Summary of a modeling lesson on the theme of autumn. Summary of a modeling lesson on the topic Kolobok - ruddy side

Adults and children associate autumn with colorful colors and rich gifts of nature. You can express your love for autumn in the form interesting crafts made with your own hands. It is easy to make from ordinary plasticine. Adults should help the child to fantasize and realize his thoughts financially. Cognitive activities needs to be practiced from childhood. The teacher has a great responsibility. He should give the young artist the right idea and show him the basic techniques for working with the material. Children welcome plasticine, love to crush it in their hands and mix it bright colors and create incredible sculptures, so it's easy to turn any sculpting lesson into interesting entertainment.

This master class presents the process of sculpting autumn-themed crafts from plasticine. This type of work is suitable for younger children. school age and older.

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts from plasticine “Autumn”

Select the brightest blocks from the plasticine set to show that autumn gives humanity delicious fruits and rich colors. Red, yellow, orange, green, brown and beige shades. In addition, for work you will need a board, a napkin and a stack.

Make a dense cone-shaped base from a small piece of cardboard. Cut a semicircle from any packaging material, bend it and secure the resulting shape with a stapler or glue.

Choose plasticine that suits the color will suit to create bright autumn leaves. First, knead the prepared pieces in your hands, then divide them into portions and create oblong, flat pieces shaped like leaves. Gradually reduce the size of leaves of the same color.

Draw the veins on the leaves using a stack.

Using the cone as a base, begin attaching a row of leaves along the bottom edge, moving around the circumference. The first parts should be the largest.

Work your way to the top of the cone, attaching new layers of leaves, alternating them by color.

Come up with beads for a future craft. These should be some gifts of autumn, for example, mushrooms, fruits or vegetables. To sculpt mushrooms you will need brown and beige plasticine.

Attach the mushrooms in a circle to the top of the cone.

Roll a beige ball and reproduce the shape of a man on it. Add eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth to the face.

Decorate your head with a lush crown of bright leaves.

Add a rim of red rowan berries. Attach the head to the sharp part of the cone.

At the last stage, attach the arms and insert ears of wheat and a basket of juicy fruits into them.

MBDOU Alekseevsky kindergarten No. 6 “Bee”
Alekseevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan
Abstract open class in the direction of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” - modeling in the second group early age"Kapitoshki" on the theme "Kolobok - ruddy side»
Author of the abstract: Valeeva F.R.
village Alekseevskoe, 2016
Abstract of GCD in the direction of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” - modeling in the second group of early age “Kapitoshki” on the topic
“Kolobok - ruddy side”
Educator: Valeeva F.R.
Goal: development creativity through oral folk art.
- continue to teach children the skills of working with plastic materials: rolling a ball out of salt dough.
- develop fine motor skills hands;
- develop speech;
- develop creative imagination.
- cultivate responsiveness and a desire to help the fairy-tale hero;
- to cultivate children's interest in modeling.
Materials and equipment: fairy-tale character “grandmother”, ball, multi-colored balls, dough, napkins, modeling board, plate. Preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Looking at illustrations for a fairy tale. Theatrical games based on fairy tales. Learning the song "Kolobok".
NRK: Isanmesez, әbi, kumәch, sau bulygyz.
Content organized activities children
Organizing time.
Educator: Guys, guests came to us today. Say hello to them.
Children: Hello! Isanmesez!
(The scenery is arranged throughout the group: house, trees, bushes)
Educator: Guys, look at what a beautiful house. Let's knock and find out who lives there.
(Children together with the teacher come up to the house and knock)
(The voice of a crying grandmother is heard)
- Guys, who is this crying? (Children's answers). Let's see who it is? Guys, grandma lives here. (Greetings from grandmother and children). She's crying. Grandma, what happened? Why are you crying?
Grandmother: I baked Kolobok, put it on the window to cool, and he ran into the forest, I can’t find him. Maybe you can help me find the bun?
Educator: Guys, can we help you find Kolobok? (Children's answers). Grandma, for now, sit down here on the chair, and we’ll go and look for the bun. Fine?
Grandma: Oh, thank you. Guys, my bun was round and smooth. Do not forget.
Educator: Okay, grandma, let's not forget. Guys, let's all follow me into the forest.
Main part.


