Summary of an open lesson on speech development in the senior group. Speech development in the senior group of kindergarten: activities and topics Speech development in the senior group: activities and their structure

1. To develop the ability to generalize and classify.

2. Expand your vocabulary through participation in verbal and speech games.

3. Practice dividing words into syllables, selecting antonyms and synonyms.

4. form an idea of ​​fantasy, develop a holistic perception folk tales, figurative representation, emotional sphere children.

5. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and initiative.



Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation activities on physical development children No. 34 “Krepysh” of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic

Open lesson on speech development in senior group: "Travel to the country Have a beautiful speech»


MBDOU teacher

"Kindergarten No. 34 "Krepysh"

Efimova Natalia Evgenievna

Novocheboksarsk - 2015


1. To develop the ability to generalize and classify.

2. Expand your vocabulary through participation in verbal and speech games.

3. Practice dividing words into syllables, selecting antonyms and synonyms.

4. form an idea of ​​fantasy, develop a holistic perception of folk tales, figurative representation, and the emotional sphere of children.

5. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and initiative.

Vocabulary work: fantasy, sun: bright, radiant, light, hot.

Materials and equipment: sun with rays, recording the melody of “magic music”

"Wonderful bag."

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time.


Today in class we will go on a trip to the fabulous city of Beautiful Speech. Once in this fabulous city, people change a little. Want to know how? Then let's go. Since the city is unusual, we will go on a trip in an unusual way: with the help of imagination.

What is fantasy? (fantasy is our dreams, when we dream about something, invent something that doesn’t actually exist.

Before we set off on this journey, let's remember the rules:

1. Every day always, everywhere,

During the lessons in the game,

We speak loudly, clearly,

We're not in a hurry.

2. If you want to answer, don’t make noise,

Just raise your hand.

So, let's go to the city of Beautiful Speech. (Fairytale music starts)

Please close your eyes. Imagine that we are flying on hot-air balloon through the clouds. From above we see the houses, factories, forests, fields that surround it, hear the murmur of the river, smell the fresh air after the rain.

2. Main part.

Here we are. Look guys, what is this? Gates. - And there is a lock on the gate. Let's open it. And will help us finger gymnastics“Castle” Children stand in a circle and perform finger exercises.

There is a lock on the door.

Who could open it?

They knocked (on this word, rhythmically tap the bases of your palms against each other, without releasing your fingers)

Twisted (without releasing your fingers, pull one hand towards you, the other away from you, alternating them.0

Pulled (pull the handles in different directions, straightening your fingers, but without releasing the lock completely.)

And they opened ! (Releasing your arms sharply, spread them wide to the sides.)

We opened the castle, well done!

Oh, guys, here's a letter!

Our dear beloved guys, help us! Evil wizards have bewitched our city:

Everything we have: houses, fields, forests, paths, rivers and sun.

Help us break the spell on our city!

We need to help the residents of this city. Shall we help? Yes.

Then guess the riddle:

Among the blue field, the bright shine of a large fire

Slowly the fire walks, the earth goes around mother,

There is a cheerful light shining in the window. You guessed it... The sun.

But for some reason it's sad? It has no rays.

Evil wizards bewitched him too, and scattered the rays in different directions. Let's find them all together!

To disenchant the rays you need to complete tasks.

The teacher reads out the tasks written on the rays and, having completed the tasks, attaches the rays to the sun.

1 task.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture of animals)

“Call it affectionately” The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the word, and he calls it affectionately.

Sample words. Monkey, hippopotamus, fox, hare, wild boar, bear, squirrel

2 task

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture depicting a garden and vegetable garden)

“Call it in one word”

Pear, apple, peach, plum (fruit)

Tulip, iris, aster, rose (flowers)

Tomato, cucumber, carrot, beet (vegetables)

Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, gooseberries (berries)

Dill, parsley, lettuce, sorrel (greens)

Game "Clappers"

(The child learns to clap words, dividing them into syllables

Gru-sha, sli-va, li-mon , per – sik, ab – ri – braid,

a – pel – sin, man – da – rin, yab – lo – ko.

