Formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents - document. Thesis: Formation of a healthy lifestyle of adolescents using the example of high school students in Stoiba, Amur Region Education of a healthy lifestyle in modern adolescents

Chalova Oksana Yurievna

Role healthy image life in the development, upbringing and education of adolescents


I. Introduction

1.1 Healthy lifestyle as a social and pedagogical phenomenon

1.2 Components of a healthy lifestyle and the main environmental factors affecting a person

1.3 Leisure and physical activity: the benefits and necessity of developing your body

1.4 The influence of physical activity on mental processes

1.5 The importance of good nutrition for well-being and academic performance success

II. Conclusion

III. List of sources used

“The art of prolonging life is the art of not shortening it”


Today, the problem of developing a healthy lifestyle among students is more acute than ever. Increasingly, parents and teachers are showing despair, pain, and concern for the steadily deteriorating health of their children. According to research institutes, about 90% of schoolchildren have health problems. Children are sick from the moment of birth. 80% of chronic diseases in children develop at an early age, 70% of students suffer from physical inactivity. The incidence of musculoskeletal diseases in students has increased 27-fold over the past 20 years. Many people experience disharmony in physical development: lack of body weight, decreased muscle strength. The number of healthy children during the educational period from grades 1-9 decreases by 4 times, those suffering from myopia increases from 3% to 30%. Every 10 years, the prevalence of mental illness among children and adolescents increases by 10-15%. In the structure of mental pathology, mental retardation predominates (59.5%). IN educational institutions region, 6,000 children are studying with a delay intellectual development. The number of children suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction has increased sharply. The increase in smoking, alcohol and drug use among schoolchildren and young people indicates a low level of health culture, hygienic knowledge, as well as the ineffectiveness of existing forms and methods of hygienic education not only in the family, but also in groups.

Currently, the country is experiencing dramatic changes in economic, political and social life. These changes have led to the emergence of new social problems, which primarily affected the upbringing, development, and social formation of children, adolescents and young people. The overwhelming majority of diseases of modern man are caused, first of all, by his lifestyle and everyday behavior. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle serves as a fundamental basis for disease prevention. A healthy lifestyle for teenagers is not just important, but vital if a young person and his parents want him to achieve success, be healthy and purposeful.

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by an increase and change in the nature of stress on the body of the younger generation due to the complication of social life, increasing risks of a man-made, environmental, psychological, political and military nature, provoking negative changes in health. Environmental and social disasters, instability of life, destruction of customary foundations and moral guidelines- all this creates a real crisis for humanity. It is especially destructive to children and young people, as reflected in the widespread rise in violence and crime among youth.

The long-term trend of deterioration in the health of children and young people entails a subsequent decline in health in all age groups and further affects the quality of labor resources and the reproduction of generations. Already at school age, under the influence of the social situation that has now developed in our country, many children fell under the influence of “street ideology” with the notorious motto “the worse, the better”; it became common to see rude attitudes towards elders. In general, today in their relationships, as in the relationships of adults, rudeness, cruelty, deceit, greed and hypocrisy flourish.

Forming a healthy lifestyle in a schoolchild requires identifying health characteristics at this age, the specifics of pedagogical influence and a well-thought-out system for organizing physical education in the classroom, and the role of the teacher in this is extremely large. The direction of the educational process in educational institutions has a significant impact on the formation of a culture of student health. Just because a person knows how to stay healthy does not mean that he will do it. Along with training and practical health improvement skills, the problem of assistance in choosing a value system and developing health motivation becomes relevant. Success in this direction can be achieved using active learning methods and communicative trainings that cover working with students. Teacher, like medical worker, must adhere to the commandment “do no harm.” A healthy culture for teachers will allow them not only to maintain their level of health, but also to raise a healthy generation.

The formation of a culture of health is an area that should, first of all, be carried out in educational institutions. After all, even the most competent teacher who does not have a culture of health can harm the health of children. Only a teacher who carries the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle can raise a healthy student. First of all, teachers need to have a clear understanding of the hygienic deterministic motivational foundations of children and adolescents of different age periods. Using knowledge of the innate character traits of children in their pedagogical practice. On this basis, the teacher will be able to shape healthy lifestyle behavior.

So what is a healthy lifestyle? Today everyone knows that this is a reliable means of maintaining and strengthening health. A healthy lifestyle is a set of spiritual values ​​and actual active forms of maintaining health.

It includes a number of different social and everyday moments:

2. Hardening.

3. Balanced nutrition.

4. Personal hygiene.

5. Proper adherence to the daily routine.

6. Compliance with the regime of work, rest and sleep.

7. Absence bad habits.

8. Healthy psychological climate.

9. Ecological and psychological culture.

10. Pay attention to your health.

We will only focus on a few important aspects, which, one way or another, concern every parent.

An important rule of a healthy lifestyle is that nothing should interfere with the natural renewal of the body, and the lifestyle should contribute to its growth and development. In order to grow up as a healthy and active person, first of all, you should cultivate the ability to properly organize your day. Organizing your day correctly means following a routine. A correct mode The day is a daily routine that protects against overwork, ensures good performance, improves health and at the same time allows you to have a good rest. The tasks that boys and girls solve during this period are related to study, choice future profession, as well as the formation of a mature organism, require dynamism and intensity from a person. Leisure must be directed toward replenishing wasted energy, as well as identifying and developing existing abilities.

Physical education is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. Movement in general is one of the most important signs of life. For teenagers, physical activity means increased performance and, naturally, improved health. The sad thing is that a fairly small percentage of the population purposefully engages in physical education. As a result, physical inactivity (lack of movement) is the cause of various diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, musculoskeletal system and other organs of the human body. Scientists have conducted interesting studies showing that with a lack of physical activity, mental activity decreases sharply. The very next day of the experiment, work efficiency reaches only 50%, nervous tension sharply increases, irritability increases, concentration decreases, and the time required to complete tasks increases. In general, the result is not the most rosy. That is why at least a small but regular exercise is so necessary!

Importance physical activity turns out to be extremely important for our mental activity. This happens because our brain uses only 10% of nerve cells in the process of mental activity. Everything else regulates the functioning of our body.

For mental activity, it is extremely important that impulse signals come from the periphery. If the brain stops receiving such stimulation, then its activity gradually fades and the person wants to sleep. From all of the above it follows that muscle tension is one of the necessary conditions for mental activity.

Each of us who has experienced fatigue after a difficult day at work can now realize that this fatigue is a consequence of fatigue of the cerebral cortex, a decrease in the amount of oxygen and glucose in the blood, as well as the accumulation of metabolic waste products. It is worth figuring out how to remove these negative consequences in order to fully lead a healthy lifestyle for young people. So, there are several ways to solve this problem. Firstly, you can rest passively, secondly, use medications increasing the performance of brain cells. The first option is not particularly effective, and the second leads to nervous exhaustion. There is a third method, which is also safe. This requires any physical tension of the muscles and the body as a whole. Any sports activity is suitable: running, swimming, yoga, gymnastics, etc. Hardening, which stimulates the body's protective properties and improves local immunity, will help enhance the effect.

A healthy diet for teenagers is important from many points of view. It is during this period of life that various diseases that are associated with malnutrition actively develop. And this, by the way, includes not only diseases of the stomach and intestines, but also the nervous, endocrine and other systems, since the processes of removing harmful substances are disrupted. A growing body quickly adapts to overloads and lack of nutrition, this can create the illusion that everything is fine. Here lies the prerequisite for the appearance of overweight or underweight. Irregular nutrition among schoolchildren occurs due to heavy workload in the educational process and lack of time. The problem is aggravated by the fact that insufficient levels of micronutrients are supplied through food. Proper nutrition is the basis for full mental and physical activity, health, performance, and life expectancy. Proper nutrition for teenagers menu includes about 50 different components. A person needs all nutrients, and it is necessary that they be included in certain proportions. Those are determined taking into account the person’s gender, age and other factors.

The educational process for a teenager is largely associated with stress. During such periods of time, it is necessary to remember that the body needs proteins, B vitamins, pantothenic acid, vitamins A, E, and choline more than ever, since each of these elements is involved in the production of pituitary and adrenal hormones. It would seem that what do these hormones have to do with it, but our body’s ability to withstand stress largely depends on them.

A healthy lifestyle for teenagers is not just words. It helps a person not only feel complete, but is also a unique choice of life position. Boys and girls, almost adults, decide for themselves what is good and what they want to avoid. If parents believe that they can control every step of their child, then they are deeply mistaken. That is why it is important that the principles of a healthy lifestyle are a conscious choice of the teenager himself, then these rules take root, are used and are beneficial.

List of sources used

1. Manovsky O.F. “Towards health without drugs.” -: Soviet Sport, 2010.

2. Kozlov V.I. “Take care of your health from a young age.” - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2010.

3. School technologies // Scientific and practical journal of school technologist, 2014. P.240

4. Sopratov N.E. “Motivational foundations of health-saving education of children // Education of schoolchildren.-2013-No. 9.-p.44.

5. Formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​in children school age: collection of articles. - Smolensk: GOUDPOS “SOI UU”, 2010.-p.164

6. Physical culture // Methodological journal.2012-№2-p.64

Memo for teenagers


Dear Friend!

"People need to realize

that a healthy lifestyle is everyone’s personal success.” (V. Putin)

Not a single normal person wants to be sick; everyone strives to live a long and happy life.

According to statistics, a person’s health is determined 50% by how healthy a lifestyle he leads, 20% by genetic factors and heredity, another 20% by living conditions (ecology, climate, place of residence), 10% by healthcare.

Being healthy is wonderful, but not easy. This is a whole science and one of its directions is the formation of a healthy lifestyle. A focus on life and health, physical, spiritual, social perfection - this is fashionable!

Follow 10 rules of a healthy lifestyle!


