One good experience is more important than seven wise teachings. One good experience is more important than seven wise teachings Proverb One gained experience is more important than wise teachings


They grow sugar beets, grains and other crops in agricultural firms in the Zainsky region and get excellent results.

Tatarstan farmers were convinced of this at a republican seminar held last Wednesday with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture and Food Marat Akhmetov. Heads of agricultural enterprises and a number of municipalities of the republic got acquainted with the implementation experience innovative technologies in three farms in the Zainsky district. At the experimental site of the Vostok agricultural company, biological additives are used to treat sugar beet crops, which has not only significantly increased productivity, but also increased the sugar content of root crops, while reducing the spread of dangerous diseases of seedlings. The seminar participants were also convinced of the economic effect of variety testing of winter wheat at the Niva agricultural firm and sugar beets and corn at the Zay farm. The minister noted that in the region there is a tandem of municipal authorities and investors aimed at finding technologies that allow them to save their own money and get better results.

At the experimental site of the Vostok agricultural company, biological additives are used to treat sugar beet crops, which has not only significantly increased productivity, but also increased the sugar content of root crops, while reducing the spread of dangerous diseases of seedlings


the lowest purchase price for raw milk.

Every day, about three thousand tons of milk are received for processing in the republic, while the average purchase cost of a kilogram of raw materials without VAT is 19 rubles 30 kopecks. This figure is almost two rubles higher than last year.

According to the agrarian department of the republic, the dairy company Edelweiss offers the highest price to producers - 20 rubles 20 kopecks per liter, and the lowest (18 rubles) is offered by Ecoproduct LLC. Management Company "Prosto Moloko" pays producers 18 rubles 86 kopecks per liter, the Kasymovsky plant - 20 rubles 18 kopecks, Archa LLC - 19 rubles 33 kopecks, Zelenodolsk dairy plant - 19 rubles 15 kopecks, Alabuga Sote - 19 rubles 11 kopecks, agricultural firm "Verkhniy Uslon" - 18 rubles 43 kopecks.

The average daily price for milk in the republic is today lower than in Udmurtia, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov and Ulyanovsk regions, but higher than in other regions of the Volga Federal District.


and production safety during field work will be held in the republic from July 22 to August 17.

The event is held with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food together with the State Labor Inspectorate, the Interregional Association of Labor Protection and the Tatar Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Agricultural Workers.

As part of the month, unscheduled tests of knowledge of new labor protection rules, working conditions in agricultural units, and the technical condition of agricultural equipment in terms of compliance with safety requirements will take place. The chairman of the republican committee of the trade union of agricultural workers, Farida Garifullina, said that the heads of agricultural enterprises were recommended to organize medical examinations and emergency briefings on labor protection for all workers of the harvesting and transport complex.

As part of the month, unscheduled tests of knowledge of new labor protection rules, working conditions in agricultural units, and the technical condition of agricultural equipment in terms of compliance with safety requirements will take place.


for the first half of 2016 were summed up recently at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic.

According to Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Nazip Khazipov, livestock production indicators are generally positive. The number of cattle has increased compared to last year and currently stands at 753.2 thousand heads. 609 thousand tons of milk were produced (103 percent compared to the corresponding period last year), 188.7 thousand tons (105) of livestock and poultry meat, the offspring of calves amounted to 157.9 thousand heads (101).

Compared to last year, the number of cattle in the Kukmorsky, Zelenodolsky, Menzelinsky, Drozhzhanovsky, Atninsky, Aktanyshsky, and Baltasinsky districts has increased significantly. The reduction is noted in Yelabuga, Bavlinsky, Almetyevsky, Kamsko-Ustinsky, Alkeevsky, Bugulminsky, Vysokogorsky, Pestrechinsky and Chistopolsky districts. Milk yields increased in Atninsky, Kukmorsky, Sabinsky, Baltasinsky, Aktanyshsky, Aznakaevsky, Drozhzhanovsky and Vysokogorsky districts. And, on the contrary, productivity has been reduced in Almetyevsky, Kamsko-Ustinsky, Chistopolsky, Novosheshminsky, Mamadyshsky, Alekseevsky, Yelabuga, Kaybitsky and Verkhneuslonsky districts.

regional experience

In the Tyumen region, cow owners receive an advance payment for the purchase of dairy cattle

At the initiative of the regional department of agro-industrial complex, the region adopted the “5+” program, aimed at increasing milk production in small farms and personal farmsteads.

