You can wash the inside of an aquarium with fish by hand. How to clean an aquarium - step by step cleaning plan


The cleanliness of an aquarium largely depends on its volume, because if your pond is smaller, then you will have to clean it quite often. At the initial stage, the cause of severe contamination may be the lack of normal microflora in the plant; this is due to its improper start-up. In this case, you can use special preparations that allow you to quickly populate the reservoir with beneficial bacteria. If your aquarium is small, then you need to clean it as needed, it all depends on specific conditions and the well-being of aquatic inhabitants. A total volume of 10-15 liters is usually cleaned once a week.

Cleaning an aquarium involves bleaching decorations, washing artificial plants and, of course, removing plaque from the walls. As for water, regardless of the timing of general cleaning, it must be partially replaced approximately once every one to two weeks. If you feel like you have to clean your aquarium too often, try reducing the amount of food you feed. It is possible that the aquarium filter cannot cope with the number of inhabitants and the volume of water, in which case it is worth replacing it or installing an additional one.

Please note that the more inhabitants there are per volume of your aquarium, the more often it will have to be cleaned, so it is not recommended to densely populate your home pond. In addition, you risk losing your pets. Not all types of aquarium fish are able to adapt to frequent water changes and cleaning of the aquarium. Remember that with the right microflora, no more than one third of the total volume of water is usually replaced per month.

In general, if the volume of the aquarium is more than 100 liters, then it is necessary to clean it quite rarely. If a large aquarium is equipped with all the necessary equipment, then it needs general cleaning no more than once a month. Typically, this procedure is limited to removing plaque from the walls using a special magnetic sponge. Sometimes, during a partial water change, aquarists remove contaminants from the bottom using a small hose with a bulb at the end, but often the filters and the aquatic inhabitants themselves can cope with this problem.

An aquarium is an artificial reservoir intended for breeding and maintaining various types fish and plants. Therefore, in this article we will teach you how to clean an aquarium at home without resorting to the services of a specialist.

The aquarium needs to be looked after

  1. Watching the life activity of swimming fish at home is very exciting: sometimes home video recording of your pets effectively helps relieve stress even in a difficult situation at work;
  2. To create favorable conditions for aquarium fish, you need to purchase special equipment that will provide maximum comfort for the living and development of your freshwater fish.

Undoubtedly mandatory and the most important aspect This will include cleaning the aquarium at home, which is necessary for the good functioning and reproduction of your decorative pets.

Let's now figure out how to do it correctly.

You should remember that small aquariums are much more difficult to clean as their biological balance is less stable.

So, first, let's think about how to choose a new aquarium and properly equip it.

The most suitable volume for home conditions is 50 liters, but it is worth noting that it all depends on the number and types of fish you populate it with.

Please note that the stones and algae with which you will decorate the pond occupy a certain part of the space, and there must also be special soil at the bottom of the artificial reservoir.

As for equipment, an aquarium with fish should be equipped with the following vital attributes:

There are special scrapers for cleaning the walls of the aquarium

  • pump or filter for aquarium
  • water heater
  • backlight

Aquarium water plays an equally important role. Do not neglect its quality; a good habitat for your fish depends on this.

Sequence of care

First, let's tell you how to clean an aquarium.

Periodic maintenance of an artificial reservoir is an emotional worry for its inhabitants, therefore try not to scare ornamental fish with sudden hand movements.

The question arises: how often should you clean your aquarium so as not to harm the fish through unnecessary disturbance?

First drain some of the water

On average, it is cared for once or twice a week, depending on the volume and population density.

When carrying out this procedure, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wash the walls from green plaque
  • We carefully process decorative stones
  • we prune aquatic plants (if any)
  • clean the soil using a siphon
  • drain some of the water

Before cleaning the aquarium, there is an important rule to remember: you need to turn off all electrical equipment to avoid accidents.

Cleaning the walls

First of all, let's look at how to clean the walls of an aquarium.

Be sure to turn off all electrical equipment!

In absolutely any aquarium, over time, a coating forms, both limescale - from poor quality water, and green - due to the presence of algae. It is precisely these, not very pleasant factors, that we will encounter sooner or later. Internal pollution makes glass and water cloudy and, as a result, unsuitable for your pets to live in.

First, you should thoroughly wash the aquarium glass.

What is needed for this

First of all, you need to learn how to properly clean an aquarium, because this entirely depends on appearance fish house.

