone worked hard and dressed up!
I gave it to all the aspens
Multi-colored scarves,
Braided willows
Golden braids,
Distributed to maples
The leaves are painted.
She accompanied the flocks to warmer lands,
Finally, your friends came to your party.

Take a break, autumn, from your worries.
Spin, autumn, round dance with us!
Round dance in autumn

“Autumn in the Forest”/autumn, autumn, autumn has come to us again./

The children take their seats.

Autumn: I'll ask you guys:
Is everything okay in the kindergarten?
Leaves fall?
(Children answer after each line).
Are the birds flying away?
Are the fruits ripening?
Don't mothers scold?
Ved .
Quiet leaves rustling,
Autumn is walking slowly.
We will ask her:

Where are you wandering, Autumn?
Where have you been?
What have you seen?
I have a lot of worries
I've been everywhere:
In vegetable gardens and orchards,
And in the forests and fields,
Came into the city
Gilded leaves.
I will not only tell you
I'll also show you.
(Takes a piece of paper and throws it.)
You fly, fly leaf,
Through the field and into the woods,
Get down in the clearing
Magic window

Open up quickly!


(opens, there is a picture -basket with vegetables)


This miracle surprises everyone

This is simply delicious!

Here are carrots, zucchini,

And parsley and onion.

Background music

Autumn: Now we’ll find out how many vegetables are ripe in your garden. So, let's count. Do you have any carrots?

Carrot : I am a carrot - a beauty,

All children like carrot juice.

Rich in vitamins

Do you guys like me?

Autumn. Are the beets ready?

Beet: I'll tell you a secret

I'm friends with vegetables.

Well, in borscht and vinaigrette,

There is no replacement for me.

Autumn. The zucchini probably didn’t come, the sides are still hanging around.

Ved. He has arrived, he is already ripe.

The child is a zucchini.

Zucchini lay down in the garden

And he lies there, silent.

Apparently he thinks that here

They certainly won't find him.

Autumn. And Mrs. Cabbage? Does he keep dressing up, putting on all his dresses?

The child is a cabbage.

What a creak, what a crunch,

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?

If I am a cabbage!

Autumn. And here it is cucumbers with potatoesin person.

Children. 1. If you water in the summer

Vegetable garden as it should

These are such great guys

They will grow as a reward.

2. You, listen to the potatoes.

I'm needed in borscht, okroshka,

And the herring under a fur coat

It won't taste good without me.

Autumn. Is everything ripe? Is everything ripe?

Well, then it's time to get down to business.

Yes, our product is good!

All the housewives are off to the market.

“Vegetables” song./ The hostess came from the market one day/.


Open the magic window soon,

Whoever is wandering outside the window, appear quickly.

Multimedia. "Beasts in the Forest"

Lisa appears. Reb.

Fox. Oh, what a beauty you are, Autumn! Your sundress is as beautiful as my red tail! And which of us is more beautiful? I do not know. Maybe you'll come to my hut? I'll give you some tea. I have it fragrant, with honey.

Autumn. With honey?

Fox. With honey. I also have raspberry jam.

Autumn. My favorite! I’ll come and visit you, Lisa, and let’s have some tea.

Fox. Oh yes, autumn, beauty,

Brighter than a fox's tail!

Fox and Autumn go into the house. A Hedgehog comes out into a forest clearing.

Hedgehog. Oh, Christmas trees, green needles! The beauty is what it is in the forest! All the trees are dressed in multi-colored outfits, only the Christmas trees are green! A raindrop fell on his nose, it’s probably starting to rain (examines the drop). /multimedia “SNOW”/

So it’s not a drop at all. This is a snowflake. Can't be! Snow in autumn! Oh, what big snowflakes are swirling in the air! What happened to nature? Or maybe I'm in winter's tale got it?

The Hare comes out.

Hare. Hello Hedgehog!

Hedgehog. Hello Bunny!

Hare. I'm hiding from the wolf. Have you seen him by any chance?

Hedgehog. Did not see.

Hare. I didn’t have time to change my gray fur coat to a white one, and then it started snowing... Has winter really begun?

Hedgehog. I don’t understand anything myself. Just yesterday autumn was walking through the forest in her colorful sundress, and today it started snowing.

Hare. We need to ask the squirrel what happened to our forest, where did Autumn go? The squirrel sits high on a branch and sees everything that is happening in the forest.

Hedgehog. Belka, where are you?

Belka appears.