As the press service of the regional governor reported, at the first stage of the program, the raw material zone of Golden Meadows JSC will be strengthened, which will advance funds against milk sales to purchasing cooperatives. The latter will begin to issue money for the purchase of cows to farms and personal farmsteads, which will pay with milk. If there are 2-3 cows on the farm, then the herd will be increased to five animals. Hence the name of the program “5+”. A mandatory condition is that only those farmsteads that have a leukemia-free herd and appropriate premises for keeping the livestock will receive animals.

The materials were prepared jointly with the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan


Grated kalach is more valuable than moldy crumpet.

Funny aphorisms

One good experience is more important than seven wise teachings.

An experienced thief first of all turns off the lights in the house.


Rubbishness as a personality quality – plural who has seen and experienced it in life; seasoned, experienced.

A visitor comes to a brothel - scary, scary! Quasimodo. You can’t even look at this without a shudder of your heart. But what to do! And Madame, a seasoned, seasoned prostitute, sends the girl to him. After a couple of minutes, the girl flies out of the room like a bullet and literally flies down the stairs, wailing as she goes: “Horror! Horror! Horror!". Then Madame sends a second girl to him. A minute or two later the scene is repeated: the girl almost falls head over heels from the stairs, whispering in fear: “Horror! Horror! Horror!" Madame sends a third girl to him, but the outcome is the same: “Horror! Horror! Horror!" What to do! The client's wishes are the law. And Madame goes to him herself. The girls crowded downstairs with fear, waiting for what was about to happen. But two minutes pass, five minutes, ten, fifteen... In the end, after twenty minutes, Madame leaves the room, deliberately triumphantly descends the stairs and addresses her work team: - Well, what? You see that there are no barriers for experienced, seasoned professionals! Well, yes! Well, horror! But not “horror-horror-horror”!”

A prostitute deposits money in a Parisian bank. “Madam,” the employee tells her, “I’m sorry, but this money is counterfeit!” “My God,” she screams, “it turns out that I, so seasoned and seasoned, was raped like an inexperienced schoolgirl.”

Rubbing has enormous experience behind it. Having been through hundreds of alterations, she can rightfully say about herself: “I’ve seen it all.” I know all the moves and exits. My eye is stuffed and trained. You can't fool me with chaff. I have a nose like a dog and eyes like an eagle. In the famous trio Coward, Dunce and Experienced, I would undoubtedly play the role of Experienced. People say about such grated peppers as I say: “I ate bread from seven ovens.” They also respectfully call me “grated kalach”.

There is a type of white bread called grated kalach. It is baked from very hard kneaded dough, which needs to be kneaded for a long time. “Don’t rub it, don’t crush it, there won’t be a kalach,” says folk proverb, which should be understood as “adversity teaches wisdom.” Of course, you rarely hear the word “kalach” these days, but buns made from grated dough are still popular. And in a figurative sense, a grated kalach is an experienced, experienced person who cannot be fooled by chaff.

An experienced, seasoned editor scolds a novice journalist: - Well, here you wrote that official N. is a thief... This is unacceptable! His lawyers will bombard us with lawsuits and ruin us!.. - What should we do if he really is a thief?.. - Hm... Do this: don’t write the word “thief”, but write “v. O. R." and make a footnote that it is an acronym for “employee of concern.”

In a word, abrasion is a sign that the bearer of this quality has gained extensive experience and skills in some activity, having been engaged in it for a long time. - I cut my teeth on supplies, spent my life on it and am equal in my field, if not to an academician, then, in any case, to an engineer(V. Azhaev. Far from Moscow). - Old chairman, good owner... what to sow, where to sow, how to sow, what to harvest - he ate his teeth on this(V. Ovechkin. With greetings from the front).