This can be done using the following devices:

  • special scrapers with a metal blade
  • nylon sponges
  • regular kitchen sponges

Let’s tell you a little secret: “You don’t need to wait until the walls are covered with a cloudy coating.”


Make it a rule to wipe the glass of the aquarium at least once a week, even if at first glance they seem clean. This procedure is much simpler than washing cloudy glass that was two or three weeks old.

  • If you decide to clean the walls of the aquarium without removing its inhabitants, then the use of any detergents is strictly prohibited.
  • If you are planning a planned cleaning with the relocation of its inhabitants, then for this you can use a special washing sample of potassium permanganate solution.

It is with the help of these rules that you can easily wash off plaque of almost any complexity.

Aquarium bottom care

The first cleaning after starting the aquarium should be carried out no earlier than a month later, since the fish are initially adapting to new living conditions.

A procedure such as cleaning the soil in an aquarium is not always carried out, but it plays an important role.

We do this using a hose or a special siphon. We move the end of the hose or the siphon tube along the bottom, occasionally penetrating into the soil. All unnecessary contaminants will come out through the other end of the hose. Be very careful, because without noticing, you can accidentally pull any living creatures into the cleaning siphon. More often, this procedure is carried out in the presence of fish, and the water may remain a little cloudy.

In this case, a logical question arises: how to clean the soil in an aquarium to obtain crystal clear water?

  • First, we will need to temporarily relocate the fish, after which we take out all the soil and thoroughly wash it under running water, without using any products.

We repeat this procedure twice.

  • Next, we take the cleaned soil and place it on the bottom of the fish house.

The process is quite labor-intensive, but you will only have to resort to such cleaning once or twice a year.

Cleaning the filter

Most aquariums are equipped with a special filtration system. In order for the device to work without interruptions, it is necessary to study in detail how to clean the aquarium filter without damaging its integrity.

When working with a filter, you need to understand how to clean the internal filter material.

Inside it there is a special “sponge” that provides biofiltration of water.

This procedure is performed once every two to three months. If the water in the aquarium pumps intermittently, then by cleaning the filter, we make it easier to saturate it with oxygen.

  • As for the external parts, they can be easily washed with a regular toothbrush.

Since cleaning the filter in an aquarium using chemical detergents is not best idea, we recommend using ordinary running water or, in extreme cases, warm and boiled water.

Bay of water

Having previously cleaned all the parts of the artificial reservoir, we begin to fill it with water.

It is worth noting that tap water will not benefit your fish as it contains a large amount of impurities. Letting it settle (at least three days) will help improve the quality of water.

Pouring water into an aquarium that already has soil at the bottom is not so easy.

  1. A flat plate will help you simplify this process; by placing it, we will protect the soil from deformation;
  2. Pour water slowly, in a thin stream.
  3. From time to time it is worth adding settled water to the aquarium, as it tends to evaporate.

After filling the aquarium with water, we install all the necessary equipment and connect it to the network.

Fishes are helpers

Place helpers in the aquarium

In nature, there are species of fish that not only have bright colors, but also really bring benefits - these are the orderlies of the aquarium. This group of unique fish includes swordtails, guppies and platies.

Nature has endowed the unusual inhabitants of the aquatic environment with a special mouth structure. The lower part of the jaw is interestingly designed and resembles the shape of a scraper. It is thanks to its jaw that the fish can clean the walls of the aquarium.

A distinctive feature of fish called ancistrus and armored catfish is their mouth part, which resembles suction cups. Using their mouths, fish attach themselves to the walls of their homes and naturally clean it.

Such residents will become wonderful assistants in maintaining the built environment.

Now you know exactly how to properly clean an aquarium without causing absolutely any harm to its inhabitants.

A clean aquarium is the key to the well-being and longevity of your fish, so do not neglect timely care for it.

Many people keep fish in an aquarium at home. It's interesting to watch them. In order for the fish to feel good and the owners to enjoy their appearance, it is necessary to regularly clean the aquarium. At first glance, this task does not look difficult, but there are many nuances of proper care.


Several factors indicate that it is time to clean your aquarium. For this purpose, the water quality (nitrates, ammonia) is tested. If the readings exceed the norm, it’s time to change the water. When the fish lift up a cloud of dirt as they move, it’s time to wash the soil. The walls of the aquarium are covered with a green coating - this is a signal for washing the glass. Hence the conclusion: cleaning is carried out according to external factors and tests.