“Words are relatives”

Where do fruits grow? ( In the garden ) Who takes care of the garden? ( gardener)

What are the names of the plants that grow in the garden? ( garden)

Tell me what words - relatives - you and I said.

3 task.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture of a garage with vehicles)

“What's too much? »

Airplane, helicopter, fighter, tree

Orange, speedboat, motor ship, boat

Car, motorcycle, grasshopper,

Bicycle, scooter, moped, ATV, table.

Physical exercise “Flowers grow in the meadow”

Flowers grow in the meadow

Unprecedented beauty.

Flowers reach for the sun. Stretch with them too.

The wind will blow sometimes

But that's not a problem.

The flowers bend down and their petals drop.

And then they get up again

AND still are blooming.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on the river)

Guys, tell me what the river is doing?

Children. The river flows, runs, murmurs, makes noise, splashes, seethes, worries, hisses, etc.

My children are great. They said a lot of words. Now play with the pebbles, roll them in your palms. (After a minute, he collects pebbles.) Let’s return the pebbles to the river and say “thank you” to it for the game (The audio recording “Sounds of the River” plays),

As soon as the river says the magic word, the crayfish fall asleep, forgetting about the fight.

What do you think, children, who else could live in the river?

Children. Fish can live in the river.

4 task

Oh, children, children, the residents of the city have a problem - the fish in the river have been bewitched. They can't do it without your help. In order for fish to get into the river, they need to be named.

The teacher opens the pictures attached to the easel. Children call them a choir or individually. Children assign correctly named pictures to the river.

What fish do we have left?

Children. Dolphin, stingray, hammerhead fish.

Why can't they live in the river?

The teacher leads the children to the fact that sea fish live in the sea or ocean.

Well done boys! You were very helpful. Pisces cannot talk, but they love to smile, and they have different smiles. (Reads the beginning of the poem line by line, children finish the last words).

If it's a fish, it has a smile, if it's a fish, it has... (smile)

If it's a fish, it has... (smile), if it's a fish, it has... (smile),

If it’s a fish, she has... (smile)

These are the smiling, cheerful fish that live in our magical river.

Task 5.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture of a factory)

“Name the signs”

In the land of Beautiful Speech there live amazing words that can name different characteristics of objects:

Matryoshka made of wood...

Leather bag…

If the handle is made of plastic, then...

A boy with broad shoulders...

Brick house...

Porcelain saucer…

Task 6

Magic light, help

Show us the way. (V. shines on a poster with pictures of trees)

Q: - What did this ray fall on?

D: - On a tree

Q: And look what’s on the tree? Are there any leaves?

D: - No, there are no leaves.

Q: - Guys, should we give our tree green leaves? To do this, we will play the game “Say the other way around”

Didactic game “Say the opposite”

Day Night

Sugar - salt

Cleanliness - dirt

Winter summer

Ceiling - floor

narrow – wide /skirt/

long – short /dress/

strong – weak /athlete/

cheerful – sad /girl/

tall – short /person/

Laughs - cries /child/

Lying - sitting /man/

Close – open /book/

Takes off - lands /plane/

Puts on - takes off /sweater/

(A word is written on each piece of paper - the children name its opposite and the teacher sticks the piece of paper on the tree)

Guys, what are words made of? From sounds.

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language divided into? For vowels and consonants.

How are vowel sounds pronounced? Easily, freely, sing, stretch.

Let's name them. A, O, U, I, Y, E

What obstacles does the air in the mouth encounter when we pronounce consonants?

Name them B C D F G Z, etc.

Now prepare your ears, listen carefully to the words, determine what sound is repeated in all the words?

cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, shell, parade, joy.

Linden, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, cart, clearing.

Vase, mimosa, birch, thunderstorm, toothpaste, music.


Guys, the sun is shining in this wonderful city. What is it like? .

Close your eyes and imagine how the rays warm our cheeks, nose, hands, and fingers. It became completely warm, and you yourself became warm and affectionate. The rays ran across the clouds, across the fields, through the forests, through the flowers and cast a spell on everything

Bottom line.