Grated is a bison in his business, he holds the cards in his hands. Any employer knows: if you entrust a job to a seasoned specialist who has seen a lot in his time, there is an almost one hundred percent chance that the assigned job will be done efficiently and on time. A seasoned worker is highly experienced, in his field of activity he's out of his depth, a real specialist, a shot sparrow. How can you not establish a trusting relationship with someone like that, after all, he has been through fire, water and copper pipes? In thieves' jargon, "rubbing" means an experienced thief.

The abrasion has been tested in practice and is therefore reliable. In an extreme situation, she will be able to apply her rich life experience. A poisoned wolf is more valuable than inexperienced wolf cubs. He is wise from experience. If necessary, he will not be afraid of the red flags of hunters:

The wolf hunt is underway, the hunt is underway. On gray predators - mature and puppies.
The beaters are screaming, and the dogs are barking until they vomit, there is blood on the snow and spots of red flags.

But, and I went out of obedience, beyond the flags: the thirst for life is stronger,
Only behind me I joyfully hear the amazed screams of people.
The wolves are tearing from every tendon, but today is not the same as yesterday.
They surrounded me, surrounded me, but the huntsmen were left with nothing!

The social color of abrasion depends entirely on what energy a person is under the influence of: goodness, passion or ignorance. Rubbish helps a good person, from the height of his life experience, to see the positive qualities of a person in a person and makes it possible to help in cultivating all sorts of new virtues and further strengthening already manifested virtues.

Rushing in passion helps to push aside competitors in the struggle for a place in the sun. A seasoned official quickly climbs the career ladder. A seasoned politician, engaging in populism, pours “manna from heaven” on the heads of voters, although he knows in advance that his promises are nothing more than hot air.

Pavel Antokolsky spoke well about the harshness of ignorance:

Or a seasoned swindler, don’t mess with anyone:

Sure enough, you'll get into trouble!

With a double-concave grin

It will cut off the soles as you go.