It is impossible to give an unambiguous question about the frequency of cleaning. If you compare large and small aquariums, you often have to clean in smaller containers. Again, it's worth considering the population. If there is a high population density in a large container, and only 3 fish swim in a small one, then cleaning will be done more often in larger containers. From here we can only talk about averaged data:

  1. Every day you should feed the fish and inspect the equipment and check the temperature.
  2. Planned cleaning to change water should be carried out once every 7-14 days.
  3. Clean glass once a week, even if they seem clean.
  4. Filter maintenance once a month.
  5. Cleaning the soil, decorations, stones once every 7 days.
  6. Regularly test water for nitrates, ammonia, phosphorus, and trim vegetation.

Replenish evaporation fluid every 3-4 days.

Cleaning equipment

Every aquarist has a tool that they use for cleaning. Conventionally, it is divided into a standard and individually specific set.

The first includes the necessary things: sponges, buckets, scrapers, hoses, siphons.

The second set includes additional tools: tweezers, acidity indicator, feeders, aquarium tests.


You can't just draw liquid from the tap. It must meet certain parameters at which the fish will feel comfortable.

The indicator is used to check the pH acidity, the norm is considered to be 7. Soda is used to increase it, and peat is used to decrease it.

The smell of chlorine is eliminated. The water is left to stand for 3 days. If this does not help, use a dechlorinating agent.

For freshwater fish It is undesirable to use distilled liquid, since it is considered “dead” water.

Glass scraper

To avoid putting your hand in while cleaning the glass inside the aquarium, it is convenient to use magnetic scrapers.

Algae deposits can be cleaned with a scraper that has a metal blade. You just have to be extremely careful not to snag the silicone sealant (wall connector) or scratch the acrylic.

If you wash your glass regularly, at least once every 7 days, an ordinary kitchen sponge will do. You just need to use a new copy, without any leftover food or fat.

Big bucket

When cleaning sand, pebbles, water and debris are drained. Therefore, you need to have a large bucket for collection.

You will also need a large bucket to settle the water. It is advisable to choose a neutral material - inert plastic, enamel. All other materials: zinc, aluminum, copper exclude. From the reaction of elements are formed harmful substances, causing imbalance and death of aquatic organisms.

Water pump

Among the tools there should be a pump. You can use a siphon-type pumping device.

The pump cannot be used on batteries.

Components for replacing the filter

Be prepared for the fact that you will need to replace some filter elements. Therefore there should be:

  • spare sponges;
  • coal packs;
  • rings;
  • balloons;
  • rotary head;
  • cartridges.


A special aquarium glass cleaner will help remove limescale from glass, but if you don’t have it on hand, use wine vinegar. Take a glass of water, add a tablespoon of vinegar. Treat the glass with the solution. The acid does not leave streaks and quickly removes plaque.


Some scrapers have a blade. The material can be plastic, metal. When working with scrapers, you need to be careful, for example, acrylic aquariums are easily scratched.

Some models of scrapers have a combined filling. The blade is replaced with a sponge and vice versa.

Other necessary things

When cleaning the aquarium you will need no less necessary things:

  • nets of different sizes;
  • long tweezers for planting plants and lifting various parts from the bottom;
  • siphon;
  • feeders;
  • fastening material – suction cups;
  • measuring container for liquid;
  • syringe, long needle for processing algae.

The necessary substitutes should be in stock: thermometer, heater, compressor. In case of failure of the main elements.

Rules for surface cleaning of an aquarium

When carrying out routine or superficial cleaning of the aquarium, adhere to some rules and procedures:

  • disconnect electrical appliances from the network. Leave external filters;
  • clean plaque from glass with a scraper or sponge;
  • If the decorations are covered with plaque, take them out and rinse with hot water. Use any detergent, but rinse thoroughly;
  • trim living plants, do weeding;
  • siphon the soil as necessary;
  • drain the water (if you are cleaning the bottom, this will be done automatically);
  • rinse the filter as necessary;
  • fill with clean water.

After the water has settled, brush over the decorations and shake off the residue.

Rules for deep cleaning of an aquarium

Deep cleaning involves completely restarting the aquarium. Such actions are caused by the death of fish, plant disease, the structure has leaked, or the design is boring.