Well done, the residents of this extraordinary city tell you: “Thank you so much! »

Let's go home, close our eyes and imagine that we are flying in a hot air balloon through the clouds. From above we see forests and fields, hear the murmur of the river, smell the fresh air after the rain. Music is playing.

So we arrived at the kindergarten and our lesson ended.

What did you like most?

What was especially difficult O?

Speech is the main tool of communication between people, which children begin to master in the first years of life. The ability to clearly and consistently express one’s thoughts has a positive effect on the child’s psychological development, forms sociability, intelligence and the overall progress of thinking. Speech development in the senior group kindergarten is an important and integral tool for improving preschoolers and has its own characteristics.

Purpose of the lesson

Speech development in the senior group is aimed primarily at improving the existing knowledge and skills of children who will soon go to school. By the sixth year of life, a child should be able to:

  • use about 2-3 thousand words;
  • correctly construct sentences using all parts of speech;
  • reason, express your opinion;
  • know common phrases and expressions;
  • explain the meaning of words.

Classes contribute to the formation of knowledge and skills necessary for a given age, enrich the vocabulary of a preschooler, and teach the correct form of communication. A child who speaks fluently and well has the opportunity to speak out and maintain an interesting dialogue, which has a positive effect on the intelligence, logic and imagination of the little person. Methods aimed at developing speech in the older group are selected in accordance with age characteristics preschool children

Speech development methods

The main stages of improving children's speech are training, correction and education. The work of kindergarten teachers includes such aspects as:

  • education ;
  • work on the pronunciation of complex words and individual sounds;
  • correction of speech defects;
  • development of expressiveness;
  • teaching the correct emotional coloring of speech.

The development of speech in the older group is more of an entertaining nature, since preschoolers better assimilate the information presented in game form. Games, quizzes, songs and fairy tales are involved in the formation and improvement of the necessary speech skills of children. Intellectual tasks should be harmoniously replaced by physical activity - dancing, exercises, active games. Freeing yourself from excess energy promotes even more successful results.

Federal State Educational Standard for preschoolers

Children's education preschool age - important condition for the further successful development of each child. The importance of improving the speech skills of kindergarten students is emphasized, which came into force in Russia not so long ago, but is already used in every educational program, including in work with preschoolers.

Speech development in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard includes the following tasks:

  • vocabulary enrichment;
  • the ability to use speech as a means of culture and communication;
  • acquaintance with literature and its genres;
  • development (correct placement of stress in words, expressive speech);
  • formation of opportunities for speech creativity.

An important goal in the educational system is to instill in a child a love of literature and the formation of a need for reading. Such skills contribute to the development of a preschooler’s intelligence and literacy, which has a positive effect on the level of learning in the future.

Speech development in the senior group: classes and their structure

To obtain maximum results from classes, experienced teachers have developed many different programs and methods. To ensure that children do not get overtired and bored during learning, there is a certain structure of classes. It is often recommended for conducting classes aimed at developing speech in the older group.

  1. Involving children. Getting into the learning process should be interesting and exciting for restless children. Preschoolers are curious and playful, so inviting children to take part in a fairy tale will be the best solution.
  2. Completing tasks. While the children are concentrated as much as possible, the main stage of training is carried out.
  3. Game pause. During the break, children should be allowed to get rid of their energy. It could be a dance role-playing game, performing tasks that require physical activity.
  4. Fairy tale. Reading a fairy tale, discussing it, acting it out and performing various tasks helps not only improve speech, but also the formation of social and moral concepts in children.
  5. Rest. Closing conversation.

A thematic variety of tasks is recommended, which can be based on fairy tales or other sources. Seasonal themes aimed at developing speech in the older group are preferred: “Hello Autumn!”, “How I will spend the summer,” “Winter fun.”

Introduction to the learning process

To organize children and attract their attention, you need to organize an interesting but simple combination of phrases and exercises. You can gather preschoolers in a circle and organize

  1. On the count of one to five, children alternately bend their fingers (“ We'll play together").
  2. When counting backwards, the fist unclenches - three, two, times (“ New knowledge awaits us").