  1. Do some exercise3-5 times a week, without overstraining the body with intense physical activity. Be sure to find a way of physical activity that is just right for you.
  2. Follow your diet.Don't overeat and don't starve. Eat 4-5 times a day, consuming the amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body, limiting yourself to animal fats and sweets.
  1. Don't overwork yourselfmental work. Get satisfaction from educational activities.
  1. In your free time, be creative. Take an active part in organizing school events, attend clubs and sections.
  2. Know and follow the rules of communication.- Treat people kindly. (Speak polite words more often, always tell the truth, because lying does not make a person beautiful, do not interrupt your elders, do not pollute your speech with obscene words.) - Before entering into a conflict situation, think about what result you want to get. – In a conflict, recognize not only your interests, but also the interests of the other person. This will allow you to maintain your normal mental health. Remember! Communication is daily work!
  3. Maintain a sleep-wake schedule.Develop, taking into account your individual character traits, a way to go to bed that will allow you to quickly fall asleep and fully restore your strength.
  4. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and safe behavior.Dress strictly for the weather. Observe safety precautions during physical labor, doing sports, and using sports equipment.
  5. Take care of your eyesight. Don't spend a lot of time at the computer and TV!
  6. Temper your bodyand determine for yourself ways to help defeat a cold.
  1. Don't let others, those who pretend to be your “experienced” friendlure you into a trap.Learn not to give in when you are offered to try a cigarette or alcohol, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances and their analogues and other intoxicating substances. If an uncomfortable feeling arises, there is no need to be shy - firmly state your attitude towards this, say a decisive and unequivocal NO! Don't let others do something against their will!

Do right choice It’s difficult, but it will make you more confident, stronger and more successful!

Let’s try to figure out why such a healthy model of behavior is better, the components and benefits of its implementation. Let's also take a look at the environmental factors that can interfere with a person's natural development.
A healthy lifestyle is necessary for teenagers
A healthy lifestyle for a teenager includes a number of different social and everyday aspects. This can easily include solving medical problems, the presence of certain necessary living conditions, material well-being, rational use of free time, a conscious decision to give up bad habits, physical activity, control over the problem of drug abuse, the presence of successful interpersonal relationships. In general, this list can be continued further, but we will focus only on a few important aspects that, one way or another, concern every parent.
This should include daily activities for:
- hardening by air, sun, water;
- hygiene;
- ensuring physical activity;
- availability of a balanced diet;
- creation of a harmonious psycho-emotional state;
- implementation of environmental protection principles.
It is quite easy to prevent natural and full development if there are the following unfavorable factors in the life of a teenager:
- insufficient amount of physical activity;
- irrationally composed baby food with excess salt and fat content;
- stress;
- presence of bad habits;
- inadequate, disturbed sleep.
However, environmental factors affecting harmful effects much more per person. By the way, WHO allocates about two hundred.

Leisure and physical activity: the benefits and necessity of developing your body
The formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents is inextricably linked with adequate rest. The tasks that young men and women solve during this period are related to studies, the choice of a future profession, as well as the formation of a mature organism, requiring dynamism and intensity from a person. Leisure must be directed toward replenishing wasted energy, as well as identifying and developing existing abilities.
The formation of a healthy lifestyle through physical culture is extremely difficult to overestimate. Movement in general is one of the most important signs of life. For teenagers, physical activity means increased performance and, naturally, improved health. The sad thing is that a fairly small percentage of the population purposefully engages in physical education.
As a result, physical inactivity (lack of movement) is the cause of various diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and other organs of the human body.
Scientists have conducted interesting studies showing that with a lack of physical activity, mental activity decreases sharply. The very next day of the experiment, work efficiency reaches only 50%, nervous tension sharply increases, irritability increases, concentration decreases, and the time required to complete tasks increases. In general, the result is not the most rosy. That is why at least a small but regular exercise is so necessary!
The influence of physical activity on mental processes
The importance of physical activity turns out to be extremely important for our mental activity. This happens because our brain uses only 10% of nerve cells in the process of mental activity. Everything else regulates the functioning of our body.
The importance of healthy eating for well-being and academic success
A healthy diet for teenagers is important from many points of view. It is during this period of life that various diseases that are associated with malnutrition actively develop. And this, by the way, includes not only diseases of the stomach and intestines, but also the nervous, endocrine and other systems, since the processes of removing harmful substances are disrupted. A growing body quickly adapts to overloads and lack of nutrition, this can create the illusion that everything is fine. Here lies the prerequisite for the appearance of overweight or underweight.
Irregular nutrition among schoolchildren occurs due to heavy workload in the educational process and lack of time. The problem is aggravated by the fact that insufficient levels of micronutrients are supplied through food. Proper nutrition is the basis for full mental and physical activity, health, performance, and life expectancy.
A healthy lifestyle for teenagers is not just words. It helps a person not only feel complete, but is also a unique choice of life position. Boys and girls, almost adults, decide for themselves what is good and what they want to avoid. If parents believe that they can control every step of their child, then they are deeply mistaken. That is why it is important that the principles of a healthy lifestyle are a conscious choice of the teenager himself, then these rules take root, are used and are beneficial.





Final qualifying work

Features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle for adolescents (using the example of gymnasium No. 14 in Ulan-Ude)

Dylgyrova Svetlana Vladimirovna

Scientific director

Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor Antonova N.S.


1Psychophysical characteristics of adolescence.

1.2Factors influencing the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents.

Chapter 2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents: technologies for solving the problem.

1 Analysis of the current state of developing a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.

2 Technologies for solving the problem of developing a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.





Relevance of the research topic. The problem of health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents is not only extremely important, but also one of the key ones for our entire country.

Today in Russia as a whole, the problem of deteriorating health not only of older people and hereditary patients, but also of such a group of the population as adolescents is progressing.

Adolescents are a special contingent of the population, whose health status is a “barometer” of social well-being and the level of medical care of the previous period of childhood, as well as a harbinger of changes in the health of the population in subsequent years.

The relevance of this problem is evidenced by numerous statistical data. Let's list some of them. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, about 80% of children studying in schools have chronic diseases; according to forecasts, by 2015 chronic morbidity may reach 95%; According to the results of the All-Russian medical examination of children in the Republic of Buryatia in 2006, only one third of children (32%) are considered healthy, the rest have not only functional health disorders, but two or more diseases. The incidence rate among adolescents increased by 29%. In the structure of morbidity, 31% are diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the endocrine system, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders are in second place, and diseases of the digestive system are in third place. The prevalence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system increased by 2-3 times, the prevalence of diseases of the cardiovascular system by 1.6 times, and diseases of the eye and its appendages by 1.2 times. The situation is aggravated by the growth of “self-destructive behavior” among young people, softly called “bad habits”: smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol and drugs. So, according to sociological research in Russia, 27% of young people smoke, 75% drink alcohol. The main reason for alcohol consumption is the presence of a group of friends in 60%.

Therefore, the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation becomes especially acute.

To understand the importance of the problem under discussion, it is necessary to take into account that, according to the definition of the World Health Organization, the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, “health” is not only the absence of diseases and physical defects, but a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being. Health is a normal state, meaning its optimal self-regulation, the coordinated interaction of its organs and the balance between its functions and the external environment.

Among the many factors influencing the health status of young people, along with heredity, it is important to note the role of “controllable factors”: the environment, sanitary and hygienic conditions of living and studying of school youth. One should take into account the fact that human health depends only 10% on medicine, 10% on heredity, 20% on environmental influences, and 60% on the lifestyle of the person himself. This especially applies to adolescents, since it is during this age period that, due to physiological, functional and psychological characteristics, health problems are more often of a functional nature, they are still reversible and amenable to correction. But due to these same characteristics, adolescents are overly exposed to the influence of the environment, under the influence of which the formation of behavioral attitudes and habits mainly occurs, on which their health depends. All of the above determines the relevance of this study.

The degree of development of the problem. This study is based on an analysis of a wide range of scientific literature devoted to the issues of defining the categories of “health” and “healthy lifestyle”.

The phenomenon of health, due to its universality, is the subject of research by doctors, sociologists, philosophers, and teachers.

The emphasis on various aspects of the concept of “health” and its versatility is placed by such authors as G.S. Tumanyan, G.S. Nikiforova, G.I. Rumyantsev. From the perspective of a systems approach, the multicomponent nature of health is reflected in the work of G.P. Malakhova, A.A. Novika et al.

An attempt to give a comprehensive definition of the concept of “health” and “healthy lifestyle” was made by V.A. Minyaev and N.I. Vishnyakov.

The versatility of the problem of a healthy lifestyle, presented in the works of philosophers, teachers, and sociologists, indicates the absence of a single holistic approach to understanding a healthy lifestyle. The most common is the medical-biological approach, as evidenced by the large number of publications by Korobkin Z.V., A.G. Shchedrina and others.

Unfortunately, in the specific work of medicine and education to preserve and strengthen the health of adolescents, there is disunity and a lack of understanding of their own tasks within the framework of a common problem for them.

Medicine, more than ever, needs the help of pedagogy, since all the main “risk factors” (including smoking, alcohol and drug use) have a behavioral basis (L.B. Shneider, N.A. Sirota, etc.). Behavior is always associated with motivation, which is developed precisely by a person’s upbringing. The works of L.M. are devoted to the problems of motivation. Semenyuk, I.A. Rudakova, O.S. Sitnikova and others.

However, in general, the problem of motivation and preservation of health, the formation of a value-based attitude towards health remains insufficiently studied in modern scientific literature. This is especially true for adolescents, as the most vulnerable group of the population. Currently, there is no single approach to solving the problem of developing a healthy lifestyle among adolescents, but there are isolated studies in different fields of science, pedagogy, valeology, and medicine.

The object of the study are adolescents who are at the stage of forming a healthy lifestyle.

The subject of the study is the features of developing a healthy lifestyle among adolescents.

The purpose of the study is to study the problem of developing a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.

Setting this goal involves solving the following research problems:

  • consider the psychophysical characteristics of adolescence;
  • consider factors influencing the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents;
  • - analyze the current state of formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents;
  • study modern technologies for solving the problem of creating a healthy lifestyle.