The algorithm of work is the same as during scheduled cleaning. The only differences are total disinfection.

Prepare a house for the fish. If aquarium water is suitable, dial. During an epidemic, this should not be done; prepare settled water for several days and heat it before settling.

Take out the plants. It is important not to damage the root system. If disease occurs, plant new samples. If they are dear to you, treat them with penicillin. Combine 10 liters of water, 50 mg of the drug. The course of treatment is seven days. Maintain the temperature at 25 degrees.

Then, pull out the soil. Perform heat treatment.

Prepare a salty solution for decoration.

Leave 50% of the water from the aquarium for a quick restart, if the cause is not an infection, a virus.

Start cleaning the aquarium.

Use disinfectants.

In case of mycobacteriosis, fill the container washing powder at the rate of 400 g of mixture, per 60 liters of water. The inventory is all boiling.

Dry the aquarium for several days, at least a day.

Fill with water to check for leaks, leave for 2 hours, if everything is fine, drain the liquid, start restarting.

Carry out the steps in reverse order.

Cleaning the walls

Before removing the walls of the aquarium, arm yourself with the necessary scraper. Avoid using used kitchen sponges.

Proceed carefully, near the bottom. Sand rising from the bottom will scratch the glass.

Do not remove algae washed off the walls. The fish will eat some of it; you will remove the rest when changing the liquid.

Algae processing

Treat algae with special preparations, for example, Easy Clean, Algaecide or Sidex.

Easy Clean – pour the product into the aquarium. It is relevant without living vegetation.

Algaecide or sidex – kills algae and stimulates plant growth. For 50 liters of liquid, add 2 mg of the drug.

Treat the affected surfaces with a syringe. Dead algae will be eaten by algae eaters.

Cleaning gravel

The soil is covered with excrement and food debris. Use a siphon or hose to stir the surface; the impurities will rise up the tube.

When deep cleaning, the gravel is pulled out and washed with detergent.

Cleaning decorative elements

Artificial plants and decorative elements are washed inside and outside the aquarium. In the first option, clean off deposits with a brush. If this does not help, remove the decorations and process them in the following ways:

  • add boiling water and lower the decorative elements, hold for 10-15 minutes. Heat will help get rid of algae;
  • bleach. Combine water and bleach in a ratio of 9:1. Lower the decorations, hold for 10 minutes. Wash thoroughly under running water. Not all elements can be cleaned in this way, for example, artificial driftwood, corals;
  • iodized salt + lemon. Prepare a paste of two ingredients. Apply the mixture with a toothbrush. The method is suitable for silk decorations.

After processing, put everything in its place.

Replacing filter cartridges (how to clean the filter in an aquarium)

Filter sponges perform two functions: they purify liquid and accumulate beneficial microorganisms. Do not disturb the balance, carefully remove mechanical impurities. Use liquid only from the aquarium.

The internal filter is replaced when it becomes dirty. The replacement signal is poor water flow, loss of shape. This happens once a year or more. In the internal filter, the sponge consists of several parts. Change only one. After two weeks, when the clean sponge is filled with microorganisms, replace the next part.

Elements made of porous material: rings, balls, change once every 3 months.

Wash the rotor head with a cotton swab. Detergents do not use.

Draining water

Use a siphon or hose to drain the water. Combine the descent with cleaning the bottom and soil. Lower the tube deeper to remove contaminated areas. Collect the contents in a bucket. If the vessel is filled with large fish, feel free to lower the other end of the hose into the sewer. Provided that the soil is pebbles.

Water replacement is done partially from 15 to 50%. It depends on some factors:

  • population density;
  • filter power;
  • presence of plants;
  • the size of the fish and the desire for clean water.

A complete replacement of water is required in extreme cases - an epidemic.

Water level restoration

Pour in liquid by drip. But before this they stand and bring it to temperature in the aquarium. A saucer is placed on the surface of the soil. Water is slowly poured from a watering can or hose. Once in the saucer, the liquid does not erode the soil.

After filling, turn on the filter and the rest of the equipment.

Cleaning the outside of the aquarium

Wet a sponge with soapy water and wash the outside of the glass to remove drops and fingerprints. Then, rinse with a damp and dry cloth.

Determination of water purity several hours after manipulation

To correctly determine water parameters, test for the presence of nitrates. Pisces who loves clean water, indicator 5-20 mg/l. For undemanding specimens, it is enough to withstand 20-30 mg/l.