After the game, children are introduced to the upcoming topic of classes, be it learning professions, getting to know nature or a fairy-tale world. It is recommended to have a short conversation related to the topic. It is necessary to involve all children in the conversation using auxiliary questions and individual invitations to timid participants to dialogue.

Development of facial expressions and intonation

The main exercises depend on the chosen topic of the lesson. The process should include tasks to develop expressiveness and facial expressions. Below is an example of a basic step.

Speech development in the senior group on the topic: “Hello Autumn!”

  1. The teacher invites the preschool children to greet autumn: “We’ve been waiting for you, autumn.”
  2. Children repeat the sentences, placing emphasis on the first word.
  3. The greeting is then repeated, but the emphasis is on the second word.
  4. The phrase is voiced with emphasis on the next word and so on.

The teacher comes up with a new sentence: “Autumn has replaced summer.” Children must repeat the statement in different intonations - cheerful, disappointed, offended, angry. Pupils should be praised and encouraged during the game.


Even those activities that are aimed only at speech development in the older group are recommended to be diluted with games that require physical activity. It is desirable that it fits into the general mood of the lesson, matches the theme and uses game attributes. If the lesson is dedicated to the autumn season, you can ask preschoolers the following tasks:

  • jump over puddles (cardboard ovals, for example);
  • throw paper leaves;
  • run away from the rain, played by one of the students;
  • show the birds that fly away to warmer climes.

It’s great if children themselves come up with ideas for entertainment, offering options for those entertainments and activities that are associated with the chosen time of year.


This stage is dedicated to literary works and creativity. The teacher can read a fairy tale, story or poem dedicated to the topic chosen for the lesson. After reading, it is necessary to use the fantasy and imagination of preschoolers. Children can figure out how the story ends by offering their own options. You can arrange a quiz, the answers to which were found in the work.

It is preferable to use additional attributes that are prepared in advance. With their help, students will be able to act out the story they read. For example, the teacher told the children a fairy tale about a hedgehog who was stocking up on food for the winter. The teacher offers the children a large basket containing various items. What will the forest animal take: apples, mushrooms, or perhaps a ball?

End of classes

At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up, where preschoolers are given the opportunity to analyze the information received. The teacher asks the children about what the lesson was devoted to, what new and interesting things the children learned. It is important to praise preschoolers; this will encourage them and encourage them to actively participate during lessons in the future.

A small reminder of a past lesson in the form of a gift will especially delight children. This could be a sticker, a delicious candy, or another nice bonus. You can give the guys something interesting homework- draw a picture dedicated to the topic covered or learn a poem.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Journey to the bunny’s birthday”

Program content:

Z.K.R: To consolidate children’s knowledge of vowels and consonants /hard and soft/ sounds, the definition of the first sound in a word.
Improve the pronunciation of the sounds L-L in pure tongues.
Dictionary: Exercise children in selecting antonyms - words with opposite meanings.
Continue introducing children to polysemantic words.
Grammar: Exercise children in the ability to determine the gender of words: masculine, feminine, neuter.
Exercise children in the suffix formation of words;
Strengthen children's ability to name adjectives and verbs to nouns. Develop attention, the ability to answer clearly and competently to the question posed.


Flowers red, green and of blue color, cut from paper; illustrations indicating antonyms; subject pictures; drawn diagram on whatman paper; chest; invitation cards; tableware for tea drinking; letter, tape recorder, map diagram.

Preliminary work:

Learning proverbs, physical exercises; didactic games.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, when I came to work this morning, this letter was lying on our porch. I didn’t open it without you, I think it will be interesting for you too. Let's read it together./open the letter/

“Hello, dear guys! I haven't forgotten how you helped me out of trouble. Today is my birthday and I invite you all to it. I gave the invitation cards to Magpie, she promised to deliver them quickly. I'm really looking forward to it."

It’s interesting, they invited me, but there were no postcards.
Here lies some kind of map, and on it there are paths leading to hare hut. And on top there is a note from Soroka:
“To get to the invitation cards, you need to pass all the tests, complete all the tasks, in general, work hard.”
- Guys, the tongue works the hardest for us. Let's show him what he learned from us. Repeat after me the simple sayings:

La-la-la - the squirrel was sleeping;
Lo-lo-lo - the pine tree has a hollow;
Lu-lu-lu - give us a saw;
la-la-la - this is my land;
li-li-li - we were herding a goat;
lu-lu-lu - I love you all.