The research hypothesis is that traditional prevention methods, mainly in the form of lectures and conversations, have lost their effectiveness among adolescents. Due to the psychophysical characteristics of adolescents, it is necessary to use entertainment and informational approaches: competitions, olympiads, trainings, sporting events, exhibitions, etc.

The scientific novelty of the thesis lies in the fact that the author conducted a study of the problem of developing a healthy lifestyle, summarized the available material on this problem, described the role of preventing a healthy lifestyle and studied the factors influencing the health of adolescents.

Practical significance. The materials and conclusions of this work can be used by specialists in educational work and teachers in general education institutions.

Approbation of work. The main provisions and materials of this work were presented at a school-wide meeting parent meeting at gymnasium No. 14 in Ulan-Ude.

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, four paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references, and an appendix.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of a healthy lifestyle

1Psychophysical characteristics of adolescence

The identification of adolescence as a special age stage in human development occurred in the second half of the 19th century. in industrialized countries. Since then, adolescence and the problems of adolescents have become the focus of attention of many scientists: psychologists, doctors, teachers, cultural scientists, sociologists.

The rapid physiological and endocrine changes that occur at this age initially relegated psychological processes to the background in the eyes of scientists. Therefore, even new features in behavior, in relationships with others, in the content of the “self-image” were associated primarily with biological factors.

However, already the first ethnopsychological studies greatly changed ideas about adolescence. They showed that the length of the childhood period significantly depends on culture, and the higher the sociocultural level, the longer the childhood period. Adolescence and adolescence, as scientists have emphasized, are of particular importance, since they are transitional from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, the more pronounced the difference in role behavior, work, rights and responsibilities of an adult and a child, the more emotionally intense the transitional age becomes, the more clearly the negative features of the teenage crisis appear.

Special attention devoted to issues of adolescence M. Mead. Using the example of various cultures, she showed that the characteristics of puberty, the formation of the structure of self-awareness, and the dynamics of the teenage crisis depend primarily on the cultural traditions of a given people, the characteristics of raising and teaching children, and the dominant style of communication in the family. Research has also shown that in most primitive cultures there are ceremonies that “introduce” adolescents into adulthood. Such rituals were called initiation. Being, in fact, one of the earliest institutions of socialization, initiation formalized the transition to a new status role, showing everyone, and the child himself, first of all, his new social position. It was this external transition, visible to everyone, that removed many of the problems of growing up, the uncertainty of the situation of adolescents, causing conflicts and difficulties in the formation of their self-awareness.

Difficulties accompanying mental development in adolescence, are largely due to the fact that significant psychological changes are not accompanied by external transformations in the status, financial or social situation of children, and therefore are not always recognized by adults in a timely manner. The behavioral characteristics of teenagers, their desire to create their own “culture” (clothes, jargon, etc.), to have closer contacts with peers rather than with adults, are explained by their marginal position - no longer children, but not yet adults. High emotional excitability increases the sensitivity of adolescents to the negative reactions of adults, to their own failure, external unattractiveness, often fictitious, and partly associated with rapid growth and maturation. This makes their self-esteem especially unstable, situational, and increases the likelihood of deviations in behavior and communication.

Characterizing the characteristics of adolescence, L.S. Vygotsky noted that many problems that arise at this stage stem from the discrepancy between the three points of maturation, since puberty begins and ends earlier than the end of the child’s general organic development and before the child reaches the final stage of his “sociocultural formation.”

The difficulties that Vygotsky wrote about are due to the fact that the psychophysical characteristics of adolescence stimulate psychological changes; they are also related to the conditions of his life. The origins of emotional instability also lie not only in physiological changes, but also in social conditions. The formation of a new image of the physical “I” occurs gradually, this process plays an important role, since the new body image occupies an important place in self-awareness, the teenager often evaluates it, and most often is dissatisfied with it. This can become the basis for many deviations in the formation of personal identity and integrity, and reduce self-esteem, especially its emotional component - attitude towards oneself. In such cases, the attentive and competent attitude of adults, who explain to the child the variability of appearance during the transition period, can significantly optimize the process of formation of somatic identity and the image of the physical “I”.

The formation of gender identity is also of great importance at this age, which presupposes an individual’s awareness of his gender and the assimilation of appropriate norms and style of behavior. In adolescence, the stereotypes of “muscle” and “femininity” become especially sharply polarized; compliance with these stereotypes becomes the main criterion by which a teenager evaluates his appearance, behavior, and character traits.

Speaking about cognitive mental processes, it should be noted that in adolescence their formation as conscious and voluntary is completed, i.e. higher, cultural forms of knowledge. Perception at this time is characterized by selectivity and purposefulness, attention - stability. The very process of perceiving, storing and summarizing the material becomes a single whole, while instant conclusions are present already at the stage of perception, helping to filter out unnecessary information and not translate it into long-term memory.

The development of formal logical thinking is manifested in the fact that a teenager can abstract from visual material and build your reasoning in a verbal, or ideal, way. In his latest works, J. Piaget noted the fact that teenagers use new mental qualities in those areas that are most significant and interesting to them.

The fact that socialization occurs especially intensively in adolescence proves the enormous importance of communication for adolescents, especially communication with peers, which, according to most researchers, is the leading activity at this age. For a teenager, not only contacts are important, but also recognition by peers. The frustrated need to be significant in one's reference group can cause serious deviations in socialization and personal growth. Orientation towards group norms and the desire to conform to them increases conformity, which, according to many psychologists, is highest at 12-13 years of age. Since the process of socialization is associated with ascension not only into the world of adults, but also into the world of adolescent values, the peer group becomes the leading group for the formation of sociocultural identity. Communication with peers is especially significant during periods of sudden social change, with the emergence of new social ideals, attitudes and values, when, as M. Mead wrote, adults often learn from children. Therefore, the fact of finding one’s own reference group seems very important for a teenager, i.e. that group whose values ​​are significant for the child and whose opinion about his personal qualities is extremely valuable to him. The desire to meet these standards, to acquire respect and a high status place in this particular group is one of the leading motives of a teenager’s activity, which fills the socialization process with specific content.

Studying the process of communication between adolescents and peers, American researcher D. Maccoby noted its high significance for all parties mental development. He emphasized that the influence of peers on adolescents' values ​​and attitudes is often stronger than the influence of parents, school, religious organizations or any other social structure. This is due to the fact that peers experiencing similar problems help each other maintain self-confidence, realize and accept the changes that occur both in physical appearance and in spiritual growth.

E. Erikson also noted that the cohesion of teenage groups, the same manner of dressing, the uniformity of body movements and facial expressions, so often observed in these groups, actually serve as a defense against a confused, uncertain identity. Imitating each other in clothing and behavior gives teenagers, who are not yet exactly aware of what they are, a feeling of some confidence, stability and security. In addition, their own fashion, their own hairstyle, etc. emphasize the distance between teenagers and adults. According to Erikson, belonging to a peer group allows adolescents to experience the influence of various new ideological systems - political, social, economic and religious.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the level of development and value orientations of the group to which the teenager belongs in order to understand what the teenager can give her and what the group can give him. Particularly important in this regard is the analysis of the values ​​and content of the activities of informal, spontaneously emerging teenage groups. Spending most of their time in such groups, drawing the most valuable information from communication in them, following patterns, adolescents form the direction of their behavior, which can be either prosocial or antisocial. Deviance, deviant behavior, which can be diagnosed with a high degree of reliability already at this age, is associated with the failure of children in prosocial forms of activity - studying, communicating with close adults and teachers. Naturally, all these difficulties do not appear during adolescence, but much earlier, but at this time they become stable and not situational. Those negative traits in behavior and personality turn into character traits of a teenager and are very difficult to correct.

No less important for mental development is the communication of adolescents with adults, in particular with parents, but it is in this area that most conflicts are concentrated. Their main reason is related to the contradictory position and inner world of a teenager. On the one hand, he needs the love and care of his parents, their advice, on the other hand, he feels a strong desire to be independent, equal in rights with his parents and other adults. Therefore, adolescents are characterized by an ambivalent attitude towards adults: a desire for emancipation and, at the same time, dependence on their opinions. Parents, in turn, are not always ready to recognize the fact that the child is becoming an adult and to adequately rebuild their relationship with him. Often, parents see only the negative manifestations of adolescence and do not understand the problems and experiences of their children, so younger teenagers often complain that their parents control them “like little kids.”

Several factors influence the attitudes of adolescents and parents. This is, first of all, the style of education adopted in the family, and the characteristics of the emotional relationships of family members with the teenager. Naturally, an attentive attitude, interest and the creation of emotional comfort and trust are optimal for communicating with children of any age, especially in adolescence. Lack of control can cause problems with academic performance and in relationships with teachers, especially for anxious, not very confident and gifted children. In this case, informal peer groups, sometimes even companies with an antisocial orientation, can replace both parents and teachers. But the “departure” of a child from the family is possible even with the strictest control, if the parents do not take into account the child’s new experiences, with his new friends, frustrating one of the main new formations of this age - a sense of adulthood, awareness of oneself as an independent and unique person.

It is important to remember about the individual characteristics of children, manifested in their reaction to excessive guardianship or alienation of an adult. Impulsive, demonstrative children with high self-esteem react very painfully to the authoritarianism of adults. In this case, even inattention to teenagers can cause less harm than excessive control. On the contrary, for rigid, insecure teenagers, the most unfavorable thing is the lack of control, while overprotection is not accepted by them as painfully as by demonstrative children, and does not lead to such negative consequences. It is also natural that the presence in the family of persons with antisocial behavior (suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction, etc.) can cause serious deviations and misconduct by adolescents. However, studies have shown that there is no direct connection between family antisociality and adolescent behavior.

Considering the importance of communication with adults and peers in adolescence for the development of a child, most researchers note that adolescents tend to accept parental values, norms, and views in those areas where these values ​​and norms are quite stable, as well as in cases where they have long-term consequences, and to be peer-oriented where we are talking about fairly changing patterns and norms that directly affect everyday life. In conditions of a sharp change in the social situation in society, adults are in a state of some disorientation and are not always adapted to new social norms, attitudes and values, so teenagers cannot fully focus on parental stereotypes in the social sphere.