How to clean an aquarium with a siphon

The components of a siphon are a pump and a tube. One part is lowered into the aquarium. By pumping it up, they suck out the dirt. To do this, place a tip on the tube, shake the soil, and remove the waste.


Lower the end of the siphon with a special nozzle deep into the aquarium and slightly lift the soil. By pressing the pump, debris from the bottom will flow out through the tube, and the remaining soil will sink. Do not touch areas with plants so as not to disturb the root system.


Otherwise, the sand is cleaned. A hose is used here. Lower one end to the sand, the other end into the bucket. When collecting increment from the surface, sand gets in. After cleaning, rinse it under running water and return it to the aquarium.


Living plants do not grow without a substrate. Therefore, the bottom is covered with a layer of soil. The next layer is sand or pebbles. The soil is cleaned during general cleaning. The substrate is heat treated or changed.

If the plants are decorative, the soil means sand, quartz, pebbles. Clean once a week with a hose or siphon.

How to clean an aquarium without draining the water

If you use a net to clean the aquarium, the water will remain at the same level. Place the tool in the sand. It will successfully sift and fall out, and the contaminants will be in the net.

The walls are washed with water from the aquarium using a magnetic scraper.

Decorative elements are pulled out and washed.

How to clean large aquariums

Large structures are cleaned in the same way as small containers. If the soil is pebbly, use a siphon, sand - a hose.

Rules for preparing a new portion of water

The water used for the additive is settled. The temperature is maintained at the same temperature as the drain fluid. Add by drops so that the water is saturated with oxygen and, upon impact, saturates the upper surface with moisture.

Procedure if it is necessary to catch fish from an aquarium tank

To catch fish, prepare a trap yourself. Take plastic bottle, cut off the neck. Using a hot nail, make holes all over the surface so that the product sinks. Place a weight and fish food in the middle. Turn the neck inside the bottle. Thread a rope through the holes to lift the trap. Place the product in the aquarium and wait for the catch.

Features of using aquarium salt

Sea salt, unsuitable for food, has found use in aquariums. Problems related to fish health can be solved with salt:

  • used in stressful situations.
  • during transportation;
  • the effect of salt affects osmoregulation.

Salt changes the quality of water.

How to care for salt water aquariums

To prepare sea water, distilled or double purified liquid is used. Simply standing up will not be enough.

  • measure parameters every day;
  • using pumps to simulate flow;
  • partially change the water weekly;
  • Clean the walls once a week;
  • monitor equipment;
  • regularly test water quality;
  • Clean weekly from food debris and excrement.

Works globally are no different from a freshwater aquarium.

Getting rid of pests and excess organic matter, restoring the biobalance of the aquarium

Beneficial microelements and harmful algae develop in the vessel. Biobalance is required. In case of deviation, various methods are used:

  • launching cleaners (snails, shrimps, fish);
  • mechanical cleaning;
  • reducing daylight hours to 8 hours;
  • adjusting the number of fish;
  • vessel restart;
  • artificial and living Sera filters;
  • purchased preparations to combat algae.

Before using any method, identify the cause of the imbalance in biobalance.

Biological organisms that clean aquariums

Toxic products (excrement, leftover food, plant waste) are neutralized and broken down by beneficial bacteria into a form suitable for plant nutrition.

Bacterial waste products are absorbed by filters or removed by water changes.

Plants purify water, absorb carbon dioxide, and release oxygen. Floating plants are considered the most active.

Among biological organisms, mollusks stand out. They convert calcium into an insoluble state, bring food residues to the desired consistency, and bacteria can easily process them in the future.

Amoebas prefer to feed on algae and organic debris. This gives food to bacteria.

The appearance of bryozoans in the vessel indicates a successful balance. Since they live only in clean water with a sufficient dose of oxygen.

All flora and fauna participate in the biological balance of the aquarium, but their importance is unequal.


Active algae fighters among snails:

  • Helena;
  • Corbicula java;
  • Zebra;
  • Black ear;
  • Hedgehog;
  • Porcelain septaria.

The temperature is in the range of 22-27 degrees.

Snails do not reproduce in a vessel, except for the “black ear” species. Caviar can be seen on the walls of the glass.

The horned snail Neritina Gliton lives among the fish for up to 5 years. The uniqueness of the species is its miniature size of 1-1.5 cm.