Squirrel. Why are you making noise, Hedgehog? I just put my baby squirrels to bed. And you scream so loudly!

Hedgehog (quietly). Squirrel, did you see where Autumn went?

Squirrel. I saw how she, with the Fox, walked towards the fox’s house.

Hare. It was the Fox who hid our Autumn.

Hedgehog. This is Lisa.

Squirrel. Let's go to the fox's house and find out everything.

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the animals go to the fox's house.

Fox (singing). Bye, bye, bye, bye!

Sleep, Autumn, fall asleep!

Oh, beauty! Autumn itself will live in my hut. Her presence will make my tail and fur coat even redder! As they say in our forest: beauty comes from the tail! Here, for example, is a hare: the tail is small and stubby. And I have a miracle: a big, beautiful, fluffy tail.

I saw a hare in the window.

The hare... He came himself! Here's to a nutritious meat lunch! What a wonderful day today! The hares themselves come to visit the foxes!

The Hedgehog appears.

Hedgehog. Isn’t it too early for you, Fox, to eat the Hare? Would you like to try my needles?

Fox. Horror! My hut is under attack! In my hut they threaten me.

Hedgehog. If you don’t want to taste my needles, Fox, give us our autumn!

Fox. What kind of autumn is this?

Squirrel. Autumn is a beauty and an artist!

Fox. What about me without Autumn? Who will paint my pictures?

Hedgehog. What about our forest and all the animals? Winter will come, and I haven’t picked any mushrooms.

Squirrel. But I didn’t have time to dry them.

Hare. And I will be left without cabbage and carrots!

Animals. Give us back Autumn!

Fox. Why are you shouting! Wake up autumn! You better sing her a lullaby with me.

(Sings) Bye, bye, bye, bye. Sleep, fall asleep!

Hedgehog. Let's sing another song together with the guys.

The song is funny. /Possible Orchestra/ “Bad weather”

Autumn is waking up.

Autumn. Who is calling me so loudly?

Animals. This is us! Come back, autumn, to our forest soon! It's winter and blizzard there.

Fox. Don’t take my Autumn, how can I live without her!

Autumn. Was I asleep for so long?

I have business in the forest.

How did I forget about them?

Oh, Fox... (Autumn shakes her head.)

I gave you some delicious tea...

Fox. Forgive me, autumn. I won't do this again.

Autumn. Thank you, little animals, for helping me out.

Every time has its hour,

Don't rush nature now.

She might get offended

And tomorrow will not help in any way.

Music sounds./multimedia Sun/.

Hare. Oh, the snow has started to melt!

Hedgehog. The sun appeared from behind a cloud. The trees are dressed in yellow and orange!

Squirrel . Hooray! Autumn has arrived!/They leave./

Autumn. I’ll open the window again, what will it tell us?

(opens- picture, rain, clouds)

Boy: A cloud walked across the sky,

I was bored alone

Cloud thought, wondered,

How can she surprise the earth?

And then she decided

It rains and pours from the sky.

Cloud, cloud, wait

Take away your rains.

We haven't had enough time

We haven't played enough.

Girl with an umbrella:

"Katin's umbrella"

They gave an umbrella to Katya

Oh! How does it match the dress?

Oh! How to match shoes

Katya goes with him all day long

And he dreams of one thing:

Take a walk in the rain with an umbrella

Only the sun shines brighter

Children are playing in the yard...

Oh, the cunning rain, it’s not pouring.

He sat down behind a cloud and laughed

One day thunder struck,

Rain splashed outside the window.

Katya quickly dressed up

I took the umbrella and went down into the yard

Only the umbrella opened slightly

The rain seemed to have evaporated.

And now Katya is walking

Looking at the sun under an umbrella!

Music sounds, an evil cloud enters with a drum

Cloud I'm an evil storm cloud

I don't like to have fun

You didn’t invite me to visit!?

Let's rain cold rain on everyone!

Runs with a water gun, splashes

Oh, you are playing with Autumn!

Don't you know my rules?

Everyone misses me, everyone is afraid of me

And don't sing and don't laugh!


If the sky frowns

And it threatens to rain

Then we'll all hide

Under the big


Umbrella! /Children run under a large umbrella/

Autumn: Need to come up with something!

The cloud will ruin our holiday, flood us with rain, scare us with thunder.

Let's sing Tuchin's song,

She will hear this song and stop being angry.

The song “Cloud”/ “….the evil cloud was punished”/ or another.