Communication affects not only the process of socialization, but also the formation of the personality of adolescents. In this area, perhaps the most significant changes occur at this age. Around the age of 15, an important moment comes in personal development teenager, associated with the formation of a differentiated and conscious “I-concept” as a system of internally consistent ideas about oneself. The formation of the “I-concept” is the result of reflection, self-knowledge, which was mentioned above, as well as the appearance of the image of the “other,” which is most often a peer. Identification with peers represents a certain stage in the formation of a teenager’s “self-image”. As a result of research, it was revealed that first a teenager develops a so-called “We-image”, which serves as a prerequisite for the formation of a qualitatively new “I-image” of a teenager. The main characteristic of a teenager’s “We-image” is his inclusion in a peer group.

Studying the formation of the “I-concept”, psychologists came to the conclusion that during adolescence it changes significantly, becoming more differentiated and individualized. Thanks to reflection, the teenager begins to recognize himself in different roles that require diverse abilities and personality traits, so his self-image becomes increasingly clear and structured. At the same time, the teenager is aware of both the common features that connect him with his peers, and those individual qualities that distinguish him from others, make him special and unique. It is important that the qualities on the basis of which a teenager judges himself are initially purely external, rather behavioral - marks, status place in the group, appearance. Gradually, such characteristics as intelligence, sense of humor, anxiety or self-confidence, emotionality, etc. become the most important in the structure of the “I-concept”.

Such aspects of the “I-concept” as “I-real” and “I-ideal” are also formed. Ideas about one’s abilities, one’s appearance, one’s personal qualities form the “Real Self.” The “ideal self” includes ideas about what a person would like to be. This structure is a collective image of those people (both real and virtual, literary heroes) that a teenager wants to be like. Too large a gap between ideal ideas and real possibilities can lead to a teenager’s lack of self-confidence, which is expressed in resentment, aggressiveness, etc. On the contrary, when perfect image seems achievable, the teenager adequately assesses his capabilities and builds a certain system of actions to achieve the model. The discrepancy between the real and ideal “I” also affects the emotional component of the “I-concept”, since the teenager stops liking himself and rejects himself. The bad thing is that, as a rule, it is not some specific trait that is rejected (which could have a positive effect on personal growth), but the image of oneself as a whole. Such emotional rejection does not lead to development, but to anxiety, inadequate self-esteem, and defensive aggression.

The relationship between various aspects of the “I-concept” also affects a teenager’s self-esteem. Almost all researchers note such a feature of adolescence as instability and situational self-esteem, which can vary from inadequately high to inadequately low. This is largely due to the labile structure of the hierarchy of motives, as well as to the content of the “Ideal Self.” The desire to live up to the ideals that a teenager chooses for himself and the frustration of significant motives reduce self-esteem. Actualization of new motivation, praise, and success naturally increase it. The alternation of successes and failures, typical of this age, is due to the fact that rapid changes in interests and behavior patterns do not allow the formation of sustainable activities, without which real achievements are impossible. Therefore, it is precisely in those cases where motivation is stable and there are constant interests that self-esteem is more stable.

Characterizing adolescence, many domestic psychologists wrote that one of the central new formations of this period is a sense of adulthood, which is expressed in the desire for independence, independence, and the affirmation of one’s personal dignity. By the beginning of adolescence, a desire arises to take a different, more “adult” position, expressed by behavior that cannot always be realized in school life. Frustration of motives associated with a new self-image and new role relationships gives rise to negative components of the crisis of adolescence: negativism, aggression, conflicts with adults, which can be avoided if others understand the ambiguity of the child’s position and recognize his rights. Many authors note the change in time perspective that occurs during this age period, its expansion towards the distant future. At the same time, a life path plan is gradually built, with which the hierarchy of motives and the personality qualities being formed are associated.

1.2 Factors influencing the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents

At all times, among all peoples of the world, physical and mental health has been and is an enduring value of man and society. Even in ancient times, it was understood by doctors and philosophers as the main condition for the free activity of man, his perfection. Even then, methods of treating and protecting diseases were revealed and consolidated, which amounted to traditional medicine and hygiene, directly fit into the life of people, being adjusted and improved under the influence on human health of the nature of work, habits, beliefs, thoughts, emotions.

The concept of “lifestyle” allows us to characterize the social life of society in its personal dimension, since it is perceived at the level of individuals, individual representatives of various classes and social groups. IN in this case The cognitive meaning of studying lifestyle is to move from a general sociological vision of reality to its specific sociological analysis, to study it at the level of people’s personal existence.

Lifestyle as a philosophical category reflects what is socially sustainable, socially typical at the level of personal behavior and human existence, and explores how the social turns into individual characteristics of a person, the real properties of his personal existence. At the same time, the way of life determines not just the psychological characteristics of a person that distinguish him from other people, but the properties and traits that are formed in him by society. The study of the lifestyle of individuals, on the one hand, provides information about the system of relations in society, and on the other hand, it testifies to the people themselves, how and what they live with, and makes it possible to analyze examples and forms of life activity.

According to the World Health Organization: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease.” With a healthy lifestyle, the body's reserves are maintained or expanded. Lifestyle is a system of relationships with oneself and with environmental factors. A healthy lifestyle is a concept of human life aimed at improving and maintaining health through appropriate nutrition, physical fitness, morale and giving up bad habits.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life, the achievement of active longevity and the full performance of social functions.

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by an increase and change in the nature of the stress on the human body due to the complication of social life, increasing risks of a man-made, environmental, psychological, political and military nature, provoking negative changes in health.

The elements of a healthy lifestyle are:

education of healthy habits and skills from early childhood;

environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge about the impact of surrounding objects on health;

nutrition: moderate, corresponding to the physiological characteristics of a particular person, awareness of the quality of the products consumed;

movements: physical active life, including special physical exercises (for example, gymnastics) taking into account age and physiological characteristics;

body hygiene: adherence to the rules of personal and public hygiene, first aid skills;


A person’s physiological state is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state, which, in turn, depends on his mental attitudes. Therefore, some authors also highlight the following additional aspects of a healthy lifestyle:

emotional well-being: mental hygiene, the ability to cope with one’s own emotions and difficult situations;

intellectual well-being: a person's ability to learn and use new information for optimal action;

spiritual well-being: the ability to set truly, meaningful, constructive life goals and strive towards them with optimism.

The theory of a healthy lifestyle, due to its coverage of various aspects, forms and manifestations of life activity, is complex and interdisciplinary in nature. Consequently, the initial idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle can only be obtained by relying on the entire system of data from various related knowledge about it, that is, by implementing the principles integrated approach.

An attempt to give a comprehensive definition of the concept under consideration was made by A.D. Stepanov and A.M. Izutkin. In their opinion, a healthy lifestyle is the types, types, and modes of human activity that are typical and essential for a given socio-economic formation, strengthening the adaptive capabilities of the body, contributing to the full performance of social functions and the achievement of active longevity.

V.A. points out the importance of the conditions for harmonization of the social and biological when characterizing a healthy lifestyle or deviations from it. Eremenko. Among the many natural prerequisites for such harmonization, the most significant are the following: the age of the individual, his constitutional characteristics, characteristics of the nervous system, inclinations, abilities, etc.

In the process of socialization of the individual, these signs acquire special integrative properties that reflect the degree of harmonization of a person with the conditions of his life or show various deviations, primarily in the state of health, as a result of the discrepancy between the direction of the individual’s activity and the conditions of the activity itself.

Since the pinnacle of human interaction with the external environment is the laws of human society, the mechanisms of the integral determination of his life activity should be sought in social activity, for example, in labor as a specific, inherent only to man, form of exchange of matter and energy between them and nature. Human health and illness as states of his integral life activity turn out to be reflections of social life and are subject to its laws. The socially oriented point of view leads to the conclusion that “the state of health and illness are the property of human life and are shaped by the social nature of man.”

Thus, a healthy lifestyle should be understood as a holistic way of human life aimed at the harmonious unity of physiological, mental and labor functions. It determines the possibility of full, unlimited human participation in various types of social life.

Most human diseases are caused by a specific, “social” lifestyle. Neuropsychiatric diseases constitute a unique area of ​​human pathology that has a social essence.

Attempts to study the problem of health and a healthy lifestyle in our country are made repeatedly and have not been fully studied. But let us emphasize that a healthy lifestyle is a concrete manifestation of the unity of general, special and individual (social, biological, mental) properties inherent in an individual, taking into account his environmental and social environment.

Factors influencing the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Lifestyle is a system of relationships between a person and himself and with environmental factors. A healthy lifestyle is the basis for disease prevention; it implements the most valuable type of prevention - primary prevention of diseases, preventing their occurrence, expanding the range of human adaptive capabilities.

Summarizing many interpretations of this concept, we can formulate the following definition: “Healthy lifestyle” is hygienic behavior based on scientifically based sanitary and hygienic standards aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, ensuring a high level of working capacity, and achieving active longevity. This is the formulation of this concept as recorded in the International Dictionary of Health Education.

Numerous studies show that a healthy lifestyle is a universal, widely available, not requiring significant material costs, way to optimize the physiological systems of the body, maintain health at a high level, prolong active life and is the main determinant of health.

A healthy lifestyle is based on everyday elements, the most significant of which include:

1.Motor mode, including all possible types of physical activity (physical education, walks, physical labor, walking, exercises);

2.Hardening the body (sun, water, air);

.Balanced diet;

.Occupational and rest hygiene;

.Personal and public hygiene;

.Harmonization of psycho-emotional relationships in the team;

.Environmental protection (at home, during leisure, etc.).

Being constantly exposed to the influence of the environment, a person experiences the effects of unfavorable factors. WHO names more than 200 factors as such, the main ones of which include:

1)low physical activity;

2)poor nutrition;

)bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;


)sleep disturbance;

)risky sexual behavior.