Cleaner fish benefit freshwater aquariums by:

  • Siamese algae eaters;
  • otocinclus;
  • Ancistrus.

The main food of fish is algae. Content temperature is 23-26 degrees.


Shrimp are popular among aquarists:

  • Amano;
  • Crystal;
  • Cherry;
  • Black Tiger.

Shrimp destroy algae and rotting plant leaves.

Causes of pathogenic algae growth

There are many types of algae, the causes of which can be:

  • disturbance of biobalance (bacteria, fungi, mollusks, etc.);
  • lack or excess of daylight hours;
  • dead organic matter.

Poisons accumulate in the aquarium, which give rise to algae and have a detrimental effect on all living things.

Basic rules for daily aquarium care

  • Checking parameters.
  • Feeding the fish.
  • Monitor the operation of equipment (blessing, filtration, aeration, heating devices).
  • Look at the condition of the fish - are they all healthy? If you identify a sick specimen, immediately transfer it to a separate container.

Are you attracted to fish and want to have pets at home? Then it’s time to learn a few rules for caring for an aquarium and aquatic plants. By the way, this will also be useful for those who already have their own miniature lake. How to wash, what to clean, where to identify the fish, or how to prepare a container for introducing pets - read on. best ways cope with the task without the use of expensive means.

Preparing the aquarium for starting fish at home

From the first minute a glass house appears, you need to know how often the walls need to be cleaned, as well as the correct procedure. There is only one correct way to prepare, you need to remember it:

  1. Leave the container open to “breathe” at room temperature. This is required for the silicone odor to completely disappear. If you purchased an aquarium in winter, you should leave the dishes overnight so that the walls do not burst when cleaning.
  2. Regular baking soda and a sponge - use them to rinse the walls outside and inside to clean the glass from any infections. Use only warm water; rinse thoroughly.
  3. Pour in half the required amount of water, standing for 24 hours. You cannot pour water straight from the tap!
  4. Place on the bottom “rocks”, live pebbles, “natural” caves and other interior required for a comfortable location for pets.

Advice! Very often, fish of a certain type need ordinary pebbles both at the bottom and attached to the walls. It is best to use a special glue that secures the stones perfectly and does not poison the fish.

  1. After a full day, add all the water, retreating 5-7 cm from the edge of the aquarium.
  2. Launch the fish.
  3. If the water has not “escaped”, then after 3-5 days it is drained and replaced with a new one. Do not forget about the mandatory settling of liquid.

Advice! After changing the water for the first time, the water is not changed completely for 1.5-2 months! This measure is necessary to create a natural biological balance. In this case, it is necessary to remove yellowed or rotten algae leaves quite often. But do not forget to monitor the behavior of the fish - this will show how comfortable the pets are in the new environment. Guppies are considered the best for beginners - these representatives do not require much care and quickly adapt to any conditions.

How to clean an aquarium without catching fish

The so-called regular cleaning of the aquarium is required to remove green deposits from the walls and in case of some contamination of the water. The procedure is carried out as needed, but not often, approximately once every 2-4 weeks. What should be done:

  1. Take out the turbine pump and wash it with a brush (you can use a small toothbrush);
  2. Using an aquarium scraper, clean the walls from plaque;
  3. Drain a third of the water and replace it with settled water;
  4. Turn on the pump, aerator, light, install clean, washed equipment.

Remember that this type of aquarium cleaning does not require removing the fish from the water. And a little advice: it’s easy to guess that you need to clean the aquarium - a weak water flow signals that the filter is clogged, it’s time to wash it!

Restarting the aquarium

Restarting is the partial or complete replacement of plants and thorough cleaning of the walls. The procedure should be carried out only if there are infections, complete contamination of the water, or if you inherited the “water world” from a careless owner and you need to completely clean up all the consequences of such “care.”