Guys, with such success we will overcome everything. Get ready, take smart clothes and gifts with you - after all, we are going to a birthday party.

1. - Forward, on the road. Oh, look, we came out into a clearing, how beautiful it is: green, all in flowers. But the flowers are not simple, and for some reason there are only three colors: red, blue and green. I wonder what these colors could mean? By chance, have you and Angela Petrovna studied what they mean?/ These are sounds: vowels, soft and hard consonants/.
- Guys, you’ll have to take one flower at a time and name any sound that matches this chip. /children call/.
- And here, besides flowers, there is something else. Pick up the pictures, name them and determine the first sound in these words./butterfly, bird, dragonfly, grasshopper, beetle, mushroom, leaf/
- You coped well with the first task, which means we can move on.

2. - Guys, look, someone is throwing cones from above. Who could it be? /Squirrel/ Let's ask her which road we should take next, there are two of them. The squirrel says: “If you cope with my difficult task, then I will show you the right path, otherwise you can end up with the wolf.” And the task is:

Didactic game “Say the opposite”

Day Night
Sugar - salt
Cleanliness - dirt
Winter summer
Ceiling - floor

Narrow – wide /skirt/
long – short /dress/
strong – weak /athlete/
cheerful – sad /girl/
tall – short /person/

Laughs - cries /child/
Lying - sitting /man/
Close – open /book/
Takes off - lands /plane/
Puts on - takes off /sweater/

That's how smart we are, we completed the task again, let's move on.

3. - Guys, look how dense and impenetrable the forest is. It's even scary to go further. And there is no one to ask for help. Well, maybe at our friend’s Christmas tree, there she is, standing next to her, talking to the fly agaric.
- “I’ll help you go further if you tell something interesting about my needles, and tell the fly agaric about his leg.”
- Of course, we know. Tell me, guys, is it only the Christmas tree that has needles? What other needles do you know? /from pine, sewing, from hedgehog, medical/.
- What kind of legs do you know? /children, at a table, chair, armchair/.
- Well done, guys, you completed the task very quickly, it seems to me that they didn’t even expect that you knew polysemantic words. We need to go further, but we don’t have any strength at all, but there’s a stump, maybe we can rest?

Physical exercise “Wild animals”

Let's get up, we need to rest,
Shake our fingers.
Rise your hands up,
Move your fingers, -

They wiggle their ears like that
Gray bunnies.
We sneak quietly on our toes,
Like foxes wandering through the forest.

The wolf looks around
And we will turn our heads.
Now let's sit down, be quiet
Let's be quiet, as if in a mouse's hole.

A bear walked through the forest,
He stomped and growled.
He really wanted honey
And I didn’t know where to get it.

4. – Let’s move on, guys, we have more strength, now we’re not afraid of anything. But the trouble is, there is a swamp ahead, it’s dangerous to pass through it, it might suck us in. But what to do? But the Frog is sitting, let's ask her.
- It turns out that she can build a bridge if we complete her task.

Didactic game “Name whose subject: mine, mine, mine?”


bear fox sun
wolf squirrel window
elk magpie tree
stork crow apple

Guys, we have completed the task again, the frog will have to build a bridge. Let's go further, there is a hare's house not far away.

5. - Guys, look, a huge tree has fallen and blocked our way. And there is something underneath it. It turns out that this is a chest, but it is closed. Usually, treasures are hidden in such chests, maybe there is treasure in there too. Let us choose words that would answer the questions: “Which one?” and “What does it do?”, then it will open and we will see what is there. And we will select words for the word “Bunny”.

Didactic game “Tell me which one?” What is he doing?"