  • Material for
  • preparation
  • for the final essay
  • thematic area
  • “Experience and mistakes”
  • Author of the work:
  • teacher of Russian language and literature MAOU "Volodarskaya Secondary School"
  • Sadchikova Yu.N.
  • "Experience and mistakes"
  • Within this direction it is possible to reason about the value of the spiritual and practical experience of an individual, a people, humanity as a whole, reasoning about the cost of mistakes on the path to understanding the world, gaining life experience.
  • Literature often makes you think about the relationship between experience and mistakes: about experience that prevents mistakes, about mistakes without which it is impossible to move along the path of life, and about irreparable, tragic mistakes.
  • Interpretation of concepts
  • Experience is, first of all, the totality of everything that happens to a person in his life and that he is aware of;
  • a person can have experience about himself, about his gifts, abilities, about his virtues and vices...
  • Experience is the unity of knowledge and skills (abilities) acquired in the process of direct experiences, impressions, observations, practical actions, as opposed to knowledge...
  • Errors - incorrectness in actions, deeds, statements, thoughts, inaccuracy.
  • Experience is the teacher of everything. Yu Caesar
  • Experience is a school where lessons are expensive, but it is the only school where you can learn. B. Franklin
  • When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more. W. Emerson Knowledge that is not born of experience, the mother of all certainty, is sterile and full of errors. Leonardo da Vinci
  • Whoever, having rejected experience, manages his affairs, will see many insults in the future. Saadi
  • Statements about experience and mistakes
  • Inexperience leads to trouble. A. S. Pushkin
  • The best proof of all is experience.
  • F. Bacon
  • Our true teachers are experience and feeling. J. –J. Rousseau
  • Experience, in any case, charges more for teaching, but he teaches better than all teachers. Carlyle
  • Simplicity is what is most difficult in the world; this is the extreme limit of experience and the last effort of genius. J. Sand
  • Experience too often teaches us that people have less control over anything than over their tongue.
  • Although they beat us for a mistake, they don’t knock us down.
  • Those who do not repent of their mistakes make more mistakes.
  • Your foot will stumble and your head will get hurt.
  • The mistake starts small.
  • Mistake teaches people wisdom.
  • Proverbs and sayings about experience and mistakes
  • The fear of mistakes is more dangerous than the mistake itself.
  • I made a mistake that I hurt myself - science goes ahead.
  • Those who do not repent of their mistakes make more mistakes. A mistake is a smile for the young, a bitter tear for the old. Your foot will stumble and your head will get hurt.
  • The mistake starts small.
  • Mistake teaches people wisdom.
  • I sat in a puddle, despite the cold.
  • He who does nothing makes no mistakes.
  • An error drives upon an error and drives on an error.
  • Proverbs and sayings about experience and mistakes
  • Some learn from the experiences of others, and others from their mistakes. Bengal
  • Long experience enriches the mind. Arabic
  • Long experience is more valuable than a tortoise shell. Japanese
  • One gained experience is more important than seven wise teachings. Tajik
  • Only experience creates a true master. Indian
  • It's better to let an experienced wolf eat than an inexperienced one. Armenian
  • Inexperience is not a reproach for a young man. Russian
  • He ate bread from seven ovens (i.e. experienced). Russian
  • Sample Topics essays
  • A person learns from mistakes.
  • Does a person have the right to make mistakes?
  • Why do you need to analyze your mistakes?
  • Do you agree that mistakes are a key component of life experience?
  • How do you understand the saying “living life is not a field to cross”?
  • What kind of life can be considered not lived in vain?
  • “And experience, the son of difficult mistakes...” (A. S. Pushkin)
  • One gained experience is more important than seven wise teachings
  • Recommended works
  • A. S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”, “Eugene Onegin”
  • M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”
  • A. I. Goncharov “Oblomov”
  • I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”
  • L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
  • M. A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”
  • DI. Fonvizin “Sincere confession of my deeds and thoughts”
  • Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol"
  • V.A. Kaverin " Open book»
  • Entry option
  • They say that clever man A fool learns from the mistakes of others, but a fool learns from his own. And indeed it is. Why make the same mistakes and get into the same unpleasant situations that your loved ones or friends have already been in? But to prevent this from happening, you really need to be reasonable person and realize that no matter how smart you are, the most valuable experience for you in any case is the experience of other people whose life path is longer than yours. You have to be smart enough not to get into trouble, and then not rack your brains about how to get out of this mess. But those who consider themselves an unsurpassed expert on life and do not think about their actions and their future most often learn from their own mistakes.
  • Entry option
  • All our lives we try to achieve the desired goals, although we often make mistakes. People endure all these difficulties in different ways: some become depressed, others try to start over, and many set new goals for themselves, given the sad experience in achieving previous ones. In my opinion, this is the whole meaning of human life. Life is an eternal search for oneself, a constant struggle for one’s purpose. And if “wounds” and “abrasions” appear in this struggle, then this is not a reason for despondency. Because these are your own mistakes, which you have the right to make. There will be something to remember in the future, when the desired is achieved, the “wounds” heal and you even become a little sad that all this is already behind.

, we all make mistakes. The essence of the issue is that people learn to forgive, give a second chance to fix everything. How little we ask, it would seem, but how difficult it is to translate this into life. One not very famous writer wrote: “Every action of a person, depending on his view, is both right and wrong.” In my opinion, these words have the deepest meaning.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Slide description:

Material for preparing for the final essay on the thematic area “Experience and Mistakes” Author of the work: teacher of Russian language and literature of the MAOU “Volodarskaya Secondary School” Sadchikova Yu.N.