  1. Catch the fish and place them in temporary housing;
  2. Drain all water, fish out and rinse with baking soda or special solutions"interior" of the aquarium;
  3. Remove and wash soil fractions contaminated with excrement, rotten plants and other debris. This is done under running water, in parts (preferably using a strainer), and if there is very noticeable dirt, the soil completely changes. By the way, cleaning with a siphon or a hose with a watering can at the end gives good results: open the water, run the watering can into the ground and rinse - it works great. If there is an infection in the soil, then it needs to be boiled in water. Typically, soil cleaning is carried out once every 3-4 weeks;
  4. Washing the walls of the aquarium is the next stage of work. The glass must be washed completely. To do this, use a nylon sponge for washing dishes, scrapers (to remove plaque) and other available means. It is important not to scratch the walls of the aquarium, otherwise all the dirt will collect in such scratches. The container is disinfected with boiling water, then the glass is cooled;
  5. Pour water to a third of the volume;
  6. Lay the soil and put back all the washed accessories (without plants);
  7. Let the water stand for about a week and you can plant plants that have been preserved in normal form, supplementing them with new algae;
  8. Another 3-4 days and you can start the fish, after adding water to the required volume.

For a complete cleaning of the aquarium to go well, it will take time and some means, but that’s not all: before filling the container with fish, it is necessary to conduct water tests.

How often should you clean your aquarium?

  • Half of the fluid needs to be replaced every 7 days;
  • Containers with a volume of more than 200 liters must be cleaned once every 15 days;
  • If the aquarium is less than 150 liters, then maintenance is required every 7-10 days.

Remember that cleaning the aquarium also depends on filling it with fish. Numerous inhabitants quickly pollute the water and soil. Also, garbage remains after feeding, and here it is important to choose the optimal dose so that there are no food particles left that settle in the ground.

Advice from experienced aquarists is useful, but you should not follow them blindly, because if you clean frequently, the natural balance will be disrupted. The real state of affairs will be shown by the inhabitants of your “water world”, and you already know how to clean the aquarium.

Video on how to clean an aquarium:

When caring for fish in an aquarium, you periodically have to face the problem of how to clean an aquarium at home. Regardless of whether it is large or small, plaque in the form of algae and organic matter accumulates on its walls, and the water becomes cloudy. To do proper cleaning, you must comply with a number of requirements so that the life of the fish is safe at this time.

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Aquarium after “launch”

The first months after the “launch” of the aquarium, it is necessary to monitor its cleanliness, removing the remains of rotten food and decorations. Once a week you need to replace the water with clean and infused water, but do not change it completely. If the aquarium lives correctly, then biological balance will be established in it, the water will become transparent with a yellowish tint. When this happens, you can do the first cleaning.

What you will need

The first thing you need to do is collect materials for cleaning the aquarium. To keep it sparkling clean, you should prepare:

  • Clean bucket or large bowl;
  • Algae Scraper;
  • Siphon with hose and gravel vacuum.


Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare new water. To replace, you will need to remove stagnant water from the tank (20-30% of the total volume). If you keep saltwater fish, prepare the correct proportions of sea salt for the water. Make sure that the new water is free of chlorine, organics and other harmful impurities. Important rule– water is considered infused if chlorine has disappeared from it within a few days. Other indicators of water (hardness, alkalinity, acidity) can be checked with a litmus indicator, water temperature - with a thermometer specially designed for this purpose. Usually the water is infused for 48 hours, after which it can be considered free of the minerals contained in tap water. 2 hours before washing and 2 hours after it, it is not advisable to give fish food.

Use a new bucket or bowl to clean the aquarium, not the one that was intended for cleaning the floors. Chemicals found in soap or household chemicals remain on used items. They are destructive to the life of fish. Make sure your hands are clean and free of soap or lotion. Remember to turn off the filter and disconnect it from the aquarium, and unplug other electrical devices before the cleaning process.

Cleaning steps

Once you have done everything to clean the aquarium, you can fill it with clean water, or use a hose with a siphon to pump water from a bucket or bowl. Connect heating and lighting.

Cleaning the filter

What if you can't wash the filter at the same time as cleaning the rest of the aquarium? You cannot clean the filter with all the decorations and water at once; this can be harmful to all fish and plants due to a sharp change in the balance of the aquatic environment. Two or three times a month, you can disassemble the filter yourself and clean it with a toothbrush. But it is correct to clean the filter using the method indicated in its operating instructions.

See how to clean the internal aquarium filter.

Keep your aquarium clean

In order to maintain the ability to see fish through glass, you should clean the aquarium approximately once every 1-2 weeks. This way you can prevent the formation of large algae and organic matter formed as a result of the life of fish. Some algae and undecayed organic matter are removed with the help of aquarium “orderlies” - catfish or snails. Of course, this will depend on the conditions of your aquarium and how many fish are already in it.