A number of factors that cause diseases are created by the person himself and are the result of improper work conditions, lifestyle and recreation, bad habits and traditions.

Let's consider the factors that most significantly influence the health of adolescents.

Leisure and healthy lifestyle

From sociological research it became known that non-working time is traditionally divided into two parts: performing various kinds of physiological functions to ensure the body’s vital functions (nutrition, sleep, personal care), as well as related activities (maintaining household and satisfaction of needs determined by the social status of individuals).

Adolescents have specific characteristics, many of which are obvious and determined by the social tasks they solve. Firstly, at this age the body acquires maturity, which is understood as the social ability to work in social production without recurrent restrictions. Secondly, there is a choice of profession, that is, a determination of one’s place in the system of social division of labor. Thirdly, young people are characterized by an accelerated formation of the process of fundamental needs and their consolidation, the development of a moral model of behavior. Often young people solve all these problems almost simultaneously, which gives their lifestyle a special dynamism and intensity.

Therefore, it is especially important to form in young people an appropriate structure of needs and value systems; they cover physical activity and sports, rational nutrition, overcoming bad habits, mental and spiritual preparation for family life. Therefore, the organization of free time should help identify and develop people’s abilities in the process of life. Harmony of development and completeness of identification of abilities, their organic unity is an important characteristic of a healthy lifestyle. As part of a healthy lifestyle, leisure should provide adolescents with the restoration of expended energy after work or educational activities, identification of existing inclinations and abilities, their development and harmonization.

Physical culture and sports, motor mode.

Muscular activity is an indispensable condition for the performance of motor and autonomic functions of the human body at all stages of its development. The importance of muscle activity in human biology and physiology is so great that it is quite rightly regarded as the main sign of life.

Physical culture and sports effectively solve the problems of consistent promotion of health and development physical abilities the body of children and youth, maintaining skills in adulthood, preventing unfavorable age-related changes in old age. Proving in our time the benefits of physical education and sports is the same as proving the need for air or food. The need for this issue is due to the fact that a small part of the population is engaged in physical education.

Today, physical inactivity (low physical activity) is the problem of the century. One of the important causes of the occurrence and development of most diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, musculoskeletal system, nervous and endocrine systems, which lead to premature disability and mortality of tens and hundreds of thousands of people under 50 years of age. summer age. Currently, reduced physical activity in a large percentage of cases is observed among adolescents, due to the introduction of television, video equipment, and computers into life.

Physical culture and sports in the minds of young people are not associated with health, academic success, or high performance, which is why they are not widespread, but are only a necessity for completing the curriculum.

Physical education and sports are intended to become a primary and everyday means of healing, strengthening the physical and neuro-mental health of all groups of the population, a means of increasing vitality from the very first days of a person’s life, acting as an integral element of his general culture. In this capacity, physical culture can and should become the main medicine of a modern person, allowing him to maintain the amount of health that will provide him with a full creative life for many years.

Balanced nutrition and healthy lifestyle.

Nutrition culture plays a significant role in shaping a healthy lifestyle for adolescents. Rational nutrition is a physiologically complete food intake by people, taking into account their gender, age, nature of work and other factors. The need to strictly adhere to the recommended standards of balanced nutrition for adolescents is determined by the fact that it is at this age that the foundations of those diseases that are associated with malnutrition are laid. Nutrition must satisfy all the needs of the body, ensure the functioning of all its systems and organs.

The problem of children's nutrition depends on the social status of the parents. Thus, schoolchildren are quite closely involved in the sphere of family and everyday relations and their nutrition is practically established. But even among schoolchildren, not everyone eats regularly. The percentage of such teenagers is especially significant among high school students - 31%. The reason for irregular nutrition is the heavy workload of studies and lack of time, due to which maintaining a daily routine is simply impossible.

Many young people do not have the necessary knowledge about healthy nutrition and do not strive to obtain it. Organism young man quickly adapts to both large overloads and underloads of its systems and organs, and the illusion is created that during nutritional disorders no qualitative changes occur. This is one of the reasons for the increasing prevalence of overweight.

Obesity is becoming a serious problem, since mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system in obesity is observed 1.5 times more often than in people with normal body weight. The immunobiological properties of his body, physical and mental activity, working capacity and labor productivity, health indicators, and life expectancy depend on how well a person eats.

It is not enough to convince young people of the need for rational nutrition; the basic principles of rational nutrition should be explained to them.

Occupational and rest hygiene.

Work and study account for approximately 1/3 of a person's total active life time. If we consider a healthy lifestyle as a diverse life activity that ensures the preservation and strengthening of a person’s health and performance, and the creation of the opportunity to fully and actively engage in study, work and social activities, then it should be recognized that an important component of the formation of a healthy lifestyle is the rational organization of study and work, corresponding to the physiological capabilities of a particular organism.

At any age, the work regime is based on the laws of physiology, according to which labor processes must alternate with rest. The organization of work should promote maximum productivity with minimal expenditure of physical and neuropsychic strength of a person, that is, with little preservation of his health.

It is important that from childhood a person gets used to organizing activities in accordance with his physical capabilities and alternates labor activity with a slight Changing activities prevents the accumulation of fatigue, increases performance and maintains health. This applies more to high school students and students. Due to heavy academic overload, preparation for classes is carried out at the expense of free time and night sleep. For young people, insufficient sleep at night is especially dangerous, as it provokes irritability, internal discomfort, inadequate reactions, and also contributes to the occurrence of various diseases, primarily of the nervous system.

Work and study should bring joy and help a young person realize his physical and spiritual potential.

Bad habits and healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is not compatible with bad habits, because drinking alcohol, other intoxicating and narcotic substances, and smoking tobacco prevents the strengthening of any aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Bad habits are among the important risk factors for many diseases and significantly affect the health of young people and the population as a whole.

Even occasional use of alcohol and cigarettes in adolescence poses a great threat associated with the further development of drunkenness, alcoholism, and addiction to smoking. Even more dangerous in this regard is the use of various addictive substances, since drug addiction and substance abuse develops quickly in young people. These diseases have now turned into an epidemic, claiming tens and hundreds of thousands of human lives, crippling millions of destinies. Moreover, there is a tendency not only to a rapid increase in cases of drug addiction, but also to its “rejuvenation” and an increase in severe drug addiction conditions. Considering age category drug addicts from 13 to 35 years old, it follows that virtually the entire young generation is under threat.

Risk groups include persons without a fixed place of residence, children under 14 years of age, adolescents from 15-17 years of age and young people from 18 to 30 (35) years of age. The current situation is characterized by the fact that a special group consists of children from wealthy and prosperous families. Socially disadvantaged children are also at risk, i.e. children of drinking and unemployed parents.

The problem of overcoming bad habits is especially relevant, since until recently there has been a tendency to increase the frequency of alcohol consumption and smoking among young people. Thus, the prevalence of alcohol use among adolescents aged 15-17 years ranges from 73% to 88% for boys and from 79% to 92% for girls. Particular attention is drawn to the high level of injuries among young people (under 30 years of age).

Smoking tobacco also poses a huge health hazard. The number of young people who smoke is very high; young people are starting to smoke at an increasing age. early age. The reasons for the formation of an addiction to smoking in adolescence are varied, but the most common are curiosity, the influence of friends, and the example of adults. It is worth noting that most smokers are to some extent informed about the consequences of smoking, but few of them are yet aware of the dangers of passive smoking. Passive smoking contributes to the development of diseases in non-smokers that are characteristic of smokers.

A person's health largely depends on himself. All socio-economic transformations, improvement efforts medical care will be practically nullified if young people have an incorrect attitude towards their health.

In conclusion, we can say that there is a common misconception among adolescents that illnesses come in old age, when active life is already behind us. The role of young people in maintaining and strengthening their own health is minimal today. A completely unfounded belief is being formed that health is guaranteed by itself at a young age, that any exorbitant loads, gross violations of nutrition, daily routine, insufficient physical activity, stress and other risk factors are “within the capabilities” of a young body, that it will cope with all the problems it faces. his share of trials

Chapter 2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents: technologies for solving the problem

1 Analysis of the current state of healthy lifestyle formation among adolescents

One of the most important indicators of a healthy lifestyle for a teenager is the presence of bad habits, that is, the use of psychoactive substances: alcohol, tobacco, drugs. The problem of the spread of bad habits among teenagers is relevant not only for Buryatia, but for all of Russia as a whole. It is known that the use of psychoactive substances is growing inexorably among adolescents aged 15-17 years, ranging from 71% to 84% for boys and from 75% to 88% for girls. The preventive measures carried out attract the attention of every person to their health and a healthy lifestyle.

A person’s health depends 60% on his lifestyle (nutrition, working conditions, material and living conditions, the presence or absence of bad habits, etc.). And therefore, the formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin from a very early age. The foundation of our health is formed in adolescence, when our body undergoes various changes, and the best must be laid as the basis.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle that promotes human health is carried out at three levels:

Social: propaganda in the media, information and educational work;

Infrastructural: specific conditions in the main areas of life (availability of free time, material resources), preventive (sports) institutions, environmental control;

Personal: a system of human value orientations.

School plays an important role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, since teenagers spend most of their free time within its walls. The school provides a lot of knowledge about various areas of human life, as well as about a healthy lifestyle, conducting preventive classes with students.

Prevention is a set of state, public, socio-medical and organizational and educational measures aimed at preventing, eliminating or neutralizing the main causes and conditions that cause various kinds of social deviations in human behavior.

Prevention (ancient Greek prophylaktikos - preventive) is a set of various types of measures aimed at preventing any phenomenon and/or eliminating risk factors.

Preventive measures are the most important component of the healthcare system, aimed at creating medical and social activity among the population and motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

There is a public one, which includes a system of measures to protect the health of groups and individual prevention, which includes observing the rules of personal hygiene at home and at work.

Individual prevention - includes measures to prevent diseases, preserve and improve health, which are carried out by the person himself, and practically comes down to compliance with the norms of a healthy lifestyle: personal hygiene, hygiene of marital and family relationships, hygiene of clothing, shoes, rational nutrition and drinking regime, hygiene education the younger generation, a rational regime of work and rest, active physical education, etc.