Bunny /what?/ – small, cowardly, kind, grey, polite, hardworking, affectionate, caring, fluffy.
Bunny /what is he doing?/ - sleeping, jumping, running, gnawing, dancing, rejoicing, hiding, trembling, afraid, running away, etc.
The bunny is in a mood /what?/ - joyful, cheerful, happy.
And the guests at the birthday party /what do they do?/ - have fun, rejoice, dance, play, drink tea, eat, congratulate, etc.
- Guys, I think that the bunny will be very pleased to know how well we told about him. Now let's see what's in the chest. Yes, here are invitation cards for us for the bunny's birthday. This means that Soroka did not deceive us.

Subject: Reading works of fiction. “Stupid people quarrel, but smart people come to an agreement” (based on the works of S. Mikhalkov “Rams”, K. Tangrykuliev “Roosters”, E. Blaginina “Gift”),

Target: continue to teach children to emotionally perceive the poem and understand its content and idea; to develop in children the ability to find a positive solution in conflict situations; bring up friendly relations between children; develop dialogical speech, the ability to maintain a conversation.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher says that all children love to listen to fairy tales, stories, stories, fables, and poems.

Are people always the heroes in literary works? (No.)

Who else could be the heroes of fairy tales, stories, poems? (Animals, birds, insects, various objects, etc.)

Often in fairy tales and poems it is not people who act, but animals who think, talk and act like people. So, when they want to say that a person is cowardly, they say that he is afraid of everything, like a hare. The fox is credited with such human qualities as cunning and deceit.

Who can you compare a person with when they want to show that he is evil, greedy? (With a wolf.)

A talkative person is compared to a magpie; a stupid person who is proud of his intelligence is compared to a crow; the wise and prudent are compared to an owl.

Who can you compare a stubborn person to? (With a ram, a donkey...)

- Listen to S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Sheep” and think about what kind of people can be compared with these heroes.

Along a steep mountain path

The black lamb was walking home

And on the hunchbacked bridge

Met a white brother.

And the white lamb said:

“Brother, here’s the thing:

You can't get through here alone -

You're standing in my way."

The black brother replied: “Me-e-e!

Are you out of your mind, sheep?

Let my feet dry out

I won’t get out of your way!”

One shook his horns,

He rested his feet on the other one.

No matter how you twist your horns,

But two people can't get through.

The sun is shining above,

And below the river flows.

Early in the morning in this river

Two sheep drowned.

What caused the argument between the rams?

Which sheep won?

What prevented the sheep from reaching an agreement with each other? (Stupidity, stubbornness, pride.)

Did the sheep have a way out of this situation? What should I have done?

Has such a situation ever happened in your life?

What did you do?

How should you deal with conflict situations in the game?

There are several options, try to choose the right one:

1. You need to hit the offender so that he shouts: “Mom!”

2. You should cry loudly and call adults.

3. Take all the offender’s toys and break them.

4. Offer to play with all the toys together.

Guys, remember if there was a case in your life when you did not argue, but gave in to another for the sake of friendship. Was it difficult to do? (Children's answers).

And then were you happy or sad in your soul? (Children's answers).

That's right, giving in is sometimes very difficult, but always very joyful, because it is done for the sake of love for your friend.

Rams are always stubborn. How are roosters different? (Pugnacity.)

- Listen to the poem “Roosters” by K. Tangrykuliev, what happened to them one day and how they got out of the conflict situation.

Two roosters from afar

We saw grain.

The roosters rushed towards him,

And the grain is one.

One grain for two,

There is no end to the strife.

Only a fair fight will judge them -

The two fighters decided.

The scallops turn red proudly,

Two roosters are standing

Two beaks - just order,

Rubbish will fall down.

Until the ardor cools down,

Go straight ahead!

But he stopped the roosters

Some noise and screaming.

Two roosters in my eyes

They couldn't believe it:

Boys are like roosters

Rolling around in the dust.

They don’t want to make peace

Two quarrelsome brawlers.

And the buttons fly into dust,

And the eyebrow is cut.

And the quarrel is over nonsense:

Just one word...

Such a cock fight

Haven't seen for a long time.

And the rooster's ardor died down

In front of two children

And the rooster said to the rooster:

“Take your grain!”

After all, a fight over trifles

From the outside it's funny

Just like a fight of cocks

Because of that grain!

What caused the roosters to argue?