(Stop near a bush)
Educator: Now we have reached the forest. Guys, grandma said that her bun was round. Let's take a look under this bush. (We find the ball). What is this? Guys, does this ball look like a kolobok? (Children's answers). That's right, the ball is round, can roll, and looks like a bun. Let's show it to grandma.
Educator: Well, grandma, did we find your Kolobok? Round and rolling.
Grandmother: No, children, the bun was yellow, but your ball was not yellow color. I need a yellow bun.
Educator: Well, guys, we didn’t find the bun. Let's go look some more.
(The children follow the teacher into the forest)
The sun has come out and is shining high
It’s easy for us to walk along the path with the sun.
(Stop near another bush)
Let's take a look under this bush.
Physical education minute
(Balls are scattered on the floor different colors, you need to collect them by color in baskets). Guys, are there any yellow balls here? (Children's answers) Let's collect them in a basket and show them to grandma.
Children take turns putting one yellow ball into the basket.
Educator: Well done! Let's ask grandma if she likes these koloboks. Grandma, we found koloboks. Look?
Grandmother: Well done, guys. Thank you very much. Oh, oh... guys. My Kolobok was warm. And this one is cold. I kneaded the dough, then rolled it and rolled it in my hands, and so it turned out to be Kolobok. Do you know how to roll balls? (We can.)
Educator: Guys, let’s better make some koloboks for our grandmother. Everyone come to the table.
III. Modeling.
The children come to the table.
Educator: Guys, tell me, what is this? (Children's answers). That's right guys, this is dough. Look at me. First, let's knead our dough so that it becomes soft. Now we take the dough, and with the other palm in a circular motion Let's roll a ball, just like that, look. Now I will pinch off a piece of dough for each of you, and we will roll the ball. Now make koloboks for grandma.
The children begin to sculpt. During the modeling process, the teacher helps children who have difficulty completing the task.
IV. Reflection.
The molded koloboks are laid out on a plate standing in front of Grandmother.
Educator: Well done, guys! Grandma, look. Do you like our koloboks?
Grandma: Yes, I like it very much. Now, guys, I’ll go home and put your koloboks in the oven. So that they are rosy and tasty. And I invite you to my place for tea. Will you come visit me? (Children's answers) For good work, I leave you a gift.
Educator: Guys, let's say goodbye to grandma.
Children: Goodbye, grandma!
Guys, who came to visit us today?
Why was she crying?
What did we sculpt?
Guys, you did great today. Let's see what grandma gave us? (They open the box, and there are gifts there). Now let’s go to the other kids and treat them to some goodies too. And we will say “Goodbye” to our guests.

Master class on making panels "Autumn" using plasticine applique technique using natural material, for older children preschool age

The master class is intended for teachers, educators, educators additional education, parents and just creative people. The work can be done by children collectively or individually.
The panel can serve as an interior decoration or can be presented as a gift.
Making a gift with your own hands.
Develop a sense of color, shape, composition;
Develop imagination;
Foster independence and initiative;
Cultivate perseverance and accuracy in work;
Make you want to make a craft with your own hands.
For work we will need:
Ceiling tiles;
Boards for plasticine;
Hand wipes;

Watermelon seeds (I have large and small ones);
Melon (or cucumber) seeds;
Preliminary work:
Conversations with children about autumn, its signs (about the color of foliage, tree trunks, the color of the autumn sky on a clear and cloudy day, etc.).
We select a sketch and draw its outlines on the ceiling tile with a pencil.
Let's get started:
Oh, what a summer it was!
There's no trace left
Everything in the area turned yellow
And a cold river.
The boring rain beats on the window,
He's full of dirt
Summer won't come back again
The puddles will freeze.
And today, at the easel,
He moves his brush day after day,
Autumn is dressed in red
And admires himself.