Public prevention - includes a system of social, economic, legislative, educational, sanitary-technical, sanitary-hygienic, anti-epidemic and medical measures systematically carried out by state institutions and public organizations in order to ensure comprehensive development physical and spiritual strength of citizens, eliminating factors harmful to the health of the population.

Depending on the state of health, the presence of risk factors for the disease or severe pathology, three types of prevention can be considered.

Primary prevention is a system of measures to prevent the occurrence and impact of risk factors for the development of diseases (vaccination, rational work and rest regime, rational high-quality nutrition, physical activity, environmental protection, etc.). A number of primary prevention activities can be carried out on a national scale.

Secondary prevention is a set of measures aimed at eliminating pronounced risk factors, which under certain conditions (stress, weakened immunity, excessive load on any other functional systems of the body) can lead to the occurrence, exacerbation and relapse of the disease. The most effective method of secondary prevention is medical examination as a comprehensive method of early detection of diseases, dynamic observation, targeted treatment, and rational consistent recovery.

Some experts propose the term tertiary prevention as a set of measures for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost the ability to fully live. Tertiary prevention aims at social (building confidence in one’s own social suitability), labor (the possibility of restoring work skills), psychological (restoring behavioral activity) and medical (restoring the functions of organs and systems of the body) rehabilitation.

Traditional methods of preventive activities in school no longer meet the needs of students. To select suitable methods of preventive lessons, I conducted a study among high school students (15-17 years old). The study involved 117 students from gymnasium No. 14 in Ulan-Ude.

So, let’s analyze a number of issues and results on them, which are reflected in tables No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4

Let's consider and analyze the question of students' ideas about a healthy lifestyle in Table No. 1.

Table No. 1

No. Question Answer options Answers of respondents (%) 1. What is a healthy lifestyle in your opinion? (several answer options are possible) “play sports”; “absence of bad habits”; “full spiritual life”; 100 100 1002. Do you know about the influence of a healthy lifestyle on human activity? “yes” “no” 100 03. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? “yes” “no” 29 714. If not, then why ?“I don’t want” “no free time” 11 89

From the results given in Table No. 1, it is clear that students have a complete understanding of a healthy lifestyle and its impact on all spheres of human life. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle. The reason, as most noted, is the lack of free time.

Table No. 2

No. Question Answer options Answers of respondents (%) 1. Have you tried alcoholic drinks? “yes” “no” 82 182. If you tried alcoholic drinks, then under what circumstances? “in the company of friends” “out of curiosity” “by chance” 60 26 143. Have you tried smoking? “yes” “no”84 164. If “yes” what prompted you to do it? “influence of friends” “feel more mature” “curiosity”54 14 325.Have you tried drugs? “yes” “no” » 0 100

According to the students' responses, unfortunately, more than 80% have already tried alcoholic beverages and smoking. Usually this happened “in the company of friends” and (or) “under their influence.” The predominance of answers “in the company of friends”, “influence of friends” indicates that adolescents are overly exposed to the influence of their environment. It follows from this that it is necessary to conduct preventive classes in small groups, where the attention of students will be concentrated, and to remind them as often as possible of the dangerous consequences of bad habits. There is also the fact of drinking alcohol and cigarettes “out of curiosity.” It should be noted that at this age they are learning everything, looking for new sensations, wanting to feel more mature. However, on the positive side, it is worth noting the fact that not one of the schoolchildren surveyed tried to use drugs.

The next questions we consider will be about the prevention of a healthy lifestyle. Let's analyze the students' answers in Table No. 3.

Table No. 3

No. Question Answer options Answers of respondents (%) 1. Do you have classes on developing a healthy lifestyle at your school? “yes” “no” 100 02. How often are classes held? “often” “rarely” “sometimes” 0 64 363. In what form are preventive classes usually held? (several answer options are possible) “lectures, conversations” “exhibitions” “ watching video files"35 24 414.Are you interested in healthy lifestyle promotion classes?""interesting" "boring"23 77

Based on the students’ responses, the following conclusion can be drawn: classes are held rarely and usually in traditional form(lectures, conversations and watching documentaries about the dangers of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs), which does not arouse sufficient interest on the part of students (77% of respondents answered “boring”). It follows from this that it is necessary to add new methods and forms of classes with teenagers to the program for developing a healthy lifestyle.

IN latest issues we will analyze the opinions of adolescents on the reform of preventive classes at school. Let's look at table No. 4.

Table No. 4

Question Answer options Answers of respondents (%) 1. Do you participate in organizing preventive classes in a school (class)? “yes” “no” 13 872. Do you want to take part in conducting classes? “yes” “no” 67 333. What methods, forms of conducting prevention of bad habits would you like to add? (several answer options are possible) “sports events” “conferences” “trainings” 35 25 40

As can be seen from the students' responses, they show great interest in a healthy lifestyle. Students want to actively participate in both the organization and conduct of classes to promote a healthy lifestyle: find suitable information on the proposed topic of discussion, develop plans for sporting events (for example, “Health Day”), conduct trainings, create a “control” group that will monitor the progress of the work. And the role of the teacher will be that he will observe, guide and, of course, evaluate the work of students.

Analyzing the results obtained, we can say that our hypothesis is confirmed. Thus, we came to the conclusion that, due to the characteristics of adolescence, it is necessary to supplement the traditional program for the formation of a healthy lifestyle with interesting and exciting methods, as well as to use entertainment and information approaches and provide more opportunities for students in organizing and conducting preventive classes.

2 Technologies for promoting a healthy lifestyle among adolescents

Currently, promoting a healthy lifestyle is extremely relevant. In case of unfavorable trends in the health status of the population, influence the reduction of morbidity, mortality, improvement of the epidemiological situation, etc. is possible only with a well-established system of preventive measures and close relationship with the population, developing a responsible attitude towards one’s health and the health of one’s family.

The use of alcohol and drugs brings enormous material, social and moral damage to society, social institutions, and almost all citizens.

The most vulnerable group of the population in this regard are adolescents. The cause of addiction to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs is often the lack of comprehensive information and understanding of problems related to addiction, and the lack of appropriate services hinders the receipt of professional help.

Family, school, and youth public organizations are poorly involved in the system of providing assistance to people with addictions, since they themselves lack information on the prevention of addictions.

Meanwhile, preventive work can be successful only if its concept and methodology are chosen correctly.

Prevention experts generally agree that the most effective prevention approach is one that includes a variety of strategies. There is no need to look for a single, most effective approach (for example, large-scale mass media campaigns or educational programs in secondary schools). Moreover, we must refrain from thinking that "information about drugs will lead to positive changes in the behavior of young people."

Due to the fact that experts have not yet reached a consensus on which preventive strategies are most effective, consider a combination of the following strategies:

preventive strategies, the main goal of which is to change the attitude of young people towards drugs (this may include reducing the dose, changing behavioral norms, explaining that it is useless to expect benefits from drugs, a solution to one’s problems, etc.);

preventive strategies aimed at developing mechanisms and skills to resist addiction;

preventive strategies, the purpose of which is to change attitudes towards drugs and norms of behavior in society as a whole;

prevention strategies targeting all forms of addiction, including alcohol and tobacco;

preventive strategies specifically tailored to the characteristics of the addiction problem in a particular environment.

Recently, preventive strategies have begun to be introduced, the goal of which is to enhance the ability to quickly restore physical and mental strength and improve the functioning of protective factors (especially in young people at high risk). It seems to us that this approach, focused on risk factors, is most successful.

It should be noted that personal and public awareness of the dangers of drugs to the human body, both physically and mentally, is very important for the prevention of addiction.

Well-designed prevention programs can enhance protective factors in young people. This can be achieved by teaching parents the skills to properly build relationships in the family, as well as by regulating norms of behavior. Research has also shown that parents should take a more active role in their children's lives: talk with them about alcohol, tobacco and drugs, monitor their children's activities, get to know their friends, and understand children's problems.

Research shows that most children are very vulnerable during transitional periods in their lives, e.g. when they move from one stage of development to another. Their first transition period is when they leave the "safe haven" of their family and enter school, where they meet new friends. When the kids finish primary school and move on to middle and high school, they are faced with new social problems. During this time, they must learn to get along with large peer groups (“pi-groups”). This is when many of them try alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs for the first time. Prevention programs focus on the child's relationship with pi-groups. The purpose of these programs is to help develop correct social behavior, form good relationships in pi-groups and teach children to say “no” to bad habits.

Such preventive programs are aimed at developing the skills of correct social behavior of young people, teaching them to think, feel, make decisions, solve problems, interact and communicate with peers.

Prevention programs are also aimed at strengthening the interaction of students with school. They help schoolchildren understand their individuality and importance, and reduce the likelihood of missing lessons.

Most school-based prevention programs include support good relations in "pi-groups" and behavior correction in relation to bad habits.

Studies have shown that when children are well aware of the negative consequences of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs (physical, mental, social), they try to avoid them and refuse to consume them.

When implementing prevention programs, it is necessary to work closely with various civil, cultural, sports and government organizations, using them to form a negative attitude towards drugs in adolescents. Young people need to be helped to spend their free time actively to avoid boredom and monotony, which often lead to drug use. The activities of these organizations will lead to the improvement of society as a whole.

Providing information about the negative consequences of drug (and other psychoactive substance) use is a very important element of any prevention program.

In addition, when young people are supported in their schooling, they achieve better academic performance and become more involved in extra-curricular activities, which in turn helps them form strong social connections with peers, school and the wider community.

To achieve the goals and objectives of addiction prevention programs, various communication methods and technologies can be used. Generally speaking, a distinction is made between educational programs that use group methods of work and programs that are implemented using the media.