What stopped the cockfight?

What caused the boys' argument?

Why did the roosters decide to stop the fight?

How does the poem say this? (After all, a fight over trifles is funny from the outside...)

In such cases, people say: “Stupid people quarrel, but smart people come to an agreement.” E. Blaginin wrote the poem “The Gift” about smart girls.

A friend came to see me

And we played with her.

And here's one toy

Suddenly I liked her:

Groovy frog,

Cheerful, funny.

I'm bored without a toy -

Was beloved

And yet a friend

I gave away the toy.

Did you like the girls?

What words can you call a girl who gave her favorite toy? (Kind, good, generous, compliant, non-greedy...)

Do you think her friend can do the same? (Children's answers).

How would you feel about a kind, generous girl? (Children's answers).

Do you think the two girls have a strong friendship?

Would you like to be friends like this?

What should be done for this? (Learn to give in to each other, not be greedy, listen to your friend’s opinion, share toys, cherish friendship...)

Lesson notes for the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Target: promote vocabulary development and activate it in coherent speech
Leading educational field: “Speech development”
Integration educational areas:
"Cognitive Development"
"Socially - communication development»
"Physical development"
to promote the development of skills in composing a collective fairy tale about a toy or animal ( speech development);
exercise children in selecting words with opposite meanings (speech development);
promote numeracy skills in reverse order within 10 ( cognitive development).
promote the development of attention, memory, imagination, fantasy (cognitive development);
development of physical qualities (dexterity, endurance and coordination);
(physical development).
promote the development of respectful and friendly relationships between children in play (Social and communicative development).
Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, short stories, conversation: “what is the difference between a story and a fairy tale”, individual work on composing a fairy tale, familiarization with antonyms, reading the fairy tale “Once upon a time there were
Different letters."
Material: ball
toy - squirrel
pictures, words with 3 sounds - for each child, “fairytale forest” decoration.
Methodical techniques:
Verbal: questions, explanations, composing a fairy tale, speech warm-up, asking riddles.
Visual methods: looking at pictures with sounds.
Practical methods: composing a fairy tale, working with pictures.
Organizing time: children stand in a circle. Round dance game: “On the contrary.”
Educator: guys, what are we up to today?
Children: Take a trip to the fairy forest and write a fairy tale,

Educator: how should you behave in the forest?
Children: don’t make noise, don’t shout, don’t run away, do good deeds.
Educator: How can we make this journey?
Children's answer.
Educator: they will help us magic words, but first you need to hold hands, stand on one leg and clearly pronounce the magic words. Close your eyes and repeat the words after me:
Ricky, after all,
Miracles appear.
Educator: open your eyes, our journey has begun. Hear someone crying, but it’s a squirrel. What happened Squirrel?
Squirrel: I need to find pictures where the words have 3 sounds, but I can’t.
Educator: guys, what should we do?
Children: Do you need to help the squirrel?
Educator: then find pictures that represent words with three sounds and name them.
Educator: Well done, they helped Belka.
Belka: thanks, guys.
Educator: goodbye Squirrel, and we need to move on.

Educator: look, what kind of tree is there?
Children: oak tree, it has oak leaves.
Educator: is there something written on the leaves?
Fairy tales in riddles
1. Near the forest, on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? ("Three Bears")
Educator: prove it.
children proof
Mom taught the kids
Don't open the door to strangers
The kids didn't listen
And they fell into the wolf's mouth. ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")
Educator: prove it.
children proof
Educator: here we are in the fairytale forest, make yourself comfortable.
Educator: why did we come here?
Children: compose a fairy tale about a toy or animal.
Educator: What words do fairy tales usually begin with? Let's write a fairy tale together, who will start first?
Children compose a fairy tale.
Educator: That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened.
Educator: and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten, goodbye fairy forest.
Educator: Let's say the magic words together clearly so that everyone can return to the group.
Children repeat the words!
Ricky, after all,
Miracles appear.
10, 9, 8,7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Educator: Here we are in the group! Did you like our trip? Who did we meet in fairy forest?
Who did you write the fairy tale about?
Thank you, you are just great!