Not afraid of torrential rain

After all, you and I have an umbrella

We'll have fun walking

Run through puddles and poop


If it's pouring rain

I take an umbrella with me

Very bright and big

Yellow, red, blue

Dance with umbrellas/multimedia/


Thank you, friends,

They sang my favorite song for me,

I not only scare everyone,

I'm playing with the guys.

My umbrella is musical

Magical, danceable.

Give your hand to a friend,

Get out into the circle quickly.

Game "Musical Umbrella".

Tuchka: After all, there is no autumn without clouds and rain!

Autumn: There is no Autumn without a sunny day!

Autumn: We open the window again,

Let's find out what's new there.

Multimedia "Treat"


To everyone's surprise

You guys are in for a treat.

I brought you flour - bake pies (shows)

I brought you vegetables - both for porridge and cabbage soup

I brought you honey - a full deck

And apples are like honey for jam and compote.

Autumn. And now it's time

Let's play, kids.

« Sunshine and rain" 017

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten“Solnyshko”, Oktyabrsky village, Kulundinsky district, Altai Territory

Holiday script "Autumn joys»

Educator: Kulik O.A.

"Autumn Joys" Autumn matinee V middle group


To consolidate children’s ideas about changes in nature with the onset of autumn;

Foster a caring attitude towards the natural environment;

Activate children's speech and encourage them to actively participate in the holiday.

Progress of the holiday.

The hall is festively decorated

Good afternoon, dear guests! So the summer flew by, so loud, joyful, cheerful. Your children rested, tanned, and matured. And so we meet in this cozy, festive hall. Today we have gathered for a holiday that comes to us every year. This is the Autumn holiday.

(children stand in a semicircle)

Host: Guys, pay attention to how beautiful it is in our hall today. It felt like we were in a fairy forest.

Autumn is around the corner again
The rain is falling like peas,
The leaves are falling, rustling,
How beautiful autumn is!

Yellow leaf on the palm
It was once green
He flew into our window.
Why did he turn yellow?
Who, friends, will we ask?
Because AUTUMN has come.

The song “What Autumn Brings to Us” is performed

(children sit down, put on masks)

Here we are a joyful holiday
Have fun,
Come, we are waiting for you
Autumn is golden!

Leader and children:
Autumn, autumn! We invite you to visit!

(Autumn enters to the music and dances)

Hello my friends!
Know that Autumn is me.
How many children do I see?
How many guests do I see!
I dressed everything up,
The dark forest is gilded.
Walked along the forest path
I brought gifts for everyone.

Children wearing animal and bird hats run up to Autumn one by one.

I'll take the turnip for myself
I really love turnips.

(takes a turnip, thanks Autumn)

Hedgehog :
Apples are so good!
Hedgehogs love them very much.

(takes apples, thanks Autumn)

Squirrel :
Well, strong mushrooms
I'll dry it on a twig.

(takes a mushroom, thanks Autumn)

I'm crispy cabbage
And I love carrots.

And I'm sweet, delicious honey
I'll treat all the little bears.

I will peck the grains
I'll get them from the ears of corn.

(takes the spikelets, thanks Autumn)

Leading: Thank you, Dear Autumn!

I also brought you some cones
Let's play!

Game "Collect cones"

We'll sit on the chairs
Let's rest a little
About golden autumn
Let's read the poems now.

Autumn is walking, autumn is walking
The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree
New rug underfoot -
Yellow-pink maple.

Autumn brings us to your ball
Today I invited you.
So that no one is late,
Autumn asked.

The leaves are falling, falling,
Leaf fall in our garden
Yellow, red leaves
They curl and fly in the wind.

Autumn outside the window
Wanders slowly
Leaves on the paths
They fall rustling.

Autumn dear,
We want to dance some more
Show everyone our dance.

Dance "Pairs"

(children sit down)

Leading: Every season is a wonderful time in its own way. Autumn is the time to harvest in the field, in the garden, in the vegetable garden.

(wear theater masks)

Leading: Guys, do you like to solve riddles? Then listen carefully and guess carefully.

1. In the summer - in the garden,
Fresh, green.
And in winter - in a barrel,
Strong, salty. (cucumbers)

2 These are so round
In summer they turn green,
And in the fall they turn red. (tomato)

3 I grow in the soil in the garden bed,
Red, long, sweet. (carrot)

4 A hundred clothes, all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

Guys, cucumber, carrot, cabbage, tomato - what is this?