Educational programs using group work methods involve a wide variety of technologies:

educational process (for example, studying the effect of drugs on the brain in biology lessons);

lectures (for example, for parents - “Drinking of alcoholic beverages among young people”);

discussions in small groups (for example: “What to do if there is a drug addict in the family?”);

training (for practitioners - "How to determine addiction to early stage");

role-playing games (for example, how to communicate with students);

large-scale discussion of the topic, for example: “Authorities and society as a whole about prevention programs”;

exhibitions (exhibition of educational materials: memos, booklets, posters, videos);

symposiums, scientific conferences on various issues of addiction prevention.

Media-based learning, for example, includes:

media campaigns at national, regional and local levels; television and radio programs (in the form of anti-advertising);

television and radio programs: cycles, series providing information about drugs, addiction prevention, drug addiction treatment;

interviews with drug addicts and former drug addicts, with narcologists;

publication of special magazines for young people (information, interviews, educational preventive materials);

publishing educational materials on addiction prevention (such materials can, for example, be dropped into mailboxes);

production of posters, memos, booklets, leaflets, stickers, labels, etc., distributed among the population on the streets, markets, railway stations, bus stations, etc.;

production of audio or video materials (audio cassettes, videos);

building of information services operating as “helplines”.

The choice of the most appropriate working methods and technologies largely depends on the goals of a specific prevention program or educational campaign, the target group to which the prevention program is addressed, the funds and other resources available.

Exist different kinds group methods and different methods and technologies:

whose main task is to convey knowledge and information (lectures, lessons, conversations, etc.);

aimed at changing attitudes (discussions, role-playing games);

the purpose of which is to teach social skills (trainings, modeling);

the purpose of which is to exchange views on a particular problem (posters, exhibitions).

Most The best way to show how group methods work is to describe school-based prevention programs.

Why are prevention programs easiest to implement in schools?

In schools, prevention programs can reach almost all students;

a school is an organizational structure that ensures a close relationship with parents and the public;

schools, despite many social and cultural differences, exist in all countries of the world;

over the past 30 years, most prevention programs have been implemented on the basis of schools;

Most of the methods and technologies used in the implementation of school-based prevention programs can be applied to other population groups (in most cases only minor changes are required);

Most often, the first experience of using drugs, cigarettes and alcohol occurs at the age of 14-18 years, i.e. during school years.

Information model. For a long time, the most popular form of prevention work was the provision of information about health and drugs. The choice of this form was based on the assertion that fact-based information about psychoactive substances, their biological, social and psychological consequences for the body gives a good preventive result; knowledge of specific facts leads to the abandonment of bad habits.

Model of emotional education. This model was developed in the 70s and is such a educational program in the field of dependencies, in the implementation of which the information can only be sad. Such preventive - educational models are based on the assertion that the main causes of addictions include an undeveloped sense of self-esteem in young people, the inability to find a rational solution to their problems, and the inability to express their feelings. Thus, the main goal of a preventive program should be to strengthen a young person’s self-esteem and develop the ability to find the right solution to problems. This model is based on the assertion that if a young person is able to resolve his internal psychological problems, then the risk of drug use will be much less.

Model social influence. Its main idea is that behavior is the result of positive or negative influence. The social environment (parents, peers), as well as the media, can often show examples of adequate and inappropriate behavior. Prevention programs developed based on the principles of social influence include several elements: training aimed at resisting influence (peers, media), role-playing games, analysis of advertising in the media, etc.

The most promising approach to prevention work is a skills-based approach. Although there are some conceptual similarities between this model and the emotional model, the skills-based model places more emphasis on the development of skills that can be grouped as: learning, thinking, feeling, decision-making, relationships, action . The model provides for increasing the positive influence of the “pi-group”, using role playing games in “pi-groups”, “pi-training” (improving understanding of values ​​such as respect, self-discipline).

This model can be used for both preventive programs and programs promoting health and a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, one of the most important approaches in the field of prevention should be noted changes in the social environment of children and adolescents, the formation of sustainable interest among young people in a healthy lifestyle, and the formation of public opinion.

Having studied and considered technologies for solving this problem, I propose a more effective form of working with teenagers - social and psychological training.

Based on technologies for solving this problem, I propose a new, more effective method working with teenagers - social preventive training.

One of the main medical and social factors shaping the health of the population is behavior, style or lifestyle. A person’s behavior often creates risk factors that determine the likelihood of illness. The main causes of mortality today, including dangerous diseases, are, in one way or another, related to the choice of behavior model that is carried out in the everyday life of a particular person. We know that when healthy lifestyle choices are made, many of the risk factor diseases that are major killers can be stopped or significantly reduced. However, we know for sure that the behavior patterns of the individual, the collective, and the population as a whole in relation to their health are under the strongest shaping influence of the family, social groups, and the social environment.

What is training? This is a psychological effect based on active methods group work, this is a form of specially organized communication, during which issues of personality development, the formation of communication skills, and the provision of psychological support and assistance are resolved. The training allows you to remove stereotypes and solve the personal problems of the participants, the internal attitudes of the participants change, their knowledge expands, and the experience of a positive attitude towards themselves and the people around them is manifested. In a training group, a person feels accepted and actively accepts others, he enjoys the full trust of the group and is not afraid to trust others. A group member can actively experiment with different communication styles, learn and practice completely different skills and abilities that were not previously characteristic of him, while feeling psychological comfort and security.

Any training, no matter what objectives it pursues, almost always begins with the development of rules for the existence of the group and with acquaintance. The rules of existence can be defined in different ways. You can, by offering options, begin to jointly select the most acceptable ones. You can start composing them yourself. It all depends on what the group wants from the classes.

In summary form, as a rule, after a little discussion, this “code of laws” can take the following form:

Law on punctuality.

Raised hand rule: take turns speaking, when one speaks, the rest listen and raise their hand before taking the floor.

Without judgment: different points of view are accepted, no one evaluates each other.

Confidentiality: what happens during the lesson remains between the participants.

The right to personal opinion.


The right to say no.

An important condition is maintaining the unity of the group. For this purpose, conditions are created in which communication itself would be valuable for everyone (confidential tone, positive emotions, many game moments, then the topic and its discussion become significant, and if the value of such interaction is preserved, then the result is an introduction to higher-order values, the bearer of which is the leader). Through an ongoing self-awareness process, participants are empowered to make informed choices by finding alternatives to drugs and alcohol.

In order for the group to work productively, the leader must adhere to the following rules:

support the self-esteem of participants and create a favorable group atmosphere based on trust and acceptance;

ensure the safety of self-disclosure; explore the process of interaction in the group and ensure the formation of meaning (awareness of what is happening).

To achieve these goals it is necessary:

give everyone the opportunity to speak;

be aware of your own feelings and talk about your experiences;

respect the uniqueness of each participant and their experiences;

listen to what the person is saying and realize how it affects you.

Thus, prevention will be more effective if the following principles are observed:

Awareness of the essence of bad habits will be formed in parallel with a negative personal attitude towards psychoactive substances, the ability to communicate with others, cope with conflicts, and manage emotions and feelings.

The information will take into account gender and age characteristics.

Targeted training of children should be carried out in advance, before the age when introduction to psychoactive substances becomes a reality. According to foreign experts, preventive work with children should begin as early as 4-5 years of age.

The principle of prohibited information must be respected. The use of information that can provoke children's interest in psychoactive substances (for example, information about their specific properties, narcotic drugs, methods of their use and preparation) is completely excluded.

In the fight against bad habits, the child, his parents, friends, teachers, and specialists must be united.

The goal of our work is to show the value of health as an important condition for a happy and fulfilling life, to increase the level of knowledge, to popularize a healthy lifestyle among adolescents, and to form a moral culture among young people. This form of presenting information will be most interesting for young people, as it requires them to directly participate in the training and is aimed not only at awareness of bad habits, but also at the psychological and emotional development of the participants’ personality.

But this socio-psychological training is one of many methods of working with youth. In general, work can be more efficient if the following recommendations are followed:

The model of preventive work in schools needs to be built in the form of a volunteer movement. The principle of equality and opportunity allows us to find support in each other;

it is necessary that preventive work be carried out not for young people, but together in collaboration with them;

schools need to organize educational environment when a variety of material about a healthy lifestyle and the effects of psychoactive substances on the human body will be available to children and adolescents;

teach children and adolescents to manage their emotions and resolve conflicts without violence;

instill skills that allow you to resist negative phenomena. Consequently, if these recommendations are followed and socio-psychological training is carried out to solve the problem of creating a healthy lifestyle, we can say that the effectiveness of preventive work will be guaranteed.


For children, adolescents, and young people, health is a fundamental and driving force that is influenced by each person’s beliefs, biological characteristics, living conditions, culture, a person’s chosen lifestyle, as well as the social, spiritual, economic and physical environment.

A healthy lifestyle should be understood as a holistic way of human life aimed at the harmonious unity of physiological, mental and labor functions. A healthy lifestyle is based on many factors in a person’s life: family, work, leisure.

How successfully it is possible to form and consolidate in the mind the skills of a healthy lifestyle at a young age, subsequently determines the real way of life, which hinders or contributes to the disclosure of the individual’s potential.

One of the most important indicators of a healthy lifestyle for a teenager is the presence of bad habits, that is, the use of psychoactive substances: alcohol, tobacco, drugs. Bad habits are among the important risk factors for various diseases, and significantly affect the health of adolescents and the population as a whole.

People’s attitudes towards their own health and finding out the level of prevalence of bad habits become of great importance. Understanding the reasons for adolescent substance use and how adolescents become involved in harmful substances, is of exceptional importance for planning and carrying out preventive work, as well as the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The study of technologies in the field of prevention should take its rightful place. With their help, it will be possible to identify shortcomings, determine the right way to eliminate them, make better use of existing reserves, evaluate conditions that contribute to increasing the efficiency of healthcare and forming a positive opinion among the population about a healthy lifestyle.

In general, the work was done successfully, assumptions were confirmed, tasks were solved and the goal was achieved.

A better result could be obtained if a one-time parallel survey of three categories of the population of adolescents, their parents and teachers was carried out. This could accurately indicate existing trends in the state of the population’s attitude towards the problem of a healthy lifestyle.