(Aleynikova L.)
Let's see what is shown in this picture? (tree, earth, forest, sky, landscape).
Guys, let's think about what colors can be used to depict autumn?
Well done! I propose to start working with wood, as it is the central element of our panel. Plasticine, what color should we take? That's right, black or brown. (We divide the block of plasticine into several pieces).
Take plasticine and knead it in your hands until soft. Now we will pinch off small pieces and stick them along the contour of the tree. Do not forget that you need to work carefully, without leaving white spots and not going beyond the line.
(We gradually “paint” the tree with black, the ground with yellow, the edge of the forest with orange, the sky with blue, we used blue different shades.)
This is what happened.

In order for the picture to come to life, we will paste the trunk and branches of the tree with watermelon seeds. Look, I have large and small seeds. Which seeds will we paste over the trunk, and which branches, and why?
Watermelon seeds look like droplets. Look carefully, each watermelon seed has a sharp nose. We will stick the seeds on the tree trunk with their noses facing up. Be careful. (We cover the trunk with large seeds and the branches with small seeds.)

All that remains is to add leaves - melon seeds.

We saw such an autumn.
Thank you for your attention!

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development.

Chapter: Modeling

Age: 3-4 years.

Target: develop fine motor skills, intelligence, thinking, sense of color, learn to create an image of autumn tree using plasticine.


Continue teaching children to roll a ball of plasticine between their palms and flatten it on top of their fingers on cardboard;

Contribute to the enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary and ability to work collectively;

Cultivate a caring attitude and love for nature.

Demonstration equipment: examination trees on a walk, illustrations by artists, reading poems about autumn, a sample of an “autumn tree with plasticine leaves” on white A3 cardboard.

Handout: plasticine yellow, red, brown, orange flowers, boards, plastic knives (stacks), wet wipes.

Progress of the lesson.

Looking at illustrations with autumn trees and reading a poem I. Pivovarova " Autumn treasure":

Yellow coins fall from the branch.

There's a whole treasure underfoot!

This golden autumn

Gives leaves without counting,

Golden gives leaves

To you, and to us,

And to everyone.

Educator: Children, tell me what's going on with leaves in autumn?

Children: Leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Educator: Guys, what kind trees you know?

Children: Birch, oak.

Educator: What does it consist of? tree.

Children: trunk, branches, leaves.

Educator: Do you want to become autumn leaves?

Children: Yes.

Physical education minute « Leaf fall» .

The clouds are spinning in the sky,

(Children sway smoothly from foot to foot, arms up.)

Every step is a puddle.

(Walk in place.)

The autumn day is gloomy,

Leaf fall on the street.

(Hands on the belt - turns left to right)

creeps along the road

Yellow blizzard.

(Swaying smoothly, lowering their hands down, they sit down.)

The guys sit around the table on which lies sheet paper with image tree.

Educator: Before sculpting colorful leaves on a tree, let's repeat the rules for working with plasticine:

  1. Modeling should be done on a backing board, do not put plasticine on the table or desk.
  2. Before work, warm up the plasticine well in your hands.
  3. Do not throw leftover plasticine on the floor.
  4. Store plasticine in a box separately from other items.
  5. After work, dry your hands with a cloth and wash with warm water and soap.

Modeling an autumn tree.

Educator: Children, look at the example of the “autumn tree” but it has no leaves.

The teacher shows how to sculpt autumn tree (explanation with demonstration).

Educator: In order to make leaves, we will take a piece of plasticine - yellow, orange, brown, red, and tear off a small piece. This is how we roll it into a ball between our palms and flatten it. The result is a leaf. Now let's stick it to tree! So it begins tree come to life, let's all make leaves together. And now we will try to create a joint image together autumn tree.

Work with children

Children take plasticine yellow, red, orange, brown colors; pinch off or cut off small pieces in a stack from a large piece of plasticine, roll small balls out of them and flatten them on top with your finger on the cardboard, giving them shape leaves and spreading on the tree.

The children get to work. During the work, the teacher repeats the sequence and methods sculpting, pays attention that you need to remove excess plasticine, shows how to correctly distribute plasticine leaves on a tree.

Results classes.

Educator at the end of the lesson he sums up: “What beautiful bright leaves turned out on our tree. You got it real autumn tree. You did a good job today.”