Do you guys know that a tomato has never turned red before? And this is what happened to him.

Scene “Why are tomatoes red”

In ancient times, vegetables lived in the garden.

Cucumber: I'm a cheerful fellow! I'm a green cucumber!

Cabbage: Without me, the garden is empty. And my name is cabbage!

Onion: Without me you are like without hands, every dish needs onions!

Tomato: Children have loved the delicious, sweet tomato for a long time!

Leading: The housewife watered her garden every day.

Mistress: I’ll water my garden, because he drinks water too.

Leading: The vegetables grew and ripened every day.

They lived together and never quarreled.
But one day the tomato decided that it was better than everyone else.

Tomato: I am tastier, greener and rounder than anyone else in the world.
Adults and children love me more than anyone in the world!

Cucumber: It's just a laugh to listen to!

Onion: It's not nice to wonder!

Tomato: I'm the best!

Leading: The tomato was boasting and fell from the bush.

The hostess came and collected cucumbers, onions, and cabbage. But I didn’t notice the tomato.
When the tomato rose from the ground, he saw no one.

A raven flew past.

Crow: Kar-kar! A shame! Nightmare! I didn’t want to be with the vegetable squads, no one would need you!

Leading: The tomato felt ashamed. He began to cry and blush with shame.

The housewife and the vegetables heard the crying. We came to the garden.

Tomato: Forgive me, friends. Take me with you.

Host: We forgave the tomato and began to live together. And since then the tomatoes have always turned red.

Game "Cucumber, Cucumber"

Children read poetry.

How beautiful the autumn forest is,
All transparent to the skies.
It is crimson, gold,
It rustles its leaves.

Autumn paints gold
Groves and forests.
Farewells are heard
Bird voices.

Scarlet and yellow
The wind tears the leaves
Spinning, spinning in the air
Motley round dance.

Rain, rain all day
Drumming on the glass.
All the earth, all the earth
Got wet from the water

Leading : Well done! Now we'll play. Can you help me collect the harvest from the garden beds?

Game "Harvest":

There are dummies of vegetables in two hoops. At the other end of the hall there are baskets. Two children each carry 1 vegetable from the hoop to the basket: who is faster? (The game is played 2 times)

Leading :
We'll sit on the chairs
Let's rest a little
About golden autumn
Let's read the poems now.

(Children read poetry.)

Today the holiday came into every home,
Because autumn is wandering outside the window.
Looked in autumn holiday to a kindergarten,
To please both adults and children.

Thin aspens
They look into the puddles,
Rain on the branches
They hang like beads.

Autumn is coming
The leaves fly away
Their cheerful round dance
The wind swirls and carries

Bad weather, the sun has disappeared.
Puddle thin ice took cover,
The road called the birds.
This autumn has come to us.

All the fields are empty,
All the meadows were deserted.
Flocks of birds circling in the sky
Autumn is coming quietly

Autumn: Guys, look, it looks like it's going to rain.

We play hide and seek
With the rain - with the rain.
He is looking for me, and I
Hiding under an umbrella!

Dance with umbrellas. E.I. Presenter: Dear Autumn is generous and beautiful,

Leading: Let's say Autumn together...
All children: THANK YOU!

Autumn :
I had a lot of fun
I loved all the guys.
But it's time for me to say goodbye.
What to do? Things are waiting!

So, guys, our autumn holiday has come to an end.

Today we played, sang and danced.

` Well, we had fun, and now we’ll say goodbye to Autumn until next year. And we’ll tell her: “See you again!” »

Autumn is outside the window again, the rain is falling like peas, the leaves are falling, rustling, how beautiful autumn is! The guys celebrate the autumn holiday. Ivanushka appears and talks about his misfortune. He invited Autumn to visit, but she got lost. Baba Yaga undertakes to help the guys and Ivanushka in their search. She gives the guys various tests. But soon her cunning is revealed, the guys complete all of Baba Yaga’s tasks. The beautiful Autumn appears and the guys and Ivanushka continue the holiday



Autumn holiday

“Like Ivanushka looked for autumn”

5-7 years

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle

Educator : Autumn is outside the window again, the rain is falling like peas,

The leaves are falling, rustling, how beautiful autumn is!

1 child : Leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed by the rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps,

You give us everything, Autumn!

2nd child: Autumn is wandering everywhere,

The poplar has dropped its leaves.