It is necessary to develop a health promotion program and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, where the main idea is to work with healthy children, adolescents, and young people in order to develop in them the value of health, knowledge and healthy lifestyle habits.

A change in approach to preventive work is needed. This requires:

build a positive concept of “health” as not only the absence of disease, but also a special quality of life, possible subject to the presence of values ​​and habits of a healthy lifestyle, appropriate organization of living space and time.

creation of new technologies that shape children’s values, habits and abilities for a healthy lifestyle.

for the successful implementation of the strategy for preserving and strengthening the health of young people, it is necessary to reorient the policy of government authorities towards the prevention of morbidity and antisocial behavior of young people, to place emphasis in this work on the use various forms involving adolescents in the development of health, and by involving them in physical education and sports activities.

creation of a regulatory framework that ensures the development of a young person’s personality and guarantees him the opportunity to realize his needs for spiritual and physical development.

The media should play a decisive role in promoting a healthy lifestyle. We are talking about creating a massive information and propaganda campaign, using a wide range of different means and carried out in different directions. This includes the formation of a prestigious image of a sports lifestyle and information about the dangers of smoking, alcohol abuse, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, specific recommendations on the use of certain means of physical education, advertising of sporting goods, video materials about the benefits of active recreation and physical education.

The situation can only be changed by a targeted government policy aimed at developing an active life position among young people, aimed at realizing the need to preserve and strengthen their health, and developing the skills of a culture of health and a healthy lifestyle.

It is extremely important that not only government agencies, but also the media and the public get involved in solving this problem.

psychophysical teenager healthy image

List of used literature

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International Terminological Dictionary. - M., 2007.

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Health Psychology / edited by G.S. Nikiforova. - M., 2009.

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Kolbanov V.V. Valeology: Basic concepts, terms and definitions. 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg, 2006.

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Hello! We ask you to take part in a small study, the results of which will be used for scientific purposes. Please answer honestly, seriously and personally.

What's your gender: __________________

Your age: ______ years.

1.What is a healthy lifestyle in your opinion? (several answer options are possible)

a) play sports;

b) absence of bad habits;

c) live a full spiritual life;

Do you know about the impact of a healthy lifestyle on human activity?

Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?

Why not"?

a) I don’t want to b) I don’t have free time

5. Have you tried alcoholic drinks?

If you tried alcoholic drinks, under what circumstances?

a) in the company of friends;

b) out of curiosity;

c) by chance.

Have you tried smoking?

If yes, what prompted you to do this?

a) the influence of friends;

b) feel more mature;

c) curiosity;

Have you tried drugs?

Do you have classes on developing a healthy lifestyle at your school?

How often are classes held?

c) sometimes;

In what form are preventive classes usually carried out? (several answer options are possible)

a) lectures and conversations;

b) exhibitions;

c) watching video materials;

Are you interested in healthy lifestyle promotion classes?

a) interesting

b) boring

Are you involved in organizing preventive activities at school (class)?

Would you like to take part in the classes?

What methods and forms of preventing bad habits would you like to add? (several answer options are possible)

a) “sports events”

b) “conferences”

Submit your application indicating the topic right now to find out about the possibility of obtaining a consultation.

Training lesson "Time to be healthy" for students in grades 7-9

Victoria Viktorovna Titova, social teacher of Zaporozhye secondary school of I-III levels No. 12, Zaporozhye city council, Zaporozhye region

Description of material: I offer you a training lesson “Time to be healthy!” This material will be useful to class teachers, social educators, and subject teachers. The training lesson is aimed at expanding adolescents’ knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle; showing the importance of health for each student and for society as a whole; formation of a value-based attitude towards one’s own health; development of responsible behavior of adolescents.

Subject: Time to be healthy!

Goals: expand adolescents’ knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle; show the importance of health for each student and for society as a whole; promote the formation of a value-based attitude towards one’s own health; develop responsible behavior of adolescents.

Equipment: badges of two colors; ball; posters “Work Rules”, “River of Expectations”, “Health Express”, “Wall of Bad Habits”; stickers: in the form of boats, bricks; A-4 sheets, Whatman paper, markers, colored pencils (for each group).

The target audience: (training participants): students in grades 7-9.

Progress of the training

Before the start of the training, participants are asked to choose badges of their favorite color and take a seat at the appropriate table. Thus, two working groups are formed, at the green and yellow tables.


I am pleased to welcome you to a training lesson that will allow us to expand our knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle “Time to be healthy!”
It is not known who, when, but someone said the words that are passed on to us and that we pass on to our descendants: “Try every day, for every task, to find some kind of positive beginning, because the mood with which you enter the day , or in some business your successes, and possibly failures, depend.”

Exercise “Three words about yourself”
To set yourself up for a friendly relationship, I suggest starting with an acquaintance. We all have the right to a name, so let's say what we would like to be called today, and also describe ourselves in three words. A name does not count as a word.

It is proposed to transmit information in a circle, from the first (coach) to the last participant. Participants then write that name on their badge next to the official one. When the last participant has said his name, the groups are given another task.

Exercise “Wish for today’s lesson”
I wish you to start the training in a good mood and get pleasure and good results from it. Let's start our work by expressing wishes to each other for today's lesson. The wish should be short. You throw the ball to the person to whom you are addressing the wish and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn throws it to the next person, expressing his wishes for today's lesson. We will carefully monitor that everyone gets the ball and try not to miss anyone.

Exercise “River of Expectations”
Going to today's lesson, everyone asked themselves the question: “What do I expect from the training?” Please indicate on the boats your expectations from our event. Voice them, please.

Participants voice their expectations and place them on the “River of Expectations” poster, attaching them to the bank of hopes

Exercise “Accepting rules for working in groups”
Before proceeding further, I suggest you accept certain rules, which we will work on during our meeting:
1.Communication based on trust.
2. Communication based on the principle of “here” and “now” (talk about what worries you right now).
3. “I-statements” (I think, I believe).
4. Sincerity of communication (there is no desire to speak frankly, it is better to remain silent).
5. Active participation in what is happening (we actively listen, watch, talk; we do not isolate ourselves, we are in a group all the time, attentive to others).
6. Tolerance for each other (respect, tact, patience, compassion, sociability, equality, courtesy, intelligence).
7.Work “from” and “to”.
Do you agree with these rules? I propose to accept them as a whole.


Exercise “Associations”
What is health? Each of you has your own associations when you mention health. I invite each team to write down three associations on sticky notes.
And so, health for you is...

Participants list association words written on stickers

According to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” I suggest you watch the video “Health and its types.”

Participants watch and discuss the video “Health and its types”

So, guys, we have looked at three main aspects of health that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise “Health Express”
So, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Have you found out what it is physical health, mental health, social health.
You have pieces of paper with association words. Please attach them to the carriage of what kind of health you think this word means.

Participants attach pieces of paper with association words to a poster depicting a steam locomotive with three carriages: 1st carriage - social health, 2nd carriage - mental health, 3rd carriage - physical health

Exercise “Model of a healthy and unhealthy person”
How does a healthy person differ from an unhealthy person? (Answers from participants) Choose words to describe a healthy person: handsome, dexterous, stately, strong, stooped, pale, slender, clumsy, strong, ruddy, fat, fit. Let's try to portray a healthy person and an unhealthy one and explain why we portrayed this person this way.

Participants in groups create models of a healthy and unhealthy person

What kind of person, healthy or unhealthy, do you think feels comfortable? What does this depend on? (Answers from participants) A person who leads a healthy lifestyle feels much better.

Exercise “Chamomile for a healthy lifestyle”
What is a healthy lifestyle? (Answers from participants)
A healthy lifestyle is a conscious, active attitude towards one’s own health, the accumulation of certain positive or neutralization of negative factors, external and internal. I propose to grow chamomile, the petals of which will be components of a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise “Wall of Bad Habits”
What prevents us from leading a healthy lifestyle? (Answers from participants) At every step a person faces dangers: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, which from innocent entertainment can turn into a habit. What is a habit? (Answers from participants)
A habit is a behavior, a course of action that has become common and permanent. Let's think about what bad habits can undermine human health. You have sticky notes, write down these habits on them.

Participants write down bad habits on sticky notes and place them on the wall of bad habits, located between models of a healthy and unhealthy person.

There is a wall of bad habits standing in a person’s path, and it depends only on him whether he will bypass it or not. And subsequently the state of his health. Indeed, according to scientists, human health is influenced by many factors: heredity (20%), health care (10%), environment (20%) and lifestyle (50%).


Exercise “Your health is in your hands”
In one village lived two smart person, one was kind and fair, and he was respected, people went to him for advice and resolution of conflicts, the other was cunning, angry and calculating, people, despite his intelligence, did not go to him for help. The evil old man decided to prove to everyone the imperfection of the good sage in this way: he caught a butterfly, gathered the inhabitants, called the sage and asked what he was holding in his hands. The kind old man answered - a butterfly. “Is she alive or dead?” - was the next question. And the elder replied: “Now everything depends only on you: if you want, you will open your palms, and she will fly alive, but if you want, you will squeeze, and she will die. All in your hands!"
The moral is: your life and your health are in your hands. Teachers, doctors, parents can influence and help with information, but the decision is yours to make. And I hope it will be correct. I just want you to understand how great it is to be free and healthy. Everyone is responsible for himself, remembering that he has only one health and body and will not have another. You are already at the age when you are able to think about how to live today in order to have a chance to see tomorrow.
Take butterflies in your hands - this is your health. Tear off the butterfly's wing. It's a pity. And this is our health.
Whoever tore the wing: you see that if you glue it together, there will be a crack on it and your health, if you don’t treat it with care, it won’t be the same. Health, there is no way to return it for any money.

Exercise “River of Expectations”
We conducted a wonderful training with you on a healthy lifestyle. I suggest you return to “River of Expectations.” Please tell me, were your expectations met? (Answers from participants)

Participants share their thoughts, if their expectations were met, they move the boats to the shore of fulfilled hopes

I hope today’s lesson was useful for you, you were able to learn something from it and will make the right choice for yourself, a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for your active work!