Master class “Prickly Tale” on plasticine printing with preschool children

Author: Vlasova Irina Timofeevna, teacher of the highest qualification category.
GBOU gymnasium No. 1409, Moscow, preschool structural unit “Success”.

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, teachers and parents.

Purpose: group design kindergarten, craft for the exhibition “Golden Autumn”.

Modeling from colored plasticine is an interesting activity for preschoolers. And plasticineography is even more attractive. After all, a child can draw with plasticine! The background and characters can be not just drawn, but sculpted from plasticine, and therefore not flat, but three-dimensional, convex. It is also allowed to use additional details - beads, beads, natural and waste materials.
Lesson objectives:
- educational: develop the ability to create an expressive image, expand children’s ideas about a forest animal - a hedgehog, about the features of its appearance, teach how to create a composition from individual parts, using existing skills and abilities in working with plasticine - rolling, flattening, dividing the whole into parts using stacks, consolidate skills painting with gouache, get gray color by mixing black and white,
- developing: develop fine motor skills when creating a composition from plasticine, visual and auditory attention, creative imagination;
- educational: cultivate accuracy when working with plasticine and gouache.

Materials for the lesson:
Thick cardboard, corrugated paper white, glue stick, black and gouache white flowers, water, palette, brushes, a hedgehog toy, illustrations with hedgehogs, a book with S.Ya.Marshak’s poem “A Quiet Tale”, plasticine in brown, yellow, red, green colors, toothpicks, templates of a hedgehog’s body and leaves, cut out in advance from white paper.

Preliminary work: reading the stories by E. Charushin “The Hedgehog” and M. Prishvin “The Hedgehog”, the fairy tales by V. Rosin “Why does a hedgehog need needles?”, looking at the painting “Hedgehogs” from the series “Wild Animals”.

1) Invite the children to guess the riddle:

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest;
There are a lot of needles
and not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

Read an excerpt from a fairy tale in verse by S.Ya. Marshak “A Quiet Fairy Tale.”

You will read this fairy tale
Quiet, quiet, quiet...
Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog
And his hedgehog.
The gray hedgehog was very quiet
And the hedgehog too.
And they had a child -
A very quiet hedgehog.
The whole family goes for a walk
At night along the paths
Hedgehog father, hedgehog mother
And a baby hedgehog.
Along the deep autumn paths
They walk quietly: thump, thump, thump...

Offer to consider the structure of a hedgehog using an illustration or a toy as an example. Describe in words characteristics appearance: the body is round, slightly elongated, with a pointed muzzle, and a spiny back.

Offer to make a “Prickly Tale” - depict a hedgehog walking through the autumn forest. And in order for a hedgehog to protect itself from enemies, it must have enough needles. We will need to help the hedgehog - make a prickly coat from toothpicks.

2) Cover with thick cardboard corrugated paper white, glue the edges of the paper from the wrong side. Glue the hedgehog's body template in the center.

3) Roll out sausages from brown plasticine using straight movements and stick them tightly to each other to the body of the hedgehog.

4) Prepare materials for drawing hedgehog needles: gouache, brush, water, toothpicks.

5) Mix black and white gouache in the palette to obtain gray. Color the toothpicks, turning to achieve an even color.

6) After the gouache has dried, stick the painted toothpicks into the plasticine at an acute angle with the help of an adult. Make the eyes and nose of a hedgehog.

7) Take templates of leaves of various sizes and shapes. Take small pieces of yellow, red and green flowers, roll them into balls, flatten them into a pancake, stick them to the leaf template, flatten them with your fingers and sharpen them. Use a stack or plasticine to highlight the veins of the leaves.

8) These are the bright autumn leaves!

9) Glue the leaves on the surface of the cardboard around the hedgehog.

Sly hedgehog - eccentric
I sewed a scratchy jacket:
A hundred pins on my chest
A hundred needles are behind.
A hedgehog walks on the grass in the garden,
Stumbles on pins
Pear, plum - any fruit,
What will he find under the tree?
And with a gift to the rich
back to the hedgehogs! (P. Voronko)