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“Experience and mistakes” Within the framework of this direction, it is possible to reason about the value of the spiritual and practical experience of an individual, a people, humanity as a whole, reasoning about the cost of mistakes on the path to understanding the world, gaining life experience. Literature often makes you think about the relationship between experience and mistakes: about experience that prevents mistakes, about mistakes without which it is impossible to move along the path of life, and about irreparable, tragic mistakes.

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Interpretation of concepts Experience is, first of all, the totality of everything that happens to a person in his life and that he is aware of; a person can have experience about himself, about his gifts, abilities, about his virtues and vices... Experience is the unity of knowledge and skills (abilities) acquired in the process of direct experiences, impressions, observations, practical actions, in contrast to knowledge... Errors - incorrectness in actions, deeds, statements, thoughts, inaccuracy.

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Statements about experience and mistakes Experience is the teacher of everything. Yu. Caesar Experience is a school in which lessons are expensive, but this is the only school in which you can learn. B. Franklin When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more. W. Emerson Knowledge that is not born of experience, the mother of all certainty, is sterile and full of errors. Leonardo da Vinci Whoever, having rejected experience, manages his affairs, will see many insults in the future. Saadi

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Statements about experience and mistakes Inexperience leads to trouble. A. S. Pushkin The best of all evidence is experience. F. Bacon Our true teachers are experience and feeling. J. –J. Rousseau Experience, in any case, charges more for teaching, but he teaches better than all teachers. Carlyle Simplicity is what is most difficult in the world; this is the extreme limit of experience and the last effort of genius. J. Sand Experience too often teaches us that people have less control over anything than over their tongue.

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Proverbs and sayings about experience and mistakes Although we get beaten for a mistake, they don’t knock us down. The fear of mistakes is more dangerous than the mistake itself. I made a mistake that I hurt myself - science goes ahead. Those who do not repent of their mistakes make more mistakes. Your foot will stumble and your head will get hurt. The mistake starts small. Mistake teaches people wisdom. I sat in a puddle, despite the cold. He who does nothing makes no mistakes. An error drives upon an error and drives on an error.

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Proverbs and sayings about experience and mistakes The fear of mistakes is more dangerous than the mistake itself. I made a mistake that I hurt myself - science goes ahead. Those who do not repent of their mistakes make more mistakes. A mistake is a smile for the young, a bitter tear for the old. Your foot will stumble and your head will get hurt. The mistake starts small. Mistake teaches people wisdom. I sat in a puddle, despite the cold. He who does nothing makes no mistakes. An error drives upon an error and drives on an error.

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Proverbs and sayings about experience and mistakes Some learn from the experiences of others, and others from their own mistakes. Bengal Long experience enriches the mind. Arabian Long experience is more valuable than a tortoiseshell. Japanese One gained experience is more important than seven wise teachings. Tajik Only experience creates a true master. Indian It is better to let an experienced wolf eat than an inexperienced one. Armenian inexperience is not a reproach for the young man. Russian He ate bread from seven ovens (i.e. Experienced). Russian

Slide 9

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Sample essay topics A person learns from mistakes. Does a person have the right to make mistakes? Why do you need to analyze your mistakes? Do you agree that mistakes are a key component of life experience? How do you understand the saying “living life is not a field to cross”? What kind of life can be considered not lived in vain? “And experience, the son of difficult mistakes...” (A. S. Pushkin) One gained experience is more important than seven wise teachings

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Recommended works A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”, “Eugene Onegin” M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” A. I. Goncharov “Oblomov” I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” M. A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don” D.I. Fonvizin “A sincere confession of my deeds and thoughts” Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol” V.A. Kaverin “Open Book”

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Variant of introduction They say that a smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and a stupid person from his own. And indeed it is. Why make the same mistakes and get into the same unpleasant situations that your loved ones or friends have already been in? But to prevent this from happening, you really need to be a reasonable person and realize that no matter how smart you are, the most valuable experience for you in any case is the experience of other people whose life path is longer than yours. You have to be smart enough not to get into trouble, and then not rack your brains about how to get out of this mess. But those who consider themselves an unsurpassed expert on life and do not think about their actions and their future most often learn from their own mistakes.