Look - the mountain ash has reddened cheeks,

Yellow leaves flew onto the path.

Autumn is golden, who wouldn’t be glad to see you!

Having fun playing, we will meet the leaf fall.

Let's go to the garden in a crowd, collect leaves,

Let's decorate the house with golden foliage.

3 Child : Beauty – Autumn splashed colors:

Heavenly blue, as if from a fairy tale.

Lilac linden and flame of aspen,

Farewell calls from the crane family.

October is flipping through the golden pages,

And the white birches are already dreaming of winter.

4 children Autumn walks slowly outside the window.

Leaves fall rustling onto the paths.

Thin aspen trees look into the puddles,

Rowan trees hang like beads on the branches.

5 reb. Autumn has come

Following the summer, just in time

And gilded in the gardens

Every little leaf.

6 reb . Along golden paths

We walk slowly.

With colorful maple leaves

They fall quietly, rustling.

There's a new rug under your feet,

Yellow-pink, purple!

1. Song

Ivanushka enters to the music.

Ivanushka: Oh, guys, I have such a misfortune: I’m waiting for Autumn to visit, but she’s still not there. I've been looking for it for so long, but I can't find it.

I don’t understand where Autumn is,

Why doesn't it come to us?

Probably with the rain together

Does everything bring beauty?

(Rapid flight music sounds, Baba Yaga flies in on a broom with a number.)

Baba Yaga. Drin-dyn-dyn! It stalled. So! Emergency landing. Again Leshy rode on my broom without asking. Here I am for him! Hello, good people!

Ved: hello.

Baba Yaga. Well, let's get acquainted! I am Baba Yaga, bone leg. Wherever I want, I fly there! What do you have here?

Ivanushka: It's Autumn for us, grandma.

Baba Yaga: Autumn has disappeared... What a tragedy. Why is it needed?

It will be winter for you right away!
Cold, ice and snow - darkness!

2. Scene

Squirrel comes out.
Squirrel: How from summer to winter immediately?
I didn't have time to stock up
So collect it into a hollow!
What, will you have to starve?
Squirrel leaves. Bunny comes out.
Bunny: Before winter I shed -
I'm changing my gray fur coat,
And now I'm Fox
He'll catch it quickly! No good!
The bunny leaves. The Bear comes out.
Bear: It's time to sleep, but I can't sleep!
This simply won't do!
Bear is not ready to sleep...
If only I could lie down and snore!
The bear leaves. Soroka flies out.
Magpie: Even though Santa Claus is rushing to us,
He is saddened to tears:
I didn’t have time to find gifts,
Although I don’t feel sorry for gifts,
But he did not collect the bag,
And he’s already in a hurry to the ball!
The magpie flies away. A boy and a girl come out.
Girl: Yes, and we are not ready,
We don't know any new dances,
We can't live without Autumn!
What can you tell me, friends?
Boy: We are waiting for autumn, come back soon,
Into the warm circle of your friends!
Come on, sound the song!
Come on, Autumn, come!

3. Song

Baba Yaga. Well, fine, so be it. I’ll help you find Autumn. I had a spell here somewhere. A wonderful miracle will appear, Autumn will appear to the children,

(speaks in a whisper) Toad, woman, carabas. I hid Autumn from you.

Ivanushka: Oh, where have we ended up? There is no autumn.

Baba Yaga: Honey, I forgot, I got a little mixed up. We found ourselves in a clearing of mysteries.

Guys, guess the vegetable riddles.


1. In golden husk

I really like him.

It's worth peeling off the husks,

I'll start shedding tears. (Onion).

2. Round, ruddy,

Juicy and sweet

Very fragrant,

Bulk, smooth,

Heavy, big,

What it is? (Apple).

3. Round, crumbly, white,

She came to the table from the fields.

Salt it a little,

After all, the truth is delicious... (Potatoes).

4. Like in our garden bed

Riddles have grown

Juicy and large,

They're so round.

In summer they turn green,

By autumn they turn red. (Tomato)

5. I emerge from the garden bed,

I'm growing smartly.

Eat me up guys

Redhead... (carrot)

6. The hedgehog was surprised in the field:

“Here’s a vegetable, a hundred clothes!”

And the little bunny gobbled it up with a crunch

Delicious... (cabbage)

7.They have a pod, their favorite home

Good for the brothers in it!

Every brother is green and smooth,

Each ball is delicious and sweet.


8. In the garden bed, he leaned on his side

Solid, cool-headed... (zucchini).

Baba Yaga: Well done, guys. We solved all the riddles. They advised me to dig up a garden and plant vegetables. Why are they needed, since candy tastes better? Cakes and cookies!

Presenter. Guys, let's tell you what you need to eat to be healthy? (Onions, garlic.) Which vegetable supports good eyesight? (Carrot)

Which vegetable helps us grow? (Cabbage.)

Which vegetable strengthens bones? (Radish)

What vegetable can you get sugar from? (Beet)

Ivanushka: Did you hear?

Baba Yaga: Uh-huh.

Ivanushka: So much for you!

Baba Yaga: I remembered another spell.

Storm - Baba Yaga,

Go from the sea to the meadows!

There's onions, garlic,

Kissel pot,

Oil porridge,

Autumn is stolen.

Ved: Baba Yaga again you mixed up something.

Baba Yaga: Did you get to the wrong place again?

Ivanushka: Guys, it seems to me that Baba Yaga specifically doesn’t want to give us back Autumn.

Presenter. We've been sitting too long, come on guys, come out! Start the game!

  1. 5. Game “Oh, get up, Antoshenka”

Baba Yaga can play too.

Ivanushka: Baba Yaga, did you know all this time where Autumn is? And you didn't tell us anything?

Baba Yaga. Yeah. I'm such a prankster. So be it, I will return your Autumn, but only if you win three competitions. The first task is for smart guys.


The game involves two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon. At the signal, you need to collect the potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in the basket. The child who collects the most potatoes in a certain time wins.

Then the second task. Who flies faster on a broom?

7. Game "Flying on a Broom"

B-Ya and the child compete. They ride on a broom to a landmark and back.

Baba Yaga is very angry that the children are stronger than her.

She turns away from everyone offended.

Baba Yaga: Third task - I want you to sing to me!

8. Song

Baba Yaga. Okay, take Autumn. Oh, I think I forgot to turn off the porridge! I'll run quickly! You'll have to run on foot. Goodbye, guys!

reb: Autumn looked into the garden -

The birds have flown away.

There's rustling outside the window in the morning

Yellow snowstorms.

Reb: Rain-drip, rain-drop.

Sometimes stronger, sometimes quieter.

Don't knock, don't knock

Don't knock on the roof!

Reb. The cranes are flying south,

Hello, hello, autumn!

Come to our holiday,

We really, really ask.

Autumn appears to the music

Autumn: You set me free
And they returned to their place:
Between summer and winter
I returned home again,
In a wonderful mood
From your lovely friends!
Let's live together
Let's have fun playing!

Let's play a game with you.

9. "Edible - inedible."

If it’s edible, you say, “Yum, yum, yum,” and if it’s inedible, you say, “Ugh, yum, yum.”

1) Crispy buns (Yum, yum, yum)

2) Slippers that are falling apart (Ugh, ugh, ugh)

3) Puff pastries (Yum, yum, yum)

4) Boiled felt boots (Ugh, ugh, ugh)

5) Cheese balls (Yum, yum, yum)

6) Oily napkins (Ugh, ugh, ugh)

7) Gingerbread cookies are delicious (Yum, yum, yum)

  1. 8) Crispy apples (Yum, yum, yum)

Child: How nice it is to visit autumn

Among the golden birches!

They wouldn’t have dropped the gold any longer,

The forest would stand purple and quiet.

More often the sun would be tired

Stayed in the golden garden,

To protect from the crazy wind

Elegant autumn beauty.

child: The oak tree sadly drops its acorns,

Our old garden is empty.

Yellow parachutes

Leaves are flying in the wind.

To a warm region where there is no snowstorm,

They are in a hurry to fly away,

They spread in schools in the sky

Flocks of gray cranes.

Child: Yellow leaves are flying,

They fall, they spin,

And under your feet just like that

How they lay down a carpet!

What is this yellow snowfall?

It's just falling leaves

10. Game-dance “Autumn walked around the garden”


No, there is no place for gloomy faces.

May this autumn day

Dance and have fun

No one will be lazy.

11. Dance

Ivanushka: Thanks guys for the fun

Sit down and have a treat.

They sit on the chairs.

Autumn: Now the moment of farewell has come

My speech will be short.

I say to you: “Goodbye”

See you soon!

We'll look under the bush,

And let's quickly take the fungus.

And there are sweets in the fungus,

This is a gift for you, kids!